view scripts/control/c2d.m @ 203:5652a6bca14c

[project @ 1993-11-08 21:56:05 by jwe] Initial revision
author jwe
date Mon, 08 Nov 1993 21:56:05 +0000
children 16a24e76d6e0
line wrap: on
line source

function [Ad, Bd] = c2d (Ac, Bc, T)

# Usage: [Ad, Bd] = c2d (Ac, Bc, T)
# converts the continuous time system described by:
#   .
#   x = Ac x + Bc u
# into a discrete time equivalent model via the matrix exponential
#   x[n+1] = Ad x[n] + Bd u[n]
# assuming a zero-order hold on the input and sample time T.

# Written by R.B. Tenison (
# October 1993

# check args
  if (nargin != 3)
    error ("usage: c2d (Ac, Bc, T)");

  [ma, na] = size (Ac);
  [mb, nb] = size (Bc);

  if (ma != na)
    error ("c2d: Ac must be square");

  if (ma != mb)
    error ("c2d: Ac and Bc must have the same number of rows");

  matexp = expm ([[Ac, Bc] * T; zeros (nb, na+nb)]);

  Ad = matexp (1:na, 1:na);
  Bd = matexp (1:na, na+1:na+nb);
