diff libqterminal/win32/QWinTerminalImpl.cpp @ 15651:845cebf281aa

Added files of QConsole.
author Jacob Dawid <jacob.dawid@googlemail.com>
date Mon, 30 Jan 2012 11:23:13 +0100
children 2d6724358c12
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libqterminal/win32/QWinTerminalImpl.cpp	Mon Jan 30 11:23:13 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
+Copyright (C) 2011 Michael Goffioul.
+This file is part of QConsole.
+Foobar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+QConsole is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Foobar.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QColor>
+#include <QFont>
+#include <QHBoxLayout>
+#include <QPaintEvent>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QResizeEvent>
+#include <QScrollBar>
+#include <QtDebug>
+#include <QThread>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include "QConsole.h"
+#include "QConsoleColors.h"
+// Uncomment to log activity to LOGFILENAME
+// #define DEBUG_QCONSOLE
+#define LOGFILENAME "QConsole.log"
+// Uncomment to create hidden console window
+class QConsoleView : public QWidget
+  QConsoleView (QConsole* parent = 0) : QWidget (parent), q (parent) { }
+  ~QConsoleView (void) { }
+  void paintEvent (QPaintEvent* event) { q->viewPaintEvent (this, event); }
+  void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent* event) { q->viewResizeEvent (this, event); }
+  QConsole* q;
+class QConsoleThread : public QThread
+  QConsoleThread (QConsole* console) : QThread (console), q (console) { }
+  void run (void)
+    { q->start (); }
+  QConsole* q;
+class QConsolePrivate
+  friend class QConsole;
+  QConsolePrivate (QConsole* parent, const QString& cmd = QString ());
+  ~QConsolePrivate (void);
+  void updateConsoleSize (bool sync = false);
+  void syncConsoleParameters (void);
+  void grabConsoleBuffer (CHAR_INFO* buf = 0);
+  void updateScrollBar (void);
+  void setScrollValue (int value);
+  void updateConsoleView (bool grab = true);
+  void monitorConsole (void);
+  void startCommand (void);
+  void sendConsoleText (const QString& s);
+  void log (const char* fmt, ...);
+  void closeStandardIO (int fd, DWORD stdHandleId, const char* name);
+  void setupStandardIO (DWORD stdHandleId, int fd, const char* name,
+                        const char* devName);
+  QConsole* q;
+  QFont m_font;
+  QColor m_backgroundColor;
+  QString m_command;
+  QConsoleColors m_colors;
+  bool m_inWheelEvent;
+  QString m_title;
+  QSize m_charSize;
+  QSize m_bufferSize;
+  QRect m_consoleRect;
+  QPoint m_cursorPos;
+  HANDLE m_stdOut;
+  HWND m_consoleWindow;
+  CHAR_INFO* m_buffer;
+  CHAR_INFO* m_tmpBuffer;
+  HANDLE m_process;
+  QConsoleView* m_consoleView;
+  QScrollBar* m_scrollBar;
+  QTimer* m_consoleWatcher;
+  QConsoleThread *m_consoleThread;
+QConsolePrivate::QConsolePrivate (QConsole* parent, const QString& cmd)
+    : q (parent), m_command (cmd), m_process (NULL), m_inWheelEvent (false)
+  log (NULL);
+  // Possibly detach from any existing console
+  log ("Detaching from existing console (if any)...\n");
+  FreeConsole ();
+  log ("Closing standard IO...\n");
+  closeStandardIO (0, STD_INPUT_HANDLE, "STDIN");
+  closeStandardIO (1, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, "STDOUT");
+  closeStandardIO (2, STD_ERROR_HANDLE, "STDERR");
+  HWINSTA hOrigSta, hNewSta;
+  // Create new (hidden) console
+  hOrigSta = GetProcessWindowStation ();
+  hNewSta = CreateWindowStation (NULL, 0, GENERIC_ALL, NULL);
+  log ("Current Windows station: %p.\nNew Windows station: %p.\n", hOrigSta,
+       hNewSta);
+  if (! SetProcessWindowStation (hNewSta))
+    log ("Failed to switch to new Windows station.\n");
+  if (! AllocConsole ())
+    log ("Failed to create new console.\n");
+  if (! SetProcessWindowStation (hOrigSta))
+    log ("Failed to restore original Windows station.\n");
+  if (! CloseWindowStation (hNewSta))
+    log ("Failed to close new Windows station.\n");
+  log ("New (hidden) console created.\n");
+  setupStandardIO (STD_INPUT_HANDLE,  0, "STDIN",  "CONIN$");
+  setupStandardIO (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, 1, "STDOUT", "CONOUT$");
+  setupStandardIO (STD_ERROR_HANDLE,  2, "STDERR", "CONOUT$");
+  log ("Standard input/output/error set up.\n");
+  *stdin = *(fdopen (0, "rb"));
+  *stdout = *(fdopen (1, "wb"));
+  *stderr = *(fdopen (2, "wb"));
+  log ("POSIX standard streams created.\n");
+  setvbuf (stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+  setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+  setvbuf (stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
+  log ("POSIX standard stream buffers adjusted.\n");
+  HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+  log ("Console allocated: hStdOut: %p\n", hStdOut);
+  m_stdOut = hStdOut;
+  m_consoleWindow = GetConsoleWindow ();
+  // In case the console window hasn't been created hidden...
