view libgui/src/ @ 31619:ad014fc78bd6

use individual local gui_settings objects Previously, we created a single gui_settings object (derived from QSettings) and accessed it from the resource_manager object. That design is not necessary and is not the way QSettings was designed to be used. Instead of managing a single object, we should be using individual QSettings objects where needed. Each individual QSettings object manages thread-safe access to a single global collection of settings. The Qt docs say that operations on QSettings are not thread safe, but that means that you can't create a QSettings object in one thread and use it in another without some locking. I'm not sure whether we were doing that correctly, but with this change it no longer matters. Each QSettings object does perform locking when reading or writing the underlying global data. * resource-manager.h, (resource_manager::m_settings): Delete data member. (resource_manager::get_settings): Delete. *,, QTerminal.h,, command-widget.h,,,, documentation-bookmarks.h,, documentation-dock-widget.h,, documentation.h,, dw-main-window.h,,, files-dock-widget.h,,, history-dock-widget.h, file-editor-interface.h,, file-editor-tab.h,, file-editor.h,,,, main-window.h,,, octave-dock-widget.h,, qt-interpreter-events.h,,, resource-manager.h,,, settings-dialog.h,, shortcut-manager.h,, terminal-dock-widget.h,, variable-editor.h,,, workspace-model.h, Use local gui_settings objects instead of accessing a pointer to a single gui_settings object owned by the resource_manager object.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Fri, 02 Dec 2022 14:23:53 -0500
parents 4869dc33405a
children 0645ea65ca6b
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2011-2022 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include <QApplication>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QCompleter>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QSizePolicy>
#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QUrl>

#include "files-dock-widget.h"
#include "gui-preferences-fb.h"
#include "gui-preferences-global.h"
#include "gui-settings.h"
#include "octave-qobject.h"
#include "octave-qtutils.h"
#include "qt-interpreter-events.h"

#include "oct-env.h"

namespace octave
  class FileTreeViewer : public QTreeView

    FileTreeViewer (QWidget *p) : QTreeView (p) { }

    ~FileTreeViewer (void) = default;

    void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *e)
      if (e->button () != Qt::RightButton)
        QTreeView::mousePressEvent (e);

  // to have file renamed in the file tree, it has to be renamed in
  // QFileSystemModel::setData.
  // For the editor to behave correctly, some signals must be sent before
  // and after the rename
  class file_system_model : public QFileSystemModel
    file_system_model (files_dock_widget *p) : QFileSystemModel (p) {}

    ~file_system_model () = default;

    bool setData (const QModelIndex &idx, const QVariant &value,
                  int role) override
      if (!idx.isValid () || idx.column () != 0 || role != Qt::EditRole
          || (flags (idx) & Qt::ItemIsEditable) == 0)
          return false;

      QString new_name = value.toString ();
      QString old_name = ().toString ();
      if (new_name == old_name)
        return true;
      if (new_name.isEmpty ()
          || QDir::toNativeSeparators (new_name).contains (QDir::separator ()))
          display_rename_failed_message (old_name, new_name);
          return false;

      auto parent_dir = QDir(filePath (parent (idx)));

      files_dock_widget *fdw = static_cast<files_dock_widget*>(parent());

      fdw->file_remove_signal(parent_dir.filePath(old_name), parent_dir.filePath(new_name));

      if (!parent_dir.rename (old_name, new_name))
          display_rename_failed_message (old_name, new_name);
          return false;


      emit fileRenamed(parent_dir.absolutePath(), old_name, new_name);

      return true;

    void display_rename_failed_message (const QString &old_name,
                                        const QString &new_name)
      const QString message =

          files_dock_widget::tr ("Could not rename file \"%1\" to \"%2\".")
              .arg (old_name)
              .arg (new_name);
      QMessageBox::information (static_cast<QWidget *> (parent ()),
                                QFileSystemModel::tr ("Invalid filename"),
                                message, QMessageBox::Ok);

