view libgui/src/m-editor/ @ 28798:82ccc4e69ba3

show value in editor when hovering over variable in debug mode (bug #56990) * (handle_enter_debug_mode): emit signal for the editor tabs; (handle_exit_debug_mode): emit signal for the editor tabs; (make_file_editor_tab): connect new signals to new related slots in octave_qscintilla; * file-editor.h: new signals for enterin/exiting debug mode; enter/exit debug mode handler moved into public slots * (octave_qscintilla): initialization of new class variables, get pointers of workspace model symbol names and values; (event): reimplemented ecent handler for catching tool tip events when in debug mode, testing word under mouse cursor and display the value in a tool tip if the aord is a current variable; (handle_enter_debug_mode): set flag for debug mode, set font of tool tip to the lexers default font; (handle_exit_debug_mode): reset debug flag, reset tool tip font * octave-qscintilla.h: new public slots for entering and exiting debug mode, reimplemented event, class variables for storing debug mode, the pointers of symbol names and values from the workspace model, and the tool tip font * (handle_enter_debugger): do not call realted editor method; (handle_exit_debugger): do not call related editor method; (construct): directly connet qt-link signal with the editor slots instead; * workspace-model.h: provide pointer to symbol list instead of const list, new method providing the pointer to a list with symbol values
author Torsten Lilge <>
date Sun, 27 Sep 2020 20:26:16 +0200
parents aba2c4eadb83
children 7d9a11de251f
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2011-2020 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)

#include <algorithm>

#include <QApplication>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QFont>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QMimeData>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QTabBar>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <Qsci/qscicommandset.h>

#include "file-editor.h"
#include "gui-preferences-ed.h"
#include "gui-preferences-sc.h"
#include "gui-preferences-global.h"
#include "main-window.h"
#include "octave-qobject.h"
#include "shortcut-manager.h"

#include "oct-env.h"

#include "event-manager.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "oct-map.h"
#include "pt-eval.h"
#include "utils.h"

namespace octave
  // Functions of the the reimplemented tab widget

  file_editor_tab_widget::file_editor_tab_widget (QWidget *p)
    : QTabWidget (p)
    tab_bar *bar = new tab_bar (this);

    connect (bar, SIGNAL (close_current_tab_signal (bool)),
             p->parent (), SLOT (request_close_file (bool)));

    this->setTabBar (bar);

    setTabsClosable (true);
    setUsesScrollButtons (true);
    setMovable (true);

  tab_bar * file_editor_tab_widget::get_tab_bar (void) const
    return qobject_cast<tab_bar *> (tabBar ());

  std::list<file_editor_tab *>
  file_editor_tab_widget::tab_list (void) const
    std::list<file_editor_tab *> retval;
    for (int i = 0; i < count (); i++)
      retval.push_back (static_cast<file_editor_tab *> (widget (i)));
    return retval;

  // File editor

  file_editor::file_editor (QWidget *p, base_qobject& oct_qobj)
    : file_editor_interface (p, oct_qobj)
    // Set current editing directory before construction because loaded
    // files will change ced accordingly.
    m_ced = QDir::currentPath ();

    // Set actions that are later added by the main window to null,
    // preventing access to them when they are still undefined.
    m_undo_action = nullptr;
    m_copy_action = nullptr;
    m_paste_action = nullptr;
    m_selectall_action = nullptr;

    m_find_dialog = nullptr;

    m_closed = false;
    m_no_focus = false;

    m_copy_action_enabled = false;
    m_undo_action_enabled = false;

    construct ();

    setVisible (false);
    setAcceptDrops (true);
    setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);

  file_editor::~file_editor (void)
    delete m_mru_file_menu;

  void file_editor::focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *e)
    // The focus is transferred to the active tab and its edit
    // area in this focus in event handler. This is to avoid
    // using focus proxies with conflicts in the proxy change
    // presumably introduced by bug
    reset_focus (); // Make sure editor tab with edit area get focus

    QDockWidget::focusInEvent (e);

  // insert global actions, that should also be displayed in the editor window,
  // into the editor's menu and/or toolbar
  void file_editor::insert_global_actions (QList<QAction*> shared_actions)
    // actions/menus that have to be added to the toolbar or the menu
    QAction *open_action = (OPEN_ACTION);
    QAction *new_action = (NEW_SCRIPT_ACTION);
    QAction *new_fcn_action = (NEW_FUNCTION_ACTION);
    m_fileMenu->insertAction (m_mru_file_menu->menuAction (), open_action);
    m_fileMenu->insertAction (open_action, new_fcn_action);
    m_fileMenu->insertAction (new_fcn_action, new_action);
    m_tool_bar->insertAction (m_popdown_mru_action, open_action);
    m_tool_bar->insertAction (open_action, new_action);

    // actions that are additionally enabled/disabled later by the editor
    // undo
    m_undo_action = (UNDO_ACTION);
    m_tool_bar->insertAction (m_redo_action,m_undo_action);
    m_edit_menu->insertAction (m_redo_action,m_undo_action);
    // select all
    m_selectall_action = (SELECTALL_ACTION);
    m_edit_menu->insertAction (m_find_action,m_selectall_action);
    m_edit_menu->insertSeparator (m_find_action);
    // paste
    m_paste_action = (PASTE_ACTION);
    m_tool_bar->insertAction (m_find_action,m_paste_action);
    m_edit_menu->insertAction (m_selectall_action,m_paste_action);
    m_edit_menu->insertSeparator (m_selectall_action);
    // copy
    m_copy_action = (COPY_ACTION);
    m_tool_bar->insertAction (m_paste_action,m_copy_action);
    m_edit_menu->insertAction (m_paste_action,m_copy_action);
    // find files
    m_find_files_action = (FIND_FILES_ACTION);
    m_edit_menu->insertAction (m_find_action, m_find_files_action);

  void file_editor::handle_enter_debug_mode (void)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    QString sc_run = settings->sc_value (sc_edit_run_run_file);
    QString sc_cont = settings->sc_value (sc_main_debug_continue);

    if (sc_run == sc_cont)
      m_run_action->setShortcut (QKeySequence ());  // prevent ambiguous shortcuts

    m_run_action->setToolTip (tr ("Continue"));   // update tool tip

    emit enter_debug_mode_signal ();

  void file_editor::handle_exit_debug_mode (void)
    shortcut_manager& scmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_shortcut_manager ();
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_run_action, sc_edit_run_run_file);
    m_run_action->setToolTip (tr ("Save File and Run"));  // update tool tip

    emit exit_debug_mode_signal ();

  void file_editor::check_actions (void)
    bool have_tabs = m_tab_widget->count () > 0;

    m_edit_cmd_menu->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_edit_fmt_menu->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_edit_nav_menu->setEnabled (have_tabs);

    m_comment_selection_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_uncomment_selection_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_comment_var_selection_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_indent_selection_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_unindent_selection_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_smart_indent_line_or_selection_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);

    m_context_help_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_context_doc_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);

    m_view_editor_menu->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_zoom_in_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_zoom_out_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_zoom_normal_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);

    m_find_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_find_next_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_find_previous_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_print_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_run_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);

    m_edit_function_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_save_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_save_as_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_close_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_close_all_action->setEnabled (have_tabs);
    m_close_others_action->setEnabled (have_tabs && m_tab_widget->count () > 1);
    m_sort_tabs_action->setEnabled (have_tabs && m_tab_widget->count () > 1);

    emit editor_tabs_changed_signal (have_tabs);

  // empty_script determines whether we have to create an empty script
  // 1. At startup, when the editor has to be (really) visible
  //    (Here we can not use the visibility changed signal)
  // 2. When the editor becomes visible when octave is running
  void file_editor::empty_script (bool startup, bool visible)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    if (settings->value (global_use_custom_editor.key,
                         global_use_custom_editor.def).toBool ())
      return;  // do not open an empty script in the external editor

    bool real_visible;

    if (startup)
      real_visible = isVisible ();
      real_visible = visible;

    if (! real_visible || m_tab_widget->count () > 0)

    if (startup && ! isFloating ())
        // check if editor is really visible or hidden between tabbed widgets
        QList<QTabBar *> tab_list = main_win ()->findChildren<QTabBar *>();

        bool in_tab = false;
        int i = 0;
        while ((i < tab_list.count ()) && (! in_tab))
            QTabBar *tab = (i);

            int j = 0;
            while ((j < tab->count ()) && (! in_tab))
                // check all tabs for the editor
                if (tab->tabText (j) == windowTitle ())
                    // editor is in this tab widget
                    in_tab = true;
                    int top = tab->currentIndex ();
                    if (! (top > -1 && tab->tabText (top) == windowTitle ()))
                      return; // not current tab -> not visible

    request_new_file ("");

  void file_editor::restore_session (gui_settings *settings)
    //restore previous session
    if (! settings->value (ed_restore_session).toBool ())

    // get the data from the settings file
    QStringList sessionFileNames
      = settings->value (ed_session_names).toStringList ();

    QStringList session_encodings
      = settings->value (ed_session_enc).toStringList ();

    QStringList session_index
      = settings->value (ed_session_ind).toStringList ();

    QStringList session_lines
      = settings->value (ed_session_lines).toStringList ();

    // fill a list of the struct and sort it (depending on index)
    QList<session_data> s_data;

    bool do_encoding = (session_encodings.count () == sessionFileNames.count ());
    bool do_index = (session_index.count () == sessionFileNames.count ());
    bool do_lines = (session_lines.count () == sessionFileNames.count ());

    for (int n = 0; n < sessionFileNames.count (); ++n)
        QFileInfo file = QFileInfo ( (n));
        if (! file.exists ())

        session_data item = { 0, -1, (n),
                              QString (), QString ()};
        if (do_lines)
          item.line = (n).toInt ();
        if (do_index)
          item.index = (n).toInt ();
        if (do_encoding)
          item.encoding = (n);

        s_data << item;

    std::sort (s_data.begin (), s_data.end ());

