view libgui/qterminal/libqterminal/ @ 29525:d6b2d9f9e1e0

use terminal settings for the experimental command widget * (construct): do not connect settings signal here * include gui-preferences-cs.h, gui-preferences-global.h, and gui-utils.h; (command_widget): initialize class variable for input color, move input widget to the bottom, line edit gets focus proxy; (accept_input_line): style input and output text, (notice_settings): new function for reading terminal font and colors from the settings file * command-widget.h: include gui-settings.h, new slot notice:settings, new class variable for the input color * (terminal_dock_widget): connect main windows settings signal with the related slot in QTerminal or command_widget
author Torsten Lilge <>
date Mon, 12 Apr 2021 23:03:11 +0200
parents bed2fd5b8263
children 0b429d1a4974
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Michael Goffioul.
Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Jacob Dawid.

This file is part of QTerminal.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not,
see <>.


#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include <QKeySequence>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QColor>
#include <QList>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QAction>

#include "gui-preferences-global.h"
#include "gui-preferences-cs.h"
#include "gui-preferences-sc.h"
#include "octave-qobject.h"
#include "resource-manager.h"

#include "QTerminal.h"
#if defined (Q_OS_WIN32)
# include "win32/QWinTerminalImpl.h"
# include "unix/QUnixTerminalImpl.h"

QTerminal *
QTerminal::create (octave::base_qobject& oct_qobj, QWidget *p, QWidget *main_win)
  // p:       real parent
  // xparent: main window for signal connections
#if defined (Q_OS_WIN32)
  QTerminal *terminal = new QWinTerminalImpl (p, main_win);
  QTerminal *terminal = new QUnixTerminalImpl (p, main_win);

  // FIXME: this function should probably be called from or part of the
  // QTerminal constructor, but I think that would mean some major
  // surgery because then the constructor for QTerminal and the derived
  // Unix- and Windows-specific versions would need access to the
  // base_qobject object, or the design would have to change significantly.

  terminal->construct (oct_qobj, main_win);

  return terminal;

// slot for the terminal's context menu
QTerminal::handleCustomContextMenuRequested (const QPoint& at)
    QClipboard * cb = QApplication::clipboard ();
    QString selected_text = selectedText();
    bool has_selected_text = ! selected_text.isEmpty ();

    _edit_action->setVisible (false);
    m_edit_selected_action->setVisible (false);
    m_help_selected_action->setVisible (false);
    m_doc_selected_action->setVisible (false);

#if defined (Q_OS_WIN32)
    // include this when in windows because there is no filter for
    // detecting links and error messages yet
    if (has_selected_text)
        QRegExp file ("(?:[ \\t]+)(\\S+) at line (\\d+) column (?:\\d+)");

        int pos = file.indexIn (selected_text);

        if (pos > -1)
            QString file_name = file.cap (1);
            QString line = file.cap (2);

            _edit_action->setVisible (true);
            _edit_action->setText (tr ("Edit %1 at line %2")
                                   .arg (file_name).arg (line));

            QStringList data;
            data << file_name << line;
            _edit_action->setData (data);

    if (has_selected_text)
        QRegExp expr (".*\b*(\\w+)\b*.*");

        int pos = expr.indexIn (selected_text);

        if (pos > -1)
            QString expr_found = expr.cap (1);

            m_edit_selected_action->setVisible (true);
            m_edit_selected_action->setText (tr ("Edit %1").arg (expr_found));
            m_edit_selected_action->setData (expr_found);

            m_help_selected_action->setVisible (true);
            m_help_selected_action->setText (tr ("Help on %1").arg (expr_found));
            m_help_selected_action->setData (expr_found);

            m_doc_selected_action->setVisible (true);
            m_doc_selected_action->setText (tr ("Documentation on %1")
                                            .arg (expr_found));
            m_doc_selected_action->setData (expr_found);

    _paste_action->setEnabled (cb->text().length() > 0);
    _copy_action->setEnabled (has_selected_text);
    _run_selection_action->setVisible (has_selected_text);

    // Get the actions of any hotspots the filters may have found
    QList<QAction*> actions = get_hotspot_actions (at);
    if (actions.length ())
      _contextMenu->addSeparator ();
    for (int i = 0; i < actions.length (); i++)
      _contextMenu->addAction (;

    // Finally, show the context menu
    _contextMenu->exec (mapToGlobal (at));

    // Cleaning up, remove actions of the hotspot
    for (int i = 0; i < actions.length (); i++)
      _contextMenu->removeAction (;

// slot for running the selected code
QTerminal::run_selection ()
  QStringList commands = selectedText ().split (QRegExp ("[\r\n]"),
  for (int i = 0; i < commands.size (); i++)
    emit execute_command_in_terminal_signal ( (i));


// slot for edit files in error messages
QTerminal::edit_file ()
  QString file = _edit_action->data ().toStringList ().at (0);
  int line = _edit_action->data ().toStringList ().at (1).toInt ();

  emit edit_mfile_request (file,line);

// slot for edit selected function names
void QTerminal::edit_selected ()
  QString file = m_edit_selected_action->data ().toString ();

  emit edit_mfile_request (file,0);

// slot for showing help on selected epxression
void QTerminal::help_on_expression ()
  QString expr = m_help_selected_action->data ().toString ();

  emit execute_command_in_terminal_signal ("help " + expr);

// slot for showing documentation on selected epxression
void QTerminal::doc_on_expression ()
  QString expr = m_doc_selected_action->data ().toString ();

  emit show_doc_signal (expr);

QTerminal::notice_settings (const gui_settings *settings)
  if (! settings)

