view scripts/time/datevec.m @ 30564:796f54d4ddbf stable

update Octave Project Developers copyright for the new year In files that have the "Octave Project Developers" copyright notice, update for 2021. In all .txi and .texi files except gpl.txi and gpl.texi in the doc/liboctave and doc/interpreter directories, change the copyright to "Octave Project Developers", the same as used for other source files. Update copyright notices for 2022 (not done since 2019). For gpl.txi and gpl.texi, change the copyright notice to be "Free Software Foundation, Inc." and leave the date at 2007 only because this file only contains the text of the GPL, not anything created by the Octave Project Developers. Add Paul Thomas to
author John W. Eaton <>
date Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:22:40 -0500
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children beac32c0e9c7
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line source

## Copyright (C) 2000-2022 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {@var{v} =} datevec (@var{date})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{v} =} datevec (@var{date}, @var{f})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{v} =} datevec (@var{date}, @var{p})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{v} =} datevec (@var{date}, @var{f}, @var{p})
## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{y}, @var{m}, @var{d}, @var{h}, @var{mi}, @var{s}] =} datevec (@dots{})
## Convert a serial date number (@pxref{XREFdatenum,,@code{datenum}}) or date
## string (@pxref{XREFdatestr,,@code{datestr}}) into a date vector.
## A date vector is a row vector with six members, representing the year,
## month, day, hour, minute, and seconds respectively.
## @var{f} is the format string used to interpret date strings
## (@pxref{XREFdatestr,,@code{datestr}}).  If @var{date} is a string, but no
## format is specified, then a relatively slow search is performed through
## various formats.  It is always preferable to specify the format string
## @var{f} if it is known.  Formats which do not specify a particular time
## component will have the value set to zero.  Formats which do not specify a
## date will default to January 1st of the current year.
## @var{p} is the year at the start of the century to which two-digit years
## will be referenced.  If not specified, it defaults to the current year minus
## 50.
## @seealso{datenum, datestr, clock, now, date}
## @end deftypefn

## Algorithm: Peter Baum (

## The function __date_str2vec__ is based on datesplit by Bill Denney.

function [y, m, d, h, mi, s] = datevec (date, f = [], p = [])

  persistent std_formats nfmt;

  if (isempty (std_formats))
    std_formats = cell ();
    nfmt = 0;
    ## These formats are specified by Matlab documentation to be parsed
    ## The '# XX' refers to the datestr numerical format code
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS";   # 0
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "dd-mmm-yyyy";            # 1
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mm/dd/yy";               # 2
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mm/dd";                  # 6
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "HH:MM:SS";               # 13
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "HH:MM:SS PM";            # 14
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "HH:MM";                  # 15
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "HH:MM PM";               # 16
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mm/dd/yyyy";             # 23

    ## These formats are undocumented but parsed by Matlab
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmmyy";                  # 12
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmm.dd,yyyy HH:MM:SS";   # 21
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmm.dd,yyyy";            # 22
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "yyyy/mm/dd";             # 26
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "yyyy-mm-dd";             # 29
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS";    # 31

    ## These are other formats that Octave tries
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmm-dd-yyyy HH:MM:SS";
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmm-dd-yyyy";
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "dd mmm yyyy HH:MM:SS";
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "dd mmm yyyy";
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmm dd yyyy HH:MM:SS";
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmm dd yyyy";
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "dd.mmm.yyyy HH:MM:SS";
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "dd.mmm.yyyy";
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmm.dd.yyyy HH:MM:SS";
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mmm.dd.yyyy";
    std_formats{++nfmt} = "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM";

  if (nargin < 1)
    print_usage ();

  if (ischar (date))
    date = cellstr (date);

  if (isnumeric (f))
    p = f;
    f = [];

  if (isempty (f))
    f = -1;

  if (isempty (p))
    p = (localtime (time ())).year + 1900 - 50;

  do_resize = false;

  if (iscell (date))

    nd = numel (date);

    y = m = d = h = mi = s = zeros (nd, 1);

    if (f == -1)
      for k = 1:nd
        found = false;
        for l = 1:nfmt
          [f, rY, ry, fy, fm, fd, fh, fmi, fs] = ...
            __date_vfmt2sfmt__ (std_formats{l});
          [found y(k) m(k) d(k) h(k) mi(k) s(k)] = ...
            __date_str2vec__ (date{k}, p, f, rY, ry, fy, fm, fd, fh, fmi, fs);
          if (found)
        if (! found)
          error ("datevec: none of the standard formats match the DATE string");
      ## Decipher the format string just once for speed.
      [f, rY, ry, fy, fm, fd, fh, fmi, fs] = __date_vfmt2sfmt__ (f);
      for k = 1:nd
        [found y(k) m(k) d(k) h(k) mi(k) s(k)] = ...
          __date_str2vec__ (date{k}, p, f, rY, ry, fy, fm, fd, fh, fmi, fs);
        if (! found)
          error ("datevec: DATE not parsed correctly with given format");

  else   # datenum input

    if (! iscolumn (date))
      date_sz = size (date);
      do_resize = true;
    date = date(:);