  // Delegate to improve ergonomy of file renaming by pre-selecting the text
  // before the extension.
  class RenameItemDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
    RenameItemDelegate (QObject *parent = nullptr)
        : QStyledItemDelegate{ parent }

    void setEditorData (QWidget *editor,
                        const QModelIndex &index) const override
      QLineEdit *line_edit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit *> (editor);

      if (!line_edit)
          QStyledItemDelegate::setEditorData (editor, index);

      QString filename = (Qt::EditRole).toString ();

      int select_len = filename.indexOf (QChar ('.'));
      if (select_len == -1)
        select_len = filename.size ();

      line_edit->setText (filename);

      // Qt calls QLineEdit::selectAll after this function is called, so to
      // actually restrict the selection, we have to post the modification at
      // the end of the event loop.
      // QTimer allows this easily with 0 as timeout.
      QTimer::singleShot (0, [=] () {
        line_edit->setSelection (0, select_len);

  files_dock_widget::files_dock_widget (QWidget *p, base_qobject& oct_qobj)
    : octave_dock_widget ("FilesDockWidget", p, oct_qobj)
    set_title (tr ("File Browser"));
    setToolTip (tr ("Browse your files"));

    m_sig_mapper = nullptr;

    m_columns_shown = QStringList ();
    m_columns_shown.append (tr ("File size"));
    m_columns_shown.append (tr ("File type"));
    m_columns_shown.append (tr ("Date modified"));
    m_columns_shown.append (tr ("Show hidden"));
    m_columns_shown.append (tr ("Alternating row colors"));

    m_columns_shown_keys = QStringList ();
    m_columns_shown_keys.append (fb_show_size.key);
    m_columns_shown_keys.append (fb_show_type.key);
    m_columns_shown_keys.append (fb_show_date.key);
    m_columns_shown_keys.append (fb_show_hidden.key);
    m_columns_shown_keys.append (fb_show_altcol.key);

    m_columns_shown_defs = QList <QVariant> ();
    m_columns_shown_defs.append (fb_show_size.def);
    m_columns_shown_defs.append (fb_show_type.def);
    m_columns_shown_defs.append (fb_show_date.def);
    m_columns_shown_defs.append (fb_show_hidden.def);
    m_columns_shown_defs.append (fb_show_altcol.def);

    QWidget *container = new QWidget (this);

    setWidget (container);

    // Create a toolbar
    m_navigation_tool_bar = new QToolBar ("", container);
    m_navigation_tool_bar->setAllowedAreas (Qt::TopToolBarArea);
    m_navigation_tool_bar->setMovable (false);

    m_current_directory = new QComboBox (m_navigation_tool_bar);
    m_current_directory->setToolTip (tr ("Enter the path or filename"));
    m_current_directory->setEditable (true);
    m_current_directory->setMaxCount (MaxMRUDirs);
    m_current_directory->setInsertPolicy (QComboBox::NoInsert);
    m_current_directory->setSizeAdjustPolicy (QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon);
    QSizePolicy sizePol (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
    m_current_directory->setSizePolicy (sizePol);

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();

    QAction *directory_up_action
      = new QAction (rmgr.icon ("folder-up", false, "go-up"), "", m_navigation_tool_bar);
    directory_up_action->setToolTip (tr ("One directory up"));

      = new QAction (rmgr.icon ("go-first"), tr ("Show Octave directory"),
    m_sync_browser_directory_action->setToolTip (tr ("Go to current Octave directory"));
    m_sync_browser_directory_action->setEnabled (false);

      = new QAction (rmgr.icon ("go-last"), tr ("Set Octave directory"),
    m_sync_octave_directory_action->setToolTip (tr ("Set Octave directory to current browser directory"));
    m_sync_octave_directory_action->setEnabled (false);

