view libinterp/corefcn/ @ 27132:8ea53aa9ac39

Fix stream positioning when using scanf with widths (bug #56200). * (octave_scan (std::istream&, const scanf_format_elt&, T*)): Rename variable "tmp" to "strbuf" for clarity. Record position of input stream "is" in variable "orig_pos" before any operations. After scanning operation on stringstream object "ss" check whether eof() is set (full width of characters were used). If not, restore "is" position back to value at start of function. Find the number of characters read on stringstream object with tellg() and then re-perform the extraction operation on input stream with the "correct" width (number of characters). Copy the failbit from the "ss" object to the "is" object to propagate any pattern matching errors.
author Rik <>
date Sat, 01 Jun 2019 08:56:51 -0700
parents 84ff9953faa1
children 512399fefc1b
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 1996-2019 John W. Eaton
Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Lachlan Andrew, Monash University

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see


#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>

#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

#include "Array.h"
#include "Cell.h"
#include "byte-swap.h"
#include "lo-ieee.h"
#include "lo-mappers.h"
#include "lo-utils.h"
#include "oct-locbuf.h"
#include "quit.h"
#include "str-vec.h"

#include "error.h"
#include "errwarn.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "octave.h"
#include "oct-iostrm.h"
#include "oct-stdstrm.h"
#include "oct-string.h"
#include "oct-stream.h"
#include "ov.h"
#include "ovl.h"
#include "pager.h"
#include "utils.h"

namespace octave
  // Programming Note: There are two very different error functions used
  // in the stream code.  When invoked with "error (...)" the member
  // function from stream or base_stream is called.  This
  // function sets the error state on the stream AND returns control to
  // the caller.  The caller must then return a value at the end of the
  // function.  When invoked with "::error (...)" the exception-based
  // error function from error.h is used.  This function will throw an
  // exception and not return control to the caller.  BE CAREFUL and
  // invoke the correct error function!

  // Possible values for conv_err:
  //   1 : not a real scalar
  //   2 : value is NaN
  //   3 : value is not an integer

  static int
  convert_to_valid_int (const octave_value& tc, int& conv_err)
    conv_err = 0;

    int retval = 0;

    double dval = 0.0;

        dval = tc.double_value ();
    catch (const execution_exception&)
        interpreter::recover_from_exception ();

        conv_err = 1;

    if (! conv_err)
        if (! lo_ieee_isnan (dval))
            int ival = math::nint (dval);

            if (ival == dval)
              retval = ival;
              conv_err = 3;
          conv_err = 2;

    return retval;

  static octave_idx_type
  get_size (double d, const std::string& who)
    octave_idx_type retval = -1;

    if (lo_ieee_isnan (d))
      ::error ("%s: NaN invalid as size specification", who.c_str ());

    if (math::isinf (d))
      retval = -1;
        if (d < 0.0)
          ::error ("%s: negative value invalid as size specification",
                   who.c_str ());

        if (d > std::numeric_limits<octave_idx_type>::max ())
          ::error ("%s: dimension too large for Octave's index type",
                   who.c_str ());

        retval = math::nint_big (d);

    return retval;

  static void
  get_size (const Array<double>& size,
            octave_idx_type& nr, octave_idx_type& nc,
            bool& one_elt_size_spec, const std::string& who)
    nr = -1;
    nc = -1;

    one_elt_size_spec = false;

    double dnr = -1.0;
    double dnc = -1.0;

    octave_idx_type sz_len = size.numel ();

    if (sz_len == 1)
        one_elt_size_spec = true;

        dnr = size(0);

        dnc = (dnr == 0.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
    else if (sz_len == 2)
        dnr = size(0);

        if (math::isinf (dnr))
          ::error ("%s: infinite value invalid as size specification",
                   who.c_str ());

        dnc = size(1);
      ::error ("%s: invalid size specification (must be 2-D)", who.c_str ());

    nr = get_size (dnr, who);

    if (dnc >= 0.0)
        nc = get_size (dnc, who);

        // Check for overflow.
        if (nr > 0 && nc > 0
            && nc > std::numeric_limits<octave_idx_type>::max () / nr)
          ::error ("%s: size too large for Octave's index type", who.c_str ());

  static std::string
  expand_char_class (const std::string& s)
    std::string retval;

    size_t len = s.length ();

    size_t i = 0;

    while (i < len)
        unsigned char c = s[i++];

        if (c == '-' && i > 1 && i < len
            && (   static_cast<unsigned char> (s[i-2])
                   <= static_cast<unsigned char> (s[i])))
            // Add all characters from the range except the first (we
            // already added it below).

            for (c = s[i-2]+1; c < s[i]; c++)
              retval += c;
            // Add the character to the class.  Only add '-' if it is
            // the last character in the class.

            if (c != '-' || i == len)
              retval += c;

    return retval;


    enum special_conversion
      whitespace_conversion = 1,
      literal_conversion = 2,
      null = 3

    scanf_format_elt (const std::string& txt = "", int w = 0, bool d = false,
                      char typ = '\0', char mod = '\0',
                      const std::string& ch_class = "")
      : text (txt), width (w), discard (d), type (typ),
        modifier (mod), char_class (ch_class)
    { }

    scanf_format_elt (const scanf_format_elt&) = default;

    scanf_format_elt& operator = (const scanf_format_elt&) = default;

    ~scanf_format_elt (void) = default;

    // The C-style format string.
    std::string text;

    // The maximum field width.
    int width;

    // TRUE if we are not storing the result of this conversion.
    bool discard;

    // Type of conversion -- 'd', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'x', 'e', 'f', 'g',
    // 'c', 's', 'p', '%', or '['.
    char type;

    // A length modifier -- 'h', 'l', or 'L'.
    char modifier;

    // The class of characters in a '[' format.
    std::string char_class;


    scanf_format_list (const std::string& fmt = "");

    // No copying!

    scanf_format_list (const scanf_format_list&) = delete;

    scanf_format_list& operator = (const scanf_format_list&) = delete;

    ~scanf_format_list (void);

    octave_idx_type num_conversions (void) { return nconv; }

    // The length can be different than the number of conversions.
    // For example, "x %d y %d z" has 2 conversions but the length of
    // the list is 3 because of the characters that appear after the
    // last conversion.

    size_t length (void) const { return fmt_elts.size (); }

    const scanf_format_elt * first (void)
      curr_idx = 0;
      return current ();

    const scanf_format_elt * current (void) const
      return length () > 0 ? fmt_elts[curr_idx] : nullptr;

    const scanf_format_elt * next (bool cycle = true)
      static scanf_format_elt dummy
        ("", 0, false, scanf_format_elt::null, '\0', "");


      if (curr_idx >= length ())
          if (cycle)
            curr_idx = 0;
            return &dummy;

      return current ();

    void printme (void) const;

    bool ok (void) const { return (nconv >= 0); }

    operator bool () const { return ok (); }

    bool all_character_conversions (void);

    bool all_numeric_conversions (void);


    // Number of conversions specified by this format string, or -1 if
    // invalid conversions have been found.
    octave_idx_type nconv;

    // Index to current element;
    size_t curr_idx;

    // List of format elements.
    std::deque<scanf_format_elt*> fmt_elts;

    // Temporary buffer.
    std::ostringstream buf;

    void add_elt_to_list (int width, bool discard, char type, char modifier,
                          const std::string& char_class = "");

    void process_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i, size_t n,
                             int& width, bool& discard, char& type,
                             char& modifier);

    int finish_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i, size_t n,
                           int width, bool discard, char& type,
                           char modifier);

  scanf_format_list::scanf_format_list (const std::string& s)
    : nconv (0), curr_idx (0), fmt_elts (), buf ()
    size_t n = s.length ();

    size_t i = 0;

    int width = 0;
    bool discard = false;
    char modifier = '\0';
    char type = '\0';

    bool have_more = true;

    while (i < n)
        have_more = true;

        if (s[i] == '%')
            // Process percent-escape conversion type.

            process_conversion (s, i, n, width, discard, type, modifier);

            have_more = (buf.tellp () != 0);
        else if (isspace (s[i]))
            type = scanf_format_elt::whitespace_conversion;

            width = 0;
            discard = false;
            modifier = '\0';
            buf << ' ';

            while (++i < n && isspace (s[i]))
              ; // skip whitespace

            add_elt_to_list (width, discard, type, modifier);

            have_more = false;
            type = scanf_format_elt::literal_conversion;

            width = 0;
            discard = false;
            modifier = '\0';

            while (i < n && ! isspace (s[i]) && s[i] != '%')
              buf << s[i++];

            add_elt_to_list (width, discard, type, modifier);

            have_more = false;

        if (nconv < 0)
            have_more = false;

    if (have_more)
      add_elt_to_list (width, discard, type, modifier);

    buf.clear ();
    buf.str ("");

  scanf_format_list::~scanf_format_list (void)
    size_t n = fmt_elts.size ();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
        scanf_format_elt *elt = fmt_elts[i];
        delete elt;

  scanf_format_list::add_elt_to_list (int width, bool discard, char type,
                                      char modifier,
                                      const std::string& char_class)
    std::string text = buf.str ();

    if (! text.empty ())
        scanf_format_elt *elt
          = new scanf_format_elt (text, width, discard, type,
                                  modifier, char_class);

        fmt_elts.push_back (elt);

    buf.clear ();
    buf.str ("");

  scanf_format_list::process_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i,
                                         size_t n, int& width, bool& discard,
                                         char& type, char& modifier)
    width = 0;
    discard = false;
    modifier = '\0';
    type = '\0';

    buf << s[i++];

    bool have_width = false;

    while (i < n)
        switch (s[i])
          case '*':
            if (discard)
              nconv = -1;
                discard = true;
                buf << s[i++];

          case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
          case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
            if (have_width)
              nconv = -1;
                char c = s[i++];
                width = 10 * width + c - '0';
                have_width = true;
                buf << c;
                while (i < n && isdigit (s[i]))
                    c = s[i++];
                    width = 10 * width + c - '0';
                    buf << c;

          case 'h': case 'l': case 'L':
            if (modifier != '\0')
              nconv = -1;
              modifier = s[i++];

          case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'x':
            if (modifier == 'L')
                nconv = -1;
            goto fini;

          case 'e': case 'f': case 'g':
            if (modifier == 'h')
                nconv = -1;

            // No float or long double conversions, thanks.
            buf << 'l';

            goto fini;

          case 'c': case 's': case 'p': case '%': case '[':
            if (modifier != '\0')
                nconv = -1;
            goto fini;

              if (finish_conversion (s, i, n, width, discard,
                                     type, modifier) == 0)

            nconv = -1;

        if (nconv < 0)

    nconv = -1;

  scanf_format_list::finish_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i,
                                        size_t n, int width, bool discard,
                                        char& type, char modifier)
    int retval = 0;

    std::string char_class;

    size_t beg_idx = std::string::npos;
    size_t end_idx = std::string::npos;

    if (s[i] == '%')
        type = '%';
        buf << s[i++];
        type = s[i];

        if (s[i] == '[')
            buf << s[i++];

            if (i < n)
                beg_idx = i;

                if (s[i] == '^')
                    type = '^';
                    buf << s[i++];

                    if (i < n)
                        beg_idx = i;

                        if (s[i] == ']')
                          buf << s[i++];
                else if (s[i] == ']')
                  buf << s[i++];

            while (i < n && s[i] != ']')
              buf << s[i++];

            if (i < n && s[i] == ']')
                end_idx = i-1;
                buf << s[i++];

            if (s[i-1] != ']')
              retval = nconv = -1;
          buf << s[i++];


    if (nconv >= 0)
        if (beg_idx != std::string::npos && end_idx != std::string::npos)
          char_class = expand_char_class (s.substr (beg_idx,
                                                    end_idx - beg_idx + 1));

        add_elt_to_list (width, discard, type, modifier, char_class);

    return retval;

  scanf_format_list::printme (void) const
    size_t n = fmt_elts.size ();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
        scanf_format_elt *elt = fmt_elts[i];

          << "width:      " << elt->width << "\n"
          << "discard:    " << elt->discard << "\n"
          << "type:       ";

        if (elt->type == scanf_format_elt::literal_conversion)
          std::cerr << "literal text\n";
        else if (elt->type == scanf_format_elt::whitespace_conversion)
          std::cerr << "whitespace\n";
          std::cerr << elt->type << "\n";

          << "modifier:   " << elt->modifier << "\n"
          << "char_class: '" << undo_string_escapes (elt->char_class) << "'\n"
          << "text:       '" << undo_string_escapes (elt->text) << "'\n\n";

  scanf_format_list::all_character_conversions (void)
    size_t n = fmt_elts.size ();

    if (n > 0)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
            scanf_format_elt *elt = fmt_elts[i];

            switch (elt->type)
              case 'c': case 's': case '%': case '[': case '^':
              case scanf_format_elt::literal_conversion:
              case scanf_format_elt::whitespace_conversion:

                return false;

        return true;
      return false;

  scanf_format_list::all_numeric_conversions (void)
    size_t n = fmt_elts.size ();

    if (n > 0)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
            scanf_format_elt *elt = fmt_elts[i];

            switch (elt->type)
              case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'x':
              case 'e': case 'f': case 'g':

                return false;

        return true;
      return false;


    printf_format_elt (const std::string& txt = "", int n = 0, int w = -1,
                       int p = -1, const std::string& f = "",
                       char typ = '\0', char mod = '\0')
      : text (txt), args (n), fw (w), prec (p), flags (f),
        type (typ), modifier (mod)
    { }

    printf_format_elt (const printf_format_elt&) = default;

    printf_format_elt& operator = (const printf_format_elt&) = default;

    ~printf_format_elt (void) = default;

    // The C-style format string.
    std::string text;

    // How many args do we expect to consume?
    int args;

    // Field width.
    int fw;

    // Precision.
    int prec;

    // Flags -- '-', '+', ' ', '0', or '#'.
    std::string flags;

    // Type of conversion -- 'd', 'i', 'o', 'x', 'X', 'u', 'c', 's',
    // 'f', 'e', 'E', 'g', 'G', 'p', or '%'
    char type;

    // A length modifier -- 'h', 'l', or 'L'.
    char modifier;


    printf_format_list (const std::string& fmt = "");

    // No copying!

    printf_format_list (const printf_format_list&) = delete;

    printf_format_list& operator = (const printf_format_list&) = delete;

    ~printf_format_list (void);

    octave_idx_type num_conversions (void) { return nconv; }

    const printf_format_elt * first (void)
      curr_idx = 0;
      return current ();

    const printf_format_elt * current (void) const
      return length () > 0 ? fmt_elts[curr_idx] : nullptr;

    size_t length (void) const { return fmt_elts.size (); }

    const printf_format_elt * next (bool cycle = true)

      if (curr_idx >= length ())
          if (cycle)
            curr_idx = 0;
            return nullptr;

      return current ();

    bool last_elt_p (void) { return (curr_idx + 1 == length ()); }

    void printme (void) const;

    bool ok (void) const { return (nconv >= 0); }

    operator bool () const { return ok (); }


    // Number of conversions specified by this format string, or -1 if
    // invalid conversions have been found.
    octave_idx_type nconv;

    // Index to current element;
    size_t curr_idx;

    // List of format elements.
    std::deque<printf_format_elt*> fmt_elts;

    // Temporary buffer.
    std::ostringstream buf;

    void add_elt_to_list (int args, const std::string& flags, int fw,
                          int prec, char type, char modifier);

    void process_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i, size_t n,
                             int& args, std::string& flags, int& fw,
                             int& prec, char& modifier, char& type);

    void finish_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i, int args,
                            const std::string& flags, int fw, int prec,
                            char modifier, char& type);

  printf_format_list::printf_format_list (const std::string& s)
    : nconv (0), curr_idx (0), fmt_elts (), buf ()
    size_t n = s.length ();

    size_t i = 0;

    int args = 0;
    std::string flags;
    int fw = -1;
    int prec = -1;
    char modifier = '\0';
    char type = '\0';

    bool have_more = true;
    bool empty_buf = true;

    if (n == 0)
        printf_format_elt *elt
          = new printf_format_elt ("", args, fw, prec, flags, type, modifier);

        fmt_elts.push_back (elt);
        while (i < n)
            have_more = true;

            empty_buf = (buf.tellp () == 0);

            switch (s[i])
              case '%':
                  if (empty_buf)
                      process_conversion (s, i, n, args, flags, fw, prec,
                                          modifier, type);

                      // If there is nothing in the buffer, then
                      // add_elt_to_list must have just been called, so we
                      // are already done with the current element and we
                      // don't need to call add_elt_to_list if this is our
                      // last trip through the loop.

                      have_more = (buf.tellp () != 0);
                    add_elt_to_list (args, flags, fw, prec, type, modifier);

                  args = 0;
                  flags = "";
                  fw = -1;
                  prec = -1;
                  modifier = '\0';
                  type = '\0';
                  buf << s[i++];

            if (nconv < 0)
                have_more = false;

        if (have_more)
          add_elt_to_list (args, flags, fw, prec, type, modifier);

        buf.clear ();
        buf.str ("");

  printf_format_list::~printf_format_list (void)
    size_t n = fmt_elts.size ();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
        printf_format_elt *elt = fmt_elts[i];
        delete elt;

  printf_format_list::add_elt_to_list (int args, const std::string& flags,
                                       int fw, int prec, char type,
                                       char modifier)
    std::string text = buf.str ();

    if (! text.empty ())
        printf_format_elt *elt
          = new printf_format_elt (text, args, fw, prec, flags,
                                   type, modifier);

        fmt_elts.push_back (elt);

    buf.clear ();
    buf.str ("");

  printf_format_list::process_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i,
                                          size_t n, int& args,
                                          std::string& flags, int& fw,
                                          int& prec, char& modifier,
                                          char& type)
    args = 0;
    flags = "";
    fw = -1;
    prec = -1;
    modifier = '\0';
    type = '\0';

    buf << s[i++];

    bool nxt = false;

    while (i < n)
        switch (s[i])
          case '-': case '+': case ' ': case '0': case '#':
            flags += s[i];
            buf << s[i++];

            nxt = true;

        if (nxt)

    if (i < n)
        if (s[i] == '*')
            fw = -2;
            buf << s[i++];
            if (isdigit (s[i]))
                int nn = 0;
                std::string tmp = s.substr (i);
                sscanf (tmp.c_str (), "%d%n", &fw, &nn);

            while (i < n && isdigit (s[i]))
              buf << s[i++];

    if (i < n && s[i] == '.')
        // nothing before the . means 0.
        if (fw == -1)
          fw = 0;

        // . followed by nothing is 0.
        prec = 0;

        buf << s[i++];

        if (i < n)
            if (s[i] == '*')
                prec = -2;
                buf << s[i++];
                if (isdigit (s[i]))
                    int nn = 0;
                    std::string tmp = s.substr (i);
                    sscanf (tmp.c_str (), "%d%n", &prec, &nn);

                while (i < n && isdigit (s[i]))
                  buf << s[i++];

    if (i < n)
        // Accept and record modifier, but don't place it in the format
        // item text.  All integer conversions are handled as 64-bit
        // integers.

        switch (s[i])
          case 'h': case 'l': case 'L':
            modifier = s[i++];


    if (i < n)
      finish_conversion (s, i, args, flags, fw, prec, modifier, type);
      nconv = -1;

  printf_format_list::finish_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i,
                                         int args, const std::string& flags,
                                         int fw, int prec, char modifier,
                                         char& type)
    switch (s[i])
      case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'x': case 'X':
      case 'u': case 'c':
        if (modifier == 'L')
            nconv = -1;
        goto fini;

      case 'f': case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G':
        if (modifier == 'h' || modifier == 'l')
            nconv = -1;
        goto fini;

      case 's': case 'p': case '%':
        if (modifier != '\0')
            nconv = -1;
        goto fini;


        type = s[i];

        buf << s[i++];

        if (type != '%' || args != 0)

        if (type != '%')

        add_elt_to_list (args, flags, fw, prec, type, modifier);


        nconv = -1;

  printf_format_list::printme (void) const
    size_t n = fmt_elts.size ();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
        printf_format_elt *elt = fmt_elts[i];

