view libgui/qterminal/libqterminal/win32/QWinTerminalImpl.cpp @ 19304:efccb2a65b9a

preserve text on Windows terminal resize (bug #41893; patch #8532) * QWinTerminalImpl.h, QWinTerminalImpl.cpp (QConsolePrivate::updateConsoleSize): Don't shrink the size of the console buffer. Store the terminal size in the environment. Force the command line editor (usually readline) to notice the change in screen size as soon as possible. (QWinTerminalImpl::QWinTerminalImpl): Connect set_screen_size_signal with parent set_screen_size slot. (QWinTerminalImpl::set_screen_size_signal): New signal. * main-window.h, (main_window::int_pair): New typedef. (main_window::set_screen_size_callback): New callback function. (main_window::set_screen_size): New slot. * (w32_init): New function. Tell command_editor to prefer environment variables for window size. (MINGW_init, MSVC_init): Call w32_init. (QWinTerminalImpl::setSize): Emit set_screen_size_signal.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Thu, 09 Oct 2014 19:20:56 -0400
parents 8b9e99c061f9
children c6615ca0a11d
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2011, 2013 Michael Goffioul.

This file is part of QConsole.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not,
see <>.


#include <QApplication>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QColor>
#include <QFont>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QPaintEvent>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QResizeEvent>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QtDebug>
#include <QThread>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QToolTip>
#include <QCursor>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QDragEnterEvent>
#include <QDropEvent>
#include <QUrl>

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#if ! defined (_WIN32_WINNT) && ! defined (NTDDI_VERSION)
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
#include <windows.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <csignal>
#include <limits>

#include "QWinTerminalImpl.h"
#include "QTerminalColors.h"

// Uncomment to log activity to LOGFILENAME
#define LOGFILENAME "QConsole.log"
// Uncomment to create hidden console window

#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning(disable : 4996)


class QConsoleView : public QWidget
  QConsoleView (QWinTerminalImpl* parent = 0) : QWidget (parent), q (parent) { }
  ~QConsoleView (void) { }

  void paintEvent (QPaintEvent* event) { q->viewPaintEvent (this, event); }
  void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent* event) { q->viewResizeEvent (this, event); }

  QWinTerminalImpl* q;


class QConsoleThread : public QThread
  QConsoleThread (QWinTerminalImpl* console) : QThread (console), q (console) { }

  void run (void)
    { q->start (); }

  QWinTerminalImpl* q;


static QString translateKey (QKeyEvent *ev)
  QString esc = "\x1b";
  QString s;

  if (ev->key () == Qt::Key_Delete)
    s = esc + "[C\b";
  else if (!ev->text ().isEmpty ())
    s = ev->text ();

      switch (ev->key ())
        case Qt::Key_Up:
          s = esc + "[A";

        case Qt::Key_Down:
          s = esc + "[B";

        case Qt::Key_Right:
          s = esc + "[C";

        case Qt::Key_Left:
          s = esc + "[D";

        case Qt::Key_Home:
          s = esc + "[H";

        case Qt::Key_End:
          s = esc + "[F";

        case Qt::Key_Insert:
          s = esc + "[2~";

        case Qt::Key_PageUp:
          s = esc + "[5~";

        case Qt::Key_PageDown:
          s = esc + "[6~";

        case Qt::Key_Escape:
          s = esc;


  return s;

class QConsolePrivate
  friend class QWinTerminalImpl;


  enum KeyboardCursorType

  QConsolePrivate (QWinTerminalImpl* parent, const QString& cmd = QString ());
  ~QConsolePrivate (void);

  void updateConsoleSize (bool sync = false);
  void syncConsoleParameters (void);
  void grabConsoleBuffer (CHAR_INFO* buf = 0);
  void updateScrollBar (void);
  void setScrollValue (int value);
  void updateConsoleView (bool grab = true);
  void monitorConsole (void);
  void startCommand (void);
  void sendConsoleText (const QString& s);
  QRect cursorRect (void);
  void selectAll();
  void selectWord(const QPoint& cellPos);
  void selectLine(const QPoint& cellPos);

  void log (const char* fmt, ...);

  void closeStandardIO (int fd, DWORD stdHandleId, const char* name);
  void setupStandardIO (DWORD stdHandleId, int fd, const char* name,
                        const char* devName);

  QPoint posToCell (const QPoint& pt);
  QString getSelection (void);
  void updateSelection (void);
  void clearSelection (void);

  QColor backgroundColor (void) const;
  QColor foregroundColor (void) const;
  QColor selectionColor (void) const;
  QColor cursorColor (void) const;

  void setBackgroundColor (const QColor& color);
  void setForegroundColor (const QColor& color);
  void setSelectionColor (const QColor& color);
  void setCursorColor (bool useForegroundColor, const QColor& color);
  void setScrollBufferSize (int value);

  void drawTextBackground (QPainter& p, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2,
                           int cw, int ch);

  void drawSelection (QPainter& p, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2,
                      int cw, int ch);

  void drawCursor (QPainter& p);

  void drawText (QPainter& p, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2,
                 int cw, int ch);

  QWinTerminalImpl* q;

  QFont m_font;
  QString m_command;
  QConsoleColors m_colors;
  bool m_inWheelEvent;
  QString m_title;

  QSize m_charSize;
  QSize m_bufferSize;
  QRect m_consoleRect;
  QPoint m_cursorPos;
  bool m_cursorBlinking;
  bool m_hasBlinkingCursor;
  QTimer *m_blinkCursorTimer;
  KeyboardCursorType m_cursorType;

  QPoint m_beginSelection;
  QPoint m_endSelection;
  bool m_settingSelection;

