view libinterp/corefcn/ @ 30564:796f54d4ddbf stable

update Octave Project Developers copyright for the new year In files that have the "Octave Project Developers" copyright notice, update for 2021. In all .txi and .texi files except gpl.txi and gpl.texi in the doc/liboctave and doc/interpreter directories, change the copyright to "Octave Project Developers", the same as used for other source files. Update copyright notices for 2022 (not done since 2019). For gpl.txi and gpl.texi, change the copyright notice to be "Free Software Foundation, Inc." and leave the date at 2007 only because this file only contains the text of the GPL, not anything created by the Octave Project Developers. Add Paul Thomas to
author John W. Eaton <>
date Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:22:40 -0500
parents a61e1a0f6024
children e88a07dec498
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2020-2022 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include "defun.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "errwarn.h"
#include "oct-string.h"
#include "ovl.h"
#include "utils.h"

#if defined (HAVE_RAPIDJSON)
#  include <rapidjson/document.h>
#  include <rapidjson/error/en.h>


#if defined (HAVE_RAPIDJSON)

static octave_value
decode (const rapidjson::Value& val,
        const octave::make_valid_name_options *options);

//! Decodes a numerical JSON value into a scalar number.
//! @param val JSON value that is guaranteed to be a numerical value.
//! @return @ref octave_value that contains the numerical value of @p val.
//! @b Example:
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("123");
//! octave_value num = decode_number (d);
//! @endcode

static octave_value
decode_number (const rapidjson::Value& val)
  if (val.IsUint ())
    return octave_value (val.GetUint ());
  else if (val.IsInt ())
    return octave_value (val.GetInt ());
  else if (val.IsUint64 ())
    return octave_value (val.GetUint64 ());
  else if (val.IsInt64 ())
    return octave_value (val.GetInt64 ());
  else if (val.IsDouble ())
    return octave_value (val.GetDouble ());
    error ("jsondecode: unidentified type");

//! Decodes a JSON object into a scalar struct.
//! @param val JSON value that is guaranteed to be a JSON object.
//! @param options @c ReplacementStyle and @c Prefix options with their values.
//! @return @ref octave_value that contains the equivalent scalar struct of @p val.
//! @b Example:
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2}");
//! octave_value struct = decode_object (d, octave_value_list ());
//! @endcode

static octave_value
decode_object (const rapidjson::Value& val,
               const octave::make_valid_name_options *options)
  octave_scalar_map retval;

  for (const auto& pair : val.GetObject ())
      // Validator function "matlab.lang.makeValidName" to guarantee legitimate
      // variable name.
      std::string varname = ();
      if (options != nullptr)
        octave::make_valid_name (varname, *options);
      retval.assign (varname, decode (pair.value, options));

  return retval;

//! Decodes a JSON array that contains only numerical or null values
//! into an NDArray.
//! @param val JSON value that is guaranteed to be a numeric array.
//! @return @ref octave_value that contains the equivalent NDArray of @p val.
//! @b Example:
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("[1, 2, 3, 4]");
//! octave_value numeric_array = decode_numeric_array (d);
//! @endcode

static octave_value
decode_numeric_array (const rapidjson::Value& val)
  NDArray retval (dim_vector (val.Size (), 1));
  octave_idx_type index = 0;
  for (const auto& elem : val.GetArray ())
    retval(index++) = elem.IsNull () ? octave_NaN
                                     : decode_number (elem).double_value ();
  return retval;

//! Decodes a JSON array that contains only boolean values into a boolNDArray.
//! @param val JSON value that is guaranteed to be a boolean array.
//! @return @ref octave_value that contains the equivalent boolNDArray of @p val.
//! @b Example:
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("[true, false, true]");
//! octave_value boolean_array = decode_boolean_array (d);
//! @endcode

static octave_value
decode_boolean_array (const rapidjson::Value& val)
  boolNDArray retval (dim_vector (val.Size (), 1));
  octave_idx_type index = 0;
  for (const auto& elem : val.GetArray ())
    retval(index++) = elem.GetBool ();
  return retval;

//! Decodes a JSON array that contains different types
//! or string values only into a Cell.
//! @param val JSON value that is guaranteed to be a mixed or string array.
//! @param options @c ReplacementStyle and @c Prefix options with their values.
//! @return @ref octave_value that contains the equivalent Cell of @p val.
//! @b Example (decoding a string array):
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("[\"foo\", \"bar\", \"baz\"]");
//! octave_value cell = decode_string_and_mixed_array (d, octave_value_list ());
//! @endcode
//! @b Example (decoding a mixed array):
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("[\"foo\", 123, true]");
//! octave_value cell = decode_string_and_mixed_array (d, octave_value_list ());
//! @endcode

static octave_value
decode_string_and_mixed_array (const rapidjson::Value& val,
                               const octave::make_valid_name_options *options)
  Cell retval (dim_vector (val.Size (), 1));
  octave_idx_type index = 0;
  for (const auto& elem : val.GetArray ())
    retval(index++) = decode (elem, options);
  return retval;

