view libgui/src/ @ 30920:47cbc69e66cd

eliminate direct access to call stack from evaluator The call stack is an internal implementation detail of the evaluator. Direct access to it outside of the evlauator should not be needed. * pt-eval.h (tree_evaluator::get_call_stack): Delete.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Fri, 08 Apr 2022 15:19:22 -0400
parents 796f54d4ddbf
children 04601f6c47f4
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2011-2022 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include <QApplication>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QCompleter>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QSignalMapper>
#include <QVBoxLayout>

#include "gui-preferences-ws.h"
#include "octave-qobject.h"
#include "octave-qtutils.h"
#include "workspace-view.h"

namespace octave
  workspace_view::workspace_view (QWidget *p, base_qobject& oct_qobj)
    : octave_dock_widget ("WorkspaceView", p, oct_qobj),
      m_view (new QTableView (this)),
      m_filter_checkbox (new QCheckBox ()),
      m_filter (new QComboBox (this)),
      m_filter_widget (new QWidget (this))
    setWindowIcon (QIcon (":/actions/icons/logo.png"));
    set_title (tr ("Workspace"));
    setStatusTip (tr ("View the variables in the active workspace."));

    m_filter->setToolTip (tr ("Enter text to filter the workspace"));
    m_filter->setEditable (true);
    m_filter->setMaxCount (ws_max_filter_history.def.toInt ());
    m_filter->setInsertPolicy (QComboBox::NoInsert);
    m_filter->setSizeAdjustPolicy (QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon);
    QSizePolicy sizePol (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
    m_filter->setSizePolicy (sizePol);
    m_filter->completer ()->setCaseSensitivity (Qt::CaseSensitive);

    QLabel *filter_label = new QLabel (tr ("Filter"));

    m_view->setWordWrap (false);
    m_view->setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::CustomContextMenu);
    m_view->setShowGrid (false);
    (m_view->verticalHeader) ()->hide ();
    m_view->setAlternatingRowColors (true);
    m_view_previous_row_count = 0;

    // Set an empty widget, so we can assign a layout to it.
    setWidget (new QWidget (this));

    // Create the layouts
    QHBoxLayout *filter_layout = new QHBoxLayout ();

    filter_layout->addWidget (filter_label);
    filter_layout->addWidget (m_filter_checkbox);
    filter_layout->addWidget (m_filter);
    filter_layout->setMargin (0);

    m_filter_widget->setLayout (filter_layout);

    QVBoxLayout *ws_layout = new QVBoxLayout ();
    ws_layout->addWidget (m_filter_widget);
    ws_layout->addWidget (m_view);
    ws_layout->setSpacing (0);

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    if (settings)
        m_filter_shown = settings->value (ws_filter_shown).toBool ();
        m_filter_widget->setVisible (m_filter_shown);

        ws_layout->setMargin (2);

        // Set the empty widget to have our layout.
        widget ()->setLayout (ws_layout);

        // Initialize collapse/expand state of the workspace subcategories.

        //enable sorting (setting column and order after model was set)
        m_view->setSortingEnabled (true);
        // Initialize column order and width of the workspace
        m_view->horizontalHeader ()->restoreState
          (settings->value (ws_column_state.key).toByteArray ());

        // Set header properties for sorting
        m_view->horizontalHeader ()->setSectionsClickable (true);
        m_view->horizontalHeader ()->setSectionsMovable (true);
        m_view->horizontalHeader ()->setSortIndicator (
          settings->value (ws_sort_column).toInt (),
          static_cast<Qt::SortOrder> (settings->value (ws_sort_order).toUInt ()));
          // FIXME: use value<Qt::SortOrder> instead of static cast after
          //        dropping support of Qt 5.4

        m_view->horizontalHeader ()->setSortIndicatorShown (true);

        m_view->horizontalHeader ()->setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::CustomContextMenu);
        connect (m_view->horizontalHeader (),
                 this, &workspace_view::header_contextmenu_requested);

        // Init state of the filter
        m_filter->addItems (settings->value (ws_mru_list.key).toStringList ());

        bool filter_state =
          settings->value (ws_filter_active).toBool ();
        m_filter_checkbox->setChecked (filter_state);
        filter_activate (filter_state);

    // Connect signals and slots.

    connect (m_filter, &QComboBox::editTextChanged,
             this, &workspace_view::filter_update);
    connect (m_filter_checkbox, &QCheckBox::toggled,
             this, &workspace_view::filter_activate);
    connect (m_filter->lineEdit (), &QLineEdit::editingFinished,
             this, &workspace_view::update_filter_history);

    connect (m_view, &QTableView::customContextMenuRequested,
             this, &workspace_view::contextmenu_requested);

    connect (m_view, &QTableView::activated,
             this, &workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_edit);

    if (! p)
      make_window ();

  void workspace_view::setModel (workspace_model *model)
    m_filter_model.setSourceModel (model);

    m_view->setModel (&m_filter_model);