  QColor m_selectionColor;
  QColor m_cursorColor;

  HANDLE m_stdOut;
  HWND m_consoleWindow;
  CHAR_INFO* m_buffer;
  CHAR_INFO* m_tmpBuffer;
  HANDLE m_process;

  QConsoleView* m_consoleView;
  QScrollBar* m_scrollBar;
  QTimer* m_consoleWatcher;
  QConsoleThread *m_consoleThread;

  // The delay in milliseconds between redrawing blinking text.
  static const int BLINK_DELAY = 500;

static void maybeSwapPoints (QPoint& begin, QPoint& end)
  if (end.y () < begin.y ()
      || (end.y () == begin.y () && end.x () < begin.x ()))
    qSwap (begin, end);


QConsolePrivate::QConsolePrivate (QWinTerminalImpl* parent, const QString& cmd)
  : q (parent), m_command (cmd), m_cursorBlinking (false),
    m_hasBlinkingCursor (true), m_cursorType (BlockCursor), 
    m_beginSelection (0, 0), m_endSelection (0, 0), m_settingSelection (false),
    m_process (NULL), m_inWheelEvent (false)
  log (NULL);

  // Possibly detach from any existing console
  log ("Detaching from existing console (if any)...\n");
  FreeConsole ();
  log ("Closing standard IO...\n");
  closeStandardIO (0, STD_INPUT_HANDLE, "STDIN");
  closeStandardIO (1, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, "STDOUT");
  closeStandardIO (2, STD_ERROR_HANDLE, "STDERR");

  HWINSTA hOrigSta, hNewSta;

  // Create new (hidden) console
  hOrigSta = GetProcessWindowStation ();
  hNewSta = CreateWindowStation (NULL, 0, GENERIC_ALL, NULL);
  log ("Current Windows station: %p.\nNew Windows station: %p.\n", hOrigSta,
  if (! SetProcessWindowStation (hNewSta))
    log ("Failed to switch to new Windows station.\n");
  if (! AllocConsole ())
    log ("Failed to create new console.\n");
  if (! SetProcessWindowStation (hOrigSta))
    log ("Failed to restore original Windows station.\n");
  if (! CloseWindowStation (hNewSta))
    log ("Failed to close new Windows station.\n");

  log ("New (hidden) console created.\n");

  setupStandardIO (STD_INPUT_HANDLE,  0, "STDIN",  "CONIN$");
  setupStandardIO (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, 1, "STDOUT", "CONOUT$");
  setupStandardIO (STD_ERROR_HANDLE,  2, "STDERR", "CONOUT$");

  log ("Standard input/output/error set up.\n");

  *stdin = *(fdopen (0, "rb"));
  *stdout = *(fdopen (1, "wb"));
  *stderr = *(fdopen (2, "wb"));

  log ("POSIX standard streams created.\n");

  setvbuf (stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
  setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
  setvbuf (stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

  log ("POSIX standard stream buffers adjusted.\n");

  HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

  log ("Console allocated: hStdOut: %p\n", hStdOut);

  m_stdOut = hStdOut;
  m_consoleWindow = GetConsoleWindow ();

  // In case the console window hasn't been created hidden...
  ShowWindow (m_consoleWindow, SW_HIDE);


  GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, &sbi);
  m_bufferSize = QSize (sbi.dwSize.X, qMax (sbi.dwSize.Y, (SHORT)500));
  m_consoleRect = QRect (sbi.srWindow.Left, sbi.srWindow.Top,
                         sbi.srWindow.Right - sbi.srWindow.Left + 1,
                         sbi.srWindow.Bottom - sbi.srWindow.Top + 1);
  m_cursorPos = QPoint (sbi.dwCursorPosition.X, sbi.dwCursorPosition.Y);

  log ("Initial console parameters:\n");
  log ("  buffer size: %d x %d\n", m_bufferSize.width (),
       m_bufferSize.height ());
  log ("  window: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) [%d x %d]\n",
       m_consoleRect.left (), (),
       m_consoleRect.right (), m_consoleRect.bottom (),
       m_consoleRect.width (), m_consoleRect.height ());

  wchar_t titleBuf[260];
  GetConsoleTitleW (titleBuf, sizeof (titleBuf));
  q->setWindowTitle (QString::fromWCharArray (titleBuf));

  m_font.setFamily ("Lucida Console");
  m_font.setPointSize (9);
  m_font.setStyleHint (QFont::TypeWriter);

  m_buffer = m_tmpBuffer = 0;

  m_consoleView = new QConsoleView (parent);
  m_scrollBar = new QScrollBar (Qt::Vertical, parent);

  QHBoxLayout* l = new QHBoxLayout (parent);
  l->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);
  l->setSpacing (0);
  l->addWidget (m_consoleView, 1);
  l->addWidget (m_scrollBar, 0);

  // Choose 15 (0xF) as index into the Windows console color map for the
  // background and 0 (0x0) as the index for the foreground.  This
  // selection corresponds to the indices used in the foregroundColor,
  // setForegroundColor, backgroundColor, and SetBackgroundColor
  // functions.

