view libinterp/dldfcn/ @ 30564:796f54d4ddbf stable

update Octave Project Developers copyright for the new year In files that have the "Octave Project Developers" copyright notice, update for 2021. In all .txi and .texi files except gpl.txi and gpl.texi in the doc/liboctave and doc/interpreter directories, change the copyright to "Octave Project Developers", the same as used for other source files. Update copyright notices for 2022 (not done since 2019). For gpl.txi and gpl.texi, change the copyright notice to be "Free Software Foundation, Inc." and leave the date at 2007 only because this file only contains the text of the GPL, not anything created by the Octave Project Developers. Add Paul Thomas to
author John W. Eaton <>
date Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:22:40 -0500
parents a61e1a0f6024
children e88a07dec498
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2005-2022 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include <ctime>

#include <limits>

#include "Array.h"
#include "chMatrix.h"
#include "dColVector.h"
#include "dMatrix.h"
#include "dSparse.h"
#include "lo-ieee.h"

#include "defun-dld.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "errwarn.h"
#include "oct-map.h"
#include "ov.h"
#include "ovl.h"

#if defined (HAVE_GLPK)

extern "C"
#if defined (HAVE_GLPK_GLPK_H)
#  include <glpk/glpk.h>
#  include <glpk.h>

struct control_params
  int msglev;
  int dual;
  int price;
  int itlim;
  int outfrq;
  int branch;
  int btrack;
  int presol;
  int rtest;
  int tmlim;
  int outdly;
  double tolbnd;
  double toldj;
  double tolpiv;
  double objll;
  double objul;
  double tolint;
  double tolobj;

static int
glpk (int sense, int n, int m, double *c, int nz, int *rn, int *cn,
      double *a, double *b, char *ctype, int *freeLB, double *lb,
      int *freeUB, double *ub, int *vartype, int isMIP, int lpsolver,
      int save_pb, int scale, const control_params& par,
      double *xmin, double& fmin, int& status,
      double *lambda, double *redcosts, double& time)
  int typx = 0;
  int errnum = 0;

  time = 0.0;
  status = -1;    // Initialize status to "bad" value

  clock_t t_start = clock ();

  glp_prob *lp = glp_create_prob ();

  // Set the sense of optimization
  if (sense == 1)
    glp_set_obj_dir (lp, GLP_MIN);
    glp_set_obj_dir (lp, GLP_MAX);

  glp_add_cols (lp, n);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      // Define type of the structural variables
      if (! freeLB[i] && ! freeUB[i])
          if (lb[i] != ub[i])
            glp_set_col_bnds (lp, i+1, GLP_DB, lb[i], ub[i]);
            glp_set_col_bnds (lp, i+1, GLP_FX, lb[i], ub[i]);
          if (! freeLB[i] && freeUB[i])
            glp_set_col_bnds (lp, i+1, GLP_LO, lb[i], ub[i]);
              if (freeLB[i] && ! freeUB[i])
                glp_set_col_bnds (lp, i+1, GLP_UP, lb[i], ub[i]);
                glp_set_col_bnds (lp, i+1, GLP_FR, lb[i], ub[i]);

      // -- Set the objective coefficient of the corresponding
      // -- structural variable.  No constant term is assumed.
      glp_set_obj_coef(lp, i+1, c[i]);

      if (isMIP)
        glp_set_col_kind (lp, i+1, vartype[i]);

  glp_add_rows (lp, m);

  for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
      // If the i-th row has no lower bound (types F,U), the
      // corrispondent parameter will be ignored.  If the i-th row has
      // no upper bound (types F,L), the corrispondent parameter will be
      // ignored.  If the i-th row is of S type, the i-th LB is used,
      // but the i-th UB is ignored.

      switch (ctype[i])
        case 'F':
          typx = GLP_FR;

        case 'U':
          typx = GLP_UP;

        case 'L':
          typx = GLP_LO;

        case 'S':
          typx = GLP_FX;

        case 'D':
          typx = GLP_DB;

      glp_set_row_bnds (lp, i+1, typx, b[i], b[i]);


  glp_load_matrix (lp, nz, rn, cn, a);

  if (save_pb)
      static char tmp[] = "outpb.lp";
      if (glp_write_lp (lp, nullptr, tmp) != 0)
        error ("__glpk__: unable to write problem");

  // scale the problem data
  if (! par.presol || lpsolver != 1)
    glp_scale_prob (lp, scale);

  // build advanced initial basis (if required)
  if (lpsolver == 1 && ! par.presol)
    glp_adv_basis (lp, 0);

