view libgui/src/ @ 31695:5749674b826e

store constant shortcut data in global QHash object This change is a step toward removing the shortcut_manager class *, New files. * libgui/src/ Update. * gui-preferences-sc.h, Declare shortcut objects extern instead of const and initialize them in source file instead of header. (all_shortcut_preferences): New singleton class for global shortcut data. * gui-preferences.h, (sc_pref): Define as class with private data members. Disallow modifying data members by only providing accessor functions instead of making data members constant. Change all uses. (sc_pref::m_description, sc_pref::description): New data member and accessor function. (sc_pref::sc_pref): Include description in constructor argument list. Change all uses. Store shortcut info in global all_shortcut_preferences hash when creating sc_pref objects. Use settings_keys instead of keys to avoid confusion between the index key use for QSettings and keyboard keys.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Sun, 25 Dec 2022 20:37:53 -0500
parents 88119be1f926
children 286306a9a393
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2012-2022 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include <QAction>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QScreen>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QToolBar>
#include <QMenuBar>
#include <QWindow>

#include "gui-preferences-dw.h"
#include "gui-preferences-global.h"
#include "gui-preferences-mw.h"
#include "gui-preferences-sc.h"
#include "gui-settings.h"
#include "gui-utils.h"
#include "main-window.h"
#include "octave-dock-widget.h"
#include "octave-qobject.h"


  label_dock_widget::label_dock_widget (QWidget *p)
    : QDockWidget (p), m_default_float_button (nullptr),
      m_default_close_button (nullptr)
    QStyle *st = style ();
    m_icon_size = 0.75*st->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize);

    // keep track of the original buttons on the default title bar,
    // the button further left is considered "float"
    QList<QAbstractButton *> buttonlist = findChildren<QAbstractButton *> ();
    if (buttonlist.size () == 2)
        if ( (0)->x () < (1)->x ())
            m_default_float_button = (0);
            m_default_close_button = (1);
            m_default_float_button = (1);
            m_default_close_button = (0);

    gui_settings settings;

    // the custom (extra) title bar of the widget
    m_title_widget = new QWidget ();

    m_dock_action = new QAction
      (settings.icon ("widget-undock", true), "", this);
    m_dock_action->setToolTip (tr ("Undock widget"));
    m_dock_button = new QToolButton (m_title_widget);
    m_dock_button->setDefaultAction (m_dock_action);
    m_dock_button->setFocusPolicy (Qt::NoFocus);
    m_dock_button->setIconSize (QSize (m_icon_size, m_icon_size));

    m_close_action = new QAction
      (settings.icon ("widget-close", true), "", this);
    m_close_action->setToolTip (tr ("Close widget"));
    m_close_button = new QToolButton (m_title_widget);
    m_close_button->setDefaultAction (m_close_action);
    m_close_button->setFocusPolicy (Qt::NoFocus);
    m_close_button->setIconSize (QSize (m_icon_size, m_icon_size));

    QString css_button = QString ("QToolButton {background: transparent; border: 0px;}");
    m_dock_button->setStyleSheet (css_button);
    m_close_button->setStyleSheet (css_button);

    QHBoxLayout *h_layout = new QHBoxLayout ();
    h_layout->addStretch (100);
    h_layout->addWidget (m_dock_button);
    h_layout->addWidget (m_close_button);
    h_layout->setSpacing (10);
    h_layout->setContentsMargins (5, 2, 2, 2);

    m_title_widget->setLayout (h_layout);

    if (p && (p->objectName () == gui_obj_name_main_window))
        // Only connect the when a parent (main window) is given
        // copy & paste handling
        connect (p, SIGNAL (copyClipboard_signal ()),
                 this, SLOT (copyClipboard ()));
        connect (p, SIGNAL (pasteClipboard_signal ()),
                 this, SLOT (pasteClipboard ()));
        connect (p, SIGNAL (selectAll_signal ()),
                 this, SLOT (selectAll ()));

        // undo handling
        connect (p, SIGNAL (undo_signal ()), this, SLOT (do_undo ()));

  // set the title in the dockwidgets title bar
  label_dock_widget::set_title (const QString& title)
    QHBoxLayout *h_layout
      = static_cast<QHBoxLayout *> (m_title_widget->layout ());
    QLabel *label = new QLabel (title, m_title_widget);
    label->setStyleSheet ("background-color: transparent;");
    h_layout->insertWidget (0, label);
    setTitleBarWidget (m_title_widget);
    setWindowTitle (title);

  static QString
  qdockwidget_css (const QString& close_icon, const QString& close_tooltip,
                   const QString& float_icon, const QString& float_tooltip,
                   int icon_size, const QString& titlebar_foreground,
                   const QString& titlebar_background)
    return QString ("QDockWidget\n"
                    "  border: none;\n"
                    "  titlebar-close-icon: url(%1);\n"
                    "  titlebar-normal-icon: url(%2);\n"
                    "QDockWidget::close-button, QDockWidget::float-button\n"
                    "  border: none;\n"
                    "  icon-size: %3px;\n"
                    "  qproperty-toolTip: \"%4\";\n"
                    "  qproperty-toolTip: \"%5\";\n"
                    "QDockWidget::title {\n"
                    "  text-align: left;\n"
                    "  padding-left: 1px;\n"
                    "  right: %8px;\n"
                    "  top: 3px;\n"
                    "  right: %9px;\n"
                    "  top: 3px;\n"
                    ).arg (close_icon).arg (float_icon).arg (icon_size)
                     .arg (close_tooltip).arg (float_tooltip)
                     .arg (titlebar_foreground).arg (titlebar_background)
                     .arg ((icon_size*2)/3).arg((icon_size*7)/3);

  octave_dock_widget::octave_dock_widget (const QString& obj_name, QWidget *p,
                                          base_qobject& oct_qobj)
    : label_dock_widget (p), m_octave_qobj (oct_qobj),
      m_main_window (nullptr),  m_adopted (false),
      m_custom_style (false), m_focus_follows_mouse (false),
      m_recent_float_geom (), m_recent_dock_geom (),
      m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release (false)
    setObjectName (obj_name);

    // FIXME: Can we avoid the cast here?
    m_main_window = dynamic_cast<main_window *> (p);

    m_predecessor_widget = nullptr;

    connect (this, &octave_dock_widget::topLevelChanged,
             this, &octave_dock_widget::toplevel_change);
    connect (this, &octave_dock_widget::visibilityChanged,
             this, &octave_dock_widget::handle_visibility);

    if (m_default_float_button != nullptr)
        disconnect (m_default_float_button, 0, 0, 0);
        connect (m_default_float_button, &QAbstractButton::clicked,
                 this, &octave_dock_widget::make_window);
    connect (this, &octave_dock_widget::queue_make_window,
             this, &octave_dock_widget::make_window, Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect (this, &octave_dock_widget::queue_make_widget,
             this, [=] () { make_widget (); }, Qt::QueuedConnection);

    gui_settings settings;

    settings.set_shortcut (m_dock_action, sc_dock_widget_dock);
    m_dock_action->setShortcutContext (Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut);
    addAction (m_dock_action);
    connect (m_dock_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &octave_dock_widget::make_window);

    settings.set_shortcut (m_close_action, sc_dock_widget_close);
    m_close_action->setShortcutContext (Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut);
    addAction (m_close_action);
    connect (m_close_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &octave_dock_widget::change_visibility);

    m_close_action->setToolTip (tr ("Hide widget"));

    setStyleSheet (qdockwidget_css ( (ICON_THEME_OCTAVE) + "widget-close.png",
      QString ("Close widget"), (ICON_THEME_OCTAVE) + "widget-undock.png",
      QString ("Undock widget"),
      QString (""),
      QString ("")));

    if (widget ())
      widget ()->setToolTip (QString (""));

    m_icon_color = "";
    m_title_3d = 50;

    installEventFilter (this);

    setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);

    setFeatures (QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable
                 | QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable
                 | QDockWidget::DockWidgetFloatable);

    handle_settings ();

  octave_dock_widget::init_window_menu_entry (void)
    emit active_changed (isVisible ());  // emit once for init of window menu

  // make the widget floating
  octave_dock_widget::make_window (bool widget_was_dragged)
    bool vis = isVisible ();

    // prevent follow-up calls by clearing state variable
    m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release = false;

    set_focus_predecessor ();  // set focus previously active widget if tabbed

    // Before unparenting, get current geometry for restoring if dragged
    QRect geom = geometry ();

