view scripts/gui/uitable.m @ 31198:863730dd0f83 stable

nextpow2: Fix for input between 0.5 and 1 (bug #62947). * scripts/general/nextpow2.m: Switch to a naïve implementation using log2 with a single output argument and ceil.
author Markus Mützel <>
date Wed, 24 Aug 2022 17:15:34 +0200
parents 5386fd4af64c
children 597f3ee61a48
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2016-2022 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {@var{hui} =} uitable (@var{property}, @var{value}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{hui} =} uitable (@var{parent}, @var{property}, @var{value}, @dots{})
## Create a uitable object and return a handle to it.
## A uitable object is used to show tables of data in a figure window.
## If @var{parent} is omitted then a uitable for the current figure is
## created.  If no figure is available, a new figure is created first.
## If @var{parent} is given then a uitable relative to @var{parent} is
## created.
## Any provided property value pairs will override the default values of the
## created uitable object.
## The full list of properties is documented at @ref{Uitable Properties}.
## Examples:
## @example
## @group
## ## Create figure and place a table on it
## f = figure ();
## m = magic (8);
## t = uitable (f, "Data", m, "ColumnWidth", @{ 40 @});
## @end group
## @group
## ## Create a table with labeled rows and columns
## f = figure ();
## d = reshape (1:9, [3, 3]);
## row_names = @{ "Row1", "Row2", "Row3" @};
## col_names = @{ "Col1", "Col2", "Col3" @};
## t = uitable (f, "Data", d, ...
##              "RowName", row_names, "ColumnName", col_names);
## p = get (t, "Position");
## e = get (t, "Extent");
## p(3:4) = e(3:4);
## set (t, "Position", p);
## @end group
## ## Long demo with callbacks
## function uitable_demo ()
##   f = figure ("Name", "uitable Demo", "Menu", "none", ...
##               "Position", [10 10 1000 680]);
##   ## A basic example
##   d = @{ "char"   , "A string";
##         "double" , 12.3456789;
##         "complex", 1+2i;
##         "bool"   , true;
##         "single" , single(12.3456789);
##         "int8"   , int8(-128);
##         "uint8"  , uint8(128);
##         "int16"  , int16(-32768);
##         "uint16" , uint16(32768);
##         "int32"  , int32(-2147483648);
##         "uint32" , uint32(2147483648);
##         "int64"  , int64(-2147483649);
##         "uint64" , uint64(2147843649)@};
##   popup_options = @{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"@};
##   columnformat_options = @{ "[]", "char", "pop-up", "numeric", ...
##                            "short", "short e", "short eng", ...
##                            "short g", "long", "long e", ...
##                            "long eng", "long g", "bank", "+", ...
##                            "rat", "logical"@};
##   columnformat_values = columnformat_options;
##   columnformat_values@{1@} = "";
##   columnformat_values@{3@} = popup_options;
##   default_data = repmat (d(:,2), 1, columns (columnformat_options));
##   b_add = uicontrol (f, "Position", [285 630 600 50], ...
##             "UserData", [rows(d), 1], ...
##             "Style", "pushbutton", ...
##             "String", "Set data at selected point to selected datatype");
##   l_type_table = uicontrol (f, "Position", [ 0 603 120 25 ], ...
##       "String", "Datatype Table:", ...
##       "Style", "text");
##   t_type_table = uitable (f, "Position", [ 0 530 1000 70 ], ...
##       "Data", transpose (d(:, 2)), ...
##       "ColumnName", transpose (d(:, 1)), ...
##       "RowName", "Value", ...
##       "CellSelectionCallback", ...
##            @@(x, y) set (b_add, "UserData", y.Indices ));
##   l_point_table = uicontrol (f, "Position", [ 0 640 60 25 ], ...
##       "String", "Point:", ...
##       "Style", "text");
##   t_point_table = uitable (f, "Position", [ 80 630 160 42 ], ...
##       "RowName", [], ...
##       "ColumnName", @{"x", "y"@}, ...
##       "Data", [ 1, 1 ], ...
##       "ColumnEditable", true);
##   l_editable_table = uicontrol (f, "Position", [ 0 502 200 25 ], ...
##       "Style", "text", ...
##       "String", "Set Data Columns Editable:");
##   t_editable_table = ...
##     uitable (f, "Position", [ 0 434 1000 65 ], ...
##                 "Data", repmat (false, 1, columns (default_data)), ...
##                 "ColumnEditable", true);
##   l_format_table = uicontrol (f, "Position", [ 0 406 200 25 ], ...
##       "Style", "text", ...
##       "String", "Set Data Column Format:");
##   t_format_table = ...
##     uitable (f, "Position", [ 0 338 1000 65 ], ...
##                 "Data", columnformat_options, ...
##                 "ColumnEditable", true, ...
##                 "ColumnFormat", arrayfun (@@(x) @{columnformat_options@}, ...
##                                           1:columns (columnformat_options)));
##   l_data_table = uicontrol (f, "Style", "text", ...
##                                "String", "Data:", ...
##                                "Position", [ 0 310 60 25 ]);
##   t_data_table = uitable (f, "Position", [ 0 15 1000 290 ], ...
##       "Data", default_data, ...
##       "ColumnFormat", columnformat_values);
##   set (t_format_table, ...
##        "CellEditCallback", ...
##        @@(x, y) update_column_format (y.NewData, y.Indices, ...
##                                       t_data_table, popup_options));
##   set (t_point_table, "CellEditCallback", ...
##        @@(x, y) validate_point_table (x, y, t_data_table));
##   set (t_editable_table, "CellEditCallback", ...
##        @@(x,y) set (t_data_table, ...
##                     "ColumnEditable", get (t_editable_table, "Data")));
##   set (b_add, ...
##        "Callback", @@(x, y) update_data (b_add, t_point_table, ...
##                                          t_type_table, t_data_table));
##   set (t_data_table, "CellSelectionCallback", ...
##        @@(x, y) update_point_table (y.Indices, t_point_table));
## endfunction
## @group
## function validate_point_table (h, dat, t_data_table)
##   if (! (dat.NewData > 0 && ...
##     dat.NewData < size (get (t_data_table, "Data"), dat.Indices(1, 1)) + 1))
##     d = get (h, "Data");
##     d(dat.Indices) = 1;
##     set (h, "Data", d);
##   endif
## endfunction
## @end group
## @group
## function update_column_format (format, indices, t_data_table, ...
##                                popup_options)
##   cf = get (t_data_table, "ColumnFormat");
##   if (strcmp (format, "[]"))
##     format = "";
##   elseif (strcmp (format, "pop-up"))
##     format = popup_options;
##   endif
##   cf@{indices(1,2)@} = format;
##   set (t_data_table, "ColumnFormat", cf);
## endfunction
## @end group
## @group
## function update_point_table (indices, t_point_table)
##   if (isempty (indices))
##     indices = [1, 1];
##   endif
##   set (t_point_table, "Data", indices(1,:));
## endfunction
## @end group
## @group
## function update_data (b_add, t_point_table, t_type_table, ...
##                       t_data_table)
##   indices = get (b_add, "UserData");
##   if (isempty (indices))
##     indices = [1, 1];
##   endif
##   d = get (t_data_table, "Data");
##   t_type_table_data = get (t_type_table, "Data");
##   p = get (t_point_table, "Data");
##   d(p(1,2), p(1,1)) = t_type_table_data(indices(1,2));
##   set (t_data_table, "Data", d);
## endfunction
## @end group
## @end example
## @seealso{figure, uicontrol}
## @end deftypefn

