view scripts/ode/odeset.m @ 22626:869c02fde46c stable

Further clean-up of ode functions. * scripts/ode/private/AbsRel_Norm.m: Renamed to AbsRel_norm.m * scripts/ode/ Add AbsRel_norm.m to build system. * ode23.m, ode45.m: Remove extra comma from Copyright statement. Add ode45 to @seealso links in docstring. Add FIXME notes for questionable code. Use numel instead of length for clarity. Use space after function name and opening parenthesis. Wrap long lines to less than 80 characters. Change odemergeopts function call to match new prototype. Use single quotes to simplify strings that contain double quotes. Use 2-space indent in %!function blocks. * odeget.m: Remove extra comma from Copyright statement. Use double quote in preference to single quote. Delete whitespace at end of lines. * odeplot.m: Re-write docstring. Include @seealso links in docstring. Declare all persistent variables in a single declaration. Use in-place += operator for efficiency. Add FIXME notes for questionable code. * odeset.m: Remove extra comma from Copyright statement. Add additional calling form with 1 output and 0 inputs to docstring. Add FIXME notes for questionable code. Delete whitespace at end of lines. * odeset.m(print_options): Use single quotes to simplify strings with double quotes. Put default value of option first in list. * integrate_adaptive.m: Wrap long lines < 80 characters. Delete whitespace at end of lines. Correct indentation of declared values after '='. * kahan.m: Reise docstring. * ode_event_handler.m: Use retval in docstring to match functin prototype. Delete unnecessary comments. * odedefaults.m: Remove extra comma from Copyright statement. Match variable names in docstring to function prototype. Use space after function name and before opening parenthesis. Delete whitespace at end of lines. * odemergeopts.m: Remove extra comma from Copyright statement. Delete extra space in function prototype. Change function prototype to have "caller" as first argument to match rest of Octave. * runge_kutta_23.m: Clean up declaration of persistent variables. Correct misspellings in comments. * runge_kutta_45_dorpri.m: Put description of input arguments before output arguments in docstring. Clean up declaration of persistent variables. * runge_kutta_interpolate.m: Use double quotes in preference to single quotes. Eliminate line continuations for code that would fit on a single line. Remove obsolete code that calls non-existent functions. Capitalize Hermite in comments. Cleanup declaration of persistent variables. * starting_stepsize.m: Replace calls to AbsRel_Norm with AbsRel_norm.
author Rik <>
date Sat, 15 Oct 2016 22:39:29 -0700
parents dba5074bdc79
children 0b21aece4b93
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2016 Carlo de Falco
## Copyright (C) 2016 Francesco Faccio <>
## Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Roberto Porcu' <>
## Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Thomas Treichl <>
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {@var{odestruct} =} odeset ()
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{odestruct} =} odeset (@var{"field1"}, @var{value1}, @var{"field2"}, @var{value2}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{odestruct} =} odeset (@var{oldstruct}, @var{"field1"}, @var{value1}, @var{"field2"}, @var{value2}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{odestruct} =} odeset (@var{oldstruct}, @var{newstruct})
## @deftypefnx {} {} odeset ()
## Create or modify an ODE options structure.
## When called with no input argument and one output argument, return a new ODE
## options structure that contains all possible fields initialized to their
## default values.  If no output argument is requested, display a list of
## the common ODE solver options along with their default value.
## If called with string input arguments @var{"field1"}, @var{"field2"},
## @dots{} identifying valid ODE options then return a new ODE options
## structure with all possible fields initialized @strong{and} set the values
## of the fields @var{"field1"}, @var{"field2"}, @dots{} to the values
## @var{value1}, @var{value2}, @dots{}
## If called with an input structure @var{oldstruct} then overwrite the values
## of the options @var{"field1"}, @var{"field2"}, @dots{} with new values
## @var{value1}, @var{value2}, @dots{} and return the modified structure.
## When called with two input ODE options structures @var{oldstruct} and
## @var{newstruct} overwrite all values from the structure @var{oldstruct} with
## new values from the structure @var{newstruct}.  Empty values in
## @var{newstruct} will not overwrite values in @var{oldstruct}.
## @seealso{odeget}
## @end deftypefn

function odestruct = odeset (varargin)

  persistent p;

  if (isempty (p))
    p = inputParser ();
    p.addParameter ("AbsTol", []);
    p.addParameter ("BDF", []);
    p.addParameter ("Events", []);
    p.addParameter ("InitialSlope", []);
    p.addParameter ("InitialStep", []);
    p.addParameter ("Jacobian", []);
    p.addParameter ("JConstant", []);
    p.addParameter ("JPattern", []);
    p.addParameter ("Mass", []);
    ## FIXME: MassConstant does not appear in Matlab documentation for odeset
    p.addParameter ("MassConstant", []);
    p.addParameter ("MassSingular", []);
    p.addParameter ("MaxOrder", []);
    p.addParameter ("MaxStep", []);
    p.addParameter ("MStateDependence", []);
    p.addParameter ("MvPattern", []);
    p.addParameter ("NonNegative", []);
    p.addParameter ("NormControl", []);
    p.addParameter ("OutputFcn", []);
    p.addParameter ("OutputSel", []);
    p.addParameter ("Refine", []);
    p.addParameter ("RelTol", []);
    p.addParameter ("Stats", []);
    p.addParameter ("Vectorized", []);
    p.KeepUnmatched = true;

  if (nargin == 0 && nargout == 0)
    print_options ();
    p.parse (varargin{:});
    odestruct = p.Results;
    odestruct_extra = p.Unmatched;

