view liboctave/array/dim-vector.h @ 21249:a032c6708f5c

fix filenames for distribution (bug #47122) * liboctave/operators/ (liboctafe_EXTRA_DIST): Fix names of mx-ops, smx-ops, vx-ops files.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Thu, 11 Feb 2016 17:05:47 -0500
parents 1473547f50f5
children dcee67d28570
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2003-2015 John W. Eaton
Copyirght (C) 2009, 2010 VZLU Prague

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see


#if ! defined (octave_dim_vector_h)
#define octave_dim_vector_h 1

#include "octave-config.h"

#include <cassert>
#include <limits>

#include <sstream>
#include <string>

#include "lo-error.h"
#include "lo-macros.h"
#include "oct-refcount.h"

//! Vector representing the dimensions (size) of an Array.
  A dim_vector is used to represent dimensions of an Array.  It is used
  on its constructor to specify its size, or when reshaping it.

  // Matrix with 10 rows and 20 columns.
  Matrix m Matrix (dim_vector (10, 20));

  // Change its size to 5 rows and 40 columns.
  Matrix m2 = m.reshape (dim_vector (5, 40));

  // Five dimensional Array of length 10, 20, 3, 8, 7 on each dimension.
  NDArray a (dim_vector (10, 20, 3, 8, 7));

  // Uninitialized array of same size as other.
  NDArray b (a.dims ());

  The main thing to understand about this class, is that methods such as
  ndims() and numel(), return the value for an Array of these dimensions,
  not the actual number of elements in the dim_vector.

  dim_vector d (10, 5, 3);
  octave_idx_type n = d.numel (); // returns 150
  octave_idx_type nd = d.ndims (); // returns 2

  ## Implementation details ##

  This implementation is more tricky than Array, but the big plus is that
  dim_vector requires only one allocation instead of two.  It is (slightly)
  patterned after GCC's basic_string implementation.  rep is a pointer to an
  array of memory, comprising count, length, and the data:

  rep --> <dims[0]>

  The inlines count(), ndims() recover this data from the rep.  Note
  that rep points to the beginning of dims to grant faster access
  (reinterpret_cast is assumed to be an inexpensive operation).


  octave_idx_type *rep;

  octave_idx_type& ndims (void) const { return rep[-1]; }

  octave_idx_type& count (void) const { return rep[-2]; }

  //! Construct a new rep with count = 1 and ndims given.

  static octave_idx_type *newrep (int ndims)
    octave_idx_type *r = new octave_idx_type [ndims + 2];

    *r++ = 1;
    *r++ = ndims;

    return r;

  //! Clone this->rep.

  octave_idx_type *clonerep (void)
    int l = ndims ();

    octave_idx_type *r = new octave_idx_type [l + 2];

    *r++ = 1;
    *r++ = l;

    for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
      r[i] = rep[i];

    return r;

  //! Clone and resize this->rep to length n, filling by given value.

  octave_idx_type *resizerep (int n, octave_idx_type fill_value)
    int l = ndims ();

    if (n < 2)
      n = 2;

    octave_idx_type *r = new octave_idx_type [n + 2];

    *r++ = 1;
    *r++ = n;

    if (l > n)
      l = n;

    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < l; j++)
      r[j] = rep[j];
    for (; j < n; j++)
      r[j] = fill_value;

    return r;

  //! Free the rep.

  void freerep (void)
    assert (count () == 0);
    delete [] (rep - 2);

  void make_unique (void)
    if (count () > 1)
        octave_idx_type *new_rep = clonerep ();

        if (OCTREFCOUNT_ATOMIC_DECREMENT(&(count())) == 0)
          freerep ();

        rep = new_rep;


// There are constructors for up to 7 dimensions initialized this way.
// More can be added if necessary.
#define ASSIGN_REP(i) rep[i] = d ## i;
#define DIM_VECTOR_CTOR(N) \
  dim_vector (OCT_MAKE_DECL_LIST (octave_idx_type, d, N)) \
    : rep (newrep (N)) \
  { \

  //! Construct dim_vector for 2 dimensional array.
    It can be used to construct a 2D array.  Example:

    dim_vector dv (7, 5);
    Matrix mat (dv);

    The constructed dim_vector @c dv will have two elements, @f$[7, 5]@f$,
    one for each dimension.  It can then be used to construct a Matrix
    with such dimensions, i.e., 7 rows and 5 columns.

