view libgui/src/m-editor/ @ 28281:12ad6f1dc3b6 stable

run slelected editor code as block, not line by line (bug #58323) * (octave_qscintilla) update connection of signal when running selected code has finished due to new arguments; (contextmenu_run): collect all selected lines into a temporary script file, display all lines to be executed and add the executed lines to the history afterwards avoiding the temporary function for displaying and adding to history line by line; (ctx_menu_run_finished): this slots now also adds the executed lines to the history where a possible error during execution is taken into account * octave-qscintilla.h: new arguments in ctx_menu_run_finished_signal and its related slot ctx_menu_run_finished
author Torsten Lilge <>
date Sun, 10 May 2020 09:27:53 +0200
parents 667bf684bb29
children 777eb315b004
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2013-2020 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)

#include <Qsci/qscilexer.h>

#include <QDir>
#include <QKeySequence>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QMimeData>
#include <QShortcut>
#include <QToolTip>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#  include <Qsci/qscilexeroctave.h>
#  include <Qsci/qscilexermatlab.h>
#include <Qsci/qscicommandset.h>
#include <Qsci/qscilexerbash.h>
#include <Qsci/qscilexerbatch.h>
#include <Qsci/qscilexercpp.h>
#include <Qsci/qscilexerdiff.h>
#include <Qsci/qscilexerperl.h>

#include "file-editor-tab.h"
#include "gui-preferences-ed.h"
// FIXME: hardwired marker numbers?
#include "marker.h"
#include "octave-qobject.h"
#include "octave-qscintilla.h"
#include "shortcut-manager.h"

#include "builtin-defun-decls.h"
#include "cmd-edit.h"
#include "interpreter-private.h"
#include "interpreter.h"

// Return true if CANDIDATE is a "closing" that matches OPENING,
// such as "end" or "endif" for "if", or "catch" for "try".
// Used for testing the last word of an "if" etc. line,
// or the first word of the following line.

namespace octave
  static bool
  is_end (const QString& candidate, const QString& opening)
    bool retval = false;

    if (opening == "do")          // The only one that can't be ended by "end"
        if (candidate == "until")
          retval = true;
        if (candidate == "end")
          retval =  true;
            if (opening == "try")
                if (candidate == "catch" || candidate == "end_try_catch")
                  retval = true;
            else if (opening == "unwind_protect")
                if (candidate == "unwind_protect_cleanup"
                    || candidate == "end_unwind_protect")
                  retval = true;
            else if (candidate == "end" + opening)
              retval = true;
            else if (opening == "if" && candidate == "else")
              retval = true;

    return retval;

  octave_qscintilla::octave_qscintilla (QWidget *p, base_qobject& oct_qobj)
    : QsciScintilla (p), m_octave_qobj (oct_qobj), m_word_at_cursor (),
      m_selection (), m_selection_replacement (), m_selection_line (-1),
      m_selection_col (-1), m_indicator_id (1)
    connect (this, SIGNAL (textChanged (void)),
             this, SLOT (text_changed (void)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (cursorPositionChanged (int, int)),
             this, SLOT (cursor_position_changed (int, int)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (ctx_menu_run_finished_signal (bool, int, QTemporaryFile*,
             this, SLOT (ctx_menu_run_finished (bool, int, QTemporaryFile*,

    // clear scintilla edit shortcuts that are handled by the editor
    QsciCommandSet *cmd_set = standardCommands ();

    // Disable buffered drawing on all systems
    SendScintilla (SCI_SETBUFFEREDDRAW, false);