    // the widget has to be reparented (parent = 0), preferably
    // from a non-toplevel widget otherwise may not have full
    // decorations, e.g., no taskbar icon and always in front
    if (isFloating ())
      setFloating (false);

    if (m_main_window)
        // Before making it a separate (no more parent) floating widget,
        // remove the dock widget from the main window. This ensures
        // that tabbed widgets keep their focus when it is re-docked
        // later
        m_main_window->removeDockWidget (this);

    setParent (0, Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint |
               Qt::WindowMinMaxButtonsHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::Window);

    // restore the last geometry when floating only if we have not dragged
    // the window outside the main window
    if (! widget_was_dragged)
      geom = m_recent_float_geom.isNull () ? QRect (50,100,480,480)
                                           : m_recent_float_geom;
    setGeometry (geom);

    // adjust the (un)dock action
    disconnect (m_dock_action, 0, this, 0);
    connect (m_dock_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &octave_dock_widget::make_widget);

    // adjust the (un)dock icon
    if (titleBarWidget ())
        gui_settings settings;

        m_dock_action->setIcon (settings.icon ("widget-dock" + m_icon_color, true));
        m_dock_action->setToolTip (tr ("Dock widget"));
        disconnect (m_default_float_button, 0, this, 0);
        connect (m_default_float_button, &QAbstractButton::clicked,
                 this, &octave_dock_widget::make_widget);

    raise ();
    activateWindow ();

    if (vis)
        show ();
        setFocus ();
        set_style (true);

    emit topLevelChanged (true);  // Be sure signal is emitted

  // dock the widget
  octave_dock_widget::make_widget (bool)
    gui_settings settings;

    bool vis = isVisible ();

    // Since floating widget has no parent, we have to read it

    if (m_main_window)
        settings.setValue (mw_state.key, m_main_window->saveState ());

        // Stay window, otherwise will bounce back to window by default
        // because there is no layout information for this widget in the
        // saved settings.
        setParent (m_main_window, Qt::Window);
        m_main_window->addDockWidget (Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, this);
        m_adopted = false;
        // recover old window states, hide and re-show new added widget
        m_main_window->restoreState (settings.value (mw_state.key).toByteArray ());
        setFloating (false);
        // restore size using setGeometry instead of restoreGeometry
        // following this post:
        setGeometry (m_recent_dock_geom);

    // adjust the (un)dock icon
    disconnect (m_dock_action, 0, this, 0);
    connect (m_dock_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &octave_dock_widget::make_window);
    if (titleBarWidget ())
        m_dock_action->setIcon (settings.icon ("widget-undock" + m_icon_color, true));
        m_dock_action->setToolTip (tr ("Undock widget"));
        disconnect (m_default_float_button, 0, this, 0);
        connect (m_default_float_button, &QAbstractButton::clicked,
                 this, &octave_dock_widget::make_window);

    raise ();
    QApplication::setActiveWindow (this);

    if (vis)
        show ();
        setFocus ();
        set_style (true);

  // dock the widget
  octave_dock_widget::default_dock (bool)
    setFloating (false);

  // set the widget which previously had focus when tabified
  octave_dock_widget::set_predecessor_widget (octave_dock_widget *prev_widget)
    m_predecessor_widget = prev_widget;

  octave_dock_widget::set_main_window (main_window *mw)
    m_main_window = mw;

    if (m_main_window)
        connect (m_main_window, &main_window::copyClipboard_signal,
                 this, &octave_dock_widget::copyClipboard);

        connect (m_main_window, &main_window::pasteClipboard_signal,
                 this, &octave_dock_widget::pasteClipboard);

        connect (m_main_window, &main_window::selectAll_signal,
                 this, &octave_dock_widget::selectAll);

        connect (m_main_window, &main_window::undo_signal,
                 this, &octave_dock_widget::do_undo);

  // close event
  octave_dock_widget::closeEvent (QCloseEvent *e)
    emit active_changed (false);
    set_focus_predecessor ();
    save_settings ();

    QDockWidget::closeEvent (e);

  // get focus widget
  QWidget *
  octave_dock_widget::focusWidget (void)
    QWidget *w = QApplication::focusWidget ();
    if (w && w->focusProxy ()) w = w->focusProxy ();
    return w;

  octave_dock_widget::event (QEvent *event)
    // low-level check of whether docked-widget became a window via
    // double-click or via drag-and-drop
    if ( (event->type () == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick && ! isFloating ())
         || (event->type () == QEvent::ActivationChange
             && m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release))
        bool retval = QDockWidget::event (event);
        if (isFloating () && parent () != 0)
            m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release = false;
            emit queue_make_window (event->type () != QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick);
        return retval;

    return QDockWidget::event (event);

  octave_dock_widget::handle_settings (void)
    gui_settings settings;

    m_focus_follows_mouse = settings.value (dw_focus_follows_mouse).toBool ();