//! Decodes a JSON array that contains only objects into a Cell or struct array
//! depending on the similarity of the objects' keys.
//! @param val JSON value that is guaranteed to be an object array.
//! @param options @c ReplacementStyle and @c Prefix options with their values.
//! @return @ref octave_value that contains the equivalent Cell
//! or struct array of @p val.
//! @b Example (returns a struct array):
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("[{\"a\":1,\"b\":2},{\"a\":3,\"b\":4}]");
//! octave_value object_array = decode_object_array (d, octave_value_list ());
//! @endcode
//! @b Example (returns a Cell):
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("[{\"a\":1,\"b\":2},{\"b\":3,\"a\":4}]");
//! octave_value object_array = decode_object_array (d, octave_value_list ());
//! @endcode

static octave_value
decode_object_array (const rapidjson::Value& val,
                     const octave::make_valid_name_options *options)
  Cell struct_cell = decode_string_and_mixed_array (val, options).cell_value ();
  string_vector field_names = struct_cell(0).scalar_map_value ().fieldnames ();

  bool same_field_names = true;
  for (octave_idx_type i = 1; i < struct_cell.numel (); ++i)
    if (field_names.std_list ()
        != struct_cell(i).scalar_map_value ().fieldnames ().std_list ())
        same_field_names = false;

  if (same_field_names)
      octave_map struct_array;
      dim_vector struct_array_dims = dim_vector (struct_cell.numel (), 1);

      if (field_names.numel ())
          Cell value (struct_array_dims);
          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < field_names.numel (); ++i)
              for (octave_idx_type k = 0; k < struct_cell.numel (); ++k)
                value(k) = struct_cell(k).scalar_map_value ()
                                         .getfield (field_names(i));
              struct_array.assign (field_names(i), value);
        struct_array.resize (struct_array_dims, true);

      return struct_array;
    return struct_cell;

//! Decodes a JSON array that contains only arrays into a Cell or an NDArray
//! depending on the dimensions and element types of the sub-arrays.
//! @param val JSON value that is guaranteed to be an array of arrays.
//! @param options @c ReplacementStyle and @c Prefix options with their values.
//! @return @ref octave_value that contains the equivalent Cell
//! or NDArray of @p val.
//! @b Example (returns an NDArray):
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("[[1, 2], [3, 4]]");
//! octave_value array = decode_array_of_arrays (d, octave_value_list ());
//! @endcode
//! @b Example (returns a Cell):
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("[[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]");
//! octave_value cell = decode_array_of_arrays (d, octave_value_list ());
//! @endcode

static octave_value
decode_array_of_arrays (const rapidjson::Value& val,
                        const octave::make_valid_name_options *options)
  // Some arrays should be decoded as NDArrays and others as cell arrays
  Cell cell = decode_string_and_mixed_array (val, options).cell_value ();

  // Only arrays with sub-arrays of booleans and numericals will return NDArray
  bool is_bool = cell(0).is_bool_matrix ();
  bool is_struct = cell(0).isstruct ();
  string_vector field_names = is_struct ? cell(0).map_value ().fieldnames ()
                                        : string_vector ();
  dim_vector sub_array_dims = cell(0).dims ();
  octave_idx_type sub_array_ndims = cell(0).ndims ();
  octave_idx_type cell_numel = cell.numel ();
  for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < cell_numel; ++i)
      // If one element is cell return the cell array as at least one of the
      // sub-arrays area either an array of: strings, objects or mixed array
      if (cell(i).iscell ())
        return cell;
      // If not the same dim of elements or dim = 0, return cell array
      if (cell(i).dims () != sub_array_dims || sub_array_dims == dim_vector ())
        return cell;
      // If not numeric sub-arrays only or bool sub-arrays only,
      // return cell array
      if (cell(i).is_bool_matrix () != is_bool)
        return cell;
      // If not struct arrays only, return cell array
      if (cell(i).isstruct () != is_struct)
        return cell;
      // If struct arrays have different fields, return cell array
      if (is_struct && (field_names.std_list ()
                        != cell(i).map_value ().fieldnames ().std_list ()))
        return cell;

