view scripts/plot/draw/colorbar.m @ 32062:ada96a467a28

quiver: Improve plotting with non-float numeric inputs (bug #59695) * scripts/plot/draw/private/__quiver__.m: Change firstnonnumeric check to look for char instead of numeric to allow for logical inputs. Recast all inputs up to firstnonnumeric as doubles. Check if firstnonnumeric element is 'off' and if so set scale factor to 0 and increment firstnonnumeric. * scripts/plot/draw/quiver.m: Update docstring to include scaling factor option 'off'. Add BIST for int and logical input types. * scripts/plot/draw/quiver3.m: Update docstring to include scaling factor option 'off'. Add BISTs for too-few inputs. * etc/ Appended details of changes to quiver note under General Improvements and noted it also applies to quiver3.
author Nicholas R. Jankowski <>
date Wed, 26 Apr 2023 17:18:50 -0400
parents 939e5d952675
children 4ae5e5b62481
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2008-2023 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {} colorbar
## @deftypefnx {} {} colorbar (@dots{}, @var{loc})
## @deftypefnx {} {} colorbar (@var{delete_option})
## @deftypefnx {} {} colorbar (@var{hcb}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {} colorbar (@var{hax}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {} colorbar (@dots{}, "peer", @var{hax}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {} colorbar (@dots{}, "location", @var{loc}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {} colorbar (@dots{}, @var{prop}, @var{val}, @dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{h} =} colorbar (@dots{})
## Add a colorbar to the current axes.
## A colorbar displays the current colormap along with numerical rulings
## so that the color scale can be interpreted.
## The optional input @nospell{@var{loc}} determines the location of the
## colorbar.  If present, it must be the last argument to @code{colorbar}.
## Valid values for @nospell{@var{loc}} are
## @table @asis
## @item @qcode{"EastOutside"}
## Place the colorbar outside the plot to the right.  This is the default.
## @item @qcode{"East"}
## Place the colorbar inside the plot to the right.
## @item @qcode{"WestOutside"}
## Place the colorbar outside the plot to the left.
## @item @qcode{"West"}
## Place the colorbar inside the plot to the left.
## @item @qcode{"NorthOutside"}
## Place the colorbar above the plot.
## @item @qcode{"North"}
## Place the colorbar at the top of the plot.
## @item @qcode{"SouthOutside"}
## Place the colorbar under the plot.
## @item @qcode{"South"}
## Place the colorbar at the bottom of the plot.
## @end table
## To remove a colorbar from a plot use any one of the following keywords for
## the @var{delete_option}: @qcode{"off"}, @qcode{"delete"}, @qcode{"hide"}.
## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then the colorbar is
## added to this axes, rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
## Alternatively, If the argument @qcode{"peer"} is given, then the following
## argument is treated as the axes handle in which to add the colorbar.  The
## @qcode{"peer"} calling syntax may be removed in the future and is not
## recommended.
## If the first argument @var{hcb} is a handle to a colorbar object, then
## operate on this colorbar directly.
## Additional property/value pairs are passed directly to the underlying axes
## object.  The full list of properties is documented at
## @ref{Axes Properties}.
## The optional return value @var{h} is a graphics handle to the created
## colorbar object.
## Implementation Note: A colorbar is created as an additional axes object
## with the @qcode{"tag"} property set to @qcode{"colorbar"}.  The created
## object has the extra property @qcode{"location"} which controls the
## positioning of the colorbar.
## @seealso{colormap}
## @end deftypefn

function h = colorbar (varargin)

  [hcb, varargin, nargin] = __plt_get_axis_arg__ ("colorbar", varargin{:});

  if (hcb && ! strcmp (get (hcb, "tag"), "colorbar"))
    hax = hcb;
    hcb = [];
    hax = [];
  loc = "";
  cbpos = [];
  args = {};
  delete_cbar = false;

  i = 1;
  while (i <= nargin)
    arg = varargin{i++};
    if (! ischar (arg))
      error ("colorbar: expected string argument at position %d", i-1);

    switch (lower (arg))
      case {"north", "south", "east", "west", ...
            "northoutside", "southoutside", "eastoutside", "westoutside"}
        if (i <= nargin)
          error ("colorbar: LOC specification must occur as final argument");
        loc = lower (arg);

      case "location"
        if (i > nargin)
          error ('colorbar: missing value after "location"');
        loc = lower (varargin{i++});

      case {"delete", "hide", "off"}
        delete_cbar = true;

      case "peer"
        if (i > nargin)
          error ('colorbar: missing axes handle after "peer"');
        hax = varargin{i++};
        if (! isscalar (hax) || ! isaxes (hax))
          error ('colorbar: invalid axes handle following "peer"');

