view scripts/testfun/__run_test_suite__.m @ 21633:dcf8922b724b

Deprecate printf, puts, and scanf. Make fputs a M-file. * libinterp/corefcn/ extracted printf, puts, and scanf to M-files. * scripts/deprecated/printf.m: new function, equivalent to version * scripts/deprecated/puts.m: new function, equivalent to version * scripts/deprecated/scanf.m: new function, equivalent to version * scripts/deprecated/ added printf, puts, and scanf. * scripts/io/fputs.m: new function, equivalent to version * scripts/io/ added fputs. * doc/interpreter/io.txi: adapted documentation to current implementation. * NEWS: announced changes. * doc/interpreter/basics.txi: replaced printf by fprintf. * doc/interpreter/stmt.txi: replaced printf by fprintf. * doc/interpreter/var.txi: replaced printf by fprintf. * doc/refcard/refcard.tex: removed printf and scanf. * examples/code/@FIRfilter/display.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * examples/code/@polynomial/display.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/@ftp/display.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/general/inputParser.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/general/methods.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/general/profexplore.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/general/profshow.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/help/help.m: replaced puts by fputs and printf by fprintf. * scripts/help/lookfor.m: replaced puts by fputs and printf by fprintf. * scripts/help/which.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/image/imformats.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/io/beep.m: replaced puts by fputs. * scripts/io/textread.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/java/javaclasspath.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/java/javamem.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/miscellaneous/dir.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/miscellaneous/dos.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/miscellaneous/fact.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/miscellaneous/info.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/miscellaneous/license.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/miscellaneous/ls.m: replaced puts by fputs. * scripts/miscellaneous/menu.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/miscellaneous/mkoctfile.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/miscellaneous/private/display_info_file.m: * scripts/miscellaneous/unix.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/miscellaneous/ver.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/miscellaneous/what.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/ode/ode23.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/ode/ode45.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/optimization/optimset.m: replaced puts by fputs and printf by fprintf. * scripts/optimization/sqp.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/pkg/pkg.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/pkg/private/describe.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/pkg/private/install.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/pkg/private/installed_packages.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/pkg/private/list_forge_packages.m: replaced puts by fputs and printf by fprintf. * scripts/pkg/private/rebuild.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/plot/util/__gnuplot_drawnow__.m: replaced puts by fputs and printf by fprintf. * scripts/signal/stft.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/sparse/bicg.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/sparse/bicgstab.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/sparse/cgs.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/sparse/pcg.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/sparse/pcr.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/sparse/qmr.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/models/logistic_regression.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/anova.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/bartlett_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/chisquare_test_homogeneity.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/chisquare_test_independence.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/cor_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/f_test_regression.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/hotelling_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/hotelling_test_2.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/manova.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/mcnemar_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/prop_test_2.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/run_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/sign_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/t_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_2.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_regression.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/u_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/var_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/welch_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/wilcoxon_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/z_test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/statistics/tests/z_test_2.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/strings/strtok.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/testfun/__run_test_suite__.m: replaced puts by fputs and printf by fprintf. * scripts/testfun/demo.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/testfun/example.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/testfun/private/compare_plot_demos.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/testfun/rundemos.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/testfun/runtests.m: replaced puts by fputs and printf by fprintf. * scripts/testfun/speed.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/testfun/test.m: replaced printf by fprintf. * scripts/time/calendar.m: replaced puts by fputs and printf by fprintf. * test/io.tst: replaced printf by fprintf.
author Kai T. Ohlhus <>
date Wed, 20 Apr 2016 17:53:10 +0200
parents 1da428cbf401
children 96518f623c91
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2005-2015 David Bateman
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {} {} __run_test_suite__ (@var{fcndirs}, @var{fixedtestdirs})
## Undocumented internal function.
## @end deftypefn

function [pass, fail, xfail, skip] = __run_test_suite__ (fcndirs, fixedtestdirs)