          << "args:     " << elt->args << "\n"
          << "flags:    '" << elt->flags << "'\n"
          << "width:    " << elt->fw << "\n"
          << "prec:     " << elt->prec << "\n"
          << "type:     '" << elt->type << "'\n"
          << "modifier: '" << elt->modifier << "'\n"
          << "text:     '" << undo_string_escapes (elt->text) << "'\n\n";

  // Calculate x^n.  Used for ...e+nn so that, for example, 1e2 is
  // exactly 100 and 5e-1 is 1/2

  static double
  pown (double x, unsigned int n)
    double retval = 1;

    for (unsigned int d = n; d; d >>= 1)
        if (d & 1)
          retval *= x;
        x *= x;

    return retval;

  static Cell
  init_inf_nan (void)
    Cell retval (dim_vector (1, 2));

    retval(0) = Cell (octave_value ("inf"));
    retval(1) = Cell (octave_value ("nan"));

    return retval;

  // Delimited stream, optimized to read strings of characters separated
  // by single-character delimiters.
  // The reason behind this class is that octstream doesn't provide
  // seek/tell, but the opportunity has been taken to optimise for the
  // textscan workload.
  // The function reads chunks into a 4kiB buffer, and marks where the
  // last delimiter occurs.  Reads up to this delimiter can be fast.
  // After that last delimiter, the remaining text is moved to the front
  // of the buffer and the buffer is refilled.  This also allows cheap
  // seek and tell operations within a "fast read" block.


    delimited_stream (std::istream& is, const std::string& delimiters,
                      int longest_lookahead, octave_idx_type bsize = 4096);

    delimited_stream (std::istream& is, const delimited_stream& ds);

    // No copying!

    delimited_stream (const delimited_stream&) = delete;

    delimited_stream& operator = (const delimited_stream&) = delete;

    ~delimited_stream (void);

    // Called when optimized sequence of get is finished.  Ensures that
    // there is a remaining delimiter in buf, or loads more data in.
    void field_done (void)
      if (idx >= last)
        refresh_buf ();

    // Load new data into buffer, and set eob, last, idx.
    // Return EOF at end of file, 0 otherwise.
    int refresh_buf (void);

    // Get a character, relying on caller to call field_done if
    // a delimiter has been reached.
    int get (void)
      if (delimited)
        return eof () ? std::istream::traits_type::eof () : *idx++;
        return get_undelim ();

    // Get a character, checking for underrun of the buffer.
    int get_undelim (void);

    // Read character that will be got by the next get.
    int peek (void) { return eof () ? std::istream::traits_type::eof () : *idx; }

    // Read character that will be got by the next get.
    int peek_undelim (void);

    // Undo a 'get' or 'get_undelim'.  It is the caller's responsibility
    // to avoid overflow by calling putbacks only for a character got by
    // get() or get_undelim(), with no intervening
    // get, get_delim, field_done, refresh_buf, getline, read or seekg.
    void putback (char /*ch*/ = 0) { if (! eof ()) --idx; }

    int getline  (std::string& dest, char delim);

    // int skipline (char delim);

    char * read (char *buffer, int size, char* &new_start);

    // Return a position suitable to "seekg", valid only within this
    // block between calls to field_done.
    char * tellg (void) { return idx; }

    void seekg (char *old_idx) { idx = old_idx; }

    bool eof (void)
      return (eob == buf && i_stream.eof ()) || (flags & std::ios_base::eofbit);

    operator const void* (void) { return (! eof () && ! flags) ? this : nullptr; }

    bool fail (void) { return flags & std::ios_base::failbit; }

    std::ios_base::iostate rdstate (void) { return flags; }

    void setstate (std::ios_base::iostate m) { flags = flags | m; }

    void clear (std::ios_base::iostate m
                = (std::ios_base::eofbit & ~std::ios_base::eofbit))
      flags = flags & m;

    // Report if any characters have been consumed.
    // (get, read, etc. not cancelled by putback or seekg)

    void progress_benchmark (void) { progress_marker = idx; }

    bool no_progress (void) { return progress_marker == idx; }


    // Number of characters to read from the file at once.
    int bufsize;

    // Stream to read from.
    std::istream& i_stream;

    // Temporary storage for a "chunk" of data.
    char *buf;

    // Current read pointer.
    char *idx;

    // Location of last delimiter in the buffer at buf (undefined if
    // delimited is false).
    char *last;

    // Position after last character in buffer.
    char *eob;

    // True if there is delimiter in the bufer after idx.
    bool delimited;

    // Longest lookahead required.
    int longest;

    // Sequence of single-character delimiters.
    const std::string delims;

    // Position of start of buf in original stream.
    std::streampos buf_in_file;

    // Marker to see if a read consumes any characters.
    char *progress_marker;

    std::ios_base::iostate flags;

  // Create a delimited stream, reading from is, with delimiters delims,
  // and allowing reading of up to tellg + longest_lookeahead.  When is
  // is at EOF, lookahead may be padded by ASCII nuls.

  delimited_stream::delimited_stream (std::istream& is,
                                      const std::string& delimiters,
                                      int longest_lookahead,
                                      octave_idx_type bsize)
    : bufsize (bsize), i_stream (is), longest (longest_lookahead),
      delims (delimiters),
      flags (std::ios::failbit & ~std::ios::failbit) // can't cast 0
    buf = new char[bufsize];
    eob = buf + bufsize;
    idx = eob;                    // refresh_buf shouldn't try to copy old data
    progress_marker = idx;
    refresh_buf ();               // load the first batch of data

  // Used to create a stream from a strstream from data read from a dstr.
  delimited_stream::delimited_stream (std::istream& is,
                                      const delimited_stream& ds)
    : delimited_stream (is, ds.delims, ds.longest, ds.bufsize)
  { }

  delimited_stream::~delimited_stream (void)
    // Seek to the correct position in i_stream.
    if (! eof ())
        i_stream.clear ();
        i_stream.seekg (buf_in_file); (buf, idx - buf);

    delete [] buf;

  // Read a character from the buffer, refilling the buffer from the file
  // if necessary.

  delimited_stream::get_undelim (void)
    int retval;
    if (eof ())
        setstate (std::ios_base::failbit);
        return std::istream::traits_type::eof ();

    if (idx < eob)
      retval = *idx++;
        refresh_buf ();

        if (eof ())
            setstate (std::ios_base::eofbit);
            retval = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();
          retval = *idx++;

    if (idx >= last)
      delimited = false;

    return retval;

  // Return the next character to be read without incrementing the
  // pointer, refilling the buffer from the file if necessary.

  delimited_stream::peek_undelim (void)
    int retval = get_undelim ();
    putback ();

    return retval;

  // Copy remaining unprocessed data to the start of the buffer and load
  // new data to fill it.  Return EOF if the file is at EOF before
  // reading any data and all of the data that has been read has been
  // processed.

  delimited_stream::refresh_buf (void)
    if (eof ())
      return std::istream::traits_type::eof ();

    int retval;

    if (eob < idx)
      idx = eob;

    size_t old_remaining = eob - idx;

    octave_quit ();                       // allow ctrl-C

    if (old_remaining > 0)
        buf_in_file += (idx - buf);
        memmove (buf, idx, old_remaining);
      buf_in_file = i_stream.tellg ();    // record for destructor

    progress_marker -= idx - buf;         // where original idx would have been
    idx = buf;

    int gcount;   // chars read
    if (! i_stream.eof ())
      { (buf + old_remaining, bufsize - old_remaining);
        gcount = i_stream.gcount ();
      gcount = 0;

    eob = buf + old_remaining + gcount;
    last = eob;
    if (gcount == 0)
        delimited = false;

        if (eob != buf)              // no more data in file, but still some to go
          retval = 0;
          // file and buffer are both done.
          retval = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();
        delimited = true;

        for (last = eob - longest; last - buf >= 0; last--)
            if (delims.find (*last) != std::string::npos)

        if (last < buf)
          delimited = false;

        retval = 0;

    // Ensure fast peek doesn't give valid char
    if (retval == std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
      *idx = '\0';    // FIXME: check that no TreatAsEmpty etc starts w. \0?

    return retval;

  // Return a pointer to a block of data of size size, assuming that a
  // sufficiently large buffer is available in buffer, if required.
  // If called when delimited == true, and size is no greater than
  // longest_lookahead then this will not call refresh_buf, so seekg
  // still works.  Otherwise, seekg may be invalidated.

  char *
  delimited_stream::read (char *buffer, int size, char* &prior_tell)
    char *retval;

    if (eob  - idx > size)
        retval = idx;
        idx += size;
        if (idx > last)
          delimited = false;
        // If there was a tellg pointing to an earlier point than the current
        // read position, try to keep it in the active buffer.
        // In the current code, prior_tell==idx for each call,
        // so this is not necessary, just a precaution.

        if (eob - prior_tell + size < bufsize)
            octave_idx_type gap = idx - prior_tell;
            idx = prior_tell;
            refresh_buf ();
            idx += gap;
        else      // can't keep the tellg in range.  May skip some data.
            refresh_buf ();

        prior_tell = buf;

        if (eob - idx > size)
            retval = idx;
            idx += size;
            if (idx > last)
              delimited = false;
            if (size <= bufsize)          // small read, but reached EOF
                retval = idx;
                memset (eob, 0, size + (idx - buf));
                idx += size;
            else  // Reading more than the whole buf; return it in buffer
                retval = buffer;
                // FIXME: read bufsize at a time
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < size && ! eof (); i++)
                  *buffer++ = get_undelim ();
                if (eof ())
                  memset (buffer, 0, size - i);

    return retval;

  // Return in OUT an entire line, terminated by delim.  On input, OUT
  // must have length at least 1.

  delimited_stream::getline (std::string& out, char delim)
    int len = out.length ();
    int used = 0;
    int ch;
    while ((ch = get_undelim ()) != delim
           && ch != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
        out[used++] = ch;
        if (used == len)
            len <<= 1;
            out.resize (len);
    out.resize (used);
    field_done ();

    return ch;

  // A single conversion specifier, such as %f or %c.


    enum special_conversion
      whitespace_conversion = 1,
      literal_conversion = 2

    textscan_format_elt (const std::string& txt, int w = 0, int p = -1,
                         int bw = 0, bool dis = false, char typ = '\0',
                         const std::string& ch_class = std::string ())
      : text (txt), width (w), prec (p), bitwidth (bw),
        char_class (ch_class), type (typ), discard (dis),
        numeric (typ == 'd' || typ == 'u' || type == 'f' || type == 'n')
    { }

    textscan_format_elt (const textscan_format_elt& e)
      : text (e.text), width (e.width), prec (e.prec),
        bitwidth (e.bitwidth), char_class (e.char_class), type (e.type),
        discard (e.discard), numeric (e.numeric)
    { }

    textscan_format_elt& operator = (const textscan_format_elt& e)
      if (this != &e)
          text = e.text;
          width = e.width;
          prec = e.prec;
          bitwidth = e.bitwidth;
          discard = e.discard;
          type = e.type;
          numeric = e.numeric;
          char_class = e.char_class;

      return *this;

    // The C-style format string.
    std::string text;

    // The maximum field width.
    unsigned int width;

    // The maximum number of digits to read after the decimal in a
    // floating point conversion.
    int prec;

    // The size of the result.  For integers, bitwidth may be 8, 16, 34,
    // or 64.  For floating point values, bitwidth may be 32 or 64.
    int bitwidth;

    // The class of characters in a `[' or `^' format.
    std::string char_class;

    // Type of conversion
    //  -- `d', `u', `f', `n', `s', `q', `c', `%', `C', `D', `[' or `^'.
    char type;

    // TRUE if we are not storing the result of this conversion.
    bool discard;

    // TRUE if the type is 'd', 'u', 'f', 'n'
    bool numeric;

  // The (parsed) sequence of format specifiers.

  class textscan;


    textscan_format_list (const std::string& fmt = std::string (),
                          const std::string& who = "textscan");
    // No copying!

    textscan_format_list (const textscan_format_list&) = delete;

    textscan_format_list& operator = (const textscan_format_list&) = delete;

    ~textscan_format_list (void);

    octave_idx_type num_conversions (void) const { return nconv; }

    // The length can be different than the number of conversions.
    // For example, "x %d y %d z" has 2 conversions but the length of
    // the list is 3 because of the characters that appear after the
    // last conversion.

    size_t numel (void) const { return fmt_elts.size (); }

    const textscan_format_elt * first (void)
      curr_idx = 0;
      return current ();

    const textscan_format_elt * current (void) const
      return numel () > 0 ? fmt_elts[curr_idx] : nullptr;

    const textscan_format_elt * next (bool cycle = true)

      if (curr_idx >= numel ())
          if (cycle)
            curr_idx = 0;
            return nullptr;

      return current ();

    void printme (void) const;

    bool ok (void) const { return (nconv >= 0); }

    operator const void* (void) const { return ok () ? this : nullptr; }

    // What function name should be shown when reporting errors.
    std::string who;

    // True if number of %f to be set from data file.
    bool set_from_first;

    // At least one conversion specifier is s,q,c, or [...].
    bool has_string;

    int read_first_row (delimited_stream& is, textscan& ts);

    std::list<octave_value> out_buf (void) const { return (output_container); }


    // Number of conversions specified by this format string, or -1 if
    // invalid conversions have been found.
    octave_idx_type nconv;

    // Index to current element;
    size_t curr_idx;

    // List of format elements.
    std::deque<textscan_format_elt*> fmt_elts;

    // list holding column arrays of types specified by conversions
    std::list<octave_value> output_container;

    // Temporary buffer.
    std::ostringstream buf;

    void add_elt_to_list (unsigned int width, int prec, int bitwidth,
                          octave_value val_type, bool discard,
                          char type,
                          const std::string& char_class = std::string ());

    void process_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i, size_t n);

    std::string parse_char_class (const std::string& pattern) const;

    int finish_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i, size_t n,
                           unsigned int width, int prec, int bitwidth,
                           octave_value& val_type,
                           bool discard, char& type);

  // Main class to implement textscan.  Read data and parse it
  // according to a format.
  // The calling sequence is
  //   textscan scanner ();
  //   scanner.scan (...);


    textscan (const std::string& who_arg = "textscan",
              const std::string& encoding = "utf-8");

    // No copying!

    textscan (const textscan&) = delete;

    textscan& operator = (const textscan&) = delete;

    ~textscan (void) = default;

    octave_value scan (std::istream& isp, const std::string& fmt,
                       octave_idx_type ntimes,
                       const octave_value_list& options,
                       octave_idx_type& read_count);


    friend class textscan_format_list;

    // What function name should be shown when reporting errors.
    std::string who;

    std::string m_encoding;

    std::string buf;

    // Three cases for delim_table and delim_list
    // 1. delim_table empty, delim_list empty:  whitespace delimiters
    // 2. delim_table = look-up table of delim chars, delim_list empty.
    // 3. delim_table non-empty, delim_list = Cell array of delim strings

    std::string whitespace_table;

    // delim_table[i] == '\0' if i is not a delimiter.
    std::string delim_table;

    // String of delimiter characters.
    std::string delims;

    Cell comment_style;

    // How far ahead to look to detect an open comment.
    int comment_len;

    // First character of open comment.
    int comment_char;

    octave_idx_type buffer_size;

    std::string date_locale;

    // 'inf' and 'nan' for formatted_double.
    Cell inf_nan;

    // Array of strings of delimiters.
    Cell delim_list;

    // Longest delimiter.
    int delim_len;

    octave_value empty_value;
    std::string exp_chars;
    int header_lines;
    Cell treat_as_empty;

    // Longest string to treat as "N/A".
    int treat_as_empty_len;

    std::string whitespace;

    short eol1;
    short eol2;
    short return_on_error;

    bool collect_output;
    bool multiple_delims_as_one;
    bool default_exp;

    octave_idx_type lines;

    octave_value do_scan (std::istream& isp, textscan_format_list& fmt_list,
                          octave_idx_type ntimes);

    void parse_options (const octave_value_list& args,
                        textscan_format_list& fmt_list);

    int read_format_once (delimited_stream& isp, textscan_format_list& fmt_list,
                          std::list<octave_value>& retval,
                          Array<octave_idx_type> row, int& done_after);

    void scan_one (delimited_stream& is, const textscan_format_elt& fmt,
                   octave_value& ov, Array<octave_idx_type> row);

    // Methods to process a particular conversion specifier.
    double read_double (delimited_stream& is,
                        const textscan_format_elt& fmt) const;

    void scan_complex (delimited_stream& is, const textscan_format_elt& fmt,
                       Complex& val) const;

    int scan_bracket (delimited_stream& is, const std::string& pattern,
                      std::string& val) const;

    int scan_caret (delimited_stream& is, const std::string& pattern,
                    std::string& val) const;

    void scan_string (delimited_stream& is, const textscan_format_elt& fmt,
                      std::string& val) const;

    void scan_cstring (delimited_stream& is, const textscan_format_elt& fmt,
                       std::string& val) const;

    void scan_qstring (delimited_stream& is, const textscan_format_elt& fmt,
                       std::string& val);

    // Helper methods.
    std::string read_until (delimited_stream& is, const Cell& delimiters,
                            const std::string& ends) const;

    int lookahead (delimited_stream& is, const Cell& targets, int max_len,
                   bool case_sensitive = true) const;

    bool match_literal (delimited_stream& isp, const textscan_format_elt& elem);

    int skip_whitespace (delimited_stream& is, bool EOLstop = false);

    int skip_delim (delimited_stream& is);

    bool is_delim (unsigned char ch) const
      return ((delim_table.empty () && (isspace (ch) || ch == eol1 || ch == eol2))
              || delim_table[ch] != '\0');

    bool isspace (unsigned int ch) const { return whitespace_table[ch & 0xff]; }

    // True if the only delimiter is whitespace.
    bool whitespace_delim (void) const { return delim_table.empty (); }

  textscan_format_list::textscan_format_list (const std::string& s,
                                              const std::string& who_arg)
    : who (who_arg), set_from_first (false), has_string (false),
      nconv (0), curr_idx (0), fmt_elts (), buf ()
    size_t n = s.length ();

    size_t i = 0;

    unsigned int width = -1;              // Unspecified width = max (except %c)
    int prec = -1;
    int bitwidth = 0;
    bool discard = false;
    char type = '\0';

    bool have_more = true;

    if (s.empty ())
        buf.clear ();
        buf.str ("");

        buf << "%f";

        bitwidth = 64;
        type = 'f';
        add_elt_to_list (width, prec, bitwidth, octave_value (NDArray ()),
                         discard, type);
        have_more = false;
        set_from_first = true;
        nconv = 1;
        set_from_first = false;

        while (i < n)
            have_more = true;

            if (s[i] == '%' && (i+1 == n || s[i+1] != '%'))
                // Process percent-escape conversion type.

                process_conversion (s, i, n);

                // If there is nothing in the buffer, then add_elt_to_list
                // must have just been called, so we are already done with
                // the current element and we don't need to call
                // add_elt_to_list if this is our last trip through the
                // loop.