    // finally open the files with the desired encoding in the desired order
    for (int n = 0; n < s_data.count (); ++n)
      request_open_file ( (n).file_name, (n).encoding,

  void file_editor::activate (void)
    if (m_no_focus)
      return;  // No focus for the editor if external open/close request

    octave_dock_widget::activate ();

    // set focus to current tab
    reset_focus ();

  void file_editor::set_focus (QWidget *fet)
    setFocus ();

    // set focus to desired tab
    if (fet)
      m_tab_widget->setCurrentWidget (fet);

  // function enabling/disabling the menu accelerators depending on the
  // focus of the editor
  void file_editor::enable_menu_shortcuts (bool enable)
    // Hide or show the find dialog together with the focus of the
    // editor widget depending on the overall visibility of the find dialog.
    // Do not change internal visibility state.
    if (m_find_dialog)
      m_find_dialog->set_visible (enable);

    // Take care of the shortcuts
    QHash<QMenu*, QStringList>::const_iterator i = m_hash_menu_text.constBegin ();

    while (i != m_hash_menu_text.constEnd ())
        i.key ()->setTitle (i.value ().at (! enable));

    // when editor loses focus, enable the actions, which are always active
    // in the main window due to missing info on selected text and undo actions
    if (m_copy_action && m_undo_action)
        if (enable)
            m_copy_action->setEnabled (m_copy_action_enabled);
            m_undo_action->setEnabled (m_undo_action_enabled);
            m_copy_action_enabled = m_copy_action->isEnabled ();
            m_undo_action_enabled = m_undo_action->isEnabled ();
            m_copy_action->setEnabled (true);
            m_undo_action->setEnabled (true);

  bool file_editor::check_closing (void)
    // When the application or the editor is closing and the user wants to
    // close all files, in the latter case all editor tabs are checked whether
    // they need to be saved.  During these checks tabs are not closed since
    // the user might cancel closing Octave during one of these saving dialogs.
    // Therefore, saving the session for restoring at next start is not done
    // before the application is definitely closing.

    std::list<file_editor_tab *> fe_tab_lst = m_tab_widget->tab_list ();
    m_number_of_tabs = fe_tab_lst.size ();

    for (auto fe_tab : fe_tab_lst)
        // Wait for all editor tabs to have saved their files if required

        connect (fe_tab, SIGNAL (tab_ready_to_close (void)),
                 this, SLOT (handle_tab_ready_to_close (void)),

    m_closing_canceled = false;

    for (auto fe_tab : fe_tab_lst)
        // If there was a cancellation, make the already saved/discarded tabs
        // recover from the exit by removing the read-only state and by
        // recovering the debugger breakpoints.  Finally return false in order
        // to cancel closing the application or the editor.

        if (fe_tab->check_file_modified (false) == QMessageBox::Cancel)
            emit fetab_recover_from_exit ();

            m_closing_canceled = true;

            for (auto fet : fe_tab_lst)
              disconnect (fet, SIGNAL (tab_ready_to_close (void)), 0, 0 );

            return false;

    return true;

  void file_editor::handle_tab_ready_to_close (void)
    if (m_closing_canceled)


    if (m_number_of_tabs > 0)

    // Here, the application or the editor will be closed -> store the session

    // Save open files for restoring in next session; this only is possible
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    // save filenames (even if last session will not be restored next time)
    // together with encoding and the tab index
    QStringList fetFileNames;
    QStringList fet_encodings;
    QStringList fet_index;
    QStringList fet_lines;

    // save all open tabs before they are definitely closed

    std::list<file_editor_tab *> editor_tab_lst = m_tab_widget->tab_list ();

    for (auto editor_tab : editor_tab_lst)
        QString file_name = editor_tab->file_name ();

        // Don't append unnamed files.

        if (! file_name.isEmpty ())
            fetFileNames.append (file_name);
            fet_encodings.append (editor_tab->encoding ());

            QString index;
            fet_index.append (index.setNum (m_tab_widget->indexOf (editor_tab)));

            int l, c;
            editor_tab->qsci_edit_area ()->getCursorPosition (&l, &c);
            fet_lines.append (index.setNum (l + 1));

    settings->setValue (ed_session_names.key, fetFileNames);
    settings->setValue (ed_session_enc.key, fet_encodings);
    settings->setValue (ed_session_ind.key, fet_index);
    settings->setValue (ed_session_lines.key, fet_lines);
    settings->sync ();

    // Take care of the find dialog
    if (m_find_dialog)
      m_find_dialog->close ();

    // Finally close all the tabs and return indication that we can exit
    // the application or close the editor.
    // Closing and deleting the tabs makes the editor visible.  In case it was
    // hidden before, this state has to be restored afterwards.
    bool vis = isVisible ();

    for (auto editor_tab : editor_tab_lst)
      delete editor_tab;

    m_tab_widget->clear ();

    setVisible (vis);

  void file_editor::request_new_file (const QString& commands)
    // Custom editor? If yes, we can only call the editor without passing
    // some initial contents and even without being sure a new file is opened
    if (call_custom_editor ())

    // New file isn't a file_editor_tab function since the file
    // editor tab has yet to be created and there is no object to
    // pass a signal to.  Hence, functionality is here.

    file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = make_file_editor_tab (m_ced);
    add_file_editor_tab (fileEditorTab, "");  // new tab with empty title
    fileEditorTab->new_file (commands);       // title is updated here
    activate ();                              // focus editor and new tab

  void file_editor::request_close_file (bool)
    file_editor_tab *editor_tab
      = static_cast<file_editor_tab *> (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());
    editor_tab->conditional_close ();

  void file_editor::request_close_all_files (bool)
    file_editor_tab *editor_tab;

    // loop over all tabs starting from last one otherwise deletion changes index
    for (int index = m_tab_widget->count ()-1; index >= 0; index--)
        editor_tab = static_cast<file_editor_tab *> (m_tab_widget->widget (index));
        editor_tab->conditional_close ();

  void file_editor::request_close_other_files (bool)
    file_editor_tab *editor_tab;
    QWidget *tabID = m_tab_widget->currentWidget ();

    // loop over all tabs starting from last one otherwise deletion changes index
    for (int index = m_tab_widget->count ()-1; index >= 0; index--)
        if (tabID != m_tab_widget->widget (index))
              = static_cast<file_editor_tab *> (m_tab_widget->widget (index));
            editor_tab->conditional_close ();

  // open a file from the mru list
  void file_editor::request_mru_open_file (QAction *action)
    if (action)
        request_open_file (action->data ().toStringList ().at (0),
                           action->data ().toStringList ().at (1));

  void file_editor::request_print_file (bool)
    emit fetab_print_file (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_redo (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_cut (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_context_help (bool)
    emit fetab_context_help (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (), false);

  void file_editor::request_context_doc (bool)
    emit fetab_context_help (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (), true);

  void file_editor::request_context_edit (bool)
    emit fetab_context_edit (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_save_file (bool)
    emit fetab_save_file (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_save_file_as (bool)
    emit fetab_save_file_as (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_run_file (bool)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([this] (interpreter& interp)

         tree_evaluator& tw = interp.get_evaluator ();

         if (tw.in_debug_repl ())
           emit request_dbcont_signal ();
           emit fetab_run_file (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_step_into_file ()
    emit fetab_run_file (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (), true);

  void file_editor::request_context_run (bool)
    emit fetab_context_run (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_toggle_bookmark (bool)
    emit fetab_toggle_bookmark (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_next_bookmark (bool)
    emit fetab_next_bookmark (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_previous_bookmark (bool)
    emit fetab_previous_bookmark (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_remove_bookmark (bool)
    emit fetab_remove_bookmark (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_move_match_brace (bool)
    emit fetab_move_match_brace (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (), false);

  void file_editor::request_sel_match_brace (bool)
    emit fetab_move_match_brace (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (), true);

  // FIXME: What should this do with conditional breakpoints?
  void file_editor::request_toggle_breakpoint (bool)
    emit fetab_toggle_breakpoint (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_next_breakpoint (bool)
    emit fetab_next_breakpoint (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_previous_breakpoint (bool)
    emit fetab_previous_breakpoint (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_remove_breakpoint (bool)
    emit fetab_remove_all_breakpoints (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  // slots for Edit->Commands actions
  void file_editor::request_delete_start_word (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_delete_end_word (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_delete_start_line (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_delete_end_line (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_delete_line (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_copy_line (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_cut_line (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_duplicate_selection (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_transpose_line (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_comment_selected_text (bool)
    emit fetab_comment_selected_text (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (), false);

  void file_editor::request_uncomment_selected_text (bool)
    emit fetab_uncomment_selected_text (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_comment_var_selected_text (bool)
    emit fetab_comment_selected_text (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (), true);

  // slots for Edit->Format actions
  void file_editor::request_upper_case (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_lower_case (bool)
    emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_indent_selected_text (bool)
    emit fetab_indent_selected_text (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_unindent_selected_text (bool)
    emit fetab_unindent_selected_text (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_smart_indent_line_or_selected_text ()
    emit fetab_smart_indent_line_or_selected_text (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_conv_eol_windows (bool)
    emit fetab_convert_eol (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),
  file_editor::request_conv_eol_unix (bool)
    emit fetab_convert_eol (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::request_conv_eol_mac (bool)
    emit fetab_convert_eol (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  // Slot for initially creating and showing the find dialog
  void file_editor::request_find (bool)
    // Create the dialog
    find_create ();

    // Since find_create shows the dialog without activating the widget
    // (which is reuqired in other cases) do this manually here
    m_find_dialog->activateWindow ();

    // Initiate search text from possible selection and save the initial
    // data from the dialog on the defined structure
    m_find_dialog->init_search_text ();

  // This method creates the find dialog.

  void file_editor::find_create ()
    if (m_find_dialog)
      m_find_dialog->close ();

    if (isFloating ())
      m_find_dialog = new find_dialog (m_octave_qobj, this, this);
      m_find_dialog = new find_dialog (m_octave_qobj, this, main_win ());

    // Add required actions
    m_find_dialog->addAction (m_find_next_action);
    m_find_dialog->addAction (m_find_previous_action);

    // Update edit area
    file_editor_tab* fet
      = static_cast<file_editor_tab *> (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());
    m_find_dialog->update_edit_area (fet->qsci_edit_area ());

    // Icon is the same as the editor
    m_find_dialog->setWindowIcon (windowIcon ());

    // Position:  lower right of editor's position
    int xp = x () + frameGeometry ().width ();
    int yp = y () + frameGeometry ().height ();

    if (! isFloating ())
        // Fix position if editor is docked
        xp = xp + main_win ()->x();
        yp = yp + main_win ()->y();

    if (yp < 0)
      yp = 0;

    // The size of the find dialog is considered in restore_settings
    // since its size might change depending on the options
    m_find_dialog->restore_settings (QPoint (xp, yp));

    // Set visible
    m_find_dialog->set_visible (true);

  void file_editor::request_find_next (bool)
    if (m_find_dialog)
      m_find_dialog->find_next ();

  void file_editor::request_find_previous (bool)
    if (m_find_dialog)
      m_find_dialog->find_prev ();

  void file_editor::request_goto_line (bool)
    emit fetab_goto_line (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::request_completion (bool)
    emit fetab_completion (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::handle_file_name_changed (const QString& fname,
                                              const QString& tip,
                                              bool modified)
    QObject *fileEditorTab = sender ();
    if (fileEditorTab)
        resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();

        for (int i = 0; i < m_tab_widget->count (); i++)
            if (m_tab_widget->widget (i) == fileEditorTab)
                m_tab_widget->setTabText (i, fname);
                m_tab_widget->setTabToolTip (i, tip);
                if (modified)
                  m_tab_widget->setTabIcon (i, rmgr.icon ("document-save"));
                  m_tab_widget->setTabIcon (i, QIcon ());

  void file_editor::handle_tab_close_request (int index)
    file_editor_tab *editor_tab
      = static_cast<file_editor_tab *> (m_tab_widget->widget (index));
    editor_tab->conditional_close ();

  file_editor::handle_tab_remove_request (void)
    QObject *fileEditorTab = sender ();
    if (fileEditorTab)
        for (int i = 0; i < m_tab_widget->count (); i++)
            if (m_tab_widget->widget (i) == fileEditorTab)
                m_tab_widget->removeTab (i);
                // Deleting sender is dodgy, but works because the signal
                // is the last item in the sender's routines.
                // FIXME: can we use deleteLater here?
                delete fileEditorTab;
    check_actions ();

    activate ();     // focus stays in editor when tab is closed


  // context menu of edit area
  void file_editor::active_tab_changed (int index)
    emit fetab_change_request (m_tab_widget->widget (index));
    activate ();

  void file_editor::handle_editor_state_changed (bool copy_available,
                                                 bool is_octave_file)
    // In case there is some scenario where traffic could be coming from
    // all the file editor tabs, just process info from the current active tab.
    if (sender () == m_tab_widget->currentWidget ())
        if (m_copy_action)
          m_copy_action->setEnabled (copy_available);
        m_cut_action->setEnabled (copy_available);
        m_run_selection_action->setEnabled (copy_available);
        m_run_action->setEnabled (is_octave_file);

    m_copy_action_enabled = m_copy_action->isEnabled ();
    m_undo_action_enabled = m_undo_action->isEnabled ();

  void file_editor::handle_mru_add_file (const QString& file_name,
                                         const QString& encoding)
    int index;
    while ((index = m_mru_files.indexOf (file_name)) >= 0)
        m_mru_files.removeAt (index);
        m_mru_files_encodings.removeAt (index);

    m_mru_files.prepend (file_name);
    m_mru_files_encodings.prepend (encoding);

    mru_menu_update ();

  void file_editor::check_conflict_save (const QString& saveFileName,
                                         bool remove_on_success)
    // Check whether this file is already open in the editor.
    file_editor_tab *tab = find_tab_widget (saveFileName);

    if (tab)
        // Note: to overwrite the contents of some other file editor tab
        // with the same name requires identifying which file editor tab
        // that is (not too difficult) then closing that tab.  Of course,
        // that could trigger another dialog box if the file editor tab
        // with the same name has modifications in it.  This could become
        // somewhat confusing to the user.  For now, opt to do nothing.

        // Create a NonModal message about error.
        QMessageBox *msgBox
          = new QMessageBox (QMessageBox::Critical, tr ("Octave Editor"),
                             tr ("File not saved! A file with the selected name\n%1\n"
                                 "is already open in the editor").
                             arg (saveFileName),
                             QMessageBox::Ok, nullptr);

        msgBox->setWindowModality (Qt::NonModal);
        msgBox->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
        msgBox->show ();


    QObject *saveFileObject = sender ();
    QWidget *saveFileWidget = nullptr;

    for (int i = 0; i < m_tab_widget->count (); i++)
        if (m_tab_widget->widget (i) == saveFileObject)
            saveFileWidget = m_tab_widget->widget (i);
    if (! saveFileWidget)
        // Create a NonModal message about error.
        QMessageBox *msgBox
          = new QMessageBox (QMessageBox::Critical, tr ("Octave Editor"),
                             tr ("The associated file editor tab has disappeared."),
                             QMessageBox::Ok, nullptr);

        msgBox->setWindowModality (Qt::NonModal);
        msgBox->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
        msgBox->show ();


    // Can save without conflict, have the file editor tab do so.
    emit fetab_save_file (saveFileWidget, saveFileName, remove_on_success);

  void file_editor::handle_insert_debugger_pointer_request (const QString& file,
                                                            int line)
    request_open_file (file, QString (), line, true); // default encoding

  void file_editor::handle_delete_debugger_pointer_request (const QString& file,
                                                            int line)
    if (! file.isEmpty ())
        // Check whether this file is already open in the editor.
        file_editor_tab *tab = find_tab_widget (file);

        if (tab)
            m_tab_widget->setCurrentWidget (tab);

            if (line > 0)
              emit fetab_delete_debugger_pointer (tab, line);

            emit fetab_set_focus (tab);

  void file_editor::handle_update_breakpoint_marker_request (bool insert,
                                                             const QString& file,
                                                             int line,
                                                             const QString& cond)
    request_open_file (file, QString (), line, false, true, insert, cond);

  void file_editor::handle_edit_file_request (const QString& file)
    request_open_file (file);

  // Slot used for signals indicating that a file was changed/renamed or
  // is going to be deleted/renamed
  void file_editor::handle_file_remove (const QString& old_name,
                                        const QString& new_name)
    // Clear old list of file data and declare a structure for file data
    m_tmp_closed_files.clear ();
    session_data f_data;

    // Preprocessing old name(s)
    QString old_name_clean = old_name.trimmed ();
    int s = old_name_clean.size ();

    if ( (0) == QChar ('\"')
        && (s - 1) == QChar ('\"'))
      old_name_clean = old_name_clean.mid (1, s - 2);

    QStringList old_names = old_name_clean.split ("\" \"");

    // Check if new name is a file or directory
    QFileInfo newf (new_name);
    bool new_is_dir = newf.isDir ();

    // Now loop over all old files/dirs (several files by movefile ())
    for (int i = 0; i < old_names.count (); i++)
        // Check if old name is a file or directory
        QFileInfo old ( (i));

        if (old.isDir ())
            // Call the function which handles directories and return
            handle_dir_remove ( (i), new_name);
            // It is a single file.  Is it open?
            file_editor_tab *editor_tab = find_tab_widget ( (i));

            if (editor_tab)
                // Get index and line.

                f_data.encoding = editor_tab->encoding ();
                f_data.index = m_tab_widget->indexOf (editor_tab);
                int l, c;
                editor_tab->qsci_edit_area ()->getCursorPosition (&l, &c);
                f_data.line = l + 1;

                // Close it silently
                m_no_focus = true;  // Remember for not focussing editor
                editor_tab->file_has_changed (QString (), true);  // Close the tab
                m_no_focus = false;  // Back to normal

                // For reloading old file if error while removing
                f_data.file_name = (i);
                // For reloading new file (if new_file is not empty)
                if (new_is_dir)
                    std::string ndir = new_name.toStdString ();
                    std::string ofile = old.fileName ().toStdString ();
                      = QString::fromStdString (sys::env::make_absolute (ofile, ndir));
                  f_data.new_file_name = new_name;

                // Add file data to list
                m_tmp_closed_files << f_data;

  // Slot for signal indicating that a file was renamed
  void file_editor::handle_file_renamed (bool load_new)
    m_no_focus = true;  // Remember for not focussing editor

