view scripts/strings/strtrunc.m @ 28886:d8318c12d903

test: remove unnecessary BIST tests in m-files checking for excessive number of inputs. Remove BIST tests now that interpreter enforces calling function with no more than the number of arguments defined in the function prototype. * makeUniqueStrings.m, makeValidName.m, base64decode.m, base64encode.m, record.m, sound.m, soundsc.m, acosd.m, acot.m, acotd.m, acoth.m, acsc.m, acscd.m, acsch.m, asec.m, asecd.m, asech.m, asind.m, atan2d.m, atand.m, cosd.m, cot.m, cotd.m, coth.m, csc.m, cscd.m, csch.m, sec.m, secd.m, sech.m, sind.m, tand.m, accumdim.m, bincoeff.m, bitget.m, bitset.m, cell2mat.m, circshift.m, cplxpair.m, cumtrapz.m, deg2rad.m, flip.m, fliplr.m, flipud.m, int2str.m, interpft.m, logspace.m, num2str.m, postpad.m, prepad.m, rad2deg.m, rot90.m, rotdim.m, shift.m, subsindex.m, trapz.m, rotx.m, roty.m, rotz.m, getappdata.m, getpixelposition.m, guidata.m, isappdata.m, waitforbuttonpress.m, __gripe_missing_component__.m, bessel.m, hsv2rgb.m, ind2gray.m, rgb2gray.m, rgb2hsv.m, rgbplot.m, fileread.m, javachk.m, usejava.m, findstr.m, genvarname.m, isdir.m, vectorize.m, cond.m, cross.m, duplication_matrix.m, expm.m, isbanded.m, isdefinite.m, isdiag.m, ishermitian.m, issymmetric.m, istril.m, istriu.m, trace.m, vech.m, vecnorm.m, cast.m, citation.m, compare_versions.m, grabcode.m, inputname.m, isfile.m, isfolder.m, ismac.m, ispc.m, isunix.m, list_primes.m, methods.m, news.m, open.m, run.m, swapbytes.m, tar.m, verLessThan.m, zip.m, odeget.m, optimget.m, stemleaf.m, allchild.m, ancestor.m, close.m, groot.m, hgsave.m, isaxes.m, isfigure.m, isgraphics.m, ishandle.m, isprop.m, linkaxes.m, rotate.m, saveas.m, conv.m, poly.m, polyint.m, polyreduce.m, ppval.m, roots.m, addpref.m, getpref.m, ispref.m, rmpref.m, setpref.m, profile.m, profshow.m, powerset.m, autoreg_matrix.m, bartlett.m, blackman.m, detrend.m, fftconv.m, fftfilt.m, fftshift.m, hamming.m, hanning.m, ifftshift.m, sinewave.m, spectral_adf.m, spectral_xdf.m, unwrap.m, nonzeros.m, spconvert.m, sprand.m, sprandn.m, beta.m, betainc.m, betaln.m, cosint.m, expint.m, factorial.m, legendre.m, nchoosek.m, nthroot.m, perms.m, pow2.m, primes.m, reallog.m, realpow.m, realsqrt.m, sinint.m, hankel.m, hilb.m, invhilb.m, magic.m, pascal.m, toeplitz.m, vander.m, wilkinson.m, center.m, corr.m, cov.m, discrete_cdf.m, discrete_inv.m, discrete_pdf.m, empirical_cdf.m, empirical_inv.m, empirical_pdf.m, iqr.m, kendall.m, kurtosis.m, mad.m, meansq.m, median.m, moment.m, prctile.m, quantile.m, range.m, run_count.m, skewness.m, spearman.m, statistics.m, std.m, var.m, base2dec.m, bin2dec.m, blanks.m, dec2base.m, dec2bin.m, dec2hex.m, endsWith.m, erase.m, hex2dec.m, index.m, isletter.m, isstring.m, isstrprop.m, mat2str.m, ostrsplit.m, rindex.m, startsWith.m, strtrunc.m, substr.m, fail.m, addtodate.m, asctime.m, ctime.m, date.m, datestr.m, eomday.m, etime.m, is_leap_year.m, now.m: remove unnecessary BIST tests in m-files checking for excessive number of inputs.
author Rik <>
date Fri, 09 Oct 2020 13:28:53 -0700
parents bd51beb6205e
children 7854d5752dd2
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2006-2020 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {} {} strtrunc (@var{s}, @var{n})
## Truncate the character string @var{s} to length @var{n}.
## If @var{s} is a character matrix, then the number of columns is adjusted.
## If @var{s} is a cell array of strings, then the operation is performed
## on each cell element and the new cell array is returned.
## @end deftypefn

function s = strtrunc (s, n)

  if (nargin != 2)
    print_usage ();

  n = fix (n);
  if (! isscalar (n) || n < 0)
    error ("strtrunc: length N must be a positive integer (N >= 0)");

  if (ischar (s))
    if (n < columns (s))
      s = s(:, 1:n);
  elseif (iscellstr (s))
    ## Convoluted approach converts cellstr to char matrix, trims the character
    ## matrix using indexing, and then converts back to cellstr with mat2cell.
    ## This approach is 24X faster than using cellfun with call to strtrunc
    idx = cellfun ("size", s, 2) > n;
    rows = cellfun ("size", s(idx), 1);
    if (! isempty (rows))
      s(idx) = mat2cell (char (s(idx))(:, 1:n), rows);
    error ("strtrunc: S must be a character string or a cell array of strings");


%!assert (strtrunc ("abcdefg", 4), "abcd")
%!assert (strtrunc ("abcdefg", 10), "abcdefg")
%!assert (strtrunc (char ("abcdef", "fedcba"), 3), ["abc"; "fed"])
%!assert (strtrunc ({"abcdef", "fedcba"}, 3), {"abc", "fed"})
%!assert (strtrunc ({"", "1", "21", "321"}, 1), {"", "1", "2", "3"})
%!assert (strtrunc ({"1", "", "2"}, 1), {"1", "", "2"})
%! cstr = {"line1"; ["line2"; "line3"]; "line4"};
%! y = strtrunc (cstr, 4);
%! assert (size (y), [3, 1]);
%! assert (size (y{2}), [2, 4]);
%! assert (y{2}, repmat ("line", 2, 1));

## Test input validation
%!error <Invalid call> strtrunc ()
%!error strtrunc ("abcd")
%!error strtrunc ("abcd", 4, 5)
%!error <N must be a positive integer> strtrunc ("abcd", ones (2,2))
%!error <N must be a positive integer> strtrunc ("abcd", -1)
%!error <S must be a character string or a cell array of strings> strtrunc (1, 1)