view test/index.tst @ 20651:e54ecb33727e Remove FIXME's related to buffer size. * Remove FIXME's related to buffer size. Shorten sprintf buffers from 100 to 64 characters (still well more than 19 required). Use 'const' decorator on constant value for clarity. Remove extra space between variable and array bracket.
author Rik <>
date Mon, 12 Oct 2015 21:13:47 -0700
parents dd6345fd8a97
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2006-2015 John W. Eaton
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

%! a = [];
%! assert (isempty (a));

%!shared a
%! a = 1;
%!assert (a(1), 1)
%!assert (a(:), 1)
%!assert (a(:,:), 1)
%!assert (a(1,:), 1)
%!assert (a(:,1), 1)
%!assert (isempty (a(logical (0))))
%!error a(-1)
%!error a(2)
%!error a(2,:)
%!error a(:,2)
%!error a(-1,:)
%!error a(:,-1)
%!error a([1,2,3])
%!error a([1;2;3])
%!error a([1,2;3,4])
%!error a([0,1])
%!error a([0;1])
%!error a([-1,0])
%!error a([-1;0])

%!shared a, a_prime, mid_a
%! a = [4,3,2,1];
%! a_prime = [4;3;2;1];
%! mid_a = [3,2];

%!assert (a(1),4)
%!assert (a(2),3)
%!assert (all (a(:) == a_prime))
%!assert (all (a(1,:) == a))
%!assert (a(:,3),2)
%!assert (all (a(:,:) == a))
%!assert (all (a(logical ([0,1,1,0])) == mid_a))
%!error a(0)
%!error a(5)
%!error a(0,1)
%!assert (isempty (a(logical (0),:)))
%!error a(:,0)
%!assert (isempty (a([])))
%!assert (isempty (a([],:)))
%!assert (isempty (a(:,[])))

%!shared a, a_fvec, a_col_1, a_col_2, a_row_1, a_row_2
%! a = [1,2;3,4];
%! a_fvec = [1;3;2;4];
%! a_col_1 = [1;3];
%! a_col_2 = [2;4];
%! a_row_1 = [1,2];
%! a_row_2 = [3,4];

%!assert (all (all (a(:,:) == a)))
%!assert (all (a(:) == a_fvec))
%!error a(0)
%!assert (a(2), 3)

%% Additional tests

%!shared a, b
%! a = [1,2;3,4];
%! b = a;
%! b(:,:,2) = [5,6;7,8];

%!assert (a(:), [1;3;2;4])
%!assert (a(1:2), [1,3])
%!assert (a(:,:), [1,2;3,4])
%!assert (a(:,1), [1;3])
%!assert (a(1,1), 1)
%!assert (a(1:2,1), [1;3])
%!assert (a(:,:,1), [1,2;3,4])

%! c(:,:,1) = [1,2;3,4];
%! c(:,:,2) = [1,2;3,4];
%! assert (a(:,:,[1,1]), c)

%! c(:,:,1,1) = [1,2;3,4];
%! c(:,:,1,2) = [1,2;3,4];
%! assert (a(:,:,1,[1,1]), c)

%! c(:,:,1,1) = [1,2;3,4];
%! c(:,:,2,1) = [1,2;3,4];
%! c(:,:,1,2) = [1,2;3,4];
%! c(:,:,2,2) = [1,2;3,4];
%! assert (a(:,:,[1,1],[1,1]), c)

%!assert (a(1,[]), zeros (1,0))
%!assert (a(1,[],[1,1]), zeros (1,0,2))
%!assert (a(1,1,[]), zeros (1,1,0))

%! c (1:10,1) = 1:10;
%! assert (c, [1:10]');

%!assert (b(:), [1; 3; 2; 4; 5; 7; 6; 8])
%!assert (b(:,:), [1, 2, 5, 6; 3, 4, 7, 8])
%!assert (b(:,1), [1;3])
%!assert (b(:,:,:), reshape ([1,3,2,4,5,7,6,8], [2,2,2]))
%!assert (b(:,1,1), [1;3])
%!assert (b(:,1,1,[1,1]),reshape ([1,3,1,3], [2,1,1,2]))
%!assert (b(1,3), 5)
%!assert (b(1,[3,4]), [5,6])
%!assert (b(1,1:4), [1,2,5,6])
%!assert (b(1,[],:), zeros (1,0,2))
%!assert (b(1,[]), zeros (1,0))
%!assert (b(:,3), [5;7])
%!assert (b([1,2],3), [5;7])
%!assert (b(true (2,1), 3), [5;7])
%!assert (b(false (2,1), 3), zeros (0,1))
%!assert (b([],3), zeros (0,1))

%!shared x
%! ## Dummy shared block to clear any previous definitions
%! x = 1;

%! a(1,:) = [1,3];
%! assert (a, [1,3]);

%! a(1,:) = [1;3];
%! assert (a, [1,3]);

%! a(:,1) = [1;3];
%! assert (a, [1;3]);

%! a = [1,2;3,4];
%! b (1,:,:) = a;
%! assert (b, reshape (a, [1,2,2]));

%! a(1,1:4,2) = reshape (1:4, [1,1,4]);
%! b(:,:,2) = 1:4;
%! assert (a, b);

%! a(:,:,:) = 1:4;
%! assert (a, [1:4]);

%! a(:,:,1) = 1:4;;
%! assert (a, [1:4]);

%! a(:,:,1) = [1:4]';
%! assert (a, [1:4]');

%! a(:,:,1) = reshape (1:4,[1,1,4]);
%! assert (a, [1:4]');

%! a(:,1,:) = 1:4;
%! assert (a, reshape (1:4,[1,1,4]));

%! a(:,1,:) = [1:4]';
%! assert (a, [1:4]');

%! a(:,1,:) = reshape (1:4,[1,1,4]);;
%! assert (a, [1:4]');

%! a(1,:,:) = 1:4;
%! assert (a, reshape (1:4,[1,1,4]));

%! a(1,:,:) = [1:4]';
%! assert (a, [1:4]);

%! a(1,:,:) = reshape (1:4,[1,1,4]);
%! assert (a, [1:4]);

%! a(1,:,:,:) = reshape (1:4,[1,1,4]);
%! assert (a, reshape (1:4,[1,1,1,4]));

%!error (a(1:2,1:2) = 1:4)

## bug #38357
%!shared d, dd
%! d = diag ([1, 2, 3]);
%! dd = diag ([1, 2, 3], 6, 3);
%!assert (d(1), 1);
%!assert (dd(1), 1);
%!assert (d(3, 3), 3);
%!assert (dd(3, 3), 3);
%!assert (d(2), 0);
%!assert (dd(2), 0);
%!assert (dd(6,1), 0);
%!error d(6,6);
%!error dd(6,6);
%!error d(3,6);
%!error dd(3,6);

## bug 31287
%! y = ones (2, 2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2, 2);
%! x(false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2, 2);
%! x(false,[]) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2, 2);
%! x(false,[],false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%!shared x, y
%! y = ones (2, 2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2, 2);
%! x(false, 1) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%!shared x, y
%! y = ones (2, 2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2, 2);
%! x(false, false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x([], []) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x([], []) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(1, []) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x([], 1, []) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(1, [], 1, 1) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x([], 1, 1) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! ea2 = ones (3, 2, 0, 2);
%! x(1, ea2) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! ea2 = ones (3, 2, 0, 2);
%! x(1, ea2) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! ea2 = ones (3, 2, 0, 2);
%! x([], 1, ea2) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! ea2 = ones (3, 2, 0, 2);
%! x(1, ea2, ea2) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! ea2 = ones (3, 2, 0, 2);
%! x(1, ea2, 1) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(false, 1) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x(false, 1) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(1, [], false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(false, false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x(false, false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(false, [], false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x([], false, false, false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(1, [], false, false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(:, false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x(:, false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(false, :) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x(false, :) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(false, :, [], 1) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(:, [], false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%!shared x, y
%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%!error x(1, 1, []) = [];

%!shared x, y
%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(false, false, 1) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%!shared x, y
%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(false, false, []) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%!shared x, y
%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(false, false, [], false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%!shared x, y
%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(1, false, [], false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%!shared x, y
%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(:, false, 1) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x([]) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x([]) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = [];
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(:) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = sparse ([]);
%! x = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x(:) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x(false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x(false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x([], false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x = sparse (ones (2, 2));
%! x([], false) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

%! y = ones (2, 2);
%! x = ones (2, 2);
%! x([], false, :) = [];
%! assert (x, y);

