view scripts/image/imformats.m @ 20651:e54ecb33727e Remove FIXME's related to buffer size. * Remove FIXME's related to buffer size. Shorten sprintf buffers from 100 to 64 characters (still well more than 19 required). Use 'const' decorator on constant value for clarity. Remove extra space between variable and array bracket.
author Rik <>
date Mon, 12 Oct 2015 21:13:47 -0700
parents 5212cda4ac0e
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Carnë Draug
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} imformats ()
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{formats} =} imformats (@var{ext})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{formats} =} imformats (@var{format})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{formats} =} imformats ("add", @var{format})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{formats} =} imformats ("remove", @var{ext})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{formats} =} imformats ("update", @var{ext}, @var{format})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{formats} =} imformats ("factory")
## Manage supported image formats.
## @var{formats} is a structure with information about each supported file
## format, or from a specific format @var{ext}, the value displayed on the
## field @code{ext}.  It contains the following fields:
## @table @asis
## @item ext
## The name of the file format.  This may match the file extension but Octave
## will automatically detect the file format.
## @item description
## A long description of the file format.
## @item @nospell{isa}
## A function handle to confirm if a file is of the specified format.
## @item write
## A function handle to write if a file is of the specified format.
## @item read
## A function handle to open files the specified format.
## @item info
## A function handle to obtain image information of the specified format.
## @item alpha
## Logical value if format supports alpha channel (transparency or matte).
## @item multipage
## Logical value if format supports multipage (multiple images per file).
## @end table
## It is possible to change the way Octave manages file formats with the
## options @qcode{"add"}, @qcode{"remove"}, and @qcode{"update"}, and supplying
## a structure @var{format} with the required fields.  The option
## @qcode{"factory"} resets the configuration to the default.
## This can be used by Octave packages to extend the image reading capabilities
## Octave, through use of the PKG_ADD and PKG_DEL commands.
## @seealso{imfinfo, imread, imwrite}
## @end deftypefn

## Author: Carnë Draug <>

function varargout = imformats (arg1, arg2, arg3)
  if (nargin > 3)
    print_usage ();

  mlock (); # prevent formats to be removed by "clear all"
  persistent formats = default_formats ();

  if (nargin == 0 && nargout == 0)
    pretty_print_formats (formats);
  elseif (nargin >= 1)
    if (isstruct (arg1))
      arrayfun (@is_valid_format, arg1);
      ## FIXME: what is the return value in this situation?
      formats = arg1;

    elseif (ischar (arg1))
      switch (tolower (arg1))
        case "add",
          if (! isstruct (arg2))
            error ("imformats: FORMAT to %s must be a structure.", arg1);
          arrayfun (@is_valid_format, arg2);
          formats(end + 1: end + numel (arg2)) = arg2;
          varargout{1} = formats;

        case {"remove", "update"},
          if (! ischar (arg2))
            error ("imformats: EXT to %s must be a string.", arg1);
          ## FIXME: suppose a format with multiple extensions. If one of
          ##        them is requested to be removed, should we remove the
          ##        whole format, or just that extension from the format?
          match = find_ext_idx (formats, arg2);
          if (! any (match))
            error ("imformats: no EXT `%s' found.", arg2);
          if (strcmpi (arg1, "remove"))
            formats(match) = [];
            ## then it's update
            if (! isstruct (arg3))
              error ("imformats: FORMAT to update must be a structure.");
            is_valid_format (arg3);
            formats(match) = arg3;
          varargout{1} = formats;

        case "factory",
          formats = default_formats ();
          ## then we look for a format with that extension.
          match = find_ext_idx (formats, arg1);
          ## For matlab compatibility, if we don't find any format we must
          ## return an empty struct with NO fields. We can't use match as mask
          if (any (match))
            varargout{1} = formats(match);
            varargout{1} = struct ();
      error ("imformats: first argument must be either a structure or string.");
    varargout{1} = formats;

function formats = default_formats ()

  ## The available formats are dependent on what the user has installed at
  ## a given time, and how GraphicsMagick was built. Checking for
  ## GraphicsMagick features when building Octave is not enough since it
  ## delegates some of them to external programs which can be removed or
  ## installed at any time.
  ## The recommended method would be to use CoderInfoList() to get a list of
  ## all available coders and try to write and read back a small test image.
  ## But this will not work since some coders are readable or writable only.
  ## It will still fail if we test only the ones marked as readable and
  ## writable because some RW coders are not of image formats (NULL, 8BIM,
  ## or EXIF for example).
  ## So we'd need a blacklist (unacceptable because a `bad' coder may be
  ## added later) or a whitelist. A whitelist means that even with a
  ## super-fancy recent build of GraphicsMagick, some formats won't be listed
  ## by imformats but in truth, we will still be able to read and write them
  ## since imread() and imwrite() will give it a try anyway.
  ## For more info and comments from the GraphicsMagick main developer, see

  persistent formats = struct ( "coder", {},
                                "ext", {},
                                "isa", {},
                                "info", {},
                                "read", {},
                                "write", {},
                                "alpha", {},
                                "description", {},
                                "multipage", {});

