view libgui/src/m-editor/ @ 27133:fbe46901ae62

fix editors search and replace in selection (bug #56405) * (handle_double_click): update call to changed method octave_qscintilla::show_selection_markers * (find_dialog): parent is class octave_qscintilla, initialize the new class variables for searching in the selection; (handle_selection_changed): only disable selection checkbox if no text is selected, but leave check state as it is, remove the conditial compilation based on HAVE_QSCI_FINDSELECTION; (find): remove consitional compilation, initialize line and column for the search start also for selected text, remember start and end of a possible selection, remove workaround for wrong selection length update, only use finFirst also for the case with selection, check if search hit lies within the selection if necessary and stop search if required, update slection marker for showing the current selected area, remove this marker and restore real selection if no more occurrance of search text was found; (do_replace): update the length of the selection when replacing text; (replace): remove workaround for buggy selection length update * find-dialog.h: include octave_qscintilla, parent and _edit_area are of type octave_qscintilla, new class variable for storing and handling search in selection as well as selection begin and end * (show_selection_markers): paraemters are now start line and column as wells as end line and column * octave-qscintilla.h: new parameters for show_selection_markers
author Torsten Lilge <>
date Sat, 01 Jun 2019 19:30:56 +0200
parents acedcba362be
children 7455523fdf01
line wrap: on
line source


Find dialog derived from an example from Qt Toolkit (license below (**))

Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Torsten <>
Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 All rights reserved.
 Contact: Nokia Corporation (

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
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** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
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#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)

#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QVBoxLayout>

#include "find-dialog.h"

namespace octave
  find_dialog::find_dialog (octave_qscintilla *edit_area,
                            QList<QAction *> find_actions, QWidget *p)
    : QDialog (p), m_in_sel (false), m_sel_beg (-1), m_sel_end (-1)
    setWindowTitle (tr ("Find and Replace"));
    setWindowIcon (QIcon (":/actions/icons/find.png"));

    _search_label = new QLabel (tr ("Find &what:"));
    _search_line_edit = new QLineEdit;
    _search_label->setBuddy (_search_line_edit);
    _replace_label = new QLabel (tr ("Re&place with:"));
    _replace_line_edit = new QLineEdit;
    _replace_label->setBuddy (_replace_line_edit);

    _case_check_box = new QCheckBox (tr ("Match &case"));
    _from_start_check_box = new QCheckBox (tr ("Search from &start"));
    _wrap_check_box = new QCheckBox (tr ("&Wrap while searching"));
    _wrap_check_box->setChecked (true);
    _find_next_button = new QPushButton (tr ("&Find Next"));
    _find_prev_button = new QPushButton (tr ("Find &Previous"));
    _replace_button = new QPushButton (tr ("&Replace"));
    _replace_all_button = new QPushButton (tr ("Replace &All"));

    _more_button = new QPushButton (tr ("&More..."));
    _more_button->setCheckable (true);
    _more_button->setAutoDefault (false);

    _button_box = new QDialogButtonBox (Qt::Vertical);
    _button_box->addButton (_find_next_button, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
    _button_box->addButton (_find_prev_button, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
    _button_box->addButton (_replace_button, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
    _button_box->addButton (_replace_all_button, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
    _button_box->addButton (_more_button, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
    _button_box->addButton (QDialogButtonBox::Close);

    _extension = new QWidget (this);
    _whole_words_check_box = new QCheckBox (tr ("&Whole words"));
    _regex_check_box = new QCheckBox (tr ("Regular E&xpressions"));
    _backward_check_box = new QCheckBox (tr ("Search &backward"));
    _search_selection_check_box = new QCheckBox (tr ("Search se&lection"));
    _search_selection_check_box->setCheckable (true);
    if (edit_area)
      _search_selection_check_box->setEnabled (edit_area->hasSelectedText ());