+  ShowWindow (m_consoleWindow, SW_HIDE);
+  GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, &sbi);
+  m_bufferSize = QSize (sbi.dwSize.X, qMax (sbi.dwSize.Y, (SHORT)500));
+  m_consoleRect = QRect (sbi.srWindow.Left, sbi.srWindow.Top,
+                         sbi.srWindow.Right - sbi.srWindow.Left + 1,
+                         sbi.srWindow.Bottom - sbi.srWindow.Top + 1);
+  m_cursorPos = QPoint (sbi.dwCursorPosition.X, sbi.dwCursorPosition.Y);
+  log ("Initial console parameters:\n");
+  log ("  buffer size: %d x %d\n", m_bufferSize.width (),
+       m_bufferSize.height ());
+  log ("  window: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) [%d x %d]\n",
+       m_consoleRect.left (), m_consoleRect.top (),
+       m_consoleRect.right (), m_consoleRect.bottom (),
+       m_consoleRect.width (), m_consoleRect.height ());
+  wchar_t titleBuf[260];
+  GetConsoleTitleW (titleBuf, sizeof (titleBuf));
+  q->setWindowTitle (QString::fromWCharArray (titleBuf));
+  m_font.setFamily ("Lucida Console");
+  m_font.setPointSize (9);
+  m_font.setStyleHint (QFont::TypeWriter);
+  m_backgroundColor = Qt::black;
+  m_buffer = m_tmpBuffer = 0;
+  m_consoleView = new QConsoleView (parent);
+  m_scrollBar = new QScrollBar (Qt::Vertical, parent);
+  QHBoxLayout* l = new QHBoxLayout (parent);
+  l->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);
+  l->setSpacing (0);
+  l->addWidget (m_consoleView, 1);
+  l->addWidget (m_scrollBar, 0);
+  m_consoleView->setPalette (QPalette (m_backgroundColor));
+  m_consoleView->setAutoFillBackground (true);
+  m_consoleView->setFont (m_font);
+  parent->setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);
+  parent->winId ();
+  updateScrollBar ();
+  m_consoleWatcher = new QTimer (parent);
+  m_consoleWatcher->setInterval (10);
+  m_consoleWatcher->setSingleShot (false);
+  QObject::connect (m_scrollBar, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)),
+                    q, SLOT (scrollValueChanged (int)));
+  QObject::connect (m_consoleWatcher, SIGNAL (timeout (void)),
+                    q, SLOT (monitorConsole (void)));
+  m_consoleWatcher->start ();
+  if (m_command.isEmpty ())
+    m_consoleThread = 0;
+  else
+    {
+      m_consoleThread = new QConsoleThread (q);
+      QObject::connect (m_consoleThread, SIGNAL (finished (void)),
+                        q, SIGNAL (terminated (void)));
+      m_consoleThread->start ();
+    }
+QConsolePrivate::~QConsolePrivate (void)
+  if (m_consoleThread && m_consoleThread->isRunning () && m_process)
+    {
+      TerminateProcess (m_process, (UINT)-1);
+      m_consoleThread->wait ();
+    }
+  if (m_buffer)
+    delete [] m_buffer;
+  if (m_tmpBuffer)
+    delete [] m_tmpBuffer;
+void QConsolePrivate::setupStandardIO (DWORD stdHandleId, int targetFd,
+                                       const char* name, const char* devName)
+  log ("Opening %s...\n", devName);
+  int fd = open (devName, _O_RDWR | _O_BINARY);
+  if (fd != -1)
+    {
+      if (fd != targetFd)
+        {
+          log ("Opened %s is not at target file descriptor %d, "
+               "duplicating...\n", name, targetFd);
+          if (dup2 (fd, targetFd) == -1)
+            log ("Failed to duplicate file descriptor: errno=%d.\n", errno);
+          if (close (fd) == -1)
+            log ("Failed to close original file descriptor: errno=%d.\n",
+                 errno);
+        }
+      else
+        log ("%s opened and assigned to file descriptor %d.\n", devName, fd);
+      if (! SetStdHandle (stdHandleId, (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (targetFd)))
+        log ("Failed to re-assign %s: error=%08x.\n", name, GetLastError ());
+    }
+  else
+    log ("Failed to open %s: errno=%d.\n", devName, errno);