    QToolButton *popdown_button = new QToolButton ();
    popdown_button->setToolTip (tr ("Actions on current directory"));
    QMenu *popdown_menu = new QMenu ();
    popdown_menu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("user-home"),
                             tr ("Show Home Directory"), this,
                             SLOT (popdownmenu_home (bool)));
    popdown_menu->addAction (m_sync_browser_directory_action);
    popdown_menu->addAction (m_sync_octave_directory_action);
    popdown_button->setMenu (popdown_menu);
    popdown_button->setPopupMode (QToolButton::InstantPopup);
    popdown_button->setDefaultAction (
        new QAction (rmgr.icon ("folder-settings", false, "applications-system"),
        "", m_navigation_tool_bar));

    popdown_menu->addSeparator ();
    popdown_menu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("folder"),
                             tr ("Set Browser Directory..."),
                             this, &files_dock_widget::popdownmenu_search_dir);
    popdown_menu->addSeparator ();
    popdown_menu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("edit-find"),
                             tr ("Find Files..."),
                             this, &files_dock_widget::popdownmenu_findfiles);
    popdown_menu->addSeparator ();
    popdown_menu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("document-new"),
                             tr ("New File..."),
                             this, &files_dock_widget::popdownmenu_newfile);
    popdown_menu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("folder-new"),
                             tr ("New Directory..."),
                             this, &files_dock_widget::popdownmenu_newdir);

    m_navigation_tool_bar->addWidget (m_current_directory);
    m_navigation_tool_bar->addAction (directory_up_action);
    m_navigation_tool_bar->addWidget (popdown_button);

    connect (directory_up_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &files_dock_widget::change_directory_up);
    connect (m_sync_octave_directory_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &files_dock_widget::do_sync_octave_directory);
    connect (m_sync_browser_directory_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &files_dock_widget::do_sync_browser_directory);

    gui_settings settings;

    // Create the QFileSystemModel starting in the desired directory
    QDir startup_dir;  // take current dir

    if (settings.value (fb_restore_last_dir).toBool ())
        // restore last dir from previous session
        QStringList last_dirs
          = settings.value (fb_mru_list.key).toStringList ();
        if (last_dirs.length () > 0)
          startup_dir = QDir ( (0));  // last dir in previous session
    else if (! settings.value (fb_startup_dir).toString ().isEmpty ())
        // do not restore but there is a startup dir configured
        startup_dir = QDir (settings.value (fb_startup_dir.key).toString ());

    if (! startup_dir.exists ())
        // the configured startup dir does not exist, take actual one
        startup_dir = QDir ();

    m_file_system_model = new file_system_model (this);
    m_file_system_model->setResolveSymlinks (false);
    m_file_system_model->setFilter (
      QDir::System | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::AllEntries);
    QModelIndex rootPathIndex
      = m_file_system_model->setRootPath (startup_dir.absolutePath ());

    // Attach the model to the QTreeView and set the root index
    m_file_tree_view = new FileTreeViewer (container);
    m_file_tree_view->setSelectionMode (QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection);
    m_file_tree_view->setModel (m_file_system_model);
    m_file_tree_view->setRootIndex (rootPathIndex);
    m_file_tree_view->setSortingEnabled (true);
    m_file_tree_view->setAlternatingRowColors (true);
    m_file_tree_view->setAnimated (true);
    m_file_tree_view->setToolTip (tr ("Double-click to open file/folder, right click for alternatives"));

    // allow renaming directly in the tree view with
    // m_file_tree_view->edit(index)
    m_file_system_model->setReadOnly (false);
    // delegate to improve rename ergonomy by pre-selecting text up to the
    // extension
    auto *rename_delegate = new RenameItemDelegate (this);
    m_file_tree_view->setItemDelegateForColumn (0, rename_delegate);
    // prevent the tree view to override Octave's double-click behavior
    m_file_tree_view->setEditTriggers (QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers);
    // create the rename action (that will be added to context menu)
    // and associate to F2 key shortcut
    m_rename_action = new QAction (tr ("Rename..."), this);
    m_rename_action->setShortcut (Qt::Key_F2);
    connect (m_rename_action, &QAction::triggered, this,

    // get sort column and order as well as column state (order and width)

      (settings.value (fb_sort_column).toInt (),
       static_cast<Qt::SortOrder> (settings.value (fb_sort_order).toUInt ()));
       // FIXME: use value<Qt::SortOrder> instead of static cast after
       //        dropping support of Qt 5.4

    if (settings.contains (fb_column_state.key))
      m_file_tree_view->header ()->restoreState
        (settings.value (fb_column_state.key).toByteArray ());