  SetConsoleTextAttribute (m_stdOut, 0xF0);

  // Defaults.
  setBackgroundColor (Qt::white);
  setForegroundColor (Qt::black);
  setSelectionColor (Qt::lightGray);
  setCursorColor (false, Qt::darkGray);

  // FIXME -- should we set the palette?
  QPalette palette (backgroundColor ());
  m_consoleView->setPalette (palette);

  m_consoleView->setAutoFillBackground (true);

  m_consoleView->setFont (m_font);
  parent->setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);
  parent->winId ();

  updateScrollBar ();

  m_consoleWatcher = new QTimer (parent);
  m_consoleWatcher->setInterval (10);
  m_consoleWatcher->setSingleShot (false);

  m_blinkCursorTimer = new QTimer (parent);
  QObject::connect (m_blinkCursorTimer, SIGNAL (timeout()),
                    q, SLOT (blinkCursorEvent ()));  

  QObject::connect (m_scrollBar, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)),
                    q, SLOT (scrollValueChanged (int)));
  QObject::connect (m_consoleWatcher, SIGNAL (timeout (void)),
                    q, SLOT (monitorConsole (void)));

  m_consoleWatcher->start ();

  if (m_command.isEmpty ())
    m_consoleThread = 0;
      m_consoleThread = new QConsoleThread (q);
      QObject::connect (m_consoleThread, SIGNAL (finished (void)),
                        q, SIGNAL (terminated (void)));
      m_consoleThread->start ();


QConsolePrivate::~QConsolePrivate (void)
  if (m_consoleThread && m_consoleThread->isRunning () && m_process)
      TerminateProcess (m_process, (UINT)-1);
      m_consoleThread->wait ();
  if (m_buffer)
    delete [] m_buffer;
  if (m_tmpBuffer)
    delete [] m_tmpBuffer;


void QConsolePrivate::setupStandardIO (DWORD stdHandleId, int targetFd,
                                       const char* name, const char* devName)
  log ("Opening %s...\n", devName);

  int fd = open (devName, _O_RDWR | _O_BINARY);

  if (fd != -1)
      if (fd != targetFd)
          log ("Opened %s is not at target file descriptor %d, "
               "duplicating...\n", name, targetFd);
          if (dup2 (fd, targetFd) == -1)
            log ("Failed to duplicate file descriptor: errno=%d.\n", errno);
          if (close (fd) == -1)
            log ("Failed to close original file descriptor: errno=%d.\n",
        log ("%s opened and assigned to file descriptor %d.\n", devName, fd);
      if (! SetStdHandle (stdHandleId, (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (targetFd)))
        log ("Failed to re-assign %s: error=%08x.\n", name, GetLastError ());
    log ("Failed to open %s: errno=%d.\n", devName, errno);

QPoint QConsolePrivate::posToCell (const QPoint& p)
  return QPoint (m_consoleRect.left () + p.x () / m_charSize.width (),
        () + p.y () / m_charSize.height ());

QString QConsolePrivate::getSelection (void)
  QString selection;

  QPoint begin = m_beginSelection;
  QPoint end = m_endSelection;

  maybeSwapPoints (begin, end);

  if (begin != end)
      CHAR_INFO* buf;
      COORD bufSize, bufCoord;
      SMALL_RECT bufRect;
      int nr;

      nr = end.y () - begin.y () + 1;
      buf =  new CHAR_INFO[m_bufferSize.width () * nr];
      bufSize.X = m_bufferSize.width ();
      bufSize.Y = nr;
      bufCoord.X = 0;
      bufCoord.Y = 0;

      bufRect.Left = 0;
      bufRect.Right = m_bufferSize.width ();
      bufRect.Top = begin.y ();
      bufRect.Bottom = end.y ();

      if (ReadConsoleOutput (m_stdOut, buf, bufSize, bufCoord, &bufRect))
          int start_pos = begin.x ();
          int end_pos = (nr - 1) * m_bufferSize.width () + end.x ();
          int lastNonSpace = -1;

          for (int i = start_pos; i <= end_pos; i++)
              if (i && (i % m_bufferSize.width ()) == 0)
                  if (lastNonSpace >= 0)
                    selection.truncate (lastNonSpace);
                  selection.append ('\n');
                  lastNonSpace = selection.length ();

              QChar c (buf[i].Char.UnicodeChar);

              selection.append (c);
              if (! c.isSpace ())
                lastNonSpace = selection.length ();

          if (lastNonSpace >= 0)
            selection.truncate (lastNonSpace);

  return selection;

void QConsolePrivate::updateSelection (void)
  QPoint begin = m_beginSelection;
  QPoint end = m_endSelection;

  maybeSwapPoints (begin, end);

  begin.rx () = 0;
  end.rx () = m_consoleRect.width ();

  m_consoleView->update ();

void QConsolePrivate::clearSelection (void)
  m_beginSelection = m_endSelection = QPoint ();

  m_consoleView->update ();

QColor QConsolePrivate::backgroundColor (void) const
  return m_colors[15];

QColor QConsolePrivate::foregroundColor (void) const
  return m_colors[0];

QColor QConsolePrivate::selectionColor (void) const
  return m_selectionColor;

QColor QConsolePrivate::cursorColor (void) const
  return m_cursorColor.isValid () ? m_cursorColor : foregroundColor ();

void QConsolePrivate::setBackgroundColor (const QColor& color)
  m_colors[15] = color;

