view scripts/gui/waitbar.m @ 31253:a40c0b7aa376

maint: changes to follow Octave coding conventions. * Wrap lines to 72 chars. * Use two spaces after sentence ending period. * Use minimum of two spaces between code and start of comment. * MemoizedFunction.m: Change copyright date to 2022 since this is the year it was accepted into core. Don't wrap error() lines to 80 chars. Use newlines to improve readability of switch statements. Use minimum of two spaces between code and start of comment. * del2.m, integral.m, interp1.m, interp2.m, griddata.m, inpolygon.m, waitbar.m, cubehelix.m, ind2x.m, importdata.m, textread.m, logm.m, lighting.m, shading.m, xticklabels.m, yticklabels.m, zticklabels.m, colorbar.m, meshc.m, print.m, __gnuplot_draw_axes__.m, struct2hdl.m, ppval.m, ismember.m, iqr.m: Use a space between comment character '#' and start of comment. Use hyphen for adjectives describing dimensions such as "1-D". * vectorize.m, ode23s.m: Use is_function_handle() instead of "isa (x, "function_handle")" for clarity and performance. * clearAllMemoizedCaches.m: Change copyright date to 2022 since this is the year it was accepted into core. Remove input validation which is done by interpreter. Use two newlines between end of code and start of BIST tests. * memoize.m: Change copyright date to 2022 since this is the year it was accepted into core. Re-wrap documentation to 80 chars. Use is_function_handle() instead of "isa (x, "function_handle")" for clarity and performance. Use two newlines between end of code and start of BIST tests. Use semicolon for assert statements within %!test block. Re-write BIST tests for input validation. * __memoize__.m: Change copyright date to 2022 since this is the year it was accepted into core. Use spaces in for statements to improve readability. * unique.m: Add FIXME note to commented BIST test * dec2bin.m: Remove stray newline at end of file. * triplequad.m: Reduce doubly-commented BIST syntax using "#%!#" to "#%!". * delaunayn.m: Use input variable names in error() statements. Use minimum of two spaces between code and start of comment. Use hyphen for describing dimensions. Use two newlines between end of code and start of BIST tests. Update BIST tests to pass.
author Rik <>
date Mon, 03 Oct 2022 18:06:55 -0700
parents 796f54d4ddbf
children 597f3ee61a48
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2012-2022 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {@var{h} =} waitbar (@var{frac})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{h} =} waitbar (@var{frac}, @var{msg})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{h} =} waitbar (@dots{}, "createcancelbtn", @var{fcn}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{h} =} waitbar (@dots{}, @var{prop}, @var{val}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {} waitbar (@var{frac})
## @deftypefnx {} {} waitbar (@var{frac}, @var{h})
## @deftypefnx {} {} waitbar (@var{frac}, @var{h}, @var{msg})
## Return a handle @var{h} to a new progress indicator ("waitbar") object.
## The waitbar is filled to fraction @var{frac} which must be in the range
## [0, 1].
## The optional message @var{msg} is centered and displayed above the waitbar.
## A cancel button can be added to the bottom of the waitbar using the
## @qcode{"createcancelbtn"} property of waitbar figures.  The action to be
## executed when the user presses the button is specified using a string or
## function handle @var{fcn}.
## The appearance of the waitbar figure window can be configured by passing
## @var{prop}/@var{val} pairs to the function.  The full list of properties is
## documented at @ref{Figure Properties}.
## When called with a single input the current waitbar, if it exists, is
## updated to the new value @var{frac}.  If there are multiple outstanding
## waitbars they can be updated individually by passing the handle @var{h}
## of the specific waitbar to modify.
## @seealso{delete}
## @end deftypefn

function h = waitbar (varargin)

  persistent curr_waitbar;

  if (nargin < 1)
    print_usage ();

  frac = varargin{1};
  varargin(1) = [];

  if (! (isnumeric (frac) && isscalar (frac) && frac >= 0 && frac <= 1))
    error ("waitbar: FRAC must be between 0 and 1");