#if defined (HAVE_QSCI_VERSION_2_6_0)
    // find () was added in QScintilla 2.6
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::SelectionCopy)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::SelectionCut)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::Paste)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::SelectAll)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::SelectionDuplicate)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::LineTranspose)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::Undo)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::Redo)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::SelectionUpperCase)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::SelectionLowerCase)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::ZoomIn)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::ZoomOut)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::DeleteWordLeft)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::DeleteWordRight)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::DeleteLineLeft)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::DeleteLineRight)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::LineDelete)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::LineCut)->setKey (0);
    cmd_set->find (QsciCommand::LineCopy)->setKey (0);
    // find commands via its default key (tricky way without find ())
    QList< QsciCommand * > cmd_list = cmd_set->commands ();
    for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list.length (); i++)
        int cmd_key = (i)->key ();
        switch (cmd_key)
          case Qt::Key_C | Qt::CTRL :               // SelectionCopy
          case Qt::Key_X | Qt::CTRL :               // SelectionCut
          case Qt::Key_V | Qt::CTRL :               // Paste
          case Qt::Key_A | Qt::CTRL :               // SelectAll
          case Qt::Key_D | Qt::CTRL :               // SelectionDuplicate
          case Qt::Key_T | Qt::CTRL :               // LineTranspose
          case Qt::Key_Z | Qt::CTRL :               // Undo
          case Qt::Key_Y | Qt::CTRL :               // Redo
          case Qt::Key_Z | Qt::CTRL | Qt::SHIFT :   // Redo
          case Qt::Key_U | Qt::CTRL :               // SelectionLowerCase
          case Qt::Key_U | Qt::CTRL | Qt::SHIFT :   // SelectionUpperCase
          case Qt::Key_Plus | Qt::CTRL :            // ZoomIn
          case Qt::Key_Minus | Qt::CTRL :           // ZoomOut
          case Qt::Key_Backspace | Qt::CTRL | Qt::SHIFT :   // DeleteLineLeft
          case Qt::Key_Delete | Qt::CTRL | Qt::SHIFT :      // DeleteLineRight
          case Qt::Key_K | Qt::META :                       // DeleteLineRight
          case Qt::Key_Backspace | Qt::CTRL :       // DeleteWordLeft
          case Qt::Key_Delete | Qt::CTRL :          // DeleteWordRight
          case Qt::Key_L | Qt::CTRL | Qt::SHIFT :   // LineDelete
          case Qt::Key_L | Qt::CTRL :               // LineCut
          case Qt::Key_T | Qt::CTRL | Qt::SHIFT :   // LineCopy
   (i)->setKey (0);

#if defined (Q_OS_MAC)
    // Octave interprets Cmd key as Meta whereas Qscintilla interprets it
    // as Ctrl.  We thus invert Meta/Ctrl in Qscintilla's shortcuts list.
    QList< QsciCommand * > cmd_list_mac = cmd_set->commands ();
    for (int i = 0; i < cmd_list_mac.length (); i++)
        // Primary key
        int key = (i)->key ();

        if (static_cast<int> (key | Qt::META) == key
            && static_cast<int> (key | Qt::CTRL) != key)
          key = (key ^ Qt::META) | Qt::CTRL;
        else if (static_cast<int> (key | Qt::CTRL) == key)
          key = (key ^ Qt::CTRL) | Qt::META; (i)->setKey (key);

        // Alternate key
        key = (i)->alternateKey ();

        if (static_cast<int> (key | Qt::META) == key
            && static_cast<int> (key | Qt::CTRL) != key)
          key = (key ^ Qt::META) | Qt::CTRL;
        else if (static_cast<int> (key | Qt::CTRL) == key)
          key = (key ^ Qt::CTRL) | Qt::META; (i)->setAlternateKey (key);

    // selection markers

    m_indicator_id = indicatorDefine (QsciScintilla::StraightBoxIndicator);
    if (m_indicator_id == -1)
      m_indicator_id = 1;

    setIndicatorDrawUnder (true, m_indicator_id);

    markerDefine (QsciScintilla::Minus, marker::selection);

    // init state of undo/redo action for this tab
    emit status_update (isUndoAvailable (), isRedoAvailable ());

  void octave_qscintilla::set_selection_marker_color (const QColor& c)
    QColor ic = c;
    ic.setAlphaF (0.25);
    setIndicatorForegroundColor (ic, m_indicator_id);
    setIndicatorOutlineColor (ic, m_indicator_id);

    setMarkerForegroundColor (c, marker::selection);
    setMarkerBackgroundColor (c, marker::selection);

  // context menu requested
  void octave_qscintilla::contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *e)
#if defined (HAVE_QSCI_VERSION_2_6_0)
    QPoint global_pos, local_pos;                         // the menu's position
    QMenu *context_menu = createStandardContextMenu ();  // standard menu

    bool in_left_margin = false;

    // determine position depending on mouse or keyboard event
    if (e->reason () == QContextMenuEvent::Mouse)
        // context menu by mouse
        global_pos = e->globalPos ();            // global mouse position
        local_pos  = e->pos ();                  // local mouse position
        if (e->x () < marginWidth (1) + marginWidth (2))
          in_left_margin = true;
        // context menu by keyboard or other: get point of text cursor
        get_global_textcursor_pos (&global_pos, &local_pos);
        QRect editor_rect = geometry ();      // editor rect mapped to global
          (parentWidget ()->mapToGlobal (editor_rect.topLeft ()));
        if (! editor_rect.contains (global_pos))  // is cursor outside editor?
          global_pos = editor_rect.topLeft ();   // yes, take top left corner

#if defined (HAVE_QSCI_VERSION_2_6_0)
    if (! in_left_margin)
        // fill context menu with editor's standard actions
        emit create_context_menu_signal (context_menu);

