view libgui/src/ @ 26058:ecd86b8b8979

use constants for icon size preferences instead of hard coded numbers * gui-preferences.h: define constants for icons size preferences key and default value as well as array with possible icon sizes * (notice_settings): use constants for preferences key and default value, get index for array with possible sizes from preferences value and set icons size accordingly * (notice_settings): dito * (notice_settings): dito * (notice_settings): dito * (notice_settings): dito
author Torsten <>
date Sun, 11 Nov 2018 13:22:37 +0100
parents ce46820c5e9f
children 673b1af42143
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2018 Torsten <>

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see


#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include "defaults.h"
#include "file-ops.h"
#include "oct-env.h"

#include <QAction>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QCompleter>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QHelpContentWidget>
#include <QHelpIndexWidget>
#include <QHelpSearchEngine>
#include <QHelpSearchQueryWidget>
#include <QHelpSearchResultWidget>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QTabWidget>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QVBoxLayout>

#include "documentation.h"
#include "resource-manager.h"
#include "shortcut-manager.h"
#include "gui-preferences.h"

namespace octave
  // The documentation splitter, which is the main widget
  // of the doc dock widget
  documentation::documentation (QWidget *p)
    : QSplitter (Qt::Horizontal, p),
      m_doc_widget (p),
      m_tool_bar (new QToolBar (p)),
      m_findnext_shortcut (new QShortcut (p)),
      m_findprev_shortcut (new QShortcut (p))
    // Get original collection
    QString collection = getenv ("OCTAVE_QTHELP_COLLECTION");
    if (collection.isEmpty ())
      collection = QString::fromStdString (config::oct_doc_dir ()
                                           + sys::file_ops::dir_sep_str ()
                                           + "octave_interpreter.qhc");

    // Setup the help engine with the original collection, use a writable copy
    // of the original collection and load the help data
    m_help_engine = new QHelpEngine (collection, this);

    QString tmpdir = QDir::tempPath();
      = QString::fromStdString (sys::tempnam (tmpdir.toStdString (),

    if (m_help_engine->copyCollectionFile (m_collection))
      m_help_engine->setCollectionFile (m_collection);
      QMessageBox::warning (this, tr ("Octave Documentation"),
                            tr ("Could not copy help collection to temporary\n"
                                "file. Search capabilities may be affected.\n"
                                "%1").arg (m_help_engine->error ()));

    connect(m_help_engine, SIGNAL(setupFinished()),
            m_help_engine->searchEngine(), SLOT(indexDocumentation()));

    if (! m_help_engine->setupData())
        QMessageBox::warning (this, tr ("Octave Documentation"),
                              tr ("Could not setup the data required for the\n"
                                  "documentation viewer. Only help texts in\n"
                                  "the Command Window will be available."));
        if (m_help_engine)
          delete m_help_engine;
        m_help_engine = 0;

    // The browser
    QWidget *browser_find = new QWidget (this);
    m_doc_browser = new documentation_browser (m_help_engine, browser_find);
    connect (m_doc_browser, SIGNAL (cursorPositionChanged (void)),
             this, SLOT(handle_cursor_position_change (void)));

    // Tool bar
    construct_tool_bar ();

    // Find bar
    QWidget *find_footer = new QWidget (browser_find);
    QLabel *find_label = new QLabel (tr ("Find:"), find_footer);
    m_find_line_edit = new QLineEdit (find_footer);
    connect (m_find_line_edit, SIGNAL (returnPressed (void)),
             this, SLOT(find_forward (void)));
    connect (m_find_line_edit, SIGNAL (textEdited (const QString&)),
             this, SLOT(find_forward_from_anchor (const QString&)));
    QToolButton *forward_button = new QToolButton (find_footer);
    forward_button->setText (tr ("Search forward"));
    forward_button->setToolTip (tr ("Search forward"));
    forward_button->setIcon (resource_manager::icon ("go-down"));
    connect (forward_button, SIGNAL (pressed (void)),
             this, SLOT(find_forward (void)));
    QToolButton *backward_button = new QToolButton (find_footer);
    backward_button->setText (tr ("Search backward"));
    backward_button->setToolTip (tr ("Search backward"));
    backward_button->setIcon (resource_manager::icon ("go-up"));
    connect (backward_button, SIGNAL (pressed (void)),
             this, SLOT(find_backward (void)));
    QHBoxLayout *h_box_find_footer = new QHBoxLayout (find_footer);
    h_box_find_footer->addWidget (find_label);
    h_box_find_footer->addWidget (m_find_line_edit);
    h_box_find_footer->addWidget (forward_button);
    h_box_find_footer->addWidget (backward_button);
    h_box_find_footer->setMargin (2);
    find_footer->setLayout (h_box_find_footer);