    There are constructors available for up to 7 dimensions.  For a higher
    number of dimensions, use redim() or resize().

    Note that that there is no constructor for a 1 element dim_vector.
    This is because there are no 1 dimensional Array in liboctave.  Such
    constructor did exist in liboctave but was removed in version 4.0.0
    due to its potential for confusion.

  //! Construct dim_vector for 3 dimensional array.
    It can be used to construct a 3D array.  Example:

    NDArray A (dim_vector (7, 5, 4));

    This will construct a 3 dimensional NDArray of lengths 7, 5, and 4,
    on the first, second, and third dimension (rows, columns, and pages)

  //! Construct dim_vector for 4 dimensional array.
  //! @see dim_vector(octave_idx_type d0, octave_idx_type d1)
  //! Construct dim_vector for 5 dimensional array.
  //! @see dim_vector(octave_idx_type d0, octave_idx_type d1)
  //! Construct dim_vector for 6 dimensional array.
  //! @see dim_vector(octave_idx_type d0, octave_idx_type d1)
  //! Construct dim_vector for 7 dimensional array.
  //! @see dim_vector(octave_idx_type d0, octave_idx_type d1)


  octave_idx_type& elem (int i)
    assert (i >= 0 && i < ndims ());
    make_unique ();
    return rep[i];

  octave_idx_type elem (int i) const
    assert (i >= 0 && i < ndims ());
    return rep[i];

  void chop_trailing_singletons (void)
    int l = ndims ();
    if (l > 2 && rep[l-1] == 1)
        make_unique ();
        while (l > 2 && rep[l-1] == 1);
        ndims () = l;

  void chop_all_singletons (void);

  // WARNING: Only call by jit
  octave_idx_type *to_jit (void) const
    return rep;


  static octave_idx_type *nil_rep (void)
    static dim_vector zv (0, 0);
    return zv.rep;


  static octave_idx_type dim_max (void);

  explicit dim_vector (void) : rep (nil_rep ())

  dim_vector (const dim_vector& dv) : rep (dv.rep)

  // FIXME: Should be private, but required by array constructor for jit
  explicit dim_vector (octave_idx_type *r) : rep (r) { }

  static dim_vector alloc (int n)
    return dim_vector (newrep (n < 2 ? 2 : n));

  dim_vector& operator = (const dim_vector& dv)
    if (&dv != this)
        if (OCTREFCOUNT_ATOMIC_DECREMENT (&(count())) == 0)
          freerep ();

        rep = dv.rep;

    return *this;

  ~dim_vector (void)
    if (OCTREFCOUNT_ATOMIC_DECREMENT (&(count())) == 0)
      freerep ();

  int length (void) const { return ndims (); }

  octave_idx_type& operator () (int i) { return elem (i); }

  octave_idx_type operator () (int i) const { return elem (i); }

  void resize (int n, int fill_value = 0)
    int len = length ();

    if (n != len)
        octave_idx_type *r = resizerep (n, fill_value);

        if (OCTREFCOUNT_ATOMIC_DECREMENT (&(count())) == 0)
          freerep ();

        rep = r;

  std::string str (char sep = 'x') const;

  bool all_zero (void) const
    bool retval = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < length (); i++)
        if (elem (i) != 0)
            retval = false;

    return retval;

  bool empty_2d (void) const
    return length () == 2 && (elem (0) == 0 || elem (1) == 0);

  bool zero_by_zero (void) const
    return length () == 2 && elem (0) == 0 && elem (1) == 0;

  bool any_zero (void) const
    bool retval = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < length (); i++)
        if (elem (i) == 0)
            retval = true;

    return retval;

  int num_ones (void) const;

  bool all_ones (void) const
    return (num_ones () == length ());