        // additional custom entries of the context menu
        context_menu->addSeparator ();   // separator before custom entries

        // help menu: get the position of the mouse or the text cursor
        // (only for octave files)
        QString lexer_name = lexer ()->lexer ();
        if (lexer_name == "octave" || lexer_name == "matlab")
            m_word_at_cursor = wordAtPoint (local_pos);
            if (! m_word_at_cursor.isEmpty ())
                context_menu->addAction (tr ("Help on") + ' ' + m_word_at_cursor,
                                         this, SLOT (contextmenu_help (bool)));
                context_menu->addAction (tr ("Documentation on")
                                         + ' ' + m_word_at_cursor,
                                         this, SLOT (contextmenu_doc (bool)));
                context_menu->addAction (tr ("Edit") + ' ' + m_word_at_cursor,
                                         this, SLOT (contextmenu_edit (bool)));
#if defined (HAVE_QSCI_VERSION_2_6_0)
        // remove all standard actions from scintilla
        QList<QAction *> all_actions = context_menu->actions ();

        for (auto *a : all_actions)
          context_menu->removeAction (a);

        QAction *act
          = context_menu->addAction (tr ("dbstop if ..."), this,
                                     SLOT (contextmenu_break_condition (bool)));
        act->setData (local_pos);

    // finally show the menu
    context_menu->exec (global_pos);

  // common function with flag for documentation
  void octave_qscintilla::contextmenu_help_doc (bool documentation)
    if (documentation)
      emit show_doc_signal (m_word_at_cursor);
      emit execute_command_in_terminal_signal ("help " + m_word_at_cursor);

  // call edit the function related to the current word
  void octave_qscintilla::context_edit (void)
    if (get_actual_word ())
      contextmenu_edit (true);

  // call edit the function related to the current word
  void octave_qscintilla::context_run (void)
    if (hasSelectedText ())
        contextmenu_run (true);

        emit interpreter_event
          ([] (interpreter&)
            { command_editor::erase_empty_line (false); });

  void octave_qscintilla::get_global_textcursor_pos (QPoint *global_pos,
                                                     QPoint *local_pos)
    long position = SendScintilla (SCI_GETCURRENTPOS);
    long point_x  = SendScintilla (SCI_POINTXFROMPOSITION,0,position);
    long point_y  = SendScintilla (SCI_POINTYFROMPOSITION,0,position);
    *local_pos = QPoint (point_x,point_y);  // local cursor position
    *global_pos = mapToGlobal (*local_pos); // global position of cursor

  // determine the actual word and whether we are in an octave or matlab script
  bool octave_qscintilla::get_actual_word (void)
    QPoint global_pos, local_pos;
    get_global_textcursor_pos (&global_pos, &local_pos);
    m_word_at_cursor = wordAtPoint (local_pos);
    QString lexer_name = lexer ()->lexer ();
    return ((lexer_name == "octave" || lexer_name == "matlab")
            && ! m_word_at_cursor.isEmpty ());

  // helper function for clearing all indicators of a specific style
  void octave_qscintilla::clear_selection_markers (void)
    int end_pos = text ().length ();
    int end_line, end_col;
    lineIndexFromPosition (end_pos, &end_line, &end_col);
    clearIndicatorRange (0, 0, end_line, end_col, m_indicator_id);

    markerDeleteAll (marker::selection);

  // Function returning the true cursor position where the tab length
  // is taken into account.
  void octave_qscintilla::get_current_position (int *pos, int *line, int *col)
    *pos = SendScintilla (QsciScintillaBase::SCI_GETCURRENTPOS);
    *line = SendScintilla (QsciScintillaBase::SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, *pos);
    *col = SendScintilla (QsciScintillaBase::SCI_GETCOLUMN, *pos);

  // Function returning the comment string of the current lexer
  QStringList octave_qscintilla::comment_string (bool comment)
    int lexer = SendScintilla (SCI_GETLEXER);

    switch (lexer)
#if defined (HAVE_LEXER_OCTAVE) || defined (HAVE_LEXER_MATLAB)
#if defined (HAVE_LEXER_OCTAVE)
      case SCLEX_OCTAVE:
      case SCLEX_MATLAB:
          resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
          gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
          int comment_string;

          if (comment)
              // The commenting string is requested
              if (settings->contains (ed_comment_str.key))
                // new version (radio buttons)
                comment_string = settings->value (ed_comment_str).toInt ();
                // old version (combo box)
                comment_string = settings->value (ed_comment_str_old.key,
                                                  ed_comment_str.def).toInt ();

              return (QStringList ( (comment_string)));
              QStringList c_str;