  ## Image IO abilities won't change during the same Octave session,
  ## there's no need to go and calculate it all over again if we are
  ## requested to reset back to factory.
  if (! isempty (formats))

  ##      Building the formats info
  ## As mentioned above we start with a whitelist of coders. Since the
  ## GraphicsMagick build may be missing some coders, we will remove those
  ## from the list. Some info can be obtained directly from GraphicsMagick
  ## through the CoderInfo object. However, some will need to be hardcoded.
  ## The association between file extensions and coders needs to be done
  ## with a manually coded list (file extensions do not define the image
  ## format and GraphicsMagick will not be fooled by changing the extension).
  ## We can get the read, write, description and multipage fields from
  ## CoderInfo in C++. We should do the same for alpha (GraphicsMagick
  ## calls it matte) but it's not available from CoderInfo. The only way to
  ## check it is to create a sample image with each coder, then try to read
  ## it back with GraphicsMagick and use the matte method on the Image class.
  ## But making such test for each Octave session... meh! While technically
  ## it may be possible that the same coder has different support for alpha
  ## channel in different versions and builds, this doesn't seem to happen.
  ## So we also hardcode those. In the future, maybe the CoderInfo class will
  ## have a matte method like it does for multipage.
  ## Other notes: some formats have more than one coder that do the same. For
  ## example, for jpeg images there is both the JPG and JPEG coders. However,
  ## it seems that when reading images, GraphicsMagick only uses one of them
  ## and that's the one we list (it's the one reported by imfinfo and that we
  ## can use for isa). However, in some cases GraphicsMagick seems to rely
  ## uniquely on the file extension ((JBIG and JBG at least. Create an image
  ## with each of those coders, swap their extension and it will report the
  ## other coder). We don't have such cases on the whitelist but if we did, we
  ## would need two entries for such cases.

  ## each row: 1st => Coder, 2nd=> file extensions, 3rd=> alpha
  coders = {"BMP",  {"bmp"},          true;
            "CUR",  {"cur"},          false;
            "GIF",  {"gif"},          true;
            "ICO",  {"ico"},          true;
            "JBG",  {"jbg"},          false;
            "JBIG", {"jbig"},         false;
            "JP2",  {"jp2", "jpx"},   true;
            "JPEG", {"jpg", "jpeg"},  false; # there is also a JPG coder
            "PBM",  {"pbm"},          false;
            "PCX",  {"pcx"},          true;
            "PGM",  {"pgm"},          false;
            "PNG",  {"png"},          true;
            ## PNM is a family of formats supporting portable bitmaps (PBM),
            ## graymaps (PGM), and pixmaps (PPM). There is no file format
            ## associated with pnm itself. If PNM is used as the output format
            ## specifier, then GraphicsMagick automatically selects the most
            ## appropriate format to represent the image.
            "PNM",  {"pnm"},          true;
            "PPM",  {"ppm"},          false;
            "SUN",  {"ras"},          true; # SUN Rasterfile
            "TGA",  {"tga", "tpic"},  true;
            "TIFF", {"tif", "tiff"},  true;
            "XBM",  {"xbm"},          false;
            "XPM",  {"xpm"},          true;
            "XWD",  {"xwd"},          false;

  for fidx = 1: rows(coders)
    formats(fidx).coder = coders{fidx, 1};
    formats(fidx).ext   = coders{fidx, 2};
    formats(fidx).alpha = coders{fidx, 3};
    ## default isa is to check if the format returned by imfinfo is the coder
    formats(fidx).isa   = @(x) isa_magick (coders{fidx,1}, x);

  ## the default info, read, and write functions
  [ ] = deal (@__imfinfo__);
  [ ] = deal (@__imread__);
  [formats.write] = deal (@__imwrite__);

  ## fills rest of format information by checking with GraphicsMagick
  formats = __magick_formats__ (formats);

function is_valid_format (format)
  ## the minimal list of fields required in the structure. We don't
  ## require multipage because it doesn't exist in matlab
  min_fields  = {"ext", "read", "isa", "write", "info", "alpha", "description"};
  fields_mask = isfield (format, min_fields);
  if (! all (fields_mask))
    error ("imformats: structure has missing field `%s'.", min_fields(! fields_mask){1});

function match = find_ext_idx (formats, ext)
  ## XXX: what should we do if there's more than one hit?
  ##      Should this function prevent the addition of
  ##      duplicated extensions?
  match = cellfun (@(x) any (strcmpi (x, ext)), {formats.ext});

function bool = isa_magick (coder, filename)
  bool = false;
    info = __magick_ping__ (filename, 1);
    bool = strcmp (coder, info.Format);

function pretty_print_formats (formats)
  ## define header names (none should be shorter than 3 characters)
  headers = {"Extension", "isa", "Info", "Read", "Write", "Alpha", "Description"};
  cols_length = cellfun (@numel, headers);