        ## Property/Value pair
        if (i > nargin)
          error ("colorbar: PROP/VAL inputs must occur in pairs");
        args{end+1} = arg;
        args{end+1} = varargin{i++};
        if (strcmpi (arg, "position"))
          loc = "manual";
          cbpos = args{end};


  if (isempty (loc))
    loc = "eastoutside";
    ## Validate location
    if (! any (strcmp (loc, {"eastoutside"; "east"; "westoutside"; "west";
                             "northoutside"; "north"; "southoutside"; "south";
      error ("colorbar: unrecognized colorbar location");

  ## Handle deletion case early and return
  if (delete_cbar)
    if (isempty (hcb))
      if (isempty (hax))
        hax = get (get (0, "currentfigure"), "currentaxes");
        hcb = get (hax, "__colorbar_handle__");

    delete (hcb);

    if (nargout > 0)
      h = [];

  ## Handle changes to specified colorbar
  if (! isempty (hcb))
    ## FIXME: No listener on location property so have to re-create
    ##        colorbar whenever an option changes.
    ##        re-instate this code if listener is developed.
    ## if (! isempty (loc))
    ##   set (hcb, "location", loc);
    ## endif
    ## if (! isempty (args))
    ##   set (hcb, args{:});
    ## endif
    hax = get (hcb, "__axes_handle__");
    ## Find any colorbar associated with this axes
    if (isempty (hax))
      hax = gca ();
      hcb = get (hax, "__colorbar_handle__");

  ## New or existing colorbar?
  new_colorbar = isempty (hcb);

  if (! new_colorbar)
    ## Restore original axes position before applying new colorbar settings
    orig_props = get (hcb, "deletefcn"){3};
    units = get (hax, "units");
    set (hax, "units", orig_props.units,
              "position", orig_props.position,
              "outerposition", orig_props.outerposition,
              "positionconstraint", orig_props.positionconstraint);
    set (hax, "units", units);

  ## Create a colorbar

  ## Special handling for plotyy which has two axes objects
  if (isprop (hax, "__plotyy_axes__"))
    hyy = get (hax, "__plotyy_axes__");

    ## Use axis which is appropriate for legend location;
    ## Necessary for plotyy figures where there are two axes.
    if (strfind (loc, "east"))
      hax = hyy(2);
      hax = hyy(1);

  ## Preamble code to restore figure and axes after colorbar creation
  hfig = ancestor (hax, "figure");
  origfig = get (0, "currentfigure");
  if (origfig != hfig)
    set (0, "currentfigure", hfig);
    origfig = [];
  origaxes = get (hfig, "currentaxes");
    ## FIXME: Matlab does not require the "position" property to be active.
    ##        Is there a way to determine the plotbox position for the
    ##        gnuplot graphics toolkit when the outerposition is active?
    set (hax, "positionconstraint", "innerposition");
    props = get (hax);
    props.__axes_handle__ = hax;
    position = props.position;

    cmap = get (hax, "colormap");
    clen = rows (cmap);
    cext = get (hax, "clim");
    cdiff = (cext(2) - cext(1)) / clen / 2;
    cmin = cext(1) + cdiff;
    cmax = cext(2) - cdiff;

    hpar = get (hax, "parent");

    if (isempty (cbpos))
      ## auto positioning
      ## FIXME: Should handle user-specified "AxisLocation" property (mirror).
      [axpos, cbpos, vertical, mirror] = ...
        calc_cbar_position (loc, props, ancestor (hpar, "figure"));
      set (hax, "position", axpos);