              // The possible uncommenting string(s) are requested
              comment_string = settings->value (ed_uncomment_str).toInt ();

              for (int i = 0; i < ed_comment_strings_count; i++)
                  if (1 << i & comment_string)
                    c_str.append ( (i));

              return c_str;


      case SCLEX_PERL:
      case SCLEX_BASH:
      case SCLEX_DIFF:
        return QStringList ("#");

      case SCLEX_CPP:
        return QStringList ("//");

      case SCLEX_BATCH:
        return QStringList ("REM ");

    return QStringList ("%");  // should never happen

  // provide the style at a specific position
  int octave_qscintilla::get_style (int pos)
    int position;
    if (pos < 0)
      // The positition has to be reduced by 2 for getting the real style (?)
      position = SendScintilla (QsciScintillaBase::SCI_GETCURRENTPOS) - 2;
      position = pos;

    return SendScintilla (QsciScintillaBase::SCI_GETSTYLEAT, position);

  // Is a specific cursor position in a line or block comment?
  int octave_qscintilla::is_style_comment (int pos)
    int lexer = SendScintilla (QsciScintillaBase::SCI_GETLEXER);
    int style = get_style (pos);

    switch (lexer)
      case SCLEX_CPP:
        return (ST_LINE_COMMENT * (style == QsciLexerCPP::CommentLine
                                   || style == QsciLexerCPP::CommentLineDoc)
                + ST_BLOCK_COMMENT * (style == QsciLexerCPP::Comment
                                      || style == QsciLexerCPP::CommentDoc
                                      || style == QsciLexerCPP::CommentDocKeyword
                                      || style == QsciLexerCPP::CommentDocKeywordError));

#if defined (HAVE_LEXER_MATLAB)
      case SCLEX_MATLAB:
        return (ST_LINE_COMMENT * (style == QsciLexerMatlab::Comment));
#if  defined (HAVE_LEXER_OCTAVE)
      case SCLEX_OCTAVE:
        return (ST_LINE_COMMENT * (style == QsciLexerOctave::Comment));

      case SCLEX_PERL:
        return (ST_LINE_COMMENT * (style == QsciLexerPerl::Comment));

      case SCLEX_BATCH:
        return (ST_LINE_COMMENT * (style == QsciLexerBatch::Comment));

      case SCLEX_DIFF:
        return (ST_LINE_COMMENT * (style == QsciLexerDiff::Comment));

      case SCLEX_BASH:
        return (ST_LINE_COMMENT * (style == QsciLexerBash::Comment));


    return ST_NONE;

  // Do smart indentation after if, for, ...
  void octave_qscintilla::smart_indent (bool do_smart_indent, int do_auto_close,
                                        int line, int ind_char_width)
    QString prevline = text (line);

    QRegExp bkey = QRegExp ("^[\t ]*(if|for|while|switch"
                            "[\r]?[\n\t #%]");
    // last word except for comments, assuming no ' or " in comment.
    // rx_end = QRegExp ("(\\w+)[ \t;\r\n]*([%#][^\"']*)?$");

    // last word except for comments,
    // allowing % and # in single or double quoted strings
    // FIXME: This will get confused by transpose.
    QRegExp ekey = QRegExp ("(?:(?:['\"][^'\"]*['\"])?[^%#]*)*"
                            "(\\w+)[ \t;\r\n]*(?:[%#].*)?$");

    int bpos = bkey.indexIn (prevline, 0);
    int epos;

    if (bpos > -1)
        // Found keyword after that indentation should be added

        // Check for existing end statement in the same line
        epos = ekey.indexIn (prevline, bpos);
        QString first_word = bkey.cap(1);
        bool inline_end = (epos > -1) && is_end (ekey.cap(1), first_word);

        if (do_smart_indent && ! inline_end)
            // Do smart indent in the current line (line+1)
            indent (line+1);
            setCursorPosition (line+1, indentation (line+1) / ind_char_width);

        if (do_auto_close
            && ! inline_end
            && ! first_word.contains (QRegExp ("(?:case|otherwise|unwind_protect_cleanup)")))
            // Do auto close
            auto_close (do_auto_close, line, prevline, first_word);


    QRegExp mkey = QRegExp ("^[\t ]*(?:else|elseif|catch|unwind_protect_cleanup)"
                            "[\r]?[\t #%\n]");
    if (prevline.contains (mkey))
        int prev_ind = indentation (line-1);
        int act_ind = indentation (line);

        if (prev_ind == act_ind)
          unindent (line);
        else if (prev_ind > act_ind)
            setIndentation (line+1, prev_ind);
            setCursorPosition (line+1, prev_ind);