    QVBoxLayout *v_box_browser_find = new QVBoxLayout (browser_find);
    v_box_browser_find->addWidget (m_tool_bar);
    v_box_browser_find->addWidget (m_doc_browser);
    v_box_browser_find->addWidget (find_footer);
    browser_find->setLayout (v_box_browser_find);

    notice_settings (resource_manager::get_settings ());

    m_findnext_shortcut->setContext (Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut);
    connect (m_findnext_shortcut, SIGNAL (activated (void)),
             this, SLOT(find_forward (void)));
    m_findprev_shortcut->setContext (Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut);
    connect (m_findprev_shortcut, SIGNAL (activated (void)),
             this, SLOT(find_backward (void)));

    find_footer->hide ();
    m_search_anchor_position = 0;

    // Layout contents, index and search
    QTabWidget *navi = new QTabWidget (this);
    navi->setTabsClosable (false);
    navi->setMovable (true);

    // Contents
    QHelpContentWidget *content = m_help_engine->contentWidget ();
    content->setObjectName ("documentation_tab_contents");
    navi->addTab (content, tr ("Contents"));

    connect(m_help_engine->contentWidget (),
            SIGNAL (linkActivated (const QUrl&)),
            m_doc_browser, SLOT(handle_index_clicked (const QUrl&)));

    // Index
    QHelpIndexWidget *index = m_help_engine->indexWidget ();

    m_filter = new QComboBox (this);
    m_filter->setToolTip (tr ("Enter text to search the indices"));
    m_filter->setEditable (true);
    m_filter->setInsertPolicy (QComboBox::NoInsert);
    m_filter->setMaxCount (10);
    m_filter->setMaxVisibleItems (10);
    m_filter->setSizeAdjustPolicy (
    QSizePolicy sizePol (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
    m_filter->setSizePolicy (sizePol);
    m_filter->completer ()->setCaseSensitivity (Qt::CaseSensitive);
    QLabel *filter_label = new QLabel (tr ("Search"));

    QWidget *filter_all = new QWidget (navi);
    QHBoxLayout *h_box_index = new QHBoxLayout (filter_all);
    h_box_index->addWidget (filter_label);
    h_box_index->addWidget (m_filter);
    h_box_index->setMargin (2);
    filter_all->setLayout (h_box_index);

    QWidget *index_all = new QWidget (navi);
    index_all->setObjectName ("documentation_tab_index");
    QVBoxLayout *v_box_index = new QVBoxLayout (index_all);
    v_box_index->addWidget (filter_all);
    v_box_index->addWidget (index);
    index_all->setLayout (v_box_index);

    navi->addTab (index_all, tr ("Function Index"));

    connect(m_help_engine->indexWidget (),
            SIGNAL (linkActivated (const QUrl&, const QString&)),
            m_doc_browser, SLOT(handle_index_clicked (const QUrl&,
                                                      const QString&)));

    connect (m_filter, SIGNAL (editTextChanged (const QString&)),
             this, SLOT(filter_update (const QString&)));

    connect (m_filter->lineEdit (), SIGNAL (editingFinished (void)),
             this, SLOT(filter_update_history (void)));

