view libgui/src/ @ 26818:f7b10bd40045 stable

fix dock widget position when being dragged out of the main window (bug #55704) * (octave_dock_widget): make_window now uses a bool parameter which has to be reflected in the signal connections; (make_window): previously unused bool parameter now used for indicating the case where the widget is dragged to its floating position, get last drag position before the widget is reparented and restore geometry afeterwards or set it to the last floating position; (event): emit the signal for making a window using the appropriate flag * octave-dock-widget.h: signal queue_make_window with boolean parameter, method make_window now using its boolean paramter
author Torsten <>
date Sun, 03 Mar 2019 12:56:12 +0100
parents abe3e8597a55
children 9326c2258e60
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Richard Crozier
Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Torsten <>

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see


#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include <QApplication>
#include <QAction>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QToolBar>

#include "resource-manager.h"
#include "octave-dock-widget.h"

namespace octave
  label_dock_widget::label_dock_widget (QWidget *p)
    : QDockWidget (p), m_default_float_button (nullptr),
      m_default_close_button (nullptr)
    QStyle *st = style ();
    m_icon_size = 0.75*st->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize);

    // keep track of the original buttons on the default title bar,
    // the button further left is considered "float"
    QList<QAbstractButton *> buttonlist = findChildren<QAbstractButton *> ();
    if (buttonlist.size () == 2)
        if ( (0)->x () < (1)->x ())
            m_default_float_button = (0);
            m_default_close_button = (1);
            m_default_float_button = (1);
            m_default_close_button = (0);

    // the custom (extra) title bar of the widget
    m_title_widget = new QWidget ();

    m_dock_action = new QAction
      (QIcon (":/actions/icons/widget-undock.png"), "", this);
    m_dock_action->setToolTip (tr ("Undock widget"));
    m_dock_button = new QToolButton (m_title_widget);
    m_dock_button->setDefaultAction (m_dock_action);
    m_dock_button->setFocusPolicy (Qt::NoFocus);
    m_dock_button->setIconSize (QSize (m_icon_size,m_icon_size));

    m_close_action = new QAction
      (QIcon (":/actions/icons/widget-close.png"), "", this);
    m_close_action->setToolTip (tr ("Close widget"));
    m_close_button = new QToolButton (m_title_widget);
    m_close_button->setDefaultAction (m_close_action);
    m_close_button->setFocusPolicy (Qt::NoFocus);
    m_close_button->setIconSize (QSize (m_icon_size,m_icon_size));

    QString css_button = QString ("QToolButton {background: transparent; border: 0px;}");
    m_dock_button->setStyleSheet (css_button);
    m_close_button->setStyleSheet (css_button);

    QHBoxLayout *h_layout = new QHBoxLayout ();
    h_layout->addStretch (100);
    h_layout->addWidget (m_dock_button);
    h_layout->addWidget (m_close_button);
    h_layout->setSpacing (10);
    h_layout->setContentsMargins (5,2,2,2);

    m_title_widget->setLayout (h_layout);

    // copy & paste handling
    connect (p, SIGNAL (copyClipboard_signal ()),
             this, SLOT (copyClipboard ()));
    connect (p, SIGNAL (pasteClipboard_signal ()),
             this, SLOT (pasteClipboard ()));
    connect (p, SIGNAL (selectAll_signal ()),
             this, SLOT (selectAll ()));
    // undo handling
    connect (p, SIGNAL (undo_signal ()), this, SLOT (do_undo ()));

