view scripts/optimization/pqpnonneg.m @ 31266:e5e35410da90 stable

doc: Documented undocumented outputs for lsqnonneg and pqpnonneg lsqnonneg.m: Edited docstring to describe what the output lambda was, previously not documented. In the course of testing, an error was found for an (unlikely) edge case. Marked that with FIXME for now. pqpnonneg.m: Same as above.
author Arun Giridhar <>
date Thu, 06 Oct 2022 19:52:06 -0400
parents 796f54d4ddbf
children 44a68ac1a22f
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2008-2022 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {@var{x} =} pqpnonneg (@var{c}, @var{d})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{x} =} pqpnonneg (@var{c}, @var{d}, @var{x0})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{x} =} pqpnonneg (@var{c}, @var{d}, @var{x0}, @var{options})
## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{x}, @var{minval}] =} pqpnonneg (@dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{x}, @var{minval}, @var{exitflag}] =} pqpnonneg (@dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{x}, @var{minval}, @var{exitflag}, @var{output}] =} pqpnonneg (@dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{x}, @var{minval}, @var{exitflag}, @var{output}, @var{lambda}] =} pqpnonneg (@dots{})
## Minimize @code{1/2*@var{x}'*@var{c}*@var{x} + @var{d}'*@var{x}} subject to
## @code{@var{x} >= 0}.
## @var{c} and @var{d} must be real matrices, and @var{c} must be symmetric and
## positive definite.
## @var{x0} is an optional initial guess for the solution @var{x}.
## @var{options} is an options structure to change the behavior of the
## algorithm (@pxref{XREFoptimset,,@code{optimset}}).  @code{pqpnonneg}
## recognizes one option: @qcode{"MaxIter"}.
## Outputs:
## @table @var
## @item x
## The solution matrix
## @item minval
## The minimum attained model value,
## @code{1/2*@var{xmin}'*@var{c}*@var{xmin} + @var{d}'*@var{xmin}}
## @item exitflag
## An indicator of convergence.  0 indicates that the iteration count was
## exceeded, and therefore convergence was not reached; >0 indicates that the
## algorithm converged.  (The algorithm is stable and will converge given
## enough iterations.)
## @item output
## A structure with two fields:
## @itemize @bullet
## @item @qcode{"algorithm"}: The algorithm used (@nospell{@qcode{"nnls"}})
## @item @qcode{"iterations"}: The number of iterations taken.
## @end itemize
## @item lambda
## Conjugate gradient at the converged point.  Zero elements are usually
## abutting coordinate planes.  Negative elements are stable to small
## perturbations.
## @end table
## @seealso{lsqnonneg, qp, optimset}
## @end deftypefn

## PKG_ADD: ## Discard result to avoid polluting workspace with ans at startup.
## PKG_ADD: [~] = __all_opts__ ("pqpnonneg");

## This is analogical to the lsqnonneg implementation, which is implemented
## from Lawson and Hanson's 1973 algorithm on page 161 of Solving Least Squares
## Problems.  It shares the convergence guarantees.

function [x, minval, exitflag, output, lambda] = pqpnonneg (c, d, x0 = [],
                                                            options = struct ())

  ## Special case: called to find default optimization options
  if (nargin == 1 && ischar (c) && strcmp (c, "defaults"))
    x = struct ("MaxIter", 1e5);

  if (nargin < 2)
    print_usage ();

  if (! (isnumeric (c) && ismatrix (c)) || ! (isnumeric (d) && ismatrix (d)))
    error ("pqpnonneg: C and D must be numeric matrices");
  if (! issquare (c))
    error ("pqpnonneg: C must be a square matrix");

  if (! isstruct (options))
    error ("pqpnonneg: OPTIONS must be a struct");

  ## Lawson-Hanson Step 1 (LH1): initialize the variables.
  n = columns (c);
  if (isempty (x0))
    ## Initial guess is all zeros.
    x = zeros (n, 1);
    ## ensure nonnegative guess.
    x = max (x0, 0);

  max_iter = optimget (options, "MaxIter", 1e5);

