view scripts/plot/draw/private/__interp_cube__.m @ 27978:a4268efb7334

maint: Eliminate single "Author:" lines from code base. *, color-picker.h,, octave-qscintilla.h,, octave-txt-lexer.h,,,,,,,,,, jit-ir.h,, jit-typeinfo.h,, jit-util.h,, pt-jit.h,, bsxfun.h,, url-transfer.h, acosd.m, acotd.m, acscd.m, asecd.m, asind.m, atand.m, cosd.m, cotd.m, cscd.m, secd.m, sind.m, tand.m, cart2pol.m, cart2sph.m, curl.m, del2.m, divergence.m, flip.m, pol2cart.m, randi.m, sortrows.m, sph2cart.m, griddata3.m, griddatan.m, rectint.m, voronoi.m, dialog.m, guidata.m, guihandles.m, __file_filter__.m, __fltk_file_filter__.m, __get_funcname__.m, __is_function__.m, __uigetdir_fltk__.m, __uigetfile_fltk__.m, __uiobject_split_args__.m, __uiputfile_fltk__.m, uibuttongroup.m, uicontextmenu.m, uicontrol.m, uigetdir.m, uigetfile.m, uimenu.m, uipanel.m, uipushtool.m, uiputfile.m, uiresume.m, uitoggletool.m, uitoolbar.m, uiwait.m, doc.m, autumn.m, bone.m, cmpermute.m, cmunique.m, cool.m, copper.m, cubehelix.m, flag.m, frame2im.m, hot.m, hsv.m, hsv2rgb.m, im2frame.m, imfinfo.m, imformats.m, iscolormap.m, jet.m, pink.m, prism.m, __imfinfo__.m, rainbow.m, rgb2hsv.m, spinmap.m, spring.m, viridis.m, white.m, winter.m, importdata.m, strmatch.m, bandwidth.m, isbanded.m, isdiag.m, istril.m, istriu.m, krylov.m, linsolve.m, logm.m, lscov.m, subspace.m, bunzip2.m, compare_versions.m, edit.m, fullfile.m, getfield.m, gunzip.m, inputParser.m, license.m, nargchk.m, narginchk.m, nthargout.m, python.m, setfield.m, tar.m, unpack.m, ver.m, zip.m, odeplot.m, fminbnd.m, fminunc.m, fsolve.m, fzero.m, glpk.m, humps.m, pathdef.m, savepath.m, diffuse.m, lighting.m, material.m, shading.m, specular.m, contour.m, ellipsoid.m, isocaps.m, isocolors.m, isonormals.m, isosurface.m, light.m, pcolor.m, __interp_cube__.m, __marching_cube__.m, __patch__.m, __stem__.m, reducepatch.m, reducevolume.m, ribbon.m, shrinkfaces.m, slice.m, stem.m, surf.m, surfl.m, tetramesh.m, waterfall.m, __actual_axis_position__.m, __next_line_color__.m, allchild.m, figure.m, findall.m, findobj.m, gcf.m, hggroup.m, isprop.m, ndgrid.m, __add_default_menu__.m, saveas.m, __splinefit__.m, prefdir.m, preferences.m, profexplore.m, profexport.m, profile.m, profshow.m, setdiff.m, freqz.m, freqz_plot.m, sinc.m, unwrap.m, pcr.m, qmr.m, sprandn.m, betaincinv.m, cosint.m, ellipke.m, factor.m, gammaincinv.m, legendre.m, nchoosek.m, primes.m, invhilb.m, toeplitz.m, erase.m, mat2str.m, strtrim.m, validatestring.m, fail.m, compare_plot_demos.m, dump_demos.m, html_compare_plot_demos.m, addtodate.m, datenum.m, jit.tst: Eliminate single "Author:" lines from code base.
author Rik <>
date Tue, 21 Jan 2020 12:53:13 -0800
parents bd51beb6205e
children 0a5b15007766
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2009-2020 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.
## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {} {[@var{vxyz}, @var{idx}, @var{frac}] =} __interp_cube__ (@var{caller}, @var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}, @var{val}, @var{v}, @var{req})
## Undocumented internal function.
## @end deftypefn

function [Vxyz, idx, frac] = __interp_cube__ (caller, x, y, z, val, v,
                                              req = "values")

  if (isnumeric (x) && ndims (x) == 3 && isnumeric (y) && isnumeric (z)
      && size_equal (x, y, z, val))
    x = squeeze (x(1,:,1))(:);
    y = squeeze (y(:,1,1))(:);
    z = squeeze (z(1,1,:))(:);
  elseif (isvector (x) && isvector (y) && isvector (z))
    x = x(:);
    y = y(:);
    z = z(:);
    error ([caller ": X, Y, Z have unequal dimensions"]);

  if (size (val) != [length(x), length(y), length(z)])
    error ([caller ": VAL dimensions must match those of X, Y, and Z"]);
  if (columns (v) != 3)
    error ([caller ": V must be an Nx3 matrix"]);

  if (isempty (v))
    Vxyz = idx = frac = [];

  switch (req)
    case "normals"
      [idx, frac] = cube_idx (x, y, z, v);

      dx = x(2:end) - x(1:end-1);
      dy = y(2:end) - y(1:end-1);
      dz = z(2:end) - z(1:end-1);
      dx = 0.5 .* [dx;dx(end)](idx(:,2));
      dy = 0.5 .* [dy;dy(end)](idx(:,1));
      dz = 0.5 .* [dz;dz(end)](idx(:,3));