                have_more = (buf.tellp () != 0);
            else if (isspace (s[i]))
                while (++i < n && isspace (s[i]))
                  /* skip whitespace */;

                have_more = false;
                type = textscan_format_elt::literal_conversion;

                width = 0;
                prec = -1;
                bitwidth = 0;
                discard = true;

                while (i < n && ! isspace (s[i])
                       && (s[i] != '%' || (i+1 < n && s[i+1] == '%')))
                    if (s[i] == '%')      // if double %, skip one
                    buf << s[i++];

                add_elt_to_list (width, prec, bitwidth, octave_value (),
                                 discard, type);

                have_more = false;

            if (nconv < 0)
                have_more = false;

    if (have_more)
      add_elt_to_list (width, prec, bitwidth, octave_value (), discard, type);

    buf.clear ();
    buf.str ("");

  textscan_format_list::~textscan_format_list (void)
    size_t n = numel ();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
        textscan_format_elt *elt = fmt_elts[i];
        delete elt;

  textscan_format_list::add_elt_to_list (unsigned int width, int prec,
                                         int bitwidth, octave_value val_type,
                                         bool discard, char type,
                                         const std::string& char_class)
    std::string text = buf.str ();

    if (! text.empty ())
        textscan_format_elt *elt
          = new textscan_format_elt (text, width, prec, bitwidth, discard, type,

        if (! discard)
          output_container.push_back (val_type);

        fmt_elts.push_back (elt);

    buf.clear ();
    buf.str ("");

  textscan_format_list::process_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i,
                                            size_t n)
    unsigned width = 0;
    int prec = -1;
    int bitwidth = 0;
    bool discard = false;
    octave_value val_type;
    char type = '\0';

    buf << s[i++];

    bool have_width = false;

    while (i < n)
        switch (s[i])
          case '*':
            if (discard)
              nconv = -1;
                discard = true;
                buf << s[i++];

          case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
          case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
            if (have_width)
              nconv = -1;
                char c = s[i++];
                width = width * 10 + c - '0';
                have_width = true;
                buf << c;
                while (i < n && isdigit (s[i]))
                    c = s[i++];
                    width = width * 10 + c - '0';
                    buf << c;

                if (i < n && s[i] == '.')
                    buf << s[i++];
                    prec = 0;
                    while (i < n && isdigit (s[i]))
                        c = s[i++];
                        prec = prec * 10 + c - '0';
                        buf << c;

          case 'd': case 'u':
              bool done = true;
              buf << (type = s[i++]);
              if (i < n)
                  if (s[i] == '8')
                      bitwidth = 8;
                      if (type == 'd')
                        val_type = octave_value (int8NDArray ());
                        val_type = octave_value (uint8NDArray ());
                      buf << s[i++];
                  else if (s[i] == '1' && i+1 < n && s[i+1] == '6')
                      bitwidth = 16;
                      if (type == 'd')
                        val_type = octave_value (int16NDArray ());
                        val_type = octave_value (uint16NDArray ());
                      buf << s[i++];
                      buf << s[i++];
                  else if (s[i] == '3' && i+1 < n && s[i+1] == '2')
                      done = false;       // use default size below
                      buf << s[i++];
                      buf << s[i++];
                  else if (s[i] == '6' && i+1 < n && s[i+1] == '4')
                      bitwidth = 64;
                      if (type == 'd')
                        val_type = octave_value (int64NDArray ());
                        val_type = octave_value (uint64NDArray ());
                      buf << s[i++];
                      buf << s[i++];
                    done = false;
                done = false;

              if (! done)
                  bitwidth = 32;
                  if (type == 'd')
                    val_type = octave_value (int32NDArray ());
                    val_type = octave_value (uint32NDArray ());
              goto fini;

          case 'f':
            buf << (type = s[i++]);
            bitwidth = 64;
            if (i < n)
                if (s[i] == '3' && i+1 < n && s[i+1] == '2')
                    bitwidth = 32;
                    val_type = octave_value (FloatNDArray ());
                    buf << s[i++];
                    buf << s[i++];
                else if (s[i] == '6' && i+1 < n && s[i+1] == '4')
                    val_type = octave_value (NDArray ());
                    buf << s[i++];
                    buf << s[i++];
                  val_type = octave_value (NDArray ());
              val_type = octave_value (NDArray ());
            goto fini;

          case 'n':
            buf << (type = s[i++]);
            bitwidth = 64;
            val_type = octave_value (NDArray ());
            goto fini;

          case 's': case 'q': case '[': case 'c':
            if (! discard)
              val_type = octave_value (Cell ());
            buf << (type = s[i++]);
            has_string = true;
            goto fini;

              if (! have_width)
                  if (type == 'c')        // %c defaults to one character
                    width = 1;
                    width = static_cast<unsigned int> (-1); // others: unlimited

              if (finish_conversion (s, i, n, width, prec, bitwidth, val_type,
                                     discard, type) == 0)

            error ("%s: '%%%c' is not a valid format specifier",
                   who.c_str (), s[i]);

        if (nconv < 0)

    nconv = -1;

  // Parse [...] and [^...]
  // Matlab does not expand expressions like A-Z, but they are useful, and
  // so we parse them "carefully".  We treat '-' as a usual character
  // unless both start and end characters are from the same class (upper
  // case, lower case, numeric), or this is not the first '-' in the
  // pattern.
  // Keep both a running list of characters and a mask of which chars have
  // occurred.  The first is efficient for patterns with few characters.
  // The latter is efficient for [^...] patterns.

  textscan_format_list::parse_char_class (const std::string& pattern) const
    int len = pattern.length ();
    if (len == 0)
      return "";

    std::string retval (256, '\0');
    std::string mask   (256, '\0');       // number of times chr has been seen

    int in = 0, out = 0;
    unsigned char ch, prev = 0;
    bool flip = false;

    ch = pattern[in];
    if (ch == '^')
        flip = true;
    mask[pattern[in]] = '\1';
    retval[out++] = pattern[in++];        // even copy ']' if it is first

    bool prev_was_range = false;          // disallow "a-m-z" as a pattern
    bool prev_prev_was_range = false;
    for (; in < len; in++)
        bool was_range = false;
        ch = pattern[in];
        if (ch == ']')

        if (prev == '-' && in > 1 && isalnum (ch) && ! prev_prev_was_range)
            unsigned char start_of_range = pattern[in-2];
            if (start_of_range < ch
                && ((isupper (ch) && isupper (start_of_range))
                    || (islower (ch) && islower (start_of_range))
                    || (isdigit (ch) && isdigit (start_of_range))
                    || mask['-'] > 1))    // not the first '-'
                was_range = true;
                for (int i = start_of_range; i <= ch; i++)
                    if (mask[i] == '\0')
                        mask[i] = '\1';
                        retval[out++] = i;
        if (! was_range)
            if (mask[ch]++ == 0)
              retval[out++] = ch;
            else if (ch != '-')
              warning_with_id ("Octave:textscan-pattern",
                               "%s: [...] contains two '%c's",
                               who.c_str (), ch);

            if (prev == '-' && mask['-'] >= 2)
                 "%s: [...] contains two '-'s outside range expressions",
                 who.c_str ());
        prev = ch;
        prev_prev_was_range = prev_was_range;
        prev_was_range = was_range;

    if (flip)                             // [^...]
        out = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
          if (! mask[i])
            retval[out++] = i;

    retval.resize (out);

    return retval;

  textscan_format_list::finish_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i,
                                           size_t n, unsigned int width,
                                           int prec, int bitwidth,
                                           octave_value& val_type, bool discard,
                                           char& type)
    int retval = 0;

    std::string char_class;

    size_t beg_idx = std::string::npos;
    size_t end_idx = std::string::npos;

    if (type != '%')
        if (type == '[')
            if (i < n)
                beg_idx = i;

                if (s[i] == '^')
                    type = '^';
                    buf << s[i++];

                    if (i < n)
                        beg_idx = i;

                        if (s[i] == ']')
                          buf << s[i++];
                else if (s[i] == ']')
                  buf << s[i++];

            while (i < n && s[i] != ']')
              buf << s[i++];

            if (i < n && s[i] == ']')
                end_idx = i-1;
                buf << s[i++];

            if (s[i-1] != ']')
              retval = nconv = -1;

    if (nconv >= 0)
        if (beg_idx != std::string::npos && end_idx != std::string::npos)
          char_class = parse_char_class (s.substr (beg_idx,
                                                   end_idx - beg_idx + 1));

        add_elt_to_list (width, prec, bitwidth, val_type, discard, type,

    return retval;

  textscan_format_list::printme (void) const
    size_t n = numel ();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
        textscan_format_elt *elt = fmt_elts[i];

          << "width:      " << elt->width << "\n"
          << "digits      " << elt->prec << "\n"
          << "bitwidth:   " << elt->bitwidth << "\n"
          << "discard:    " << elt->discard << "\n"
          << "type:       ";

        if (elt->type == textscan_format_elt::literal_conversion)
          std::cerr << "literal text\n";
        else if (elt->type == textscan_format_elt::whitespace_conversion)
          std::cerr << "whitespace\n";
          std::cerr << elt->type << "\n";

          << "char_class: `" << undo_string_escapes (elt->char_class) << "'\n"
          << "text:       `" << undo_string_escapes (elt->text) << "'\n\n";

  // If FORMAT is explicitly "", it is assumed to be "%f" repeated enough
  // times to read the first row of the file.  Set it now.

  textscan_format_list::read_first_row (delimited_stream& is, textscan& ts)
    // Read first line and strip end-of-line, which may be two characters
    std::string first_line (20, ' ');

    is.getline (first_line, static_cast<char> (ts.eol2));

    if (! first_line.empty () && first_line.back () == ts.eol1)
      first_line.pop_back ();

    std::istringstream strstr (first_line);
    delimited_stream ds (strstr, is);

    dim_vector dv (1,1);      // initial size of each output_container
    Complex val;
    octave_value val_type;
    nconv = 0;
    int max_empty = 1000;     // failsafe, if ds fails but not with eof
    int retval = 0;

    // read line, creating output_container as we go
    while (! ds.eof ())
        bool already_skipped_delim = false;
        ts.skip_whitespace (ds);
        ds.progress_benchmark ();
        ts.scan_complex (ds, *fmt_elts[0], val);
        if ( ())
            ds.clear (ds.rdstate () & ~std::ios::failbit);

            if (ds.eof ())

            // Unless this was a missing value (i.e., followed by a delimiter),
            // return with an error status.
            ts.skip_delim (ds);
            if (ds.no_progress ())
                retval = 4;
            already_skipped_delim = true;

            val = ts.empty_value.scalar_value ();

            if (! --max_empty)

        if (val.imag () == 0)
          val_type = octave_value (NDArray (dv, val.real ()));
          val_type = octave_value (ComplexNDArray (dv, val));

        output_container.push_back (val_type);

        if (! already_skipped_delim)
          ts.skip_delim (ds);

        if (ds.no_progress ())


    output_container.pop_front (); // discard empty element from constructor

    // Create fmt_list now that the size is known
    for (octave_idx_type i = 1; i < nconv; i++)
      fmt_elts.push_back (new textscan_format_elt (*fmt_elts[0]));

    return retval;             // May have returned 4 above.

  textscan::textscan (const std::string& who_arg, const std::string& encoding)
    : who (who_arg), m_encoding (encoding), buf (), whitespace_table (),
      delim_table (), delims (), comment_style (), comment_len (0),
      comment_char (-2), buffer_size (0), date_locale (),
      inf_nan (init_inf_nan ()), empty_value (numeric_limits<double>::NaN ()),
      exp_chars ("edED"), header_lines (0), treat_as_empty (),
      treat_as_empty_len (0), whitespace (" \b\t"), eol1 ('\r'), eol2 ('\n'),
      return_on_error (1), collect_output (false),
      multiple_delims_as_one (false), default_exp (true), lines (0)
  { }

  textscan::scan (std::istream& isp, const std::string& fmt,
                  octave_idx_type ntimes, const octave_value_list& options,
                  octave_idx_type& count)
    textscan_format_list fmt_list (fmt);

    parse_options (options, fmt_list);

    octave_value result = do_scan (isp, fmt_list, ntimes);

    // FIXME: this is probably not the best way to get count.  The
    // position could easily be larger than octave_idx_type when using
    // 32-bit indexing.

    std::ios::iostate state = isp.rdstate ();
    isp.clear ();
    count = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (isp.tellg ());
    isp.setstate (state);

    return result;

  textscan::do_scan (std::istream& isp, textscan_format_list& fmt_list,
                     octave_idx_type ntimes)
    octave_value retval;

    if (fmt_list.num_conversions () == -1)
      error ("%s: invalid format specified", who.c_str ());

    if (fmt_list.num_conversions () == 0)
      error ("%s: no valid format conversion specifiers", who.c_str ());

    // skip the first header_lines
    std::string dummy;
    for (int i = 0; i < header_lines && isp; i++)
      getline (isp, dummy, static_cast<char> (eol2));

    // Create our own buffered stream, for fast get/putback/tell/seek.

    // First, see how far ahead it should let us look.
    int max_lookahead = std::max (std::max (comment_len, treat_as_empty_len),
                                  std::max (delim_len, 3)); // 3 for NaN and Inf

    // Next, choose a buffer size to avoid reading too much, or too often.
    octave_idx_type buf_size = 4096;
    if (buffer_size)
      buf_size = buffer_size;
    else if (ntimes > 0)
        // Avoid overflow of 80*ntimes...
        buf_size = std::min (buf_size, std::max (ntimes, 80 * ntimes));
        buf_size = std::max (buf_size, ntimes);
    // Finally, create the stream.
    delimited_stream is (isp,
                         (delim_table.empty () ? whitespace + "\r\n" : delims),
                         max_lookahead, buf_size);

    // Grow retval dynamically.  "size" is half the initial size
    // (FIXME: Should we start smaller if ntimes is large?)
    octave_idx_type size = ((ntimes < 8 && ntimes >= 0) ? ntimes : 1);
    Array<octave_idx_type> row_idx (dim_vector (1,2));
    row_idx(1) = 0;

    int err = 0;
    octave_idx_type row = 0;

    if (multiple_delims_as_one)           // bug #44750?
      skip_delim (is);

    int done_after;  // Number of columns read when EOF seen.

    // If FORMAT explicitly "", read first line and see how many "%f" match
    if (fmt_list.set_from_first)
        err = fmt_list.read_first_row (is, *this);
        lines = 1;

        done_after = fmt_list.numel () + 1;
        if (! err)
          row = 1;  // the above puts the first line into fmt_list.out_buf ()
      done_after = fmt_list.out_buf ().size () + 1;

    std::list<octave_value> out = fmt_list.out_buf ();

    // We will later merge adjacent columns of the same type.
    // Check now which columns to merge.
    // Reals may become complex, and so we can't trust types
    // after reading in data.
    // If the format was "", that conversion may already have happened,
    // so force all to be merged (as all are %f).
    bool merge_with_prev[fmt_list.numel ()];
    int conv = 0;
    if (collect_output)
        int prev_type = -1;
        for (const auto& col : out)
            if (col.type_id () == prev_type
                || (fmt_list.set_from_first && prev_type != -1))
              merge_with_prev[conv++] = true;
              merge_with_prev[conv++] = false;

            prev_type = col.type_id ();

    // This should be caught by earlier code, but this avoids a possible
    // infinite loop below.
    if (fmt_list.num_conversions () == 0)
      error ("%s: No conversions specified", who.c_str ());

    // Read the data.  This is the main loop.
    if (! err)
        for (/* row set ~30 lines above */; row < ntimes || ntimes == -1; row++)
            if (row == 0 || row >= size)
                size += (size+1);
                for (auto& col : out)
                  col = col.resize (dim_vector (size, 1), 0);

            row_idx(0) = row;
            err = read_format_once (is, fmt_list, out, row_idx, done_after);

            if ((err & ~1) > 0 || ! is || (lines >= ntimes && ntimes > -1))

    if ((err & 4) && ! return_on_error)
      error ("%s: Read error in field %d of row %" OCTAVE_IDX_TYPE_FORMAT,
             who.c_str (), done_after + 1, row + 1);

    // If file does not end in EOL, do not pad columns with NaN.
    bool uneven_columns = false;
    if (err & 4)
      uneven_columns = true;
    else if (isp.eof ())
        isp.clear ();
        isp.seekg (-1, std::ios_base::end);
        int last_char = isp.get ();
        isp.setstate (isp.eofbit);
        uneven_columns = (last_char != eol1 && last_char != eol2);

    // convert return value to Cell array
    Array<octave_idx_type> ra_idx (dim_vector (1,2));

    // (err & 1) means "error, and no columns read this row
    // FIXME: This may redundant now that done_after=0 says the same
    if (err & 1)
      done_after = out.size () + 1;

    int valid_rows = (row == ntimes
                      ? ntimes
                      : ((err & 1) && (err & 8)) ? row : row+1);
    dim_vector dv (valid_rows, 1);

    ra_idx(0) = 0;
    int i = 0;
    if (! collect_output)
        retval = Cell (dim_vector (1, out.size ()));
        for (auto& col : out)
            // trim last columns if that was requested
            if (i == done_after && uneven_columns)
              dv = dim_vector (std::max (valid_rows - 1, 0), 1);

            ra_idx(1) = i;
            retval = do_cat_op (retval, octave_value (Cell (col.resize (dv,0))),
    else  // group adjacent cells of the same type into a single cell
        octave_value cur;                // current cell, accumulating columns
        octave_idx_type group_size = 0;  // columns in this cell
        int prev_type = -1;

        conv = 0;
        retval = Cell ();
        for (auto& col : out)
            if (! merge_with_prev[conv++])  // including first time
                if (prev_type != -1)
                    ra_idx(1) = i++;
                    retval = do_cat_op (retval, octave_value (Cell (cur)),
                cur = octave_value (col.resize (dv,0));
                group_size = 1;
                prev_type = col.type_id ();
                ra_idx(1) = group_size++;
                cur = do_cat_op (cur, octave_value (col.resize (dv,0)),
        ra_idx(1) = i;
        retval = do_cat_op (retval, octave_value (Cell (cur)), ra_idx);

    return retval;

  // Read a double considering the "precision" field of FMT and the
  // EXP_CHARS option of OPTIONS.

  textscan::read_double (delimited_stream& is,
                         const textscan_format_elt& fmt) const
    int sign = 1;
    unsigned int width_left = fmt.width;
    double retval = 0;
    bool valid = false;         // syntactically correct double?

    int ch = is.peek ();

    if (ch == '+')
        is.get ();
        ch = is.peek ();
        if (width_left)
    else if (ch == '-')
        sign = -1;
        is.get ();
        ch = is.peek ();
        if (width_left)

    // Read integer part
    if (ch != '.')
        if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')       // valid if at least one digit
          valid = true;
        while (width_left-- && is && (ch = is.get ()) >= '0' && ch <= '9')
          retval = retval * 10 + (ch - '0');

    // Read fractional part, up to specified precision
    if (ch == '.' && width_left)
        double multiplier = 1;
        int precision = fmt.prec;
        int i;

        width_left--;                  // Consider width of '.'

        if (precision == -1)
          precision = 1<<30;           // FIXME: Should be MAXINT

        if (! valid)                   // if there was nothing before '.'...
          is.get ();                   // was a "peek", not "get".

        for (i = 0; i < precision; i++)
            if (width_left-- && is && (ch = is.get ()) >= '0' && ch <= '9')
              retval += (ch - '0') * (multiplier *= 0.1);

        // round up if we truncated and the next digit is >= 5
        if ((i == precision || ! width_left) && (ch = is.get ()) >= '5'
            && ch <= '9')
          retval += multiplier;

        if (i > 0)
          valid = true;           // valid if at least one digit after '.'