  // set the title in the dockwidgets title bar
  label_dock_widget::set_title (const QString& title)
    QHBoxLayout *h_layout
      = static_cast<QHBoxLayout *> (m_title_widget->layout ());
    QLabel *label = new QLabel (title, m_title_widget);
    label->setStyleSheet ("background-color: transparent;");
    h_layout->insertWidget (0,label);
    setTitleBarWidget (m_title_widget);
    setWindowTitle (title);

  static QString
  qdockwidget_css (const QString& close_icon, const QString& close_tooltip,
                   const QString& float_icon, const QString& float_tooltip,
                   int icon_size, const QString& titlebar_foreground,
                   const QString& titlebar_background)
    return QString ("QDockWidget\n"
                    "  border: none;\n"
                    "  titlebar-close-icon: url(%1);\n"
                    "  titlebar-normal-icon: url(%2);\n"
                    "QDockWidget::close-button, QDockWidget::float-button\n"
                    "  border: none;\n"
                    "  icon-size: %3px;\n"
                    "  qproperty-toolTip: \"%4\";\n"
                    "  qproperty-toolTip: \"%5\";\n"
                    "QDockWidget::title {\n"
                    "  text-align: left;\n"
                    "  padding-left: 1px;\n"
                    "  right: %8px;\n"
                    "  top: 3px;\n"
                    "  right: %9px;\n"
                    "  top: 3px;\n"
                    ).arg (close_icon).arg (float_icon).arg (icon_size)
                     .arg (close_tooltip).arg (float_tooltip)
                     .arg (titlebar_foreground). arg (titlebar_background)
                     .arg ((icon_size*2)/3). arg((icon_size*7)/3);

  octave_dock_widget::octave_dock_widget (const QString& obj_name, QWidget *p)
    : label_dock_widget (p), m_recent_float_geom (), m_recent_dock_geom (),
      m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release (false)
    setObjectName (obj_name);

    m_parent = static_cast<QMainWindow *> (p);     // store main window
    m_predecessor_widget = nullptr;

    connect (this, SIGNAL (topLevelChanged (bool)),
             this, SLOT (toplevel_change (bool)));
    connect (this, SIGNAL (visibilityChanged (bool)),
             this, SLOT (handle_visibility_changed (bool)));

    connect (p, SIGNAL (settings_changed (const QSettings*)),
             this, SLOT (handle_settings (const QSettings*)));

    connect (p, SIGNAL (active_dock_changed (octave_dock_widget*,
             this, SLOT (handle_active_dock_changed (octave_dock_widget*,

    connect (this, SIGNAL (request_queue_cmd (octave_cmd*)),
             p, SLOT (queue_cmd (octave_cmd*)));

    if (m_default_float_button != nullptr)
        disconnect (m_default_float_button, 0, 0, 0);
        connect (m_default_float_button, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)),
                 this, SLOT (make_window (bool)));
    connect (this, SIGNAL (queue_make_window (bool)),
             this, SLOT (make_window (bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect (this, SIGNAL (queue_make_widget ()),
             this, SLOT (make_widget ()), Qt::QueuedConnection);

    connect (m_dock_action, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)),
             this, SLOT (make_window (bool)));
    connect (m_close_action, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)),
             this, SLOT (change_visibility (bool)));

    m_close_action->setToolTip (tr ("Hide widget"));

    setStyleSheet (qdockwidget_css (QString (":/actions/icons/widget-close.png"),
                                    QString ("Close widget"),
                                    QString (":/actions/icons/widget-undock.png"),
                                    QString ("Undock widget"),
                                    QString (""),
                                    QString ("")));
    if (widget ())
      widget ()->setToolTip (QString (""));

    m_icon_color = "";
    m_title_3d = 50;

    installEventFilter (this);

    setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);

    setFeatures (QDockWidget::AllDockWidgetFeatures);

    handle_settings (resource_manager::get_settings ());

  // connect signal visibility changed to related slot (called from main-window)
  octave_dock_widget::connect_visibility_changed (void)
    connect (this, SIGNAL (visibilityChanged (bool)),
             this, SLOT (handle_visibility (bool)));
    emit active_changed (isVisible ());  // emit once for init of window menu

  // make the widget floating
  octave_dock_widget::make_window (bool widget_was_dragged)
    bool vis = isVisible ();

    // prevent follow-up calls by clearing state variable
    m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release = false;

    set_focus_predecessor ();  // set focus previously active widget if tabbed

    // Before unparenting, get current geometry for restoring if dragged
    QRect geom = geometry ();

