view liboctave/idx-vector.h @ 9894:83bd7f34f9da

improve idx_vector->octave_value conversion
author Jaroslav Hajek <>
date Tue, 01 Dec 2009 10:41:52 +0100
parents cddd5c3d5f04
children 43a29eeda994
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2003,
              2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 John W. Eaton
Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Jaroslav Hajek
Copyright (C) 2009 VZLU Prague

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see


#if !defined (octave_idx_vector_h)
#define octave_idx_vector_h 1

#include <cassert>

#include <algorithm>
#include <iosfwd>

#include "dim-vector.h"
#include "oct-inttypes.h"
#include "oct-alloc.h"
#include "oct-mem.h"

template<class T> class Array;
template<class T> class Sparse;
class Range;

// Design rationale:
// idx_vector is a reference-counting, polymorphic pointer, that can contain
// 4 types of index objects: a magic colon, a range, a scalar, or an index vector.
// Polymorphic methods for single element access are provided, as well as
// templates implementing "early dispatch", i.e. hoisting the checks for index
// type out of loops.

  enum idx_class_type
      class_invalid = -1,
      class_colon = 0,


  class OCTAVE_API idx_base_rep
    idx_base_rep (void) : count (1), err (false) { }

    virtual ~idx_base_rep (void) { }

    // Non-range-checking element query.
    virtual octave_idx_type xelem (octave_idx_type i) const = 0;

    // Range-checking element query.
    virtual octave_idx_type checkelem (octave_idx_type i) const = 0;

    // Length of the index vector.
    virtual octave_idx_type length (octave_idx_type n) const = 0;

    // The maximum index + 1. The actual dimension is passed in.
    virtual octave_idx_type extent (octave_idx_type n) const = 0;

    // Index class.
    virtual idx_class_type idx_class (void) const { return class_invalid; }

    // Sorts, maybe uniqifies, and returns a clone object pointer.
    virtual idx_base_rep *sort_uniq_clone (bool uniq = false) = 0;

    // Checks whether the index is colon or a range equivalent to colon.
    virtual bool is_colon_equiv (octave_idx_type) const
      { return false; }

    // The original dimensions of this object (used when subscribing by matrices).
    virtual dim_vector orig_dimensions (void) const
      { return dim_vector (); }

    // i/o
    virtual std::ostream& print (std::ostream& os) const = 0;

    int count;

    bool err;


    // No copying!
    idx_base_rep (const idx_base_rep&);

  // The magic colon index.
  class OCTAVE_API idx_colon_rep : public idx_base_rep
    idx_colon_rep (void) { }

    idx_colon_rep (char c);

    octave_idx_type xelem (octave_idx_type i) const
      { return i; }

    octave_idx_type checkelem (octave_idx_type i) const;

    octave_idx_type length (octave_idx_type n) const
      { return n; }

    octave_idx_type extent (octave_idx_type n) const
      { return n; }

    idx_class_type idx_class (void) const { return class_colon; }

    idx_base_rep *sort_uniq_clone (bool = false) 
      { count++; return this; }

    bool is_colon_equiv (octave_idx_type) const
      { return true; }

    std::ostream& print (std::ostream& os) const;



    // No copying!
    idx_colon_rep (const idx_colon_rep& idx);

  // To distinguish the "direct" constructors that blindly trust the data.
  enum direct { DIRECT };

  // The integer range index.
  class OCTAVE_API idx_range_rep : public idx_base_rep
    idx_range_rep (octave_idx_type _start, octave_idx_type _len,
                   octave_idx_type _step, direct) 
      : idx_base_rep (), start(_start), len(_len), step(_step) { }

    idx_range_rep (void) 
      : start(0), len(0), step(1) { }

    // Zero-based constructor.
    idx_range_rep (octave_idx_type _start, octave_idx_type _limit,
                   octave_idx_type _step); 

    idx_range_rep (const Range&);

    octave_idx_type xelem (octave_idx_type i) const
      { return start + i * step; }

    octave_idx_type checkelem (octave_idx_type i) const;