        // skip remainder after '.', to field width, to look for exponent
        if (i == precision)
          while (width_left-- && is && (ch = is.get ()) >= '0' && ch <= '9')
            ;  // discard


    // look for exponent part in, e.g.,  6.023E+23
    bool used_exp = false;
    if (valid && width_left > 1 && exp_chars.find (ch) != std::string::npos)
        int ch1 = is.peek ();
        if (ch1 == '-' || ch1 == '+' || (ch1 >= '0' && ch1 <= '9'))
            // if 1.0e+$ or some such, this will set failbit, as we want
            width_left--;                         // count "E"
            int exp = 0;
            int exp_sign = 1;
            if (ch1 == '+')
                is.get ();
            else if (ch1 == '-')
                exp_sign = -1;
                is.get ();
            valid = false;
            while (width_left-- && is && (ch = is.get ()) >= '0' && ch <= '9')
                exp = exp*10 + ch - '0';
                valid = true;
            if (ch != std::istream::traits_type::eof () && width_left)
              is.putback (ch);

            double multiplier = pown (10, exp);
            if (exp_sign > 0)
              retval *= multiplier;
              retval /= multiplier;

            used_exp = true;
    is.clear ();
    if (! used_exp && ch != std::istream::traits_type::eof () && width_left)
      is.putback (ch);

    // Check for +/- inf and NaN
    if (! valid && width_left >= 3)
        int i = lookahead (is, inf_nan, 3, false);   // false -> case insensitive
        if (i == 0)
            retval = numeric_limits<double>::Inf ();
            valid = true;
        else if (i == 1)
            retval = numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
            valid = true;

    if (! valid)
      is.setstate (std::ios::failbit);
      is.setstate (is.rdstate () & ~std::ios::failbit);

    return retval * sign;

  // Read a single number: real, complex, inf, NaN, possibly with limited
  // precision.  Calls to this should be preceded by skip_whitespace.
  // Calling that inside scan_complex would violate its const declaration.

  textscan::scan_complex (delimited_stream& is, const textscan_format_elt& fmt,
                          Complex& val) const
    double im = 0;
    double re = 0;
    bool as_empty = false;   // did we fail but match a "treat_as_empty" string?
    bool inf = false;

    int ch = is.peek ();
    if (ch == '+' || ch == '-')   // check for [+-][ij] with no coefficients
        ch = is.get ();
        int ch2 = is.peek ();
        if (ch2 == 'i' || ch2 == 'j')
            double value = 1;
            is.get ();
            // Check not -inf
            if (is.peek () == 'n')
                char *pos = is.tellg ();
                std::ios::iostate state = is.rdstate ();

                is.get ();
                ch2 = is.get ();
                if (ch2 == 'f')
                    inf = true;
                    re = (ch == '+' ? numeric_limits<double>::Inf ()
                                    : -numeric_limits<double>::Inf ());
                    value = 0;
                    is.clear (state);
                    is.seekg (pos);   // reset to position before look-ahead

            im = (ch == '+') ? value : -value;
          is.putback (ch);

    if (! im && ! inf)        // if not [+-][ij] or [+-]inf, read real normally
        char *pos = is.tellg ();
        std::ios::iostate state = is.rdstate ();
        //re = octave_read_value<double> (is);
        re = read_double (is, fmt);

        // check for "treat as empty" string
        if (treat_as_empty.numel ()
            && ( () || math::is_NaN_or_NA (Complex (re))
                || re == numeric_limits<double>::Inf ()))

            for (int i = 0; i < treat_as_empty.numel (); i++)
                if (ch == treat_as_empty (i).string_value ()[0])
                    as_empty = true;   // first char matches, so read the lot
            if (as_empty)              // if first char matched...
                as_empty = false;      // ...look for the whole string

                is.clear (state);      // treat_as_empty "-" causes partial read
                is.seekg (pos);        // reset to position before failed read

                // treat_as_empty strings may be different sizes.
                // Read ahead longest, put it all back, then re-read the string
                // that matches.
                std::string look_buf (treat_as_empty_len, '\0');
                char *look = (&look_buf[0], look_buf.size (), pos);

                is.clear (state);
                is.seekg (pos);        // reset to position before look-ahead
                                       // FIXME: could invalidate pos

                for (int i = 0; i < treat_as_empty.numel (); i++)
                    std::string s = treat_as_empty (i).string_value ();
                    if (! strncmp (s.c_str (), look, s.size ()))
                        as_empty = true;
                        // read just the right amount
               (&look_buf[0], s.size (), pos);

        if (! is.eof () && ! as_empty)
            state = is.rdstate ();   // before tellg, since that fails at EOF

            ch = is.peek ();   // ch == EOF if read failed; no need to chk fail
            if (ch == 'i' || ch == 'j')           // pure imaginary
                is.get ();
                im = re;
                re = 0;
            else if (ch == '+' || ch == '-')      // see if it is real+imag[ij]
                // save stream state in case we have to restore it
                pos   = is.tellg ();
                state = is.rdstate ();

                //im = octave_read_value<double> (is);
                im = read_double (is, fmt);
                if ( ())
                  im = 1;

                if (is.peek () == 'i' || is.peek () == 'j')
                  is.get ();
                    im = 0;           // no valid imaginary part.  Restore state
                    is.clear (state); // eof shouldn't cause fail.
                    is.seekg (pos);
            else if (is.eof ())       // we've read enough to be a "valid" read
              is.clear (state);       // failed peek shouldn't cause fail
    if (as_empty)
      val = empty_value.scalar_value ();
      val = Complex (re, im);

  // Return in VAL the run of characters from IS NOT contained in PATTERN.

  textscan::scan_caret (delimited_stream& is, const std::string& pattern,
                        std::string& val) const
    int c1 = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();
    std::ostringstream obuf;              // Is this optimized for growing?

    while (is && ((c1 = (is && ! is.eof ())
                   ? is.get_undelim ()
                   : std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
                  != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
           && pattern.find (c1) == std::string::npos)
      obuf << static_cast<char> (c1);

    val = obuf.str ();

    if (c1 != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
      is.putback (c1);

    return c1;

  // Read until one of the strings in DELIMITERS is found.  For
  // efficiency, ENDS is a list of the last character of each delimiter.

  textscan::read_until (delimited_stream& is, const Cell& delimiters,
                        const std::string& ends) const
    std::string retval ("");
    bool done = false;
        // find sequence ending with an ending char
        std::string next;
        scan_caret (is, ends.c_str (), next);
        retval = retval + next;   // FIXME: could use repeated doubling of size

        int last = (! is.eof ()
                    ? is.get_undelim () : std::istream::traits_type::eof ());

        if (last != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
            if (last == eol1 || last == eol2)

            retval = retval + static_cast<char> (last);
            for (int i = 0; i < delimiters.numel (); i++)
                std::string delim = delimiters(i).string_value ();
                size_t start = (retval.length () > delim.length ()
                                ? retval.length () - delim.length ()
                                : 0);
                std::string may_match = retval.substr (start);
                if (may_match == delim)
                    done = true;
                    retval = retval.substr (0, start);
                    if (start == 0)
                      is.putback (last);
    while (! done && is && ! is.eof ());

    return retval;

  // Read stream until either fmt.width chars have been read, or
  // options.delimiter has been found.  Does *not* rely on fmt being 's'.
  // Used by formats like %6f to limit to 6.

  textscan::scan_string (delimited_stream& is, const textscan_format_elt& fmt,
                         std::string& val) const
    if (delim_list.isempty ())
        unsigned int i = 0;
        unsigned int width = fmt.width;

        for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
            // Grow string in an exponential fashion if necessary.
            if (i >= val.length ())
              val.append (std::max (val.length (),
                                    static_cast<size_t> (16)), '\0');

            int ch = is.get ();
            if (is_delim (ch) || ch == std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
                is.putback (ch);
              val[i] = ch;
        val = val.substr (0, i);          // trim pre-allocation
    else  // Cell array of multi-character delimiters
        std::string ends (delim_list.numel () + 2, '\0');
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < delim_list.numel (); i++)
            std::string tmp = delim_list(i).string_value ();
            ends[i] = tmp.back ();
        ends[i++] = eol1;
        ends[i++] = eol2;
        val = textscan::read_until (is, delim_list, ends);

    // convert from codepage
    if ( ("utf-8"))
      val = string::u8_from_encoding ("textscan", val, m_encoding);

  // Return in VAL the run of characters from IS contained in PATTERN.

  textscan::scan_bracket (delimited_stream& is, const std::string& pattern,
                          std::string& val) const
    int c1 = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();
    std::ostringstream obuf;              // Is this optimized for growing?

    while (is && pattern.find (c1 = is.get_undelim ()) != std::string::npos)
      obuf << static_cast<char> (c1);

    val = obuf.str ();
    if (c1 != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
      is.putback (c1);
    return c1;

  // Return in VAL a string, either delimited by whitespace/delimiters, or
  // enclosed in a pair of double quotes ("...").  Enclosing quotes are
  // removed.  A consecutive pair "" is inserted into VAL as a single ".

  textscan::scan_qstring (delimited_stream& is, const textscan_format_elt& fmt,
                          std::string& val)
    skip_whitespace (is);

    if (is.peek () != '"')
      scan_string (is, fmt, val);
        is.get ();
        scan_caret (is, R"(")", val);     // read everything until "
        is.get ();                        // swallow "

        while (is && is.peek () == '"')  // if double ", insert one in stream,
          {                               // and keep looking for single "
            is.get ();
            std::string val1;
            scan_caret (is, R"(")", val1);
            val = val + '"' + val1;
            is.get_undelim ();

    // convert from codepage
    if ( ("utf-8"))
      val = string::u8_from_encoding ("textscan", val, m_encoding);

  // Read from IS into VAL a string of the next fmt.width characters,
  // including any whitespace or delimiters.

  textscan::scan_cstring (delimited_stream& is, const textscan_format_elt& fmt,
                          std::string& val) const
    val.resize (fmt.width);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; is && i < fmt.width; i++)
        int ch = is.get_undelim ();
        if (ch != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
          val[i] = ch;
            val.resize (i);

    // convert from codepage
    if ( ("utf-8"))
      val = string::u8_from_encoding ("textscan", val, m_encoding);

  //  Read a single '%...' conversion and place it in position ROW of OV.

  textscan::scan_one (delimited_stream& is, const textscan_format_elt& fmt,
                      octave_value& ov, Array<octave_idx_type> row)
    skip_whitespace (is);

    is.clear ();

    octave_value val;
    if (fmt.numeric)
        if (fmt.type == 'f' || fmt.type == 'n')
            Complex v;
            skip_whitespace (is);
            scan_complex (is, fmt, v);

            if (! fmt.discard && ! ())
                if (fmt.bitwidth == 64)
                    if (ov.isreal () && v.imag () == 0)
                      ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0), v.real ());
                        if (ov.isreal ())  // cat does type conversion
                          ov = do_cat_op (ov, octave_value (v), row);
                          ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0), v);
                    if (ov.isreal () && v.imag () == 0)
                      ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0),
                                                            float (v.real ()));
                        if (ov.isreal ())  // cat does type conversion
                          ov = do_cat_op (ov, octave_value (v), row);
                          ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0),
                                                                FloatComplex (v));
            double v;    // Matlab docs say 1e30 etc should be valid for %d and
                         // 1000 as a %d8 should be 127, so read as double.
                         // Some loss of precision for d64 and u64.
            skip_whitespace (is);
            v = read_double (is, fmt);
            if (! fmt.discard && ! ())
              switch (fmt.bitwidth)
                case 64:
                  switch (fmt.type)
                    case 'd':
                        octave_int64 vv = v;
                        ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0), vv);

                    case 'u':
                        octave_uint64 vv = v;
                        ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0), vv);

                case 32:
                  switch (fmt.type)
                    case 'd':
                        octave_int32 vv = v;
                        ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0), vv);

                    case 'u':
                        octave_uint32 vv = v;
                        ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0), vv);

                case 16:
                  if (fmt.type == 'd')
                      octave_int16 vv = v;
                      ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0), vv);
                      octave_uint16 vv = v;
                      ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0), vv);

                case 8:
                  if (fmt.type == 'd')
                      octave_int8 vv = v;
                      ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0), vv);
                      octave_uint8 vv = v;
                      ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row(0), vv);

        if ( () & ! fmt.discard)
          ov = do_cat_op (ov, empty_value, row);
        std::string vv ("        ");      // initial buffer.  Grows as needed
        switch (fmt.type)
          case 's':
            scan_string (is, fmt, vv);

          case 'q':
            scan_qstring (is, fmt, vv);

          case 'c':
            scan_cstring (is, fmt, vv);

          case '[':
            scan_bracket (is, fmt.char_class.c_str (), vv);

          case '^':
            scan_caret   (is, fmt.char_class.c_str (), vv);

        if (! fmt.discard)
          ov.internal_rep ()->fast_elem_insert (row (0),
                                                Cell (octave_value (vv)));

        // FIXME: why does failbit get set at EOF, instead of eofbit?
        if (! vv.empty ())
          is.clear (is.rdstate () & ~std::ios_base::failbit);

    is.field_done ();

  // Read data corresponding to the entire format string once, placing the
  // values in row ROW of retval.

  textscan::read_format_once (delimited_stream& is,
                              textscan_format_list& fmt_list,
                              std::list<octave_value>& retval,
                              Array<octave_idx_type> row, int& done_after)
    const textscan_format_elt *elem = fmt_list.first ();
    auto out = retval.begin ();
    bool no_conversions = true;
    bool done = false;
    bool conversion_failed = false;       // Record for ReturnOnError
    bool nothing_worked = true;

    octave_quit ();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < fmt_list.numel (); i++)
        bool this_conversion_failed = false;

        // Clear fail of previous numeric conversions.
        is.clear ();

        switch (elem->type)
          case 'C':
          case 'D':
            warning ("%s: conversion %c not yet implemented",
                     who.c_str (), elem->type);

          case 'u':
          case 'd':
          case 'f':
          case 'n':
          case 's':
          case '[':
          case '^':
          case 'q':
          case 'c':
            scan_one (is, *elem, *out, row);

          case textscan_format_elt::literal_conversion :
            match_literal (is, *elem);

            error ("Unknown format element '%c'", elem->type);

        if (! ())
            if (! elem->discard)
              no_conversions = false;
            is.clear (is.rdstate () & ~std::ios::failbit);

            if (! is.eof ())
                if (delim_list.isempty ())
                    if (! is_delim (is.peek ()))
                      this_conversion_failed = true;
                else  // Cell array of multi-character delimiters
                    char *pos = is.tellg ();
                    if (-1 == lookahead (is, delim_list, delim_len))
                      this_conversion_failed = true;
                    is.clear ();
                    is.seekg (pos);     // reset to position before look-ahead

        if (! elem->discard)

        elem = ();
        char *pos = is.tellg ();

        // FIXME: these conversions "ignore delimiters".  Should they include
        // delimiters at the start of the conversion, or can those be skipped?
        if (elem->type != textscan_format_elt::literal_conversion
            // && elem->type != '[' && elem->type != '^' && elem->type != 'c'
          skip_delim (is);

        if (is.eof ())
            if (! done)
              done_after = i+1;

            // note EOF, but process others to get empty_val.
            done = true;

        if (this_conversion_failed)
            if (is.tellg () == pos && ! conversion_failed)
                // done_after = first failure
                done_after = i; // note fail, but parse others to get empty_val
                conversion_failed = true;
              this_conversion_failed = false;
        else if (! done && ! conversion_failed)
          nothing_worked = false;

    if (done)
      is.setstate (std::ios::eofbit);

    return no_conversions
      + (is.eof () ? 2 : 0)
      + (conversion_failed ? 4 : 0)
      + (nothing_worked ? 8 : 0);


  textscan::parse_options (const octave_value_list& args,
                           textscan_format_list& fmt_list)
    int last = args.length ();
    int n = last;

    if (n & 1)
      error ("%s: %d parameters given, but only %d values",
             who.c_str (), n-n/2, n/2);

    delim_len = 1;
    bool have_delims = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < last; i += 2)
        std::string param = args(i).xstring_value ("%s: Invalid parameter type <%s> for parameter %d",
                                                   who.c_str (),
                                                   args(i).type_name ().c_str (),
                                                   i/2 + 1);
        std::transform (param.begin (), param.end (), param.begin (), ::tolower);

        if (param == "delimiter")
            bool invalid = true;
            if (args(i+1).is_string ())
                invalid = false;
                have_delims = true;
                delims = args(i+1).string_value ();
                if (args(i+1).is_sq_string ())
                  delims = do_string_escapes (delims);
            else if (args(i+1).iscell ())
                invalid = false;
                delim_list = args(i+1).cell_value ();
                delim_table = " "; // non-empty, to flag non-default delim

                // Check that all elements are strings, and find max length
                for (int j = 0; j < delim_list.numel (); j++)
                    if (! delim_list(j).is_string ())
                      invalid = true;
                        if (delim_list(j).is_sq_string ())
                          delim_list(j) = do_string_escapes (delim_list(j)
                                                             .string_value ());
                        octave_idx_type len = delim_list(j).string_value ()
                          .length ();
                        delim_len = std::max (static_cast<int> (len), delim_len);
            if (invalid)
              error ("%s: Delimiters must be either a string or cell array of strings",
                     who.c_str ());
        else if (param == "commentstyle")
            if (args(i+1).is_string ())
                // check here for names like "C++", "C", "shell", ...?
                comment_style = Cell (args(i+1));
            else if (args(i+1).iscell ())
                comment_style = args(i+1).cell_value ();
                int len = comment_style.numel ();
                if ((len >= 1 && ! comment_style (0).is_string ())
                    || (len >= 2 && ! comment_style (1).is_string ())
                    || (len >= 3))
                  error ("%s: CommentStyle must be either a string or cell array of one or two strings",
                         who.c_str ());
              error ("%s: CommentStyle must be either a string or cell array of one or two strings",
                     who.c_str ());

            // How far ahead do we need to look to detect an open comment
            // and which character do we look for?
            if (comment_style.numel () >= 1)
                comment_len  = comment_style (0).string_value ().size ();
                comment_char = comment_style (0).string_value ()[0];
        else if (param == "treatasempty")
            bool invalid = false;
            if (args(i+1).is_string ())
                treat_as_empty = Cell (args(i+1));
                treat_as_empty_len = args(i+1).string_value ().size ();
            else if (args(i+1).iscell ())
                treat_as_empty = args(i+1).cell_value ();
                for (int j = 0; j < treat_as_empty.numel (); j++)
                  if (! treat_as_empty (j).is_string ())
                    invalid = true;
                      int k = treat_as_empty (j).string_value ().size ();
                      if (k > treat_as_empty_len)
                        treat_as_empty_len = k;
            if (invalid)
              error ("%s: TreatAsEmpty must be either a string or cell array of one or two strings",
                     who.c_str ());

            // FIXME: Ensure none is a prefix of a later one.  Sort by length?
        else if (param == "collectoutput")
            collect_output = args(i+1).xbool_value ("%s: CollectOutput must be logical or numeric", who.c_str ());
        else if (param == "emptyvalue")
            empty_value = args(i+1).xscalar_value ("%s: EmptyValue must be numeric", who.c_str ());
        else if (param == "headerlines")
            header_lines = args(i+1).xscalar_value ("%s: HeaderLines must be numeric", who.c_str ());
        else if (param == "bufsize")
            buffer_size = args(i+1).xscalar_value ("%s: BufSize must be numeric", who.c_str ());
        else if (param == "multipledelimsasone")
            multiple_delims_as_one = args(i+1).xbool_value ("%s: MultipleDelimsAsOne must be logical or numeric", who.c_str ());
        else if (param == "returnonerror")
            return_on_error = args(i+1).xbool_value ("%s: ReturnOnError must be logical or numeric", who.c_str ());
        else if (param == "whitespace")
            whitespace = args(i+1).xstring_value ("%s: Whitespace must be a character string", who.c_str ());
        else if (param == "expchars")
            exp_chars = args(i+1).xstring_value ("%s: ExpChars must be a character string", who.c_str ());
            default_exp = false;
        else if (param == "endofline")
            bool valid = true;
            std::string s = args(i+1).xstring_value (R"(%s: EndOfLine must be at most one character or '\r\n')", who.c_str ());
            if (args(i+1).is_sq_string ())
              s = do_string_escapes (s);
            int l = s.length ();
            if (l == 0)
              eol1 = eol2 = -2;
            else if (l == 1)
              eol1 = eol2 = s.c_str ()[0];
            else if (l == 2)
                eol1 = s.c_str ()[0];
                eol2 = s.c_str ()[1];
                if (eol1 != '\r' || eol2 != '\n')    // Why limit it?
                  valid = false;
              valid = false;

            if (! valid)
              error (R"(%s: EndOfLine must be at most one character or '\r\n')",
                     who.c_str ());
          error ("%s: unrecognized option '%s'", who.c_str (), param.c_str ());