    // the widget has to be reparented (parent = 0), preferably
    // from a non-toplevel widget otherwise may not have full
    // decorations, e.g., no taskbar icon and always in front
    if (isFloating ())
      setFloating (false);

// Remove after thorough testing 3/20/18    m_parent->removeDockWidget (this);

    setParent (0, Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint |
               Qt::WindowMinMaxButtonsHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::Window);

    // restore the last geometry when floating only if we have not dragged
    // the window outside the main window
    if (! widget_was_dragged)
      geom = m_recent_float_geom.isNull () ? QRect (50,100,480,480)
                                           : m_recent_float_geom;
    setGeometry (geom);

    // adjust the (un)dock icon
    if (titleBarWidget ())
        m_dock_action->setIcon (QIcon (":/actions/icons/widget-dock"
                                       + m_icon_color + ".png"));
        m_dock_action->setToolTip (tr ("Dock widget"));
        disconnect (m_dock_action, 0, this, 0);
        connect (m_dock_action, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)),
                 this, SLOT (make_widget (bool)));
        disconnect (m_default_float_button, 0, this, 0);
        connect (m_default_float_button, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)),
                 this, SLOT (make_widget (bool)));

    raise ();
    activateWindow ();

    if (vis)
      show ();
      focus ();
      set_style (true);

  // dock the widget
  octave_dock_widget::make_widget (bool)
    bool vis = isVisible ();

    // Since floating widget has no parent, we have to read it
    QSettings *settings = resource_manager::get_settings ();

    settings->setValue ("MainWindow/windowState", m_parent->saveState ());
    // Stay window, otherwise will bounce back to window by default because
    // there is no layout information for this widget in the saved settings.
    setParent (m_parent, Qt::Window);
    m_parent->addDockWidget (Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, this);
    // recover old window states, hide and re-show new added widget
    m_parent->restoreState (settings->value ("MainWindow/windowState").toByteArray ());
    setFloating (false);

    // adjust the (un)dock icon
    if (titleBarWidget ())
        m_dock_action->setIcon (QIcon (":/actions/icons/widget-undock"
                                       + m_icon_color + ".png"));
        m_dock_action->setToolTip (tr ("Undock widget"));
        disconnect (m_dock_action, 0, this, 0);
        connect (m_dock_action, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)),
                 this, SLOT (make_window (bool)));
        disconnect (m_default_float_button, 0, this, 0);
        connect (m_default_float_button, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)),
                 this, SLOT (make_window (bool)));

    raise ();
    QApplication::setActiveWindow (this);

    if (vis)
        show ();
        focus ();
        set_style (true);

  // dock the widget
  octave_dock_widget::default_dock (bool)
    setFloating (false);

  // set the widget which previously had focus when tabified
  octave_dock_widget::set_predecessor_widget (octave_dock_widget *prev_widget)
    m_predecessor_widget = prev_widget;

  // close event
  octave_dock_widget::closeEvent (QCloseEvent *e)
    emit active_changed (false);
    set_focus_predecessor ();
    QDockWidget::closeEvent (e);

  // get focus widget
  QWidget *
  octave_dock_widget::focusWidget (void)
    QWidget *w = QApplication::focusWidget ();
    if (w && w->focusProxy ()) w = w->focusProxy ();
    return w;

  octave_dock_widget::event (QEvent *event)
    // low-level check of whether docked-widget became a window via
    // double-click or via drag-and-drop
    if ( (event->type () == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick && ! isFloating ())
        || (event->type () == QEvent::ActivationChange && m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release))
        bool retval = QDockWidget::event (event);
        if (isFloating () && parent () != 0)
            m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release = false;
            emit queue_make_window (event->type () != QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick);
        return retval;

    return QDockWidget::event (event);

  octave_dock_widget::handle_settings (const QSettings *settings)
      = settings->value ("DockWidgets/widget_title_custom_style",false).toBool ();

      = settings->value ("DockWidgets/widget_title_3d",50).toInt ();