    _edit_area = edit_area;
    connect (_find_next_button,   SIGNAL (clicked ()),
             this,                SLOT (find_next ()));
    connect (_find_prev_button,   SIGNAL (clicked ()),
             this,                SLOT (find_prev ()));
    connect (_more_button,        SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
             _extension,          SLOT (setVisible (bool)));
    connect (_replace_button,     SIGNAL (clicked ()),
             this,                SLOT (replace ()));
    connect (_replace_all_button, SIGNAL (clicked ()),
             this,                SLOT (replace_all ()));
    connect (_backward_check_box, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)),
             this,                SLOT (handle_backward_search_changed (int)));
    connect (_button_box,         SIGNAL (rejected ()),
             this,                SLOT (close ()));
    connect (_search_line_edit,   SIGNAL (textChanged (QString)),
             this,                SLOT (handle_search_text_changed (QString)));

    connect (_edit_area, SIGNAL (copyAvailable (bool)),
             this,       SLOT (handle_selection_changed (bool)));
    connect (_search_selection_check_box, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)),
             this,                        SLOT (handle_sel_search_changed (int)));

    QVBoxLayout *extension_layout = new QVBoxLayout ();
    extension_layout->setMargin (0);
    extension_layout->addWidget (_whole_words_check_box);
    extension_layout->addWidget (_backward_check_box);
    extension_layout->addWidget (_search_selection_check_box);
    _extension->setLayout (extension_layout);

    QGridLayout *top_left_layout = new QGridLayout;
    top_left_layout->addWidget (_search_label, 1, 1);
    top_left_layout->addWidget (_search_line_edit, 1, 2);
    top_left_layout->addWidget (_replace_label, 2, 1);
    top_left_layout->addWidget (_replace_line_edit, 2, 2);

    QVBoxLayout *left_layout = new QVBoxLayout;
    left_layout->addLayout (top_left_layout);
    left_layout->insertStretch (1, 5);
    left_layout->addWidget (_case_check_box);
    left_layout->addWidget (_from_start_check_box);
    left_layout->addWidget (_wrap_check_box);
    left_layout->addWidget (_regex_check_box);

    QGridLayout *main_layout = new QGridLayout;
    main_layout->setSizeConstraint (QLayout::SetFixedSize);
    main_layout->addLayout (left_layout, 0, 0);
    main_layout->addWidget (_button_box, 0, 1);
    main_layout->addWidget (_extension, 1, 0);
    setLayout (main_layout);

    _extension->hide ();
    _find_next_button->setDefault (true);
    _find_result_available = false;
    _rep_all = 0;
    _rep_active = false;

    // set the actions
    addActions (find_actions);

    // move dialog to side of the parent if there is room on the desktop to do so.
    int xp = p->x () +20;
    int yp = p->y () + p->frameGeometry ().height () - sizeHint ().height () -20;

    if (yp < 0)
      yp = 0;

    move (xp, yp);


  void find_dialog::save_data (find_dialog_data *fdlg_data)
    fdlg_data->text = _search_line_edit->text ();
    fdlg_data->replace_text = _replace_line_edit->text ();
    fdlg_data->geometry = geometry ();
    fdlg_data->is_visible = isVisible ();
    fdlg_data->options = 0
          + _extension->isVisible () * FIND_DLG_MORE
          + _case_check_box->isChecked () * FIND_DLG_CASE
          + _from_start_check_box->isChecked () * FIND_DLG_START
          + _wrap_check_box->isChecked () * FIND_DLG_WRAP
          + _regex_check_box->isChecked () * FIND_DLG_REGX
          + _whole_words_check_box->isChecked () * FIND_DLG_WORDS
          + _backward_check_box->isChecked () * FIND_DLG_BACK
          + _search_selection_check_box->isChecked () * FIND_DLG_SEL;

  void find_dialog::restore_data (const find_dialog_data* fdlg_data)
    setGeometry (fdlg_data->geometry);
    setVisible (fdlg_data->is_visible);
    _search_line_edit->setText (fdlg_data->text);
    _replace_line_edit->setText (fdlg_data->replace_text);
    _extension->setVisible (FIND_DLG_MORE & fdlg_data->options);
    _case_check_box->setChecked (FIND_DLG_CASE & fdlg_data->options);
    _from_start_check_box->setChecked (FIND_DLG_START & fdlg_data->options);
    _wrap_check_box->setChecked (FIND_DLG_WRAP & fdlg_data->options);
    _regex_check_box->setChecked (FIND_DLG_REGX & fdlg_data->options);
    _whole_words_check_box->setChecked (FIND_DLG_WORDS & fdlg_data->options);
    _backward_check_box->setChecked (FIND_DLG_BACK & fdlg_data->options);
    _search_selection_check_box->setChecked (FIND_DLG_SEL & fdlg_data->options);