    QRegExp case_key = QRegExp ("^[\t ]*(?:case|otherwise)[\r]?[\t #%\n]");
    if (prevline.contains (case_key) && do_smart_indent)
        QString last_line = text (line-1);
        int act_ind = indentation (line);

        if (last_line.contains ("switch"))
            indent (line+1);
            act_ind = indentation (line+1);
          unindent (line);

        setIndentation (line+1, act_ind);
        setCursorPosition (line+1, act_ind);

    ekey = QRegExp ("^[\t ]*(?:end|endif|endfor|endwhile|until|endfunction"
                    "|end_try_catch|end_unwind_protect)[\r]?[\t #%\n(;]");
    if (prevline.contains (ekey))
        if (indentation (line-1) <= indentation (line))
            unindent (line+1);
            unindent (line);
            setCursorPosition (line+1,
                               indentation (line));

  // Do smart indentation of current selection or line.
  void octave_qscintilla::smart_indent_line_or_selected_text (int lineFrom,
                                                              int lineTo)
    QRegExp blank_line_regexp = QRegExp ("^[\t ]*$");

    // end[xxxxx] [# comment] at end of a line
    QRegExp end_word_regexp
      = QRegExp ("(?:(?:['\"][^'\"]*['\"])?[^%#]*)*"
                 "(?:end\\w*)[\r\n\t ;]*(?:[%#].*)?$");

    QRegExp begin_block_regexp
      = QRegExp ("^[\t ]*(?:if|elseif|else"
                 "[\r\n\t #%]");

    QRegExp mid_block_regexp
      = QRegExp ("^[\t ]*(?:elseif|else"
                 "[\r\n\t #%]");

    QRegExp end_block_regexp
      = QRegExp ("^[\t ]*(?:end"
                 "[\r\n\t #%]");

    QRegExp case_block_regexp
      = QRegExp ("^[\t ]*(?:case|otherwise)"
                 "[\r\n\t #%]");

    int indent_column = -1;
    int indent_increment = indentationWidth ();
    bool in_switch = false;

    for (int line = lineFrom-1; line >= 0; line--)
        QString line_text = text (line);

        if (blank_line_regexp.indexIn (line_text) < 0)
            // Found first non-blank line above beginning of region or
            // current line.  Base indentation from this line, increasing
            // indentation by indentationWidth if it looks like the
            // beginning of a code block.

            indent_column = indentation (line);

            if (begin_block_regexp.indexIn (line_text) > -1)
                indent_column += indent_increment;
                if (line_text.contains ("switch"))
                  in_switch = true;


    if (indent_column < 0)
      indent_column = indentation (lineFrom);

    QString prev_line;
    for (int line = lineFrom; line <= lineTo; line++)
        QString line_text = text (line);

        if (end_block_regexp.indexIn (line_text) > -1)
            indent_column -= indent_increment;
            if (line_text.contains ("endswitch"))
                // need a double de-indent for endswitch
                if (in_switch)
                  indent_column -= indent_increment;
                in_switch = false;

        if (mid_block_regexp.indexIn (line_text) > -1)
          indent_column -= indent_increment;

        if (case_block_regexp.indexIn (line_text) > -1)
            if (case_block_regexp.indexIn (prev_line) < 0
                && !prev_line.contains("switch"))
              indent_column -= indent_increment;
            in_switch = true;

        setIndentation (line, indent_column);

        int bpos = begin_block_regexp.indexIn (line_text);
        if (bpos > -1)
            // Check for existing end statement in the same line
            int epos = end_word_regexp.indexIn (line_text, bpos);
            if (epos == -1)
              indent_column += indent_increment;
            if (line_text.contains ("switch"))
              in_switch = true;

        if (blank_line_regexp.indexIn (line_text) < 0)
          prev_line = line_text;

  void octave_qscintilla::set_word_selection (const QString& word)
    m_selection = word;

    if (word.isEmpty ())
        m_selection_line = -1;
        m_selection_col = -1;

        m_selection_replacement = "";

        clear_selection_markers ();

        QToolTip::hideText ();
        int pos;
        get_current_position (&pos, &m_selection_line, &m_selection_col);

  void octave_qscintilla::show_selection_markers (int l1, int c1, int l2, int c2)
    fillIndicatorRange (l1, c1, l2, c2, m_indicator_id);

    if (l1 == l2)
      markerAdd (l1, marker::selection);

  void octave_qscintilla::contextmenu_help (bool)
    contextmenu_help_doc (false);

  void octave_qscintilla::contextmenu_doc (bool)
    contextmenu_help_doc (true);

  void octave_qscintilla::context_help_doc (bool documentation)
    if (get_actual_word ())
      contextmenu_help_doc (documentation);

  void octave_qscintilla::contextmenu_edit (bool)
    emit context_menu_edit_signal (m_word_at_cursor);

  void octave_qscintilla::contextmenu_run_temp_error (void)
    QMessageBox::critical (this, tr ("Octave Editor"),
                           tr ("Creating temporary files failed.\n"
                               "Make sure you have write access to temp. directory\n"
                               "\"Run Selection\" requires temporary files.").arg (QDir::tempPath ()));

  void octave_qscintilla::contextmenu_run (bool)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();