    ## Move day 0 from midnight -0001-12-31 to midnight 0000-3-1
    z = double (floor (date) - 60);
    ## Calculate number of centuries; K1 = 0.25 is to avoid rounding problems.
    a = floor ((z - 0.25) / 36524.25);
    ## Days within century; K2 = 0.25 is to avoid rounding problems.
    b = z - 0.25 + a - floor (a / 4);
    ## Calculate the year (year starts on March 1).
    y = floor (b / 365.25);
    ## Calculate day in year.
    c = fix (b - floor (365.25 * y)) + 1;
    ## Calculate month in year.
    m = fix ((5 * c + 456) / 153);
    d = c - fix ((153 * m - 457) / 5);
    ## Move to Jan 1 as start of year.
    ++y(m > 12);
    m(m > 12) -= 12;

    ## Convert hour-minute-seconds.  Attempt to account for precision of
    ## datenum format.

    fracd = date - floor (date);
    tmps = abs (eps*86400*date);
    tmps(tmps == 0) = 1;
    srnd = 2 .^ floor (- log2 (tmps));
    s = round (86400 * fracd .* srnd) ./ srnd;
    h = floor (s / 3600);
    s -= 3600 * h;
    mi = floor (s / 60);
    s -= 60 * mi;


  if (nargout <= 1)
    y = [y, m, d, h, mi, s];
  elseif (do_resize)
    y = reshape (y, date_sz);
    m = reshape (m, date_sz);
    d = reshape (d, date_sz);
    h = reshape (h, date_sz);
    mi = reshape (mi, date_sz);
    s = reshape (s, date_sz);


function [f, rY, ry, fy, fm, fd, fh, fmi, fs] = __date_vfmt2sfmt__ (f)

  original_f = f;   # Store for error messages.

  ## Play safe with percent signs.
  f = strrep (f, "%", "%%");

  if (! isempty (strfind (f, "PM")) || ! isempty (strfind (f, "AM")))
    ampm = true;
    ampm = false;

  ## Date part.
  f = regexprep (f, '[Yy][Yy][Yy][Yy]', "%Y");
  f = regexprep (f, '[Yy][Yy]', "%y");
  f = strrep (f, "mmmm", "%B");
  f = strrep (f, "mmm", "%b");
  f = strrep (f, "mm", "%m");
  f = regexprep (f, '[Dd][Dd][Dd][Dd]', "%A");
  f = regexprep (f, '[Dd][Dd][Dd]', "%a");
  f = regexprep (f, '[Dd][Dd]', "%d");

  ## Time part.
  if (ampm)
    f = strrep (f, "HH", "%I");
    f = strrep (f, "PM", "%p");
    f = strrep (f, "AM", "%p");
    f = strrep (f, "HH", "%H");
  f = strrep (f, "MM", "%M");
  f = regexprep (f, '[Ss][Ss]', "%S");

  ## Check for conflicting or repeated fields.
  ## Only warn, not error, if we may be confused by an original '%'s.
  if (index (original_f, "%"))
    err_or_warn = @warning;
    err_or_warn = @error;

  if (numel (strfind (f, "%Y")) + numel (strfind (f, "%y")) > 1)
    err_or_warn ("datevec: multiple year specifiers in %s", original_f);
  elseif (numel (strfind (f, "%m")) + numel (strfind (f, "%b"))
          + numel (strfind (f, "%B")) > 1)
    err_or_warn ("datevec: multiple month specifiers in %s", original_f);
  elseif (numel (strfind (f, "%d")) + numel (strfind (f, "%a"))
          + numel (strfind (f, "%A")) > 1)
    err_or_warn ("datevec: multiple day specifiers in %s", original_f);
  elseif (numel (strfind (f, "%H")) + numel (strfind (f, "%I")) > 1)
    err_or_warn ("datevec: multiple hour specifiers in %s", original_f);
  elseif (numel (strfind (f, "%M")) > 1)
    err_or_warn ("datevec: multiple minute specifiers in %s", original_f);
  elseif (numel (strfind (f, "%S")) > 1)
    err_or_warn ("datevec: multiple second specifiers in %s", original_f);

  rY = rindex (f, "%Y");
  ry = rindex (f, "%y");