    // Loop over all files that have to be reloaded.  Start at the end of the
    // list, otherwise the stored indexes are not correct.
    for (int i = m_tmp_closed_files.count () - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        // Load old or new file
        if (load_new)
            if (! (i).new_file_name.isEmpty ())
              request_open_file ( (i).new_file_name,
                                 false, false, true, "",
            request_open_file ( (i).file_name,
                               false, false, true, "",


    m_no_focus = false;  // Back to normal focus

    // Clear the list of file data
    m_tmp_closed_files.clear ();

  void file_editor::notice_settings (const gui_settings *settings)
    int size_idx = settings->value (global_icon_size).toInt ();
    size_idx = (size_idx > 0) - (size_idx < 0) + 1;  // Make valid index from 0 to 2

    QStyle *st = style ();
    int icon_size = st->pixelMetric (global_icon_sizes[size_idx]);
    m_tool_bar->setIconSize (QSize (icon_size, icon_size));

    // Tab position
    QTabWidget::TabPosition pos
      = static_cast<QTabWidget::TabPosition> (settings->value (ed_tab_position).toInt ());

    m_tab_widget->setTabPosition (pos);

    // Update style sheet properties depending on position
    QString width_str ("width");
    QString height_str ("height");
    if (pos == QTabWidget::West || pos == QTabWidget::East)
        width_str = QString ("height");
        height_str = QString ("width");

    // Min and max width for full path titles
    int tab_width_min = settings->value (ed_notebook_tab_width_min)
                        .toInt ();
    int tab_width_max = settings->value (ed_notebook_tab_width_max)
                        .toInt ();

    // Get suitable height of a tab related to font and icon size
    int height = 1.5*QFontMetrics (m_tab_widget->font ()).height ();
    int is = 1.5*m_tab_widget->iconSize ().height ();
    if (is > height)
      height = is;

    // Style sheet for tab height
    QString style_sheet = QString ("QTabBar::tab {max-" + height_str + ": %1px;}")
                          .arg (height);

    // Style sheet for tab height together with width
    if (settings->value (ed_long_window_title).toBool ())
        style_sheet = QString ("QTabBar::tab "
                               " {max-" + height_str + ": %1px;"
                               "  min-" + width_str + ": %2px;"
                               "  max-" + width_str + ": %3px;}")
                      .arg (height).arg (tab_width_min).arg (tab_width_max);
        m_tab_widget->setElideMode (Qt::ElideLeft);
        m_tab_widget->setElideMode (Qt::ElideNone);

#if defined (Q_OS_MAC)
    // FIXME: This is a workaround for missing tab close buttons on MacOS
    // in several Qt versions (
    QString close_button_css
       "  { width: 6px; image: url(:/actions/icons/widget-close.png);}\n"
       "  { background-color: #cccccc; }");

    style_sheet = style_sheet + close_button_css;

    m_tab_widget->setStyleSheet (style_sheet);

    bool show_it;
    show_it = settings->value (ed_show_line_numbers).toBool ();
    m_show_linenum_action->setChecked (show_it);
    show_it = settings->value (ed_show_white_space).toBool ();
    m_show_whitespace_action->setChecked (show_it);
    show_it = settings->value (ed_show_eol_chars).toBool ();
    m_show_eol_action->setChecked (show_it);
    show_it = settings->value (ed_show_indent_guides).toBool ();
    m_show_indguide_action->setChecked (show_it);
    show_it = settings->value (ed_long_line_marker).toBool ();
    m_show_longline_action->setChecked (show_it);

    show_it = settings->value (ed_show_toolbar).toBool ();
    m_show_toolbar_action->setChecked (show_it);
    m_tool_bar->setVisible (show_it);
    show_it = settings->value (ed_show_edit_status_bar).toBool ();
    m_show_statusbar_action->setChecked (show_it);
    show_it = settings->value (ed_show_hscroll_bar).toBool ();
    m_show_hscrollbar_action->setChecked (show_it);

    set_shortcuts ();

    // Find dialog with the same icon as the editor
    if (m_find_dialog)
      m_find_dialog->setWindowIcon (windowIcon ());

    // Relay signal to file editor tabs.
    emit fetab_settings_changed (settings);

  void file_editor::set_shortcuts (void)
    // Shortcuts also available in the main window, as well as the related
    // shortcuts, are defined in main_window and added to the editor

    shortcut_manager& scmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_shortcut_manager ();

    // File menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_edit_function_action, sc_edit_file_edit_function);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_save_action, sc_edit_file_save);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_save_as_action, sc_edit_file_save_as);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_close_action, sc_edit_file_close);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_close_all_action, sc_edit_file_close_all);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_close_others_action, sc_edit_file_close_other);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_print_action, sc_edit_file_print);

    // Edit menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_redo_action, sc_edit_edit_redo);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_cut_action, sc_edit_edit_cut);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_find_action, sc_edit_edit_find_replace);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_find_next_action, sc_edit_edit_find_next);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_find_previous_action, sc_edit_edit_find_previous);

    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_delete_start_word_action, sc_edit_edit_delete_start_word);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_delete_end_word_action, sc_edit_edit_delete_end_word);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_delete_start_line_action, sc_edit_edit_delete_start_line);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_delete_end_line_action, sc_edit_edit_delete_end_line);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_delete_line_action, sc_edit_edit_delete_line);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_copy_line_action, sc_edit_edit_copy_line);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_cut_line_action, sc_edit_edit_cut_line);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_duplicate_selection_action, sc_edit_edit_duplicate_selection);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_transpose_line_action, sc_edit_edit_transpose_line);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_comment_selection_action, sc_edit_edit_comment_selection);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_uncomment_selection_action, sc_edit_edit_uncomment_selection);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_comment_var_selection_action, sc_edit_edit_comment_var_selection);

    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_upper_case_action, sc_edit_edit_upper_case);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_lower_case_action, sc_edit_edit_lower_case);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_indent_selection_action, sc_edit_edit_indent_selection);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_unindent_selection_action, sc_edit_edit_unindent_selection);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_smart_indent_line_or_selection_action, sc_edit_edit_smart_indent_line_or_selection);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_completion_action, sc_edit_edit_completion_list);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_goto_line_action, sc_edit_edit_goto_line);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_move_to_matching_brace, sc_edit_edit_move_to_brace);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_sel_to_matching_brace, sc_edit_edit_select_to_brace);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_toggle_bookmark_action, sc_edit_edit_toggle_bookmark);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_next_bookmark_action, sc_edit_edit_next_bookmark);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_previous_bookmark_action, sc_edit_edit_previous_bookmark);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_remove_bookmark_action, sc_edit_edit_remove_bookmark);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_preferences_action, sc_edit_edit_preferences);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_styles_preferences_action, sc_edit_edit_styles_preferences);

    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_conv_eol_windows_action, sc_edit_edit_conv_eol_winows);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_conv_eol_unix_action,    sc_edit_edit_conv_eol_unix);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_conv_eol_mac_action,     sc_edit_edit_conv_eol_mac);

    // View menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_linenum_action, sc_edit_view_show_line_numbers);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_whitespace_action, sc_edit_view_show_white_spaces);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_eol_action, sc_edit_view_show_eol_chars);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_indguide_action, sc_edit_view_show_ind_guides);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_longline_action, sc_edit_view_show_long_line);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_toolbar_action, sc_edit_view_show_toolbar);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_statusbar_action, sc_edit_view_show_statusbar);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_hscrollbar_action, sc_edit_view_show_hscrollbar);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_zoom_in_action, sc_edit_view_zoom_in);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_zoom_out_action, sc_edit_view_zoom_out);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_zoom_normal_action, sc_edit_view_zoom_normal);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_sort_tabs_action, sc_edit_view_sort_tabs);

    // Debug menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_toggle_breakpoint_action, sc_edit_debug_toggle_breakpoint);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_next_breakpoint_action, sc_edit_debug_next_breakpoint);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_previous_breakpoint_action, sc_edit_debug_previous_breakpoint);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_remove_all_breakpoints_action, sc_edit_debug_remove_breakpoints);

    // Run menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_run_action, sc_edit_run_run_file);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_run_selection_action, sc_edit_run_run_selection);

    // Help menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_context_help_action, sc_edit_help_help_keyword);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_context_doc_action,  sc_edit_help_doc_keyword);

    // Tab navigation without menu entries
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_switch_left_tab_action, sc_edit_tabs_switch_left_tab);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_switch_right_tab_action, sc_edit_tabs_switch_right_tab);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_move_tab_left_action, sc_edit_tabs_move_tab_left);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_move_tab_right_action, sc_edit_tabs_move_tab_right);


  // This slot is a reimplementation of the virtual slot in octave_dock_widget.
  // We need this for creating an empty script when the editor has no open
  // files and is made visible.
  void file_editor::handle_visibility (bool visible)
    if (m_closed && visible)
        m_closed = false;
        resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
        gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
        restore_session (settings);

    empty_script (false, visible);

    if (visible && ! isFloating ())
      setFocus ();

  // This slot is a reimplementation of the virtual slot in octave_dock_widget.
  // We need this for updating the parent of the find dialog
  void file_editor::toplevel_change (bool)
    if (m_find_dialog)
        // close current dialog
        m_find_dialog->close ();

        // re-create dialog with the new parent (editor or main-win)
        find_create ();
        m_find_dialog->activateWindow ();

  void file_editor::update_octave_directory (const QString& dir)
    m_ced = dir;
    emit fetab_set_directory (m_ced);  // for save dialog

  void file_editor::copyClipboard (void)
    if (editor_tab_has_focus ())
      emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::pasteClipboard (void)
    if (editor_tab_has_focus ())
      emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::selectAll (void)
    if (editor_tab_has_focus ())
      emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  void file_editor::do_undo (void)
    if (editor_tab_has_focus ())
      emit fetab_scintilla_command (m_tab_widget->currentWidget (),