+void QConsolePrivate::closeStandardIO (int fd, DWORD stdHandleId,
+                                       const char* name)
+  if (close (fd) == -1)
+    log ("Failed to close file descriptor %d: errno=%d.\n", fd, errno);
+  if (! CloseHandle (GetStdHandle (stdHandleId)))
+    log ("Failed to close Win32 %s: error=%08x.\n", name, GetLastError ());
+void QConsolePrivate::log (const char* fmt, ...)
+  if (fmt)
+    {
+      va_list l;
+      FILE* flog = fopen (LOGFILENAME, "ab");
+      va_start (l, fmt);
+      vfprintf (flog, fmt, l);
+      va_end (l);
+      fclose (flog);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      // Special case to re-initialize the log file
+      FILE* flog = fopen (LOGFILENAME, "w");
+      fclose (flog);
+    }
+void QConsolePrivate::updateConsoleSize (bool sync)
+  QFontMetrics fm (m_font);
+  QSize winSize = m_consoleView->size ();
+  m_charSize.rwidth () = fm.maxWidth ();
+  m_charSize.rheight () = fm.lineSpacing ();
+  m_consoleRect.setWidth (winSize.width () / fm.maxWidth ());
+  m_consoleRect.setHeight (winSize.height () / fm.lineSpacing ());
+  m_bufferSize.rwidth () = m_consoleRect.width ();
+  m_bufferSize.rheight () = qMax (m_bufferSize.height (),
+                                  m_consoleRect.height ());
+  m_consoleRect.moveLeft (0);
+  if (m_consoleRect.bottom () >= m_bufferSize.height ())
+    m_consoleRect.moveTop (m_bufferSize.height () - m_consoleRect.height ());
+  log ("Console resized:\n");
+  log ("  widget size: %d x %d\n", winSize.width (), winSize.height ());
+  log ("  buffer size: %d x %d\n", m_bufferSize.width (),
+       m_bufferSize.height ());
+  log ("  window: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) [%d x %d]\n",
+       m_consoleRect.left (), m_consoleRect.top (),
+       m_consoleRect.right (), m_consoleRect.bottom (),
+       m_consoleRect.width (), m_consoleRect.height ());
+  if (sync)
+    syncConsoleParameters ();
+  updateScrollBar ();
+void QConsolePrivate::syncConsoleParameters (void)
+  HANDLE hStdOut = m_stdOut;
+  GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, &sbi);
+  COORD bs;
+  bs.X = sbi.dwSize.X;
+  bs.Y = m_bufferSize.height ();
+  sr.Left   = sbi.srWindow.Left;
+  sr.Right  = sbi.srWindow.Right;
+  sr.Top    = m_consoleRect.top ();
+  sr.Bottom = m_consoleRect.bottom ();
+  if (bs.Y > sbi.dwSize.Y)
+    {
+      SetConsoleScreenBufferSize (hStdOut, bs);
+      SetConsoleWindowInfo (hStdOut, TRUE, &sr);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      SetConsoleWindowInfo (hStdOut, TRUE, &sr);
+      SetConsoleScreenBufferSize (hStdOut, bs);
+    }
+  bs.X = m_bufferSize.width ();
+  sr.Left  = m_consoleRect.left ();
+  sr.Right = m_consoleRect.right ();
+  if (bs.X > sbi.dwSize.X)
+    {
+      SetConsoleScreenBufferSize (hStdOut, bs);
+      SetConsoleWindowInfo (hStdOut, TRUE, &sr);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      SetConsoleWindowInfo (hStdOut, TRUE, &sr);
+      SetConsoleScreenBufferSize (hStdOut, bs);
+    }
+  log ("Sync'ing console parameters:\n");
+  log ("  buffer size: %d x %d\n", bs.X, bs.Y);
+  log ("  window: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)\n",
+       sr.Left, sr.Top, sr.Right, sr.Bottom);
+  if (m_buffer)
+    delete [] m_buffer;
+  if (m_tmpBuffer)
+    delete [] m_tmpBuffer;
+  int bufSize = m_consoleRect.width () * m_consoleRect.height ();
+  m_buffer = new CHAR_INFO[bufSize];
+  m_tmpBuffer = new CHAR_INFO[bufSize];
+void QConsolePrivate::grabConsoleBuffer (CHAR_INFO* buf)
+  COORD bs, bc;
+  bs.X = m_consoleRect.width ();
+  bs.Y = m_consoleRect.height ();
+  bc.X = 0;
+  bc.Y = 0;
+  r.Left   = m_consoleRect.left ();
+  r.Top    = m_consoleRect.top ();
+  r.Right  = m_consoleRect.right ();
+  r.Bottom = m_consoleRect.bottom ();