    // Remove any user-supplied delimiter from whitespace list
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < delims.length (); j++)
        whitespace.erase (std::remove (whitespace.begin (),
                                       whitespace.end (),
                          whitespace.end ());
    for (int j = 0; j < delim_list.numel (); j++)
        std::string delim = delim_list(j).string_value ();
        if (delim.length () == 1)
          whitespace.erase (std::remove (whitespace.begin (),
                                         whitespace.end (),
                            whitespace.end ());

    whitespace_table = std::string (256, '\0');
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < whitespace.length (); i++)
      whitespace_table[whitespace[i]] = '1';

    // For Matlab compatibility, add 0x20 to whitespace, unless
    // whitespace is explicitly ignored.
    if (! (whitespace.empty () && fmt_list.has_string))
      whitespace_table[' '] = '1';

    // Create look-up table of delimiters, based on 'delimiter'
    delim_table = std::string (256, '\0');
    if (eol1 >= 0 && eol1 < 256)
      delim_table[eol1] = '1';        // EOL is always a delimiter
    if (eol2 >= 0 && eol2 < 256)
      delim_table[eol2] = '1';        // EOL is always a delimiter
    if (! have_delims)
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
          if (isspace (i))
            delim_table[i] = '1';
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < delims.length (); i++)
        delim_table[delims[i]] = '1';

  // Skip comments, and characters specified by the "Whitespace" option.
  // If EOLstop == true, don't skip end of line.

  textscan::skip_whitespace (delimited_stream& is, bool EOLstop)
    int c1 = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();
    bool found_comment = false;

        found_comment = false;
        int prev = -1;
        while (is && (c1 = is.get_undelim ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof ()
               && ( ( (c1 == eol1 || c1 == eol2) && ++lines && ! EOLstop)
                    || isspace (c1)))
            if (prev == eol1 && eol1 != eol2 && c1 == eol2)
            prev = c1;

        if (c1 == comment_char)           // see if we match an open comment
            // save stream state in case we have to restore it
            char *pos = is.tellg ();
            std::ios::iostate state = is.rdstate ();

            std::string tmp (comment_len, '\0');
            char *look = (&tmp[0], comment_len-1, pos); // already read first char
            if (is && comment_style.numel () > 0
                && ! strncmp (comment_style(0).string_value ().substr (1).c_str (),
                              look, comment_len-1))
                found_comment = true;

                std::string dummy;
                if (comment_style.numel () == 1)  // skip to end of line
                    std::string eol (3, '\0');
                    eol[0] = eol1;
                    eol[1] = eol2;

                    scan_caret (is, eol, dummy);
                    c1 = is.get_undelim ();
                    if (c1 == eol1 && eol1 != eol2 && is.peek_undelim () == eol2)
                      is.get_undelim ();
                else      // matching pair
                    std::string end_c = comment_style(1).string_value ();
                    // last char of end-comment sequence
                    std::string last = end_c.substr (end_c.size () - 1);
                    std::string may_match ("");
                        // find sequence ending with last char
                        scan_caret (is, last, dummy);
                        is.get_undelim ();        // (read LAST itself)

                        may_match = may_match + dummy + last;
                        if (may_match.length () > end_c.length ())
                            size_t start = may_match.length () - end_c.length ();
                            may_match = may_match.substr (start);
                    while (may_match != end_c && is && ! is.eof ());
            else  // wasn't really a comment; restore state
                is.clear (state);
                is.seekg (pos);
    while (found_comment);

    if (c1 != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
      is.putback (c1);
    return c1;

  // See if the next few characters match one of the strings in target.
  // For efficiency, MAX_LEN is the cached longest length of any target.
  // Return -1 if none is found, or the index of the match.

  textscan::lookahead (delimited_stream& is, const Cell& targets, int max_len,
                       bool case_sensitive) const
    // target strings may be different sizes.
    // Read ahead longest, put it all back, then re-read the string
    // that matches.

    char *pos = is.tellg ();

    std::string tmp (max_len, '\0');
    char *look = (&tmp[0], tmp.size (), pos);

    is.clear ();
    is.seekg (pos);              // reset to position before read
                                 // FIXME: pos may be corrupted by

    int i;
    int (*compare)(const char *, const char *, size_t);
    compare = (case_sensitive ? strncmp : strncasecmp);

    for (i = 0; i < targets.numel (); i++)
        std::string s = targets (i).string_value ();
        if (! (*compare) (s.c_str (), look, s.size ()))
   (&tmp[0], s.size (), pos); // read just the right amount

    if (i == targets.numel ())
      i = -1;

    return i;

  // Skip delimiters -- multiple if MultipleDelimsAsOne specified.
  textscan::skip_delim (delimited_stream& is)
    int c1 = skip_whitespace (is, true);  // 'true': stop once EOL is read
    if (delim_list.numel () == 0)         // single character delimiter
        if (is_delim (c1) || c1 == eol1 || c1 == eol2)
            is.get ();
            if (c1 == eol1 && is.peek_undelim () == eol2)
              is.get_undelim ();          // if \r\n, skip the \n too.

            if (multiple_delims_as_one)
                int prev = -1;
                // skip multiple delims.
                // Increment lines for each end-of-line seen; for \r\n, decrement
                while (is && ((c1 = is.get_undelim ())
                              != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
                       && (((c1 == eol1 || c1 == eol2) && ++lines)
                           || isspace (c1) || is_delim (c1)))
                    if (prev == eol1 && eol1 != eol2 && c1 == eol2)
                    prev = c1;
                if (c1 != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
                  is.putback (c1);
    else                                  // multi-character delimiter
        int first_match;

        if (c1 == eol1 || c1 == eol2
            || (-1 != (first_match = lookahead (is, delim_list, delim_len))))
            if (c1 == eol1)
                is.get_undelim ();
                if (is.peek_undelim () == eol2)
                  is.get_undelim ();
            else if (c1 == eol2)
                is.get_undelim ();

            if (multiple_delims_as_one)
                int prev = -1;
                // skip multiple delims.
                // Increment lines for each end-of-line seen; for \r\n, decrement
                while (is && ((c1 = skip_whitespace (is, true))
                              != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
                       && (((c1 == eol1 || c1 == eol2) && ++lines)
                           || -1 != lookahead (is, delim_list, delim_len)))
                    if (prev == eol1 && eol1 != eol2 && c1 == eol2)
                    prev = c1;

    return c1;

  // Read in as much of the input as coincides with the literal in the
  // format string.  Return "true" if the entire literal is matched, else
  // false (and set failbit).

  textscan::match_literal (delimited_stream& is, const textscan_format_elt& fmt)
    // "false" -> treat EOL as normal space
    // since a delimiter at the start of a line is a mismatch, not empty field
    skip_whitespace (is, false);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fmt.width; i++)
        int ch = is.get_undelim ();
        if (ch != fmt.text[i])
            if (ch != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
              is.putback (ch);
            is.setstate (std::ios::failbit);
            return false;
    return true;

  base_stream::error (const std::string& msg)
    fail = true;
    errmsg = msg;

  base_stream::error (const std::string& who, const std::string& msg)
    fail = true;
    errmsg = who + ": " + msg;

  base_stream::clear (void)
    fail = false;
    errmsg = "";

  base_stream::clearerr (void)
    std::istream *is = input_stream ();
    std::ostream *os = output_stream ();

    if (is)
      is->clear ();

    if (os)
      os->clear ();

  // Functions that are defined for all input streams (input streams
  // are those that define is).

  base_stream::do_gets (octave_idx_type max_len, bool& err,
                        bool strip_newline, const std::string& who)
    if (application::interactive () && file_number () == 0)
      ::error ("%s: unable to read from stdin while running interactively",
               who.c_str ());

    std::string retval;

    err = false;

    std::istream *isp = input_stream ();

    if (! isp)
        err = true;
        invalid_operation (who, "reading");
        std::istream& is = *isp;

        std::ostringstream buf;

        int c = 0;
        int char_count = 0;

        if (max_len != 0)
            while (is && (c = is.get ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())

                // Handle CRLF, CR, or LF as line ending.
                if (c == '\r')
                    if (! strip_newline)
                      buf << static_cast<char> (c);

                    c = is.get ();

                    if (c != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
                        if (c == '\n')

                            if (! strip_newline)
                              buf << static_cast<char> (c);
                          is.putback (c);

                else if (c == '\n')
                    if (! strip_newline)
                      buf << static_cast<char> (c);

                  buf << static_cast<char> (c);

                if (max_len > 0 && char_count == max_len)

        if (! is.eof () && char_count > 0)
            // GAGME.  Matlab seems to check for EOF even if the last character
            // in a file is a newline character.  This is NOT what the
            // corresponding C-library functions do.
            int disgusting_compatibility_hack = is.get ();
            if (! is.eof ())
              is.putback (disgusting_compatibility_hack);

        if (is.good () || (is.eof () && char_count > 0))
          retval = buf.str ();
            err = true;

            if (is.eof () && char_count == 0)
              error (who, "at end of file");
              error (who, "read error");

    return retval;

  base_stream::getl (octave_idx_type max_len, bool& err,
                     const std::string& who)
    return do_gets (max_len, err, true, who);

  base_stream::gets (octave_idx_type max_len, bool& err,
                     const std::string& who)
    return do_gets (max_len, err, false, who);

  base_stream::skipl (off_t num, bool& err, const std::string& who)
    if (application::interactive () && file_number () == 0)
      ::error ("%s: unable to read from stdin while running interactively",
               who.c_str ());

    off_t cnt = -1;

    err = false;

    std::istream *isp = input_stream ();

    if (! isp)
        err = true;
        invalid_operation (who, "reading");
        std::istream& is = *isp;

        int c = 0;
        int lastc = -1;
        cnt = 0;

        while (is && (c = is.get ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
            // Handle CRLF, CR, or LF as line ending.
            if (c == '\r' || (c == '\n' && lastc != '\r'))
                if (++cnt == num)

            lastc = c;

        // Maybe eat the following \n if \r was just met.
        if (c == '\r' && is.peek () == '\n')
          is.get ();

        if (is.bad ())
            err = true;
            error (who, "read error");

        if (err)
          cnt = -1;

    return cnt;

  template <typename T>
  octave_scan_1 (std::istream& is, const scanf_format_elt& fmt,
                 T *valptr)
    T value = T ();

    switch (fmt.type)
      case 'o':
        is >> std::oct >> value >> std::dec;

      case 'x':
        is >> std::hex >> value >> std::dec;

      case 'i':
          int c1 = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();

          while (is && (c1 = is.get ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof ()
                 && isspace (c1))
            ; // skip whitespace

          if (c1 != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
              if (c1 == '0')
                  int c2 = is.peek ();

                  if (c2 == 'x' || c2 == 'X')
                      is.ignore ();
                      if (std::isxdigit (is.peek ()))
                        is >> std::hex >> value >> std::dec;
                        value = 0;
                      if (c2 == '0' || c2 == '1' || c2 == '2'
                          || c2 == '3' || c2 == '4' || c2 == '5'
                          || c2 == '6' || c2 == '7')
                        is >> std::oct >> value >> std::dec;
                      else if (c2 == '8' || c2 == '9')
                          // FIXME: Would like to set error state on octave
                          // stream.  See bug #46493.  But only std::istream is
                          // input to fcn.
                          // error ("internal failure to match octal format");
                          value = 0;
                        value = 0;
                  is.putback (c1);

                  is >> value;

        is >> value;

    // If conversion produces an integer that overflows, failbit is set but
    // value is non-zero.  We want to treat this case as success, so clear
    // failbit from the stream state to keep going.
    // FIXME: Maybe set error state on octave stream as above? Matlab does
    // *not* indicate an error message on overflow.
    if ((is.rdstate () & std::ios::failbit) && value != T ())
      is.clear (is.rdstate () & ~std::ios::failbit);

    // Only copy the converted value if the stream is in a state where we
    // want to continue reading.
    if (! (is.rdstate () & std::ios::failbit))
      *valptr = value;

    return is;

  template <typename T>
  octave_scan (std::istream& is, const scanf_format_elt& fmt, T *valptr)
    if (fmt.width)
        // Limit input to fmt.width characters by reading into a
        // temporary stringstream buffer.
        std::string strbuf;

        auto orig_pos = is.tellg ();

        is.width (fmt.width);
        is >> strbuf;

        std::istringstream ss (strbuf);

        octave_scan_1 (ss, fmt, valptr);

        if (! ss.eof ())
            // If fewer characters than width were used to read a number then
            // the original istream object positioning is incorrect.
            // Rather than attempt to update istream state and positioning,
            // just redo the '>>' operation with the correct width so that
            // all flags get set correctly.

            is.clear ();  // Clear EOF, FAILBIT, BADBIT
            is.seekg (orig_pos, is.beg);

            int chars_read = ss.tellg ();
            if (chars_read > 0)
                is.width (chars_read);
                is >> strbuf;

        // If pattern failed to match then propagate fail bit to 'is' stream.
        if ( ())
          is.setstate (std::ios::failbit);

      octave_scan_1 (is, fmt, valptr);

    return is;

  // Note that this specialization is only used for reading characters, not
  // character strings.  See BEGIN_S_CONVERSION for details.

  template <>
  octave_scan<> (std::istream& is, const scanf_format_elt& /* fmt */,
                 char *valptr)
    return is >> valptr;

  template <>
  octave_scan<> (std::istream& is, const scanf_format_elt& fmt, double *valptr)
    double& ref = *valptr;

    switch (fmt.type)
      case 'e':
      case 'f':
      case 'g':
          int c1 = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();

          while (is && (c1 = is.get ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof ()
                 && isspace (c1))
            ; // skip whitespace

          if (c1 != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())
              is.putback (c1);

              ref = octave_read_value<double> (is);

        panic_impossible ();

    return is;

  template <typename T>
  do_scanf_conv (std::istream& is, const scanf_format_elt& fmt,
                 T valptr, Matrix& mval, double *data, octave_idx_type& idx,
                 octave_idx_type& conversion_count, octave_idx_type nr,
                 octave_idx_type max_size, bool discard)
    octave_scan (is, fmt, valptr);

    if (! is)

    if (idx == max_size && ! discard)
        max_size *= 2;

        if (nr > 0)
          mval.resize (nr, max_size / nr, 0.0);
          mval.resize (max_size, 1, 0.0);

        data = mval.fortran_vec ();

    if (! discard)
        data[idx++] = *(valptr);

  template void
  do_scanf_conv (std::istream&, const scanf_format_elt&, double*,
                 Matrix&, double*, octave_idx_type&, octave_idx_type&,
                 octave_idx_type, octave_idx_type, bool);

#define DO_WHITESPACE_CONVERSION()                                      \
  do                                                                    \
    {                                                                   \
      int c = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();                        \
      while (is && (c = is.get ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof () \
             && isspace (c))                                            \
        { /* skip whitespace */ }                                       \
      if (c != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())                       \
        is.putback (c);                                                 \
    }                                                                   \
  while (0)

#define DO_LITERAL_CONVERSION()                                         \
  do                                                                    \
    {                                                                   \
      int c = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();                        \
      int n = fmt.length ();                                            \
      int i = 0;                                                        \
      while (i < n && is && (c = is.get ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof ()) \
        {                                                               \
          if (c == static_cast<unsigned char> (fmt[i]))                 \
            {                                                           \
              i++;                                                      \
              continue;                                                 \
            }                                                           \
          else                                                          \
            {                                                           \
              is.putback (c);                                           \
              break;                                                    \
            }                                                           \
        }                                                               \
      if (i != n)                                                       \
        is.setstate (std::ios::failbit);                                \
    }                                                                   \
  while (0)

#define DO_PCT_CONVERSION()                             \
  do                                                    \
    {                                                   \
      int c = is.get ();                                \
      if (c != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())       \
        {                                               \
          if (c != '%')                                 \
            {                                           \
              is.putback (c);                           \
              is.setstate (std::ios::failbit);          \
            }                                           \
        }                                               \
      else                                              \
        is.setstate (std::ios::failbit);                \
    }                                                   \
  while (0)

#define BEGIN_C_CONVERSION()                                            \
  is.unsetf (std::ios::skipws);                                         \
  int width = (elt->width ? elt->width : 1);                            \
  std::string tmp (width, '\0');                                        \
  int c = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();                            \
  int n = 0;                                                            \
  while (is && n < width                                                \
         && (c = is.get ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())       \
    tmp[n++] = static_cast<char> (c);                                   \
  if (n > 0 && c == std::istream::traits_type::eof ())                  \
    is.clear ();                                                        \
  tmp.resize (n)

  // For a '%s' format, skip initial whitespace and then read until the
  // next whitespace character or until WIDTH characters have been read.
#define BEGIN_S_CONVERSION()                                            \
  int width = elt->width;                                               \
  std::string tmp;                                                      \
  do                                                                    \
    {                                                                   \
      if (width)                                                        \
        {                                                               \
          tmp = std::string (width, '\0');                              \
          int c = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();                    \
          int n = 0;                                                    \
          while (is && (c = is.get ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof ()) \
            {                                                           \
              if (! isspace (c))                                        \
                {                                                       \
                  tmp[n++] = static_cast<char> (c);                     \
                  break;                                                \
                }                                                       \
            }                                                           \
          while (is && n < width                                        \
                 && (c = is.get ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof ()) \
            {                                                           \
              if (isspace (c))                                          \
                {                                                       \
                  is.putback (c);                                       \
                  break;                                                \
                }                                                       \
              else                                                      \
                tmp[n++] = static_cast<char> (c);                       \
            }                                                           \
          if (n > 0 && c == std::istream::traits_type::eof ())          \
            is.clear ();                                                \
          tmp.resize (n);                                               \
        }                                                               \
      else                                                              \
        {                                                               \
          is >> std::ws >> tmp;                                         \
        }                                                               \
    }                                                                   \
  while (0)

  // This format must match a nonempty sequence of characters.
#define BEGIN_CHAR_CLASS_CONVERSION()                                   \
  int width = elt->width;                                               \
  std::string tmp;                                                      \
  do                                                                    \
    {                                                                   \
      if (! width)                                                      \
        width = std::numeric_limits<int>::max ();                       \
      std::ostringstream buf;                                           \
      std::string char_class = elt->char_class;                         \
      int c = std::istream::traits_type::eof ();                        \
      if (elt->type == '[')                                             \
        {                                                               \
          int chars_read = 0;                                           \
          while (is && chars_read++ < width                             \
                 && (c = is.get ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof () \
                 && char_class.find (c) != std::string::npos)           \
            buf << static_cast<char> (c);                               \
        }                                                               \
      else                                                              \
        {                                                               \
          int chars_read = 0;                                           \
          while (is && chars_read++ < width                             \
                 && (c = is.get ()) != std::istream::traits_type::eof () \
                 && char_class.find (c) == std::string::npos)           \
            buf << static_cast<char> (c);                               \
        }                                                               \
      if (width == std::numeric_limits<int>::max ()                     \
          && c != std::istream::traits_type::eof ())                    \
        is.putback (c);                                                 \
      tmp = buf.str ();                                                 \
      if (tmp.empty ())                                                 \
        is.setstate (std::ios::failbit);                                \
      else if (c == std::istream::traits_type::eof ())                  \
        is.clear ();                                                    \
    }                                                                   \
  while (0)