  QPalette palette (color);
  m_consoleView->setPalette (palette);

void QConsolePrivate::setForegroundColor (const QColor& color)
  m_colors[0] = color;

void QConsolePrivate::setSelectionColor (const QColor& color)
  m_selectionColor = color;

void QConsolePrivate::setCursorColor (bool useForegroundColor,
                                      const QColor& color)
  m_cursorColor = useForegroundColor ? QColor () : color;

void QConsolePrivate::setScrollBufferSize (int value)
// FIXME: not tested code follows
//  GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (m_stdOut, &sbi);
//  m_bufferSize = QSize (sbi.dwSize.X, qMax (sbi.dwSize.Y, (SHORT)value));

void QConsolePrivate::drawTextBackground (QPainter& p, int cx1, int cy1,
                                          int cx2, int cy2, int cw, int ch)
{ ();

  int ascent = p.fontMetrics ().ascent ();
  int stride = m_consoleRect.width ();
  int y = ascent + cy1 * ch;;

  for (int j = cy1; j <= cy2; j++, y += ch)
      int len = 0;
      bool hasChar = false;
      int x = cx1 * cw;
      WORD attr = 0;

      for (int i = cx1; i <= cx2; i++)
          CHAR_INFO* ci = &(m_buffer[stride*j+i]);

          if ((ci->Attributes & 0x00ff) != attr)
              // Character attributes changed
              if (len != 0)
                  // String buffer not empty -> draw it
                  if (hasChar || (attr & 0x00f0))
                      if (attr & 0x00f0)
                        p.fillRect (x, y-ascent, len * cw, ch, p.brush ());

                  x += (len * cw);
                  len = 0;
                  hasChar = false;
              // Update current brush and store current attributes
              attr = (ci->Attributes & 0x00ff);
              p.setBrush (m_colors[(attr >> 4) & 0x000f]);

          // Append current character to the string buffer
          if (ci->Char.UnicodeChar != L' ')
            hasChar = true;

      if (len != 0 && (hasChar || (attr & 0x00f0)))
          // Line end reached, but string buffer not empty -> draw it
          // No need to update s or x, they will be reset on the next
          // for-loop iteration

          if (attr & 0x00f0)
            p.fillRect (x, y-ascent, len * cw, ch, p.brush ());

  p.restore ();

void QConsolePrivate::selectAll()
  m_beginSelection = QPoint (0,0);
  m_endSelection = QPoint(m_bufferSize.width (), 

void QConsolePrivate::selectWord (const QPoint & cellpos)
  QPoint begin = cellpos;
  QPoint end = cellpos;

  int scrollOffset = ();
  int stride = m_consoleRect.width ();

  // get begin, end in buffer offsets
  begin.ry () -= scrollOffset;
  end.ry () -= scrollOffset;

  // loog at current clicked on char to determinate ig getting space chunk or nonspace chunk
  if (QChar(m_buffer[begin.y ()*stride + begin.x ()].Char.UnicodeChar).isSpace () == false)
    // from current char, go back and fwd to find start and end of block
    while(begin.x () > 0 && 
          QChar(m_buffer[begin.y ()*stride + begin.x () -1].Char.UnicodeChar).isSpace() == false)
        begin.rx () --;

    while(end.x () < m_consoleRect.width () && 
          QChar(m_buffer[end.y ()*stride + end.x () +1].Char.UnicodeChar).isSpace() == false)
      end.rx () ++;
    while(begin.x () > 0 && 
          QChar(m_buffer[begin.y ()*stride + begin.x () -1].Char.UnicodeChar).isSpace())
      begin.rx () --;

    while(end.x () < m_consoleRect.width () && 
          QChar(m_buffer[end.y ()*stride + end.x () +1].Char.UnicodeChar).isSpace ())
      end.rx () ++;

  // convert console  offsets to absolute cell positions
  begin.ry () += scrollOffset;
  end.ry () += scrollOffset;

  m_beginSelection = begin;
  m_endSelection = end;

  updateSelection ();

void QConsolePrivate::selectLine (const QPoint & cellpos)
  m_beginSelection = QPoint (0, cellpos.y ());
  m_endSelection = QPoint (m_bufferSize.width ()-1, cellpos.y ());
  updateSelection ();

void QConsolePrivate::drawSelection (QPainter& p, int cx1, int cy1,
                                     int cx2, int cy2, int cw, int ch)
{ ();

  QPoint begin = m_beginSelection;
  QPoint end = m_endSelection;

  bool haveSelection = (begin != end);

  if (haveSelection)
    maybeSwapPoints (begin, end);

  int scrollOffset = ();

  begin.ry () -= scrollOffset;
  end.ry () -= scrollOffset;

  int ascent = p.fontMetrics ().ascent ();
  int stride = m_consoleRect.width ();

  int y = ascent + cy1 * ch;;
  for (int j = cy1; j <= cy2; j++, y += ch)
      int charsThisLine = 0;
      int len = 0;
      bool hasChar = false;
      WORD attr = 0;

      for (int i = cx1; i <= cx2; i++)
          CHAR_INFO* ci = &(m_buffer[stride*j+i]);

          if ((ci->Attributes & 0x00ff) != attr)
              // Character attributes changed
              if (len != 0)
                  charsThisLine += len;
                  len = 0;
                  hasChar = false;

              // Store current attributes
              attr = (ci->Attributes & 0x00ff);

          // Append current character to the string buffer
          if (ci->Char.UnicodeChar != L' ')
            hasChar = true;

      if (len != 0 && (hasChar || (attr & 0x00f0)))
        charsThisLine += len;

      if (haveSelection && j >= begin.y () && j <= end.y ())
          int selectionBegin = j == begin.y () ? begin.x (): 0;

          int len = ((j == end.y () && end.x () < charsThisLine)
                     ? end.x () - selectionBegin + 1
                     : stride - selectionBegin);

          p.fillRect (selectionBegin * cw, y-ascent, len * cw, ch,
                      selectionColor ());

  p.restore ();

void QConsolePrivate::drawCursor (QPainter& p)
  if (! m_cursorBlinking)
    { ();

