view doc/interpreter/ @ 31200:075443476dfb stable

nextpow2.m: Add bug number tag to regression BIST tests (bug #62947) * nextpow2.m: Add '<*62947>' to BIST tests for bug #62947.
author Rik <>
date Wed, 24 Aug 2022 08:55:14 -0700
parents 796f54d4ddbf
children 0ef88c485786
line wrap: on
line source


## Copyright (C) 2016-2022 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

# This script is based on the old mk_doc_cache.m file.

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Spec;
use File::Temp;

my $doc_delim = "\x{1d}";
my $tex_delim_pat = qr/\Q-*- texinfo -*-\E/;

## Returns a File::Temp object with texinfo code.
sub make_texinfo_file
  my $srcdir = shift;
  my $macro_fpath = shift;
  my @docstrings = @_;

  my $t_file = File::Temp->new (UNLINK => 1);

  ## Only the first file is the macro file.  Copy its contents verbatim.
  open (my $macro_fh, "<", $macro_fpath)
    or die "Unable to open $macro_fpath for reading: $!\n";
  while (<$macro_fh>)
      print {$t_file} $_;
  close ($macro_fh);

  foreach my $filepath (@docstrings)
      ## DOCSTRINGS files may exist in the current (build) directory or in
      ## the source directory when building from a release.
      if (! -e $filepath)
          ## Only triggered when re-building doc-cache outside source
          ## tree, from released sources.
          $filepath = File::Spec->catfile ($srcdir, $filepath);
      open (my $fh, "<", $filepath)
        or die "Unable to open $filepath for reading: $!\n";

      my $in_header = 1;
      while (my $line = <$fh>)
          ## DOCSTRINGS header ends once we find the first function.
          if ($in_header && $line =~ m/^$doc_delim/)
              $in_header = 0;
          next if $in_header;
          next if $line =~ /$tex_delim_pat/;

          $line =~ s/\@seealso/\@xseealso/g;

          ## escape {}@ characters for texinfo
          $line =~ s/([{}\@])/\@$1/g
            if $line =~ m/^$doc_delim/;

          print {$t_file} $line;
      close ($fh);

  print {$t_file} $doc_delim;

  $t_file->flush ();
  return $t_file;

sub get_info_text
  my $texi_path = shift;

  my $makeinfo_command = "makeinfo --no-headers --no-warn --force --no-validate --fill-column=1024 $texi_path";
  my $info_text = `$makeinfo_command`;

  die "Unable to start makeinfo command '$makeinfo_command'"
    if (! defined $info_text);

  die "makeinfo produced no output!"
    if ! $info_text;

  return $info_text;

sub split_info
  my $info_text = shift;

  ## Constant patterns.  We only check for two underscores at the end,
  ## and not at the start, to also skip @class/__method__
  my $private_name_pat = qr/__$/;

  my @formatted = ();

  my $beg_idx = index ($info_text, $doc_delim);
  while ($beg_idx >= 0)
      my $end_idx = index ($info_text, $doc_delim, $beg_idx+1);
      if ($end_idx < 1)
          $beg_idx = -1;
      my $block = substr ($info_text, $beg_idx+1, $end_idx-$beg_idx-1);
      $beg_idx = $end_idx;

      my ($symbol, $doc) = split (/[\r\n]/, $block, 2);

      next if (length ($symbol) > 2 && $symbol =~ m/$private_name_pat/);

      if (! defined ($doc))
        warn " function '$symbol' may be undocumented";

      $doc =~ s/^[\r\n]+//;
      next if (! $doc);

      (my $tmp = $doc) =~ s/^[\r\n]*  *-- .*[\r\n]//mg;
      next if (! $tmp);

      (my $first_sentence = $tmp) =~ s/(\.|[\r\n][\r\n]).*/$1/s;
      $first_sentence =~ s/([\r\n]| {2,})/ /g;
      $first_sentence =~ s/   *$/ /g;
      $first_sentence =~ s/^ +//;

      push (@formatted, [($symbol, $doc, $first_sentence)]);
  return @formatted;

sub print_element
  my ($str) = @_;
  my $len = length ($str);

  print "# name: <cell-element>\n";
  print "# type: sq_string\n";
  print "# elements: 1\n";
  print "# length: $len\n";
  print "$str\n\n\n";

sub print_cache
  my $num = @_;

  print "# created by\n";
  print "# name: cache\n";
  print "# type: cell\n";
  print "# rows: 3\n";
  print "# columns: $num\n";

  foreach my $elt (@_)
      my $symbol = $elt->[0];
      my $doc = $elt->[1];
      my $first_sentence = $elt->[2];

      print_element ($symbol);
      print_element ($doc);
      print_element ($first_sentence);
      print "\n";

sub main
  my $srcdir = shift;
  my $macro_texi = shift;
  my @docstrings = @_;
  ## Everything else left in @_ are DOCSTRINGS files

  die "usage: mk_doc_cache SRCDIR MACRO-FILE DOCSTRINGS-FILE ..."
    if (@docstrings < 1);

  my $texi_file = make_texinfo_file ($srcdir, $macro_texi, @docstrings);

  my $info_text = get_info_text ($texi_file->filename);

  my @cache_blocks = split_info ($info_text);

  print_cache (@cache_blocks);

main (@ARGV);