view gui/src/backend/OctaveLink.cpp @ 13677:f27573828e92

Properly implemented shutdown of callback thread.
author Jacob Dawid <>
date Sun, 25 Sep 2011 18:29:24 +0200
parents c0e66d6e3dc8
children ee7f4294d162
line wrap: on
line source

/* OctaveGUI - A graphical user interface for Octave
 * Copyright (C) 2011 John P. Swensen, Jacob Dawid (
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.

#include "OctaveLink.h"

OctaveLink OctaveLink::m_singleton;

OctaveLink::OctaveLink ():QObject ()
  m_symbolTableSemaphore = new QSemaphore (1);
  m_historyModel = new QStringListModel (this);

OctaveLink::~OctaveLink ()

OctaveLink::octaveValueAsQString (OctaveValue octaveValue)
  // Convert single qouted string.
  if (octaveValue.is_sq_string ())
      return QString ("\'%1\'").arg (octaveValue.string_value ().c_str ());

      // Convert double qouted string.
  else if (octaveValue.is_dq_string ())
      return QString ("\"%1\"").arg (octaveValue.string_value ().c_str ());

      // Convert real scalar.
  else if (octaveValue.is_real_scalar ())
      return QString ("%1").arg (octaveValue.scalar_value ());

      // Convert complex scalar.
  else if (octaveValue.is_complex_scalar ())
      return QString ("%1 + %2i").arg (octaveValue.scalar_value ()).
	arg (octaveValue.complex_value ().imag ());

      // Convert range.
  else if (octaveValue.is_range ())
      return QString ("%1 : %2 : %3").arg (octaveValue.range_value ().
					   base ()).arg (octaveValue.
							 range_value ().
							 inc ()).
	arg (octaveValue.range_value ().limit ());

      // Convert real matrix.
  else if (octaveValue.is_real_matrix ())
      // TODO: Convert real matrix into a string.
      return QString ("{matrix}");

      // Convert complex matrix.
  else if (octaveValue.is_complex_matrix ())
      // TODO: Convert complex matrix into a string.
      return QString ("{complex matrix}");

      // If everything else does not fit, we could not recognize the type.
      return QString ("<Type not recognized>");

OctaveLink::launchOctave ()
  // Create both threads.
  m_octaveMainThread = new OctaveMainThread (this);
  m_octaveCallbackThread = new OctaveCallbackThread (this);

  // Launch the second as soon as the first ist ready.
  connect (m_octaveMainThread, SIGNAL(ready()), m_octaveCallbackThread, SLOT(start()));

  // Start the first one.
  m_octaveMainThread->start ();

OctaveLink::terminateOctave ()
  m_octaveCallbackThread->wait ();

  m_octaveMainThread->terminate ();

OctaveLink::fetchSymbolTable ()
  m_symbolTableSemaphore->acquire ();
  m_symbolTableBuffer.clear ();
  std::list < SymbolRecord > allVariables = symbol_table::all_variables ();
  std::list < SymbolRecord >::iterator iterator;
  for (iterator = allVariables.begin (); iterator != allVariables.end ();
    m_symbolTableBuffer.append (iterator->dup ());
  m_symbolTableSemaphore->release ();
  emit symbolTableChanged ();

QList < SymbolRecord > OctaveLink::copyCurrentSymbolTable ()
  QList < SymbolRecord > m_symbolTableCopy;

  // Generate a deep copy of the current symbol table.
  m_symbolTableSemaphore->acquire ();
  foreach (SymbolRecord symbolRecord, m_symbolTableBuffer)
    m_symbolTableCopy.append (symbolRecord.dup ());
  m_symbolTableSemaphore->release ();

  return m_symbolTableCopy;

OctaveLink::updateHistoryModel ()
  // Determine the client's (our) history length and the one of the server.
  int clientHistoryLength = m_historyModel->rowCount ();
  int serverHistoryLength = command_history::length ();

  // If were behind the server, iterate through all new entries and add them to our history.
  if (clientHistoryLength < serverHistoryLength)
      for (int i = clientHistoryLength; i < serverHistoryLength; i++)
          m_historyModel->insertRow (0);
          m_historyModel->setData (m_historyModel->index (0), QString (command_history::get_entry (i).c_str ()));

QStringListModel *
OctaveLink::historyModel ()
  return m_historyModel;