      QRect rect = cursorRect ();
      QColor color = cursorColor ();

      p.setPen (color);

      if (m_cursorType == QConsolePrivate::BlockCursor)
          if (q->hasFocus ())
            p.fillRect (rect, color);
              // draw the cursor outline, adjusting the area so that
              // it is draw entirely inside 'rect'
              int penWidth = qMax (1, p.pen().width());
              p.drawRect (rect.adjusted (penWidth/2, penWidth/2,
                                         - penWidth/2 - penWidth%2,
                                         - penWidth/2 - penWidth%2));
      else if (m_cursorType == QConsolePrivate::UnderlineCursor)
          p.drawLine (rect.left (), rect.bottom (),
                      rect.right (), rect.bottom ());
      else if (m_cursorType == QConsolePrivate::IBeamCursor)
          p.drawLine (rect.left (), (),
                      rect.left (), rect.bottom ());

      p.restore ();

void QConsolePrivate::drawText (QPainter& p, int cx1, int cy1,
                                int cx2, int cy2, int cw, int ch)
{ ();

  p.setFont (m_font);
  p.setPen (foregroundColor ());

  QString s;
  s.reserve (cx2 - cx1 + 1);

  int ascent = p.fontMetrics ().ascent ();
  int stride = m_consoleRect.width ();

  int y = ascent + cy1 * ch;;
  for (int j = cy1; j <= cy2; j++, y += ch)
      // Reset string buffer and starting X coordinate
      s.clear ();
      bool hasChar = false;
      int x = cx1 * cw;
      WORD attr = 0;

      for (int i = cx1; i <= cx2; i++)
          CHAR_INFO* ci = &(m_buffer[stride*j+i]);

          if ((ci->Attributes & 0x00ff) != attr)
              // Character attributes changed
              if (! s.isEmpty ())
                  // String buffer not empty -> draw it
                  if (hasChar || (attr & 0x00f0))
                    p.drawText (x, y, s);

                  x += (s.length () * cw);
                  s.clear ();
                  hasChar = false;
              // Update current pen and store current attributes
              attr = (ci->Attributes & 0x00ff);
              p.setPen (m_colors[attr & 0x000f]);

          // Append current character to the string buffer
          s.append (ci->Char.UnicodeChar);
          if (ci->Char.UnicodeChar != L' ')
            hasChar = true;

      if (! s.isEmpty () && (hasChar || (attr & 0x00f0)))
          // Line end reached, but string buffer not empty -> draw it
          // No need to update s or x, they will be reset on the next
          // for-loop iteration

          p.drawText (x, y, s);

  p.restore ();


void QConsolePrivate::closeStandardIO (int fd, DWORD stdHandleId,
                                       const char* name)
  if (close (fd) == -1)
    log ("Failed to close file descriptor %d: errno=%d.\n", fd, errno);
  if (! CloseHandle (GetStdHandle (stdHandleId)))
    log ("Failed to close Win32 %s: error=%08x.\n", name, GetLastError ());


void QConsolePrivate::log (const char* fmt, ...)
  if (fmt)
      va_list l;
      FILE* flog = fopen (LOGFILENAME, "ab");

      va_start (l, fmt);
      vfprintf (flog, fmt, l);
      va_end (l);
      fclose (flog);
      // Special case to re-initialize the log file
      FILE* flog = fopen (LOGFILENAME, "w");
      fclose (flog);
  Q_UNUSED (fmt);


void QConsolePrivate::updateConsoleSize (bool sync)
  QFontMetrics fm (m_font);
  QSize winSize = m_consoleView->size ();

  m_charSize.rwidth () = fm.averageCharWidth ();
  m_charSize.rheight () = fm.lineSpacing ();

  m_consoleRect.setWidth (winSize.width () / fm.averageCharWidth ());
  m_consoleRect.setHeight (winSize.height () / fm.lineSpacing ());

  // Don't shrink the size of the buffer.  That way wide lines won't be
  // truncated and will reappear if the window is enlarged again later.

  if (m_consoleRect.width () > m_bufferSize.width ())
    m_bufferSize.rwidth () = m_consoleRect.width ();

  if (qMax (m_bufferSize.height (), m_consoleRect.height ())
      > m_bufferSize.height ())
    m_bufferSize.rheight () = qMax (m_bufferSize.height (),
                                    m_consoleRect.height ());

  // Store the terminal size in the environment.  When Octave is
  // initialized, we ask the command editor (usually readline) to prefer
  // using these values rather than querying the terminal so that the
  // buffer size can be larger than the size of the window that the
  // command editor will actually use.

  qputenv ("LINES", QByteArray::number (m_consoleRect.height ()));
  qputenv ("COLUMNS", QByteArray::number (m_consoleRect.width ())); 

  // Force the command line editor (usually readline) to notice the
  // change in screen size as soon as possible.

  q->setSize (m_consoleRect.height (), m_consoleRect.width ());

  m_consoleRect.moveLeft (0);
  if (m_consoleRect.bottom () >= m_bufferSize.height ())
    m_consoleRect.moveTop (m_bufferSize.height () - m_consoleRect.height ());

  log ("Console resized:\n");
  log ("  widget size: %d x %d\n", winSize.width (), winSize.height ());
  log ("  buffer size: %d x %d\n", m_bufferSize.width (),
       m_bufferSize.height ());
  log ("  window: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) [%d x %d]\n",
       m_consoleRect.left (), (),
       m_consoleRect.right (), m_consoleRect.bottom (),
       m_consoleRect.width (), m_consoleRect.height ());

  if (sync)
    syncConsoleParameters ();

  updateScrollBar ();


void QConsolePrivate::syncConsoleParameters (void)
  HANDLE hStdOut = m_stdOut;

  GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, &sbi);

  COORD bs;

  bs.X = sbi.dwSize.X;
  bs.Y = m_bufferSize.height ();
  sr.Left   = sbi.srWindow.Left;
  sr.Right  = sbi.srWindow.Right;
  sr.Top    = ();
  sr.Bottom = m_consoleRect.bottom ();

  if (bs.Y > sbi.dwSize.Y)
      SetConsoleScreenBufferSize (hStdOut, bs);
      SetConsoleWindowInfo (hStdOut, TRUE, &sr);
      SetConsoleWindowInfo (hStdOut, TRUE, &sr);
      SetConsoleScreenBufferSize (hStdOut, bs);

  bs.X = m_bufferSize.width ();
  sr.Left  = m_consoleRect.left ();
  sr.Right = m_consoleRect.right ();

  if (bs.X > sbi.dwSize.X)
      SetConsoleScreenBufferSize (hStdOut, bs);
      SetConsoleWindowInfo (hStdOut, TRUE, &sr);
      SetConsoleWindowInfo (hStdOut, TRUE, &sr);
      SetConsoleScreenBufferSize (hStdOut, bs);

  log ("Sync'ing console parameters:\n");
  log ("  buffer size: %d x %d\n", bs.X, bs.Y);
  log ("  window: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)\n",
       sr.Left, sr.Top, sr.Right, sr.Bottom);

  if (m_buffer)
    delete [] m_buffer;
  if (m_tmpBuffer)
    delete [] m_tmpBuffer;

  int bufSize = m_consoleRect.width () * m_consoleRect.height ();

  m_buffer = new CHAR_INFO[bufSize];
  m_tmpBuffer = new CHAR_INFO[bufSize];


void QConsolePrivate::grabConsoleBuffer (CHAR_INFO* buf)
  COORD bs, bc;

  bs.X = m_consoleRect.width ();
  bs.Y = m_consoleRect.height ();
  bc.X = 0;
  bc.Y = 0;

  r.Left   = m_consoleRect.left ();
  r.Top    = ();
  r.Right  = m_consoleRect.right ();
  r.Bottom = m_consoleRect.bottom ();

  if (! ReadConsoleOutput (m_stdOut, (buf ? buf : m_buffer), bs, bc, &r))
    qCritical ("cannot read console output");


void QConsolePrivate::updateScrollBar (void)
  m_scrollBar->setMinimum (0);
  if (m_bufferSize.height () > m_consoleRect.height ())
    m_scrollBar->setMaximum (m_bufferSize.height () - m_consoleRect.height ());
    m_scrollBar->setMaximum (0);
  m_scrollBar->setSingleStep (1);
  m_scrollBar->setPageStep (m_consoleRect.height ());
  m_scrollBar->setValue ( ());

  log ("Scrollbar parameters updated: %d/%d/%d/%d\n",
       m_scrollBar->minimum (), m_scrollBar->maximum (),
       m_scrollBar->singleStep (), m_scrollBar->pageStep ());


void QConsolePrivate::setScrollValue (int value)
  if (value == ())

  HANDLE hStdOut = m_stdOut;

  if (value + m_consoleRect.height () > m_bufferSize.height ())
    value = m_bufferSize.height () - m_consoleRect.height ();

  r.Left = m_consoleRect.left ();
  r.Top = value;
  r.Right = m_consoleRect.right ();
  r.Bottom = value + m_consoleRect.height () - 1;

  log ("Scrolling window: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) [%d x %d]\n",
       r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom, 
       r.Right - r.Left + 1, r.Bottom - r.Top + 1);

  if (SetConsoleWindowInfo (hStdOut, TRUE, &r))
      m_consoleRect.moveTop (value);
      updateConsoleView ();


void QConsolePrivate::updateConsoleView (bool grab)
  if (grab)
    grabConsoleBuffer ();
  m_consoleView->update ();
  m_consoleWatcher->start ();


void QConsolePrivate::monitorConsole (void)
  HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

  static wchar_t titleBuf[260];

  GetConsoleTitleW (titleBuf, sizeof (titleBuf));
  QString title = QString::fromWCharArray (titleBuf);

  if (title != m_title)
      q->setWindowTitle (title);
      emit q->titleChanged (title);

  if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, &sbi))
      if (m_bufferSize.width () != sbi.dwSize.X
          || m_bufferSize.height () != sbi.dwSize.Y)
          // Buffer size changed
          m_bufferSize.rwidth () = sbi.dwSize.X;
          m_bufferSize.rheight () = sbi.dwSize.Y;
          updateScrollBar ();

      if (m_cursorPos.x () != sbi.dwCursorPosition.X
          || m_cursorPos.y () != sbi.dwCursorPosition.Y)
          // Cursor position changed
            ((m_cursorPos.x () - sbi.srWindow.Left) * m_charSize.width (),
             (m_cursorPos.y () - sbi.srWindow.Top) * m_charSize.height (),
             m_charSize.width (), m_charSize.height ());
          m_cursorPos.rx () = sbi.dwCursorPosition.X;
          m_cursorPos.ry () = sbi.dwCursorPosition.Y;
            ((m_cursorPos.x () - sbi.srWindow.Left) * m_charSize.width (),
             (m_cursorPos.y () - sbi.srWindow.Top) * m_charSize.height (),
             m_charSize.width (), m_charSize.height ());

      if (m_consoleRect.left () != sbi.srWindow.Left
          || m_consoleRect.right () != sbi.srWindow.Right
          || () != sbi.srWindow.Top
          || m_consoleRect.bottom () != sbi.srWindow.Bottom)
          // Console window changed
          m_consoleRect = QRect (sbi.srWindow.Left, sbi.srWindow.Top,
                                 sbi.srWindow.Right - sbi.srWindow.Left + 1,
                                 sbi.srWindow.Bottom - sbi.srWindow.Top + 1);
          updateScrollBar ();
          updateConsoleView ();

      if (m_tmpBuffer && m_buffer)
          grabConsoleBuffer (m_tmpBuffer);
          if (memcmp (m_tmpBuffer, m_buffer,
                      sizeof (CHAR_INFO) * m_consoleRect.width () *
                      m_consoleRect.height ()))
              // FIXME: compute the area to update based on the
              // difference between the 2 buffers.
              qSwap (m_buffer, m_tmpBuffer);
              updateConsoleView (false);


void QConsolePrivate::startCommand (void)
  QString cmd = m_command;

  if (cmd.isEmpty ())
    cmd = qgetenv ("COMSPEC").constData ();

  if (! cmd.isEmpty ())

