view scripts/image/rgb2ind.m @ 27980:bdad8ca48700

maint: Remove "Created:" lines from code base. * lin2mu.m, mu2lin.m, bincoeff.m, common_size.m, deal.m, nextpow2.m, postpad.m, prepad.m, repmat.m, shift.m, xor.m, inpolygon.m, rotx.m, roty.m, rotz.m, getappdata.m, isappdata.m, rmappdata.m, setappdata.m, colormap.m, gray.m, gray2ind.m, image.m, imagesc.m, ind2gray.m, ind2rgb.m, ocean.m, rgb2ind.m, javachk.m, javamem.m, commutation_matrix.m, cross.m, duplication_matrix.m, gls.m, housh.m, isdefinite.m, ishermitian.m, issymmetric.m, null.m, ols.m, orth.m, qzhess.m, vech.m, __w2mpth__.m, expand_rel_paths.m, make_rel_paths.m, daspect.m, pbaspect.m, rticks.m, thetaticks.m, xticklabels.m, xticks.m, yticklabels.m, yticks.m, zticklabels.m, zticks.m, comet.m, errorbar.m, loglogerr.m, __errplot__.m, semilogxerr.m, semilogyerr.m, cla.m, copyobj.m, hdl2struct.m, linkaxes.m, __ghostscript__.m, __gnuplot_get_var__.m, __gnuplot_has_feature__.m, __gnuplot_has_terminal__.m, __gnuplot_open_stream__.m, struct2hdl.m, compan.m, conv.m, deconv.m, mpoles.m, poly.m, polyder.m, polyfit.m, polyint.m, polyout.m, polyreduce.m, polyval.m, polyvalm.m, residue.m, roots.m, __parse_movargs__.m, detrend.m, fftconv.m, fftfilt.m, fftshift.m, ifftshift.m, movfun.m, movslice.m, beta.m, betaln.m, lcm.m, pow2.m, corr.m, kurtosis.m, skewness.m, untabify.m, calendar.m, datestr.m, datevec.m, eomday.m, now.m, weekday.m: Remove "Created:" lines from code base.
author Rik <>
date Tue, 21 Jan 2020 13:06:02 -0800
parents bd51beb6205e
children 7f1cec12c240
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 1994-2020 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {[@var{x}, @var{map}] =} rgb2ind (@var{rgb})
## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{x}, @var{map}] =} rgb2ind (@var{R}, @var{G}, @var{B})
## Convert an image in red-green-blue (RGB) color space to an indexed image.
## The input image @var{rgb} can be specified as a single matrix of size
## @nospell{MxNx3}, or as three separate variables, @var{R}, @var{G}, and
## @var{B}, its three color channels, red, green, and blue.
## It outputs an indexed image @var{x} and a colormap @var{map} to interpret
## an image exactly the same as the input.  No dithering or other form of color
## quantization is performed.  The output class of the indexed image @var{x}
## can be uint8, uint16 or double, whichever is required to specify the
## number of unique colors in the image (which will be equal to the number
## of rows in @var{map}) in order.
## Multi-dimensional indexed images (of size @nospell{MxNx3xK}) are also
## supported, both via a single input (@var{rgb}) or its three color channels
## as separate variables.
## @seealso{ind2rgb, rgb2hsv, rgb2gray}
## @end deftypefn

## FIXME: This function has a very different syntax than the Matlab
##        one of the same name.
##        Octave function does not support N, MAP, DITHER, or TOL arguments.

## Author: Tony Richardson <>
## Adapted-By: jwe

function [x, map] = rgb2ind (R, G, B)

  if (nargin != 1 && nargin != 3)
    print_usage ();

  if (nargin == 1)
    rgb = R;
    if (ndims (rgb) > 4 || size (rgb, 3) != 3)
      error ("rgb2ind: argument is not an RGB image");
      R = rgb(:,:,1,:);
      G = rgb(:,:,2,:);
      B = rgb(:,:,3,:);
  elseif (! size_equal (R, G, B))
    error ("rgb2ind: R, G, and B must have the same size");

  x = reshape (1:numel (R), size (R));

  map    = unique ([R(:) G(:) B(:)], "rows");
  [~, x] = ismember ([R(:) G(:) B(:)], map, "rows");
  x      = reshape (x, size (R));

  ## a colormap is of class double and values between 0 and 1
  switch (class (R))
    case {"single", "double", "logical"}
      ## do nothing, return the same
    case {"uint8", "uint16"}
      map = double (map) / double (intmax (R));
    case "int16"
      map = (double (im) + 32768) / 65535;
      error ("rgb2ind: unsupported image class %s", im_class);

  ## we convert to the smallest class necessary to encode the image.  Matlab
  ## documentation does not mention what it does when uint16 is not enough...
  ## When an indexed image is of integer class, there's a -1 offset to the
  ## colormap, hence the adjustment
  if (rows (map) < 256)
    x = uint8 (x - 1);
  elseif (rows (map) < 65536)
    x = uint16 (x - 1);
    ## leave it as double


## Test input validation
%!error rgb2ind ()
%!error rgb2ind (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
%!error <RGB> rgb2ind (rand (10, 10, 4))

## FIXME: the following tests simply make sure that rgb2ind and ind2rgb
##        reverse each other.  We should have better tests for this.

## Typical usage
%! rgb = rand (10, 10, 3);
%! [ind, map] = rgb2ind (rgb);
%! assert (ind2rgb (ind, map), rgb);
%! ## test specifying the RGB channels separated
%! [ind, map] = rgb2ind (rgb(:,:,1), rgb(:,:,2), rgb(:,:,3));
%! assert (ind2rgb (ind, map), rgb);

## Test N-dimensional images
%! rgb = rand (10, 10, 3, 10);
%! [ind, map] = rgb2ind (rgb);
%! assert (ind2rgb (ind, map), rgb);
%! [ind, map] = rgb2ind (rgb(:,:,1,:), rgb(:,:,2,:), rgb(:,:,3,:));
%! assert (ind2rgb (ind, map), rgb);

## Test output class
%! ## this should have more than 65536 unique colors
%! rgb = rand (1000, 1000, 3);
%! [ind, map] = rgb2ind (rgb);
%! assert (class (ind), "double");
%! assert (class (map), "double");
%! ## and this should have between 255 and 65536 unique colors
%! rgb = rand (20, 20, 3);
%! [ind, map] = rgb2ind (rgb);
%! assert (class (ind), "uint16");
%! assert (class (map), "double");
%! ## and this certainly less than 256 unique colors
%! rgb = rand (10, 10, 3);
%! [ind, map] = rgb2ind (rgb);
%! assert (class (ind), "uint8");
%! assert (class (map), "double");