view scripts/general/private/__isequal__.m @ 24308:606f3866cdb7

__isequal__.m: Rewrite function for performance. * isequal.m: Add many more BIST tests. Most are to verify the same thing through the two different internal code paths (2 args vs. multiple args) in __isequal__.m * __isequal__.m: Add Rik Wehbring to Copyright. Rewrite docstring and comments describing algorithm. Add special fast path for only two arguments (most common case). Use size_equal() rather than hand-rolled code to check ndims() and size() along each dimension. Use strcmp without reshaping for better performance. Add special fast conversion for cellstr type by converting to char arrays and using strcmp. Put if/elseif branches in rough order of probability so common cases are hit first. Only run isnan tests on floating point objects which can actually have NaN values. Rename variables for clarity.
author Rik <>
date Sat, 25 Nov 2017 21:56:15 -0800
parents b85a46745298
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2017 Rik Wehbring
## Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Paul Kienzle
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {} {} __isequal__ (@var{nans_compare_equal}, @var{x}, @var{y}, @dots{})
## Internal function.
## Return true if @var{x}, @var{y}, @dots{} are all equal and
## @var{nans_compare_equal} evaluates to false.
## If @var{nans_compare_equal} evaluates to true, then assume NaN == NaN.
## @end deftypefn

## Algorithm:
## 1. Verify the class of x.
##    a. All objects are of the same class
##    b. All objects are of a generic "numeric" class which includes
##       numeric, logical, and character arrays
## 2. Verify size of all objects match.
## 3. Convert objects to struct, and then compare as stated below.
## 4. For each argument after x, compare it for equality with x:
##    a. char       compare each member with strcmp
##    b. numeric    compare each member with '==', and assume NaN == NaN
##                  if nans_compare_equal is nonzero.
##    c. struct     compare number of fieldnames, value of fieldnames,
##                  and then each field with __isequal__ (recursive)
##    d. cellstr    compare each cellstr member with strcmp
##    e. cell       compare each member with __isequal__ (recursive)
##    f. fcn_handle compare using overloaded "eq" operator

function t = __isequal__ (nans_compare_equal, x, varargin)

  nvarargin = nargin - 2;
  two_args = (nvarargin == 1);  # Optimization for base case of just 2 args

  if (two_args)
    y = varargin{1};  # alias y to second input for comparison

  ## Generic tests for equality

  ## All arguments must either be of the same class,
  ##  or they must be "numeric" values.
  if (two_args)
    t = (strcmp (class (x), class (y))
         || ((isreal (x) || iscomplex (x)) && (isreal (y) || iscomplex (y))));
    t = (all (cellfun ("isclass", varargin, class (x)))
         || ((isreal (x) || iscomplex (x))
             && all (cellfun ("isreal", varargin)
                     | cellfun ("isnumeric", varargin))));

  ## Test that everything is the same size (which also tests dimensions)
  if (t)
    t = size_equal (x, varargin{:});

  ## From here on, compare any objects as if they were structures.
  if (t && isobject (x))
    ## Locally suppress class-to-struct warning.  We know what we are doing.
    warning ("off", "Octave:classdef-to-struct", "local");
    x = builtin ("struct", x);
    for i = 1:nvarargin
      varargin(i) = builtin ("struct", varargin{i});

  ## Check individual classes.

  if (t)
    if (two_args)

      if (ischar (x) && ischar (y))
        ## char type.  Optimization, strcmp is ~35% faster than '==' operator.
        t = strcmp (x, y);

      elseif (isreal (x) || iscomplex (x))
        ## general "numeric" type.  Use '==' operator.
        m = (x == y);
        t = all (m(:));

        if (! t && nans_compare_equal && isfloat (x) && isfloat (y))
          t = isnan (x(! m)) && isnan (y(! m));

      elseif (isstruct (x))
        ## struct type.  Compare # of fields, fieldnames, then field values.