  // Calculate the dims of the output array
  dim_vector array_dims;
  array_dims.resize (sub_array_ndims + 1);
  array_dims(0) = cell_numel;
  for (auto i = 1; i < sub_array_ndims + 1; i++)
    array_dims(i) = sub_array_dims(i-1);

  if (is_struct)
      octave_map struct_array;
      array_dims.chop_trailing_singletons ();

      if (field_names.numel ())
          Cell value (array_dims);
          octave_idx_type sub_array_numel = sub_array_dims.numel ();

          for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < field_names.numel (); ++j)
              // Populate the array with specific order to generate
              // MATLAB-identical output.
              for (octave_idx_type k = 0; k < cell_numel; ++k)
                  Cell sub_array_value = cell(k).map_value ()
                                                .getfield (field_names(j));
                  for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < sub_array_numel; ++i)
                    value(k + i * cell_numel) = sub_array_value(i);
              struct_array.assign (field_names(j), value);
        struct_array.resize(array_dims, true);

      return struct_array;
      NDArray array (array_dims);

      // Populate the array with specific order to generate MATLAB-identical
      // output.
      octave_idx_type sub_array_numel = array.numel () / cell_numel;
      for (octave_idx_type k = 0; k < cell_numel; ++k)
          NDArray sub_array_value = cell(k).array_value ();
          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < sub_array_numel; ++i)
            array(k + i * cell_numel) = sub_array_value(i);

      if (is_bool)
        return boolNDArray (array);
        return array;

//! Decodes any type of JSON arrays.  This function only serves as an interface
//! by choosing which function to call from the previous functions.
//! @param val JSON value that is guaranteed to be an array.
//! @param options @c ReplacementStyle and @c Prefix options with their values.
//! @return @ref octave_value that contains the output of decoding @p val.
//! @b Example:
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("[[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]");
//! octave_value array = decode_array (d, octave_value_list ());
//! @endcode

static octave_value
decode_array (const rapidjson::Value& val,
              const octave::make_valid_name_options *options)
  // Handle empty arrays
  if (val.Empty ())
    return NDArray ();

  // Compare with other elements to know if the array has multiple types
  rapidjson::Type array_type = val[0].GetType ();
  // Check if the array is numeric and if it has multiple types
  bool same_type = true;
  bool is_numeric = true;
  for (const auto& elem : val.GetArray ())
      rapidjson::Type current_elem_type = elem.GetType ();
      if (is_numeric && ! (current_elem_type == rapidjson::kNullType
                           || current_elem_type == rapidjson::kNumberType))
        is_numeric = false;
      if (same_type && (current_elem_type != array_type))
        // RapidJSON doesn't have kBoolean Type it has kTrueType and kFalseType
        if (! ((current_elem_type == rapidjson::kTrueType
                && array_type == rapidjson::kFalseType)
            || (current_elem_type == rapidjson::kFalseType
                && array_type == rapidjson::kTrueType)))
          same_type = false;

  if (is_numeric)
    return decode_numeric_array (val);

  if (same_type && (array_type != rapidjson::kStringType))
      if (array_type == rapidjson::kTrueType
          || array_type == rapidjson::kFalseType)
        return decode_boolean_array (val);
      else if (array_type == rapidjson::kObjectType)
        return decode_object_array (val, options);
      else if (array_type == rapidjson::kArrayType)
        return decode_array_of_arrays (val, options);
        error ("jsondecode: unidentified type");
    return decode_string_and_mixed_array (val, options);

//! Decodes any JSON value.  This function only serves as an interface
//! by choosing which function to call from the previous functions.
//! @param val JSON value.
//! @param options @c ReplacementStyle and @c Prefix options with their values.
//! @return @ref octave_value that contains the output of decoding @p val.
//! @b Example:
//! @code{.cc}
//! rapidjson::Document d;
//! d.Parse ("[{\"a\":1,\"b\":2},{\"b\":3,\"a\":4}]");
//! octave_value value = decode (d, octave_value_list ());
//! @endcode

static octave_value
decode (const rapidjson::Value& val,
        const octave::make_valid_name_options *options)
  if (val.IsBool ())
    return val.GetBool ();
  else if (val.IsNumber ())
    return decode_number (val);
  else if (val.IsString ())
    return val.GetString ();
  else if (val.IsObject ())
    return decode_object (val, options);
  else if (val.IsNull ())
    return NDArray ();
  else if (val.IsArray ())
    return decode_array (val, options);
    error ("jsondecode: unidentified type");


DEFUN (jsondecode, args, ,
       doc: /* -*- texinfo -*-
@deftypefn  {} {@var{object} =} jsondecode (@var{JSON_txt})
@deftypefnx {} {@var{object} =} jsondecode (@dots{}, "ReplacementStyle", @var{rs})
@deftypefnx {} {@var{object} =} jsondecode (@dots{}, "Prefix", @var{pfx})
@deftypefnx {} {@var{object} =} jsondecode (@dots{}, "makeValidName", @var{TF})

Decode text that is formatted in JSON.