#define FINISH_CHARACTER_CONVERSION()                                   \
  do                                                                    \
    {                                                                   \
      if (encoding ().compare ("utf-8"))                                \
        tmp = string::u8_from_encoding (who, tmp, encoding ());         \
      width = tmp.length ();                                            \
      if (is)                                                           \
        {                                                               \
          int i = 0;                                                    \
          if (! discard)                                                \
            {                                                           \
              conversion_count++;                                       \
              while (i < width)                                         \
                {                                                       \
                  if (data_index == max_size)                           \
                    {                                                   \
                      max_size *= 2;                                    \
                      if (all_char_conv)                                \
                        {                                               \
                          if (one_elt_size_spec)                        \
                            mval.resize (1, max_size, 0.0);             \
                          else if (nr > 0)                              \
                            mval.resize (nr, max_size / nr, 0.0);       \
                          else                                          \
                            panic_impossible ();                        \
                        }                                               \
                      else if (nr > 0)                                  \
                        mval.resize (nr, max_size / nr, 0.0);           \
                      else                                              \
                        mval.resize (max_size, 1, 0.0);                 \
                      data = mval.fortran_vec ();                       \
                    }                                                   \
                  data[data_index++] = static_cast<unsigned char>       \
                                                  (tmp[i++]);           \
                }                                                       \
            }                                                           \
        }                                                               \
    }                                                                   \
  while (0)

  base_stream::do_scanf (scanf_format_list& fmt_list,
                         octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc,
                         bool one_elt_size_spec,
                         octave_idx_type& conversion_count,
                         const std::string& who)
    if (application::interactive () && file_number () == 0)
      ::error ("%s: unable to read from stdin while running interactively",
               who.c_str ());

    octave_value retval = Matrix ();

    conversion_count = 0;

    octave_idx_type nconv = fmt_list.num_conversions ();

    octave_idx_type data_index = 0;

    if (nr == 0 || nc == 0)
        if (one_elt_size_spec)
          nc = 0;

        return Matrix (nr, nc, 0.0);

    std::istream *isp = input_stream ();

    bool all_char_conv = fmt_list.all_character_conversions ();

    Matrix mval;
    octave_idx_type max_size = 0;
    octave_idx_type max_conv = 0;

    octave_idx_type final_nr = 0;
    octave_idx_type final_nc = 0;

    if (all_char_conv)
        // Any of these could be resized later (if we have %s conversions,
        // we may read more than one element for each conversion).
        if (one_elt_size_spec)
            max_size = 512;
            mval.resize (1, max_size, 0.0);

            if (nr > 0)
              max_conv = nr;
        else if (nr > 0)
            if (nc > 0)
                mval.resize (nr, nc, 0.0);
                max_size = max_conv = nr * nc;
                mval.resize (nr, 32, 0.0);
                max_size = nr * 32;
          panic_impossible ();
    else if (nr > 0)
        if (nc > 0)
            // Will not resize later.
            mval.resize (nr, nc, 0.0);
            max_size = nr * nc;
            max_conv = max_size;
            // Maybe resize later.
            mval.resize (nr, 32, 0.0);
            max_size = nr * 32;
        // Maybe resize later.
        mval.resize (32, 1, 0.0);
        max_size = 32;

    double *data = mval.fortran_vec ();

    if (isp)
        std::istream& is = *isp;

        const scanf_format_elt *elt = fmt_list.first ();

        std::ios::fmtflags flags = is.flags ();

        octave_idx_type trips = 0;

        octave_idx_type num_fmt_elts = fmt_list.length ();

        for (;;)
            octave_quit ();

            if (elt)
                if (elt->type == scanf_format_elt::null
                    || (! (elt->type == scanf_format_elt::whitespace_conversion
                           || elt->type == scanf_format_elt::literal_conversion
                           || elt->type == '%')
                        && max_conv > 0 && conversion_count == max_conv))
                    // We are done, either because we have reached the end of the
                    // format string and are not cycling through the format again
                    // or because we've converted all the values that have been
                    // requested and the next format element is a conversion.
                    // Determine final array size and exit.
                    if (all_char_conv && one_elt_size_spec)
                        final_nr = 1;
                        final_nc = data_index;
                        final_nr = nr;
                        final_nc = (data_index - 1) / nr + 1;

                else if (data_index == max_size)
                    max_size *= 2;

                    if (all_char_conv)
                        if (one_elt_size_spec)
                          mval.resize (1, max_size, 0.0);
                        else if (nr > 0)
                          mval.resize (nr, max_size / nr, 0.0);
                          panic_impossible ();
                    else if (nr > 0)
                      mval.resize (nr, max_size / nr, 0.0);
                      mval.resize (max_size, 1, 0.0);

                    data = mval.fortran_vec ();

                std::string fmt = elt->text;

                bool discard = elt->discard;

                switch (elt->type)
                  case scanf_format_elt::whitespace_conversion:
                    DO_WHITESPACE_CONVERSION ();

                  case scanf_format_elt::literal_conversion:
                    DO_LITERAL_CONVERSION ();

                  case '%':
                    DO_PCT_CONVERSION ();

                  case 'd': case 'i':
                      switch (elt->modifier)
                        case 'h':
                            int16_t tmp;
                            do_scanf_conv (is, *elt, &tmp, mval, data,
                                           data_index, conversion_count,
                                           nr, max_size, discard);

                        case 'l':
                            int64_t tmp;
                            do_scanf_conv (is, *elt, &tmp, mval, data,
                                           data_index, conversion_count,
                                           nr, max_size, discard);

                            int32_t tmp;
                            do_scanf_conv (is, *elt, &tmp, mval, data,
                                           data_index, conversion_count,
                                           nr, max_size, discard);

                  case 'o': case 'u': case 'x':
                      switch (elt->modifier)
                        case 'h':
                            uint16_t tmp;
                            do_scanf_conv (is, *elt, &tmp, mval, data,
                                           data_index, conversion_count,
                                           nr, max_size, discard);

                        case 'l':
                            uint64_t tmp;
                            do_scanf_conv (is, *elt, &tmp, mval, data,
                                           data_index, conversion_count,
                                           nr, max_size, discard);

                            uint32_t tmp;
                            do_scanf_conv (is, *elt, &tmp, mval, data,
                                           data_index, conversion_count,
                                           nr, max_size, discard);

                  case 'e': case 'f': case 'g':
                      double tmp;

                      do_scanf_conv (is, *elt, &tmp, mval, data,
                                     data_index, conversion_count,
                                     nr, max_size, discard);

                  case 'c':
                      BEGIN_C_CONVERSION ();

                      FINISH_CHARACTER_CONVERSION ();

                      is.setf (flags);

                  case 's':
                      BEGIN_S_CONVERSION ();

                      FINISH_CHARACTER_CONVERSION ();

                  case '[': case '^':
                      BEGIN_CHAR_CLASS_CONVERSION ();

                      FINISH_CHARACTER_CONVERSION ();

                  case 'p':
                    error ("%s: unsupported format specifier", who.c_str ());

                    error ("%s: internal format error", who.c_str ());

                if (! ok ())
                else if (! is)
                    if (all_char_conv)
                        if (one_elt_size_spec)
                            final_nr = 1;
                            final_nc = data_index;
                        else if (data_index > nr)
                            final_nr = nr;
                            final_nc = (data_index - 1) / nr + 1;
                            final_nr = data_index;
                            final_nc = 1;
                    else if (nr > 0)
                        if (data_index > nr)
                            final_nr = nr;
                            final_nc = (data_index - 1) / nr + 1;
                            final_nr = data_index;
                            final_nc = 1;
                        final_nr = data_index;
                        final_nc = 1;

                    // If it looks like we have a matching failure, then
                    // reset the failbit in the stream state.
                    if (is.rdstate () & std::ios::failbit)
                      is.clear (is.rdstate () & (~std::ios::failbit));

                    // FIXME: is this the right thing to do?
                    if (application::interactive ()
                        && ! application::forced_interactive ()
                        && name () == "stdin")
                        is.clear ();

                        // Skip to end of line.
                        bool err;
                        do_gets (-1, err, false, who);

                error ("%s: internal format error", who.c_str ());

            if (nconv == 0 && ++trips == num_fmt_elts)
                if (all_char_conv && one_elt_size_spec)
                    final_nr = 1;
                    final_nc = data_index;
                    final_nr = nr;
                    final_nc = (data_index - 1) / nr + 1;

                // Cycle through the format list more than once if we have some
                // conversions to make and we haven't reached the limit on the
                // number of values to convert (possibly because there is no
                // specified limit).
                elt = (nconv > 0
                                     && (max_conv == 0
                                         || conversion_count < max_conv));

    if (ok ())
        mval.resize (final_nr, final_nc, 0.0);

        retval = mval;

        if (all_char_conv)
          retval = retval.convert_to_str (false, true);

    return retval;

  base_stream::scanf (const std::string& fmt, const Array<double>& size,
                      octave_idx_type& conversion_count,
                      const std::string& who)
    octave_value retval = Matrix ();

    conversion_count = 0;

    std::istream *isp = input_stream ();

    if (! isp)
      invalid_operation (who, "reading");
        scanf_format_list fmt_list (fmt);

        if (fmt_list.num_conversions () == -1)
          ::error ("%s: invalid format specified", who.c_str ());

        octave_idx_type nr = -1;
        octave_idx_type nc = -1;

        bool one_elt_size_spec;

        get_size (size, nr, nc, one_elt_size_spec, who);

        retval = do_scanf (fmt_list, nr, nc, one_elt_size_spec,
                           conversion_count, who);

    return retval;

  base_stream::do_oscanf (const scanf_format_elt *elt,
                          octave_value& retval, const std::string& who)
    std::istream *isp = input_stream ();

    if (! isp)
      return false;

    bool quit = false;

    std::istream& is = *isp;

    std::ios::fmtflags flags = is.flags ();

    if (elt)
        std::string fmt = elt->text;

        bool discard = elt->discard;

        switch (elt->type)
          case scanf_format_elt::whitespace_conversion:

          case scanf_format_elt::literal_conversion:

          case '%':
              DO_PCT_CONVERSION ();

              if (! is)
                quit = true;

          case 'd': case 'i':
              switch (elt->modifier)
                case 'h':
                    int16_t tmp;
                    if (octave_scan (is, *elt, &tmp))
                        if (! discard)
                          retval = tmp;
                      quit = true;

                case 'l':
                    int64_t tmp;
                    if (octave_scan (is, *elt, &tmp))
                        if (! discard)
                          retval = tmp;
                      quit = true;

                    int32_t tmp;
                    if (octave_scan (is, *elt, &tmp))
                        if (! discard)
                          retval = tmp;
                      quit = true;

          case 'o': case 'u': case 'x':
              switch (elt->modifier)
                case 'h':
                    uint16_t tmp;
                    if (octave_scan (is, *elt, &tmp))
                        if (! discard)
                          retval = tmp;
                      quit = true;

                case 'l':
                    uint64_t tmp;
                    if (octave_scan (is, *elt, &tmp))
                        if (! discard)
                          retval = tmp;
                      quit = true;

                    uint32_t tmp;
                    if (octave_scan (is, *elt, &tmp))
                        if (! discard)
                          retval = tmp;
                      quit = true;

          case 'e': case 'f': case 'g':
              double tmp;

              if (octave_scan (is, *elt, &tmp))
                  if (! discard)
                    retval = tmp;
                quit = true;

          case 'c':
              BEGIN_C_CONVERSION ();

              if (! discard)
                retval = tmp;

              if (! is)
                quit = true;

              is.setf (flags);

          case 's':
              BEGIN_S_CONVERSION ();

              if (! discard)
                retval = tmp;

              if (! is)
                quit = true;

          case '[':
          case '^':

              if (! discard)
                retval = tmp;

              if (! is)
                quit = true;

          case 'p':
            error ("%s: unsupported format specifier", who.c_str ());

            error ("%s: internal format error", who.c_str ());

    if (ok () && ())
        error ("%s: read error", who.c_str ());

        // FIXME: is this the right thing to do?

        if (application::interactive ()
            && ! application::forced_interactive ()
            && name () == "stdin")
            // Skip to end of line.
            bool err;
            do_gets (-1, err, false, who);

    return quit;

  base_stream::oscanf (const std::string& fmt, const std::string& who)
    octave_value_list retval;

    std::istream *isp = input_stream ();

    if (! isp)
      invalid_operation (who, "reading");
        std::istream& is = *isp;

        scanf_format_list fmt_list (fmt);

        octave_idx_type nconv = fmt_list.num_conversions ();

        if (nconv == -1)
          ::error ("%s: invalid format specified", who.c_str ());

        is.clear ();

        octave_idx_type len = fmt_list.length ();

        retval.resize (nconv+2, Matrix ());

        const scanf_format_elt *elt = fmt_list.first ();

        int num_values = 0;

        bool quit = false;

        for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < len; i++)
            octave_value tmp;

            quit = do_oscanf (elt, tmp, who);

            if (quit)
                if (tmp.is_defined ())
                  retval(num_values++) = tmp;

                if (! ok ())

                elt = (nconv > 0);

        retval(nconv) = num_values;

        int err_num;
        retval(nconv+1) = error (false, err_num);

        if (! quit)
            // Pick up any trailing stuff.
            if (ok () && len > nconv)
                octave_value tmp;

                elt = ();

                do_oscanf (elt, tmp, who);

    return retval;

  base_stream::do_textscan (const std::string& fmt,
                            octave_idx_type ntimes,
                            const octave_value_list& options,
                            const std::string& who,
                            octave_idx_type& read_count)
    if (application::interactive () && file_number () == 0)
      ::error ("%s: unable to read from stdin while running interactively",
               who.c_str ());

    octave_value retval = Cell (dim_vector (1, 1), Matrix (0, 1));

    std::istream *isp = input_stream ();

    if (! isp)
      invalid_operation (who, "reading");
        textscan scanner (who, encoding ());

        retval = scanner.scan (*isp, fmt, ntimes, options, read_count);

    return retval;

  // Functions that are defined for all output streams
  // (output streams are those that define os).

  base_stream::flush (void)
    int retval = -1;

    std::ostream *os = output_stream ();

    if (! os)
      invalid_operation ("fflush", "writing");
        os->flush ();

        if (os->good ())
          retval = 0;

    return retval;


    enum state { ok, conversion_error };

    printf_value_cache (const octave_value_list& args, const std::string& who)
      : values (args), val_idx (0), elt_idx (0),
        n_vals (values.length ()), n_elts (0), have_data (false),
        curr_state (ok)
      for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < values.length (); i++)
          octave_value val = values(i);

          if (val.isstruct () || val.iscell () || val.isobject ())
            err_wrong_type_arg (who, val);

    // No copying!

    printf_value_cache (const printf_value_cache&) = delete;

    printf_value_cache& operator = (const printf_value_cache&) = delete;

    ~printf_value_cache (void) = default;

    // Get the current value as a double and advance the internal pointer.
    octave_value get_next_value (char type = 0);

    // Get the current value as an int and advance the internal pointer.
    int int_value (void);

    operator bool () const { return (curr_state == ok); }

    bool exhausted (void) { return (val_idx >= n_vals); }


    const octave_value_list values;
    int val_idx;
    int elt_idx;
    int n_vals;
    int n_elts;
    bool have_data;
    octave_value curr_val;
    state curr_state;

    // Must create value cache with values!

    printf_value_cache (void);

  printf_value_cache::get_next_value (char type)
    octave_value retval;

    if (exhausted ())
      curr_state = conversion_error;

    while (! exhausted ())
        if (! have_data)
            curr_val = values (val_idx);

            elt_idx = 0;
            n_elts = curr_val.numel ();
            have_data = true;

        if (elt_idx < n_elts)
            if (type == 's')
                if (curr_val.is_string ())
                    dim_vector dv (1, curr_val.numel ());
                    octave_value tmp = curr_val.reshape (dv);

                    std::string sval = tmp.string_value ();

                    retval = sval.substr (elt_idx);

                    // We've consumed the rest of the value.
                    elt_idx = n_elts;
                    // Convert to character string while values are
                    // integers in the range [0 : char max]
                    const NDArray val = curr_val.array_value ();

                    octave_idx_type idx = elt_idx;

                    for (; idx < n_elts; idx++)
                        double dval = val(idx);

                        if (math::x_nint (dval) != dval || dval < 0 || dval > 255)

                    octave_idx_type n = idx - elt_idx;

                    if (n > 0)
                        std::string sval (n, '\0');

                        for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
                          sval[i] = val(elt_idx++);

                        retval = sval;
                      retval = curr_val.fast_elem_extract (elt_idx++);
                retval = curr_val.fast_elem_extract (elt_idx++);

                if (type == 'c' && ! retval.is_string ())
                    double dval = retval.double_value ();

                    if (math::x_nint (dval) == dval && dval >= 0 && dval < 256)
                      retval = static_cast<char> (dval);

            if (elt_idx >= n_elts)
                elt_idx = 0;
                have_data = false;

            have_data = false;

            if (n_elts == 0)
                if (elt_idx == 0)
                    if (type == 's' || type == 'c')
                      retval = "";
                      retval = Matrix ();


                if (exhausted ())
                  curr_state = conversion_error;

    return retval;

  printf_value_cache::int_value (void)
    int retval = 0;

    octave_value val = get_next_value ();

    double dval = val.double_value (true);

    if (math::x_nint (dval) == dval)
      retval = math::nint (dval);
      curr_state = conversion_error;

    return retval;

  // Ugh again and again.

  template <typename T>
  do_printf_conv (std::ostream& os, const char *fmt, int nsa, int sa_1,
                  int sa_2, T arg, const std::string& who)
    int retval = 0;

    switch (nsa)
      case 2:
        retval = format (os, fmt, sa_1, sa_2, arg);

      case 1:
        retval = format (os, fmt, sa_1, arg);

      case 0:
        retval = format (os, fmt, arg);

        ::error ("%s: internal error handling format", who.c_str ());

    return retval;

  static size_t
  do_printf_string (std::ostream& os, const printf_format_elt *elt,
                    int nsa, int sa_1, int sa_2, const std::string& arg,
                    const std::string& encoding, const std::string& who)
    if (nsa > 2)
      ::error ("%s: internal error handling format", who.c_str ());

    std::string flags = elt->flags;

    bool left = flags.find ('-') != std::string::npos;

    size_t len = arg.length ();

    size_t prec = (nsa > 1 ? sa_2 : (elt->prec == -1 ? len : elt->prec));

    std::string print_str = prec < arg.length () ? arg.substr (0, prec) : arg;
    if ( ("utf-8"))
        size_t src_len = print_str.length ();
        print_str = string::u8_to_encoding (who, print_str, encoding);
        len -= src_len - print_str.length ();

    size_t fw = (nsa > 0 ? sa_1 : (elt->fw == -1 ? len : elt->fw));

    os << std::setw (fw) << (left ? std::left : std::right) << print_str;

    return len > fw ? len : fw;

  static bool
  is_nan_or_inf (const octave_value& val)
    octave_value ov_isnan = val.isnan ();
    octave_value ov_isinf = val.isinf ();

    return (ov_isnan.is_true () || ov_isinf.is_true ());

  static bool
  ok_for_signed_int_conv (const octave_value& val)
    uint64_t limit = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max ();

    if (val.is_string ())
      return true;
    else if (val.isinteger ())
        if (val.is_uint64_type ())
            octave_uint64 ival = val.uint64_scalar_value ();

            if (ival.value () <= limit)
              return true;
          return true;
        double dval = val.double_value (true);

        if (dval == math::fix (dval) && dval <= limit)
          return true;

    return false;

  static bool
  ok_for_unsigned_int_conv (const octave_value& val)
    if (val.is_string ())
      return true;
    else if (val.isinteger ())
        // Easier than dispatching here...