  // Open a file, if not already open, and mark the current execution location
  // and/or a breakpoint with condition cond.
  void file_editor::request_open_file (const QString& openFileName,
                                       const QString& encoding,
                                       int line, bool debug_pointer,
                                       bool breakpoint_marker, bool insert,
                                       const QString& cond, int index)
    if (call_custom_editor (openFileName, line))
      return;   // custom editor called

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    bool show_dbg_file
      = settings->value (ed_show_dbg_file).toBool ();

    if (openFileName.isEmpty ())
        // This happens if edit is called without an argument
        // Open editor with empty edit area instead (as new file would do)
        request_new_file ("");
        // Check whether this file is already open in the editor.
        file_editor_tab *tab = find_tab_widget (openFileName);

        if (tab)
            m_tab_widget->setCurrentWidget (tab);

            if (line > 0)
                if (insert)
                  emit fetab_goto_line (tab, line);

                if (debug_pointer)
                  emit fetab_insert_debugger_pointer (tab, line);

                if (breakpoint_marker)
                  emit fetab_do_breakpoint_marker (insert, tab, line, cond);

            if (show_dbg_file && ! ((breakpoint_marker || debug_pointer)
                                    && is_editor_console_tabbed ()))
                emit fetab_set_focus (tab);
                activate ();
            if (! show_dbg_file && (breakpoint_marker  || debug_pointer))
              return;   // Do not open a file for showing dbg markers

            if (breakpoint_marker && ! insert)
              return;   // Never open a file when removing breakpoints

            file_editor_tab *fileEditorTab = nullptr;
            // Reuse <unnamed> tab if it hasn't yet been modified.
            bool reusing = false;
            tab = find_tab_widget ("");
            if (tab)
                fileEditorTab = tab;
                if (fileEditorTab->qsci_edit_area ()->isModified ())
                  fileEditorTab = nullptr;
                  reusing = true;

            // If <unnamed> was absent or modified, create a new tab.
            if (! fileEditorTab)
              fileEditorTab = make_file_editor_tab ();

            fileEditorTab->set_encoding (encoding);
            QString result = fileEditorTab->load_file (openFileName);
            if (result == "")
                // Supply empty title then have the file_editor_tab update
                // with full or short name.
                if (! reusing)
                  add_file_editor_tab (fileEditorTab, "", index);
                fileEditorTab->update_window_title (false);
                // file already loaded, add file to mru list here
                QFileInfo file_info = QFileInfo (openFileName);
                handle_mru_add_file (file_info.canonicalFilePath (),

                if (line > 0)
                    if (insert)
                      emit fetab_goto_line (fileEditorTab, line);

                    if (debug_pointer)
                      emit fetab_insert_debugger_pointer (fileEditorTab,
                    if (breakpoint_marker)
                      emit fetab_do_breakpoint_marker (insert, fileEditorTab,
                                                       line, cond);
                delete fileEditorTab;
                fileEditorTab = nullptr;

                if (QFile::exists (openFileName))
                    // File not readable:
                    // create a NonModal message about error.
                    QMessageBox *msgBox
                      = new QMessageBox (QMessageBox::Critical,
                                         tr ("Octave Editor"),
                                         tr ("Could not open file\n%1\nfor read: %2.").
                                         arg (openFileName).arg (result),
                                         QMessageBox::Ok, this);

                    msgBox->setWindowModality (Qt::NonModal);
                    msgBox->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
                    msgBox->show ();
                    // File does not exist, should it be created?
                    bool create_file = true;
                    QMessageBox *msgBox;

                    if (! settings->value (ed_create_new_file).toBool ())
                        msgBox = new QMessageBox (QMessageBox::Question,
                                                  tr ("Octave Editor"),
                                                  tr ("File\n%1\ndoes not exist. "
                                                      "Do you want to create it?").arg (openFileName),
                        QPushButton *create_button =
                          msgBox->addButton (tr ("Create"), QMessageBox::YesRole);
                        msgBox->addButton (tr ("Cancel"), QMessageBox::RejectRole);
                        msgBox->setDefaultButton (create_button);
                        msgBox->exec ();

                        QAbstractButton *clicked_button = msgBox->clickedButton ();
                        if (clicked_button != create_button)
                          create_file = false;

                        delete msgBox;

                    if (create_file)
                        // create the file and call the editor again
                        QFile file (openFileName);
                        if (! (QIODevice::WriteOnly))
                            // error opening the file
                            msgBox = new QMessageBox (QMessageBox::Critical,
                                                      tr ("Octave Editor"),
                                                      tr ("Could not open file\n%1\nfor write: %2.").
                                                      arg (openFileName).arg (file.errorString ()),
                                                      QMessageBox::Ok, this);

                            msgBox->setWindowModality (Qt::NonModal);
                            msgBox->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
                            msgBox->show ();
                            file.close ();
                            request_open_file (openFileName);

            if (! ((breakpoint_marker || debug_pointer) && is_editor_console_tabbed ()))
                // update breakpoint pointers, really show editor
                // and the current editor tab
                if (fileEditorTab)
                  fileEditorTab->update_breakpoints ();
                activate ();
                emit file_loaded_signal ();

  void file_editor::request_preferences (bool)
    emit request_settings_dialog ("editor");

  void file_editor::request_styles_preferences (bool)
    emit request_settings_dialog ("editor_styles");

  void file_editor::show_line_numbers (bool)
    toggle_preference (ed_show_line_numbers);

  void file_editor::show_white_space (bool)
    toggle_preference (ed_show_white_space);

  void file_editor::show_eol_chars (bool)
    toggle_preference (ed_show_eol_chars);

  void file_editor::show_indent_guides (bool)
    toggle_preference (ed_show_indent_guides);

  void file_editor::show_long_line (bool)
    toggle_preference (ed_long_line_marker);

  void file_editor::show_toolbar (bool)
    toggle_preference (ed_show_toolbar);

  void file_editor::show_statusbar (bool)
    toggle_preference (ed_show_edit_status_bar);

  void file_editor::show_hscrollbar (bool)
    toggle_preference (ed_show_hscroll_bar);

  void file_editor::zoom_in (bool)
    emit fetab_zoom_in (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::zoom_out (bool)
    emit fetab_zoom_out (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::zoom_normal (bool)
    emit fetab_zoom_normal (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());

  void file_editor::create_context_menu (QMenu *menu)
    // remove all standard actions from scintilla
    QList<QAction *> all_actions = menu->actions ();

    for (auto *a : all_actions)
      menu->removeAction (a);

    // add editor's actions with icons and customized shortcuts
    menu->addAction (m_cut_action);
    menu->addAction (m_copy_action);
    menu->addAction (m_paste_action);
    menu->addSeparator ();
    menu->addAction (m_selectall_action);
    menu->addSeparator ();
    menu->addAction (m_find_files_action);
    menu->addAction (m_find_action);
    menu->addAction (m_find_next_action);
    menu->addAction (m_find_previous_action);
    menu->addSeparator ();
    menu->addMenu (m_edit_cmd_menu);
    menu->addMenu (m_edit_fmt_menu);
    menu->addMenu (m_edit_nav_menu);
    menu->addSeparator ();
    menu->addAction (m_run_selection_action);

  void file_editor::edit_status_update (bool undo, bool redo)
    if (m_undo_action)
      m_undo_action->setEnabled (undo);
    m_redo_action->setEnabled (redo);

  // handler for the close event
  void file_editor::closeEvent (QCloseEvent *e)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    if (settings->value (ed_hiding_closes_files).toBool ())
        if (check_closing ())
            // All tabs are closed without cancelling,
            // store closing state for restoring session when shown again.
            // Editor is closing when session data is stored in preferences
            m_closed = true;
            e->ignore ();
            e->ignore ();
      e->accept ();

    octave_dock_widget::closeEvent (e);

  void file_editor::dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent *e)
    if (e->mimeData ()->hasUrls ())
        e->acceptProposedAction ();

  void file_editor::dropEvent (QDropEvent *e)
    if (e->mimeData ()->hasUrls ())
        for (const auto& url : e->mimeData ()->urls ())
          request_open_file (url.toLocalFile ());

  bool file_editor::is_editor_console_tabbed (void)
    main_window *w = static_cast<main_window *>(main_win ());
    QList<QDockWidget *> w_list = w->tabifiedDockWidgets (this);
    QDockWidget *console =
      static_cast<QDockWidget *> (w->get_dock_widget_list ().at (0));

    for (int i = 0; i < w_list.count (); i++)
        if ( (i) == console)
          return true;

    return false;

  void file_editor::construct (void)
    QWidget *editor_widget = new QWidget (this);

    // FIXME: what was the intended purpose of this unused variable?
    // QStyle *editor_style = QApplication::style ();

    // Menu bar: do not set it native, required in macOS and Ubuntu Unity (Qt5)
    // for a visible menu bar in the editor widget.  This property is ignored
    // on other platforms.
    m_menu_bar = new QMenuBar (editor_widget);
    m_menu_bar->setNativeMenuBar (false);

    m_tool_bar = new QToolBar (editor_widget);
    m_tool_bar->setMovable (true);

    m_tab_widget = new file_editor_tab_widget (editor_widget);

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();