    // set the sorting after the model is set, it would be ignored otherwise
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    m_view->sortByColumn (
      settings->value (ws_sort_column).toInt (),
      static_cast<Qt::SortOrder> (settings->value (ws_sort_order).toUInt ()));
      // FIXME: use value<Qt::SortOrder> instead of static cast after
      //        dropping support of Qt 5.4

    m_model = model;

  workspace_view::notice_settings (const gui_settings *settings)
    m_model->notice_settings (settings); // update colors of model first

    for (int i = 0; i < ws_columns_shown.length (); i++)
      m_view->setColumnHidden (i + 1, ! settings->value ( (i), true).toBool ());

    QString tool_tip;

    if (settings->value (ws_enable_colors).toBool ()
        && ! settings->value (ws_hide_tool_tips).toBool ())
        tool_tip  = QString (tr ("View the variables in the active workspace.<br>"));
        tool_tip += QString (tr ("Colors for variable attributes:"));

        for (int i = 0; i < ws_colors_count; i++)
            tool_tip +=
              QString (R"(<div style="background-color:%1;color:%2">%3</div>)")
              .arg (m_model->storage_class_color (i).name ())
              .arg (m_model->storage_class_color (i + ws_colors_count).name ())
              .arg (QCoreApplication::translate ("octave::settings_dialog",
                                        (i).toStdString ().data ()));

    setToolTip (tool_tip);

  workspace_view::save_settings (void)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    if (! settings)

    settings->setValue (ws_column_state.key,
                        m_view->horizontalHeader ()->saveState ());

    int sort_column = m_view->horizontalHeader ()->sortIndicatorSection ();
    Qt::SortOrder sort_order = m_view->horizontalHeader ()->sortIndicatorOrder ();
    settings->setValue (ws_sort_column.key, sort_column);
    settings->setValue (ws_sort_order.key, sort_order);

    settings->setValue (ws_filter_active.key, m_filter_checkbox->isChecked ());
    settings->setValue (ws_filter_shown.key, m_filter_shown);

    QStringList mru;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_filter->count (); i++)
      mru.append (m_filter->itemText (i));
    settings->setValue (ws_mru_list.key, mru);

    settings->sync ();

    octave_dock_widget::save_settings ();

  void workspace_view::set_filter_focus (bool focus)
    if (focus)
        m_filter->setFocus ();
        setFocusProxy (m_filter);
        m_view->setFocus ();
        setFocusProxy (m_view);

  workspace_view::filter_update (const QString& expression)
    m_filter_model.setFilterWildcard (expression);
    handle_model_changed ();

  workspace_view::filter_activate (bool state)
    m_filter->setEnabled (state);
    m_filter_model.setDynamicSortFilter (state);

    if (state)
      filter_update (m_filter->currentText ());
      filter_update (QString ());

    set_filter_focus (state);

  workspace_view::update_filter_history (void)
    QString text = m_filter->currentText ();   // get current text
    int index = m_filter->findText (text);     // and its actual index

    if (index > -1)
      m_filter->removeItem (index);    // remove if already existing

    m_filter->insertItem (0, text);    // (re)insert at beginning
    m_filter->setCurrentIndex (0);

  workspace_view::header_contextmenu_requested (const QPoint& mpos)
    QMenu menu (this);
    QSignalMapper sig_mapper (this);

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    for (int i = 0; i < ws_columns_shown.length (); i++)
        QAction *action
          = menu.addAction (tr ( (i).toStdString ().data ()),
                            &sig_mapper, SLOT (map ()));
        sig_mapper.setMapping (action, i);
        action->setCheckable (true);
        action->setChecked (settings->value ( (i), true).toBool ());

    // FIXME: We could use
    //   connect (&m_sig_mapper, QOverload<int>::of (&QSignalMapper::mapped),
    //            this, &workspace_view::toggle_header);
    // but referring to QSignalMapper::mapped will generate deprecated
    // function warnings from GCC.  We could also use
    //   connect (&m_sig_mapper, &QSignalMapper::mappedInt,
    //            this, &workspace_view::toggle_header);
    // but the function mappedInt was not introduced until Qt 5.15 so
    // we'll need a feature test.

