view scripts/strings/validatestring.m @ 27985:9f9ac219896d

maint: Remove remaining "Author:" instances from code base. *,,,, xnorm.h, cconv2.f, cdotc3.f, cmatm3.f, csconv2.f, dconv2.f, ddot3.f, dmatm3.f, sconv2.f, sdot3.f, smatm3.f, zconv2.f, zdconv2.f, zdotc3.f, zmatm3.f, crsf2csf.f, zrsf2csf.f,, oct-norm.h, lin2mu.m, mu2lin.m, bincoeff.m, blkdiag.m, deal.m, gradient.m, interpft.m, nextpow2.m, postpad.m, prepad.m, repmat.m, shift.m, xor.m, griddata.m, rotx.m, roty.m, rotz.m, voronoin.m, getappdata.m, isappdata.m, rmappdata.m, setappdata.m, colormap.m, gray.m, gray2ind.m, im2double.m, image.m, imagesc.m, imread.m, imshow.m, ind2gray.m, ind2rgb.m, ocean.m, __imread__.m, rgb2ind.m, javachk.m,, usejava.m, findstr.m, commutation_matrix.m, cross.m, gls.m, housh.m, isdefinite.m, ishermitian.m, issymmetric.m, logm.m, null.m, ols.m, orth.m, qzhess.m, rref.m, dos.m, nargoutchk.m, orderfields.m, parseparams.m, __w2mpth__.m, unix.m, untar.m, unzip.m, expand_rel_paths.m, make_rel_paths.m, daspect.m, orient.m, pbaspect.m, rticks.m, thetaticks.m, xticklabels.m, xticks.m, yticklabels.m, yticks.m, zticklabels.m, zticks.m, comet.m, contourf.m, plot3.m, cla.m, copyobj.m, findfigs.m, hdl2struct.m, linkaxes.m, __ghostscript__.m, __gnuplot_get_var__.m, __gnuplot_has_feature__.m, __gnuplot_has_terminal__.m, __gnuplot_open_stream__.m, __gnuplot_print__.m, struct2hdl.m, subplot.m, compan.m, conv.m, deconv.m, mpoles.m, poly.m, polyder.m, polyfit.m, polyint.m, polyout.m, polyreduce.m, polyval.m, polyvalm.m, residue.m, roots.m, ismember.m, __parse_movargs__.m, detrend.m, fftconv.m, fftfilt.m, fftshift.m, filter2.m, movfun.m, movslice.m, ichol.m, pcg.m, beta.m, ellipke.m, lcm.m, nchoosek.m, pow2.m, primes.m, pascal.m, rosser.m, wilkinson.m, corr.m, kurtosis.m, skewness.m, base2dec.m, bin2dec.m, blanks.m, deblank.m, dec2base.m, dec2bin.m, dec2hex.m, hex2dec.m, index.m, rindex.m, strjoin.m, substr.m, untabify.m, calendar.m, datestr.m, eomday.m, now.m, weekday.m: Remove remaining "Author:" instances from code base.
author Rik <>
date Tue, 21 Jan 2020 14:35:03 -0800
parents a4268efb7334
children d3c1e6f5ac85 0a5b15007766
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2008-2020 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {@var{validstr} =} validatestring (@var{str}, @var{strarray})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{validstr} =} validatestring (@var{str}, @var{strarray}, @var{funcname})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{validstr} =} validatestring (@var{str}, @var{strarray}, @var{funcname}, @var{varname})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{validstr} =} validatestring (@dots{}, @var{position})
## Verify that @var{str} is an element, or substring of an element, in
## @var{strarray}.
## When @var{str} is a character string to be tested, and @var{strarray} is a
## cellstr of valid values, then @var{validstr} will be the validated form
## of @var{str} where validation is defined as @var{str} being a member
## or substring of @var{validstr}.  This is useful for both verifying
## and expanding short options, such as @qcode{"r"}, to their longer forms,
## such as @qcode{"red"}.  If @var{str} is a substring of @var{validstr}, and
## there are multiple matches, the shortest match will be returned if all
## matches are substrings of each other.  Otherwise, an error will be raised
## because the expansion of @var{str} is ambiguous.  All comparisons are case
## insensitive.
## The additional inputs @var{funcname}, @var{varname}, and @var{position}
## are optional and will make any generated validation error message more
## specific.
## Examples:
## @c Set example in small font to prevent overfull line
## @smallexample
## @group
## validatestring ("r", @{"red", "green", "blue"@})
## @result{} "red"
## validatestring ("b", @{"red", "green", "blue", "black"@})
## @result{} error: validatestring: multiple unique matches were found for 'b':
##    blue, black
## @end group
## @end smallexample
## @seealso{strcmp, strcmpi, validateattributes, inputParser}
## @end deftypefn