  testsdir = __octave_config_info__ ("octtestsdir");
  libinterptestdir = fullfile (testsdir, "libinterp");
  liboctavetestdir = fullfile (testsdir, "liboctave");
  fixedtestdir = fullfile (testsdir, "fixed");
  fcnfiledir = __octave_config_info__ ("fcnfiledir");
  if (nargin == 0)
    fcndirs = { liboctavetestdir, libinterptestdir, fcnfiledir };
    fixedtestdirs = { fixedtestdir };
  global files_with_no_tests;
  global files_with_tests;
  files_with_no_tests = {};
  files_with_tests = {};
  ## FIXME: These names don't really make sense if we are running
  ##        tests for an installed copy of Octave.
  global topsrcdir = fcnfiledir;
  global topbuilddir = testsdir;
  pso = page_screen_output ();
  orig_wstate = warning ();
  logfile = make_absolute_filename ("fntests.log");
    page_screen_output (false);
    warning ("on", "quiet");
    warning ("off", "Octave:deprecated-function");
      fid = fopen (logfile, "wt");
      if (fid < 0)
        error ("__run_test_suite__: could not open %s for writing", logfile);
      test ("", "explain", fid);
      dp = dn = dxf = dsk = 0;
      fputs ("\nIntegrated test scripts:\n\n");
      for i = 1:length (fcndirs)
        [p, n, xf, sk] = run_test_script (fid, fcndirs{i});
        dp += p;
        dn += n;
        dxf += xf;
        dsk += sk;
      fputs ("\nFixed test scripts:\n\n");
      for i = 1:length (fixedtestdirs)
        [p, n, xf, sk] = run_test_dir (fid, fixedtestdirs{i});
        dp += p;
        dn += n;
        dxf += xf;
        dsk += sk;
      fputs ("\nSummary:\n\n");
      nfail = dn - dp - dxf;
      fprintf ("  PASS    %6d\n", dp);
      fprintf ("  FAIL    %6d\n", nfail);
      if (dxf > 0)
        fprintf ("  XFAIL   %6d\n", dxf);
      if (dsk > 0)
        fprintf ("  SKIPPED %6d\n", dsk);
      fputs ("\n");
      fprintf ("See the file %s for additional details.\n", logfile);
      if (dxf > 0)
        fputs ("\n");
        fputs ("Expected failures (listed as XFAIL above) are known bugs.\n");
        fputs ("Please help improve Octave by contributing fixes for them.\n");
      if (dsk > 0)
        fputs ("\n");
        fputs ("Tests are most often skipped because the features they require\n");
        fputs ("have been disabled.  Features are most often disabled because\n");
        fputs ("they require dependencies that were not present when Octave\n");
        fputs ("was built.  The configure script should have printed a summary\n");
        fputs ("at the end of its run indicating which dependencies were not found.\n");

      ## Weed out deprecated and private functions
      weed_idx = cellfun (@isempty, regexp (files_with_tests, '\<deprecated\>|\<private\>', 'once'));
      files_with_tests = files_with_tests(weed_idx);
      weed_idx = cellfun (@isempty, regexp (files_with_no_tests, '\<deprecated\>|\<private\>', 'once'));
      files_with_no_tests = files_with_no_tests(weed_idx);

      report_files_with_no_tests (files_with_tests, files_with_no_tests, ".m");

      fputs ("\nPlease help improve Octave by contributing tests for these files\n");
      fprintf ("(see the list in the file %s).\n\n", logfile);

      fprintf (fid, "\nFiles with no tests:\n\n%s",
                    list_in_columns (files_with_no_tests, 80));
      fclose (fid);
      disp (lasterr ());
    warning ("off", "all");
    warning (orig_wstate);
    page_screen_output (pso);

  if (nargout > 0)
    pass = np;
    fail = nfail;
    xfail = dxf;
    skip = xsk;


function print_test_file_name (nm)
  filler = repmat (".", 1, 60-length (nm));
  fprintf ("  %s %s", nm, filler);

function print_pass_fail (p, n, xf, sk)
  if ((n + sk) > 0)
    fprintf (" PASS   %4d/%-4d", p, n);
    nfail = n - p - xf;
    if (nfail > 0)
      fprintf ("\n%71s %3d", "FAIL ", nfail);
    if (sk > 0)
      fprintf ("\n%71s %3d", "SKIP ", sk);
    if (xf > 0)
      fprintf ("\n%71s %3d", "XFAIL", xf);
  fputs ("\n");

