view test/test_system.m @ 6749:f7fdea19da88

[project @ 2007-06-20 18:10:04 by jwe]
author jwe
date Wed, 20 Jun 2007 18:10:04 +0000
parents 7f5316cadaa2
children 93c65f2a5668
line wrap: on
line source

%% Automatically generated from DejaGNU files

%% test/octave.test/system/time-1.m
%!assert(time () > 0);

%% test/octave.test/system/ctime-1.m
%! t = time ();
%! assert(strcmp (asctime (localtime (t)), ctime (t)));

%% test/octave.test/system/ctime-2.m
%!error ctime ();

%% test/octave.test/system/ctime-3.m
%!error ctime (1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/gmtime-1.m
%! ts = gmtime (time ());
%! assert((isstruct (ts)
%! && struct_contains (ts, "usec")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "year")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "mon")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "mday")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "sec")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "min")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "wday")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "hour")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "isdst")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "yday")));

%% test/octave.test/system/gmtime-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to gmtime.*> gmtime ();

%% test/octave.test/system/gmtime-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to gmtime.*> gmtime (1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/localtime-1.m
%! ts = localtime (time ());
%! assert((isstruct (ts)
%! && struct_contains (ts, "usec")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "year")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "mon")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "mday")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "sec")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "min")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "wday")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "hour")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "isdst")
%! && struct_contains (ts, "yday")));

%% test/octave.test/system/localtime-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to localtime.*> localtime ();

%% test/octave.test/system/localtime-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to localtime.*> localtime (1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/mktime-1.m
%! t = time ();
%! assert(fix (mktime (localtime (t))) == fix (t));

%% test/octave.test/system/mktime-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to mktime.*> mktime ();

%% test/octave.test/system/mktime-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to mktime.*> mktime (1, 2, 3);

%% test/octave.test/system/asctime-1.m
%! t = time ();
%! assert(strcmp (asctime (localtime (t)), ctime (t)));

%% test/octave.test/system/asctime-2.m
%!error asctime ();

%% test/octave.test/system/asctime-3.m
%!error asctime (1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/strftime-1.m
%!assert((isstr (strftime ("%%%n%t%H%I%k%l", localtime (time ())))
%! && isstr (strftime ("%M%p%r%R%s%S%T", localtime (time ())))
%! && isstr (strftime ("%X%Z%z%a%A%b%B", localtime (time ())))
%! && isstr (strftime ("%c%C%d%e%D%h%j", localtime (time ())))
%! && isstr (strftime ("%m%U%w%W%x%y%Y", localtime (time ())))));

%% test/octave.test/system/strftime-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to strftime.*> strftime ();

%% test/octave.test/system/strftime-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to strftime.*> strftime ("foo", localtime (time ()), 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/clock-1.m
%! t1 = clock;
%! t2 = str2num (strftime ("[%Y, %m, %d, %H, %M, %S]", localtime (time ())));
%! assert(etime (t1, t2) < 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/date-1.m
%!assert(strcmp (date (), strftime ("%d-%b-%Y", localtime (time ()))));

%% test/octave.test/system/etime-1.m
%! t1 = [1993, 8, 20, 4, 56, 1];
%! t2 = [1993, 8, 21, 4, 56, 1];
%! t3 = [1993, 8, 20, 5, 56, 1];
%! t4 = [1993, 8, 20, 4, 57, 1];
%! t5 = [1993, 8, 20, 4, 56, 14];
%! assert((etime (t2, t1) == 86400 && etime (t3, t1) == 3600
%! && etime (t4, t1) == 60 && etime (t5, t1) == 13));

%% test/octave.test/system/etime-2.m
%!error etime ();

%% test/octave.test/system/etime-3.m
%!error etime (1, 2, 3);

%% test/octave.test/system/cputime-1.m
%! [t1, u1, s1] = cputime ();
%! for i = 1:200
%! sin (i);
%! endfor
%! [t2, u2, s2] = cputime ();
%! assert(t1 == u1 + s1 && t2 == u2 + s2 && t2 >= t1 && u2 >= u2 && s2 >= s2);

%% test/octave.test/system/is_leap_year-1.m
%!assert((is_leap_year (2000) == 1 && is_leap_year (1976) == 1
%! && is_leap_year (1000) == 0 && is_leap_year (1800) == 0
%! && is_leap_year (1600) == 1));

%% test/octave.test/system/is_leap_year-2.m
%!error is_leap_year (1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/tic-toc-1.m
%! tic ();
%! sleep (2);
%! assert(toc () > 0);