    ## Create colorbar axes if necessary
    if (new_colorbar)
      hcb = axes ("parent", hpar, "tag", "colorbar",
                  "positionconstraint", "innerposition",
                  "units", get (hax, "units"), "position", cbpos,
                  "colormap", cmap,
                  "box", "on", "xdir", "normal", "ydir", "normal");

      addproperty ("axislocation", hcb, "radio", "{out}|in");
      addproperty ("axislocationmode", hcb, "radio", "{auto}|manual");
      addproperty ("label", hcb, "handle", get (hcb, "ylabel"));
      addproperty ("direction", hcb, "AxesYdir", "normal");
      addproperty ("limits", hcb, "AxesYlim");
      addproperty ("limitsmode", hcb, "AxesYlimMode", "auto");
      addproperty ("location", hcb, "radio",
      addproperty ("tickdirection", hcb, "AxesTickdir", "in");
      ## FIXME: Matlab uses just a scalar for ticklength, but axes already
      ##        has a 2-element ticklength property which cannot be overridden.
      ## addproperty ("ticklength", hcb, "double", 0.01);

      ## Add a pointer from colorbar directly to axes
      addproperty ("__axes_handle__", hcb, "handle", hax);
      ## Also add a pointer back from axes to this colorbar
        addproperty ("__colorbar_handle__", hax, "handle", hcb);
        set (hax, "__colorbar_handle__", hcb);
      addproperty ("__vertical__", hcb, "boolean", vertical);
      ## Use low-level form to avoid calling newplot which changes axes
      hi = image (hcb, "xdata", [0,1], "ydata", [cmin, cmax],
                       "cdata", [1 : clen]');
      ## Change settings of existing colorbar
      set (hcb, "parent", hpar, "position", cbpos, "location", loc);
      ## Fetch image handle from existing colorbar
      hi = get (hcb, "children");

    if (vertical)
      set (hi, "xdata", [0,1], "ydata", [cmin, cmax], "cdata", [1 : clen]');
      if (mirror)
        set (hcb, "xtick", [], "xlim", [-0.5, 1.5],
                  "ytickmode", "auto", "ylim", cext,
                  "yaxislocation", "right", "label", get (hcb, "ylabel"),
                  "__vertical__", vertical,
                  "layer", "top", args{:});
        set (hcb, "xtick", [], "xlim", [-0.5, 1.5],
                  "ytickmode", "auto", "ylim", cext,
                  "yaxislocation", "left", "label", get (hcb, "ylabel"),
                  "__vertical__", vertical,
                  "layer", "top", args{:});
      set (hi, "xdata", [cmin, cmax], "ydata", [0,1], "cdata", [1 : clen]);
      if (mirror)
        set (hcb, "ytick", [], "ylim", [-0.5, 1.5],
                  "xtickmode", "auto", "xlim", cext,
                  "xaxislocation", "top", "label", get (hcb, "xlabel"),
                  "__vertical__", vertical,
                  "layer", "top", args{:});
        set (hcb, "ytick", [], "ylim", [-0.5, 1.5],
                  "xtickmode", "auto", "xlim", cext,
                  "xaxislocation", "bottom", "label", get (hcb, "xlabel"),
                  "__vertical__", vertical,
                  "layer", "top", args{:});

    ## Add listeners, but only to a new colorbar
    if (new_colorbar)
      ## Dummy object placed on axes to delete colorbar when axes is deleted.
      ctext = text (0, 0, "", "tag", "colorbar", "parent", hax,
                    "visible", "off", "handlevisibility", "off",
                    "xliminclude", "off", "yliminclude", "off",
                    "zliminclude", "off",
                    "deletefcn", {@cb_axes_deleted, hax, hcb});

      set (hcb, "deletefcn", {@cb_restore_axes, hax, props});

      addlistener (hcb, "xscale", {@cb_error_on_logscale, "xscale"});
      addlistener (hcb, "yscale", {@cb_error_on_logscale, "yscale"});
      addlistener (hcb, "tickdirection", @cb_tickdirection);

      if (strcmp (get (hpar, "type"), "figure"))
        addlistener (hpar, "colormap", {@cb_colormap, ...
                                        hax, hcb, hi, clen});
      addlistener (hax, "colormap", {@cb_colormap, hax, hcb, hi, clen});
      addlistener (hax, "clim", {@cb_clim, hcb, hi});
      addlistener (hax, "dataaspectratio", {@cb_colorbar_axis, hcb, props});
      addlistener (hax, "dataaspectratiomode", {@cb_colorbar_axis, ...
                                                hcb, props});
      addlistener (hax, "plotboxaspectratio", {@cb_colorbar_axis, hcb, props});
      addlistener (hax, "plotboxaspectratiomode", {@cb_colorbar_axis, ...
                                                   hcb, props});
      addlistener (hax, "position", {@cb_colorbar_axis, hcb, props});