+  if (! ReadConsoleOutput (m_stdOut, (buf ? buf : m_buffer), bs, bc, &r))
+    qCritical ("cannot read console output");
+void QConsolePrivate::updateScrollBar (void)
+  m_scrollBar->setMinimum (0);
+  if (m_bufferSize.height () > m_consoleRect.height ())
+    m_scrollBar->setMaximum (m_bufferSize.height () - m_consoleRect.height ());
+  else
+    m_scrollBar->setMaximum (0);
+  m_scrollBar->setSingleStep (1);
+  m_scrollBar->setPageStep (m_consoleRect.height ());
+  m_scrollBar->setValue (m_consoleRect.top ());
+  log ("Scrollbar parameters updated: %d/%d/%d/%d\n",
+       m_scrollBar->minimum (), m_scrollBar->maximum (),
+       m_scrollBar->singleStep (), m_scrollBar->pageStep ());
+void QConsolePrivate::setScrollValue (int value)
+  if (value == m_consoleRect.top ())
+    return;
+  HANDLE hStdOut = m_stdOut;
+  if (value + m_consoleRect.height () > m_bufferSize.height ())
+    value = m_bufferSize.height () - m_consoleRect.height ();
+  r.Left = m_consoleRect.left ();
+  r.Top = value;
+  r.Right = m_consoleRect.right ();
+  r.Bottom = value + m_consoleRect.height () - 1;
+  log ("Scrolling window: (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d) [%d x %d]\n",
+       r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom, 
+       r.Right - r.Left + 1, r.Bottom - r.Top + 1);
+  if (SetConsoleWindowInfo (hStdOut, TRUE, &r))
+    {
+      m_consoleRect.moveTop (value);
+      updateConsoleView ();
+    }
+void QConsolePrivate::updateConsoleView (bool grab)
+  if (grab)
+    grabConsoleBuffer ();
+  m_consoleView->update ();
+  m_consoleWatcher->start ();
+void QConsolePrivate::monitorConsole (void)
+  HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+  static wchar_t titleBuf[260];
+  GetConsoleTitleW (titleBuf, sizeof (titleBuf));
+  QString title = QString::fromWCharArray (titleBuf);
+  if (title != m_title)
+    {
+      q->setWindowTitle (title);
+      emit q->titleChanged (title);
+    }
+  if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, &sbi))
+    {
+      if (m_bufferSize.width () != sbi.dwSize.X
+          || m_bufferSize.height () != sbi.dwSize.Y)
+        {
+          // Buffer size changed
+          m_bufferSize.rwidth () = sbi.dwSize.X;
+          m_bufferSize.rheight () = sbi.dwSize.Y;
+          updateScrollBar ();
+        }
+      if (m_cursorPos.x () != sbi.dwCursorPosition.X
+          || m_cursorPos.y () != sbi.dwCursorPosition.Y)
+        {
+          // Cursor position changed
+          m_consoleView->update
+            ((m_cursorPos.x () - sbi.srWindow.Left) * m_charSize.width (),
+             (m_cursorPos.y () - sbi.srWindow.Top) * m_charSize.height (),
+             m_charSize.width (), m_charSize.height ());
+          m_cursorPos.rx () = sbi.dwCursorPosition.X;
+          m_cursorPos.ry () = sbi.dwCursorPosition.Y;
+          m_consoleView->update
+            ((m_cursorPos.x () - sbi.srWindow.Left) * m_charSize.width (),
+             (m_cursorPos.y () - sbi.srWindow.Top) * m_charSize.height (),
+             m_charSize.width (), m_charSize.height ());
+        }
+      if (m_consoleRect.left () != sbi.srWindow.Left
+          || m_consoleRect.right () != sbi.srWindow.Right
+          || m_consoleRect.top () != sbi.srWindow.Top
+          || m_consoleRect.bottom () != sbi.srWindow.Bottom)
+        {
+          // Console window changed
+          m_consoleRect = QRect (sbi.srWindow.Left, sbi.srWindow.Top,
+                                 sbi.srWindow.Right - sbi.srWindow.Left + 1,
+                                 sbi.srWindow.Bottom - sbi.srWindow.Top + 1);
+          updateScrollBar ();
+          updateConsoleView ();
+          return;
+        }
+      if (m_tmpBuffer && m_buffer)
+        {
+          grabConsoleBuffer (m_tmpBuffer);
+          if (memcmp (m_tmpBuffer, m_buffer,
+                      sizeof (CHAR_INFO) * m_consoleRect.width () *
+                      m_consoleRect.height ()))
+            {
+              // FIXME: compute the area to update based on the
+              // difference between the 2 buffers.
+              qSwap (m_buffer, m_tmpBuffer);
+              updateConsoleView (false);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void QConsolePrivate::startCommand (void)
+  if (! m_command.isEmpty ())
+    {
+      STARTUPINFO si;
+      ZeroMemory (&si, sizeof (si));
+      si.cb = sizeof (si);
+      ZeroMemory (&pi, sizeof (pi));
+      if (CreateProcessW (NULL,
+                          (LPWSTR)m_command.unicode (),
+                          NULL,
+                          NULL,
+                          TRUE,
+                          0,
+                          NULL,
+                          NULL,
+                          &si,
+                          &pi))
+        {
+          CloseHandle (pi.hThread);
+          m_process = pi.hProcess;
+          WaitForSingleObject (m_process, INFINITE);
+          CloseHandle (m_process);
+          m_process = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+void QConsolePrivate::sendConsoleText (const QString& s)
+  // Send the string in chunks of 512 characters. Each character is
+  // translated into an equivalent keypress event.
+#define TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE 512
+  int len = s.length ();
+  DWORD nEvents = 0, written;
+  HANDLE hStdIn = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+  ZeroMemory (events, sizeof (events));
+  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+    {
+      QChar c = s.at (i);
+      if (c == L'\r' || c == L'\n')
+        {
+          if (c == L'\r' && i < (len - 1) && s.at (i+1) == L'\n')
+            i++;
+          if (nEvents)
+            {
+              WriteConsoleInput (hStdIn, events, nEvents, &written);
+              nEvents = 0;
+              ZeroMemory (events, sizeof (events));
+            }
+          PostMessage (m_consoleWindow, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0x001C0001);
+          PostMessage (m_consoleWindow, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0xC01C0001);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          events[nEvents].EventType                        = KEY_EVENT;
+          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown          = TRUE;
+          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount      = 1;
+          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode   =
+            LOBYTE (VkKeyScan (c.unicode ()));
+          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode  = 0;
+          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = c.unicode ();
+          events[nEvents].Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState = 0;
+          nEvents++;
+        }
+      if (nEvents == TEXT_CHUNK_SIZE
+          || (nEvents > 0 && i == (len - 1)))
+        {
+          WriteConsoleInput (hStdIn, events, nEvents, &written);
+          nEvents = 0;
+          ZeroMemory (events, sizeof (events));
+        }
+    }
+QConsole::QConsole (QWidget* parent)
+    : d (new QConsolePrivate (this))
+QConsole::QConsole (const QString& cmd, QWidget* parent)
+    : d (new QConsolePrivate (this, cmd))
+QConsole::~QConsole (void)
+  delete d;
+void QConsole::viewResizeEvent (QConsoleView*, QResizeEvent*)
+  d->updateConsoleSize (true);
+  d->grabConsoleBuffer ();
+void QConsole::viewPaintEvent (QConsoleView* w, QPaintEvent* event)
+  QPainter p (w);
+  int cw = d->m_charSize.width (), ch = d->m_charSize.height ();
+  int ascent, stride, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y;