  // Set terminal font:
  QFont term_font = QFont ();
  term_font.setStyleHint (QFont::TypeWriter);
  QString default_font = settings->value (global_mono_font).toString ();
    (settings->value (cs_font.key, default_font).toString ());
    (settings->value (cs_font_size).toInt ());
  setTerminalFont (term_font);

  QFontMetrics metrics (term_font);
  setMinimumSize (metrics.maxWidth ()*16, metrics.height ()*3);

  QString cursor_type
    = settings->value (cs_cursor).toString ();

  bool cursor_blinking;
  if (settings->contains (global_cursor_blinking.key))
    cursor_blinking = settings->value (global_cursor_blinking).toBool ();
    cursor_blinking = settings->value (cs_cursor_blinking).toBool ();

  for (int ct = IBeamCursor; ct <= UnderlineCursor; ct++)
      if (cursor_type.toStdString () == cs_cursor_types[ct])
          setCursorType ((CursorType) ct, cursor_blinking);

  bool cursorUseForegroundColor
    = settings->value (cs_cursor_use_fgcol).toBool ();

  int mode = settings->value (cs_color_mode).toInt ();

  setForegroundColor (settings->color_value (cs_colors[0], mode));

  setBackgroundColor (settings->color_value (cs_colors[1], mode));

  setSelectionColor (settings->color_value (cs_colors[2], mode));

  setCursorColor (cursorUseForegroundColor,
                  settings->color_value (cs_colors[3], mode));

  setScrollBufferSize (settings->value (cs_hist_buffer).toInt ());

  // If the Copy shortcut is Ctrl+C, then the Copy action also emits
  // a signal for interrupting the current code executed by the worker.
  // If the Copy shortcut is not Ctrl+C, an extra interrupt action is
  // set up for emitting the interrupt signal.

  QString sc = settings->sc_value (sc_main_edit_copy);

  //  Dis- or enable extra interrupt action: We need an extra option when
  //  copy shortcut is not Ctrl-C or when global shortcuts (like copy) are
  //  disabled.
  bool extra_ir_action
      = (sc != QKeySequence (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::Key_C).toString ())
        || settings->value (sc_prevent_rl_conflicts).toBool ();

  _interrupt_action->setEnabled (extra_ir_action);
  has_extra_interrupt (extra_ir_action);

  // check whether shortcut Ctrl-D is in use by the main-window
  bool ctrld = settings->value (sc_main_ctrld).toBool ();
  _nop_action->setEnabled (! ctrld);

QTerminal::construct (octave::base_qobject& oct_qobj, QWidget *xparent)
  octave::resource_manager& rmgr = oct_qobj.get_resource_manager ();

  // context menu
  setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::CustomContextMenu);

  _contextMenu = new QMenu (this);

    = _contextMenu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("edit-copy"), tr ("Copy"), this,
                               SLOT (copyClipboard ()));

    = _contextMenu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("edit-paste"), tr ("Paste"), this,
                               SLOT (pasteClipboard ()));

  _contextMenu->addSeparator ();

    = _contextMenu->addAction (tr ("Select All"), this, SLOT (selectAll ()));

    = _contextMenu->addAction (tr ("Run Selection"), this,
                               SLOT (run_selection ()));

    = _contextMenu->addAction (tr ("Edit selection"), this,
                               SLOT (edit_selected ()));
    = _contextMenu->addAction (tr ("Help on selection"), this,
                               SLOT (help_on_expression ()));
    = _contextMenu->addAction (tr ("Documentation on selection"), this,
                               SLOT (doc_on_expression ()));

  _edit_action = _contextMenu->addAction (tr (""), this, SLOT (edit_file ()));

  _contextMenu->addSeparator ();

  _contextMenu->addAction (tr ("Clear Window"), parent (),
                           SLOT (handle_clear_command_window_request ()));

  connect (this, SIGNAL (customContextMenuRequested (QPoint)),
           this, SLOT (handleCustomContextMenuRequested (QPoint)));

  connect (this, SIGNAL (report_status_message (const QString&)),
           xparent, SLOT (report_status_message (const QString&)));

  connect (this, SIGNAL (show_doc_signal (const QString&)),
           xparent, SLOT (handle_show_doc (const QString&)));

  connect (this, SIGNAL (edit_mfile_request (const QString&, int)),
           xparent, SLOT (edit_mfile (const QString&, int)));

  connect (this, SIGNAL (execute_command_in_terminal_signal (const QString&)),
           xparent, SLOT (execute_command_in_terminal (const QString&)));

  connect (xparent, SIGNAL (init_terminal_size_signal ()),
           this, SLOT (init_terminal_size ()));

  connect (xparent, SIGNAL (copyClipboard_signal ()),
           this, SLOT (copyClipboard ()));

  connect (xparent, SIGNAL (pasteClipboard_signal ()),
           this, SLOT (pasteClipboard ()));

  connect (xparent, SIGNAL (selectAll_signal ()),
           this, SLOT (selectAll ()));

  // extra interrupt action
  _interrupt_action = new QAction (this);
  addAction (_interrupt_action);

    (QKeySequence (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_C));
  _interrupt_action->setShortcutContext (Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut);

  bool ok = connect (_interrupt_action, SIGNAL (triggered ()),
           this, SLOT (terminal_interrupt ()));

  // dummy (nop) action catching Ctrl-D in terminal, no connection
  _nop_action = new QAction (this);
  addAction (_nop_action);

  _nop_action->setShortcut (QKeySequence (Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_D));
  _nop_action->setShortcutContext (Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut);