view scripts/control/buildssic.m @ 3381:69b167451491

[project @ 1999-12-15 20:48:10 by jwe]
author jwe
date Wed, 15 Dec 1999 20:48:45 +0000
parents 8dd4718801fd
children 10f21f7ccc7f
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 1998 Kai P. Mueller
## This file is part of Octave. 
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any 
## later version. 
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free 
## Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA. 

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File } {[@var{sys}] =} buildssic(@var{Clst}, @var{Ulst}, @var{Olst}, @var{Ilst}, @var{s1}, @var{s2}, @var{s3}, @var{s4}, @var{s5}, @var{s6}, @var{s7}, @var{s8})
## Contributed by Kai Mueller.
##  Form an arbitrary complex (open or closed loop) system in
##  state-space form from several systems. "@code{buildssic}" can
##  easily (despite it's cryptic syntax) integrate transfer functions
##  from a complex block diagram into a single system with one call.
##  This function is especially useful for building open loop
##  interconnections for H_infinity and H2 designs or for closing
##  loops with these controllers.
##  Although this function is general purpose, the use of "@code{sysgroup}"
##  "@code{sysmult}", "@code{sysconnect}" and the like is recommended for standard
##  operations since they can handle mixed discrete and continuous
##  systems and also the names of inputs, outputs, and states.
##  The parameters consist of 4 lists that describe the connections
##  outputs and inputs and up to 8 systems s1-s8.
##  Format of the lists:
## @table @var
## @item      Clst
## connection list, describes the input signal of
## each system. The maximum number of rows of Clst is
## equal to the sum of all inputs of s1-s8.
## Example:
## @code{[1 2 -1; 2 1 0]} ==> new input 1 is old inpout 1
## + output 2 - output 1, new input 2 is old input 2
## + output 1. The order of rows is arbitrary.
## @item     Ulst
##  if not empty the old inputs in vector Ulst will
##            be appended to the outputs. You need this if you
##            want to "pull out" the input of a system. Elements
##            are input numbers of s1-s8.
## @item     Olst
##  output list, specifiy the outputs of the resulting
##            systems. Elements are output numbers of s1-s8.
##            The numbers are alowed to be negative and may
##            appear in any order. An empty matrix means
##            all outputs.
## @item     Ilst
##  input list, specifiy the inputs of the resulting
##            systems. Elements are input numbers of s1-s8.
##            The numbers are alowed to be negative and may
##            appear in any order. An empty matrix means
##            all inputs.
## @end table
##  Example:  Very simple closed loop system.
## @example
## @group
## w        e  +-----+   u  +-----+
##  --->o--*-->|  K  |--*-->|  G  |--*---> y
##      ^  |   +-----+  |   +-----+  |
##    - |  |            |            |
##      |  |            +----------------> u
##      |  |                         |
##      |  +-------------------------|---> e
##      |                            |
##      +----------------------------+
## @end group
## @end example
## The closed loop system GW can be optained by
## @example
## GW = buildssic([1 2; 2 -1], [2], [1 2 3], [2], G, K);
## @end example
## @table @var
## @item Clst
## (1. row) connect input 1 (G) with output 2 (K).
## (2. row) connect input 2 (K) with neg. output 1 (G).
## @item Ulst
## append input of (2) K to the number of outputs.
## @item Olst
## Outputs are output of 1 (G), 2 (K) and appended output 3 (from Ulst).
## @item Ilst
## the only input is 2 (K).
## @end table
## Here is a real example:
## @example
## @group
##                          +----+
##     -------------------->| W1 |---> v1
## z   |                    +----+
## ----|-------------+                   || GW   ||     => min.
##     |             |                        vz   infty
##     |    +---+    v      +----+
##     *--->| G |--->O--*-->| W2 |---> v2
##     |    +---+       |   +----+
##     |                |
##     |                v
##    u                  y
## @end group
## @end example
## The closed loop system GW from [z; u]' to [v1; v2; y]' can be
## obtained by (all SISO systems):
## @example
## GW = buildssic([1 4;2 4;3 1],[3],[2 3 5],[3 4],G,W1,W2,One);
## @end example
## where "One" is a unity gain (auxillary) function with order 0.
## (e.g. @code{One = ugain(1);})
## @end deftypefn
function [sys] = buildssic(Clst,Ulst,Olst,Ilst,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8)

  ## Written by Kai Mueller April 1998

  if((nargin < 5) || (nargin > 12))
    usage("[sys] = buildssic(Clst,Ulst,Olst,Ilst,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8)");
  if (nargin >= 5)
    if (!is_struct(s1))
      error("---> s1 must be a structed system.");
    s1 = sysupdate(s1, "ss");
    [n, nz, m, p] = sysdimensions(s1);
    if (!n && !nz)
      error("---> pure static system must not be the first in list.");
    if (n && nz)
      error("---> cannot handle mixed continuous and discrete systems.");
    D_SYS = (nz > 0);
    [A,B,C,D,tsam] = sys2ss(s1);
    nt = n + nz;
  for ii = 6:nargin
    eval(["ss = s", num2str(ii-4), ";"]);
    if (!is_struct(ss))
      error("---> Parameter must be a structed system.");
    ss = sysupdate(ss, "ss");
    [n1, nz1, m1, p1] = sysdimensions(ss);
    if (n1 && nz1)
      error("---> cannot handle mixed continuous and discrete systems.");
    if (D_SYS)
      if (n1)
      	error("---> cannot handle mixed cont. and discr. systems.");
      if (tsam != sysgettsam(ss))
	error("---> sampling time of all systems must match.");
    [as,bs,cs,ds] = sys2ss(ss);
    nt1 = n1 + nz1;
    if (!nt1)
      ## pure gain (pad B, C with zeros)
      B = [B, zeros(nt,m1)];
      C = [C; zeros(p1,nt)];
      A = [A, zeros(nt,nt1); zeros(nt1,nt), as];
      B = [B, zeros(nt,m1);  zeros(nt1,m),  bs];
      C = [C, zeros(p,nt1);  zeros(p1,nt),  cs];
    D = [D, zeros(p,m1); zeros(p1,m), ds];
    n = n + n1;
    nz = nz + nz1;
    nt = nt + nt1;
    m = m + m1;
    p = p + p1;

  ## check maximum dimensions
  [nx, mx] = size(Clst);
  if (nx > m)
    error("---> more rows in Clst than total number of inputs.");
  if (mx > p+1)
    error("---> more cols in Clst than total number of outputs.");
  ## empty vector Ulst is OK
  lul = length(Ulst);
  if (lul)
    if (!is_vector(Ulst))
      error("---> Input u list Ulst must be a vector.");
    if (lul > m)
      error("---> more values in Ulst than number of inputs.");
  if (!length(Olst))  Olst = [1:(p+lul)];  endif
  if (!length(Ilst))  Ilst = [1:m];        endif
  if (!is_vector(Olst))
    error("---> Output list Olst must be a vector.");
  if (!is_vector(Ilst))
    error("---> Input list Ilst must be a vector.");

  ## build the feedback "K" from the interconnection data Clst
  K = zeros(m, p);
  inp_used = zeros(m,1);
  for ii = 1:nx
    xx = Clst(ii,:);
    iu = xx(1);
    if ((iu < 1) || (iu > m))
      error("---> Illegal value in first col of Clst.");
    if (inp_used(iu))
      error("---> Input specified more than once.");
    inp_used(iu) = 1;
    for kk = 2:mx
      it = xx(kk);
      if (abs(it) > p)
      	error("---> Illegal row value in Clst.");
      elseif (it)
	K(iu,abs(it)) = sign(it);

  ## form the "closed loop", i.e replace u in
  ## .
  ## x = Ax + Bu
  ##                            ~
  ## y = Cx + Du   by   u = K*y+u
  ##            -1
  ## R = (I-D*K)   must exist.

  R = eye(p) - D*K;
  if (rank(R) < p)
    error("---> singularity in algebraic loop.");
    R = inv(R);
  A = A + B*K*R*C;
  B = B + B*K*R*D;
  C = R*C;
  D = R*D;

  ## append old inputs u to the outputs (if lul > 0)
  kc = K*C;
  kdi = eye(m) + K*D;
  for ii = 1:lul
    it = Ulst(ii);
    if ((it < 1) || (it > m))
      error("---> Illegal value in Ulst.");
    C = [C; kc(it,:)];
    D = [D; kdi(it,:)];

  ## select and rearrange outputs
  nn = length(A);
  lol = length(Olst);
  Cnew = zeros(lol,nn);
  Dnew = zeros(lol,m);
  for ii = 1:lol
    iu = Olst(ii);
    if (!iu || (abs(iu) > p+lul))
      error("---> Illegal value in Olst.");
    Cnew(ii,:) = sign(iu)*C(abs(iu),:);
    Dnew(ii,:) = sign(iu)*D(abs(iu),:);
  C = Cnew;
  D = Dnew;
  lil = length(Ilst);
  Bnew = zeros(nn,lil);
  Dnew = zeros(lol,lil);
  for ii = 1:lil
    iu = Ilst(ii);
    if (!iu || (abs(iu) > m))
      error("---> Illegal value in Ilst.");
    Bnew(:,ii) = sign(iu)*B(:,abs(iu));
    Dnew(:,ii) = sign(iu)*D(:,abs(iu));

  sys = ss2sys(A, Bnew, C, Dnew, tsam, n, nz);