    // Take selected code and extend it by commands for echoing each
    // evaluated line and for adding the line to the history (use script)
    QString code = QString ();
    QString hist = QString ();

    // Split contents into single lines and complete commands
    QStringList lines = selectedText ().split (QRegExp ("[\r\n]"),
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.count (); i++)
        QString line = (i);
        if (line.trimmed ().isEmpty ())
        QString line_escaped = line;
        line_escaped.replace (QString ("'"), QString ("''"));
        QString line_history = line;

        // Prevent output of breakpoint in temp. file for keyboard
        QString next_bp_quiet;
        QString next_bp_quiet_reset;
        if (line.contains ("keyboard"))
            // Define commands for not showing bp location and for resetting
            // this in case "keyboard" was within a comment
            next_bp_quiet = "__db_next_breakpoint_quiet__;\n";
            next_bp_quiet_reset = "__db_next_breakpoint_quiet__(false);\n";

        // Add codeline
        code += next_bp_quiet + line + next_bp_quiet_reset + "\n";
        hist += line_history + "\n";

    octave_stdout << hist.toStdString () << "\n";

    // Create tmp file with the code to be executed by the interpreter
    QPointer<QTemporaryFile> tmp_file
      = rmgr.create_tmp_file ("m", code);

    bool tmp = (tmp_file && tmp_file->open ());
    if (! tmp)
        // tmp files not working: use old way to run selection
        contextmenu_run_temp_error ();

    tmp_file->close ();

    // Create tmp file required for adding command to history
    QPointer<QTemporaryFile> tmp_hist
      = rmgr.create_tmp_file ("", hist); // empty tmp file for history

    tmp = (tmp_hist && tmp_hist->open ());
    if (! tmp)
        // tmp files not working: use old way to run selection
        contextmenu_run_temp_error ();

    tmp_hist->close ();

    // Disable opening a file at a breakpoint in case keyboard () is used
    gui_settings* settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    bool show_dbg_file = settings->value (ed_show_dbg_file).toBool ();
    settings->setValue (ed_show_dbg_file.key, false);

    emit focus_console_after_command_signal ();

    // Let the interpreter execute the tmp file
    emit interpreter_event
      ([this, tmp_file, tmp_hist, show_dbg_file] (interpreter& interp)

         std::string file = tmp_file->fileName ().toStdString ();

         std::string pending_input = command_editor::get_current_line ();

         int err_line = -1;   // For storing the line of a poss. error

             // Do the job
             interp.source_file (file);
         catch (const execution_exception& e)
             // Catch errors otherwise the rest of the interpreter
             // will not be executed (cleaning up).

             // New error message and error stack
             QString new_msg = QString::fromStdString (e.message ());
             std::list<frame_info> stack = e.stack_info ();

             // Remove line and column from first line of error message only
             // if it is related to the tmp itself, i.e. only if the
             // the error stack size is 0 or 1
             if (stack.size () < 2)
                 QRegExp rx ("source: error sourcing file [^\n]*$");
                 if (new_msg.contains (rx))
                     // Selected code has syntax errors
                     new_msg.replace (rx, "error sourcing selected code");
                     err_line = 0;  // Nothing into history
                     // Normal error, detect line and remove file
                     // name from message
                     QStringList rx_list;
                     rx_list << "near line (\\d+),[^\n]*\n";
                     rx_list << "near line (\\d+),[^\n]*$";

                     QStringList replace_list;
                     replace_list << "\n";
                     replace_list << "";

                     for (int i = 0; i < rx_list.length (); i++)
                         int pos = 0;
                         QRegExp rx ( (i));
                         pos = rx.indexIn (new_msg, pos);
                         if (pos != -1)
                             err_line = rx.cap (1).toInt ();
                             new_msg = new_msg.replace (rx, (i));

             // Drop first stack level, i.e. temporary function file
             if (stack.size () > 0)
               stack.pop_back ();

             // Clean up before throwing the modified error.
             emit ctx_menu_run_finished_signal (show_dbg_file, err_line,
                                                tmp_file, tmp_hist);

             // New exception with updated message and stack
             octave::execution_exception ee (e.err_type (),e.identifier (),
                                             new_msg.toStdString (), stack);

             // Throw
             throw (ee);