    octave_idx_type length (octave_idx_type) const
      { return len; }

    octave_idx_type extent (octave_idx_type n) const
      { return len ? std::max (n, (start + 1 + (step < 0 ? 0 : step * (len - 1)))) : n; }

    idx_class_type idx_class (void) const { return class_range; }

    idx_base_rep *sort_uniq_clone (bool uniq = false);

    bool is_colon_equiv (octave_idx_type n) const
      { return start == 0 && step == 1 && len == n; }

    dim_vector orig_dimensions (void) const
      { return dim_vector (1, len); }

    octave_idx_type get_start (void) const { return start; }

    octave_idx_type get_step (void) const { return step; }

    std::ostream& print (std::ostream& os) const;

    Range unconvert (void) const;



    // No copying!
    idx_range_rep (const idx_range_rep& idx);

    octave_idx_type start, len, step;


  // The integer scalar index.
  class OCTAVE_API idx_scalar_rep : public idx_base_rep
    idx_scalar_rep (octave_idx_type i, direct)
      : data (i) { }

    idx_scalar_rep (void)
      : data (0) { }

    // Zero-based constructor.
    idx_scalar_rep (octave_idx_type i);

    template <class T>
    idx_scalar_rep (T x);

    octave_idx_type xelem (octave_idx_type) const
      { return data; }

    octave_idx_type checkelem (octave_idx_type i) const;

    octave_idx_type length (octave_idx_type) const
      { return 1; }

    octave_idx_type extent (octave_idx_type n) const
      { return std::max (n, data + 1); }

    idx_class_type idx_class (void) const { return class_scalar; }

    idx_base_rep *sort_uniq_clone (bool = false)
      { count++; return this; }

    bool is_colon_equiv (octave_idx_type n) const
      { return n == 1 && data == 0; }

    dim_vector orig_dimensions (void) const
      { return dim_vector (1, 1); }

    octave_idx_type get_data (void) const { return data; }

    std::ostream& print (std::ostream& os) const;

    double unconvert (void) const;



    // No copying!
    idx_scalar_rep (const idx_scalar_rep& idx);

    octave_idx_type data;


  // The integer vector index.
  class OCTAVE_API idx_vector_rep : public idx_base_rep
    // Direct constructor.
    idx_vector_rep (octave_idx_type *_data, octave_idx_type _len, 
                    octave_idx_type _ext, const dim_vector& od, direct)
      : data (_data), len (_len), ext (_ext), aowner (0), orig_dims (od) { }

    idx_vector_rep (void) 
      : data (0), len (0), aowner (0)
      { }

    // Zero-based constructor.
    idx_vector_rep (const Array<octave_idx_type>& inda);

    template <class T>
    idx_vector_rep (const Array<T>&);

    idx_vector_rep (bool);

    idx_vector_rep (const Array<bool>&, octave_idx_type = -1);

    idx_vector_rep (const Sparse<bool>&);

    ~idx_vector_rep (void);

    octave_idx_type xelem (octave_idx_type i) const
      { return data[i]; }

    octave_idx_type checkelem (octave_idx_type i) const;

    octave_idx_type length (octave_idx_type) const
      { return len; }

    octave_idx_type extent (octave_idx_type n) const
      { return std::max (n, ext); }

    idx_class_type idx_class (void) const { return class_vector; }

    idx_base_rep *sort_uniq_clone (bool uniq = false);

    dim_vector orig_dimensions (void) const
      { return orig_dims; }

    const octave_idx_type *get_data (void) const { return data; }

    std::ostream& print (std::ostream& os) const;

    Array<double> unconvert (void) const;



    // No copying!
    idx_vector_rep (const idx_vector_rep& idx);

    const octave_idx_type *data;
    octave_idx_type len, ext;

    // This is a trick to allow user-given zero-based arrays to be used as indices
    // without copying. If the following pointer is nonzero, we do not own the data,
    // but rather have an Array<octave_idx_type> object that provides us the data.
    // Note that we need a pointer because we deferred the Array<T> declaration and
    // we do not want it yet to be defined.
    Array<octave_idx_type> *aowner;

    dim_vector orig_dims;

  // The logical mask index.
  class OCTAVE_API idx_mask_rep : public idx_base_rep
    // Direct constructor.
    idx_mask_rep (bool *_data, octave_idx_type _len, 
                  octave_idx_type _ext, const dim_vector& od, direct)
      : data (_data), len (_len), ext (_ext), aowner (0), orig_dims (od) { }

    idx_mask_rep (void) 
      : data (0), len (0), aowner (0)
      { }

    idx_mask_rep (bool);

    idx_mask_rep (const Array<bool>&, octave_idx_type = -1);

    ~idx_mask_rep (void);

    octave_idx_type xelem (octave_idx_type i) const;

    octave_idx_type checkelem (octave_idx_type i) const;

    octave_idx_type length (octave_idx_type) const
      { return len; }

    octave_idx_type extent (octave_idx_type n) const
      { return std::max (n, ext); }

    idx_class_type idx_class (void) const { return class_mask; }

    idx_base_rep *sort_uniq_clone (bool = false) 
      { count++; return this; }

    dim_vector orig_dimensions (void) const
      { return orig_dims; }

    bool is_colon_equiv (octave_idx_type n) const
      { return len == n && ext == n; }

    const bool *get_data (void) const { return data; }

    std::ostream& print (std::ostream& os) const;

    Array<bool> unconvert (void) const;



    // No copying!
    idx_mask_rep (const idx_mask_rep& idx);

    const bool *data;
    octave_idx_type len, ext;

    // FIXME: I'm not sure if this is a good design. Maybe it would be better to
    // employ some sort of generalized iteration scheme.
    mutable octave_idx_type lsti, lste;

    // This is a trick to allow user-given mask arrays to be used as indices
    // without copying. If the following pointer is nonzero, we do not own the data,
    // but rather have an Array<bool> object that provides us the data.
    // Note that we need a pointer because we deferred the Array<T> declaration and
    // we do not want it yet to be defined.
    Array<bool> *aowner;

    dim_vector orig_dims;

  idx_vector (idx_base_rep *r) : rep (r) { }

  // The shared empty vector representation (for fast default constructor)
  static idx_vector_rep *nil_rep (void)
      static idx_vector_rep ivr;
      return &ivr;

  // The shared empty vector representation with the error flag set.
  static idx_vector_rep *err_rep (void)
      static idx_vector_rep ivr;
      ivr.err = true;
      return &ivr;

  // If there was an error in constructing the rep, replace it with empty vector
  // for safety.
  void chkerr (void)
      if (rep->err)
          if (--rep->count == 0)
            delete rep;
          rep = err_rep ();


  // Fast empty constructor.
  idx_vector (void) : rep (nil_rep ()) { rep->count++; }

  // Zero-based constructors (for use from C++).
  idx_vector (octave_idx_type i) : rep (new idx_scalar_rep (i)) 
    { chkerr (); }

  idx_vector (octave_idx_type start, octave_idx_type limit,
              octave_idx_type step = 1)
    : rep (new idx_range_rep (start, limit, step)) 
    { chkerr (); }

  static idx_vector 
    make_range (octave_idx_type start, octave_idx_type step,
                octave_idx_type len)
      return idx_vector (new idx_range_rep (start, len, step, DIRECT));

  idx_vector (const Array<octave_idx_type>& inda) 
    : rep (new idx_vector_rep (inda))
    { chkerr (); }

  // Colon is best constructed by simply copying (or referencing) this member.
  static const idx_vector colon;

  // or passing ':' here
  idx_vector (char c) : rep (new idx_colon_rep (c)) { chkerr (); }

  // Conversion constructors (used by interpreter).