      ## FIXME: Need listeners for colorbar: axislocation, axislocationmode,
      ##        direction, limits, limitsmode, location.
    set (hfig, "currentaxes", origaxes);
    if (! isempty (origfig))
      set (0, "currentfigure", origfig);

  if (nargout > 0)
    h = hcb;


## Axes to which colorbar was attached is being deleted/reset. Delete colorbar.
function cb_axes_deleted (~, ~, hax, hcb)

  if (isaxes (hcb))
    if (strcmp (get (hax, "beingdeleted"), "on"))
      ## Axes are being deleted.  Disable call to cb_restore_axes.
      set (hcb, "deletefcn", []);
    delete (hcb);


## Error on attempt to set logscale on colorbar axes
function cb_error_on_logscale (hcb, ~, scale)
  if (strcmp (get (hcb, scale), "log"))
    set (hcb, scale, "linear");
    error ("colorbar: Only linear colorbars are possible");

## Colorbar "TickDirection" callback which just maps to axes "TickDir"
function cb_tickdirection (hcb, ~)
  set (hcb, "tickdir", get (hcb, "tickdirection"));

## Restore position of axes object when colorbar is deleted.
function cb_restore_axes (hcb, ~, hax, orig_props)

  hf = ancestor (hax, "figure");
  if (strcmp (get (hf, "beingdeleted"), "on"))
    ## Skip restoring axes if entire figure is being destroyed.

  if (isaxes (hax))
    ## FIXME: It is wrong to delete every listener for colormap on figure,
    ##        but we don't have a way of deleting just this instance.
    dellistener (hf, "colormap");
    dellistener (hax, "dataaspectratio");
    dellistener (hax, "dataaspectratiomode");
    dellistener (hax, "plotboxaspectratio");
    dellistener (hax, "plotboxaspectratiomode");
    dellistener (hax, "position");

    ## Restore original axes position
    units = get (hax, "units");
    set (hax, "units", orig_props.units,
              "position", orig_props.position,
              "outerposition", orig_props.outerposition,
              "positionconstraint", orig_props.positionconstraint);
    set (hax, "units", units);

    ## Nullify colorbar link (can't delete properties yet)
    set (hax, "__colorbar_handle__", []);


## Update colorbar when clim has changed
function cb_clim (hax, ~, hcb, hi)

  if (isaxes (hax) && isaxes (hcb))
    clen = rows (get (hax, "colormap"));
    cext = get (hax, "clim");
    cdiff = (cext(2) - cext(1)) / clen / 2;
    cmin = cext(1) + cdiff;
    cmax = cext(2) - cdiff;

    if (strcmp (get (hcb, "__vertical__"), "on"))
      set (hi, "ydata", [cmin, cmax]);
      set (hcb, "ylim", cext);
      set (hi, "xdata", [cmin, cmax]);
      set (hcb, "xlim", cext);


## Update colorbar when changes to axes or figure colormap have occurred.
function cb_colormap (h, ~, hax, hcb, hi, init_sz)
  persistent sz = init_sz;

  if (ishghandle (h))
    cmap = get (h, "colormap");
    set (hcb, "colormap", cmap);
    clen = rows (cmap);
    if (clen != sz)
      if (strcmp (get (hcb, "__vertical__"), "on"))
        set (hi, "cdata", [1:clen]');
        set (hi, "cdata", [1:clen]);
      sz = clen;
      ## Also update limits on colorbar axes or there will be white gaps
      cb_clim (hax, d, hcb, hi);


## Update positioning of colorbar when original axes has changed position.
function cb_colorbar_axis (hax, ~, hcb, orig_props)

  if (isaxes (hcb))
    loc = get (hcb, "location");
    if (strcmp (loc, "manual"))
      return;  # Use user-specified positioning

    props = get (hax);
    props.__axes_handle__ = hax;
    props.position = orig_props.position;
    props.outerposition = orig_props.outerposition;
    [axpos, cbpos, vertical, mirror] = ...
       calc_cbar_position (loc, props, ancestor (hax, "figure"));

    set (hcb, "position", cbpos);