    // Search
    QHelpSearchEngine *search_engine = m_help_engine->searchEngine ();
    QHelpSearchQueryWidget *search = search_engine->queryWidget ();
    QHelpSearchResultWidget *result = search_engine->resultWidget ();
    QWidget *search_all = new QWidget (navi);
    QVBoxLayout *v_box_search = new QVBoxLayout (search_all);
    v_box_search->addWidget (search);
    v_box_search->addWidget (result);
    search_all->setLayout (v_box_search);
    search_all->setObjectName ("documentation_tab_search");
    navi->addTab (search_all, tr ("Search"));

    connect (search, SIGNAL (search (void)),
             this, SLOT(global_search (void)));

    connect (search_engine, SIGNAL (searchingStarted (void)),
             this, SLOT(global_search_started (void)));
    connect (search_engine, SIGNAL (searchingFinished (int)),
             this, SLOT(global_search_finished (int)));

    connect (search_engine->resultWidget (),
             SIGNAL (requestShowLink (const QUrl&)),
             SLOT(handle_index_clicked (const QUrl&)));

    // Fill the splitter
    insertWidget (0, navi);
    insertWidget (1, browser_find);
    setStretchFactor (1, 1);

    // Initial view: Contents
    m_doc_browser->setSource (QUrl (

  documentation::~documentation (void)
    if (m_help_engine)
      delete m_help_engine;

    // Cleanup temporary file and directory
    QFile file (m_collection);
    if (file.exists ())
        QFileInfo finfo (file);
        QString bname = finfo.fileName ();
        QDir dir = finfo.absoluteDir ();
        dir.setFilter (QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Hidden);
        QStringList namefilter;
        namefilter.append ("*" + bname + "*");
        foreach (QFileInfo fi, dir.entryInfoList (namefilter))
            std::string file_name = fi.absoluteFilePath ().toStdString ();
            sys::recursive_rmdir (file_name);


  QAction * documentation::add_action (const QIcon& icon, const QString& text,
                                       const char *member, QWidget *receiver,
                                       QToolBar *tool_bar)
    QAction *a;
    QWidget *r = this;
    if (receiver != nullptr)
      r = receiver;

    a = new QAction (icon, text, this);
    connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered ()), r, member);

    if (tool_bar)
      tool_bar->addAction (a);

    m_doc_widget->addAction (a);  // important for shortcut context
    a->setShortcutContext (Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut);

    return a;

  void documentation::construct_tool_bar (void)
    // Home, Previous, Next
    m_action_go_home = add_action (resource_manager::icon ("go-home"),
                                   tr ("Go home"), SLOT (home (void)),
                                   m_doc_browser, m_tool_bar);
    m_action_go_prev = add_action (resource_manager::icon ("go-previous"),
                                   tr ("Go back"), SLOT (backward (void)),
                                   m_doc_browser, m_tool_bar);
    m_action_go_next = add_action (resource_manager::icon ("go-next"),
                                   tr ("Go forward"), SLOT (forward (void)),
                                   m_doc_browser, m_tool_bar);
    m_action_go_prev->setEnabled (false);
    m_action_go_next->setEnabled (false);
    connect (m_doc_browser, SIGNAL (backwardAvailable (bool)),
             m_action_go_prev, SLOT (setEnabled (bool)));
    connect (m_doc_browser, SIGNAL (forwardAvailable (bool)),
             m_action_go_next, SLOT (setEnabled (bool)));

    // Find
    m_tool_bar->addSeparator ();
    m_action_find = add_action (resource_manager::icon ("edit-find"),
                                   tr ("Find"), SLOT (activate_find (void)),
                                   this, m_tool_bar);

    // Zoom
    m_tool_bar->addSeparator ();
    m_action_zoom_in = add_action (resource_manager::icon ("zoom-in"),
                                   tr ("Zoom in"), SLOT (zoom_in (void)),
                                   m_doc_browser, m_tool_bar);
    m_action_zoom_out = add_action (resource_manager::icon ("zoom-out"),
                                    tr ("Zoom in"), SLOT (zoom_out (void)),
                                    m_doc_browser, m_tool_bar);
    m_action_zoom_original = add_action (resource_manager::icon ("zoom-original"),
                                   tr ("Zoom original"), SLOT (zoom_original (void)),
                                   m_doc_browser, m_tool_bar);

  void documentation::global_search (void)
    QString queries
      = m_help_engine->searchEngine ()->queryWidget ()->searchInput ();
    QList<QHelpSearchQuery> queries
      = m_help_engine->searchEngine ()->queryWidget ()->query ();

    m_help_engine->searchEngine ()->search (queries);

  void documentation::global_search_started (void)