  ## Initialize P, according to zero pattern of x.
  p = find (x > 0).';
  ## Initialize the Cholesky factorization.
  r = chol (c(p, p));
  usechol = true;

  iter = 0;

  ## LH3: test for completion.
  while (iter < max_iter)
    while (iter < max_iter)
      iter += 1;

      ## LH6: compute the positive matrix and find the min norm solution
      ## of the positive problem.
      if (usechol)
        xtmp = -(r \ (r' \ d(p)));
        xtmp = -(c(p,p) \ d(p));
      idx = find (xtmp < 0);

      if (isempty (idx))
        ## LH7: tmp solution found, iterate.
        x(:) = 0;
        x(p) = xtmp;
        ## LH8, LH9: find the scaling factor.
        pidx = p(idx);
        sf = x(pidx) ./ (x(pidx) - xtmp(idx));
        alpha = min (sf);
        ## LH10: adjust X.
        xx = zeros (n, 1);
        xx(p) = xtmp;
        x += alpha*(xx - x);
        ## LH11: move from P to Z all X == 0.
        ## This corresponds to those indices where minimum of sf is attained.
        idx = idx(sf == alpha);
        p(idx) = [];
        if (usechol)
          ## update the Cholesky factorization.
          r = choldelete (r, idx);

    ## compute the gradient.
    w = -(d + c*x);
    w(p) = [];
    if (! any (w > 0))
      if (usechol)
        ## verify the solution achieved using qr updating.
        ## In the best case, this should only take a single step.
        usechol = false;
        ## we're finished.

    ## find the maximum gradient.
    idx = find (w == max (w));
    if (numel (idx) > 1)
      warning ("pqpnonneg:nonunique",
               "a non-unique solution may be returned due to equal gradients");
      idx = idx(1);
    ## move the index from Z to P.  Keep P sorted.
    z = [1:n]; z(p) = [];
    zidx = z(idx);
    jdx = 1 + lookup (p, zidx);
    p = [p(1:jdx-1), zidx, p(jdx:end)];
    if (usechol)
      ## insert the column into the Cholesky factorization.
      [r, bad] = cholinsert (r, jdx, c(p,zidx));
      if (bad)
        ## If the insertion failed, we switch off updates and go on.
        usechol = false;

  ## LH12: complete.

  ## Generate the additional output arguments.
  if (isargout (2))
    minval = 1/2*(x'*c*x) + d'*x;
  if (isargout (3))
    if (iter >= max_iter)
      exitflag = 0;
      exitflag = iter;
  if (isargout (4))
    output = struct ("algorithm", "nnls-pqp", "iterations", iter);
  if (isargout (5))
    lambda = zeros (size (x));
    lambda(p) = w;
    ## FIXME: The above line errors when the solution is NOT constrained
    ## by non-negativity!  That case happens when the lsqnonneg solution
    ## is the same as the fminunc solution.  Ideally the user would not
    ## be using lsqnonneg if nonnegativity constraints are not active, but we
    ## should handle that more gracefully.


%! C = [5 2;2 2];
%! d = [3; -1];
%! assert (pqpnonneg (C, d), [0;0.5], 100*eps);

## Test equivalence of lsq and pqp
%! C = rand (20, 10);
%! d = rand (20, 1);
%! assert (pqpnonneg (C'*C, -C'*d), lsqnonneg (C, d), 100*eps);

## Test input validation
%!error <Invalid call> pqpnonneg ()
%!error <Invalid call> pqpnonneg (1)
%!error <C .* must be numeric matrices> pqpnonneg ({1},2)
%!error <C .* must be numeric matrices> pqpnonneg (ones (2,2,2),2)
%!error <D must be numeric matrices> pqpnonneg (1,{2})
%!error <D must be numeric matrices> pqpnonneg (1, ones (2,2,2))
%!error <C must be a square matrix> pqpnonneg ([1 2], 2)
%!error <OPTIONS must be a struct> pqpnonneg (1, 2, [], 3)