    // Set header properties for sorting
    m_file_tree_view->header ()->setSectionsClickable (true);
    m_file_tree_view->header ()->setSectionsMovable (true);
    m_file_tree_view->header ()->setSortIndicatorShown (true);

    QStringList mru_dirs =
      settings.value (fb_mru_list.key).toStringList ();
    m_current_directory->addItems (mru_dirs);

      (m_file_system_model->fileInfo (rootPathIndex). absoluteFilePath ());

    connect (m_file_tree_view, &FileTreeViewer::activated,
             this, &files_dock_widget::item_double_clicked);

    // add context menu to tree_view
    m_file_tree_view->setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::CustomContextMenu);
    connect (m_file_tree_view, &FileTreeViewer::customContextMenuRequested,
             this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_requested);

    m_file_tree_view->header ()->setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::CustomContextMenu);
    connect (m_file_tree_view->header (),
             this, &files_dock_widget::headercontextmenu_requested);

    // Layout the widgets vertically with the toolbar on top
    QVBoxLayout *vbox_layout = new QVBoxLayout ();
    vbox_layout->setSpacing (0);
    vbox_layout->addWidget (m_navigation_tool_bar);
    vbox_layout->addWidget (m_file_tree_view);
    vbox_layout->setMargin (1);

    container->setLayout (vbox_layout);

    // FIXME: Add right-click contextual menus for copying, pasting,
    //        deleting files (and others).

    connect (m_current_directory->lineEdit (), &QLineEdit::returnPressed,
             this, &files_dock_widget::accept_directory_line_edit);

    // FIXME: We could use
    //    connect (m_current_directory,
    //             QOverload<const QString&>::of (&QComboBox::activated),
    //             this, &files_dock_widget::set_current_directory);
    // but referring to QComboBox::activated will generate deprecated
    // function warnings from GCC.  We could also use
    //    connect (m_current_directory, &QComboBox::textActivated,
    //             this, &files_dock_widget::set_current_directory);
    // but the function textActivated was not introduced until Qt 5.14
    // so we'll need a feature test.

    connect (m_current_directory, SIGNAL (activated (const QString&)),
             this, SLOT (set_current_directory (const QString&)));

    QCompleter *completer = new QCompleter (m_file_system_model, this);
    m_current_directory->setCompleter (completer);

    setFocusProxy (m_current_directory);

    m_sync_octave_dir = true;   // default, overwritten with notice_settings ()
    m_octave_dir = "";

    if (! p)
      make_window ();

  void files_dock_widget::save_settings (void)
    gui_settings settings;

    int sort_column = m_file_tree_view->header ()->sortIndicatorSection ();
    Qt::SortOrder sort_order = m_file_tree_view->header ()->sortIndicatorOrder ();
    settings.setValue (fb_sort_column.key, sort_column);
    settings.setValue (fb_sort_order.key, sort_order);
    settings.setValue (fb_column_state.key,
                       m_file_tree_view->header ()->saveState ());

    QStringList dirs;
    for (int i=0; i< m_current_directory->count (); i++)
        dirs.append (m_current_directory->itemText (i));
    settings.setValue (fb_mru_list.key, dirs);

    settings.sync ();

    octave_dock_widget::save_settings ();

    if (m_sig_mapper)
      delete m_sig_mapper;

  void files_dock_widget::item_double_clicked (const QModelIndex& index)
    // Retrieve the file info associated with the model index.
    QFileInfo fileInfo = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (index);
    set_current_directory (fileInfo.absoluteFilePath ());

  void files_dock_widget::set_current_directory (const QString& dir)
    display_directory (dir);

  void files_dock_widget::accept_directory_line_edit (void)
    display_directory (m_current_directory->currentText ());

  void files_dock_widget::change_directory_up (void)
    QDir dir
      = QDir (m_file_system_model->filePath (m_file_tree_view->rootIndex ()));

    dir.cdUp ();
    display_directory (dir.absolutePath ());

  void files_dock_widget::do_sync_octave_directory (void)
    QDir dir
      = QDir (m_file_system_model->filePath (m_file_tree_view->rootIndex ()));

    emit displayed_directory_changed (dir.absolutePath ());

  void files_dock_widget::do_sync_browser_directory (void)
    display_directory (m_octave_dir, false); // false: no sync of octave dir

  void files_dock_widget::update_octave_directory (const QString& dir)
    m_octave_dir = dir;
    if (m_sync_octave_dir)
      display_directory (m_octave_dir, false); // false: no sync of octave dir

  void files_dock_widget::display_directory (const QString& dir,
                                             bool set_octave_dir)
    QFileInfo fileInfo (dir);
    if (fileInfo.exists ())
        if (fileInfo.isDir ())
            m_file_tree_view->setRootIndex (m_file_system_model->
                                            index (fileInfo.absoluteFilePath ()));
            m_file_system_model->setRootPath (fileInfo.absoluteFilePath ());
            if (m_sync_octave_dir && set_octave_dir)
              process_set_current_dir (fileInfo.absoluteFilePath ());

            // see if it's in the list, and if it is,
            // remove it and then put at top of the list
            int index
              = m_current_directory->findText (fileInfo.absoluteFilePath ());
            if (index != -1)
                m_current_directory->removeItem (index);
            m_current_directory->insertItem (0, fileInfo.absoluteFilePath ());
            m_current_directory->setCurrentIndex (0);
            QString abs_fname = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath ();

            QString suffix = fileInfo.suffix ().toLower ();

            gui_settings settings;

            QString ext = settings.value (fb_txt_file_ext).toString ();
            QStringList extensions = ext.split (";", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
            QStringList extensions = ext.split (";", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
            if (QFile::exists (abs_fname))
                if (extensions.contains (suffix))
                  emit open_file (fileInfo.absoluteFilePath ());
                  emit open_any_signal (abs_fname);

  void files_dock_widget::open_item_in_app (const QModelIndex& index)
    // Retrieve the file info associated with the model index.
    QFileInfo fileInfo = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (index);

    QString file = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath ();

    QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl::fromLocalFile (file));

  void files_dock_widget::toggle_header (int col)
    gui_settings settings;

    QString key = (col);
    bool shown = settings.value (key, false).toBool ();
    settings.setValue (key, ! shown);
    settings.sync ();

    switch (col)
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
        // toggle column visibility
        m_file_tree_view->setColumnHidden (col + 1, shown);
      case 3:
      case 4:
        // other actions depending on new settings
        notice_settings ();

  void files_dock_widget::headercontextmenu_requested (const QPoint& mpos)
    QMenu menu (this);

    if (m_sig_mapper)
      delete m_sig_mapper;
    m_sig_mapper = new QSignalMapper (this);

    gui_settings settings;

    for (int i = 0; i < m_columns_shown.size (); i++)
        QAction *action = menu.addAction ( (i),
                                          m_sig_mapper, SLOT (map ()));
        m_sig_mapper->setMapping (action, i);
        action->setCheckable (true);
          (settings.value ( (i),
                  (i)).toBool ());

    // FIXME: We could use
    //   connect (&m_sig_mapper, QOverload<int>::of (&QSignalMapper::mapped),
    //            this, &workspace_view::toggle_header);
    // but referring to QSignalMapper::mapped will generate deprecated
    // function warnings from GCC.  We could also use
    //   connect (&m_sig_mapper, &QSignalMapper::mappedInt,
    //            this, &workspace_view::toggle_header);
    // but the function mappedInt was not introduced until Qt 5.15 so
    // we'll need a feature test.

    connect (m_sig_mapper, SIGNAL (mapped (int)),
             this, SLOT (toggle_header (int)));

    menu.exec (m_file_tree_view->mapToGlobal (mpos));

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_requested (const QPoint& mpos)

    QMenu menu (this);

    QModelIndex index = m_file_tree_view->indexAt (mpos);

    if (index.isValid ())
        QFileInfo info = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (index);

        QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
        QModelIndexList sel = m->selectedRows ();

        // check if item at mouse position is seleccted
        if (! sel.contains (index))
            // is not selected -> clear actual selection and select this item
            m->setCurrentIndex (index,
                                | QItemSelectionModel::Select
                                | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);

        resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();

        // construct the context menu depending on item
        menu.addAction (rmgr.icon ("document-open"), tr ("Open"),
                        this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_open);

        if (info.isDir ())
            menu.addAction (tr ("Open in System File Explorer"),
                            this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_open_in_app);

        if (info.isFile ())
          menu.addAction (tr ("Open in Text Editor"),
                          this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_open_in_editor);

        menu.addAction (tr ("Copy Selection to Clipboard"),
                        this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_copy_selection);

        if (info.isFile () && info.suffix () == "m")
          menu.addAction (rmgr.icon ("media-playback-start"), tr ("Run"),
                          this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_run);

        if (info.isFile ())
          menu.addAction (tr ("Load Data"),
                          this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_load);

        if (info.isDir ())
            menu.addSeparator ();
            menu.addAction (rmgr.icon ("go-first"), tr ("Set Current Directory"),
                            this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_setcurrentdir);

            QMenu *add_path_menu = menu.addMenu (tr ("Add to Path"));

            add_path_menu->addAction (tr ("Selected Directories"),
                                      this, [=] (bool checked) { contextmenu_add_to_path (checked); });
            add_path_menu->addAction (tr ("Selected Directories and Subdirectories"),
                                      this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_add_to_path_subdirs);

            QMenu *rm_path_menu = menu.addMenu (tr ("Remove from Path"));

            rm_path_menu->addAction (tr ("Selected Directories"),
                                     this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_rm_from_path);
            rm_path_menu->addAction (tr ("Selected Directories and Subdirectories"),
                                     this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_rm_from_path_subdirs);

            menu.addSeparator ();

            menu.addAction (rmgr.icon ("edit-find"), tr ("Find Files..."),
                            this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_findfiles);

        menu.addSeparator ();
        menu.addAction (m_rename_action);
        menu.addAction (rmgr.icon ("edit-delete"), tr ("Delete..."),
                        this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_delete);

        if (info.isDir ())
            menu.addSeparator ();
            menu.addAction (rmgr.icon ("document-new"), tr ("New File..."),
                            this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_newfile);
            menu.addAction (rmgr.icon ("folder-new"), tr ("New Directory..."),
                            this, &files_dock_widget::contextmenu_newdir);

        // show the menu
        menu.exec (m_file_tree_view->mapToGlobal (mpos));


  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_open (bool)

    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();

    for (auto it = rows.begin (); it != rows.end (); it++)
        QFileInfo file = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (*it);
        if (file.exists ())
          display_directory (file.absoluteFilePath ());

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_open_in_editor (bool)

    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();

    for (auto it = rows.begin (); it != rows.end (); it++)
        QFileInfo file = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (*it);
        if (file.exists ())
          emit open_file (file.absoluteFilePath ());

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_open_in_app (bool)
    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();

    for (auto it = rows.begin (); it != rows.end (); it++)
      open_item_in_app (*it);

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_copy_selection (bool)
    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();

    QStringList selection;

    for (auto it = rows.begin (); it != rows.end (); it++)
        QFileInfo info = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (*it);

        selection << info.fileName ();

    QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard ();

    clipboard->setText (selection.join ("\n"));

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_load (bool)
    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();

    if (rows.size () > 0)
        QModelIndex index = rows[0];

        QFileInfo info = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (index);

        emit load_file_signal (info.fileName ());

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_run (bool)
    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();

    if (rows.size () > 0)
        QModelIndex index = rows[0];

        QFileInfo info = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (index);
        emit run_file_signal (info);

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_rename (bool)
    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();
    if (rows.size () > 0)
        QModelIndex index = rows[0];

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_delete (bool)
    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();

    int file_cnt = rows.size ();
    bool multiple_files = (file_cnt > 1);

    for (auto it = rows.begin (); it != rows.end (); it++)
        QModelIndex index = *it;

        QFileInfo info = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (index);