function retval = has_functions (f)
  n = length (f);
  if (n > 3 && strcmpi (f((end-2):end), ".cc"))
    fid = fopen (f);
    if (fid >= 0)
      str = fread (fid, "*char")';
      fclose (fid);
      retval = ! isempty (regexp (str,'^(DEFUN|DEFUN_DLD)\>',
                                      'lineanchors', 'once'));
      error ("__run_test_suite__: fopen failed: %s", f);
  elseif (n > 2 && strcmpi (f((end-1):end), ".m"))
    retval = true;
    retval = false;

function retval = has_tests (f)
  fid = fopen (f);
  if (fid >= 0)
    str = fread (fid, "*char")';
    fclose (fid);
    retval = ! isempty (regexp (str,
                                'lineanchors', 'once'));
    error ("__run_test_suite__: fopen failed: %s", f);

function [dp, dn, dxf, dsk] = run_test_dir (fid, d);
  global files_with_tests;
  global files_with_no_tests;
  lst = dir (d);
  dp = dn = dxf = dsk = 0;
  for i = 1:length (lst)
    nm = lst(i).name;
    if (lst(i).isdir
        && nm(1) != "." && ! strcmp (nm, "private") && nm(1) != "@")
      [p, n, xf, sk] = run_test_dir (fid, [d, filesep, nm]);
      dp += p;
      dn += n;
      dxf += xf;
      dsk += sk;
  saved_dir = pwd ();
    cd (d);
    for i = 1:length (lst)
      nm = lst(i).name;
      if (length (nm) > 4 && strcmpi (nm((end-3):end), ".tst"))
        p = n = xf = sk = 0;
        ffnm = fullfile (d, nm);
        if (has_tests (ffnm))
          print_test_file_name (nm);
          [p, n, xf, sk] = test (nm, "quiet", fid);
          print_pass_fail (p, n, xf, sk);
          files_with_tests(end+1) = ffnm;
          files_with_no_tests(end+1) = ffnm;
        dp += p;
        dn += n;
        dxf += xf;
        dsk += sk;
    cd (saved_dir);

function [dp, dn, dxf, dsk] = run_test_script (fid, d);
  global files_with_tests;
  global files_with_no_tests;
  global topsrcdir;
  global topbuilddir;
  lst = dir (d);
  dp = dn = dxf = dsk = 0;
  for i = 1:length (lst)
    nm = lst(i).name;
    if (lst(i).isdir && nm(1) != ".")
      [p, n, xf, sk] = run_test_script (fid, [d, filesep, nm]);
      dp += p;
      dn += n;
      dxf += xf;
      dsk += sk;
  for i = 1:length (lst)
    nm = lst(i).name;
    ## Ignore hidden files
    if (nm(1) == '.')
    f = fullfile (d, nm);
    if ((length (nm) > 2 && strcmpi (nm((end-1):end), ".m"))
        || (length (nm) > 4
            && (   strcmpi (nm((end-3):end), "-tst")
                || strcmpi (nm((end-3):end), ".tst"))))
      p = n = xf = 0;
      ## Only run if it contains %!test, %!assert, %!error, %!fail, or %!warning
      if (has_tests (f))
        tmp = strrep (f, [topsrcdir, filesep], "");
        tmp = strrep (tmp, [topbuilddir, filesep], "");
        print_test_file_name (tmp);
        [p, n, xf, sk] = test (f, "quiet", fid);
        print_pass_fail (p, n, xf, sk);
        dp += p;
        dn += n;
        dxf += xf;
        dsk += sk;
        files_with_tests(end+1) = f;
        ## To reduce the list length, only mark .cc files that contain
        ## DEFUN definitions.
        files_with_no_tests(end+1) = f;
  ##  fprintf("%s%s -> passes %d of %d tests\n", ident, d, dp, dn);

function n = num_elts_matching_pattern (lst, pat)
  n = sum (! cellfun ("isempty", regexp (lst, pat, 'once')));

function report_files_with_no_tests (with, without, typ)
  pat = ['\' typ "$"];
  n_with = num_elts_matching_pattern (with, pat);
  n_without = num_elts_matching_pattern (without, pat);
  n_tot = n_with + n_without;
  fprintf ("\n%d (of %d) %s files have no tests.\n", n_without, n_tot, typ);

## No test coverage for internal function.  It is tested through calling fcn.
%!assert (1)