  // For MIP problems without a presolver, a first pass with glp_simplex
  // is required
  if ((! isMIP && lpsolver == 1)
      || (isMIP && ! par.presol))
      glp_smcp smcp;
      glp_init_smcp (&smcp);
      smcp.msg_lev = par.msglev;
      smcp.meth = par.dual;
      smcp.pricing = par.price;
      smcp.r_test = par.rtest;
      smcp.tol_bnd = par.tolbnd;
      smcp.tol_dj = par.toldj;
      smcp.tol_piv = par.tolpiv;
      smcp.obj_ll = par.objll;
      smcp.obj_ul = par.objul;
      smcp.it_lim = par.itlim;
      smcp.tm_lim = par.tmlim;
      smcp.out_frq = par.outfrq;
      smcp.out_dly = par.outdly;
      smcp.presolve = par.presol;
      errnum = glp_simplex (lp, &smcp);

  if (isMIP)
      glp_iocp iocp;
      glp_init_iocp (&iocp);
      iocp.msg_lev = par.msglev;
      iocp.br_tech = par.branch;
      iocp.bt_tech = par.btrack;
      iocp.tol_int = par.tolint;
      iocp.tol_obj = par.tolobj;
      iocp.tm_lim = par.tmlim;
      iocp.out_frq = par.outfrq;
      iocp.out_dly = par.outdly;
      iocp.presolve = par.presol;
      errnum = glp_intopt (lp, &iocp);

  if (! isMIP && lpsolver == 2)
      glp_iptcp iptcp;
      glp_init_iptcp (&iptcp);
      iptcp.msg_lev = par.msglev;
      errnum = glp_interior (lp, &iptcp);

  if (errnum == 0)
      if (isMIP)
          status = glp_mip_status (lp);
          fmin = glp_mip_obj_val (lp);
          if (lpsolver == 1)
              status = glp_get_status (lp);
              fmin = glp_get_obj_val (lp);
              status = glp_ipt_status (lp);
              fmin = glp_ipt_obj_val (lp);

      if (isMIP)
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            xmin[i] = glp_mip_col_val (lp, i+1);
          // Primal values
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
              if (lpsolver == 1)
                xmin[i] = glp_get_col_prim (lp, i+1);
                xmin[i] = glp_ipt_col_prim (lp, i+1);

          // Dual values
          for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
              if (lpsolver == 1)
                lambda[i] = glp_get_row_dual (lp, i+1);
                lambda[i] = glp_ipt_row_dual (lp, i+1);

          // Reduced costs
          for (int i = 0; i < glp_get_num_cols (lp); i++)
              if (lpsolver == 1)
                redcosts[i] = glp_get_col_dual (lp, i+1);
                redcosts[i] = glp_ipt_col_dual (lp, i+1);

  time = (clock () - t_start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

  glp_delete_prob (lp);
  // Request that GLPK free all memory resources.
  // This prevents reported memory leaks, but isn't strictly necessary.
  // The memory blocks used are allocated once and don't grow with further
  // calls to glpk so they would be reclaimed anyways when Octave exits.
  glp_free_env ();

  return errnum;



#define OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM(NAME, VAL)                           \
  do                                                                    \
    {                                                                   \
      octave_value tmp = PARAM.getfield (NAME);                         \
      if (tmp.is_defined ())                                            \
        {                                                               \
          if (! tmp.isempty ())                                        \
            VAL = tmp.xscalar_value ("glpk: invalid value in PARAM" NAME); \
          else                                                          \
            error ("glpk: invalid value in PARAM" NAME);                \
        }                                                               \
    }                                                                   \
  while (0)

#define OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM(NAME, VAL)                            \
  do                                                                    \
    {                                                                   \
      octave_value tmp = PARAM.getfield (NAME);                         \
      if (tmp.is_defined ())                                            \
        {                                                               \
          if (! tmp.isempty ())                                        \
            VAL = tmp.xint_value ("glpk: invalid value in PARAM" NAME); \
          else                                                          \
            error ("glpk: invalid value in PARAM" NAME);                \
        }                                                               \
    }                                                                   \
  while (0)

DEFUN_DLD (__glpk__, args, ,
           doc: /* -*- texinfo -*-
@deftypefn {} {[@var{values}] =} __glpk__ (@var{args})
Undocumented internal function.
@end deftypefn */)
#if defined (HAVE_GLPK)

  // FIXME: Should we even need checking for an internal function?
  if (args.length () != 9)
    print_usage ();

  // 1st Input.  A column array containing the objective function coefficients.
  int mrowsc = args(0).rows ();

  Matrix C = args(0).xmatrix_value ("__glpk__: invalid value of C");

  double *c = C.fortran_vec ();
  Array<int> rn;
  Array<int> cn;
  ColumnVector a;
  int mrowsA;
  int nz = 0;