%% test/octave.test/system/pause-1.m
%! pause (0);
%! printf_assert ("ok\n");
%! assert(prog_output_assert("ok"));

%% test/octave.test/system/pause-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to pause.*> pause (1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/sleep-1.m
%! sleep (0);
%! printf_assert ("ok\n");
%! assert(prog_output_assert("ok"));

%% test/octave.test/system/sleep-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to sleep.*> sleep ();

%% test/octave.test/system/sleep-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to sleep.*> sleep (1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/usleep-1.m
%! usleep (0);
%! printf_assert ("ok\n");
%! assert(prog_output_assert("ok"));

%% test/octave.test/system/usleep-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to usleep.*> usleep ();

%% test/octave.test/system/usleep-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to usleep.*> usleep (1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/rename-1.m
%! from = tmpnam ();
%! to = tmpnam ();
%! id = fopen (from, "wb");
%! if (id > 0 && fclose (id) == 0)
%!   [s, e] = stat (from);
%!   if (! e)
%!     if (rename (from, to) == 0)
%!       [s, e] = stat (from);
%!       if (e < 0)
%!         [s, e] = stat (to);
%!         assert(e == 0);
%!         unlink (to);
%!       endif
%!     endif
%!   endif
%! endif

%% test/octave.test/system/rename-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to rename.*> rename ();

%% test/octave.test/system/rename-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to rename.*> rename ("foo", "bar", 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/unlink-1.m
%! nm = tmpnam ();
%! if ((id = fopen (nm, "wb")) > 0)
%!   [s, err] = stat (nm);
%!   if (! err && fclose (id) == 0 && unlink (nm) == 0)
%!     [s, err] = stat (nm);
%!     assert(err < 0);
%!   endif
%! endif

%% test/octave.test/system/unlink-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to unlink.*> unlink ();

%% test/octave.test/system/unlink-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to unlink.*> unlink ("foo", 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/readdir-1.m
%! [files, status, msg] = readdir (filesep);
%! assert(iscell (files) && status == 0 && strcmp (msg, ""));

%% test/octave.test/system/readdir-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to readdir.*> readdir ();

%% test/octave.test/system/readdir-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to readdir.*> readdir ("foo", 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/mk-rm-dir-1.m
%! nm = tmpnam ();
%! e1 = mkdir (nm);
%! [s2, e2] = stat (nm);
%! e3 = rmdir (nm);
%! [s4, e4] = stat (nm);
%! assert((e1 && strcmp (s2.modestr(1), "d") && e3 && e4 < 0));

%% test/octave.test/system/mkdir-1.m
%!error <Invalid call to mkdir.*> mkdir ();

%% test/octave.test/system/mkdir-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to mkdir.*> mkdir ("foo", 1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/rmdir-1.m
%!error <Invalid call to rmdir.*> rmdir ();

%% test/octave.test/system/rmdir-2.m
%! crr = confirm_recursive_rmdir ();
%! confirm_recursive_rmdir (0);
%! assert(!rmdir ("foo", "s"));
%! confirm_recursive_rmdir (crr);

%% FIXME This test messes up the path it seems!! Why?
%% test/octave.test/system/umask-1.m
%! umask (0);
%! nm = tmpnam ();
%! id = fopen (nm, "wb");
%! s1 = stat (nm);
%! fclose (id);
%! unlink (nm);
%! umask (777);
%! nm = tmpnam ();
%! id = fopen (nm, "wb");
%! s2 = stat (nm);
%! fclose (id);
%! unlink (nm);
%! assert(strcmp (s1.modestr, "-rw-rw-rw-") && strcmp (s2.modestr, "----------"));

%% test/octave.test/system/umask-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to umask.*> umask ();

%% test/octave.test/system/umask-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to umask.*> umask (1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/stat-1.m
%! [s, err, msg] = stat (filesep);
%! assert((err == 0
%! && isstruct (s)
%! && struct_contains (s, "dev")
%! && struct_contains (s, "ino")
%! && struct_contains (s, "modestr")
%! && struct_contains (s, "nlink")
%! && struct_contains (s, "uid")
%! && struct_contains (s, "gid")
%! && struct_contains (s, "size")
%! && struct_contains (s, "atime")
%! && struct_contains (s, "mtime")
%! && struct_contains (s, "ctime")
%! && isstr (msg)));

%% test/octave.test/system/stat-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to stat.*> stat ();