         // Clean up
         emit ctx_menu_run_finished_signal (show_dbg_file, err_line,
                                            tmp_file, tmp_hist);

         command_editor::erase_empty_line (true);
         command_editor::replace_line ("");
         command_editor::set_initial_input (pending_input);
         command_editor::redisplay ();
         command_editor::interrupt_event_loop ();
         command_editor::accept_line ();
         command_editor::erase_empty_line (true);

  void octave_qscintilla::ctx_menu_run_finished (bool show_dbg_file, int err_line,
                                                 QTemporaryFile* tmp_file,
                                                 QTemporaryFile* tmp_hist)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([tmp_file, tmp_hist, err_line] (interpreter& interp)

          std::string opt = "-r";
          std::string  path;

          if (err_line != -1)
              tmp_file->open ();
              tmp_hist->open ();
              for (int i = 1; i <= err_line; i++)
                  QByteArray line = tmp_hist->readLine ();
                  tmp_file->write (line);
              tmp_file->close ();
              tmp_hist->close ();
              path = tmp_file->fileName ().toStdString ();
            path = tmp_hist->fileName ().toStdString ();

          Fhistory (interp, ovl (opt, path));

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    settings->setValue (ed_show_dbg_file.key, show_dbg_file);
    rmgr.remove_tmp_file (tmp_file);
    rmgr.remove_tmp_file (tmp_hist);
    //rmgr.remove_tmp_file (tmp_script);

  // wrappers for dbstop related context menu items

  // FIXME: Why can't the data be sent as the argument to the function???
  void octave_qscintilla::contextmenu_break_condition (bool)
#if defined (HAVE_QSCI_VERSION_2_6_0)
    QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender ());
    QPoint local_pos = action->data ().value<QPoint> ();

    // pick point just right of margins, so lineAt doesn't give -1
    int margins = marginWidth (1) + marginWidth (2) + marginWidth (3);
    local_pos = QPoint (margins + 1, local_pos.y ());

    emit context_menu_break_condition_signal (lineAt (local_pos));

  void octave_qscintilla::contextmenu_break_once (const QPoint& local_pos)
#if defined (HAVE_QSCI_VERSION_2_6_0)
    emit context_menu_break_once (lineAt (local_pos));

  void octave_qscintilla::text_changed (void)
    emit status_update (isUndoAvailable (), isRedoAvailable ());

  void octave_qscintilla::cursor_position_changed (int line, int col)
    // Clear the selection if we move away from it.  We have to check the
    // position, because we allow entering text at the point of the
    // selection to trigger a search and replace that does not clear the
    // selection until it is complete.

    if (! m_selection.isEmpty ()
        && (line != m_selection_line || col != m_selection_col))
      set_word_selection ();

  // when edit area gets focus update information on undo/redo actions
  void octave_qscintilla::focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *focusEvent)
    emit status_update (isUndoAvailable (), isRedoAvailable ());

    QsciScintilla::focusInEvent (focusEvent);

  void octave_qscintilla::show_replace_action_tooltip (void)
    int pos;
    get_current_position (&pos, &m_selection_line, &m_selection_col);

    // Offer to replace other instances.

    QKeySequence keyseq = Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Return;

    QString msg = (tr ("Press '%1' to replace all occurrences of '%2' with '%3'.")
                   . arg (keyseq.toString ())
                   . arg (m_selection)
                   . arg (m_selection_replacement));

    QPoint global_pos;
    QPoint local_pos;

    get_global_textcursor_pos (&global_pos, &local_pos);

    QFontMetrics ttfm (QToolTip::font ());

    // Try to avoid overlapping with the text completion dialog
    // and the text that is currently being edited.

    global_pos += QPoint (2*ttfm.maxWidth (), -3*ttfm.height ());

    QToolTip::showText (global_pos, msg);

  void octave_qscintilla::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *key_event)
    if (m_selection.isEmpty ())
      QsciScintilla::keyPressEvent (key_event);
        int key = key_event->key ();
        Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = key_event->modifiers ();

        if (key == Qt::Key_Return && modifiers == Qt::ShiftModifier)
            // get the resulting cursor position
            // (required if click was beyond a line ending)
            int pos, line, col;
            get_current_position (&pos, &line, &col);

            // remember first visible line for restoring the view afterwards
            int first_line = firstVisibleLine ();

            // search for first occurrence of the detected word
            bool find_result_available
              = findFirst (m_selection,
                           false,   // no regexp
                           true,    // case sensitive
                           true,    // whole words only
                           false,   // do not wrap
                           true,    // forward
                           0, 0,    // from the beginning
#if defined (HAVE_QSCI_VERSION_2_6_0)
                           , true

            while (find_result_available)
                replace (m_selection_replacement);

