view scripts/specfun/perms.m @ 31117:46e15523ca06

perms.m: Small cleanups for Octave coding conventions (bug #60364) * perms.m: Wrap long lines in documentation to < 80 characters. Change output in documentation example to match what Octave actually produces. Use true/false for boolean variable "unique_v" rather than 0/1. Cuddle parentheses when doing indexing and use a space when calling a function. Add FIXME notes requesting an explanation of the apparently complicated algorithm being used for permutations and unque permutations. Remove period at end of error() message text per Octave conventions. Change BIST input validation to more precisely check error() message.
author Rik <>
date Tue, 05 Jul 2022 08:57:15 -0700
parents 05729b0e39e4
children fd29c7a50a78
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2001-2022 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {@var{P} =} perms (@var{v})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{P} =} perms (@var{v}, "unique")
## Generate all permutations of vector @var{v} with one row per permutation.
## Results are returned in inverse lexicographic order.  The result has size
## @code{factorial (@var{n}) * @var{n}}, where @var{n} is the length of
## @var{v}.  Any repeated elements are included in the output.
## If the optional argument @qcode{"unique"} is given then only unique
## permutations are returned, using less memory and generally taking less time
## than calling @code{unique (perms (@var{v}), "rows")}.
## Example 1
## @example
## @group
## perms ([1, 2, 3])
## @result{}
##   3   2   1
##   3   1   2
##   2   3   1
##   2   1   3
##   1   3   2
##   1   2   3
## @end group
## @end example
## Example 2
## @example
## @group
## perms ([1, 1, 2, 2], "unique")
## @result{}
##   1   1   2   2
##   1   2   1   2
##   1   2   2   1
##   2   1   1   2
##   2   1   2   1
##   2   2   1   1
## @end group
## @end example
## Programming Note: If the @qcode{"unique"} option is not used, the length of
## @var{v} should be no more than 10-12 to limit memory consumption.  Even with
## @qcode{"unique"}, there should be no more than 10-12 unique elements in
## @var{v}.
## @seealso{permute, randperm, nchoosek}
## @end deftypefn

## FIXME: In principle it should be more efficient to do indexing using uint8
## type.  However, benchmarking shows doubles are faster.  If this changes in
## a later version of Octave the index variables here can be made uint8.

function P = perms (v, opt)

  if (nargin < 1)
    print_usage ();

  unique_v = false;
  if (nargin == 2)
    if (! strcmpi (opt, "unique"))
      error ('perms: option must be the string "unique"');
    unique_v = true;

  v = v(:).';  # convert to row vector
  if (isnumeric (v) || ischar (v))
    ## Order of output is only dependent on the actual values for
    ## character and numeric arrays.
    v = sort (v, "ascend");

  n = numel (v);
  if (n < 4)    # special cases for small n
    switch (n)
      case 0
        P = reshape (v, 1, 0);
      case 1
        P = v;
      case 2
        P = [v([2 1]);v];
      case 3
        P = v([3 2 1; 3 1 2; 2 3 1; 2 1 3; 1 3 2; 1 2 3]);
    if (unique_v)
      P = unique (P, "rows");

  elseif (! unique_v)
    ## FIXME: Brief explanation of the algorithm being used would be useful.
    v = v(end:-1:1);
    n-= 1;

    idx = zeros (factorial (n), n);
    idx(1:6, n-2:n) = [1, 2, 3;1, 3, 2;2, 1, 3;2, 3, 1;3, 1, 2;3, 2, 1]+(n-3);
    f = 2;    # jump-start for efficiency with medium n
    for j = 3:n-1
      b = 1:n;
      f *= j;
      perm = idx(1:f, n-(j-1):n);
      idx(1:(j+1)*f, n-j) = (n-j:n)(ones (f, 1),:)(:);
      for i = 0:j
        b(i+n-j) -= 1;
        idx((1:f)+i*f, n-(j-1):n) = b(perm);

    n += 1;
    f *= n-1;
    P = v(1)(ones (factorial (n), n));
    P(:,1) = v(ones (f, 1),:)(:);

    for i = 1:n
      b = v([1:i-1 i+1:n]);
      P((1:f)+(i-1)*f, 2:end) = b(idx);

  else  # unique permutations
    [v, ~, j] = unique (v);
    h = accumarray (j, 1)';
    idx = m_perms (h);
    P = v(sortrows (idx'));


function out_perms = m_perms (multis)
  ## FIXME: Brief explanation of the algorithm being used would be useful.