    QColor default_var = QColor (0,0,0);
    m_fg_color = settings->value ("DockWidgets/title_fg_color",
                                  default_var).value<QColor> ();
    default_var = QColor (0,0,0);
    m_fg_color_active = settings->value ("DockWidgets/title_fg_color_active",
                                         default_var).value<QColor> ();

    default_var = QColor (255,255,255);
    m_bg_color = settings->value ("DockWidgets/title_bg_color",
                                  default_var).value<QColor> ();
    default_var = QColor (192,192,192);
    m_bg_color_active = settings->value ("DockWidgets/title_bg_color_active",
                                         default_var).value<QColor> ();

    QColor bcol (m_bg_color);
    QColor bcola (m_bg_color_active);

    if (! m_custom_style)
        bcol = QWidget::palette ().color (m_title_widget->backgroundRole ());
        bcola = bcol;

    int r, g, b;
    bcol.getRgb (&r, &g, &b);
    if (r+g+b < 400)
      m_icon_color = "-light";
      m_icon_color = "";

    bcola.getRgb (&r, &g, &b);
    if (r+g+b < 400)
      m_icon_color_active = "-light";
      m_icon_color_active = "";

    QRect available_size = QApplication::desktop ()->availableGeometry (m_parent);
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    available_size.getCoords (&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
    QRect default_size = QRect (x1+16, y1+32, x2/3, 2*y2/3);

    m_recent_float_geom = settings->value ("DockWidgets/" + objectName ()
                                           + "_floating_geometry",
                                           default_size).toRect ();

    QWidget dummy;
    dummy.setGeometry (m_recent_float_geom);

    if (QApplication::desktop ()->screenNumber (&dummy) == -1)
      m_recent_float_geom = default_size;

    m_recent_dock_geom = settings->value ("DockWidgets/" + objectName (),
                                          QByteArray ()).toByteArray ();

    notice_settings (settings);  // call individual handler

    set_style (false);

  octave_dock_widget::handle_active_dock_changed (octave_dock_widget *w_old,
                                                  octave_dock_widget *w_new)
    if (m_custom_style && this == w_old)
        set_style (false);
        update ();

    if (m_custom_style && this == w_new)
        set_style (true);
        update ();

  octave_dock_widget::save_settings (void)
    // save state of this dock-widget
    QString name = objectName ();
    QSettings *settings = resource_manager::get_settings ();

    if (! settings)

    store_geometry ();

    settings->beginGroup ("DockWidgets");

    // conditional needed?
    if (! m_recent_float_geom.isNull ())
      settings->setValue (name + "_floating_geometry", m_recent_float_geom);

    if (! m_recent_dock_geom.isEmpty ())
      settings->setValue (name, m_recent_dock_geom);
    settings->setValue (name+"Visible", isVisible ()); // store visibility
    settings->setValue (name+"Floating", isFloating ()); // store floating
    settings->setValue (name+"_minimized", isMinimized ()); // store minimized

    settings->endGroup ();
    settings->sync ();

  bool octave_dock_widget::eventFilter (QObject *obj, QEvent *e)
    if (e->type () == QEvent::NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick)
        e->ignore (); // ignore double clicks into window decoration elements
        return true;

    return QDockWidget::eventFilter (obj,e);

  octave_dock_widget::store_geometry (void)
    if (isFloating ())
        if (! parent ())
          m_recent_float_geom = geometry ();
        m_recent_dock_geom = saveGeometry ();

  octave_dock_widget::moveEvent (QMoveEvent *event)
    store_geometry ();

    QDockWidget::moveEvent (event);

  octave_dock_widget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event)
    store_geometry ();

    QDockWidget::resizeEvent (event);

  // slot for hiding the widget
  octave_dock_widget::change_visibility (bool)
    setVisible (false);
    emit active_changed (false);

  octave_dock_widget::toplevel_change (bool toplevel)
    QObject *dockobj;
    const char *docksig;

    if (titleBarWidget ())
        dockobj = m_dock_action;
        docksig = SIGNAL (triggered (bool));
        dockobj = m_default_float_button;
        docksig = SIGNAL (clicked (bool));

    if (toplevel)
        // This is a fallback in case the attempt to create a floated
        // top-level window fails and the QDockWidget remains a child
        // of the QMainWindow.
        connect (dockobj, docksig, this, SLOT (default_dock (bool)));