  ## Check whether we need to give default values.
  ## Possible error when string contains "%%".
  fy = rY || ry;
  fm = index (f, "%m") || index (f, "%b") || index (f, "%B");
  fd = index (f, "%d") || index (f, "%a") || index (f, "%A");
  fh = index (f, "%H") || index (f, "%I");
  fmi = index (f, "%M");
  fs = index (f, "%S");


function [found, y, m, d, h, mi, s] = __date_str2vec__ (ds, p, f, rY, ry, fy, fm, fd, fh, fmi, fs)

  ## Local time zone is irrelevant, and potentially dangerous, when using
  ## strptime to simply convert a string into a broken down struct tm.
  ## Set and restore TZ so time is parsed exactly as-is. See bug #36954.
  TZ_orig = getenv ("TZ");
    setenv ("TZ", "UTC0");

    idx = strfind (f, "FFF");
    if (! isempty (idx))
      ## Kludge to handle FFF millisecond format since strptime does not.

      ## Find location of FFF in ds.
      ## Might not match idx because of things like yyyy -> %y.
      [~, nc] = strptime (ds, f(1:idx-1));

      msec = ds(nc:min (nc+2,end)); # pull 3-digit fractional seconds.
      msec_idx = find (! isdigit (msec), 1);

      if (! isempty (msec_idx))  # non-digits in msec
        msec = msec(1:msec_idx-1);
        msec(end+1:3) = "0";     # pad msec with trailing zeros
        ds = [ds(1:(nc-1)), msec, ds((nc-1)+msec_idx:end)];  # zero pad ds
      elseif (numel (msec) < 3)  # less than three digits in msec
        m_len = numel (msec);
        msec(end+1:3) = "0";     # pad msec with trailing zeros
        ds = [ds(1:(nc-1)), msec, ds(nc+m_len:end)];  # zero pad ds as well

      ## replace FFF with digits to guarantee match in strptime.
      f(idx:idx+2) = msec;

      if (nc > 0)
        [tm, nc] = strptime (ds, f);
        tm.usec = 1000 * str2double (msec);

      [tm, nc] = strptime (ds, f);
    if (isempty (TZ_orig))
      unsetenv ("TZ");
      setenv ("TZ", TZ_orig);

  if (nc == columns (ds) + 1)
    found = true;
    y = tm.year + 1900; m = tm.mon + 1; d = tm.mday;
    h = tm.hour; mi = tm.min; s = tm.sec + tm.usec / 1e6;
    if (rY < ry)
      if (y > 1999)
        y -= 2000;
        y -= 1900;
      y += p - mod (p, 100);
      if (y < p)
        y += 100;
    if (! fy && ! fm && ! fd)
      tmp = localtime (time ());
      ## default is January 1st of current year
      y = tmp.year + 1900;
      m = 1;
      d = 1;
    elseif (! fy && fm && fd)
      tmp = localtime (time ());
      y = tmp.year + 1900;
    elseif (fy && fm && ! fd)
      d = 1;
    if (! fh && ! fmi && ! fs)
      h = mi = s = 0;
    elseif (fh && fmi && ! fs)
      s = 0;
    y = m = d = h = mi = s = 0;
    found = false;


%! ## Current date and time
%! datevec (now ())

%!shared yr
%! yr = datevec (now)(1);  # Some tests could fail around midnight!
## tests for standard formats: 0, 1, 2, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23
%!assert (datevec ("07-Sep-2000 15:38:09"), [2000,9,7,15,38,9])
%!assert (datevec ("07-Sep-2000"), [2000,9,7,0,0,0])
%!assert (datevec ("09/07/00"), [2000,9,7,0,0,0])
%!assert (datevec ("09/13"), [yr,9,13,0,0,0])
%!assert (datevec ("15:38:09"), [yr,1,1,15,38,9])
%!assert (datevec ("3:38:09 PM"), [yr,1,1,15,38,9])
%!assert (datevec ("15:38"), [yr,1,1,15,38,0])
%!assert (datevec ("03:38 PM"), [yr,1,1,15,38,0])
%!assert (datevec ("03/13/1962"), [1962,3,13,0,0,0])