  l = numel (multis);
  if (l == 1)
    out_perms = uint8 (ones (multis, 1));
    p1 = m_perms (multis (1:floor (l/2)));
    p2 = m_perms (multis (floor (l/2+1):l)) + max (p1(:, 1));
    l1 = rows (p1);
    l2 = rows (p2);
    cp1 = columns (p1);
    cp2 = columns (p2);

    p = nchoosek (1:l1+l2, l1);
    rp = rows (p);

    ii = false (l1+l2, rp);
    ii(p + (0:rp - 1)' * (l1 + l2)) = true;
    out_perms = zeros (l1 + l2, cp1 * cp2 * rp, "uint8");
    out_perms(repmat ( ii, cp1 * cp2, 1)(:)) = repmat (p1, cp2, rp)(:);
    out_perms(repmat (!ii, cp1 * cp2, 1)(:)) = repmat (p2, 1, cp1 * rp)(:);


%!assert (rows (perms (1:6)), factorial (6))
%!assert (perms (pi), pi)
%!assert (perms ([pi, e]), [pi, e; e, pi])
%!assert (perms ([1,2,3]), [3,2,1;3,1,2;2,3,1;2,1,3;1,3,2;1,2,3])
%!assert (perms (1:5), perms ([2 5 4 1 3]'))
%!assert (perms ("abc"), char ("cba", "cab", "bca", "bac", "acb", "abc"))
%!assert (perms ("fobar"), sortrows (unique (perms ("fobar"), "rows"), -(1:5)))
%!assert (unique (perms (1:5)(:))', 1:5)
%!assert (perms (int8 (1:4)), int8 (perms (1:4)))

%!assert (sortrows (perms ("abb", "unique")), ["abb"; "bab"; "bba"]);
%!assert (size (perms ([1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3], "unique")), [1260 9])
%!assert (size (perms (int8([1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3]), "unique")), [27720 12])

## Should work for any array type, such as cells and structs,
## and not only for numeric data.

%!assert <*52431> (perms ({1}), {1})
%!assert <*52431> (perms ({0.1, "foo"}), {"foo", 0.1; 0.1, "foo"})
%!assert <*52431> (perms ({"foo", 0.1}), {0.1, "foo"; "foo", 0.1})
%!assert <*52431> (perms ({"foo"; 0.1}), {0.1, "foo"; "foo", 0.1})
%!assert <*52431> (perms ({0.1; "foo"}), {"foo", 0.1; 0.1, "foo"})
%!assert <*52431> (perms ({"foo", "bar"}), {"bar", "foo"; "foo", "bar"})
%!assert <*52431> (perms ({"bar", "foo"}), {"foo", "bar"; "bar", "foo"})
%!assert <*52431> (perms (struct ()), struct ())
%!assert <*52431> (perms (struct ("foo", {1, 2})),
%!                struct ("foo", {2, 1; 1, 2}))
%!assert <*52431> (perms (struct ("foo", {1, 2}, "bar", {3, 4})),
%!                struct ("foo", {2, 1; 1, 2}, "bar", {4, 3; 3, 4}))

## Also sort logical input with order dependent on the input order and
## not their values.

%!assert <*52431> (perms (logical ([1 0])), logical ([0 1;, 1 0]))
%!assert <*52431> (perms (logical ([0 1])), logical ([1 0; 0 1]))
%!assert <*52431> (perms (logical ([0 1 0])),
%!                logical ([0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 0 0; 1 0 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 0]))
%!assert <*52431> (perms (logical ([0 1 1])),
%!                logical ([1 1 0; 1 0 1; 1 1 0; 1 0 1; 0 1 1; 0 1 1]))

%!assert <*52432> (perms ([]), reshape ([], 1, 0))
%!assert <*52432> (perms (single ([])), reshape (single ([]), 1, 0))
%!assert <*52432> (perms (int8 ([])), reshape (int8 ([]), 1, 0))
%!assert <*52432> (perms ({}), cell (1, 0))

%!test <*52432>
%! s = struct ();
%! s(1) = [];
%! assert (perms (reshape (s, 0, 0)), reshape (s, 1, 0));
%! assert (perms (reshape (s, 0, 1)), reshape (s, 1, 0));

## Test input validation
%!error <Invalid call> perms ()
%!error <option must be the string "unique"> perms (1:5, "foobar")
%!error <option must be the string "unique"> perms (1:5, {"foo"})