  // 2nd Input.  A matrix containing the constraints coefficients.
  // If matrix A is NOT a sparse matrix
  if (args(1).issparse ())
      SparseMatrix A = args(1).xsparse_matrix_value ("__glpk__: invalid value of A");

      mrowsA = A.rows ();
      octave_idx_type Anc = A.cols ();
      octave_idx_type Anz = A.nnz ();
      rn.resize (dim_vector (Anz+1, 1));
      cn.resize (dim_vector (Anz+1, 1));
      a.resize (Anz+1, 0.0);

      if (Anc != mrowsc)
        error ("__glpk__: invalid value of A");

      for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < Anc; j++)
        for (octave_idx_type i = A.cidx (j); i < A.cidx (j+1); i++)
            rn(nz) = A.ridx (i) + 1;
            cn(nz) = j + 1;
            a(nz) =;
      Matrix A = args(1).xmatrix_value ("__glpk__: invalid value of A");

      mrowsA = A.rows ();
      rn.resize (dim_vector (mrowsA*mrowsc+1, 1));
      cn.resize (dim_vector (mrowsA*mrowsc+1, 1));
      a.resize (mrowsA*mrowsc+1, 0.0);

      for (int i = 0; i < mrowsA; i++)
          for (int j = 0; j < mrowsc; j++)
              if (A(i, j) != 0)
                  rn(nz) = i + 1;
                  cn(nz) = j + 1;
                  a(nz) = A(i, j);


  // 3rd Input.  A column array containing the right-hand side value
  //             for each constraint in the constraint matrix.
  Matrix B = args(2).xmatrix_value ("__glpk__: invalid value of B");

  double *b = B.fortran_vec ();

  // 4th Input.  An array of length mrowsc containing the lower
  //             bound on each of the variables.
  Matrix LB = args(3).xmatrix_value ("__glpk__: invalid value of LB");

  if (LB.numel () < mrowsc)
    error ("__glpk__: invalid dimensions for LB");

  double *lb = LB.fortran_vec ();

  // LB argument, default: Free
  Array<int> freeLB (dim_vector (mrowsc, 1));
  for (int i = 0; i < mrowsc; i++)
      if (math::isinf (lb[i]))
          freeLB(i) = 1;
          lb[i] = -numeric_limits<double>::Inf ();
        freeLB(i) = 0;

  // 5th Input.  An array of at least length numcols containing the upper
  //             bound on each of the variables.
  Matrix UB = args(4).xmatrix_value ("__glpk__: invalid value of UB");

  if (UB.numel () < mrowsc)
    error ("__glpk__: invalid dimensions for UB");

  double *ub = UB.fortran_vec ();

  Array<int> freeUB (dim_vector (mrowsc, 1));
  for (int i = 0; i < mrowsc; i++)
      if (math::isinf (ub[i]))
          freeUB(i) = 1;
          ub[i] = numeric_limits<double>::Inf ();
        freeUB(i) = 0;

  // 6th Input.  A column array containing the sense of each constraint
  //             in the constraint matrix.
  charMatrix CTYPE = args(5).xchar_matrix_value ("__glpk__: invalid value of CTYPE");

  char *ctype = CTYPE.fortran_vec ();

  // 7th Input.  A column array containing the types of the variables.
  charMatrix VTYPE = args(6).xchar_matrix_value ("__glpk__: invalid value of VARTYPE");

  Array<int> vartype (dim_vector (mrowsc, 1));
  int isMIP = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < mrowsc ; i++)
      if (VTYPE(i, 0) == 'I')
          isMIP = 1;
          vartype(i) = GLP_IV;
        vartype(i) = GLP_CV;

  // 8th Input.  Sense of optimization.
  int sense;
  double SENSE = args(7).xscalar_value ("__glpk__: invalid value of SENSE");

  if (SENSE >= 0)
    sense = 1;
    sense = -1;

  // 9th Input.  A structure containing the control parameters.
  octave_scalar_map PARAM = args(8).xscalar_map_value ("__glpk__: invalid value of PARAM");

  control_params par;

  // Integer parameters

  // Level of messages output by the solver
  par.msglev = 1;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("msglev", par.msglev);
  if (par.msglev < 0 || par.msglev > 3)
    error ("__glpk__: PARAM.msglev must be 0 (no output) or 1 (error and warning messages only [default]) or 2 (normal output) or 3 (full output)");

  // scaling option
  int scale = 16;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("scale", scale);
  if (scale < 0 || scale > 128)
    error ("__glpk__: PARAM.scale must either be 128 (automatic selection of scaling options), or a bitwise or of: 1 (geometric mean scaling), 16 (equilibration scaling), 32 (round scale factors to power of two), 64 (skip if problem is well scaled");