  void documentation::global_search_finished (int)
    if (! m_internal_search.isEmpty ())
        QHelpSearchEngine *search_engine = m_help_engine->searchEngine ();
        if (search_engine)
            QVector<QHelpSearchResult> res
              = search_engine->searchResults (0, search_engine->searchResultCount ());
            QList< QPair<QString, QString> > res
              = search_engine->hits (0, search_engine->hitCount ());

            if (res.count ())
                QUrl url;

                if (res.count () == 1)
                  url = res.front ().url ();
                  url = res.front ().first;
                    // Remove the quotes we added
                    QString search_string = m_internal_search;

                    for (auto r = res.begin (); r != res.end (); r++)
                        QString title = r->title ().toLower ();
                        QUrl tmpurl = r->url ();
                        QString title = r->second.toLower ();
                        QUrl tmpurl = r->first;
                        if (title.contains (search_string.toLower ()))
                            if (title.indexOf (search_string.toLower ()) == 0)
                                url = tmpurl;
                            else if (url.isEmpty ())
                              url = tmpurl;

                if (! url.isEmpty ())
                    connect (this, SIGNAL (show_single_result (const QUrl)),
                             SLOT (handle_index_clicked (const QUrl)));

                    emit show_single_result (url);

        m_internal_search = QString ();


  void documentation::notice_settings (const QSettings *settings)
    // Icon size in the toolbar.
    int size_idx = settings->value (global_icon_size.key,
                                    global_icon_size.def).toInt ();
    size_idx = (size_idx > 0) - (size_idx < 0) + 1;  // Make valid index from 0 to 2

    QStyle *st = style ();
    int icon_size = st->pixelMetric (global_icon_sizes[size_idx]);
    m_tool_bar->setIconSize (QSize (icon_size, icon_size));

    // Shortcuts
    shortcut_manager::set_shortcut (m_action_find, "editor_edit:find_replace");
    shortcut_manager::shortcut (m_findnext_shortcut, "editor_edit:find_next");
    shortcut_manager::shortcut (m_findprev_shortcut, "editor_edit:find_previous");
    shortcut_manager::set_shortcut (m_action_zoom_in, "editor_view:zoom_in");
    shortcut_manager::set_shortcut (m_action_zoom_out, "editor_view:zoom_out");
    shortcut_manager::set_shortcut (m_action_zoom_original, "editor_view:zoom_normal");
    shortcut_manager::set_shortcut (m_action_go_home, "doc_browser:go_home");
    shortcut_manager::set_shortcut (m_action_go_prev, "doc_browser:go_back");
    shortcut_manager::set_shortcut (m_action_go_next, "doc_browser:go_next");

  void documentation::copyClipboard (void)
    if (m_doc_browser->hasFocus ())

  void documentation::pasteClipboard (void) { }

  void documentation::selectAll (void) { }

  void documentation::load_ref (const QString& ref_name)
    if (! m_help_engine)

    // First search in the function index
    QMap<QString, QUrl> found_links
      = m_help_engine->linksForIdentifier (ref_name);

    QTabWidget *navi = static_cast<QTabWidget*> (widget (0));

    if (found_links.count() > 0)
        m_doc_browser->setSource (found_links.constBegin().value());

        // Switch to function index tab
        m_help_engine->indexWidget()->filterIndices (ref_name);
        QWidget *index_tab
          = navi->findChild<QWidget*> ("documentation_tab_index");
        navi->setCurrentWidget (index_tab);
        // Use full text search to provide the best match
        QHelpSearchEngine *search_engine = m_help_engine->searchEngine ();
        QHelpSearchQueryWidget *search_query = search_engine->queryWidget ();

        QString query = ref_name;
        query.prepend ("\"").append ("\"");
        QList<QHelpSearchQuery> query;
        query << QHelpSearchQuery (QHelpSearchQuery::DEFAULT,
                                   QStringList (QString("\"") + ref_name + QString("\"")));
        m_internal_search = ref_name;
        search_engine->search (query);

