view scripts/control/rlocus.m @ 3381:69b167451491

[project @ 1999-12-15 20:48:10 by jwe]
author jwe
date Wed, 15 Dec 1999 20:48:45 +0000
parents 8dd4718801fd
children 10f21f7ccc7f
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 1996 Auburn University.  All Rights Reserved.
## This file is part of Octave. 
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any 
## later version. 
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free 
## Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA. 

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File } { outputs =} rlocus ( inputs ) 
## @format
##  [rldata, k] = rlocus(sys[,increment,min_k,max_k])
##  Displays root locus plot of the specified SISO system.
##        -----   ---     -------- 
##    --->| + |---|k|---->| SISO |----------->
##        -----   ---     --------        | 
##        - ^                             | 
##          |_____________________________|  
## inputs: sys = system data structure
##         min_k, max_k,increment: minimum, maximum values of k and
##                the increment used in computing gain values
##  Outputs: plots the root locus to the screen.  
##    rldata: Data points plotted column 1: real values, column 2: imaginary
##            values)
##    k: gains for real axis break points.
## @end format
## @end deftypefn

function [rldata,k_break,rlpol,gvec,real_ax_pts] = rlocus(sys,increment,min_k,max_k)

  ## Convert the input to a transfer function if necessary
  ## Written by Clem and Tenison
  ## Updated by Kristi McGowan July 1996 for intelligent gain selection
  ## Updated by John Ingram July 1996 for systems
  if (nargin < 1) | (nargin > 4)
  [num,den] = sys2tf(sys);		# extract numerator/denom polyomials
  lnum = length(num);      lden = length(den);
  if(lden < 2)
    error(sprintf("length of derivative=%d, doesn't make sense",lden));
  elseif(lnum == 1)
    num = [0, num];     # so that derivative is shortened by one

  ## root locus plot axis limits
  ## compute real axis locus breakpoints
  ## compute the derivative of the numerator and the denominator 
  dern=polyderiv(num);        derd=polyderiv(den);
  ## compute real axis breakpoints
  real_ax_pol = conv(den,dern) - conv(num,derd);
  real_ax_pts = roots(real_ax_pol);
    k_break = [];
    maxk = 0;
    ## compute gains that achieve the breakpoints
    c1 = polyval(num,real_ax_pts);
    c2 = polyval(den,real_ax_pts);
    k_break = -real(c2 ./ c1);
    maxk = max(max(k_break,0));

  ## compute gain ranges based on computed K values
  if(maxk == 0)     maxk = 1; 
  else              maxk = 1.1*maxk;        endif
  mink = 0;
  ngain = 20;

  ## check for input arguments:
  if (nargin > 2)       mink = min_k;          endif
  if (nargin > 3)       maxk = max_k;          endif
  if (nargin > 1)
    if(increment <= 0)  error("increment must be positive");
      ngain = (maxk-mink)/increment;

  ## vector of gains
  ngain = max(3,ngain);
  gvec = linspace(mink,maxk,ngain);
  ## Find the open loop zeros and the initial poles
  rlzer = roots(num);

  ## update num to be the same length as den
  lnum = length(num);  if(lnum < lden) num = [zeros(1,lden - lnum),num];  endif

  ## compute preliminary pole sets
  nroots = lden-1;
  for ii=1:ngain
   gain = gvec(ii);
   rlpol(1:nroots,ii)  = vec(sortcom(roots(den + gain*num)));

  ## compute axis limits (isolate asymptotes)
  olpol = roots(den);
  real_axdat = union(real(rlzer), real(union(olpol,real_ax_pts)) );
  rmin = min(real_axdat);      rmax = max(real_axdat);

  rlpolv = [vec(rlpol); vec(real_axdat)];
  idx = find(real(rlpolv) >= rmin & real(rlpolv) <= rmax);
  axlim = axis2dlim([real(rlpolv(idx)),imag(rlpolv(idx))]);
  xmin = axlim(1);
  xmax = axlim(2);
  ## set smoothing tolerance per axis limits
  smtol = 0.01*max(abs(axlim));
  ## smooth poles if necessary, up to maximum of 1000 gain points
  ## only smooth points within the axis limit window
  ## smoothing done if max_k not specified as a command argument
  done=(nargin == 4);    # perform a smoothness check
  while((!done) & ngain < 1000)
    done = 1 ;      # assume done
    dp = abs(diff(rlpol'))';
    maxd = max(dp);
    ## search for poles in the real axis limits whose neighbors are distant
    idx = find(maxd > smtol);
    for ii=1:length(idx)
      i1 = idx(ii);      g1 = gvec(i1);       p1 = rlpol(:,i1);
      i2 = idx(ii)+1;    g2 = gvec(i2);       p2 = rlpol(:,i2);
      ## isolate poles in p1, p2 that are inside the real axis limits
      bidx = find( (real(p1) >= xmin & real(p1) <= xmax)  ...
          | (real(p2) >= xmin & real(p2) <= xmax) );
        p1 = p1(bidx);
        p2 = p2(bidx);
        if( max(abs(p2-p1)) > smtol) 
          newg = linspace(g1,g2,5);
          newg = newg(2:4);
            printf("rlocus: empty newg")
            idx_i1 = idx(ii)
            gvec_i1 = gvec(i1:i2)
            delta_vec_i1 = diff(gvec(i1:i2))
          gvec =  [gvec,newg];
          done = 0;             # need to process new gains
    ## process new gain values
    ngain1 = length(gvec);
    for ii=(ngain+1):ngain1
      gain = gvec(ii);
      rlpol(1:nroots,ii)  = vec(sortcom(roots(den + gain*num)));

    [gvec,idx] = sort(gvec);
    rlpol = rlpol(:,idx);
    ngain = length(gvec);
  ## Plot the data
  if(nargout  == 0)
    rlpolv = vec(rlpol);
    idx = find(real(rlpolv) >= xmin & real(rlpolv) <= xmax);
    axdata = [real(rlpolv(idx)),imag(rlpolv(idx))];
    axlim = axis2dlim(axdata);
    axlim(1:2) = [xmin, xmax];
    gset nologscale xy;
    rldata = [real(rlpolv), imag(rlpolv) ];
    [stn,inname,outname] = sysgetsignals(sys);
    xlabel(sprintf("Root locus from %s to %s, gain=[%f,%f]: Real axis", ...
    ylabel("Imag. axis");
    plot(real(rlpolv),imag(rlpolv),".1;locus points;", ...
	real(olpol),imag(olpol),"x2;open loop poles;", ...
    rldata = [];