function str = validatestring (str, strarray, varargin)

  if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 5)
    print_usage ();

  position = 0;
  ## Process input arguments
  if (! isempty (varargin) && isnumeric (varargin{end}))
    position = fix (varargin{end});
    varargin(end) = [];

  funcname = varname = "";
  char_idx = cellfun ("isclass", varargin, "char");
  n_chararg = sum (char_idx);
  if (n_chararg > 2)
    error ("validatestring: invalid number of character inputs (3)");
  elseif (n_chararg == 2)
    [funcname, varname] = deal (varargin{char_idx});
  elseif (n_chararg == 1)
    funcname = varargin{char_idx};

  ## Check the inputs
  if (! ischar (str))
    error ("validatestring: STR must be a character string");
  elseif (! isrow (str))
    error ("validatestring: STR must be a single row vector");
  elseif (! iscellstr (strarray))
    error ("validatestring: STRARRAY must be a cellstr");
  elseif (! isempty (funcname) && ! isrow (funcname))
    error ("validatestring: FUNCNAME must be a single row vector");
  elseif (! isempty (varname) && ! isrow (varname))
    error ("validatestring: VARNAME must be a single row vector");
  elseif (position < 0)
    error ("validatestring: POSITION must be >= 0");

  ## Make static part of error string that uses funcname, varname, and position
  errstr = "";
  if (! isempty (funcname))
    errstr = [funcname ": "];
  if (! isempty (varname))
    errstr = [errstr varname " "];
    errstr = sprintf ("%s'%s' ", errstr, str);
  if (position > 0)
    errstr = sprintf ("%s(argument #%i) ", errstr, position);

  matches = strncmpi (str, strarray(:), length (str));
  nmatches = sum (matches);
  if (nmatches == 0)
    error ("validatestring: %sdoes not match any of\n%s", errstr,
           sprintf ("%s, ", strarray{:})(1:end-2));
  elseif (nmatches == 1)
    str = strarray{matches};
    ## Are the matches substrings of each other?
    ## If true, choose the shortest.  If not, raise an error.
    match_idx = find (matches);
    match_len = cellfun ("length", strarray(match_idx));
    [min_len, min_idx] = min (match_len);
    short_str = strarray{match_idx(min_idx)};
    submatch = strncmpi (short_str, strarray(match_idx), min_len);
    if (all (submatch))
      str = short_str;
      error ("validatestring: %sallows multiple unique matches:\n%s",
             errstr, sprintf ("%s, ", strarray{match_idx})(1:end-2));


%!shared strarray
%! strarray = {"octave" "Oct" "octopus" "octaves"};
%!assert (validatestring ("octave", strarray), "octave")
%!assert (validatestring ("oct", strarray), "Oct")
%!assert (validatestring ("octa", strarray), "octave")
%! strarray = {"abc1" "def" "abc2"};
%!assert (validatestring ("d", strarray), "def")

%!error <'xyz' does not match any> validatestring ("xyz", strarray)
%!error <DUMMY_TEST: 'xyz' does not> validatestring ("xyz", strarray, "DUMMY_TEST")
%!error <DUMMY_TEST: DUMMY_VAR does> validatestring ("xyz", strarray, "DUMMY_TEST", "DUMMY_VAR")
%!error <DUMMY_TEST: DUMMY_VAR \(argument #5\) does> validatestring ("xyz", strarray, "DUMMY_TEST", "DUMMY_VAR", 5)
%!error <'abc' allows multiple unique matches> validatestring ("abc", strarray)

## Test input validation
%!error validatestring ("xyz")
%!error validatestring ("xyz", {"xyz"}, "3", "4", 5, 6)
%!error <invalid number of character inputs> validatestring ("xyz", {"xyz"}, "3", "4", "5")
%!error <STR must be a character string> validatestring (1, {"xyz"}, "3", "4", 5)
%!error <STR must be a single row vector> validatestring ("xyz".', {"xyz"}, "3", "4", 5)
%!error <STRARRAY must be a cellstr> validatestring ("xyz", "xyz", "3", "4", 5)
%!error <FUNCNAME must be a single row vector> validatestring ("xyz", {"xyz"}, "33".', "4", 5)
%!error <VARNAME must be a single row vector> validatestring ("xyz", {"xyz"}, "3", "44".', 5)
%!error <POSITION must be> validatestring ("xyz", {"xyz"}, "3", "4", -5)