        octave_value ov_is_ge_zero
          = do_binary_op (octave_value::op_ge, val, octave_value (0.0));

        return ov_is_ge_zero.is_true ();
        double dval = val.double_value (true);

        uint64_t limit = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max ();

        if (dval == math::fix (dval) && dval >= 0 && dval <= limit)
          return true;

    return false;

  static std::string
  switch_to_g_format (const printf_format_elt *elt)
    std::string tfmt = elt->text;

    tfmt.replace (tfmt.rfind (elt->type), 1, "g");

    return tfmt;

  base_stream::do_numeric_printf_conv (std::ostream& os,
                                       const printf_format_elt *elt,
                                       int nsa, int sa_1, int sa_2,
                                       const octave_value& val,
                                       const std::string& who)
    int retval = 0;

    std::string tfmt = elt->text;

    if (is_nan_or_inf (val))
        double dval = val.double_value ();

        std::string::size_type i1, i2;

        tfmt.replace ((i1 = tfmt.rfind (elt->type)), 1, 1, 's');

        if ((i2 = tfmt.rfind ('.')) != std::string::npos && i2 < i1)
            tfmt.erase (i2, i1-i2);
            if (elt->prec == -2)

        const char *tval;
        if (lo_ieee_isinf (dval))
            if (elt->flags.find ('+') != std::string::npos)
              tval = (dval < 0 ? "-Inf" : "+Inf");
              tval = (dval < 0 ? "-Inf" : "Inf");
            if (elt->flags.find ('+') != std::string::npos)
              tval = (lo_ieee_is_NA (dval) ? "+NA" : "+NaN");
              tval = (lo_ieee_is_NA (dval) ? "NA" : "NaN");

        retval += do_printf_conv (os, tfmt.c_str (), nsa, sa_1, sa_2, tval, who);
        static std::string llmod
          = (sizeof (long) == sizeof (int64_t) ? "l" : "ll");

        char type = elt->type;

        switch (type)
          case 'd': case 'i': case 'c':
            if (ok_for_signed_int_conv (val))
                octave_int64 tval = val.int64_scalar_value ();

                // Insert "long" modifier.
                tfmt.replace (tfmt.rfind (type), 1, llmod + type);

                retval += do_printf_conv (os, tfmt.c_str (), nsa, sa_1, sa_2,
                                          tval.value (), who);
                tfmt = switch_to_g_format (elt);

                double dval = val.double_value (true);

                retval += do_printf_conv (os, tfmt.c_str (), nsa,
                                          sa_1, sa_2, dval, who);

          case 'o': case 'x': case 'X': case 'u':
            if (ok_for_unsigned_int_conv (val))
                octave_uint64 tval = val.uint64_scalar_value ();

                // Insert "long" modifier.
                tfmt.replace (tfmt.rfind (type), 1, llmod + type);

                retval += do_printf_conv (os, tfmt.c_str (), nsa, sa_1, sa_2,
                                          tval.value (), who);
                tfmt = switch_to_g_format (elt);

                double dval = val.double_value (true);

                retval += do_printf_conv (os, tfmt.c_str (), nsa,
                                          sa_1, sa_2, dval, who);

          case 'f': case 'e': case 'E':
          case 'g': case 'G':
              double dval = val.double_value (true);

              retval += do_printf_conv (os, tfmt.c_str (), nsa, sa_1, sa_2,
                                        dval, who);

            // Note: error is member fcn from base_stream, not ::error.
            // This error does not halt execution so "return ..." must exist.
            error ("%s: invalid format specifier", who.c_str ());
            return -1;

    return retval;

  base_stream::do_printf (printf_format_list& fmt_list,
                          const octave_value_list& args,
                          const std::string& who)
    int retval = 0;

    octave_idx_type nconv = fmt_list.num_conversions ();

    std::ostream *osp = output_stream ();

    if (! osp)
      invalid_operation (who, "writing");
        std::ostream& os = *osp;

        const printf_format_elt *elt = fmt_list.first ();

        printf_value_cache val_cache (args, who);

        for (;;)
            octave_quit ();

            if (! elt)
              ::error ("%s: internal error handling format", who.c_str ());

            // NSA is the number of 'star' args to convert.
            int nsa = (elt->fw == -2) + (elt->prec == -2);

            int sa_1 = 0;
            int sa_2 = 0;

            if (nsa > 0)
                sa_1 = val_cache.int_value ();

                if (! val_cache)
                    if (nsa > 1)
                        sa_2 = val_cache.int_value ();

                        if (! val_cache)

            if (elt->type == '%')
                os << '%';
            else if (elt->args == 0 && ! elt->text.empty ())
                os << elt->text;
                retval += (elt->text.length ());
            else if (elt->type == 's' || elt->type == 'c')
                octave_value val = val_cache.get_next_value (elt->type);

                if (val_cache)
                    if (val.is_string ())
                        std::string sval = val.string_value ();

                        retval += do_printf_string (os, elt, nsa, sa_1,
                                                    sa_2, sval, encoding (),
                      retval += do_numeric_printf_conv (os, elt, nsa, sa_1,
                                                        sa_2, val, who);
                octave_value val = val_cache.get_next_value ();

                if (val_cache)
                    if (! val.isempty ())
                      retval += do_numeric_printf_conv (os, elt, nsa, sa_1,
                                                        sa_2, val, who);

            if (! os)
                error ("%s: write error", who.c_str ());

            elt = (nconv > 0 && ! val_cache.exhausted ());

            if (! elt || (val_cache.exhausted () && elt->args > 0))

    return retval;

  base_stream::printf (std::string fmt,
                       const octave_value_list& args,
                       const std::string& who)
    if (encoding ().compare ("utf-8"))
      fmt = string::u8_to_encoding (who, fmt, encoding ());

    printf_format_list fmt_list (fmt);

    if (fmt_list.num_conversions () == -1)
      ::error ("%s: invalid format specified", who.c_str ());

    return do_printf (fmt_list, args, who);

  base_stream::puts (const std::string& s, const std::string& who)
    int retval = -1;

    std::ostream *osp = output_stream ();

    if (! osp)
      invalid_operation (who, "writing");
        std::ostream& os = *osp;

        os << s;

        if (! os)
          error ("%s: write error", who.c_str ());
            // FIXME: why does this seem to be necessary?
            // Without it, output from a loop like
            //   for i = 1:100, fputs (stdout, "foo\n"); endfor
            // doesn't seem to go to the pager immediately.
            os.flush ();

            if (os)
              retval = 0;
              error ("%s: write error", who.c_str ());

    return retval;

  // Return current error message for this stream.

  base_stream::error (bool clear_err, int& err_num)
    err_num = (fail ? -1 : 0);

    std::string tmp = errmsg;

    if (clear_err)
      clear ();

    return tmp;

  base_stream::invalid_operation (const std::string& who, const char *rw)
    // Note: This calls the member fcn error, not ::error from error.h.
    error (who, std::string ("stream not open for ") + rw);

  stream::stream (base_stream *bs)
    : rep (bs)
    if (rep)
      rep->count = 1;

  stream::~stream (void)
    if (rep && --rep->count == 0)
      delete rep;

  stream::stream (const stream& s)
    : rep (s.rep)
    if (rep)

  stream::operator = (const stream& s)
    if (rep != s.rep)
        if (rep && --rep->count == 0)
          delete rep;

        rep = s.rep;

        if (rep)

    return *this;

  stream::flush (void)
    int retval = -1;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->flush ();

    return retval;

  stream::getl (octave_idx_type max_len, bool& err, const std::string& who)
    std::string retval;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->getl (max_len, err, who);

    return retval;

  stream::getl (const octave_value& tc_max_len, bool& err,
                const std::string& who)
    err = false;

    int conv_err = 0;

    int max_len = -1;

    if (tc_max_len.is_defined ())
        max_len = convert_to_valid_int (tc_max_len, conv_err);

        if (conv_err || max_len < 0)
            err = true;
            ::error ("%s: invalid maximum length specified", who.c_str ());

    return getl (max_len, err, who);

  stream::gets (octave_idx_type max_len, bool& err, const std::string& who)
    std::string retval;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->gets (max_len, err, who);

    return retval;

  stream::gets (const octave_value& tc_max_len, bool& err,
                const std::string& who)
    err = false;

    int conv_err = 0;

    int max_len = -1;

    if (tc_max_len.is_defined ())
        max_len = convert_to_valid_int (tc_max_len, conv_err);

        if (conv_err || max_len < 0)
            err = true;
            ::error ("%s: invalid maximum length specified", who.c_str ());

    return gets (max_len, err, who);

  stream::skipl (off_t count, bool& err, const std::string& who)
    off_t retval = -1;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->skipl (count, err, who);

    return retval;

  stream::skipl (const octave_value& tc_count, bool& err,
                 const std::string& who)
    err = false;

    int conv_err = 0;

    int count = 1;

    if (tc_count.is_defined ())
        if (tc_count.is_scalar_type ()
            && math::isinf (tc_count.scalar_value ()))
          count = -1;
            count = convert_to_valid_int (tc_count, conv_err);

            if (conv_err || count < 0)
                err = true;
                ::error ("%s: invalid number of lines specified", who.c_str ());

    return skipl (count, err, who);

  stream::seek (off_t offset, int origin)
    int status = -1;

    if (stream_ok ())
        clearerr ();

        // Find current position so we can return to it if needed.
        off_t orig_pos = rep->tell ();

        // Move to end of file.  If successful, find the offset of the end.
        status = rep->seek (0, SEEK_END);

        if (status == 0)
            off_t eof_pos = rep->tell ();

            if (origin == SEEK_CUR)
                // Move back to original position, otherwise we will be seeking
                // from the end of file which is probably not the original
                // location.
                rep->seek (orig_pos, SEEK_SET);

            // Attempt to move to desired position; may be outside bounds of
            // existing file.
            status = rep->seek (offset, origin);

            if (status == 0)
                // Where are we after moving to desired position?
                off_t desired_pos = rep->tell ();

                // I don't think save_pos can be less than zero,
                // but we'll check anyway...
                if (desired_pos > eof_pos || desired_pos < 0)
                    // Seek outside bounds of file.
                    // Failure should leave position unchanged.
                    rep->seek (orig_pos, SEEK_SET);

                    status = -1;
                // Seeking to the desired position failed.
                // Move back to original position and return failure status.
                rep->seek (orig_pos, SEEK_SET);

                status = -1;

    return status;

  stream::seek (const octave_value& tc_offset,
                const octave_value& tc_origin)
    int retval = -1;

    // FIXME: should we have octave_value methods that handle off_t explicitly?
    octave_int64 val = tc_offset.xint64_scalar_value ("fseek: invalid value for offset");
    off_t xoffset = val.value ();

    int conv_err = 0;

    int origin = SEEK_SET;

    if (tc_origin.is_string ())
        std::string xorigin = tc_origin.xstring_value ("fseek: invalid value for origin");

        if (xorigin == "bof")
          origin = SEEK_SET;
        else if (xorigin == "cof")
          origin = SEEK_CUR;
        else if (xorigin == "eof")
          origin = SEEK_END;
          conv_err = -1;
        int xorigin = convert_to_valid_int (tc_origin, conv_err);

        if (! conv_err)
            if (xorigin == -1)
              origin = SEEK_SET;
            else if (xorigin == 0)
              origin = SEEK_CUR;
            else if (xorigin == 1)
              origin = SEEK_END;
              conv_err = -1;

    if (conv_err)
      ::error ("fseek: invalid value for origin");

    retval = seek (xoffset, origin);

    if (retval != 0)
      // Note: error is member fcn from stream, not ::error.
      error ("fseek: failed to seek to requested position");

    return retval;

  stream::tell (void)
    off_t retval = -1;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->tell ();

    return retval;

  stream::rewind (void)
    return seek (0, SEEK_SET);

  stream::is_open (void) const
    bool retval = false;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->is_open ();

    return retval;

  stream::close (void)
    if (stream_ok ())
      rep->close ();

  // FIXME: maybe these should be defined in lo-ieee.h?

  template <typename T>
  static inline bool
  is_old_NA (T)
    return false;

  template <>
  inline bool
  is_old_NA<double> (double val)
    return __lo_ieee_is_old_NA (val);

  template <typename T>
  static inline T
  replace_old_NA (T val)
    return val;

  template <>
  inline double
  replace_old_NA<double> (double val)
    return __lo_ieee_replace_old_NA (val);

  template <typename SRC_T, typename DST_T>
  static octave_value
  convert_and_copy (std::list<void *>& input_buf_list,
                    octave_idx_type input_buf_elts,
                    octave_idx_type elts_read,
                    octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc, bool swap,
                    bool do_float_fmt_conv, bool do_NA_conv,
                    mach_info::float_format from_flt_fmt)
    typedef typename DST_T::element_type dst_elt_type;

    DST_T conv (dim_vector (nr, nc));

    dst_elt_type *conv_data = conv.fortran_vec ();

    octave_idx_type j = 0;

    for (auto it = input_buf_list.cbegin (); it != input_buf_list.cend (); it++)
        SRC_T *data = static_cast<SRC_T *> (*it);

        if (swap || do_float_fmt_conv)
            if (do_NA_conv)
                for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < input_buf_elts && j < elts_read;
                     i++, j++)
                    if (swap)
                      swap_bytes<sizeof (SRC_T)> (&data[i]);
                    else if (do_float_fmt_conv)
                      do_float_format_conversion (&data[i], sizeof (SRC_T),
                                                  1, from_flt_fmt,
                                                  mach_info::native_float_format ());

                    dst_elt_type tmp (data[i]);

                    if (is_old_NA (tmp))
                      tmp = replace_old_NA (tmp);

                    conv_data[j] = tmp;
                for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < input_buf_elts && j < elts_read;
                     i++, j++)
                    if (swap)
                      swap_bytes<sizeof (SRC_T)> (&data[i]);
                    else if (do_float_fmt_conv)
                      do_float_format_conversion (&data[i], sizeof (SRC_T),
                                                  1, from_flt_fmt,
                                                  mach_info::native_float_format ());

                    conv_data[j] = data[i];
            if (do_NA_conv)
                for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < input_buf_elts && j < elts_read;
                     i++, j++)
                    dst_elt_type tmp (data[i]);

                    if (is_old_NA (tmp))
                      tmp = replace_old_NA (tmp);

                    conv_data[j] = tmp;
                for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < input_buf_elts && j < elts_read;
                     i++, j++)
                  conv_data[j] = data[i];

        delete [] data;

    input_buf_list.clear ();

    for (octave_idx_type i = elts_read; i < nr * nc; i++)
      conv_data[i] = dst_elt_type (0);

    return conv;

  typedef octave_value (*conv_fptr)
    (std::list<void *>& input_buf_list, octave_idx_type input_buf_elts,
     octave_idx_type elts_read, octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc,
     bool swap, bool do_float_fmt_conv, bool do_NA_conv,
     mach_info::float_format from_flt_fmt);

#define TABLE_ELT(T, U, V, W)                                           \
  conv_fptr_table[oct_data_conv::T][oct_data_conv::U] = convert_and_copy<V, W>

#define FILL_TABLE_ROW(T, V)                    \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_int8, V, int8NDArray);       \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_uint8, V, uint8NDArray);     \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_int16, V, int16NDArray);     \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_uint16, V, uint16NDArray);   \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_int32, V, int32NDArray);     \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_uint32, V, uint32NDArray);   \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_int64, V, int64NDArray);     \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_uint64, V, uint64NDArray);   \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_single, V, FloatNDArray);    \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_double, V, NDArray);         \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_char, V, charNDArray);       \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_schar, V, charNDArray);      \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_uchar, V, charNDArray);      \
  TABLE_ELT (T, dt_logical, V, boolNDArray);

  stream::finalize_read (std::list<void *>& input_buf_list,
                         octave_idx_type input_buf_elts,
                         octave_idx_type elts_read,
                         octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc,
                         oct_data_conv::data_type input_type,
                         oct_data_conv::data_type output_type,
                         mach_info::float_format ffmt)
    octave_value retval;

    static bool initialized = false;

    // Table function pointers for return types x read types.

    static conv_fptr conv_fptr_table[oct_data_conv::dt_unknown][14];

    if (! initialized)
        for (int i = 0; i < oct_data_conv::dt_unknown; i++)
          for (int j = 0; j < 14; j++)
            conv_fptr_table[i][j] = nullptr;

        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_int8, int8_t);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_uint8, uint8_t);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_int16, int16_t);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_uint16, uint16_t);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_int32, int32_t);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_uint32, uint32_t);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_int64, int64_t);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_uint64, uint64_t);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_single, float);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_double, double);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_char, char);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_schar, signed char);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_uchar, unsigned char);
        FILL_TABLE_ROW (dt_logical, bool);

        initialized = true;

    bool swap = false;

    if (ffmt == mach_info::flt_fmt_unknown)
      ffmt = float_format ();

    if (mach_info::words_big_endian ())
      swap = (ffmt == mach_info::flt_fmt_ieee_little_endian);
      swap = (ffmt == mach_info::flt_fmt_ieee_big_endian);

    bool do_float_fmt_conv = ((input_type == oct_data_conv::dt_double
                               || input_type == oct_data_conv::dt_single)
                              && ffmt != float_format ());

    bool do_NA_conv = (output_type == oct_data_conv::dt_double);

    switch (output_type)
      case oct_data_conv::dt_int8:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_uint8:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_int16:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_uint16:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_int32:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_uint32:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_int64:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_uint64:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_single:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_double:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_char:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_schar:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_uchar:
      case oct_data_conv::dt_logical:
          conv_fptr fptr = conv_fptr_table[input_type][output_type];

          retval = fptr (input_buf_list, input_buf_elts, elts_read,
                         nr, nc, swap, do_float_fmt_conv, do_NA_conv, ffmt);

        ::error ("read: invalid type specification");

    return retval;

  stream::read (const Array<double>& size, octave_idx_type block_size,
                oct_data_conv::data_type input_type,
                oct_data_conv::data_type output_type,
                octave_idx_type skip, mach_info::float_format ffmt,
                octave_idx_type& count)
    octave_value retval;

    if (! stream_ok ())
      return retval;

    octave_idx_type nr = -1;
    octave_idx_type nc = -1;

    bool one_elt_size_spec = false;

    // FIXME: We may eventually want to make this extensible.

    // FIXME: We need a better way to ensure that this numbering stays
    // consistent with the order of the elements in the data_type enum in the
    // oct_data_conv class.

    // Expose this in a future version?
    size_t char_count = 0;

    ptrdiff_t tmp_count = 0;

        get_size (size, nr, nc, one_elt_size_spec, "fread");
    catch (const execution_exception&)
        invalid_operation ("fread", "reading");

        return retval;

    if (one_elt_size_spec)
        // If NR == 0, Matlab returns [](0x0).

        // If NR > 0, the result will be a column vector with the given
        // number of rows.

        // If NR < 0, then we have Inf and the result will be a column
        // vector but we have to wait to see how big NR will be.

        if (nr == 0)
          nr = nc = 0;
          nc = 1;
        // Matlab returns [] even if there are two elements in the size
        // specification and one is nonzero.