  ## Use existing waitbar if it still points to a valid graphics handle.
  if (nargin == 1 && ishghandle (curr_waitbar))
    hf = curr_waitbar;
    hf = false;

  if (! isempty (varargin) && isnumeric (varargin{1}))
    hf = varargin{1};
    varargin(1) = [];
    if (! isfigure (hf) || ! strcmp (get (hf, "tag"), "waitbar"))
      error ("waitbar: H must be a handle to a waitbar object");

  msg = false;

  if (! isempty (varargin))
    msg = varargin{1};
    varargin(1) = [];
    if (! (ischar (msg) || iscellstr (msg)))
      error ("waitbar: MSG must be a character string or cell array of strings");

  if (rem (numel (varargin), 2) != 0)
    error ("waitbar: invalid number of property/value pairs");

  if (hf)
    gd = get (hf, "__guidata__");
    ## Get the cached handles.
    ax = gd(1);
    hp = gd(2);

    set (hp, "xdata", [0; frac; frac; 0]);

    if (ischar (msg) || iscellstr (msg))
      th = get (ax, "title");
      curr_msg = get (th, "string");
      ## graphics handles always store data as column vectors
      if (iscellstr (msg))
        msg = msg(:);
      cmp = strcmp (msg, curr_msg);
      if (! all (cmp(:)))
        set (th, "string", msg);
    ## Save and restore current figure
    cf = get (0, "currentfigure");

    hf = figure ("units", "pixels",
                 "position", [250, 500, 400, 100],
                 "numbertitle", "off",
                 "menubar", "none", "toolbar", "none",
                 "integerhandle", "off",
                 "handlevisibility", "callback",
                 "tag", "waitbar");

    ax = axes ("parent", hf,
               "xtick", [], "ytick", [],
               "xlim", [0, 1], "ylim", [0, 1],
               "position", [0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.2]);

    ## Add createcancelbtn property
    addproperty ("createcancelbtn", hf, "figurebuttondownfcn");
    ## FIXME: Can't add listener because of bug #55963.
    ## addlistener (hf, "createcancelbtn", {@updatecancelbutton, ax});

    if (! isempty (varargin))
      set (hf, varargin{:});

    ## Add listener and create cancel button only after setting properties
    ## which could change "createcancelbtn" property (bug #55963).
    addlistener (hf, "createcancelbtn", {@updatecancelbutton, ax});
    if (any (strcmp ("createcancelbtn", varargin)))
      updatecancelbutton (hf, [], ax);

    hp = patch (ax, [0; frac; frac; 0], [0; 0; 1; 1], [0, 0.35, 0.75]);

    ## Cache the axes and patch handles.
    set (hf, "__guidata__", [ax, hp]);

    if (! (ischar (msg) || iscellstr (msg)))
      msg = "Please wait...";
    title (ax, msg);

    set (0, "currentfigure", cf);

  drawnow ();

  if (nargout > 0)
    h = hf;

  ## If there were no errors, update current waitbar.
  curr_waitbar = hf;


function updatecancelbutton (hf, ~, hax)

  if (! strcmp (get (hf, "__graphics_toolkit__"), "qt"))

  hbtn = findobj (hf, "type", "uicontrol", "-and", "style", "pushbutton");
  cb = get (hf, "createcancelbtn");
  if (! isempty (cb))
    if (isempty (hbtn))
      units = get (hax, "units");
      fpos = get (hf, "position");
      set (hax, "units", "pixels");
      apos = get (hax, "position");

      fpos(2) -= 40;
      fpos(4) += 40;
      apos(2) += 40;
      set (hf, "position", fpos);
      set (hax, "position", apos, "units", units);

      hbtn = uicontrol (hf, "style", "pushbutton", "string", "Cancel", ...
                            "position", [fpos(3)-100, 10, 60, 25], ...
                            "callback", cb);
      set (hbtn, "callback", cb);
  elseif (! isempty (hbtn))
    delete (hbtn);
    units = get (hax, "units");
    fpos = get (hf, "position");
    set (hax, "units", "pixels");
    apos = get (hax, "position");

    fpos(2) += 40;
    fpos(4) -= 40;
    apos(2) -= 40;
    set (hf, "position", fpos);
    set (hax, "position", apos, "units", units);