      = settings.value (dw_title_custom_style).toBool ();

    m_title_3d = settings.value (dw_title_3d.key, dw_title_3d.def).toInt ();

      = settings.value (dw_title_fg_color).value<QColor> ();

      = settings.value (dw_title_fg_color_active).value<QColor> ();

    m_bg_color = settings.value (dw_title_bg_color).value<QColor> ();

      = settings.value (dw_title_bg_color_active).value<QColor> ();

    QColor bcol (m_bg_color);
    QColor bcola (m_bg_color_active);

    if (! m_custom_style)
        bcol = QWidget::palette ().color (m_title_widget->backgroundRole ());
        bcola = bcol;

    int r, g, b;
    bcol.getRgb (&r, &g, &b);
    if (r+g+b < 400)
      m_icon_color = "-light";
      m_icon_color = "";

    bcola.getRgb (&r, &g, &b);
    if (r+g+b < 400)
      m_icon_color_active = "-light";
      m_icon_color_active = "";

    int x, y, w, h;
    QGuiApplication::primaryScreen ()->availableGeometry ().getRect (&x, &y, &w, &h);
    QRect default_floating_size = QRect (x+16, y+32, w/3, h/2);

    QRect default_dock_size;
    if (m_main_window)
        // We have a main window, dock size depends on size of main window
        m_main_window->geometry ().getRect (&x, &y, &w, &h);
        default_dock_size = QRect (x+16, y+32, w/3, h/3);
        // No main window, default dock size should never be used
        default_dock_size = QRect (0, 0, w/10, h/10);

      = settings.value (dw_float_geometry.key.arg (objectName ()),
                         default_floating_size).toRect ();

    adjust_to_screen (m_recent_float_geom, default_floating_size);

    // The following is required for ensure smooth transition from old
    // saveGeomety to new QRect setting (see comment for restoring size
    // of docked widgets)
    QVariant dock_geom
      = settings.value (dw_dock_geometry.key.arg (objectName ()),
    if (dock_geom.canConvert (QMetaType::QRect))
      m_recent_dock_geom = dock_geom.toRect ();
      m_recent_dock_geom = dw_dock_geometry.def.toRect ();

    notice_settings ();  // call individual handler

    set_style (false);

    // Compacter design
    QToolBar *toolbar = findChild <QToolBar *> ();
    if (toolbar)
      toolbar->setStyleSheet (toolbar->styleSheet () + global_toolbar_style);

    QMenuBar *menubar = findChild <QMenuBar *> ();
    if (menubar)
      menubar->setStyleSheet (menubar->styleSheet () + global_menubar_style);


  octave_dock_widget::handle_active_dock_changed (octave_dock_widget *w_old,
                                                  octave_dock_widget *w_new)
    if (m_custom_style && this == w_old)
        set_style (false);
        update ();

    if (m_custom_style && this == w_new)
        set_style (true);
        update ();

  octave_dock_widget::save_settings (void)
    gui_settings settings;

    // save state of this dock-widget
    QString name = objectName ();

    store_geometry ();

    // conditional needed?
    if (! m_recent_float_geom.isNull ())
      settings.setValue (dw_float_geometry.key.arg (name), m_recent_float_geom);

    if (! m_recent_dock_geom.isEmpty ())
      settings.setValue (dw_dock_geometry.key.arg (name), m_recent_dock_geom);
    settings.setValue (dw_is_visible.key.arg (name), isVisible ()); // store visibility
    settings.setValue (dw_is_floating.key.arg (name), isFloating ()); // store floating
    settings.setValue (dw_is_minimized.key.arg (name), isMinimized ()); // store minimized

    settings.sync ();

  bool octave_dock_widget::eventFilter (QObject *obj, QEvent *e)
    // Ignore double clicks into window decoration elements
    if (e->type () == QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick)
        e->ignore ();
        return true;

    // Detect mouse enter events if "focus follows mouse" is desired
    // for widgets docked to the main window (non floating) and activate
    // the widget currently under the mouse
    if (m_focus_follows_mouse && ! isFloating () && (e->type () == QEvent::Enter))
      setFocus ();

    return QDockWidget::eventFilter (obj, e);

  octave_dock_widget::store_geometry (void)
    if (isFloating ())
        if (! parent ())
          m_recent_float_geom = geometry ();
        m_recent_dock_geom = geometry ();

  octave_dock_widget::moveEvent (QMoveEvent *event)
    store_geometry ();