    // the mru-list and an empty array of actions
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    m_mru_files = settings->value (ed_mru_file_list).toStringList ();
    m_mru_files_encodings = settings->value (ed_mru_file_encodings)
                            .toStringList ();

    if (m_mru_files_encodings.count () != m_mru_files.count ())
        // encodings don't have the same count -> do not use them!
        m_mru_files_encodings = QStringList ();
        for (int i = 0; i < m_mru_files.count (); i++)
          m_mru_files_encodings << QString ();

    for (int i = 0; i < MaxMRUFiles; ++i)
        m_mru_file_actions[i] = new QAction (this);
        m_mru_file_actions[i]->setVisible (false);

    // menu bar

    // file menu

    m_fileMenu = add_menu (m_menu_bar, tr ("&File"));

    // new and open menus are inserted later by the main window
    m_mru_file_menu = new QMenu (tr ("&Recent Editor Files"), m_fileMenu);
    for (int i = 0; i < MaxMRUFiles; ++i)
      m_mru_file_menu->addAction (m_mru_file_actions[i]);
    m_fileMenu->addMenu (m_mru_file_menu);

    m_fileMenu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_fileMenu,
                    tr ("&Edit Function"),
                    SLOT (request_context_edit (bool)));

    m_fileMenu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_fileMenu, rmgr.icon ("document-save"),
                    tr ("&Save File"), SLOT (request_save_file (bool)));

      = add_action (m_fileMenu, rmgr.icon ("document-save-as"),
                    tr ("Save File &As..."),
                    SLOT (request_save_file_as (bool)));

    m_fileMenu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_fileMenu, rmgr.icon ("window-close",false),
                    tr ("&Close"), SLOT (request_close_file (bool)));

      = add_action (m_fileMenu, rmgr.icon ("window-close",false),
                    tr ("Close All"), SLOT (request_close_all_files (bool)));

      = add_action (m_fileMenu, rmgr.icon ("window-close",false),
                    tr ("Close Other Files"),
                    SLOT (request_close_other_files (bool)));

    m_fileMenu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_fileMenu, rmgr.icon ("document-print"),
                    tr ("Print..."), SLOT (request_print_file (bool)));

    // edit menu (undo, copy, paste and select all later via main window)

    m_edit_menu = add_menu (m_menu_bar, tr ("&Edit"));

      = add_action (m_edit_menu, rmgr.icon ("edit-redo"),
                    tr ("&Redo"), SLOT (request_redo (bool)));
    m_redo_action->setEnabled (false);

    m_edit_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_edit_menu, rmgr.icon ("edit-cut"),
                    tr ("Cu&t"), SLOT (request_cut (bool)));
    m_cut_action->setEnabled (false);

      = add_action (m_edit_menu, rmgr.icon ("edit-find-replace"),
                    tr ("&Find and Replace..."), SLOT (request_find (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_menu, tr ("Find &Next..."),
                    SLOT (request_find_next (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_menu, tr ("Find &Previous..."),
                    SLOT (request_find_previous (bool)));

    m_edit_menu->addSeparator ();

    m_edit_cmd_menu = m_edit_menu->addMenu (tr ("&Commands"));

      = add_action (m_edit_cmd_menu, tr ("Delete Line"),
                    SLOT (request_delete_line (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_cmd_menu, tr ("Copy Line"),
                    SLOT (request_copy_line (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_cmd_menu, tr ("Cut Line"),
                    SLOT (request_cut_line (bool)));

    m_edit_cmd_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_edit_cmd_menu, tr ("Delete to Start of Word"),
                    SLOT (request_delete_start_word (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_cmd_menu, tr ("Delete to End of Word"),
                    SLOT (request_delete_end_word (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_cmd_menu, tr ("Delete to Start of Line"),
                    SLOT (request_delete_start_line (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_cmd_menu, tr ("Delete to End of Line"),
                    SLOT (request_delete_end_line (bool)));

    m_edit_cmd_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_edit_cmd_menu, tr ("Duplicate Selection/Line"),
                    SLOT (request_duplicate_selection (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_cmd_menu, tr ("Transpose Line"),
                    SLOT (request_transpose_line (bool)));

    m_edit_cmd_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_edit_cmd_menu, tr ("&Show Completion List"),
                    SLOT (request_completion (bool)));

    m_edit_fmt_menu = m_edit_menu->addMenu (tr ("&Format"));

      = add_action (m_edit_fmt_menu, tr ("&Uppercase Selection"),
                    SLOT (request_upper_case (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_fmt_menu, tr ("&Lowercase Selection"),
                    SLOT (request_lower_case (bool)));

    m_edit_fmt_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_edit_fmt_menu, tr ("&Comment"),
                    SLOT (request_comment_selected_text (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_fmt_menu, tr ("&Uncomment"),
                    SLOT (request_uncomment_selected_text (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_fmt_menu, tr ("Comment (Choosing String)"),
                    SLOT (request_comment_var_selected_text (bool)));

    m_edit_fmt_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_edit_fmt_menu, tr ("&Indent Selection Rigidly"),
                    SLOT (request_indent_selected_text (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_fmt_menu, tr ("&Unindent Selection Rigidly"),
                    SLOT (request_unindent_selected_text (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_fmt_menu, tr ("Indent Code"),
                    SLOT (request_smart_indent_line_or_selected_text (void)));

    m_edit_fmt_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_edit_fmt_menu,
                    tr ("Convert Line Endings to &Windows (CRLF)"),
                    SLOT (request_conv_eol_windows (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_fmt_menu, tr ("Convert Line Endings to &Unix (LF)"),
                    SLOT (request_conv_eol_unix (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_fmt_menu,
                    tr ("Convert Line Endings to Legacy &Mac (CR)"),
                    SLOT (request_conv_eol_mac (bool)));

    m_edit_nav_menu = m_edit_menu->addMenu (tr ("Navi&gation"));

      = add_action (m_edit_nav_menu, tr ("Go &to Line..."),
                    SLOT (request_goto_line (bool)));

    m_edit_cmd_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_edit_nav_menu, tr ("Move to Matching Brace"),
                    SLOT (request_move_match_brace (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_nav_menu, tr ("Select to Matching Brace"),
                    SLOT (request_sel_match_brace (bool)));

    m_edit_nav_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_edit_nav_menu, tr ("&Next Bookmark"),
                    SLOT (request_next_bookmark (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_nav_menu, tr ("Pre&vious Bookmark"),
                    SLOT (request_previous_bookmark (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_nav_menu, tr ("Toggle &Bookmark"),
                    SLOT (request_toggle_bookmark (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_nav_menu, tr ("&Remove All Bookmarks"),
                    SLOT (request_remove_bookmark (bool)));

    m_edit_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_edit_menu, rmgr.icon ("preferences-system"),
                    tr ("&Preferences..."),
                    SLOT (request_preferences (bool)));

      = add_action (m_edit_menu, rmgr.icon ("preferences-system"),
                    tr ("&Styles Preferences..."),
                    SLOT (request_styles_preferences (bool)));

    // view menu

    QMenu *view_menu = add_menu (m_menu_bar, tr ("&View"));

    m_view_editor_menu = view_menu->addMenu (tr ("&Editor"));

      = add_action (m_view_editor_menu, tr ("Show &Line Numbers"),
                    SLOT (show_line_numbers (bool)));
    m_show_linenum_action->setCheckable (true);

      = add_action (m_view_editor_menu, tr ("Show &Whitespace Characters"),
                    SLOT (show_white_space (bool)));
    m_show_whitespace_action->setCheckable (true);

      = add_action (m_view_editor_menu, tr ("Show Line &Endings"),
                    SLOT (show_eol_chars (bool)));
    m_show_eol_action->setCheckable (true);

      = add_action (m_view_editor_menu, tr ("Show &Indentation Guides"),
                    SLOT (show_indent_guides (bool)));
    m_show_indguide_action->setCheckable (true);

      = add_action (m_view_editor_menu, tr ("Show Long Line &Marker"),
                    SLOT (show_long_line (bool)));
    m_show_longline_action->setCheckable (true);

    m_view_editor_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (m_view_editor_menu, tr ("Show &Toolbar"),
                    SLOT (show_toolbar (bool)));
    m_show_toolbar_action->setCheckable (true);

      = add_action (m_view_editor_menu, tr ("Show &Statusbar"),
                    SLOT (show_statusbar (bool)));
    m_show_statusbar_action->setCheckable (true);

      = add_action (m_view_editor_menu, tr ("Show &Horizontal Scrollbar"),
                    SLOT (show_hscrollbar (bool)));
    m_show_hscrollbar_action->setCheckable (true);

    view_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (view_menu, rmgr.icon ("zoom-in"), tr ("Zoom &In"),
                    SLOT (zoom_in (bool)));

      = add_action (view_menu, rmgr.icon ("zoom-out"), tr ("Zoom &Out"),
                    SLOT (zoom_out (bool)));

      = add_action (view_menu, tr ("&Normal Size"), SLOT (zoom_normal (bool)));

    view_menu->addSeparator ();

      = add_action (view_menu, tr ("&Sort Tabs Alphabetically"),
                    SLOT (sort_tabs_alph (void)),
                    m_tab_widget->get_tab_bar ());

    m_menu_bar->addMenu (view_menu);

    // debug menu

    m_debug_menu = add_menu (m_menu_bar, tr ("&Debug"));

      = add_action (m_debug_menu, rmgr.icon ("bp-toggle"),
                    tr ("Toggle &Breakpoint"),
                    SLOT (request_toggle_breakpoint (bool)));

      = add_action (m_debug_menu, rmgr.icon ("bp-next"),
                    tr ("&Next Breakpoint"),
                    SLOT (request_next_breakpoint (bool)));

      = add_action (m_debug_menu, rmgr.icon ("bp-prev"),
                    tr ("Pre&vious Breakpoint"),
                    SLOT (request_previous_breakpoint (bool)));

      = add_action (m_debug_menu, rmgr.icon ("bp-rm-all"),
                    tr ("&Remove All Breakpoints"),
                    SLOT (request_remove_breakpoint (bool)));

    m_debug_menu->addSeparator ();

    // The other debug actions will be added by the main window.