%! h = waitbar (0, '0.00%');
%! for i = 0:0.01:1
%!   waitbar (i, h, sprintf ('%.2f%%', 100*i));
%!   if (strcmp (graphics_toolkit (), "qt"))
%!     pause (0.01);
%!   endif
%! endfor
%! close (h);

%! h = waitbar (0, 'please wait...');
%! for i = 0:0.01:0.6
%!   waitbar (i);
%!   if (strcmp (graphics_toolkit (), "qt"))
%!     pause (0.01);
%!   endif
%! endfor
%! i = 0.3;
%! waitbar (i, h, 'don''t you hate taking a step backward?');
%! pause (0.5);
%! for i = i:0.005:0.7
%!   waitbar (i, h);
%!   if (strcmp (graphics_toolkit (), "qt"))
%!     pause (0.01);
%!   endif
%! endfor
%! waitbar (i, h, 'or stalling?');
%! pause (1);
%! for i = i:0.003:0.85
%!   waitbar (i, h, 'just a little longer now');
%!   if (strcmp (graphics_toolkit (), "qt"))
%!     pause (0.01);
%!   endif
%! endfor
%! for i = i:0.001:1
%!   waitbar (i, h, 'please don''t be impatient');
%!   if (strcmp (graphics_toolkit (), "qt"))
%!     pause (0.01);
%!   endif
%! endfor
%! close (h);

%! h1 = waitbar (0, 'Waitbar #1');
%! h2 = waitbar (0, 'Waitbar #2');
%! h2pos = get (h2, 'position');
%! h2pos(1) = h2pos(1) + (h2pos(3) + 50);
%! set (h2, 'position', h2pos);
%! pause (0.5);
%! for i = 1:4
%!   waitbar (i/4, h1);
%!   pause (0.5);
%!   waitbar (i/4, h2);
%!   pause (0.5);
%! endfor
%! pause (0.5);
%! close (h1);
%! close (h2);

%! clf ();
%! niter = 7;
%! l = 1;
%! xx = [0 l];
%! yy = [0 0];
%! hli = plot (xx, yy);
%! pos1 = get (gcf, "position");
%! disp ("Push the <cancel> button to stop the process.");
%! hf = waitbar (0,"0","Name","Building Koch curve ...",...
%!               "createcancelbtn", "setappdata (gcbf,'interrupt', true)");
%! pos2 = get (hf, "position");
%! set (hf, "position", [pos1(1)+(pos1(3)-pos2(3))/2, pos1(2)+pos1(4), pos2(3:4)]);
%! for ii = 1:niter
%!   ## Check cancel request
%!   if (! ishghandle (hf))
%!     break;
%!   elseif (getappdata (hf, "interrupt"))
%!     delete (hf);
%!     break;
%!   else
%!     waitbar (ii/niter, hf, sprintf ("Step %d/%d", ii, niter));
%!   endif
%!   ## Increasingly lengthy computation
%!   l /= 3;
%!   theta = angle (complex (diff (xx), diff (yy)));
%!   xy = @(th, x0, y0) [cos(th) -sin(th) x0
%!                       sin(th) cos(th) y0] * [0 l l*3/2      2*l;
%!                                              0 0 l*(3)^.5/2 0;
%!                                              1 1 1          1];
%!   tmp = arrayfun (xy, theta, xx(1:end-1), yy(1:end-1),
%!                   "uniformoutput", false);
%!   tmp = cell2mat (tmp);
%!   xx = [tmp(1,:) xx(end)];
%!   yy = [tmp(2,:) yy(end)];
%!   set (hli, "xdata", xx, "ydata", yy);
%!   drawnow ();
%!   pause (0.75);
%! endfor
%! if (ishghandle (hf))
%!   delete (hf);
%! endif

## Test input validation
%!error <FRAC must be between 0 and 1> waitbar (-0.5)
%!error <FRAC must be between 0 and 1> waitbar (1.5)
%!error <MSG must be a character string> waitbar (0.5, struct ())
%!error <invalid number of property/value pairs> waitbar (0.5, "msg", "Name")