        QMessageBox::StandardButton dlg_answer;
        if (multiple_files)
          if (it == rows.begin ())
              dlg_answer = QMessageBox::question (this,
                                                  tr ("Delete file/directory"),
                                                  tr ("Are you sure you want to delete all %1 selected files?\n").arg (file_cnt),
                                                  QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
              if (dlg_answer != QMessageBox::Yes)
            dlg_answer = QMessageBox::Yes;
            dlg_answer = QMessageBox::question (this,
                           tr ("Delete file/directory"),
                           tr ("Are you sure you want to delete\n")
                           + info.filePath (),
                           QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);

        if (dlg_answer == QMessageBox::Yes)
            if (info.isDir ())
                // see if directory is empty
                QDir path (info.absoluteFilePath ());
                QList<QFileInfo> fileLst = path.entryInfoList (
                                          QDir::Hidden | QDir::AllEntries |
                                          QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::System);

                if (fileLst.count () != 0)
                  QMessageBox::warning (this, tr ("Delete file/directory"),
                                        tr ("Can not delete a directory that is not empty"));
                  m_file_system_model->rmdir (index);
                // Close the file in the editor if open
                emit file_remove_signal (info.filePath (), QString ());
                // Remove the file.
                bool st = m_file_system_model->remove (index);
                if (! st)
                    QMessageBox::warning (this, tr ("Deletion error"),
                                          tr ("Could not delete file \"%1\".").
                                          arg (info.filePath ()));
                    // Reload the old file
                emit file_renamed_signal (st);

            m_file_system_model->revert ();


  // Get the currently selected files/dirs and return their file info
  // in a list.
  QList<QFileInfo> files_dock_widget::get_selected_items_info (bool dir)
    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();

    QList<QFileInfo> infos;

    for (auto it = rows.begin (); it != rows.end (); it++)
        QModelIndex index = *it;

        QFileInfo info = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (index);

        if (info.exists () &&
            ((dir & info.isDir ()) || (! dir && info.isFile ())))
          infos.append (info);

    return infos;

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_newfile (bool)
    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();

    if (rows.size () > 0)
        QModelIndex index = rows[0];

        QFileInfo info = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (index);
        QString parent_dir = info.filePath ();

        process_new_file (parent_dir);

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_newdir (bool)
    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();

    if (rows.size () > 0)
        QModelIndex index = rows[0];

        QFileInfo info = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (index);
        QString parent_dir = info.filePath ();

        process_new_dir (parent_dir);

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_setcurrentdir (bool)
    QList<QFileInfo> infos = get_selected_items_info (true);

    if (infos.length () > 0 && infos.first ().isDir ())
      process_set_current_dir (infos.first ().absoluteFilePath ());

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_add_to_path (bool, bool rm, bool subdirs)
    QList<QFileInfo> infos = get_selected_items_info (true);

    QStringList dir_list;

    for (int i = 0; i < infos.length (); i++)
      dir_list.append ( (i).absoluteFilePath ());

    if (infos.length () > 0)
      emit modify_path_signal (dir_list, rm, subdirs);

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_add_to_path_subdirs (bool)
    contextmenu_add_to_path (true, false, true);

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_rm_from_path (bool)
    contextmenu_add_to_path (true, true, false);

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_rm_from_path_subdirs (bool)
    contextmenu_add_to_path (true, true, true);

  void files_dock_widget::contextmenu_findfiles (bool)
    QItemSelectionModel *m = m_file_tree_view->selectionModel ();
    QModelIndexList rows = m->selectedRows ();

    if (rows.size () > 0)
        QModelIndex index = rows[0];

        QFileInfo info = m_file_system_model->fileInfo (index);

        if (info.isDir ())
            process_find_files (info.absoluteFilePath ());

  void files_dock_widget::notice_settings (void)
    gui_settings settings;

    // QSettings pointer is checked before emitting.

    int size_idx = settings.value (global_icon_size).toInt ();
    size_idx = (size_idx > 0) - (size_idx < 0) + 1;  // Make valid index from 0 to 2

    QStyle *st = style ();
    int icon_size = st->pixelMetric (global_icon_sizes[size_idx]);
    m_navigation_tool_bar->setIconSize (QSize (icon_size, icon_size));

    // filenames are always shown, other columns can be hidden by settings
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      m_file_tree_view->setColumnHidden (i + 1,
                                         ! settings.value ( (i),false).toBool ());