                // FIXME: is this the right thing to do?  findNext doesn't
                // work properly if the length of the replacement text is
                // different from the original.

                int new_line, new_col;
                get_current_position (&pos, &new_line, &new_col);

                  = findFirst (m_selection,
                               false,   // no regexp
                               true,    // case sensitive
                               true,    // whole words only
                               false,   // do not wrap
                               true,    // forward
                               new_line, new_col,    // from new pos
#if defined (HAVE_QSCI_VERSION_2_6_0)
                               , true

            // restore the visible area of the file, the cursor position,
            // and the selection
            setFirstVisibleLine (first_line);
            setCursorPosition (line, col);

            // Clear the selection.
            set_word_selection ();
            // The idea here is to allow backspace to remove the last
            // character of the replacement text to allow minimal editing
            // and to also end the selection replacement action if text is
            // not valid as a word constituent (control characters,
            // etc.).  Is there a better way than having special cases for
            // DEL and ESC here?

            QString text = key_event->text ();

            bool cancel_replacement = false;

            if (key == Qt::Key_Backspace)
                if (m_selection_replacement.isEmpty ())
                  cancel_replacement = true;
                  m_selection_replacement.chop (1);
            else if (key == Qt::Key_Delete || key == Qt::Key_Escape)
              cancel_replacement = true;
            else if (! text.isEmpty ())
              m_selection_replacement += text;
            else if (modifiers != Qt::ShiftModifier)
              cancel_replacement = true;

            // Perform default action.

            QsciScintilla::keyPressEvent (key_event);

            if (cancel_replacement)
              set_word_selection ();

            if (! m_selection_replacement.isEmpty ())
              show_replace_action_tooltip ();

  void octave_qscintilla::auto_close (int auto_endif, int linenr,
                                      const QString& line, QString& first_word)
    // Insert an "end" for an "if" etc., if needed.
    // (Use of "while" allows "return" to skip the rest.
    // It may be clearer to use "if" and "goto",
    // but that violates the coding standards.)

    bool autofill_simple_end = (auto_endif == 2);

    size_t start = line.toStdString ().find_first_not_of (" \t");

    // Check if following line has the same or less indentation
    // Check if the following line does not start with
    //       end* (until) (catch)
    if (linenr < lines () - 1)
        int offset = 2;     // linenr is the old line, thus, linnr+1 is the
                            // new one and can not be taken into account
        size_t next_start;
        QString next_line;

        do                            // find next non-blank line
            next_line = text (linenr + offset++);
            next_start = next_line.toStdString ().find_first_not_of (" \t\n");
        while (linenr + offset < lines ()
               && next_start == std::string::npos);

        if (next_start == std::string::npos)
          next_start = 0;
        if (start == 0 && next_start == 0)
          return;                     // bug #56160, don't add at 0
        if (next_start > start)       // more indented => don't add "end"
        if (next_start == start)      // same => check if already is "end"
            QRegExp rx_start = QRegExp (R"((\w+))");
            int tmp = rx_start.indexIn (next_line, start);
            if (tmp != -1 && is_end (rx_start.cap(1), first_word))

    // If all of the above, insert a new line, with matching indent
    // and either 'end' or 'end...', depending on a flag.

    // If we insert directly after the last line, the "end" is autoindented,
    // so add a dummy line.
    if (linenr + 2 == lines ())
      insertAt (QString ("\n"), linenr + 2, 0);

    // For try/catch/end, fill "end" first, so "catch" is top of undo stack
    if (first_word == "try")
      insertAt (QString (start, ' ')
                + (autofill_simple_end ? "end\n" : "end_try_catch\n"),
                linenr + 2, 0);
    else if (first_word == "unwind_protect")
      insertAt (QString (start, ' ')
                + (autofill_simple_end ? "end\n" : "end_unwind_protect\n"),
                linenr + 2, 0);

    QString next_line;
    if (first_word == "do")
      next_line = "until\n";
    else if (first_word == "try")
      next_line = "catch\n";
    else if (first_word == "unwind_protect")
      next_line = "unwind_protect_cleanup\n";
    else if (autofill_simple_end)
      next_line = "end\n";
        if (first_word == "unwind_protect")
          first_word = '_' + first_word;
        next_line = "end" + first_word + "\n";

    //insertAt (QString (start, ' ') + next_line, linenr + 2, 0);
    insertAt (next_line, linenr + 2, 0);
    setIndentation (linenr + 2, indentation (linenr));

  void octave_qscintilla::dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent *e)
    // if is not dragging a url, pass to qscintilla to handle,
    // otherwise ignore it so that it will be handled by
    // the parent
    if (!e->mimeData ()->hasUrls ())
        QsciScintilla::dragEnterEvent (e);