  // Dual simplex option
  par.dual = 1;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("dual", par.dual);
  if (par.dual < 1 || par.dual > 3)
    error ("__glpk__: PARAM.dual must be 1 (use two-phase primal simplex [default]) or 2 (use two-phase dual simplex) or 3 (use two-phase dual simplex, and if it fails, switch to the primal simplex)");

  // Pricing option
  par.price = 34;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("price", par.price);
  if (par.price != 17 && par.price != 34)
    error ("__glpk__: PARAM.price must be 17 (textbook pricing) or 34 (steepest edge pricing [default])");

  // Simplex iterations limit
  par.itlim = std::numeric_limits<int>::max ();
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("itlim", par.itlim);

  // Output frequency, in iterations
  par.outfrq = 200;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("outfrq", par.outfrq);

  // Branching heuristic option
  par.branch = 4;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("branch", par.branch);
  if (par.branch < 1 || par.branch > 5)
    error ("__glpk__: PARAM.branch must be 1 (first fractional variable) or 2 (last fractional variable) or 3 (most fractional variable) or 4 (heuristic by Driebeck and Tomlin [default]) or 5 (hybrid pseudocost heuristic)");

  // Backtracking heuristic option
  par.btrack = 4;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("btrack", par.btrack);
  if (par.btrack < 1 || par.btrack > 4)
    error ("__glpk__: PARAM.btrack must be 1 (depth first search) or 2 (breadth first search) or 3 (best local bound) or 4 (best projection heuristic [default]");

  // Presolver option
  par.presol = 1;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("presol", par.presol);
  if (par.presol < 0 || par.presol > 1)
    error ("__glpk__: PARAM.presol must be 0 (do NOT use LP presolver) or 1 (use LP presolver [default])");

  // LPsolver option
  int lpsolver = 1;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("lpsolver", lpsolver);
  if (lpsolver < 1 || lpsolver > 2)
    error ("__glpk__: PARAM.lpsolver must be 1 (simplex method) or 2 (interior point method)");

  // Ratio test option
  par.rtest = 34;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("rtest", par.rtest);
  if (par.rtest != 17 && par.rtest != 34)
    error ("__glpk__: PARAM.rtest must be 17 (standard ratio test) or 34 (Harris' two-pass ratio test [default])");

  par.tmlim = std::numeric_limits<int>::max ();
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("tmlim", par.tmlim);

  par.outdly = 0;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("outdly", par.outdly);

  // Save option
  int save_pb = 0;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM ("save", save_pb);
  save_pb = save_pb != 0;

  // Real parameters

  // Relative tolerance used to check if the current basic solution
  // is primal feasible
  par.tolbnd = 1e-7;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM ("tolbnd", par.tolbnd);

  // Absolute tolerance used to check if the current basic solution
  // is dual feasible
  par.toldj = 1e-7;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM ("toldj", par.toldj);

  // Relative tolerance used to choose eligible pivotal elements of
  //  the simplex table in the ratio test
  par.tolpiv = 1e-10;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM ("tolpiv", par.tolpiv);

  par.objll = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max ();
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM ("objll", par.objll);

  par.objul = std::numeric_limits<double>::max ();
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM ("objul", par.objul);

  par.tolint = 1e-5;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM ("tolint", par.tolint);

  par.tolobj = 1e-7;
  OCTAVE_GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM ("tolobj", par.tolobj);

  // Assign pointers to the output parameters
  ColumnVector xmin (mrowsc, octave_NA);
  double fmin = octave_NA;
  ColumnVector lambda (mrowsA, octave_NA);
  ColumnVector redcosts (mrowsc, octave_NA);

  double time = 0.0;
  int status = -1;

  int errnum = glpk (sense, mrowsc, mrowsA, c, nz, rn.fortran_vec (),
                     cn.fortran_vec (), a.fortran_vec (), b, ctype,
                     freeLB.fortran_vec (), lb, freeUB.fortran_vec (),
                     ub, vartype.fortran_vec (), isMIP, lpsolver,
                     save_pb, scale, par, xmin.fortran_vec (), fmin,
                     status, lambda.fortran_vec (),
                     redcosts.fortran_vec (), time);

  octave_scalar_map extra;

  if (! isMIP)
      extra.assign ("lambda", lambda);
      extra.assign ("redcosts", redcosts);

  extra.assign ("time", time);
  extra.assign ("status", status);

  return ovl (xmin, fmin, errnum, extra);


  octave_unused_parameter (args);

  err_disabled_feature ("glpk", "GNU Linear Programming Kit");


## No test needed for internal helper function.
%!assert (1)