  ##  Test indexing of unnamed constants
%!error <index \(0\); subscripts must be>     1(0)
%!error <index \(-1\); subscripts must be>    1(-1)
%!error <index \(_,0.5\); subscripts>                 {}(1,0.5)
%!error <index \(nan,_\); subscripts>                 1(NaN,1)
%!error <index \(_,_,<cell....\[x8\]...\); subscripts> [](1,1,{},1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
%!error <index \(...\[x9\]...-1,_\); subscript>      1(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1,1)
%!error <index \(2\); out of bound 1>                1(2)
%!error <index \(1\); out of bound 0>                [](1)
%!error <index \(_,1\); but object has size 5x0>     zeros(5,0)(3,1)
%!error <index \(3,_\); but object has size 0x5>     zeros(0,5)(3,1)
%!error <index \(-1\); subscripts>                   1(1)(-1)(1)
%!shared abc
%! abc = [1, 2];
%! ##  Test full matrices in variables
%!error <abc\(3\); out of bound 2>      abc([false, true, true])
%!error <abc\(-1\); subscripts>         abc(-1)(1)(1)
%! ## xerror <index \(-1\); subscripts> abc(1)(-1)(1)   ## why no 'xerror' test?

%!shared abc
%! abc = [1 2; 3 4];
%!error <abc\(5\); out of bound 4>         abc(5)
%!error <abc\(_,3\); but abc has size 2x2> abc(2,3)
%!error <abc\(_,_,0.5\); subscripts>       exp (abc(2,3,0.5))

%!shared abc
%! abc = [1 2; 3 4]; abc(1,1,2) = 1;
%!error <abc\(_,5\); out of bound 4>                            abc(2,5)
%!error <abc\(_,3,_\); but abc has size 2x2x2>                  abc(2,3,2)
%!error <A\(..,I,..\) = \[\]: .* value 3 out of bound 2>        abc(3,:) = []
%!error <A\(I\) = \[\]: .* value 50 out of bound 8>             abc(3:50) = []
%!error <a null assignment can only have one non-colon index>   abc(3,5) = []
%!error <=: nonconformant arguments \(op1 is 1x1, op2 is 1x5\)> abc(3,5) = 1:5

%! ##  Test diagonal matrices, and access of function results
%!error <index \(_,_,5\); but object has size 3x3> eye(3)(2,3,5)
%!error <index \(-2,_\); subscripts>               eye(4)(-2,3)

%! ##  Test cells
%!shared abc
%! abc = {1, 2; 3, 4};
%!error <abc\(_,0.3,_\); subscripts>  abc(2,0.3,5)
%!error <abc\(_,0.3,_\); subscripts>  abc{2,0.3,5}
%!error <abc\(-2,_,_,_\); subscripts> abc{-2,1,1,1}
%!error <abc\(0,_,_,_\); subscripts>  abc(0,1,1,1) = 1

%! ##  Test permutation matrices
%!shared abc
%! abc = eye(3)([3 1 2],:);
%!error <abc\(nan\); subscripts>         abc(NA)
%!error <abc\(_,_,_,inf,_\); subscripts> abc(1,1,1,Inf,1)

%! ##  Test sparse matrices
%!shared abc
%! abc = sparse(3,3);
%!error <abc\(-1\); subscripts>                abc(-1)
%!error <abc\(-1\); subscripts>                abc(-1) = 1
%!error <abc\(-1,_\); subscripts>              abc(-1,1)
%!error <abc\(-1,_\); subscripts>              abc(-1,1) = 1
%!error <sparse indexing needs 1 or 2 indices> abc(0,0,0,0)
%!error <abc\(4,_\); but abc has size 3x3>     abc(4,1)

%! ##  Test ranges
%!shared abc
%! abc = 1:10;
%!error <abc\(-1\); subscripts>             abc(-1)
%!error <abc\(-1,_\); subscripts>           abc(-1,1)
%!error <abc\(4,_\); but abc has size 1x10> abc(4,1)

%! ##  Test complex
%!shared abc, z
%! abc = [1 2];
%!error <abc\(0\+1i\); subscripts must be real>     abc(i)
%! abc = [1 2; 3 4];
%!error <abc\(1\+0i\); subscripts must be real>     abc(complex(1))
%!error <abc\(1\+0.5i,_\); subscripts must be real> abc(1+0.5*i,3)
%!error <abc\(_,0-2i\); subscripts must be real>   abc(2,0-2*i)