      p000 = [v(:, 1) - dx, v(:, 2) - dy, v(:, 3) - dz];
      p100 = [v(:, 1) + dx, v(:, 2) - dy, v(:, 3) - dz];
      p010 = [v(:, 1) - dx, v(:, 2) + dy, v(:, 3) - dz];
      p001 = [v(:, 1) - dx, v(:, 2) - dy, v(:, 3) + dz];
      p011 = [v(:, 1) - dx, v(:, 2) + dy, v(:, 3) + dz];
      p101 = [v(:, 1) + dx, v(:, 2) - dy, v(:, 3) + dz];
      p110 = [v(:, 1) + dx, v(:, 2) + dy, v(:, 3) - dz];
      p111 = [v(:, 1) + dx, v(:, 2) + dy, v(:, 3) + dz];

      v000 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p000);
      v100 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p100);
      v010 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p010);
      v001 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p001);
      v011 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p011);
      v101 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p101);
      v110 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p110);
      v111 = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, p111);

      Dx = -v000 .+ v100 .- v010 .- v001 .- v011 .+ v101 .+ v110 .+ v111;
      Dy = -v000 .- v100 .+ v010 .- v001 .+ v011 .- v101 .+ v110 .+ v111;
      Dz = -v000 .- v100 .- v010 .+ v001 .+ v011 .+ v101 .- v110 .+ v111;
      Vxyz = 0.5 .* [Dx./dx, Dy./dy, Dz./dz];

    case "normals8"
      [idx, frac] = cube_idx (x, y, z, v);

      dx = x(2:end) - x(1:end-1);
      dy = y(2:end) - y(1:end-1);
      dz = z(2:end) - z(1:end-1);
      dx = [dx;dx(end)](idx(:,2));
      dy = [dy;dy(end)](idx(:,1));
      dz = [dz;dz(end)](idx(:,3));
      [Dx, Dy, Dz, idx, frac] = interp_cube_trilin_grad (x, y, z, val, v);
      Vxyz = [Dx./dx, Dy./dy, Dz./dz];

    case "values"
      [Vxyz, idx, frac] = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, v);

     error ([caller ': Invalid request type "%s", use "values", "normals" or "normals8"'], req);



function [Vxyz, idx, frac] = interp_cube_trilin (x, y, z, val, v)

  [idx, frac] = cube_idx (x(:), y(:), z(:), v);
  sval = size (val);
  i000 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3));
  i100 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3));
  i010 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3));
  i001 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3)+1);
  i101 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3)+1);
  i011 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3)+1);
  i110 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3));
  i111 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3)+1 );
  Bx = frac(:, 1);
  By = frac(:, 2);
  Bz = frac(:, 3);
  Vxyz = ...
    val( i000 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* (1 .- By) .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i100 ) .* Bx .* (1 .- By) .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i010 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* By .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i001 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* (1 .- By) .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i011 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* By .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i101 ) .* Bx .* (1 .- By) .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i110 ) .* Bx .* By .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i111 ) .* Bx .* By .* Bz;


function [Dx, Dy, Dz, idx, frac] = interp_cube_trilin_grad (x, y, z, val, v)

  [idx, frac] = cube_idx (x(:), y(:), z(:), v);
  sval = size (val);
  i000 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3));
  i100 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3));
  i010 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3));
  i001 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3)+1);
  i101 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2), idx(:, 3)+1);
  i011 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1), idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3)+1);
  i110 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3));
  i111 = sub2ind (sval, idx(:, 1)+1, idx(:, 2)+1, idx(:, 3)+1 );
  Bx = frac(:, 1);
  By = frac(:, 2);
  Bz = frac(:, 3);
  Dx = ...
    val( i000 ) .* -1 .* (1 .- By) .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i100 ) .* (1 .- By) .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i010 ) .* -1 .* By .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i001 ) .* -1 .* (1 .- By) .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i011 ) .* -1 .* By .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i101 ) .* (1 .- By) .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i110 ) .* By .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i111 ) .* By .* Bz;
  Dy = ...
    val( i000 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* -1 .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i100 ) .* Bx .* -1 .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i010 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i001 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* -1 .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i011 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i101 ) .* Bx .* -1 .* Bz .+ ...
    val( i110 ) .* Bx .* (1 .- Bz) .+ ...
    val( i111 ) .* Bx .* Bz;
  Dz = ...
    val( i000 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* (1 .- By) .* -1 .+ ...
    val( i100 ) .* Bx .* (1 .- By) .* -1 .+ ...
    val( i010 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* By .* -1 .+ ...
    val( i001 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* (1 .- By) .+ ...
    val( i011 ) .* (1 .- Bx) .* By + ...
    val( i101 ) .* Bx .* (1 .- By) .+ ...
    val( i110 ) .* Bx .* By .* -1 .+ ...
    val( i111 ) .* Bx .* By;


function [idx, frac] = cube_idx (x, y, z, v)

  idx = zeros (size (v));
  frac = zeros (size (v));
  idx(:, 2) = lookup (x(2:end-1), v(:, 1)) + 1;
  frac(:, 2) = (v(:, 1) - x(idx(:, 2)) )...
      ./ (x(idx(:, 2)+1) - x(idx(:, 2)));
  idx(:, 1) = lookup (y(2:end-1), v(:, 2)) + 1;
  frac(:, 1) = (v(:, 2) - y(idx(:, 1))) ...
      ./ (y(idx(:, 1)+1) - y(idx(:, 1)));
  idx(:, 3) = lookup (z(2:end-1), v(:, 3)) + 1;
  frac(:, 3) = (v(:, 3) - z(idx(:, 3))) ...
      ./ (z(idx(:, 3)+1) - z(idx(:, 3)));