  //! Number of elements that a matrix with this dimensions would have.
     Return the number of elements that a matrix with this dimension
     vector would have, NOT the number of dimensions (elements in the
     dimension vector).

  octave_idx_type numel (int n = 0) const
    int n_dims = length ();

    octave_idx_type retval = 1;

    for (int i = n; i < n_dims; i++)
      retval *= elem (i);

    return retval;

     The following function will throw a std::bad_alloc ()
     exception if the requested size is larger than can be indexed by
     octave_idx_type. This may be smaller than the actual amount of
     memory that can be safely allocated on a system.  However, if we
     don't fail here, we can end up with a mysterious crash inside a
     function that is iterating over an array using octave_idx_type

  octave_idx_type safe_numel (void) const;

  bool any_neg (void) const
    int n_dims = length ();
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < n_dims; i++)
      if (elem (i) < 0)

    return i < n_dims;

  dim_vector squeeze (void) const;

  //! This corresponds to cat().
  bool concat (const dim_vector& dvb, int dim);

  //! This corresponds to [,] (horzcat, dim = 0) and [;] (vertcat, dim = 1).
  // The rules are more relaxed here.
  bool hvcat (const dim_vector& dvb, int dim);

      Force certain dimensionality, preserving numel ().  Missing
      dimensions are set to 1, redundant are folded into the trailing
      one.  If n = 1, the result is 2d and the second dim is 1
      (dim_vectors are always at least 2D).
  dim_vector redim (int n) const;

  dim_vector as_column (void) const
    if (length () == 2 && elem (1) == 1)
      return *this;
      return dim_vector (numel (), 1);

  dim_vector as_row (void) const
    if (length () == 2 && elem (0) == 1)
      return *this;
      return dim_vector (1, numel ());

  bool is_vector (void) const
    return (length () == 2 && (elem (0) == 1 || elem (1) == 1));

  int first_non_singleton (int def = 0) const
    for (int i = 0; i < length (); i++)
        if (elem (i) != 1)
          return i;

    return def;

  //! Compute a linear index from an index tuple.

  octave_idx_type compute_index (const octave_idx_type *idx) const
    octave_idx_type k = 0;
    for (int i = length () - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      k = rep[i] * k + idx[i];

    return k;

  //! Ditto, but the tuple may be incomplete (nidx < length ()).

  octave_idx_type compute_index (const octave_idx_type *idx, int nidx) const
    octave_idx_type k = 0;
    for (int i = nidx - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      k = rep[i] * k + idx[i];

    return k;

      Increment a multi-dimensional index tuple, optionally starting
      from an offset position and return the index of the last index
      position that was changed, or length () if just cycled over.

  int increment_index (octave_idx_type *idx, int start = 0) const
    int i;
    for (i = start; i < length (); i++)
        if (++(*idx) == rep[i])
          *idx++ = 0;
    return i;

  //! Return cumulative dimensions.

  dim_vector cumulative (void) const
    int nd = length ();
    dim_vector retval = alloc (nd);

    octave_idx_type k = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < nd; i++)
      retval.rep[i] = k *= rep[i];

    return retval;

  //! Compute a linear index from an index tuple.  Dimensions are
  //! required to be cumulative.

  octave_idx_type cum_compute_index (const octave_idx_type *idx) const
    octave_idx_type k = idx[0];

    for (int i = 1; i < length (); i++)
      k += rep[i-1] * idx[i];

    return k;

  friend bool operator == (const dim_vector& a, const dim_vector& b);

inline bool
operator == (const dim_vector& a, const dim_vector& b)
  // Fast case.
  if (a.rep == b.rep)
    return true;

  bool retval = true;

  int a_len = a.length ();
  int b_len = b.length ();

  if (a_len != b_len)
    retval = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < a_len; i++)
          if (a(i) != b(i))
              retval = false;

  return retval;

inline bool
operator != (const dim_vector& a, const dim_vector& b)
  return ! operator == (a, b);