## Test millisecond format FFF
%!assert (datevec ("15:38:21.2", "HH:MM:SS.FFF"), [yr,1,1,15,38,21.2])
%!assert (datevec ("15:38:21.25", "HH:MM:SS.FFF"), [yr,1,1,15,38,21.25])
%!assert (datevec ("15:38:21.251", "HH:MM:SS.FFF"), [yr,1,1,15,38,21.251])

## Test millisecond format FFF with AM/PM, and 1,2, or 3 FFF digits
%!assert (datevec ("06/01/2015 3:07:12.102 PM", "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF PM"),
%!        [2015,6,1,15,7,12.102])
%!assert (datevec ("06/01/2015 11:07:12.102 PM", "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF PM"),
%!        [2015,6,1,23,7,12.102])
%!assert (datevec ("06/01/2015 3:07:12.102 AM", "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF PM"),
%!        [2015,6,1,3,7,12.102])
%!assert (datevec ("06/01/2015 11:07:12.102 AM", "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF PM"),
%!        [2015,6,1,11,7,12.102])
%!assert (datevec ("06/01/2015 3:07:12.1 PM", "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF PM"),
%!        [2015,6,1,15,7,12.1])
%!assert (datevec ("06/01/2015 3:07:12.12 AM", "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF PM"),
%!        [2015,6,1,3,7,12.12])
%!assert (datevec ("06/01/2015 3:07:12.12 PM", "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF PM"),
%!        [2015,6,1,15,7,12.12])

## Test structure of return value
%!test <*42334>
%! [~, ~, d] = datevec ([1 2; 3 4]);
%! assert (d, [1 2; 3 4]);

## Other tests
%!assert (datenum (datevec ([-1e4:1e4])), [-1e4:1e4]')
%! t = linspace (-2e5, 2e5, 10993);
%! assert (all (abs (datenum (datevec (t)) - t') < 1e-5));
%!assert (double (datevec (int64 (datenum ([2014 6 1])))),
%!        datevec (datenum ([2014 6 1])))
%!assert (double (datevec (int64 (datenum ([2014 6 18])))),
%!        datevec (datenum ([2014 6 18])))

## Test parsing of date strings that fall within daylight saving transition
%!testif ; isunix () <*36954>
%! zones = { "UTC0"                                 ...
%!           "EST+5EDT,M3.2.0/2,M11.1.0/2"          ... America/New_York
%!           "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/2"         ... Europe/Berlin
%!           "CLT+4CLST,M8.2.0/0,M5.2.0/0"          ... America/Santiago
%!           "LHST-10:30LHDT-11,M10.1.0/2,M4.1.0/2" ... Australia/Lord_Howe
%!           ":America/Caracas"                     ...
%!         };
%! TZ_orig = getenv ("TZ");
%! unwind_protect
%!   for i = 1:numel (zones)
%!     setenv ("TZ", zones{i});
%!     ## These specific times were chosen to test conversion during the loss
%!     ## of some amount of local time at the start of daylight saving time in
%!     ## each of the zones listed above.  We test all in each time zone to be
%!     ## exhaustive, even though each is problematic for only one of the zones.
%!     assert (datevec ("2017-03-12 02:15:00"), [2017  3 12 2 15 0]);
%!     assert (datevec ("2017-03-26 02:15:00"), [2017  3 26 2 15 0]);
%!     assert (datevec ("2017-08-13 00:15:00"), [2017  8 13 0 15 0]);
%!     assert (datevec ("2017-10-01 02:15:00"), [2017 10  1 2 15 0]);
%!     ## This tests a one-time loss of 30 minutes in Venezuela's local time
%!     assert (datevec ("2016-05-01 02:40:00"), [2016  5  1 2 40 0]);
%!   endfor
%! unwind_protect_cleanup
%!   if (isempty (TZ_orig))
%!     unsetenv ("TZ");
%!   else
%!     setenv ("TZ", TZ_orig);
%!   endif
%! end_unwind_protect

## Test input validation
%!error <Invalid call> datevec ()
%!error <none of the standard formats match> datevec ("foobar")
%!error <DATE not parsed correctly with given format> datevec ("foobar", "%d")
%!error <multiple year specifiers> datevec ("1/2/30", "mm/yy/yy")
%!error <multiple month specifiers> datevec ("1/2/30", "mm/mm/yy")
%!error <multiple day specifiers> datevec ("1/2/30", "mm/dd/dd")
%!error <multiple hour specifiers> datevec ("15:38:21.251", "HH:HH:SS")
%!error <multiple minute specifiers> datevec ("15:38:21.251", "MM:MM:SS")
%!error <multiple second specifiers> datevec ("15:38:21.251", "HH:SS:SS")