        ## Test number of fields are equal.
        t = (numfields (x) == numfields (y));

        ## Test that all the field names are equal.
        if (t)
          s_fnm_x = sort (fieldnames (x));
          t = all (strcmp (s_fnm_x, sort (fieldnames (y))));

        ## Test that all field values are equal.  Slow because of recursion.
        if (t)
          for fldnm = s_fnm_x.'
            t = __isequal__ (nans_compare_equal, x.(fldnm{1}), y.(fldnm{1}));
            if (! t)

      elseif (iscellstr (x) && iscellstr (y))
        ## cellstr type.  Optimization over cell type by using strcmp.
        ## FIXME: It would be faster to use strcmp on whole cellstr arrays,
        ## but bug #51412 needs to be fixed.  Instead, time/space trade-off.
        ## Convert to char (space) for faster processing with strcmp (time).
        t = strcmp (char (x), char (y));

      elseif (iscell (x))
        ## cell type.  Check that each element of a cell is equal.  Slow.
        n = numel (x);
        idx = 1;
        while (t && idx <= n)
          t = __isequal__ (nans_compare_equal, x{idx}, y{idx});
          idx += 1;

      elseif (isa (x, "function_handle"))
        ## function type.  Use '==' operator which is overloaded.
        t = (x == y);

        error ("__isequal__: Impossible to reach code.  File a bug report."); 


    else  ## More than two args.  This is going to be slower in general.

      if (ischar (x) && all (cellfun ("isclass", varargin, "char")))
        ## char type.  Optimization, strcmp is ~35% faster than '==' operator.
        idx = 1;
        while (t && idx <= nvarargin)
          t = strcmp (x, varargin{idx});
          idx += 1;

      elseif (isreal (x) || iscomplex (x))
        ## general "numeric" type.  Use '==' operator.

        idx = 1;
        while (t && idx <= nvarargin)
          y = varargin{idx};
          m = (x == y);
          t = all (m(:));

          if (! t && nans_compare_equal && isfloat (x) && isfloat (y))
            t = isnan (x(! m)) && isnan (y(! m));

          idx += 1;

      elseif (isstruct (x))
        ## struct type.  Compare # of fields, fieldnames, then field values.

        ## Test number of fields are equal.
        fnm_x = fieldnames (x);
        n = numel (fnm_x);
        fnm_v = cellfun ("fieldnames", varargin, "uniformoutput", false);
        t = all (n == cellfun ("numel", fnm_v));

        ## Test that all the field names are equal.
        if (t)
          fnm_x = sort (fnm_x);
          idx = 1;
          while (t && idx <= nvarargin)
            ## Allow the fieldnames to be in a different order.
            t = all (strcmp (fnm_x, sort (fnm_v{idx})));
            idx += 1;

        ## Test that all field values are equal.  Slow because of recursion.
        if (t)
          args = cell (1, 2 + nvarargin);
          args(1) = nans_compare_equal;
          for fldnm = fnm_x.'
            args(2) = x.(fldnm{1});
            for argn = 1:nvarargin
              args(argn+2) = varargin{argn}.(fldnm{1});

            t = __isequal__ (args{:});

            if (! t)

      elseif (iscellstr (x) && all (cellfun (@iscellstr, varargin)))
        ## cellstr type.  Optimization over cell type by using strcmp.
        ## FIXME: It would be faster to use strcmp on whole cellstr arrays,
        ## but bug #51412 needs to be fixed.  Instead, time/space trade-off.
        ## Convert to char (space) for faster processing with strcmp (time).
        idx = 1;
        x = char (x);
        while (t && idx <= nvarargin) 
          t = strcmp (x, char (varargin{idx}));
          idx += 1;

      elseif (iscell (x))
        ## cell type.  Check that each element of a cell is equal.  Slow.
        n = numel (x);
        args = cell (1, 2 + nvarargin);
        args(1) = nans_compare_equal;
        idx = 1;
        while (t && idx <= n)
          args(2) = x{idx};
          args(3:end) = [cellindexmat(varargin, idx){:}];

          t = __isequal__ (args{:});

          idx += 1;

      elseif (isa (x, "function_handle"))
        ## function type.  Use '==' operator which is overloaded.
        t = all (cellfun ("eq", {x}, varargin));

        error ("__isequal__: Impossible to reach code.  File a bug report."); 


