view scripts/sparse/svds.m @ 28240:2fb684dc2ec2

axis.m: Implement "fill" option for Matlab compatibility. * axis.m: Document that "fill" is a synonym for "normal". Place "vis3d" option in documentation table for modes which affect aspect ratio. Add strcmpi (opt, "fill") to decode opt and executed the same behavior as "normal".
author Rik <>
date Fri, 24 Apr 2020 13:16:09 -0700
parents bd51beb6205e
children 28de41192f3c 0a5b15007766
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2006-2020 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {@var{s} =} svds (@var{A})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{s} =} svds (@var{A}, @var{k})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{s} =} svds (@var{A}, @var{k}, @var{sigma})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{s} =} svds (@var{A}, @var{k}, @var{sigma}, @var{opts})
## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{u}, @var{s}, @var{v}] =} svds (@dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{u}, @var{s}, @var{v}, @var{flag}] =} svds (@dots{})
## Find a few singular values of the matrix @var{A}.
## The singular values are calculated using
## @example
## @group
## [@var{m}, @var{n}] = size (@var{A});
## @var{s} = eigs ([sparse(@var{m}, @var{m}), @var{A};
##                      @var{A}', sparse(@var{n}, @var{n})])
## @end group
## @end example
## The eigenvalues returned by @code{eigs} correspond to the singular values
## of @var{A}.  The number of singular values to calculate is given by @var{k}
## and defaults to 6.
## The argument @var{sigma} specifies which singular values to find.  When
## @var{sigma} is the string @qcode{'L'}, the default, the largest singular
## values of @var{A} are found.  Otherwise, @var{sigma} must be a real scalar
## and the singular values closest to @var{sigma} are found.  As a corollary,
## @code{@var{sigma} = 0} finds the smallest singular values.  Note that for
## relatively small values of @var{sigma}, there is a chance that the
## requested number of singular values will not be found.  In that case
## @var{sigma} should be increased.
## @var{opts} is a structure defining options that @code{svds} will pass
## to @code{eigs}.  The possible fields of this structure are documented in
## @code{eigs}.  By default, @code{svds} sets the following three fields:
## @table @code
## @item tol
## The required convergence tolerance for the singular values.  The default
## value is 1e-10.  @code{eigs} is passed @code{@var{tol} / sqrt (2)}.
## @item maxit
## The maximum number of iterations.  The default is 300.
## @item disp
## The level of diagnostic printout (0|1|2).  If @code{disp} is 0 then
## diagnostics are disabled.  The default value is 0.
## @end table
## If more than one output is requested then @code{svds} will return an
## approximation of the singular value decomposition of @var{A}
## @example
## @var{A}_approx = @var{u}*@var{s}*@var{v}'
## @end example
## @noindent
## where @var{A}_approx is a matrix of size @var{A} but only rank @var{k}.
## @var{flag} returns 0 if the algorithm has successfully converged, and 1
## otherwise.  The test for convergence is
## @example
## @group
## norm (@var{A}*@var{v} - @var{u}*@var{s}, 1) <= @var{tol} * norm (@var{A}, 1)
## @end group
## @end example
## @code{svds} is best for finding only a few singular values from a large
## sparse matrix.  Otherwise, @code{svd (full (@var{A}))} will likely be more
## efficient.
## @seealso{svd, eigs}
## @end deftypefn

function [u, s, v, flag] = svds (A, k, sigma, opts)

  persistent root2 = sqrt (2);

  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 4)
    print_usage ();

  if (ndims (A) > 2)
    error ("svds: A must be a 2-D matrix");

  if (nargin < 4)
    opts.tol = 0;    # use ARPACK default
    opts.disp = 0;
    opts.maxit = 300;
    if (! isstruct (opts))
      error ("svds: OPTS must be a structure");
    if (! isfield (opts, "tol"))
      opts.tol = 0;  # use ARPACK default
      opts.tol = opts.tol / root2;
    if (isfield (opts, "v0"))
      if (! isvector (opts.v0) || (length (opts.v0) != sum (size (A))))
        error ("svds: OPTS.v0 must be a vector with rows (A) + columns (A) entries");

  if (nargin < 3 || strcmp (sigma, "L"))
    if (isreal (A))
      sigma = "LA";
      sigma = "LR";
  elseif (isscalar (sigma) && isnumeric (sigma) && isreal (sigma))
    if (sigma < 0)
      error ("svds: SIGMA must be a positive real value");
    error ("svds: SIGMA must be a positive real value or the string 'L'");

  [m, n] = size (A);
  max_a = max (abs (nonzeros (A)));
  if (isempty (max_a))
    max_a = 0;
  ## Must initialize variable value, otherwise it may appear to interpreter
  ## that code is trying to call flag() colormap function.
  flag = 0;

  if (max_a == 0)
    s = zeros (k, 1);  # special case of zero matrix
    if (nargin < 2)
      k = min ([6, m, n]);
      k = min ([k, m, n]);

