view scripts/strings/strmatch.m @ 13141:e81ddf9cacd5

maint: untabify and remove trailing whitespace from source files * bicg.m, gmres.m, pkg.m: Untabify and remove trailing whitespace. * libcruft/, libcruft/blas-xtra/cdotc3.f, libcruft/blas-xtra/cmatm3.f, libcruft/blas-xtra/ddot3.f, libcruft/blas-xtra/dmatm3.f, libcruft/blas-xtra/sdot3.f, libcruft/blas-xtra/smatm3.f, libcruft/blas-xtra/zdotc3.f, libcruft/blas-xtra/zmatm3.f, libcruft/lapack-xtra/crsf2csf.f, libcruft/lapack-xtra/zrsf2csf.f, liboctave/, liboctave/, liboctave/, liboctave/, liboctave/, liboctave/Makefile.a,mliboctave/, liboctave/Sparse-perm-op-defs.h, scripts/Makefile.a,mscripts/deprecated/glpkmex.m, scripts/general/blkdiag.m, scripts/general/interp1.m, scripts/general/profshow.m, scripts/general/quadl.m, scripts/general/triplequad.m, scripts/help/__makeinfo__.m, scripts/io/strread.m, scripts/io/textread.m, scripts/io/textscan.m, scripts/linear-algebra/rank.m, scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m, scripts/miscellaneous/private/__xzip__.m, scripts/miscellaneous/tempdir.m, scripts/miscellaneous/unpack.m, scripts/pkg/pkg.m, scripts/plot/allchild.m, scripts/plot/ancestor.m, scripts/plot/cla.m, scripts/plot/clf.m, scripts/plot/findall.m, scripts/plot/findobj.m, scripts/plot/gca.m, scripts/plot/gcf.m, scripts/plot/hggroup.m, scripts/plot/isfigure.m, scripts/plot/ishghandle.m, scripts/plot/legend.m, scripts/plot/line.m, scripts/plot/loglog.m, scripts/plot/patch.m, scripts/plot/print.m, scripts/plot/private/__quiver__.m, scripts/plot/private/__scatter__.m, scripts/plot/rectangle.m, scripts/plot/semilogx.m, scripts/plot/semilogy.m, scripts/plot/surface.m, scripts/plot/text.m, scripts/plot/title.m, scripts/plot/trisurf.m, scripts/plot/view.m, scripts/plot/whitebg.m, scripts/plot/xlabel.m, scripts/plot/xlim.m, scripts/plot/ylabel.m, scripts/plot/ylim.m, scripts/plot/zlabel.m, scripts/plot/zlim.m, scripts/polynomial/mkpp.m, scripts/polynomial/polygcd.m, scripts/polynomial/ppint.m, scripts/polynomial/ppjumps.m, scripts/polynomial/ppval.m, scripts/set/setxor.m, scripts/sparse/bicgstab.m, scripts/sparse/cgs.m, scripts/sparse/spconvert.m, scripts/specfun/nthroot.m, scripts/strings/strmatch.m, scripts/strings/untabify.m, scripts/testfun/demo.m, scripts/testfun/example.m, src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/, src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/, src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/, src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/, src/Makefile.a,msrc/, src/, src/, src/, src/, src/ov-class.h, src/ov-fcn.h, src/, src/profiler.h, src/, src/, src/, src/ Remove trailing whitespace.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Thu, 15 Sep 2011 12:51:10 -0400
parents b80b18f537ca
children 72c96de7a403
line wrap: on
line source

## Copyright (C) 2000-2011 Paul Kienzle
## Copyright (C) 2003 Alois Schloegl
## Copyright (C) 2010 VZLU Prague
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} strmatch (@var{s}, @var{A})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} strmatch (@var{s}, @var{A}, "exact")
## Return indices of entries of @var{A} which begin with the string @var{s}.
## The second argument @var{A} must be a string, character matrix, or a cell
## array of strings.  If the third argument @code{"exact"} is not given, then
## @var{s} only needs to match @var{A} up to the length of @var{s}.
## Trailing spaces and nulls in @var{s} and @var{A} are ignored when matching.
## option.
## For example:
## @example
## @group
## strmatch ("apple", "apple juice")
##      @result{} 1
## strmatch ("apple", ["apple  "; "apple juice"; "an apple"])
##      @result{} [1; 2]
## strmatch ("apple", ["apple  "; "apple juice"; "an apple"], "exact")
##      @result{} [1]
## @end group
## @end example
## @strong{Caution:} @code{strmatch} is scheduled for deprecation.  Use
## @code{strcmpi} or @code{strncmpi} in all new code.
## @seealso{strfind, findstr, strcmp, strncmp, strcmpi, strncmpi, find}
## @end deftypefn

## Author: Paul Kienzle, Alois Schloegl
## Adapted-by: jwe

function idx = strmatch (s, A, exact)

  if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 3)
    print_usage ();

  if (! ischar (s) || (! isempty (s) && ! isvector (s)))
    error ("strmatch: S must be a string");
  elseif (! (ischar (A) || iscellstr (A)))
    error ("strmatch: A must be a string or cell array of strings");

  ## Trim blanks and nulls from search string
  s = regexprep (s, "[ \\0]+$", '');
  len = length (s);

  exact = nargin == 3 && ischar (exact) && strcmp (exact, "exact");

  if (ischar (A))
    [nr, nc] = size (A);
    if (len > nc)
      idx = [];
      match = all (bsxfun (@eq, A(:,1:len), s), 2);
      if (exact)
        AA = A(:,len+1:nc);
        match &= all (AA == " " | AA == "\0", 2);
      idx = find (match);
    if (len > 0)
      idx = find (strncmp (s, A, len));
      idx = find (strcmp (s, A));
    if (exact)
      ## We can't just use strcmp, because we need to ignore spaces at end.
      B = regexprep (A(idx), "[ \\0]+$", '');
      idx = idx(strcmp (s, B));


%!assert (strmatch("a", {"aaa", "bab", "bbb"}), 1);
%!assert (strmatch ("apple", "apple juice"), 1);
%!assert (strmatch ("apple", ["apple pie"; "apple juice"; "an apple"]), [1; 2]);
%!assert (strmatch ("apple", {"apple pie"; "apple juice"; "tomato"}), [1; 2]);
%!assert (strmatch ("apple pie", "apple"), []);
%!assert (strmatch ("a ", "a"), 1);
%!assert (strmatch ("a", "a \0", "exact"), 1);
%!assert (strmatch ("a b", {"a b", "a c", "c d"}), 1);
%!assert (strmatch ("", {"", "foo", "bar", ""}), [1, 4]);
%!assert (strmatch ('', { '', '% comment', 'var a = 5', ''}, 'exact'), [1,4]);

%% Test input validation
%!error <Invalid call to strmatch> strmatch();
%!error <Invalid call to strmatch> strmatch("a");
%!error <Invalid call to strmatch> strmatch("a", "aaa", "exact", 1);
%!error <S must be a string> strmatch(1, "aaa");
%!error <S must be a string> strmatch(char ("a", "bb"), "aaa");
%!error <A must be a string> strmatch("a", 1);
%!error <A must be a string> strmatch("a", {"hello", [1]});