## FIXME: The algorithm for positioning in legend.m is much more sophisticated
##        and should be borrowed for colorbar.  One problem is that colorbar
##        positioning does not take in to account multi-line axes labels.
## FIXME: Should handle user-specified "AxisLocation" property (mirror var).
function [axpos, cbpos, vertical, mirr] = calc_cbar_position (loc, props, cf)

  ## This will always represent the position prior to adding the colorbar.
  axpos = props.position;
  sz = axpos(3:4);

  if (strcmp (props.plotboxaspectratiomode, "manual")
      || strcmp (props.dataaspectratiomode, "manual"))
    if (isempty (strfind (loc, "outside")))
      scale = 1.0;
      scale = 0.8;
    if (isempty (strfind (loc, "east")) && isempty (strfind (loc, "west")))
      scale = [1, scale];
      scale = [scale, 1];
    if (strcmp (get (cf, "__graphics_toolkit__"), "gnuplot")
        && strcmp (props.positionconstraint, "outerposition"))
      props.outerposition = props.outerposition .* [1, 1, scale];
      off = 0.5 * (props.outerposition (3:4) - __actual_axis_position__ (props)(3:4));
      props.position = props.position .* [1, 1, scale];
      off = 0.5 * (props.position (3:4) - __actual_axis_position__ (props)(3:4));
    off = 0.0;

  switch (loc)
    case "northoutside"
      origin = axpos(1:2) + [0., 0.9] .* sz + [1, -1] .* off;
      sz .*= [1.0, 0.06];
      axpos(4) = 0.8 * axpos(4);
      mirr = true;
      vertical = false;
    case "north"
      origin = axpos(1:2) + [0.05, 0.9] .* sz + [1, -1] .* off;
      sz .*= [1.0, 0.06] * 0.9;
      mirr = false;
      vertical = false;
    case "southoutside"
      origin = axpos(1:2) + off;
      sz .*= [1.0, 0.06];
      axpos(2) = axpos(2) + axpos(4) * 0.2;
      axpos(4) = 0.8 * axpos(4);
      mirr = false;
      vertical = false;
    case "south"
      origin = axpos(1:2) + [0.05, 0.05] .* sz + off;
      sz .*= [1.0, 0.06] * 0.9;
      mirr = true;
      vertical = false;
    case "eastoutside"
      origin = axpos(1:2) + [0.9, 0] .* sz + [-1, 1] .* off;
      sz .*= [0.06, 1.0];
      axpos(3) = 0.8 * axpos(3);
      mirr = true;
      vertical = true;
    case "east"
      origin = axpos(1:2) + [0.9, 0.05] .* sz + [-1, 1] .* off;
      sz .*= [0.06, 1.0] * 0.9;
      mirr = false;
      vertical = true;
    case "westoutside"
      origin = axpos(1:2) + off;
      sz .*= [0.06, 1.0];
      axpos(1) = axpos(1) + axpos(3) * 0.2;
      axpos(3) = 0.8 * axpos(3);
      mirr = false;
      vertical = true;
    case "west"
      origin = axpos(1:2) + [0.05, 0.05] .* sz + off;
      sz .*= [0.06, 1.0] .* 0.9;
      mirr = true;
      vertical = true;

  cbpos = [origin, sz];

  if (strcmp (props.plotboxaspectratiomode, "manual")
      || strcmp (props.dataaspectratiomode, "manual"))
    props.position = axpos;
    actual_pos = __actual_axis_position__ (props);
    if (strfind (loc, "outside"))
      scale = 1.0;
      scale = 0.9;
    if (sz(1) > sz(2))
      ## Ensure north or south colorbars are the proper length
      dx = (1-scale)*actual_pos(3);
      cbpos(1) = actual_pos(1) + dx/2;
      cbpos(3) = actual_pos(3) - dx;
      ## Ensure east or west colorbars are the proper height
      dy = (1-scale)*actual_pos(4);
      cbpos(2) = actual_pos(2) + dy/2;
      cbpos(4) = actual_pos(4) - dy;