  ## Adjust the maximal length of the extensions column
  extensions = cellfun (@strjoin, {formats.ext}, {", "},
                        "UniformOutput", false);
  cols_length(1) = max (max (cellfun (@numel, extensions)), cols_length(1));
  headers{1} = postpad (headers{1}, cols_length(1), " ");

  ## Print the headers
  disp (strjoin (headers, " | "));
  under_headers = cellfun (@(x) repmat ("-", 1, numel (x)), headers,
                           "UniformOutput", false);
  disp (strjoin (under_headers, "-+-"));

  template = strjoin (arrayfun (@(x) sprintf ("%%-%is", x), cols_length,
                                "UniformOutput", false), " | ");

  ## Print the function handle for this things won't be a pretty table.  So
  ## instead we replace them with "yes" or "no", based on the support it has.
  yes_no_cols = cat (2, {formats.isa}(:), {}(:), {}(:),
                     {formats.write}(:), {formats.alpha}(:));
  empty = cellfun (@isempty, yes_no_cols);
  yes_no_cols(empty) = "no";
  yes_no_cols(! empty) = "yes";

  descriptions = {formats.description};
  table = cat (2, extensions(:), yes_no_cols, descriptions(:));
  printf ([template "\n"], table'{:});


## When imread or imfinfo are called, the file must exist or the
## function defined by imformats will never be called.  Because
## of this, we must create a file for the tests to work.

## changing the function that does the reading
%!testif HAVE_MAGICK
%! fname = [tempname() ".jpg"];
%! def_fmt = imformats ();
%! fid = fopen (fname, "w");
%! unwind_protect
%!   fmt = imformats ("jpg");
%! = @numel;
%!   imformats ("update", "jpg", fmt);
%!   assert (imread (fname), numel (fname));
%! unwind_protect_cleanup
%!   fclose (fid);
%!   unlink (fname);
%!   imformats (def_fmt);
%! end_unwind_protect

## adding a new format
%!testif HAVE_MAGICK
%! fname = [tempname() ".new_fmt"];
%! def_fmt = imformats ();
%! fid = fopen (fname, "w");
%! unwind_protect
%!   fmt = imformats ("jpg"); # take jpg as template
%!   fmt.ext = "new_fmt";
%! = @() true ();
%!   imformats ("add", fmt);
%!   assert (imread (fname), true);
%! unwind_protect_cleanup
%!   fclose (fid);
%!   unlink (fname);
%!   imformats (def_fmt);
%! end_unwind_protect

## adding multiple formats at the same time
%!testif HAVE_MAGICK
%! fname1 = [tempname() ".new_fmt1"];
%! fid1 = fopen (fname1, "w");
%! fname2 = [tempname() ".new_fmt2"];
%! fid2 = fopen (fname2, "w");
%! def_fmt = imformats ();
%! unwind_protect
%!   fmt = imformats ("jpg"); # take jpg as template
%!   fmt.ext = "new_fmt1";
%! = @() true();
%!   fmt(2) = fmt(1);
%!   fmt(2).ext = "new_fmt2";
%!   imformats ("add", fmt);
%!   assert (imread (fname1), true);
%!   assert (imread (fname2), true);
%! unwind_protect_cleanup
%!   fclose (fid1);
%!   fclose (fid2);
%!   unlink (fname1);
%!   unlink (fname2);
%!   imformats (def_fmt);
%! end_unwind_protect

## changing format and resetting back to default
%!testif HAVE_MAGICK
%! ori_fmt = mod_fmt = imformats ("jpg");
%! mod_fmt.description = "Another description";
%! imformats ("update", "jpg", mod_fmt);
%! new_fmt = imformats ("jpg");
%! assert (new_fmt.description, mod_fmt.description);
%! imformats ("factory");
%! new_fmt = imformats ("jpg");
%! assert (new_fmt.description, ori_fmt.description);

## updating to an invalid format should cause an error
%!testif HAVE_MAGICK
%! fmt = imformats ("jpg");
%! fmt = rmfield (fmt, "read");
%! error_thrown = false;
%! try
%!   imformats ("update", "jpg", fmt);
%! catch
%!   error_thrown = true;
%! end_try_catch
%! assert (error_thrown, true);