        // If NC < 0 we have [NR, Inf] and we'll wait to decide how big NC
        // should be.

        if (nr == 0 || nc == 0)
          nr = nc = 0;

    octave_idx_type elts_to_read = nr * nc;

    bool read_to_eof = elts_to_read < 0;

    octave_idx_type input_buf_elts = -1;

    if (skip == 0)
        if (read_to_eof)
          input_buf_elts = 1024 * 1024;
          input_buf_elts = elts_to_read;
      input_buf_elts = block_size;

    octave_idx_type input_elt_size
      = oct_data_conv::data_type_size (input_type);

    ptrdiff_t input_buf_size =
      static_cast<ptrdiff_t> (input_buf_elts) * input_elt_size;

    assert (input_buf_size >= 0);

    // Must also work and return correct type object for 0 elements to read.
    std::istream *isp = input_stream ();

    if (! isp)
      error ("fread: invalid input stream");
        std::istream& is = *isp;

        // Initialize eof_pos variable just once per function call
        off_t eof_pos = 0;
        off_t cur_pos = 0;
        if (skip != 0 && is && ! is.eof ())
            cur_pos = is.tellg ();
            is.seekg (0, is.end);
            eof_pos = is.tellg ();
            is.seekg (cur_pos, is.beg);

        std::list<void *> input_buf_list;

        while (is && ! is.eof ()
               && (read_to_eof || tmp_count < elts_to_read))
            if (! read_to_eof)
                octave_idx_type remaining_elts = elts_to_read - tmp_count;

                if (remaining_elts < input_buf_elts)
                  input_buf_size = remaining_elts * input_elt_size;

            char *input_buf = new char [input_buf_size];

   (input_buf, input_buf_size);

            size_t gcount = is.gcount ();

            char_count += gcount;
            cur_pos += gcount;

            octave_idx_type nel = gcount / input_elt_size;

            tmp_count += nel;

            input_buf_list.push_back (input_buf);

            if (skip != 0 && nel == block_size && is)
                // Attempt to skip.
                // If skip would move past EOF, position at EOF.
                off_t remaining = eof_pos - cur_pos;

                if (remaining < skip)
                    is.seekg (0, is.end);
                    cur_pos = eof_pos;
                    is.seekg (skip, is.cur);
                    cur_pos += skip;

        if (read_to_eof)
            if (nc < 0)
                nc = tmp_count / nr;

                if (tmp_count % nr != 0)
              nr = tmp_count;
        else if (tmp_count == 0)
            nr = 0;
            nc = 0;
        else if (tmp_count != nr * nc)
            if (tmp_count % nr != 0)
              nc = tmp_count / nr + 1;
              nc = tmp_count / nr;

            if (tmp_count < nr)
              nr = tmp_count;

        if (tmp_count > std::numeric_limits<octave_idx_type>::max ())
          error ("fread: number of elements read exceeds max index size");
          count = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (tmp_count);

        retval = finalize_read (input_buf_list, input_buf_elts, count,
                                nr, nc, input_type, output_type, ffmt);

    return retval;

  stream::write (const octave_value& data, octave_idx_type block_size,
                 oct_data_conv::data_type output_type,
                 octave_idx_type skip, mach_info::float_format flt_fmt)
    octave_idx_type retval = -1;

    if (! stream_ok ())
      invalid_operation ("fwrite", "writing");
        if (flt_fmt == mach_info::flt_fmt_unknown)
          flt_fmt = float_format ();

        octave_idx_type status = data.write (*this, block_size, output_type,
                                             skip, flt_fmt);

        if (status < 0)
          error ("fwrite: write error");
          retval = status;

    return retval;

  template <typename T, typename V>
  static void
  convert_chars (const void *data, void *conv_data, octave_idx_type n_elts)
    const T *tt_data = static_cast<const T *> (data);

    V *vt_data = static_cast<V *> (conv_data);

    for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n_elts; i++)
      vt_data[i] = tt_data[i];

  template <typename T, typename V>
  static void
  convert_ints (const T *data, void *conv_data, octave_idx_type n_elts,
                bool swap)
    typedef typename V::val_type val_type;

    val_type *vt_data = static_cast<val_type *> (conv_data);

    for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n_elts; i++)
        // Yes, we want saturation semantics when converting to an integer type.
        V val (data[i]);

        vt_data[i] = val.value ();

        if (swap)
          swap_bytes<sizeof (val_type)> (&vt_data[i]);

  template <typename T>
  class ultimate_element_type
    typedef T type;

  template <typename T>
  class ultimate_element_type<octave_int<T>>
    typedef T type;

  template <typename T>
  static bool
  convert_data (const T *data, void *conv_data, octave_idx_type n_elts,
                oct_data_conv::data_type output_type,
                mach_info::float_format flt_fmt)
    bool retval = true;

    bool swap = false;

    if (mach_info::words_big_endian ())
      swap = (flt_fmt == mach_info::flt_fmt_ieee_little_endian);
      swap = (flt_fmt == mach_info::flt_fmt_ieee_big_endian);

    bool do_float_conversion = flt_fmt != mach_info::float_format ();

    typedef typename ultimate_element_type<T>::type ult_elt_type;

    switch (output_type)
      case oct_data_conv::dt_char:
        convert_chars<ult_elt_type, char> (data, conv_data, n_elts);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_schar:
        convert_chars<ult_elt_type, signed char> (data, conv_data, n_elts);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_uchar:
        convert_chars<ult_elt_type, unsigned char> (data, conv_data, n_elts);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_int8:
        convert_ints<T, octave_int8> (data, conv_data, n_elts, swap);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_uint8:
        convert_ints<T, octave_uint8> (data, conv_data, n_elts, swap);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_int16:
        convert_ints<T, octave_int16> (data, conv_data, n_elts, swap);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_uint16:
        convert_ints<T, octave_uint16> (data, conv_data, n_elts, swap);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_int32:
        convert_ints<T, octave_int32> (data, conv_data, n_elts, swap);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_uint32:
        convert_ints<T, octave_uint32> (data, conv_data, n_elts, swap);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_int64:
        convert_ints<T, octave_int64> (data, conv_data, n_elts, swap);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_uint64:
        convert_ints<T, octave_uint64> (data, conv_data, n_elts, swap);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_single:
          float *vt_data = static_cast<float *> (conv_data);

          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n_elts; i++)
              vt_data[i] = data[i];

              if (do_float_conversion)
                do_float_format_conversion (&vt_data[i], 1, flt_fmt);

      case oct_data_conv::dt_double:
          double *vt_data = static_cast<double *> (conv_data);

          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n_elts; i++)
              vt_data[i] = data[i];

              if (do_float_conversion)
                do_double_format_conversion (&vt_data[i], 1, flt_fmt);

        ::error ("write: invalid type specification");

    return retval;

  stream::write_bytes (const void *data, size_t nbytes)
    bool status = false;

    std::ostream *osp = output_stream ();

    if (osp)
        std::ostream& os = *osp;

        if (os)
            os.write (static_cast<const char *> (data), nbytes);

            if (os)
              status = true;

    return status;

  stream::skip_bytes (size_t skip)
    bool status = false;

    std::ostream *osp = output_stream ();

    if (! osp)
      return false;

    std::ostream& os = *osp;

    // Seek to skip when inside bounds of existing file.
    // Otherwise, write NUL to skip.
    off_t orig_pos = tell ();

    seek (0, SEEK_END);

    off_t eof_pos = tell ();

    // Is it possible for this to fail to return us to the original position?
    seek (orig_pos, SEEK_SET);

    size_t remaining = eof_pos - orig_pos;

    if (remaining < skip)
        seek (0, SEEK_END);

        // FIXME: probably should try to write larger blocks...
        unsigned char zero = 0;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < skip - remaining; j++)
          os.write (reinterpret_cast<const char *> (&zero), 1);
      seek (skip, SEEK_CUR);

    if (os)
      status = true;

    return status;

  template <typename T>
  stream::write (const Array<T>& data, octave_idx_type block_size,
                 oct_data_conv::data_type output_type,
                 octave_idx_type skip,
                 mach_info::float_format flt_fmt)
    bool swap = false;

    if (mach_info::words_big_endian ())
      swap = (flt_fmt == mach_info::flt_fmt_ieee_little_endian);
      swap = (flt_fmt == mach_info::flt_fmt_ieee_big_endian);

    bool do_data_conversion = (swap || ! is_equivalent_type<T> (output_type)
                               || flt_fmt != mach_info::float_format ());

    octave_idx_type nel = data.numel ();

    octave_idx_type chunk_size;

    if (skip != 0)
      chunk_size = block_size;
    else if (do_data_conversion)
      chunk_size = 1024 * 1024;
      chunk_size = nel;

    octave_idx_type i = 0;

    const T *pdata = ();

    while (i < nel)
        if (skip != 0)
            if (! skip_bytes (skip))
              return -1;

        octave_idx_type remaining_nel = nel - i;

        if (chunk_size > remaining_nel)
          chunk_size = remaining_nel;

        bool status = false;

        if (do_data_conversion)
            size_t output_size
              = chunk_size * oct_data_conv::data_type_size (output_type);

            OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (unsigned char, conv_data, output_size);

            status = convert_data (&pdata[i], conv_data, chunk_size,
                                   output_type, flt_fmt);

            if (status)
              status = write_bytes (conv_data, output_size);
          status = write_bytes (pdata, sizeof (T) * chunk_size);

        if (! status)
          return -1;

        i += chunk_size;

    return nel;

#define INSTANTIATE_WRITE(T)                                            \
  template                                                              \
  octave_idx_type                                                       \
  stream::write (const Array<T>& data, octave_idx_type block_size,      \
                 oct_data_conv::data_type output_type,                  \
                 octave_idx_type skip,                                  \
                 mach_info::float_format flt_fmt)

  INSTANTIATE_WRITE (octave_int8);
  INSTANTIATE_WRITE (octave_uint8);
  INSTANTIATE_WRITE (octave_int16);
  INSTANTIATE_WRITE (octave_uint16);
  INSTANTIATE_WRITE (octave_int32);
  INSTANTIATE_WRITE (octave_uint32);
  INSTANTIATE_WRITE (octave_int64);
  INSTANTIATE_WRITE (octave_uint64);

  stream::scanf (const std::string& fmt, const Array<double>& size,
                 octave_idx_type& count, const std::string& who)
    octave_value retval;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->scanf (fmt, size, count, who);

    return retval;

  stream::scanf (const octave_value& fmt, const Array<double>& size,
                 octave_idx_type& count, const std::string& who)
    octave_value retval = Matrix ();

    if (fmt.is_string ())
        std::string sfmt = fmt.string_value ();

        if (fmt.is_sq_string ())
          sfmt = do_string_escapes (sfmt);

        retval = scanf (sfmt, size, count, who);
        // Note: error is member fcn from stream, not ::error.
        error (who + ": format must be a string");

    return retval;

  stream::oscanf (const std::string& fmt, const std::string& who)
    octave_value_list retval;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->oscanf (fmt, who);

    return retval;

  stream::oscanf (const octave_value& fmt, const std::string& who)
    octave_value_list retval;

    if (fmt.is_string ())
        std::string sfmt = fmt.string_value ();

        if (fmt.is_sq_string ())
          sfmt = do_string_escapes (sfmt);

        retval = oscanf (sfmt, who);
        // Note: error is member fcn from stream, not ::error.
        error (who + ": format must be a string");

    return retval;

  stream::textscan (const std::string& fmt, octave_idx_type ntimes,
                    const octave_value_list& options,
                    const std::string& who, octave_idx_type& count)
    return (stream_ok ()
            ? rep->do_textscan (fmt, ntimes, options, who, count)
            : octave_value ());

  stream::printf (const std::string& fmt, const octave_value_list& args,
                  const std::string& who)
    int retval = -1;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->printf (fmt, args, who);

    return retval;

  stream::printf (const octave_value& fmt, const octave_value_list& args,
                  const std::string& who)
    int retval = 0;

    if (fmt.is_string ())
        std::string sfmt = fmt.string_value ();

        if (fmt.is_sq_string ())
          sfmt = do_string_escapes (sfmt);

        retval = printf (sfmt, args, who);
        // Note: error is member fcn from stream, not ::error.
        error (who + ": format must be a string");

    return retval;

  stream::puts (const std::string& s, const std::string& who)
    int retval = -1;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->puts (s, who);

    return retval;

  // FIXME: maybe this should work for string arrays too.

  stream::puts (const octave_value& tc_s, const std::string& who)
    int retval = -1;

    if (tc_s.is_string ())
        std::string s = tc_s.string_value ();
        retval = puts (s, who);
        // Note: error is member fcn from stream, not ::error.
        error (who + ": argument must be a string");

    return retval;

  stream::eof (void) const
    int retval = -1;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->eof ();

    return retval;

  stream::error (bool clear, int& err_num)
    std::string retval = "invalid stream object";

    if (stream_ok (false))
      retval = rep->error (clear, err_num);

    return retval;

  stream::name (void) const
    std::string retval;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->name ();

    return retval;

  stream::mode (void) const
    int retval = 0;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->mode ();

    return retval;

  stream::float_format (void) const
    mach_info::float_format retval = mach_info::flt_fmt_unknown;

    if (stream_ok ())
      retval = rep->float_format ();

    return retval;

  stream::mode_as_string (int mode)
    std::string retval = "???";
    std::ios::openmode in_mode = static_cast<std::ios::openmode> (mode);

    if (in_mode == std::ios::in)
      retval = "r";
    else if (in_mode == std::ios::out
             || in_mode == (std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc))
      retval = "w";
    else if (in_mode == (std::ios::out | std::ios::app))
      retval = "a";
    else if (in_mode == (std::ios::in | std::ios::out))
      retval = "r+";
    else if (in_mode == (std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc))
      retval = "w+";
    else if (in_mode == (std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::ate))
      retval = "a+";
    else if (in_mode == (std::ios::in | std::ios::binary))
      retval = "rb";
    else if (in_mode == (std::ios::out | std::ios::binary)
             || in_mode == (std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary))
      retval = "wb";
    else if (in_mode == (std::ios::out | std::ios::app | std::ios::binary))
      retval = "ab";
    else if (in_mode == (std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary))
      retval = "r+b";
    else if (in_mode == (std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc
                         | std::ios::binary))
      retval = "w+b";
    else if (in_mode == (std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::ate
                         | std::ios::binary))
      retval = "a+b";

    return retval;

  stream_list::stream_list (interpreter& interp)
    : list (), lookup_cache (list.end ()), m_stdin_file (-1),
      m_stdout_file (-1), m_stderr_file (-1)
    stream stdin_stream = octave_istream::create (&std::cin, "stdin");

    // This uses octave_stdout (see pager.h), not std::cout so that
    // Octave's standard output stream will pass through the pager.

    // FIXME: we should be accessing octave_stdout from the interpreter.

    output_system& output_sys = interp.get_output_system ();

    stream stdout_stream
      = octave_ostream::create (&(output_sys.__stdout__ ()), "stdout");

    stream stderr_stream = octave_ostream::create (&std::cerr, "stderr");

    m_stdin_file = insert (stdin_stream);
    m_stdout_file = insert (stdout_stream);
    m_stderr_file = insert (stderr_stream);

  stream_list::~stream_list (void)
    clear ();

  int stream_list::insert (stream& os)
    // Insert item with key corresponding to file-descriptor.

    int stream_number = os.file_number ();

    if (stream_number == -1)
      return stream_number;

    // Should we test for
    //  (list.find (stream_number) != list.end ()
    //   && list[stream_number].is_open ())
    // and respond with "error ("internal error: ...")"?  It should not
    // happen except for some bug or if the user has opened a stream with
    // an interpreted command, but closed it directly with a system call
    // in an oct-file; then the kernel knows the fd is free, but Octave
    // does not know.  If it happens, it should not do harm here to simply
    // overwrite this entry, although the wrong entry might have done harm
    // before.

    if (list.size () >= list.max_size ())
      ::error ("could not create file id");

    list[stream_number] = os;

    return stream_number;

  err_invalid_file_id (int fid, const std::string& who)
    if (who.empty ())
      ::error ("invalid stream number = %d", fid);
      ::error ("%s: invalid stream number = %d", who.c_str (), fid);

  stream stream_list::lookup (int fid, const std::string& who) const
    stream retval;

    if (fid < 0)
      err_invalid_file_id (fid, who);

    if (lookup_cache != list.end () && lookup_cache->first == fid)
      retval = lookup_cache->second;
        ostrl_map::const_iterator iter = list.find (fid);

        if (iter == list.end ())
          err_invalid_file_id (fid, who);

        retval = iter->second;
        lookup_cache = iter;

    return retval;

  stream stream_list::lookup (const octave_value& fid,
                              const std::string& who) const
    int i = get_file_number (fid);

    return lookup (i, who);

  int stream_list::remove (int fid, const std::string& who)
    // Can't remove stdin (std::cin), stdout (std::cout), or stderr (std::cerr).
    if (fid < 3)
      err_invalid_file_id (fid, who);

    auto iter = list.find (fid);

    if (iter == list.end ())
      err_invalid_file_id (fid, who);

    stream os = iter->second;
    list.erase (iter);
    lookup_cache = list.end ();

    // FIXME: is this check redundant?
    if (! os.is_valid ())
      err_invalid_file_id (fid, who);

    os.close ();

    return 0;

  int stream_list::remove (const octave_value& fid, const std::string& who)
    int retval = -1;

    if (fid.is_string () && fid.string_value () == "all")
        clear (false);

        retval = 0;
        int i = get_file_number (fid);

        retval = remove (i, who);

    return retval;

  void stream_list::clear (bool flush)
    if (flush)
        // Flush stdout and stderr.
        list[1].flush ();
        list[2].flush ();

    for (auto iter = list.begin (); iter != list.end (); )
        int fid = iter->first;
        if (fid < 3)  // Don't delete stdin, stdout, stderr

        stream os = iter->second;

        std::string name = ();
        std::transform (name.begin (), name.end (), name.begin (), tolower);

        // FIXME: This test for gnuplot is hardly foolproof.
        if (name.find ("gnuplot") != std::string::npos)
            // Don't close down pipes to gnuplot

        // Normal file handle.  Close and delete from list.
        if (os.is_valid ())
          os.close ();

        list.erase (iter++);

    lookup_cache = list.end ();

  string_vector stream_list::get_info (int fid) const
    string_vector retval (4);

    if (fid < 0)
      return retval;

    stream os;
    if (lookup_cache != list.end () && lookup_cache->first == fid)
      os = lookup_cache->second;
        ostrl_map::const_iterator iter = list.find (fid);

        if (iter == list.end ())
          return retval;

        os = iter->second;
        lookup_cache = iter;

    if (! os.is_valid ())
      return retval;

    retval(0) = ();
    retval(1) = stream::mode_as_string (os.mode ());
    retval(2) = mach_info::float_format_as_string (os.float_format ());
    retval(3) = os.encoding ();

    return retval;

  string_vector stream_list::get_info (const octave_value& fid) const
    int conv_err = 0;

    if (fid.is_single_type ())
      ::error ("file id must be a file object or integer value");

    int int_fid = convert_to_valid_int (fid, conv_err);

    if (conv_err)
      ::error ("file id must be a file object or integer value");

    return get_info (int_fid);

  std::string stream_list::list_open_files (void) const
    std::ostringstream buf;

    buf << "\n"
        << "  number  mode  arch       name\n"
        << "  ------  ----  ----       ----\n";

    for (const auto& fid_strm : list)
        stream os = fid_strm.second;

        buf << "  "
            << std::setiosflags (std::ios::right)
            << std::setw (4) << fid_strm.first << "     "
          // reset necessary in addition to setiosflags since this is one stmt.
            << std::resetiosflags (std::ios::adjustfield)
            << std::setiosflags (std::ios::left)
            << std::setw (3)
            << stream::mode_as_string (os.mode ())
            << "  "
            << std::setw (9)
            << mach_info::float_format_as_string (os.float_format ())
            << "  "
            << () << "\n";

    buf << "\n";

    return buf.str ();

  octave_value stream_list::open_file_numbers (void) const
    Matrix retval (1, list.size (), 0.0);

    int num_open = 0;

    for (const auto& fid_strm : list)
        // Skip stdin, stdout, and stderr.
        if (fid_strm.first > 2 && fid_strm.second)
          retval(0, num_open++) = fid_strm.first;

    retval.resize ((num_open > 0), num_open);

    return retval;

  int stream_list::get_file_number (const octave_value& fid) const
    int retval = -1;

    if (fid.is_string ())
        std::string nm = fid.string_value ();

        for (const auto& fid_strm : list)
            // stdin, stdout, and stderr are unnamed.
            if (fid_strm.first > 2)
                stream os = fid_strm.second;

                if (os && () == nm)
                    retval = fid_strm.first;
    else if (fid.is_single_type ())
      ::error ("file id must be a file object, std::string, or integer value");
        int conv_err = 0;

        int int_fid = convert_to_valid_int (fid, conv_err);

        if (conv_err)
          ::error ("file id must be a file object, std::string, or integer value");

        retval = int_fid;

    return retval;

  octave_value stream_list::stdin_file (void) const
    return octave_value (m_stdin_file);

  octave_value stream_list::stdout_file (void) const
    return octave_value (m_stdout_file);

  octave_value stream_list::stderr_file (void) const
    return octave_value (m_stderr_file);