        // Could be dragging window, so must wait until there is a
        // change in focus.
        if (parent () != 0)
          m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release = true;
        // If a drag-and-drop within the QMainWindow occurred, want to remain a widget.
        m_waiting_for_mouse_button_release = false;

        // Making into a widget immediately will mangle the double-click
        // status and cause problems on followup button clicks.
        if (parent () == 0)
          emit queue_make_widget ();

  octave_dock_widget::set_style (bool active)
    QString css_foreground;
    QString css_background;
    QString css_button;
    QString dock_icon;

    QString icon_col = m_icon_color;

    QString close_tooltip = "Close widget";
    QString dock_tooltip;

    if (isFloating ())
        dock_icon = "widget-dock";
        dock_tooltip = "Dock widget";
        dock_icon = "widget-undock";
        dock_tooltip = "Undock widget";

#if defined (Q_OS_MAC)
    QString alignment = "center";
    QString alignment = "center left";
    if (m_custom_style)

        QColor bg_col, fg_col;

        if (active)
            bg_col = m_bg_color_active;
            fg_col = m_fg_color_active;
            icon_col = m_icon_color_active;
            bg_col = m_bg_color;
            fg_col = m_fg_color;
            icon_col = m_icon_color;

        QColor bg_col_top, bg_col_bottom;
        if (m_title_3d > 0)
            bg_col_top = bg_col.lighter (100 + m_title_3d);
            bg_col_bottom = bg_col.darker (100 + m_title_3d);
            bg_col_top = bg_col.darker (100 - m_title_3d);
            bg_col_bottom = bg_col.lighter (100 - m_title_3d);

        css_foreground = QString ("  color: %1;\n").arg ( ());

        css_background =
          QString ("  background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1,"
                   " stop: 0 %1, stop: 0.60 %2, stop: 0.95 %2 stop: 1.0 %3);\n").
          arg ( ()).
          arg ( ()).
          arg ( ());
        css_foreground = QString ("");
        css_background = QString ("");

    QString full_dock_icon = ":/actions/icons/" + dock_icon + icon_col + ".png";
    QString full_close_icon = ":/actions/icons/widget-close" + icon_col + ".png";
    if (titleBarWidget ())
        titleBarWidget ()->setStyleSheet (css_foreground + css_background);
        css_button = QString ("QToolButton {background: transparent; border: 0px;}");
        m_dock_button->setStyleSheet (css_button);
        m_close_button->setStyleSheet (css_button);
        m_dock_action->setIcon (QIcon (full_dock_icon));
        m_close_action->setIcon (QIcon (full_close_icon));
        setStyleSheet (qdockwidget_css (full_close_icon,

  // set focus to previously active widget in tabbed widget stack
  octave_dock_widget::set_focus_predecessor (void)
    // only != 0 if widget was tabbed
    if (m_predecessor_widget && m_predecessor_widget->isVisible ())
      m_predecessor_widget->focus ();

    m_predecessor_widget = nullptr;
    // FIXME: Until cset bda0c5b38bda, the wrong keys "Dockwidget/..." were used
    // here.  This had no effect in Qt4, but does in Qt5.  In the following, the
    // four incorrect keys are updated if still present in the settings files.
    // The keys are also used in the settings dialog, but
    // octave_dock_widget::handle_settings is already called at program start.
    // These tests can be removed in a future version of Octave (version 6).
    resource_manager::update_settings_key ("Dockwidgets/title_bg_color",
    resource_manager::update_settings_key ("Dockwidgets/title_bg_color_active",
    resource_manager::update_settings_key ("Dockwidgets/title_fg_color",
    resource_manager::update_settings_key ("Dockwidgets/title_fg_color_active",