+  WORD attr = 0;
+  QString s;
+  bool hasChar = false;
+  QRect updateRect = event->rect ();
+  cx1 = updateRect.left () / cw;
+  cy1 = updateRect.top () / ch;
+  cx2 = qMin (d->m_consoleRect.width () - 1, updateRect.right () / cw);
+  cy2 = qMin (d->m_consoleRect.height () - 1, updateRect.bottom () / ch);
+  if (cx1 > d->m_consoleRect.width () - 1
+      || cy1 > d->m_consoleRect.height () - 1)
+    return;
+  p.setFont (d->m_font);
+  p.setPen (Qt::black);
+  ascent = p.fontMetrics ().ascent ();
+  stride = d->m_consoleRect.width ();
+  s.reserve (cx2 - cx1 + 1);
+  y = ascent + cy1 * ch;;
+  for (int j = cy1; j <= cy2; j++, y += ch)
+    {
+      // Reset string buffer and starting X coordinate
+      s.clear ();
+      hasChar = false;
+      x = cx1 * cw;
+      for (int i = cx1; i <= cx2; i++)
+        {
+          CHAR_INFO* ci = &(d->m_buffer[stride*j+i]);
+          if ((ci->Attributes & 0x00ff) != attr)
+            {
+              // Character attributes changed
+              if (! s.isEmpty ())
+                {
+                  // String buffer not empty -> draw it
+                  if (hasChar || (attr & 0x00f0))
+                    {
+                      if (attr & 0x00f0)
+                        p.fillRect (x, y-ascent, s.length () * cw, ch,
+                                    p.brush ());
+                      p.drawText (x, y, s);
+                    }
+                  x += (s.length () * cw);
+                  s.clear ();
+                  hasChar = false;
+                }
+              // Update current pen and store current attributes
+              // FIXME: what about background?
+              attr = (ci->Attributes & 0x00ff);
+              p.setPen (d->m_colors[attr & 0x000f]);
+              p.setBrush (d->m_colors[(attr >> 4) & 0x000f]);
+            }
+          // Append current character to the string buffer
+          s.append (ci->Char.UnicodeChar);
+          if (ci->Char.UnicodeChar != L' ')
+            hasChar = true;
+        }
+      if (! s.isEmpty () && (hasChar || (attr & 0x00f0)))
+        {
+          // Line end reached, but string buffer not empty -> draw it
+          // No need to update s or x, they will be reset on the next
+          // for-loop iteration
+          if (attr & 0x00f0)
+            p.fillRect (x, y-ascent, s.length () * cw, ch, p.brush ());
+          p.drawText (x, y, s);
+        }
+    }
+  // Draw cursor
+  p.setCompositionMode (QPainter::RasterOp_SourceXorDestination);
+  p.fillRect ((d->m_cursorPos.x () - d->m_consoleRect.x ()) * cw,
+              (d->m_cursorPos.y () - d->m_consoleRect.y ()) * ch,
+              cw, ch, d->m_colors[7]);
+void QConsole::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent* event)
+  if (! d->m_inWheelEvent)
+    {
+      // Forward to the scrollbar (avoid recursion)
+      d->m_inWheelEvent = true;
+      QApplication::sendEvent (d->m_scrollBar, event);
+      d->m_inWheelEvent = false;
+    }
+bool QConsole::winEvent (MSG* msg, long* result)
+  switch (msg->message)
+    {
+    case WM_KEYDOWN:
+    case WM_KEYUP:
+    //case WM_CHAR:
+      // Forward Win32 message to the console window
+      PostMessage (d->m_consoleWindow,
+                   msg->message,
+                   msg->wParam,
+                   msg->lParam);
+      result = 0;
+      return true;
+    default:
+      return false;
+    }
+void QConsole::scrollValueChanged (int value)
+  d->setScrollValue (value);
+void QConsole::monitorConsole (void)
+  d->monitorConsole ();
+void QConsole::focusInEvent (QFocusEvent* event)
+  QWidget::focusInEvent (event);
+void QConsole::start (void)
+  d->startCommand ();
+void QConsole::sendText (const QString& s)
+  d->sendConsoleText (s);