%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! imagesc (x);
%! colorbar ();
%! title ("colorbar() example");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! imagesc (x);
%! colorbar ("westoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! imagesc (x);
%! colorbar ("peer", gca, "northoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! imagesc (x);
%! colorbar ("southoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! contour (peaks ());
%! colorbar ("west");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! subplot (2,2,1);
%!  contour (peaks ());
%!  colorbar ("east");
%! subplot (2,2,2);
%!  contour (peaks ());
%!  colorbar ("west");
%! subplot (2,2,3);
%!  contour (peaks ());
%!  colorbar ("north");
%! subplot (2,2,4);
%!  contour (peaks ());
%!  colorbar ("south");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! subplot (2,2,1);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ();
%! subplot (2,2,2);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ("westoutside");
%! subplot (2,2,3);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ("northoutside");
%! subplot (2,2,4);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ("southoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! subplot (1,2,1);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  axis square;
%!  colorbar ();
%! subplot (1,2,2);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  axis square;
%!  colorbar ("westoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! subplot (1,2,1);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  axis square;
%!  colorbar ("northoutside");
%! subplot (1,2,2);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  axis square;
%!  colorbar ("southoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! subplot (2,1,1);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  axis square;
%!  colorbar ();
%! subplot (2,1,2);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  axis square;
%!  colorbar ("westoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! subplot (2,1,1);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  axis square;
%!  colorbar ("northoutside");
%! subplot (2,1,2);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  axis square;
%!  colorbar ("southoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! subplot (1,2,1);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ();
%! subplot (1,2,2);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ("westoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! subplot (1,2,1);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ("northoutside");
%! subplot (1,2,2);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ("southoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! subplot (2,1,1);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ();
%! subplot (2,1,2);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ("westoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! subplot (2,1,1);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ("northoutside");
%! subplot (2,1,2);
%!  imagesc (x);
%!  colorbar ("southoutside");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! subplot (1,2,1);
%!  contour (x);
%!  axis square;
%!  colorbar ("east");
%!  xlim ([1, 64]);
%!  ylim ([1, 64]);
%! subplot (1,2,2);
%!  contour (x);
%!  colorbar ("west");
%!  xlim ([1, 64]);
%!  ylim ([1, 64]);

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! contour (x);
%! xlim ([1, 64]);
%! ylim ([1, 64]);
%! colorbar ();
%! colorbar off;
%! title ("colorbar off");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 64; x = kron (1:n, ones (n,1)); x = abs (x - x.');
%! contour (x);
%! xlim ([1, 64]);
%! ylim ([1, 64]);
%! colorbar ();

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! imagesc (log10 (1 ./ hilb (99)));
%! h = colorbar ();
%! ytick = get (h, "ytick");
%! set (h, "yticklabel", sprintf ("10^{%g}|", ytick));

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 5; x = linspace (0,5,n); y = linspace (0,1,n);
%! imagesc (1 ./ hilb (n));
%! axis equal;
%! colorbar ();

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 5; x = linspace (0,5,n); y = linspace (0,1,n);
%! imagesc (x, y, 1 ./ hilb (n));
%! axis equal;
%! colorbar ();

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! n = 5; x = linspace (0,5,n); y = linspace (0,1,n);
%! imagesc (y, x, 1 ./ hilb (n));
%! axis equal;
%! colorbar ();

## This requires that the axes position be properly determined for "axis equal"
%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! axes ();
%! colorbar ();
%! hold on;
%! contour (peaks ());
%! hold off;

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! plot ([0, 2]);
%! colorbar ("east");
%! axis square;

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! plot ([0, 2]);
%! colorbar ("eastoutside");
%! axis square;

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! pcolor (peaks (20));
%! shading interp;
%! axis ("tight", "square");
%! colorbar ();
#%! axes ("color", "none", "box", "on", "positionconstraint", "innerposition");

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! plot ([0, 2]);
%! colorbar ("east");
%! axis equal;

%! clf;
%! colormap ("default");
%! plot ([0, 2]);
%! colorbar ("eastoutside");
%! axis equal;

## FIXME: need many BIST tests for colorbar

## Test input validation
%!error <expected string argument at position 1> colorbar (-pi)
%!error <LOC specification must occur as final arg> colorbar ("east", "p", "v")
%!error <missing value after "location"> colorbar ("location")
%!error <missing axes handle after "peer"> colorbar ("peer")
%!error <invalid axes handle following "peer"> colorbar ("peer", -1)
%!error <PROP/VAL inputs must occur in pairs> colorbar ("PROP")
%!error <unrecognized colorbar location> colorbar ("location", "foobar")