    QDockWidget::moveEvent (event);

  octave_dock_widget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
    store_geometry ();

    QDockWidget::resizeEvent (event);

  // slot for hiding the widget
  octave_dock_widget::change_visibility (bool)
    setVisible (false);
    emit active_changed (false);

  void octave_dock_widget::activate (void)
    if (! isVisible ())
      setVisible (true);

    setFocus ();
    activateWindow ();
    raise ();

  void octave_dock_widget::handle_visibility (bool visible)
    if (visible)
        emit active_changed (true);
        if (! isFloating ())
          setFocus ();

  octave_dock_widget::toplevel_change (bool toplevel)
    QObject *dockobj;
    const char *docksig;

    if (titleBarWidget ())
        dockobj = m_dock_action;
        docksig = SIGNAL (triggered (bool));
        dockobj = m_default_float_button;
        docksig = SIGNAL (clicked (bool));

    if (toplevel)
        // This is a fallback in case the attempt to create a floated
        // top-level window fails and the QDockWidget remains a child
        // of the QMainWindow.
        connect (dockobj, docksig, this, SLOT (default_dock (bool)));

        // Could be dragging window, so must wait until there is a
        // change in focus.
        if (parent () != 0)
          m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release = true;
        // If a drag-and-drop within the QMainWindow occurred, want to remain a widget.
        m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release = false;

        // Making into a widget immediately will mangle the double-click
        // status and cause problems on followup button clicks.
        if (parent () == 0)
          emit queue_make_widget ();

  octave_dock_widget::set_style (bool active)
    QString css_foreground;
    QString css_background;
    QString css_button;
    QString dock_icon;

    QString icon_col = m_icon_color;

    QString close_tooltip = "Close widget";
    QString dock_tooltip;

    if (isFloating ())
        dock_icon = "widget-dock";
        dock_tooltip = "Dock widget";
        dock_icon = "widget-undock";
        dock_tooltip = "Undock widget";

#if defined (Q_OS_MAC)
    QString alignment = "center";
    QString alignment = "center left";
    if (m_custom_style)

        QColor bg_col, fg_col;

        if (active)
            bg_col = m_bg_color_active;
            fg_col = m_fg_color_active;
            icon_col = m_icon_color_active;
            bg_col = m_bg_color;
            fg_col = m_fg_color;
            icon_col = m_icon_color;

        QColor bg_col_top, bg_col_bottom;
        if (m_title_3d > 0)
            bg_col_top = bg_col.lighter (100 + m_title_3d);
            bg_col_bottom = bg_col.darker (100 + m_title_3d);
            bg_col_top = bg_col.darker (100 - m_title_3d);
            bg_col_bottom = bg_col.lighter (100 - m_title_3d);

        css_foreground = QString ("  color: %1;\n").arg ( ());

        css_background =
          QString ("  background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1,"
                   " stop: 0 %1, stop: 0.60 %2, stop: 0.95 %2 stop: 1.0 %3);\n").
          arg ( ()).
          arg ( ()).
          arg ( ());
        css_foreground = QString ("");
        css_background = QString ("");

    QString full_dock_icon = dock_icon + icon_col;
    QString full_close_icon = "widget-close" + icon_col;
    if (titleBarWidget ())
        gui_settings settings;

        titleBarWidget ()->setStyleSheet (css_foreground + css_background);
        css_button = QString ("QToolButton {background: transparent; border: 0px;}");
        m_dock_button->setStyleSheet (css_button);
        m_close_button->setStyleSheet (css_button);
        m_dock_action->setIcon (settings.icon (full_dock_icon, true));
        m_close_action->setIcon (settings.icon (full_close_icon, true));
        setStyleSheet (qdockwidget_css ( (ICON_THEME_OCTAVE) + full_close_icon + ".png",
                               (ICON_THEME_OCTAVE) + full_dock_icon + ".png",

  // set focus to previously active widget in tabbed widget stack
  octave_dock_widget::set_focus_predecessor (void)
    // only != 0 if widget was tabbed
    if (m_predecessor_widget && m_predecessor_widget->isVisible ())
      m_predecessor_widget->setFocus ();

    m_predecessor_widget = nullptr;