  template <class T>
  idx_vector (octave_int<T> x) : rep (new idx_scalar_rep (x)) { chkerr (); }

  idx_vector (double x) : rep (new idx_scalar_rep (x)) { chkerr (); }

  idx_vector (float x) : rep (new idx_scalar_rep (x)) { chkerr (); }

  // A scalar bool does not necessarily map to scalar index.
  idx_vector (bool x) : rep (new idx_mask_rep (x)) { chkerr (); }

  template <class T>
  idx_vector (const Array<octave_int<T> >& nda) : rep (new idx_vector_rep (nda))
    { chkerr (); }

  idx_vector (const Array<double>& nda) : rep (new idx_vector_rep (nda))
    { chkerr (); }

  idx_vector (const Array<float>& nda) : rep (new idx_vector_rep (nda))
    { chkerr (); }

  idx_vector (const Array<bool>& nda);

  idx_vector (const Range& r) 
    : rep (new idx_range_rep (r))
    { chkerr (); }

  idx_vector (const Sparse<bool>& nda) : rep (new idx_vector_rep (nda))
    { chkerr (); }

  idx_vector (const idx_vector& a) : rep (a.rep) { rep->count++; }

  ~idx_vector (void)
      if (--rep->count == 0)
	delete rep;

  idx_vector& operator = (const idx_vector& a)
      if (this != &a)
	  if (--rep->count == 0)
	    delete rep;

	  rep = a.rep;
      return *this;

  idx_class_type idx_class (void) const { return rep->idx_class (); }

  octave_idx_type length (octave_idx_type n = 0) const 
    { return rep->length (n); }

  octave_idx_type extent (octave_idx_type n) const 
    { return rep->extent (n); }

  octave_idx_type xelem (octave_idx_type n) const 
    { return rep->xelem (n); }

  octave_idx_type checkelem (octave_idx_type n) const 
    { return rep->checkelem (n); }

  octave_idx_type operator () (octave_idx_type n) const 
#if defined (BOUNDS_CHECKING)
      return rep->checkelem (n); 
      return rep->xelem (n);

  operator bool (void) const
    { return ! rep->err; }

  bool is_colon (void) const 
    { return rep->idx_class () == class_colon; }

  bool is_scalar (void) const 
    { return rep->idx_class () == class_scalar; }

  bool is_range (void) const
    { return rep->idx_class () == class_range; }

  bool is_colon_equiv (octave_idx_type n) const
    { return rep->is_colon_equiv (n); }

  idx_vector sorted (bool uniq = false) const
    { return idx_vector (rep->sort_uniq_clone (uniq)); }

  dim_vector orig_dimensions (void) const { return rep->orig_dimensions (); }

  octave_idx_type orig_rows (void) const
    { return orig_dimensions () (0); }

  octave_idx_type orig_columns (void) const
    { return orig_dimensions () (1); }

  int orig_empty (void) const
    { return (! is_colon () && orig_dimensions().any_zero ()); }

  // i/o

  std::ostream& print (std::ostream& os) const { return rep->print (os); }

  friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const idx_vector& a)
    { return a.print (os); }

  // Slice with specializations. No checking of bounds!
  // This is equivalent to the following loop (but much faster):
  // for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < idx->length (n); i++)
  //   dest[i] = src[idx(i)];
  // return i;
  template <class T>
  index (const T *src, octave_idx_type n, T *dest) const
      octave_idx_type len = rep->length (n);
      switch (rep->idx_class ())
        case class_colon:
          copy_or_memcpy (len, src, dest);
        case class_range:
            idx_range_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_range_rep *> (rep);
            octave_idx_type start = r->get_start (), step = r->get_step ();
            const T *ssrc = src + start;
            if (step == 1)
              copy_or_memcpy (len, ssrc, dest);
            else if (step == -1)
              std::reverse_copy (ssrc - len + 1, ssrc + 1, dest);
            else if (step == 0)
              std::fill_n (dest, len, *ssrc);
                for (octave_idx_type i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j += step)
                  dest[i] = ssrc[j];
        case class_scalar:
            idx_scalar_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_scalar_rep *> (rep);
            dest[0] = src[r->get_data ()];
        case class_vector:
            idx_vector_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_vector_rep *> (rep);
            const octave_idx_type *data = r->get_data ();
            for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < len; i++)
              dest[i] = src[data[i]];
        case class_mask:
            idx_mask_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_mask_rep *> (rep);
            const bool *data = r->get_data ();
            octave_idx_type ext = r->extent (0);
            for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < ext; i++)
              if (data[i]) *dest++ = src[i];
          assert (false);

      return len;