        // Switch to search tab
        search_query->setSearchInput (query);
        search_query->setQuery (query);
        QWidget *search_tab
          = navi->findChild<QWidget*> ("documentation_tab_search");
        navi->setCurrentWidget (search_tab);

  void documentation::activate_find (void)
    if (m_find_line_edit->parentWidget ()->isVisible ())
        m_find_line_edit->parentWidget ()->hide ();
        m_doc_browser->setFocus ();
        m_find_line_edit->parentWidget ()->show ();
        m_find_line_edit->selectAll ();
        m_find_line_edit->setFocus ();

  void documentation::filter_update (const QString& expression)
    if (! m_help_engine)

    QString wildcard;
    if (expression.contains (QLatin1Char('*')))
      wildcard = expression;

    m_help_engine->indexWidget ()->filterIndices(expression, wildcard);

  void documentation::filter_update_history (void)
    QString text = m_filter->currentText ();   // get current text
    int index = m_filter->findText (text);     // and its actual index

    if (index > -1)
      m_filter->removeItem (index);            // remove if already existing

    m_filter->insertItem (0, text);            // (re)insert at beginning
    m_filter->setCurrentIndex (0);

  void documentation::find_forward (void)
    if (! m_help_engine)

    m_doc_browser->find (m_find_line_edit->text ());
    record_anchor_position ();

  void documentation::find_backward (void)
    if (! m_help_engine)

    m_doc_browser->find (m_find_line_edit->text (), QTextDocument::FindBackward);
    record_anchor_position ();

  void documentation::find_forward_from_anchor (const QString& text)
    if (! m_help_engine)

    QTextCursor textcur = m_doc_browser->textCursor ();
    textcur.setPosition (m_search_anchor_position);
    m_doc_browser->setTextCursor (textcur);
    m_doc_browser->find (text);

  void documentation::record_anchor_position (void)
    if (! m_help_engine)

    m_search_anchor_position = m_doc_browser->textCursor ().position ();

  void documentation::handle_cursor_position_change (void)
    if (! m_help_engine)

    if (m_doc_browser->hasFocus ())
      record_anchor_position ();

  void documentation::registerDoc (const QString& qch)
    if (m_help_engine)
        QString ns = m_help_engine->namespaceName (qch);
        bool do_setup = true;
        if (m_help_engine->registeredDocumentations ().contains (ns))
            if (m_help_engine->documentationFileName (ns) == qch)
              do_setup = false;
                m_help_engine->unregisterDocumentation (ns);
                m_help_engine->registerDocumentation (qch);
        else if (! m_help_engine->registerDocumentation (qch))
            QMessageBox::warning (this, tr ("Octave Documentation"),
                                  tr ("Unable to register help file %1.").
                                  arg (qch));
            do_setup = false;

        if (do_setup)

  void documentation::unregisterDoc (const QString& qch)
    QString ns = m_help_engine->namespaceName (qch);
    if (m_help_engine
        && m_help_engine->registeredDocumentations ().contains (ns)
        && m_help_engine->documentationFileName (ns) == qch)
        m_help_engine->unregisterDocumentation (ns);
        m_help_engine->setupData ();

  // The documentation browser
  documentation_browser::documentation_browser (QHelpEngine *he, QWidget *p)
    : QTextBrowser (p), m_help_engine (he), m_zoom_level (0)
  { }

  documentation_browser::~documentation_browser (void)
  { }

  void documentation_browser::handle_index_clicked (const QUrl& url,
                                                    const QString&)
    setSource (url);

  void documentation_browser::notice_settings (const QSettings *)
  { }

  QVariant documentation_browser::loadResource (int type, const QUrl &url)
    if (url.scheme () == "qthelp")
      return QVariant (m_help_engine->fileData(url));
      return QTextBrowser::loadResource(type, url);

  void documentation_browser::zoom_in (void)
    if (m_zoom_level < max_zoom_level)
        zoomIn ();

  void documentation_browser::zoom_out (void)
    if (m_zoom_level > min_zoom_level)
        zoomOut ();

  void documentation_browser::zoom_original (void)
    zoomIn (- m_zoom_level);
    m_zoom_level = 0;

  void documentation_browser::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *we)
    if (we->modifiers () == Qt::ControlModifier)
        if (we->delta () > 0)
          zoom_in ();
          zoom_out ();

        we->accept ();
      QTextEdit::wheelEvent (we);