    QDir::Filters current_filter = m_file_system_model->filter ();
    if (settings.value ( (3), false).toBool ())
      m_file_system_model->setFilter (current_filter | QDir::Hidden);
      m_file_system_model->setFilter (current_filter & (~QDir::Hidden));

      (settings.value ( (4),true).toBool ());
    m_file_tree_view->setModel (m_file_system_model);

    // enable the buttons to sync octave/browser dir
    // only if this is not done by default
      = settings.value (fb_sync_octdir).toBool ();
    m_sync_octave_directory_action->setEnabled (! m_sync_octave_dir);
    m_sync_browser_directory_action->setEnabled (! m_sync_octave_dir);

    // If m_sync_octave_dir is enabled, then we want the file browser to
    // update to match the current working directory of the
    // interpreter.  We don't want to queue any signal to change the
    // interpreter's current working directory.  In this case, we just
    // want the GUI to match the state of the interpreter.

    if (m_sync_octave_dir)
      do_sync_browser_directory ();

  void files_dock_widget::popdownmenu_home (bool)
    QString dir = QString::fromStdString (sys::env::get_home_directory ());

    if (dir.isEmpty ())
      dir = QDir::homePath ();

    set_current_directory (dir);

  void files_dock_widget::popdownmenu_search_dir (bool)
    // FIXME: Remove, if for all common KDE versions (bug #54607) is resolved.
    int opts = QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly;

    gui_settings settings;

    if (! settings.value (global_use_native_dialogs).toBool ())
      opts |= QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog;

    QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory (this,
                     tr ("Set directory of file browser"),
                     m_file_system_model->rootPath (),
                     QFileDialog::Option (opts));
    set_current_directory (dir);

  void files_dock_widget::popdownmenu_findfiles (bool)
    process_find_files (m_file_system_model->rootPath ());

  void files_dock_widget::popdownmenu_newdir (bool)
    process_new_dir (m_file_system_model->rootPath ());

  void files_dock_widget::popdownmenu_newfile (bool)
    process_new_file (m_file_system_model->rootPath ());

  void files_dock_widget::process_new_file (const QString& parent_dir)
    bool ok;

    QString name = QInputDialog::getText (this, tr ("Create File"),
                                          tr ("Create file in\n", "String ends with \\n!") + parent_dir,
                                          tr ("New File.txt"), &ok);
    if (ok && name.length () > 0)
        name = parent_dir + '/' + name;

        QFile file (name); (QIODevice::WriteOnly);
        m_file_system_model->revert ();

  void files_dock_widget::process_new_dir (const QString& parent_dir)
    bool ok;

    QString name = QInputDialog::getText (this, tr ("Create Directory"),
                                          tr ("Create folder in\n", "String ends with \\n!") + parent_dir,
                                          tr ("New Directory"), &ok);
    if (ok && name.length () > 0)
        QDir dir (parent_dir);
        dir.mkdir (name);
        m_file_system_model->revert ();

  void files_dock_widget::process_set_current_dir (const QString& dir)
    emit displayed_directory_changed (dir);

  void files_dock_widget::process_find_files (const QString& dir)
    emit find_files_signal (dir);

  void files_dock_widget::copyClipboard ()
    if (m_file_tree_view->hasFocus ())
      contextmenu_copy_selection (true);
    if (m_current_directory->hasFocus ())
        QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard ();

        QLineEdit *edit = m_current_directory->lineEdit ();
        if (edit && edit->hasSelectedText ())
            clipboard->setText (edit->selectedText ());

  void files_dock_widget::pasteClipboard ()
    if (m_current_directory->hasFocus ())
        QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard ();
        QString str = clipboard->text ();
        QLineEdit *edit = m_current_directory->lineEdit ();
        if (edit && str.length () > 0)
          edit->insert (str);

  void files_dock_widget::selectAll ()
    if (m_file_tree_view->hasFocus ())
      m_file_tree_view->selectAll ();
    if (m_current_directory->hasFocus ())
        QLineEdit *edit = m_current_directory->lineEdit ();
        if (edit)
            edit->selectAll ();