The input @var{JSON_txt} is a string that contains JSON text.

The output @var{object} is an Octave object that contains the result of
decoding @var{JSON_txt}.

For more information about the options @qcode{"ReplacementStyle"} and

If the value of the option @qcode{"makeValidName"} is false then names
will not be changed by @code{matlab.lang.makeValidName} and the
@qcode{"ReplacementStyle"} and @qcode{"Prefix"} options will be ignored.

NOTE: Decoding and encoding JSON text is not guaranteed to reproduce the
original text as some names may be changed by @code{matlab.lang.makeValidName}.

This table shows the conversions from JSON data types to Octave data types:

@multitable @columnfractions 0.50 0.50
@headitem JSON data type @tab Octave data type
@item Boolean @tab scalar logical
@item Number @tab scalar double
@item String @tab vector of characters
@item Object @tab scalar struct (field names of the struct may be different from the keys of the JSON object due to @code{matlab_lang_makeValidName}
@item null, inside a numeric array @tab @code{NaN}
@item null, inside a non-numeric array @tab empty double array @code{[]}
@item Array, of different data types @tab cell array
@item Array, of Booleans @tab logical array
@item Array, of Numbers @tab double array
@item Array, of Strings @tab cell array of character vectors (@code{cellstr})
@item Array of Objects, same field names @tab struct array
@item Array of Objects, different field names @tab cell array of scalar structs
@end multitable


jsondecode ('[1, 2, null, 3]')
    @result{} ans =

@end group

jsondecode ('["foo", "bar", ["foo", "bar"]]')
    @result{} ans =
         [1,1] = foo
         [2,1] = bar
         [3,1] =
           [1,1] = foo
           [2,1] = bar

@end group

jsondecode ('@{"nu#m#ber": 7, "s#tr#ing": "hi"@}', ...
            'ReplacementStyle', 'delete')
    @result{} scalar structure containing the fields:

         number = 7
         string = hi
@end group

jsondecode ('@{"nu#m#ber": 7, "s#tr#ing": "hi"@}', ...
            'makeValidName', false)
    @result{} scalar structure containing the fields:

         nu#m#ber = 7
         s#tr#ing = hi
@end group

jsondecode ('@{"1": "one", "2": "two"@}', 'Prefix', 'm_')
    @result{} scalar structure containing the fields:

         m_1 = one
         m_2 = two
@end group
@end example

@seealso{jsonencode, matlab.lang.makeValidName}
@end deftypefn */)
#if defined (HAVE_RAPIDJSON)

  int nargin = args.length ();

  // makeValidName options are pairs, the number of arguments must be odd.
  if (! (nargin % 2))
    print_usage ();

  // Detect if the user wants to use makeValidName
  bool use_makeValidName = true;
  octave_value_list make_valid_name_params;
  for (auto i = 1; i < nargin; i = i + 2)
      std::string parameter = args(i).xstring_value ("jsondecode: "
                              "option argument must be a string");
      if (string::strcmpi (parameter, "makeValidName"))
          use_makeValidName = args(i + 1).xbool_value ("jsondecode: "
                              "'makeValidName' value must be a bool");
        make_valid_name_params.append (args.slice(i, 2));

  make_valid_name_options *options
    = use_makeValidName ? new make_valid_name_options (make_valid_name_params)
                        : nullptr;

  unwind_action del_opts ([options] (void) { if (options) delete options; });

  if (! args(0).is_string ())
    error ("jsondecode: JSON_TXT must be a character string");

  std::string json = args(0).string_value ();
  rapidjson::Document d;
  // DOM is chosen instead of SAX as SAX publishes events to a handler that
  // decides what to do depending on the event only.  This will cause a
  // problem in decoding JSON arrays as the output may be an array or a cell
  // and that doesn't only depend on the event (startArray) but also on the
  // types of the elements inside the array.
  d.Parse <rapidjson::kParseNanAndInfFlag> (json.c_str ());

  if (d.HasParseError ())
    error ("jsondecode: parse error at offset %u: %s\n",
           static_cast<unsigned int> (d.GetErrorOffset ()) + 1,
           rapidjson::GetParseError_En (d.GetParseError ()));

  return decode (d, options);


  octave_unused_parameter (args);

  err_disabled_feature ("jsondecode", "JSON decoding through RapidJSON");


Functional BIST tests are located in test/json/jsondecode_BIST.tst

## Input validation tests
%! fail ("jsondecode ()");
%! fail ("jsondecode ('1', 2)");
%! fail ("jsondecode (1)", "JSON_TXT must be a character string");
%! fail ("jsondecode ('12-')", "parse error at offset 3");