    ## Scale everything by the 1-norm to make things more stable.
    b = A / max_a;
    b_opts = opts;
    ## Call to eigs is always a symmetric matrix by construction
    b_opts.issym = true;
    b_sigma = sigma;
    if (! ischar (b_sigma))
      b_sigma /= max_a;

    if (b_sigma == 0)
      ## Find the smallest eigenvalues
      ## The eigenvalues returns by eigs for sigma=0 are symmetric about 0.
      ## As we are only interested in the positive eigenvalues, we have to
      ## double k and then throw out the k negative eigenvalues.
      ## Separately, if sigma is nonzero, but smaller than the smallest
      ## singular value, ARPACK may not return k eigenvalues.  However, as
      ## computation scales with k we'd like to avoid doubling k for all
      ## scalar values of sigma.
      b_k = 2 * k;
      b_k = k;  # Normal case, find just the k largest eigenvalues

    if (nargout > 1)
      [V, s, flag] = eigs ([sparse(m,m), b; b', sparse(n,n)],
                           b_k, b_sigma, b_opts);
      s = diag (s);
      s = eigs ([sparse(m,m), b; b', sparse(n,n)], b_k, b_sigma, b_opts);

    if (ischar (sigma))
      norma = max (s);
      norma = normest (A);
    ## We wish to exclude all eigenvalues that are less than zero as these
    ## are artifacts of the way the matrix passed to eigs is formed.  There
    ## is also the possibility that the value of sigma chosen is exactly
    ## a singular value, and in that case we're dead!! So have to rely on
    ## the warning from eigs.  We exclude the singular values which are
    ## less than or equal to zero to within some tolerance scaled by the
    ## norm since if we don't we might end up with too many singular
    ## values.
    if (b_sigma == 0)
      if (sum (s>0) < k)
        ## It may happen that the number of positive s is less than k.
        ## In this case, take -s (if s in an eigenvalue, so is -s),
        ## flipped upside-down.
        s = flipud (-s);
    tol = norma * opts.tol;
    ind = find (s > tol);
    if (length (ind) < k)
      ## Too few eigenvalues returned.  Add in any zero eigenvalues of B,
      ## including the nominally negative ones.
      zind = find (abs (s) <= tol);
      p = min (length (zind), k - length (ind));
      ind = [ind; zind(1:p)];
    elseif (length (ind) > k)
      ## Too many eigenvalues returned.  Select according to criterion.
      if (b_sigma == 0)
        ind = ind(end+1-k:end); # smallest eigenvalues
        ind = ind(1:k);         # largest eigenvalues
    s = s(ind);

    if (length (s) < k)
      warning ("svds: returning fewer singular values than requested");
      if (! ischar (sigma))
        warning ("svds: try increasing the value of sigma");

    s *= max_a;

  if (nargout < 2)
    u = s;
    if (max_a == 0)
      u = eye (m, k);
      s = diag (s);
      v = eye (n, k);
      u = root2 * V(1:m,ind);
      s = diag (s);
      v = root2 * V(m+1:end,ind);

    if (nargout > 3)
      flag = (flag != 0);


%!shared n, k, A, u, s, v, opts, rand_state, randn_state, tol
%! n = 100;
%! k = 7;
%! A = sparse ([3:n,1:n,1:(n-2)],[1:(n-2),1:n,3:n],[ones(1,n-2),0.4*n*ones(1,n),ones(1,n-2)]);
%! [u,s,v] = svd (full (A));
%! s = diag (s);
%! [~, idx] = sort (abs (s));
%! s = s(idx);
%! u = u(:, idx);
%! v = v(:, idx);
%! rand_state = rand ("state");
%! rand ("state", 42);
%! opts.v0 = rand (2*n,1);  # Initialize eigs ARPACK starting vector
%!                          # to guarantee reproducible results

%!testif HAVE_ARPACK
%! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds (A,k);
%! s2 = diag (s2);
%! assert (flag, ! 1);
%! tol = 15 * eps * norm (s2, 1);
%! assert (s2, s(end:-1:end-k+1), tol);

%! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds (A,k,0,opts);
%! s2 = diag (s2);
%! assert (flag, ! 1);
%! tol = 15 * eps * norm (s2, 1);
%! assert (s2, s(k:-1:1), tol);

%! idx = floor (n/2);
%! % Don't put sigma right on a singular value or there are convergence issues
%! sigma = 0.99*s(idx) + 0.01*s(idx+1);
%! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds (A,k,sigma,opts);
%! s2 = diag (s2);
%! assert (flag, ! 1);
%! tol = 15 * eps * norm (s2, 1);
%! assert (s2, s((idx+floor (k/2)):-1:(idx-floor (k/2))), tol);

%!testif HAVE_ARPACK
%! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds (zeros (10), k);
%! assert (u2, eye (10, k));
%! assert (s2, zeros (k));
%! assert (v2, eye (10, 7));
%!testif HAVE_ARPACK
%! s = svds (speye (10));
%! assert (s, ones (6, 1), 8*eps);

%!testif HAVE_ARPACK <57185>
%! z = complex (ones (10), ones (10));
%! s = svds (z);
%! assert (isreal (s));

%! ## Restore random number generator seed at end of tests
%! rand ("state", rand_state);