%% test/octave.test/system/stat-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to stat.*> stat ("foo", 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/lstat-1.m
%! [s, err, msg] = lstat (filesep);
%! assert((err == 0
%! && isstruct (s)
%! && struct_contains (s, "dev")
%! && struct_contains (s, "ino")
%! && struct_contains (s, "modestr")
%! && struct_contains (s, "nlink")
%! && struct_contains (s, "uid")
%! && struct_contains (s, "gid")
%! && struct_contains (s, "size")
%! && struct_contains (s, "atime")
%! && struct_contains (s, "mtime")
%! && struct_contains (s, "ctime")
%! && isstr (msg)));

%% test/octave.test/system/lstat-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to lstat.*> lstat ();

%% test/octave.test/system/lstat-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to lstat.*> lstat ("foo", 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/glob-1.m
%!assert(iscell (glob ([filesep "*"])));

%% test/octave.test/system/glob-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to glob*> glob ();

%% test/octave.test/system/glob-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to glob.*> glob ("foo", 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/fnmatch-1.m
%! string_fill_char = setstr (0);
%! assert((fnmatch ("a*a", {"aba"; "xxxba"; "aa"}) == [1; 0; 1]
%! && fnmatch ({"a*a"; "b*b"}, "bob")
%! && fnmatch ("x[0-5]*", {"x1"; "x6"}) == [1; 0]
%! && fnmatch ("x[0-5]*", {"x1"; "x6"; "x001"}) == [1; 0; 1]
%! && fnmatch ("x???y", {"xabcy"; "xy"}) == [1; 0]));

%% test/octave.test/system/fnmatch-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to fnmatch.*> fnmatch ();

%% test/octave.test/system/fnmatch-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to fnmatch.*> fnmatch ("foo", "bar", 3);

%% test/octave.test/system/file_in_path-1.m
%!assert(isstr (file_in_path (path (), "date.m")));

%% test/octave.test/system/file_in_path-2.m
%!error <invalid option> file_in_path ("foo", "bar", 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/file_in_path-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to file_in_path.*> file_in_path ();

%% test/octave.test/system/file_in_path-4.m
%!error <Invalid call to file_in_path.*> file_in_path ("foo", "bar", "baz", "ooka");

%% test/octave.test/system/tilde_expand-1.m
%! x = getpwuid (getuid ());
%! assert((strcmp (x.dir, tilde_expand ("~"))
%! && strcmp (x.dir, tilde_expand (sprintf ("~%s",
%! && strcmp ("foobar", tilde_expand ("foobar"))));

%% test/octave.test/system/tilde_expand-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to tilde_expand.*> tilde_expand ();

%% test/octave.test/system/tilde_expand-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to tilde_expand.*> tilde_expand ("str", 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/getpgrp-1.m
%!assert(getpgrp () > 0);

%% test/octave.test/system/getpgrp-2.m
%!error <... getpgrp> getpgrp (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/getpid-1.m
%!assert(getpid () > 0);

%% test/octave.test/system/getpid-2.m
%!error <... getpid> getpid (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/getppid-1.m
%!assert(getppid () > 0);

%% test/octave.test/system/getppid-2.m
%!error <... getppid> getppid (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/geteuid-1.m
%!assert(geteuid () >= 0);

%% test/octave.test/system/geteuid-2.m
%!error <... geteuid> geteuid (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/getuid-1.m
%!assert(getuid () >= 0);

%% test/octave.test/system/getuid-2.m
%!error <... getuid> getuid (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/getegid-1.m
%!assert(getegid () >= 0);

%% test/octave.test/system/getegid-2.m
%!error <... getegid> getegid (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/getgid-1.m
%!assert(getgid () >= 0);

%% test/octave.test/system/getgid-2.m
%!error <... getgid> getgid (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/getenv-1.m
%!assert(strcmp (getenv ("HOME"), tilde_expand ("~")));

%% test/octave.test/system/getenv-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to getenv.*> getenv ();

%% test/octave.test/system/getenv-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to getenv.*> getenv ("foo", 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/getenv-4.m
%! wns = warning ("query", "Octave:num-to-str");
%! warning ("on", "Octave:num-to-str");
%! fail("getenv (1)","warning");
%! warning (wns.state, "Octave:num-to-str");

%% test/octave.test/system/putenv-1.m
%! putenv ("foobar", "baz");
%! assert(strcmp (getenv ("foobar"), "baz"));

%% test/octave.test/system/putenv-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to putenv.*> putenv ();