      ZeroMemory (&si, sizeof (si));
      si.cb = sizeof (si);
      ZeroMemory (&pi, sizeof (pi));

      if (CreateProcessW (NULL,
                          (LPWSTR)cmd.unicode (),
          CloseHandle (pi.hThread);
          m_process = pi.hProcess;
          WaitForSingleObject (m_process, INFINITE);
          CloseHandle (m_process);
          m_process = NULL;


void QConsolePrivate::sendConsoleText (const QString& s)
  // Send the string in chunks of 512 characters. Each character is
  // translated into an equivalent keypress event.

#define TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE 512

  // clear any selection on inserting text

  int len = s.length ();
  DWORD nEvents = 0, written;
  HANDLE hStdIn = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);

  ZeroMemory (events, sizeof (events));

  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
      QChar c = (i);

      if (c == L'\r' || c == L'\n')
          if (c == L'\r' && i < (len - 1) && (i+1) == L'\n')

          // add new line
          events[nEvents].EventType                        = KEY_EVENT;
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown          = TRUE;
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount      = 1;
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode   =
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode  = 0;
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = c.unicode ();
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState = 0;
          WriteConsoleInput (hStdIn, events, nEvents, &written);
          nEvents = 0;
          ZeroMemory (events, sizeof (events));
          events[nEvents].EventType                        = KEY_EVENT;
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown          = TRUE;
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount      = 1;
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode   =
            LOBYTE (VkKeyScan (c.unicode ()));
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode  = 0;
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = c.unicode ();
          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState = 0;

      if (nEvents == TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE
          || (nEvents > 0 && i == (len - 1)))
          WriteConsoleInput (hStdIn, events, nEvents, &written);
          nEvents = 0;
          ZeroMemory (events, sizeof (events));

QConsolePrivate::cursorRect (void)
  int cw = m_charSize.width ();
  int ch = m_charSize.height ();

  return QRect ((m_cursorPos.x () - m_consoleRect.x ()) * cw,
                (m_cursorPos.y () - m_consoleRect.y ()) * ch,
                cw, ch);


QWinTerminalImpl::QWinTerminalImpl (QWidget* parent)
    : QTerminal (parent), d (new QConsolePrivate (this)),
      allowTripleClick (false)
    installEventFilter (this);

    connect (this, SIGNAL (set_global_shortcuts_signal (bool)),
           parent, SLOT (set_global_shortcuts (bool)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (set_screen_size_signal (int, int)),
             parent, SLOT (set_screen_size (int, int)));

    setAcceptDrops (true);


QWinTerminalImpl::QWinTerminalImpl (const QString& cmd, QWidget* parent)
    : QTerminal (parent), d (new QConsolePrivate (this, cmd))


QWinTerminalImpl::~QWinTerminalImpl (void)
  delete d;

void QWinTerminalImpl::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
  if (d->m_settingSelection)
      d->m_endSelection = d->posToCell (event->pos ());

      updateSelection ();

void QWinTerminalImpl::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
  if (allowTripleClick)
      mouseTripleClickEvent (event);
  else if (event->button () == Qt::LeftButton)
      d->m_settingSelection = true;

      d->m_beginSelection = d->posToCell (event->pos ());

void QWinTerminalImpl::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
  if (event->button () == Qt::LeftButton && d->m_settingSelection)
      d->m_endSelection = d->posToCell (event->pos ());

      updateSelection ();

      d->m_settingSelection = false;

void QWinTerminalImpl::mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
  if (event->button () == Qt::LeftButton)
      // doubleclick - select word
      d->m_settingSelection = false;

      d->selectWord (d->posToCell (event->pos ()));

      allowTripleClick = true;

      QTimer::singleShot (QApplication::doubleClickInterval (),this,
                     SLOT (tripleClickTimeout ()));


void QWinTerminalImpl::mouseTripleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event)
  if (event->button () == Qt::LeftButton)
      d->selectLine (d->posToCell (event->pos ()));

void QWinTerminalImpl::tripleClickTimeout ()
  allowTripleClick = false;


void QWinTerminalImpl::viewResizeEvent (QConsoleView*, QResizeEvent*)
  d->updateConsoleSize (true);
  d->grabConsoleBuffer ();


void QWinTerminalImpl::viewPaintEvent (QConsoleView* w, QPaintEvent* event)
  QPainter p (w);

  int cw = d->m_charSize.width ();
  int ch = d->m_charSize.height ();