    // run menu

    QMenu *_run_menu = add_menu (m_menu_bar, tr ("&Run"));

      = add_action (_run_menu,
                    rmgr.icon ("system-run"),
                    tr ("Save File and Run / Continue"),
                    SLOT (request_run_file (bool)));

      = add_action (_run_menu,
                    tr ("Run &Selection"),
                    SLOT (request_context_run (bool)));
    m_run_selection_action->setEnabled (false);

    // help menu

    QMenu *_help_menu = add_menu (m_menu_bar, tr ("&Help"));

      = add_action (_help_menu,
                    tr ("&Help on Keyword"),
                    SLOT (request_context_help (bool)));

      = add_action (_help_menu,
                    tr ("&Documentation on Keyword"),
                    SLOT (request_context_doc (bool)));

    // tab navigation (no menu, only actions; slots in tab_bar)

      = add_action (nullptr, "", SLOT (switch_left_tab (void)),
                    m_tab_widget->get_tab_bar ());

      = add_action (nullptr, "", SLOT (switch_right_tab (void)),
                    m_tab_widget->get_tab_bar ());

      = add_action (nullptr, "", SLOT (move_tab_left (void)),
                    m_tab_widget->get_tab_bar ());

      = add_action (nullptr, "", SLOT (move_tab_right (void)),
                    m_tab_widget->get_tab_bar ());

    // toolbar

    // popdown menu with mru files
    QToolButton *popdown_button = new QToolButton ();
    popdown_button->setToolTip (tr ("Recent Files"));
    popdown_button->setMenu (m_mru_file_menu);
    popdown_button->setPopupMode (QToolButton::InstantPopup);
    popdown_button->setArrowType (Qt::DownArrow);
    popdown_button->setToolButtonStyle (Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly);

    // new and open actions are inserted later from main window
    m_popdown_mru_action = m_tool_bar->addWidget (popdown_button);
    m_tool_bar->addAction (m_save_action);
    m_tool_bar->addAction (m_save_as_action);
    m_tool_bar->addAction (m_print_action);
    m_tool_bar->addSeparator ();
    // m_undo_action: later via main window
    m_tool_bar->addAction (m_redo_action);
    m_tool_bar->addSeparator ();
    m_tool_bar->addAction (m_cut_action);
    // m_copy_action: later via the main window
    // m_paste_action: later via the main window
    m_tool_bar->addAction (m_find_action);
    //m_tool_bar->addAction (m_find_next_action);
    //m_tool_bar->addAction (m_find_previous_action);
    m_tool_bar->addSeparator ();
    m_tool_bar->addAction (m_run_action);
    m_tool_bar->addSeparator ();
    m_tool_bar->addAction (m_toggle_breakpoint_action);
    m_tool_bar->addAction (m_previous_breakpoint_action);
    m_tool_bar->addAction (m_next_breakpoint_action);
    m_tool_bar->addAction (m_remove_all_breakpoints_action);

    // layout
    QVBoxLayout *vbox_layout = new QVBoxLayout ();
    vbox_layout->addWidget (m_menu_bar);
    vbox_layout->addWidget (m_tool_bar);
    vbox_layout->addWidget (m_tab_widget);
    vbox_layout->setMargin (0);
    vbox_layout->setSpacing (0);
    editor_widget->setLayout (vbox_layout);
    setWidget (editor_widget);

    // create the context menu of the tab bar
    tab_bar *bar = m_tab_widget->get_tab_bar ();
    QMenu *ctx_men = bar->get_context_menu ();
    ctx_men->addAction (m_close_action);
    ctx_men->addAction (m_close_all_action);
    ctx_men->addAction (m_close_others_action);
    ctx_men->addSeparator ();
    ctx_men->addAction (m_sort_tabs_action);

    // signals
    connect (this, SIGNAL (request_settings_dialog (const QString&)),
             main_win (),
             SLOT (process_settings_dialog_request (const QString&)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (request_dbcont_signal (void)),
             main_win (), SLOT (debug_continue (void)));

    connect (m_mru_file_menu, SIGNAL (triggered (QAction *)),
             this, SLOT (request_mru_open_file (QAction *)));

    mru_menu_update ();

    connect (m_tab_widget, SIGNAL (tabCloseRequested (int)),
             this, SLOT (handle_tab_close_request (int)));

    connect (m_tab_widget, SIGNAL (currentChanged (int)),
             this, SLOT (active_tab_changed (int)));

    resize (500, 400);
    setWindowIcon (QIcon (":/actions/icons/logo.png"));
    set_title (tr ("Editor"));

    check_actions ();

  // Slot when autocompletion list was cancelled
  void file_editor::handle_autoc_cancelled (void)
    // List was cancelled but somehow still active and blocking the
    // edit area from accepting shortcuts. Only after another keypress
    // shortcuts and lists are working againnas expected. This is
    // probably caused by qt bug
    // Hack: Accept the list, which is hidden but still active
    //       and undo the text insertion, if any

    file_editor_tab *f = reset_focus ();
    octave_qscintilla *qsci = f->qsci_edit_area ();

    int line, col;
    qsci->getCursorPosition (&line, &col);
    int l1 = qsci->lineLength (line); // Current line length

    // Accept autocompletion
    qsci->SendScintilla (QsciScintillaBase::SCI_AUTOCCOMPLETE);

    // Was text inserted? If yes, undo
    if (qsci->text (line).length () - l1)
      qsci->undo ();

  file_editor_tab* file_editor::reset_focus (void)
    // Reset the focus of the tab and the related edit area
    file_editor_tab *f
       = static_cast<file_editor_tab *> (m_tab_widget->currentWidget ());
     emit fetab_set_focus (f);
     return f;

  file_editor_tab *
  file_editor::make_file_editor_tab (const QString& directory)
    file_editor_tab *f = new file_editor_tab (m_octave_qobj, directory);

    // signals from the qscintilla edit area
    connect (f->qsci_edit_area (), SIGNAL (status_update (bool, bool)),
             this, SLOT (edit_status_update (bool, bool)));

    connect (f->qsci_edit_area (), SIGNAL (show_doc_signal (const QString&)),
             main_win (), SLOT (handle_show_doc (const QString&)));

    connect (f->qsci_edit_area (), SIGNAL (create_context_menu_signal (QMenu *)),
             this, SLOT (create_context_menu (QMenu *)));

    connect (f->qsci_edit_area (),
             SIGNAL (execute_command_in_terminal_signal (const QString&)),
             main_win (), SLOT (execute_command_in_terminal (const QString&)));

    connect (f->qsci_edit_area (),
             SIGNAL (focus_console_after_command_signal (void)),
             main_win (), SLOT (focus_console_after_command (void)));

    connect (f->qsci_edit_area (),
             SIGNAL (SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED (const char*, int, int, int)),
             this, SLOT (reset_focus (void)));

    connect (f->qsci_edit_area (), SIGNAL (SCN_AUTOCCANCELLED (void)),
             this, SLOT (handle_autoc_cancelled (void)));

    // signals from the qscintilla edit area
    connect (this, SIGNAL (enter_debug_mode_signal (void)),
             f->qsci_edit_area (), SLOT (handle_enter_debug_mode (void)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (exit_debug_mode_signal (void)),
             f->qsci_edit_area (), SLOT (handle_exit_debug_mode (void)));

    // Signals from the file editor_tab
    connect (f, SIGNAL (autoc_closed (void)),
             this, SLOT (reset_focus (void)));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (file_name_changed (const QString&, const QString&, bool)),
             this, SLOT (handle_file_name_changed (const QString&,
                                                   const QString&, bool)));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (editor_state_changed (bool, bool)),
             this, SLOT (handle_editor_state_changed (bool, bool)));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (tab_remove_request ()),
             this, SLOT (handle_tab_remove_request ()));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (editor_check_conflict_save (const QString&, bool)),
             this, SLOT (check_conflict_save (const QString&, bool)));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (mru_add_file (const QString&, const QString&)),
             this, SLOT (handle_mru_add_file (const QString&, const QString&)));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (run_file_signal (const QFileInfo&)),
             main_win (), SLOT (run_file_in_terminal (const QFileInfo&)));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (request_open_file (const QString&, const QString&)),
             this, SLOT (request_open_file (const QString&, const QString&)));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (edit_mfile_request (const QString&, const QString&,
                                            const QString&, int)),
             main_win (), SLOT (handle_edit_mfile_request (const QString&,
                                                           const QString&,
                                                           const QString&, int)));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (edit_area_changed (octave_qscintilla*)),
             this, SIGNAL (edit_area_changed (octave_qscintilla*)));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (set_focus_editor_signal (QWidget*)),
             this, SLOT (set_focus (QWidget*)));

    // Signals from the file_editor or main-win non-trivial operations
    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_settings_changed (const gui_settings *)),
             f, SLOT (notice_settings (const gui_settings *)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_change_request (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (change_editor_state (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_save_file (const QWidget*, const QString&,
             f, SLOT (save_file (const QWidget*, const QString&, bool)));

    connect (main_win (), SIGNAL (update_gui_lexer_signal (bool)),
             f, SLOT (update_lexer_settings (bool)));