%% test/octave.test/system/putenv-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to putenv.*> putenv ("foo", "bar", 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/putenv-4.m
%! wns = warning ("query", "Octave:num-to-str");
%! warning ("on", "Octave:num-to-str");
%! fail("putenv (1, 2)","warning");
%! warning (wns.state, "Octave:num-to-str");

%% test/octave.test/system/cd-1.m
%! xdir = pwd ();
%! cd /
%! d1 = pwd ();
%! cd (xdir);
%! assert("/", d1);
%! assert(pwd(), xdir);

%% test/octave.test/system/cd-2.m
%!error cd (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/pwd-1.m
%!assert(isstr (pwd ()));

%% test/octave.test/system/ls-1.m
%!error ls (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/getpwent-1.m
%! s = getpwent ();
%! endpwent (); 
%! assert((isstruct (s)
%! && struct_contains (s, "name")
%! && struct_contains (s, "passwd")
%! && struct_contains (s, "uid")
%! && struct_contains (s, "gid")
%! && struct_contains (s, "gecos")
%! && struct_contains (s, "dir")
%! && struct_contains (s, "shell")));

%% test/octave.test/system/getpwent-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to getpwent.*> getpwent (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/getpwuid-1.m
%! x = getpwent ();
%! y = getpwuid (x.uid);
%! endpwent (); 
%! assert(strcmp (, && x.uid == y.uid && x.gid == y.gid);

%% test/octave.test/system/getpwuid-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to getpwuid.*> getpwuid ();

%% test/octave.test/system/getpwuid-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to getpwuid.*> getpwuid (1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/getpwnam-1.m
%! x = getpwent ();
%! y = getpwnam (;
%! endpwent (); 
%! assert(strcmp (, && x.uid == y.uid && x.gid == y.gid);

%% test/octave.test/system/getpwnam-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to getpwnam.*> getpwnam ();

%% test/octave.test/system/getpwnam-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to getpwnam.*> getpwnam ("foo", 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/setpwent-1.m
%! x = getpwent ();
%! setpwent ();
%! y = getpwent ();
%! endpwent (); 
%! assert(strcmp (, && x.uid == y.uid && x.gid == y.gid);

%% test/octave.test/system/setpwent-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to setpwent.*> setpwent (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/endpwent-1.m
%!error <Invalid call to endpwent.*> endpwent (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/getgrent-1.m
%! x = getgrent ();
%! endgrent ();
%! assert((isstruct (x)
%! && struct_contains (x, "name")
%! && struct_contains (x, "passwd")
%! && struct_contains (x, "gid")
%! && struct_contains (x, "mem")));

%% test/octave.test/system/getgrent-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to getgrent.*> getgrent (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/getgrgid-1.m
%! x = getgrent ();
%! y = getgrgid (x.gid);
%! endgrent ();
%! assert(strcmp (, && x.gid == y.gid);

%% test/octave.test/system/getgrgid-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to getgrgid.*> getgrgid ();

%% test/octave.test/system/getgrgid-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to getgrgid.*> getgrgid (1, 2);

%% test/octave.test/system/getgrnam-1.m
%! x = getgrent ();
%! y = getgrnam (;
%! endgrent ();
%! assert(strcmp (, && x.gid == y.gid);

%% test/octave.test/system/getgrnam-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to getgrnam.*> getgrnam ();

%% test/octave.test/system/getgrnam-3.m
%!error <Invalid call to getgrnam.*> getgrnam ("foo", 1);

%% test/octave.test/system/setgrent-1.m
%! x = getgrent ();
%! setgrent ();
%! y = getgrent ();
%! endgrent ();
%! assert(strcmp (, && x.gid == y.gid);

%% test/octave.test/system/setgrent-2.m
%!error <Invalid call to setgrent.*> setgrent (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/endgrent-1.m
%!error <Invalid call to endgrent.*> endgrent (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/computer-1.m
%!assert((isstr (computer ())
%! && computer () == octave_config_info ("canonical_host_type")));

%% test/octave.test/system/computer-2.m
%!warning a =computer(2);

%% test/octave.test/system/isieee-1.m
%!assert(isieee () == 1 || isieee () == 0);

%% test/octave.test/system/version-1.m
%!assert(isstr (version ()) && strcmp (version (), OCTAVE_VERSION));

%% test/octave.test/system/version-2.m
%!warning version (1);

%% test/octave.test/system/octave_config_info-1.m
%!assert(isstruct (octave_config_info ()));

%% test/octave.test/system/getrusage-1.m
%!assert(isstruct (getrusage ()));