function hui = uitable (varargin)

  [h, args] = __uiobject_split_args__ ("uitable", varargin, ...
                                       {"figure", "uipanel", "uibuttongroup"});
  htmp = __go_uitable__ (h, args{:});

  if (nargout > 0)
    hui = htmp;


%! ## Create figure and place a table on it
%! f = clf ();
%! m = magic (8);
%! t = uitable (f, "Data", m, "ColumnWidth", {50}, ...
%!              "Units", "normalized", "Position", [0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);

%! ## Create figure and place an editable table on it
%! f = clf ();
%! m = magic (8);
%! t = uitable (f, "Data", m, "ColumnWidth", {50}, "ColumnEditable", true, ...
%!              "Units", "normalized", "Position", [0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);

%! ## Create figure and table, but change the format to rational_approx
%! f = clf ();
%! m = magic (8) / 64;
%! t = uitable (f, "Data", m, "ColumnWidth", {50}, ...
%!              "ColumnFormat", repmat ({"rat"}, 1, 8), ...
%!              "Units", "normalized", "Position", [0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);

%! cf = {"char", "char", {"A", "B", "C"}, "numeric", "short", "short e", ...
%!      "short eng", "short g", "long", "long e", "long eng", "long g", ...
%!      "bank", "+", "rat", "logical"};
%! cn = cf;
%! cn{1} = "type";
%! cn{3} = "pop-up";
%! d = {"double", 0.0000123456789;
%!      "double", 0.000123456789;
%!      "double", 0.00123456789;
%!      "double", 0.0123456789;
%!      "double", 0.123456789;
%!      "double", 12;
%!      "double", 1.23456789;
%!      "double", 12.3456789;
%!      "double", 123.456789;
%!      "double", 1234.56789;
%!      "complex", 0.0000123456789 + 12.3456789i;
%!      "complex", 0.000123456789 + 12.3456789i;
%!      "complex", 0.00123456789 + 12.3456789i;
%!      "complex", 0.0123456789 + 12.3456789i;
%!      "complex", 0.123456789 + 12.3456789i;
%!      "complex", 1.23456789 + 12.3456789i;
%!      "complex", 12.3456789 + 12.3456789i;
%!      "complex", 123.456789 + 12.3456789i;
%!      "complex", 1234.56789 + 12.3456789i;
%!      "bool", true;
%!      "bool", false;
%!      "single", single(0.0000123456789);
%!      "single", single(1.23456789);
%!      "single", single(1234.56789);
%!      "int8", int8(127);
%!      "int8", int8(0);
%!      "int8", int8(-126);
%!      "int16", int16(32767);
%!      "int16", int16(0);
%!      "int16", int16(-32768);
%!      "int32", int32(2147483647);
%!      "int32", int32(0);
%!      "int32", int32(-2147483647);
%!      "int64", int64(9223372036854775807);
%!      "int64", int64(0);
%!      "int64", int64(-9223372036854775807);
%!      "uint8", uint8(127);
%!      "uint8", uint8(0);
%!      "uint8", uint8(255);
%!      "uint16", uint16(32767);
%!      "uint16", uint16(0);
%!      "uint16", uint16(65535);
%!      "uint32", uint32(2147483647);
%!      "uint32", uint32(0);
%!      "uint32", uint32(4294967295);
%!      "uint64", uint64(9223372036854775807);
%!      "uint64", uint64(0);
%!      "uint64", uint64(18446744073709551615);
%!      "char", "a string"};
%! ws = {"auto", 140};
%! widths = cell (1, columns (cf));
%! widths(1,1) = ws(1,1);
%! widths(1,2:end) = repmat (ws(:,2), [1, columns(cf) - 1]);
%! data = cell (rows (d), columns (cf));
%! data(:,1) = d(:,1);
%! data(:, 2:end) = repmat (d(:,2), [1, columns(cf) - 1]);
%! t = uitable ("Data", data,
%!              "ColumnFormat", cf,
%!              "ColumnWidth", widths,
%!              "ColumnName", cn,
%!              "ColumnEditable", true,
%!              "Units", "Normalized",
%!              "Position", [0 0 1 1]);