    ## FIXME: For speed, shouldn't this merge of structures only occur
    ##        when there is something in odestruct_extra?
    ## FIXME: Should alphabetical order of fieldnames be maintained
    ##        by using sort?
    s1 = cellfun (@(x) ifelse (iscell (x), {x}, x),
                  struct2cell (odestruct),
                  "UniformOutput", false);

    s2 = cellfun (@(x) ifelse (iscell (x), {x}, x),
                  struct2cell (odestruct_extra),
                  "UniformOutput", false);

    C = [fieldnames(odestruct)       s1;
         fieldnames(odestruct_extra) s2];

    odestruct = struct (C'{:});


## function to print all possible options
function print_options ()

  disp ("List of the most common ODE solver options.");
  disp ("Default values are in square brackets.");
  disp ("");
  disp ('             AbsTol:  scalar or vector, >0, [1e-6]');
  disp ('                BDF:  binary, {["off"], "on"}');
  disp ('             Events:  function_handle, []');
  disp ('       InitialSlope:  vector, []');
  disp ('        InitialStep:  scalar, >0, []');
  disp ('           Jacobian:  matrix or function_handle, []');
  disp ('          JConstant:  binary, {["off"], "on"}');
  disp ('           JPattern:  sparse matrix, []');
  disp ('               Mass:  matrix or function_handle, []');
  disp ('       MassConstant:  binary, {["off"], "on"}');
  disp ('       MassSingular:  switch, {["maybe"], "no", "yes"}');
  disp ('           MaxOrder:  switch, {[5], 1, 2, 3, 4, }');
  disp ('            MaxStep:  scalar, >0, []');
  disp ('   MStateDependence:  switch, {["weak"], "none", "strong"}');
  disp ('          MvPattern:  sparse matrix, []');
  disp ('        NonNegative:  vector of integers, []');
  disp ('        NormControl:  binary, {["off"], "on"}');
  disp ('          OutputFcn:  function_handle, []');
  disp ('          OutputSel:  scalar or vector, []');
  disp ('             Refine:  scalar, integer, >0, []');
  disp ('             RelTol:  scalar, >0, [1e-3]');
  disp ('              Stats:  binary, {["off"], "on"}');
  disp ('         Vectorized:  binary, {["off"], "on"}');


%! # A new ODE options structure with default values is created.
%! odeoptA = odeset ();

%! # A new ODE options structure with manually set options
%! # for "AbsTol" and "RelTol" is created.
%! odeoptB = odeset ("AbsTol", 1e-2, "RelTol", 1e-1);

%! # A new ODE options structure is created from odeoptB with
%! # a modified value for option "NormControl".
%! odeoptB = odeset ("AbsTol", 1e-2, "RelTol", 1e-1);
%! odeoptC = odeset (odeoptB, "NormControl", "on");

%! odeoptA = odeset ();
%! assert (isstruct (odeoptA));
%! assert (numfields (odeoptA), 23);
%! assert (all (structfun ("isempty", odeoptA)));

%!shared odeoptB, odeoptC
%! odeoptB = odeset ("ABSTOL", 1e-2, "reltol", 1e-1);
%! assert (odeoptB.AbsTol, 1e-2);  # Check canonicalization of name
%! assert (odeoptB.RelTol, 1e-1);

%! odeoptC = odeset (odeoptB, "NormControl", "on");
%! assert (odeoptC.AbsTol, 1e-2);       # check values from first struct copied
%! assert (odeoptC.NormControl, "on");  # check new values override old ones

%! odeoptD = odeset (odeoptB, odeoptC);
%! assert (odeoptD, odeoptC);

## Test custom user-defined option
%! wstate = warning ("off", "Octave:invalid-input-arg");
%! unwind_protect
%!   odeopt = odeset ("NewtonTol", 3);
%!   assert (odeopt.NewtonTol, 3);
%! unwind_protect_cleanup
%!   warning (wstate);
%! end_unwind_protect

## Test input validation
%!error <argument 'OPT1' is not a valid parameter> odeset ("opt1")
%!error  odeset (1, 1)
%!error <argument 'OPT1' is not a valid parameter> odeset (odeset (), "opt1")
%!error  odeset (odeset (), 1, 1)

## FIXME: Add inexact match option
## %!warning <no exact match for 'Rel'.  Assuming 'RelTol'> odeset ("Rel", 1);
## %!error <Possible fields found: InitialSlope, InitialStep> odeset ("Initial", 1)