  // Slice assignment with specializations. No checking of bounds!
  // This is equivalent to the following loop (but much faster):
  // for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < idx->length (n); i++)
  //   dest[idx(i)] = src[i];
  // return i;
  template <class T>
  assign (const T *src, octave_idx_type n, T *dest) const
      octave_idx_type len = rep->length (n);
      switch (rep->idx_class ())
        case class_colon:
          copy_or_memcpy (len, src, dest);
        case class_range:
            idx_range_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_range_rep *> (rep);
            octave_idx_type start = r->get_start (), step = r->get_step ();
            T *sdest = dest + start;
            if (step == 1)
              copy_or_memcpy (len, src, sdest);
            else if (step == -1)
              std::reverse_copy (src, src + len, sdest - len + 1);
                for (octave_idx_type i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j += step)
                  sdest[j] = src[i];
        case class_scalar:
            idx_scalar_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_scalar_rep *> (rep);
            dest[r->get_data ()] = src[0];
        case class_vector:
            idx_vector_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_vector_rep *> (rep);
            const octave_idx_type *data = r->get_data ();
            for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < len; i++)
              dest[data[i]] = src[i];
        case class_mask:
            idx_mask_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_mask_rep *> (rep);
            const bool *data = r->get_data ();
            octave_idx_type ext = r->extent (0);
            for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < ext; i++)
              if (data[i]) dest[i] = *src++;
          assert (false);

      return len;

  // Slice fill with specializations. No checking of bounds!
  // This is equivalent to the following loop (but much faster):
  // for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < idx->length (n); i++)
  //   dest[idx(i)] = val;
  // return i;
  template <class T>
  fill (const T& val, octave_idx_type n, T *dest) const
      octave_idx_type len = rep->length (n);
      switch (rep->idx_class ())
        case class_colon:
          std::fill (dest, dest + len, val);
        case class_range:
            idx_range_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_range_rep *> (rep);
            octave_idx_type start = r->get_start (), step = r->get_step ();
            T *sdest = dest + start;
            if (step == 1)
              std::fill (sdest, sdest + len, val);
            else if (step == -1)
              std::fill (sdest - len + 1, sdest + 1, val);
                for (octave_idx_type i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j += step)
                  sdest[j] = val;
        case class_scalar:
            idx_scalar_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_scalar_rep *> (rep);
            dest[r->get_data ()] = val;
        case class_vector:
            idx_vector_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_vector_rep *> (rep);
            const octave_idx_type *data = r->get_data ();
            for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < len; i++)
              dest[data[i]] = val;
        case class_mask:
            idx_mask_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_mask_rep *> (rep);
            const bool *data = r->get_data ();
            octave_idx_type ext = r->extent (0);
            for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < ext; i++)
              if (data[i]) dest[i] = val;
          assert (false);

      return len;

  // Generic non-breakable indexed loop. The loop body should be encapsulated in a
  // single functor body. 
  // This is equivalent to the following loop (but faster, at least for simple
  // inlined bodies):
  // for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < idx->length (n); i++) body (idx(i));

  template <class Functor>
  loop (octave_idx_type n, Functor body) const
      octave_idx_type len = rep->length (n);
      switch (rep->idx_class ())
        case class_colon:
          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < len; i++) body (i);
        case class_range:
            idx_range_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_range_rep *> (rep);
            octave_idx_type start = r->get_start (), step = r->get_step ();
            octave_idx_type i, j;
            if (step == 1)
              for (i = start, j = start + len; i < j; i++) body (i);
            else if (step == -1)
              for (i = start, j = start - len; i > j; i--) body (i);
              for (i = 0, j = start; i < len; i++, j += step) body (j);
        case class_scalar:
            idx_scalar_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_scalar_rep *> (rep);
            body (r->get_data ());
        case class_vector:
            idx_vector_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_vector_rep *> (rep);
            const octave_idx_type *data = r->get_data ();
            for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < len; i++) body (data[i]);
        case class_mask:
            idx_mask_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_mask_rep *> (rep);
            const bool *data = r->get_data ();
            octave_idx_type ext = r->extent (0);
            for (octave_idx_type i = 0, j = 0; i < ext; i++)
              if (data[i]) body (j++);
          assert (false);