    connect (&sig_mapper, SIGNAL (mapped (int)),
             this, SLOT (toggle_header (int)));

    menu.exec (m_view->mapToGlobal (mpos));

  workspace_view::toggle_header (int col)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    QString key = (col);
    bool shown = settings->value (key, true).toBool ();

    m_view->setColumnHidden (col + 1, shown);

    settings->setValue (key, ! shown);
    settings->sync ();

    octave_dock_widget::save_settings ();

  workspace_view::contextmenu_requested (const QPoint& qpos)
    QMenu menu (this);

    QModelIndex index = m_view->indexAt (qpos);

    // if it isn't Local, Global etc, allow the ctx menu
    if (index.isValid () && index.column () == 0)
        QString var_name = get_var_name (index);

        menu.addAction (tr ("Open in Variable Editor"), this,

        menu.addAction (tr ("Copy name"), this,

        menu.addAction (tr ("Copy value"), this,

        QAction *rename
          = menu.addAction (tr ("Rename"), this,

        // Use m_model here instead of using "m_view->model ()" because
        // that points to the proxy model.
        if (! m_model->is_top_level ())
            rename->setDisabled (true);
            rename->setToolTip (tr ("Only top-level symbols may be renamed"));

        menu.addAction ("Clear " + var_name, this,

        menu.addSeparator ();

        menu.addAction ("disp (" + var_name + ')', this,

        menu.addAction ("plot (" + var_name + ')', this,

        menu.addAction ("stem (" + var_name + ')', this,

        menu.addSeparator ();


    if (m_filter_shown)
      menu.addAction (tr ("Hide filter"), this,
      menu.addAction (tr ("Show filter"), this,

    menu.exec (m_view->mapToGlobal (qpos));

  workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_copy (void)
    QModelIndex index = m_view->currentIndex ();

    if (index.isValid ())
        QString var_name = get_var_name (index);

        QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard ();

        clipboard->setText (var_name);

  workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_copy_value (void)
    QModelIndex index = m_view->currentIndex ();

    if (index.isValid ())
      emit copy_variable_value_to_clipboard (get_var_name (index));

  workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_rename (void)
    QModelIndex index = m_view->currentIndex ();

    if (index.isValid ())
        QString var_name = get_var_name (index);

        QInputDialog *inputDialog = new QInputDialog ();

        inputDialog->setOptions (QInputDialog::NoButtons);

        bool ok = false;

        QString new_name
          = inputDialog->getText (nullptr, "Rename Variable", "New name:",
                                  QLineEdit::Normal, var_name, &ok);

        if (ok && ! new_name.isEmpty ())
          emit rename_variable_signal (var_name, new_name);

  workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_edit (void)
    QModelIndex index = m_view->currentIndex ();

    if (index.isValid ())
      emit edit_variable_signal (get_var_name (index));

  workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_clear (void)
    relay_contextmenu_command ("clear", true);

  workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_disp (void)
    relay_contextmenu_command ("disp");

  workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_plot (void)
    relay_contextmenu_command ("figure (); plot");

  workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_stem (void)
    relay_contextmenu_command ("figure (); stem");

  workspace_view::handle_contextmenu_filter (void)
    m_filter_shown = ! m_filter_shown;
    m_filter_widget->setVisible (m_filter_shown);

    set_filter_focus (m_filter_shown && m_filter_checkbox->isChecked ());

  workspace_view::handle_model_changed (void)
    // m_view->resizeRowsToContents ();
    // Just modify those rows that have been added rather than go through
    // the whole list.  For-loop test will handle when number of rows reduced.
    QFontMetrics fm = m_view->fontMetrics ();
    int row_height = fm.height ();
    int new_row_count = m_filter_model.rowCount ();
    for (int i = m_view_previous_row_count; i < new_row_count; i++)
      m_view->setRowHeight (i, row_height);
    m_view_previous_row_count = new_row_count;

  workspace_view::copyClipboard ()
    if (m_view->hasFocus ())
      handle_contextmenu_copy ();

  workspace_view::selectAll ()
    if (m_view->hasFocus ())
      m_view->selectAll ();

  workspace_view::relay_contextmenu_command (const QString& cmdname, bool str)
    QModelIndex index = m_view->currentIndex ();

    if (index.isValid ())
        QString var_name;

        if (str)
          var_name = "\'" + get_var_name (index) + "\'";
          var_name = get_var_name (index);

        emit command_requested (cmdname + " (" + var_name + ");");

  workspace_view::get_var_name (const QModelIndex& index)
    // We are using a sort model proxy so m_model won't provide the
    // correct ordering.

    QAbstractItemModel *m = m_view->model ();

    QMap<int, QVariant> item_data
      = m->itemData (index.sibling (index.row (), 0));

    return item_data[0].toString ();