diff libgui/src/m-editor/file-editor-tab.cc @ 25883:cfdc768b661c

allow native dialogs for remaining file open/save dialogs (bug #5 * files-dock-widget.cc (popdownmenu_search_dir): allow native dialogs for selecting a new file browser directory * file-editor-tab.cc (load_file): read file in binary form and test for errors when decoding text using the currently set default encoding, allows user to continue editing or close the file in case of invalid characters; (handle_decode_warning_answer): analyze users choice in case of detection of invalid chars during decoding (save_file_as): allow native dialogs for file selection dialog and remove the extra items for encoding and line ending from the dialog; (handle_combo_eol_current_index, handle_combo_enc_current_index): removed obsolete slots for removed dialog items * file-editor-tab.h: update includes, new slot handle_decode_warning_answer, removed slots handle_combo_eol_current_index, handle_combo_enc_current_index * main-window.cc (request_open_file): allow native file dialogs and remove extra items for selecting encoding and line ending from the dialog * shortcut-manager.cc (do_import_export): allow native file dialogs * variable-editor.cc (variable_editor_stack::save): allow native file dialogs
author Torsten <mttl@mailbox.org>
date Fri, 14 Sep 2018 18:47:23 +0200
parents 94b8dc8292af
children bb0c58796275
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/libgui/src/m-editor/file-editor-tab.cc	Thu Sep 13 16:24:18 2018 -0400
+++ b/libgui/src/m-editor/file-editor-tab.cc	Fri Sep 14 18:47:23 2018 +0200
@@ -1734,18 +1734,49 @@
       file_to_load = fileName;
     QFile file (file_to_load);
-    if (! file.open (QFile::ReadOnly))
+    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
       return file.errorString ();
-    // read the file
-    QTextStream in (&file);
-    // set the desired codec
-    QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName (_encoding.toLatin1 ());
-    in.setCodec (codec);
     QApplication::setOverrideCursor (Qt::WaitCursor);
-    _edit_area->setText (in.readAll ());
+    // read the file binary, decoding later
+    const QByteArray text_data = file.readAll ();
+    // decode
+    QTextCodec::ConverterState st;
+    QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName (_encoding.toLatin1 ());
+    const QString text = codec->toUnicode(text_data.constData(),
+                                          text_data.size(), &st);
+    // Decoding with invalid characters?
+    if (st.invalidChars > 0)
+      {
+        // Message box for user decision
+        QString msg = tr ("There were problems reading the file\n"
+                          "%1\n"
+                          "with the selected encoding %2.\n\n"
+                          "Modifying and saving the file might "
+                          "cause data loss!")
+                          .arg (file_to_load).arg (_encoding);
+        QMessageBox *msg_box = new QMessageBox ();
+        msg_box->setIcon (QMessageBox::Warning);
+        msg_box->setText (msg);
+        msg_box->setWindowTitle (tr ("Octave Editor"));
+        msg_box->addButton (tr ("&Edit anyway"), QMessageBox::YesRole);
+        //msg_box->addButton (tr ("&Change encoding"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
+        msg_box->addButton (tr ("&Close"), QMessageBox::RejectRole);
+        connect (msg_box, SIGNAL (buttonClicked (QAbstractButton *)),
+                 this, SLOT (handle_decode_warning_answer (QAbstractButton *)));
+        msg_box->setWindowModality (Qt::WindowModal);
+        msg_box->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+        msg_box->show ();
+      }
+    _edit_area->setText (text);
     _edit_area->setEolMode (detect_eol_mode ());
     QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor ();
     _copy_available = false;     // no selection yet available
@@ -1776,6 +1807,14 @@
     return QString ();
+  void file_editor_tab::handle_decode_warning_answer (QAbstractButton *btn)
+  {
+    QString txt = btn->text ();
+    if (txt == tr ("&Close"))
+      close ();
+  }
   QsciScintilla::EolMode file_editor_tab::detect_eol_mode (void)
     QByteArray text = _edit_area->text ().toLatin1 ();
@@ -2091,53 +2130,6 @@
       fileDialog = new QFileDialog (this);
-    // Giving trouble under KDE (problem is related to Qt signal handling on unix,
-    // see https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=260719 ,
-    // it had/has no effect on Windows, though)
-    fileDialog->setOption (QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, true);
-    // define a new grid layout with the extra elements
-    QGridLayout *extra = new QGridLayout (fileDialog);
-    QFrame *separator = new QFrame (fileDialog);
-    separator->setFrameShape (QFrame::HLine);   // horizontal line as separator
-    separator->setFrameStyle (QFrame::Sunken);
-    // combo box for choosing new line ending chars
-    QLabel *label_eol = new QLabel (tr ("Line Endings:"));
-    QComboBox *combo_eol = new QComboBox ();
-    combo_eol->addItem ("Windows (CRLF)");  // ensure the same order as in
-    combo_eol->addItem ("Mac (CR)");        // the settings dialog
-    combo_eol->addItem ("Unix (LF)");
-    _save_as_desired_eol = _edit_area->eolMode ();      // init with current eol
-    combo_eol->setCurrentIndex (_save_as_desired_eol);
-    // combo box for encoding
-    QLabel *label_enc = new QLabel (tr ("File Encoding:"));
-    QComboBox *combo_enc = new QComboBox ();
-    resource_manager::combo_encoding (combo_enc, _encoding);
-    // track changes in the combo boxes
-    connect (combo_eol, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (int)),
-             this, SLOT (handle_combo_eol_current_index (int)));
-    connect (combo_enc, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (QString)),
-             this, SLOT (handle_combo_enc_current_index (QString)));
-    // build the extra grid layout
-    extra->addWidget (separator,0,0,1,6);
-    extra->addWidget (label_eol,1,0);
-    extra->addWidget (combo_eol,1,1);
-    extra->addItem   (new QSpacerItem (1,20,QSizePolicy::Fixed,
-                                       QSizePolicy::Fixed), 1,2);
-    extra->addWidget (label_enc,1,3);
-    extra->addWidget (combo_enc,1,4);
-    extra->addItem   (new QSpacerItem (1,20,QSizePolicy::Expanding,
-                                       QSizePolicy::Fixed), 1,5);
-    // and add the extra grid layout to the dialog's layout
-    QGridLayout *dialog_layout = dynamic_cast<QGridLayout *> (fileDialog->layout ());
-    dialog_layout->addLayout (extra,dialog_layout->rowCount (),0,
-                              1,dialog_layout->columnCount ());
     // add the possible filters and the default suffix
     QStringList filters;
     filters << tr ("Octave Files (*.m)")
@@ -2190,16 +2182,6 @@
     show_dialog (fileDialog, ! valid_file_name ());
-  void file_editor_tab::handle_combo_eol_current_index (int index)
-  {
-    _save_as_desired_eol = static_cast<QsciScintilla::EolMode> (index);
-  }
-  void file_editor_tab::handle_combo_enc_current_index (QString text)
-  {
-    _new_encoding = text;
-  }
   void file_editor_tab::handle_save_as_filter_selected (const QString& filter)
     QFileDialog *file_dialog = qobject_cast<QFileDialog *> (sender ());