  // Generic breakable indexed loop. The loop body should be encapsulated in a
  // single functor body. 
  // This is equivalent to the following loop (but faster, at least for simple
  // inlined bodies):
  // for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < idx->length (n); i++)
  //   if (body (idx(i))) break;
  // return i;

  template <class Functor>
  bloop (octave_idx_type n, Functor body) const
      octave_idx_type len = rep->length (n), ret;
      switch (rep->idx_class ())
        case class_colon:
            octave_idx_type i;
            for (i = 0; i < len && body (i); i++) ;
            ret = i;
        case class_range:
            idx_range_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_range_rep *> (rep);
            octave_idx_type start = r->get_start (), step = r->get_step ();
            octave_idx_type i, j;
            if (step == 1)
              for (i = start, j = start + len; i < j && body (i); i++) ;
            else if (step == -1)
              for (i = start, j = start - len; i > j && body (i); i--) ;
              for (i = 0, j = start; i < len && body (j); i++, j += step) ;
            ret = i;
        case class_scalar:
            idx_scalar_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_scalar_rep *> (rep);
            ret = body (r->get_data ()) ? 1 : 0;
        case class_vector:
            idx_vector_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_vector_rep *> (rep);
            const octave_idx_type *data = r->get_data ();
            octave_idx_type i;
            for (i = 0; i < len && body (data[i]); i++) ;
            ret = i;
        case class_mask:
            idx_mask_rep * r = dynamic_cast<idx_mask_rep *> (rep);
            const bool *data = r->get_data ();
            octave_idx_type ext = r->extent (0), j = 0;
            for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < ext; i++)
              if (data[i] && body (j++))
            ret = j;
          assert (false);

      return ret;

  // Rationale: 
  // This method is the key to "smart indexing". When indexing cartesian
  // arrays, sometimes consecutive index vectors can be reduced into a single
  // index. If rows (A) = k and i.maybe_reduce (j) gives k, then A(i,j)(:) is
  // equal to A(k)(:).

  // If the next index can be reduced, returns true and updates this.
  bool maybe_reduce (octave_idx_type n, const idx_vector& j,
                     octave_idx_type nj);

  bool is_cont_range (octave_idx_type n,
                      octave_idx_type& l, octave_idx_type& u) const;

  // Returns the increment for ranges and colon, 0 for scalars and empty
  // vectors, 1st difference otherwise.
  octave_idx_type increment (void) const;

  complement (octave_idx_type n) const;

  bool is_permutation (octave_idx_type n) const;

  // Copies all the indices to a given array. Not allowed for colons.
  void copy_data (octave_idx_type *data) const;

  // If the index is a mask, convert it to index vector.
  idx_vector unmask (void) const;

  // Unconverts the index to a scalar, Range, double array or a mask.
  void unconvert (idx_class_type& iclass,
                  double& scalar, Range& range, 
                  Array<double>& array, Array<bool>& mask) const;
  // FIXME -- these are here for compatibility.  They should be removed
  // when no longer in use.

  octave_idx_type elem (octave_idx_type n) const 
    { return (*this) (n); }

  bool is_colon_equiv (octave_idx_type n, int) const
    { return is_colon_equiv (n); }

  freeze (octave_idx_type z_len, const char *tag, bool resize_ok = false);

  void sort (bool uniq = false)
    { *this = sorted (uniq); }

  octave_idx_type ones_count (void) const;

  octave_idx_type max (void) const { return extent (1) - 1; }

  idx_base_rep *rep;



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