  QRect updateRect = event->rect ();

  int cx1 = updateRect.left () / cw;
  int cy1 = () / ch;
  int cx2 = qMin (d->m_consoleRect.width () - 1, updateRect.right () / cw);
  int cy2 = qMin (d->m_consoleRect.height () - 1, updateRect.bottom () / ch);

  if (cx1 > d->m_consoleRect.width () - 1
      || cy1 > d->m_consoleRect.height () - 1)

  d->drawTextBackground (p, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, cw, ch);
  d->drawSelection (p, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, cw, ch);
  d->drawCursor (p);
  d->drawText (p, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, cw, ch);

void QWinTerminalImpl::blinkCursorEvent (void)
  if (d->m_hasBlinkingCursor)
    d->m_cursorBlinking = ! d->m_cursorBlinking;
    d->m_cursorBlinking = false;

  d->m_consoleView->update (d->cursorRect ());

void QWinTerminalImpl::setBlinkingCursor (bool blink)
  d->m_hasBlinkingCursor = blink;

  setBlinkingCursorState (blink);

void QWinTerminalImpl::setBlinkingCursorState (bool blink)
  if (blink && ! d->m_blinkCursorTimer->isActive ())
    d->m_blinkCursorTimer->start (d->BLINK_DELAY);

  if (! blink && d->m_blinkCursorTimer->isActive ())
      d->m_blinkCursorTimer->stop ();

      if (d->m_cursorBlinking)
        blinkCursorEvent ();


void QWinTerminalImpl::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent* event)
  if (! d->m_inWheelEvent)
      // Forward to the scrollbar (avoid recursion)
      d->m_inWheelEvent = true;
      QApplication::sendEvent (d->m_scrollBar, event);
      d->m_inWheelEvent = false;


void QWinTerminalImpl::scrollValueChanged (int value)
  d->setScrollValue (value);


void QWinTerminalImpl::monitorConsole (void)
  d->monitorConsole ();

void QWinTerminalImpl::updateSelection (void)
  d->updateSelection ();


void QWinTerminalImpl::focusInEvent (QFocusEvent* event)
  emit set_global_shortcuts_signal (false);   // disable some shortcuts

  setBlinkingCursorState (true);

  QWidget::focusInEvent (event);

void QWinTerminalImpl::focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent* event)
  emit set_global_shortcuts_signal (true);    // re-enable shortcuts

  // Force the cursor to be redrawn.
  d->m_cursorBlinking = true;

  setBlinkingCursorState (false);

  QWidget::focusOutEvent (event);

bool QWinTerminalImpl::eventFilter (QObject *obj, QEvent * event)
  // if a keypress, filter out tab keys so that the next/prev tabbing is
  // disabled - but we still need to pass along to the console .
  if (event->type () == QEvent::KeyPress)
    QKeyEvent* k = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);
    if (k->key () == Qt::Key_Tab)
      sendText ("\t");
      return true;
  return false;

void QWinTerminalImpl::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent* event)
  QString s = translateKey (event);
  if (!s.isEmpty ())
    sendText (s);

  if (d->m_hasBlinkingCursor)
      d->m_blinkCursorTimer->start (d->BLINK_DELAY);

      if (d->m_cursorBlinking)
        blinkCursorEvent ();

  QWidget::keyPressEvent (event);


void QWinTerminalImpl::start (void)
  d->startCommand ();


void QWinTerminalImpl::sendText (const QString& s)
  d->sendConsoleText (s);

void QWinTerminalImpl::setCursorType (CursorType type, bool blinking)
  switch (type)
    case UnderlineCursor:
      d->m_cursorType = QConsolePrivate::UnderlineCursor;

    case BlockCursor:
      d->m_cursorType = QConsolePrivate::BlockCursor;

    case IBeamCursor:
      d->m_cursorType = QConsolePrivate::IBeamCursor;

  setBlinkingCursor (blinking);

void QWinTerminalImpl::setBackgroundColor (const QColor& color)
  d->setBackgroundColor (color);

void QWinTerminalImpl::setForegroundColor (const QColor& color)
  d->setForegroundColor (color);

void QWinTerminalImpl::setSelectionColor (const QColor& color)
  d->setSelectionColor (color);

void QWinTerminalImpl::setCursorColor (bool useForegroundColor,
                                       const QColor& color)
  d->setCursorColor (useForegroundColor, color);

void QWinTerminalImpl::setScrollBufferSize(int value)
// FIXME: not tested code follows
//  d->setScrollBufferSize (value);


void QWinTerminalImpl::setTerminalFont (const QFont& f)
  d->m_font = f;
  d->m_consoleView->setFont (f);
  d->updateConsoleSize (true);


void QWinTerminalImpl::setSize (int columns, int lines)
  d->log ("emit set_screen_size_signal (%d, %d)\n", columns, lines);

  emit set_screen_size_signal (columns, lines);


void QWinTerminalImpl::copyClipboard (void)
  if(!hasFocus()) return;

  QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard ();

  QString selection = d->getSelection ();

  if (selection.isEmpty ())
    terminal_interrupt ();
      clipboard->setText (selection);

      emit report_status_message (tr ("copied selection to clipboard"));


void QWinTerminalImpl::pasteClipboard (void)
  if(!hasFocus()) return;

  QString text = QApplication::clipboard()->text (QClipboard::Clipboard);

  if (! text.isEmpty ())
    sendText (text);


void QWinTerminalImpl::selectAll (void)
  if(!hasFocus()) return;



QString QWinTerminalImpl::selectedText ()
  QString selection = d->getSelection ();
  return selection;


void QWinTerminalImpl::dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent *event)
   if (event->mimeData ()->hasUrls ())


void QWinTerminalImpl::dropEvent (QDropEvent *event)
  QString dropText;

  if (event->mimeData ()->hasUrls ())
      foreach (QUrl url, event->mimeData ()->urls ())
          if(dropText.length () > 0) 
            dropText += "\n";
          dropText  += url.toLocalFile ();
      sendText (dropText);