view doc/interpreter/ @ 28222:1f07b80db239

doc: Add new contributor to list in manual. * Add Abdallah K. Elshamy to list of contributors.
author Markus Mützel <>
date Wed, 15 Apr 2020 20:53:23 +0200
parents 466e61c5fb4b
children ab6d276f6fcb
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# File    :
# Purpose : Transform Octave HTML documentation into intermediate formats
#           for Qt Help Project (.qhp) and Qt Help Collection Project (.qhcp).
# Usage   : input_htmldir output_filename
use warnings;              # report warnings for questionable run-time code
use strict qw(refs subs);  # check at compile-time for bad programming style
use File::Basename;        # For splitting paths between dir and file
use File::Spec;            # For combining dirs and filenames into paths

# Extract command line arguments
if ($#ARGV != 1)
{ die "USAGE: $0 input_htmldir output_filename"; }

$htmldir = basename ($ARGV[0]);
$basedir = File::Spec->rel2abs (dirname ($ARGV[1]));
$fname   = File::Spec->catfile ($basedir, basename ($ARGV[1]));

# Parse index.html to retrieve the table of contents
$htmlfname = File::Spec->catfile ($basedir, $htmldir, "index.html");
open (my $HTML, "<", $htmlfname) or die "Unable to open $htmlfname";

# Skip through preamble of file to find start of list
while (($_ = <$HTML>) !~ /^<div class="contents">/ ) {;}
while (($_ = <$HTML>) !~ /^<ul class="no-bullet">/ ) {;}

$level = 0;
while (<$HTML>)
  if (/^\s*<li>/)
    ($href, $text) = m|href="([^"]*)"[^<>]*>(.*)</a>|;
    # Sanitize text
    $text =~ s/<[^>]*>//g;         # remove xml-looking blocks like <code>
    $text =~ s/&rsquo;/&#8217;/g;  # Code for apostrophe

    push (@toc, { "href" => $href, "text" => $text,
                  "level" => $level, "sectionstart" => 0 });
  elsif (/^\s+<ul /)
    # Get last node and amend it to have a section start
    %node = %{ $toc[-1] };
    $node{sectionstart} = 1;
    $toc[-1] = { %node };
  elsif (m|^\s+</ul>|)
  {  $level--; }
  elsif (m|^</ul>$|)
  {  last;  }
  {  die "error:unrecognized input:$htmlfname:$.:$_"; }

close ($HTML);

die "Failed to parse index.html" if ($level != 0);

# Parse Function-Index.html to retrieve the function reference
$htmlfname = File::Spec->catfile ($basedir, $htmldir, "Function-Index.html");
open ($HTML, "<", $htmlfname) or die "Unable to open $htmlfname";

# Skip through preamble of file to find start of list
while (($_ = <$HTML>) !~ /^<table class="index-fn/ ) {;}

while (<$HTML>)
  if (m|<a href="([^"]*)"><code>(.*)</code>|)
    $href = $1, $name = $2;
    # Keep only the first link for each entry
    if (! $kword{$name})
    { $kword{$name} = $href; }
  elsif (m|^</table>$|)
  { last; }

close ($HTML);

die "Failed to parse Function-Index.html" if (! m|^</table>$|);

# Prepare Qt Help Project document (.qhp file)
open (my $FH, ">", "$fname.qhp") or die "Unable to open $fname.qhcp";

$htmlfname = File::Spec->catfile ($htmldir, "index.html");

# Add header to file
print $FH <<__EOT1__;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--DO NOT EDIT!  Generated automatically by $0-->
<QtHelpProject version="1.0">
  <customFilter name="Octave Manual">
  <customFilter name="Octave C++ API">
      <section title="GNU Octave Manual" ref="$htmlfname">

# Print out an XML block for each TOC section
$level = 0;
$indent = 4;
foreach $hashref (@toc)
  %node = %{$hashref};
  while ($node{level} < $level)
    # Unindent and close section
    print $FH "  " x ($indent + $level);
    print $FH "</section>\n";
  $level = $node{level};

  print $FH "  " x ($indent + $node{level});
  print $FH qq|<section title="$node{text}" |;
  print $FH qq|ref="|, File::Spec->catfile ($htmldir, $node{href});
  print $FH ($node{sectionstart} ? qq|">\n| : qq|"/>\n|);

# Spacer between TOC and Keywords
print $FH <<__EOT2__;

# Print out sorted keywords
foreach $kw (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} (keys (%kword)))
  print $FH qq|      <keyword name="$kw" id="$kw" |;
  print $FH qq|ref="|, File::Spec->catfile ($htmldir, $kword{$kw}), qq|"/>\n|;

# Footer of file
$htmlfiles = File::Spec->catfile ($htmldir, "*.html");
$pngfiles = File::Spec->catfile ($htmldir, "*.png");
$cssfiles = File::Spec->catfile ($htmldir, "*.css");
print $FH <<__EOT3__;

close ($FH);

# Prepare Qt Help Collection Project document (.qhcp file)
open ($FH, ">", "$fname.qhcp") or die "Unable to open $fname.qhcp";

$qhpfile = basename ($fname) . ".qhp";
$qchfile = basename ($fname) . ".qch";

# This is the entire file
print $FH <<__EOT4__;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by $0-->
<QHelpCollectionProject version="1.0">