    // Signals from the file_editor trivial operations
    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_recover_from_exit (void)),
             f, SLOT (recover_from_exit (void)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_set_directory (const QString&)),
             f, SLOT (set_current_directory (const QString&)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_zoom_in (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (zoom_in (const QWidget*)));
    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_zoom_out (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (zoom_out (const QWidget*)));
    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_zoom_normal (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (zoom_normal (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_context_help (const QWidget*, bool)),
             f, SLOT (context_help (const QWidget*, bool)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_context_edit (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (context_edit (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_save_file (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (save_file (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_save_file_as (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (save_file_as (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_print_file (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (print_file (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_run_file (const QWidget*, bool)),
             f, SLOT (run_file (const QWidget*, bool)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_context_run (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (context_run (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_toggle_bookmark (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (toggle_bookmark (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_next_bookmark (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (next_bookmark (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_previous_bookmark (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (previous_bookmark (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_remove_bookmark (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (remove_bookmark (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_toggle_breakpoint (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (toggle_breakpoint (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_next_breakpoint (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (next_breakpoint (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_previous_breakpoint (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (previous_breakpoint (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_remove_all_breakpoints (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (remove_all_breakpoints (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_scintilla_command (const QWidget *,
                                                    unsigned int)),
             f, SLOT (scintilla_command (const QWidget *, unsigned int)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_comment_selected_text (const QWidget*, bool)),
             f, SLOT (comment_selected_text (const QWidget*, bool)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_uncomment_selected_text (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (uncomment_selected_text (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_indent_selected_text (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (indent_selected_text (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_unindent_selected_text (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (unindent_selected_text (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_smart_indent_line_or_selected_text (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (smart_indent_line_or_selected_text (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this,
             SIGNAL (fetab_convert_eol (const QWidget*, QsciScintilla::EolMode)),
             f, SLOT (convert_eol (const QWidget*, QsciScintilla::EolMode)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_goto_line (const QWidget*, int)),
             f, SLOT (goto_line (const QWidget*, int)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_move_match_brace (const QWidget*, bool)),
             f, SLOT (move_match_brace (const QWidget*, bool)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_completion (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (show_auto_completion (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_set_focus (const QWidget*)),
             f, SLOT (set_focus (const QWidget*)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_insert_debugger_pointer (const QWidget*, int)),
             f, SLOT (insert_debugger_pointer (const QWidget*, int)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_delete_debugger_pointer (const QWidget*, int)),
             f, SLOT (delete_debugger_pointer (const QWidget*, int)));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (debug_quit_signal (void)),
             main_win (), SLOT (debug_quit (void)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (fetab_do_breakpoint_marker (bool, const QWidget*,
                                                       int, const QString&)),
             f, SLOT (do_breakpoint_marker (bool, const QWidget*, int,
                                            const QString&)));

    // Any interpreter_event signal from a file_editor_tab_widget is
    // handled the same as for the parent main_window object.

    connect (f, SIGNAL (interpreter_event (const fcn_callback&)),
             this, SIGNAL (interpreter_event (const fcn_callback&)));

    connect (f, SIGNAL (interpreter_event (const meth_callback&)),
             this, SIGNAL (interpreter_event (const meth_callback&)));

    return f;

  void file_editor::add_file_editor_tab (file_editor_tab *f, const QString& fn,
                                         int index)
    if (index == -1)
      m_tab_widget->addTab (f, fn);
      m_tab_widget->insertTab (index, f, fn);

    m_tab_widget->setCurrentWidget (f);

    check_actions ();

  void file_editor::mru_menu_update (void)
    int num_files = qMin (m_mru_files.size (), int (MaxMRUFiles));

    // configure and show active actions of mru-menu
    for (int i = 0; i < num_files; ++i)
        QString text = QString ("&%1 %2").
          arg ((i+1) % int (MaxMRUFiles)).arg ( (i));
        m_mru_file_actions[i]->setText (text);

        QStringList action_data;
        action_data << (i) << (i);
        m_mru_file_actions[i]->setData (action_data);

        m_mru_file_actions[i]->setVisible (true);

    // hide unused mru-menu entries
    for (int j = num_files; j < MaxMRUFiles; ++j)
      m_mru_file_actions[j]->setVisible (false);

    // delete entries in string-list beyond MaxMRUFiles
    while (m_mru_files.size () > MaxMRUFiles)
        m_mru_files.removeLast ();
        m_mru_files_encodings.removeLast ();

    // save actual mru-list in settings
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    settings->setValue (ed_mru_file_list.key,  m_mru_files);
    settings->setValue (ed_mru_file_encodings.key,  m_mru_files_encodings);
    settings->sync ();

  bool file_editor::call_custom_editor (const QString& file_name, int line)
    // Check if the user wants to use a custom file editor.
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    if (settings->value (global_use_custom_editor.key,
                         global_use_custom_editor.def).toBool ())
        // use the external editor interface for handling the call
        emit request_open_file_external (file_name, line);

        if (line < 0 && ! file_name.isEmpty ())
          handle_mru_add_file (QFileInfo (file_name).canonicalFilePath (),
                               QString ());

        return true;

    return false;

  void file_editor::toggle_preference (const gui_pref& preference)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    bool old = settings->value (preference).toBool ();
    settings->setValue (preference.key, ! old);
    notice_settings (settings);

  // Function for closing the files in a removed directory
  void file_editor::handle_dir_remove (const QString& old_name,
                                       const QString& new_name)
    QDir old_dir (old_name);
    session_data f_data;

    std::list<file_editor_tab *> editor_tab_lst = m_tab_widget->tab_list ();

    for (auto editor_tab : editor_tab_lst)
        QString file_name = editor_tab->file_name ();

        if (file_name.isEmpty ())
          continue;   // Nothing to do, no valid file name

        // Get abs. file path and its path relative to the removed directory
        QString rel_path_to_file = old_dir.relativeFilePath (file_name);
        QString abs_path_to_file = old_dir.absoluteFilePath (file_name);

        // Test whether the file is located within the directory that will
        // be removed.  For this, two conditions must be met:
        // 1. The path of the file rel. to the dir is not equal to the
        //    its absolute one.
        //    If both are equal, then there is no relative path and removed
        //    directory and file are on different drives (e.g. on windows)
        // 2. The (real) relative path does not start with "../", i.e.,
        //    the file can be reached from the directory by descending only
        if ((rel_path_to_file != abs_path_to_file)
            && (rel_path_to_file.left (3) != QString ("../")))
            // The currently considered file is included in the
            // removed/renamed diectory: Delete it.
            m_no_focus = true;  // Remember for not focussing editor

            if (editor_tab)
                // Get index and line
                int l, c;
                editor_tab->qsci_edit_area ()->getCursorPosition (&l, &c);
                f_data.line = l + 1;
                f_data.index = m_tab_widget->indexOf (editor_tab);
                // Close
                editor_tab->file_has_changed (QString (), true);
            m_no_focus = false;  // Back to normal

            // Store file for possible later reload
            f_data.file_name = file_name;

            // Add the new file path and the encoding for later reloading
            // if new_name is given
            if (! new_name.isEmpty ())
                QDir new_dir (new_name);
                QString append_to_new_dir;
                if (new_dir.exists ())
                    // The new directory already exists (movefile was used).
                    // This means, we have to add the name (not the path)
                    // of the old dir and the relative path to the file
                    // to new dir.
                      = old_dir.dirName () + "/" + rel_path_to_file;
                  append_to_new_dir = rel_path_to_file;

                  = new_dir.absoluteFilePath (append_to_new_dir);
              f_data.new_file_name = ""; // no new name, just removing this file

            f_data.encoding = editor_tab->encoding (); // store the encoding

            // Store data in list for later reloading
            m_tmp_closed_files << f_data;

  bool file_editor::editor_tab_has_focus (void)
    QWidget *foc_w = focusWidget ();
    if (foc_w && foc_w->inherits ("octave::octave_qscintilla"))
      return true;
    return false;

  // Check whether this file is already open in the editor.
  file_editor_tab * file_editor::find_tab_widget (const QString& file)
    std::string std_file = file.toStdString ();

    std::list<file_editor_tab *> fe_tab_lst = m_tab_widget->tab_list ();

    for (auto fe_tab : fe_tab_lst)
        QString tab_file = fe_tab->file_name ();

        // We check file == tab_file because
        //   same_file ("", "")
        // is false

        if (same_file (std_file, tab_file.toStdString ()) || file == tab_file)
          return fe_tab;

    return nullptr;

  QAction * file_editor::add_action (QMenu *menu, const QString& text,
                                     const char *member,
                                     QWidget *receiver)
    return add_action (menu, QIcon (), text, member, receiver);

  QAction * file_editor::add_action (QMenu *menu, const QIcon& icon,
                                     const QString& text, const char *member,
                                     QWidget *receiver)
    QAction *a;
    QWidget *r = this;

    if (receiver != nullptr)
      r = receiver;

    if (menu)
      a = menu->addAction (icon, text, r, member);
        a = new QAction (this);
        connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered ()), r, member);

    addAction (a);  // important for shortcut context
    a->setShortcutContext (Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut);

    return a;

  QMenu* file_editor::add_menu (QMenuBar *p, QString name)
    QMenu *menu = p->addMenu (name);

    QString base_name = name;  // get a copy
    // replace intended '&' ("&&") by a temp. string
    base_name.replace ("&&", "___octave_amp_replacement___");
    // remove single '&' (shortcut)
    base_name.remove ("&");
    // restore intended '&'
    base_name.replace ("___octave_amp_replacement___", "&&");

    // remember names with and without shortcut
    m_hash_menu_text[menu] = QStringList () << name << base_name;

    return menu;