  // set text of "search from start" depending on backward search
  void find_dialog::handle_backward_search_changed (int backward)
    if (backward)
      _from_start_check_box->setText (tr ("Search from end"));
      _from_start_check_box->setText (tr ("Search from start"));

  // search text has changed: reset the search
  void find_dialog::handle_search_text_changed (QString)
    if (_search_selection_check_box->isChecked ())
      _find_result_available = false;

  void find_dialog::handle_sel_search_changed (int selected)
    _from_start_check_box->setEnabled (! selected);
    _find_result_available = false;

  void find_dialog::handle_selection_changed (bool has_selected)
    if (_rep_active)

    _search_selection_check_box->setEnabled (has_selected);
    _find_result_available = false;

  // initialize search text with selected text if this is in one single line
  void find_dialog::init_search_text (void)
    if (_edit_area && _edit_area->hasSelectedText ())
        int lbeg, lend, cbeg, cend;
        _edit_area->getSelection (&lbeg,&cbeg,&lend,&cend);
        if (lbeg == lend)
          _search_line_edit->setText (_edit_area->selectedText ());

    // set focus to "Find what" and select all text
    _search_line_edit->setFocus ();
    _search_line_edit->selectAll ();

    // Default to "find" next time.
    // Otherwise, it defaults to the last action, which may be "replace all".
    _find_next_button->setDefault (true);

  void find_dialog::find_next (void)
    find (! _backward_check_box->isChecked ());

  void find_dialog::find_prev (void)
    find (_backward_check_box->isChecked ());

  void find_dialog::find (bool forward)
    if (! _edit_area)

    // line adn col: -1 means search starts at current position
    int line = -1, col = -1;

    bool do_wrap = _wrap_check_box->isChecked ();
    bool do_forward = forward;

    // Initialize the selection begin and end if it is the first search
    if (! _find_result_available)
        if (_search_selection_check_box->isChecked ()
            && _edit_area->hasSelectedText ())
            int l1, c1, l2, c2;
            _edit_area->getSelection (&l1, &c1, &l2, &c2);

            // Store the position of the selection
            m_sel_beg = _edit_area->positionFromLineIndex (l1, c1);
            m_sel_end = _edit_area->positionFromLineIndex (l2, c2);
            m_in_sel = true;
          m_in_sel = false;

    // Get the correct line/col for beginning the search
    if (_rep_all)
        // Replace All
        if (_rep_all == 1)
            // Start at the beginning of file/sel if it is the first try
            if (m_in_sel)
              _edit_area->lineIndexFromPosition (m_sel_beg, &line, &col);
                line = 0;
                col = 0;
        do_wrap = false;  // Never wrap when replacing all
        // Normal search (not replace all): calculate start position of
        // search (in file or selection)
        if (_from_start_check_box->isChecked ()
            || (m_in_sel && (! _find_result_available)))
            // From the beginning or the end of file/sel
            if (do_forward)
                // From the beginning
                if (m_in_sel)
                  _edit_area->lineIndexFromPosition (m_sel_beg, &line, &col);
                    line = 0;
                    col = 0;
                // From the end
                if (m_in_sel)
                  _edit_area->lineIndexFromPosition (m_sel_end, &line, &col);
                    line = _edit_area->lines () - 1;
                    col  = _edit_area->text (line).length () - 1;
                    if (col == -1)
                      col = 0;
        else if (! do_forward)
            // Start from where the cursor is. Fix QScintilla's cursor
            // positioning
            _edit_area->getCursorPosition (&line,&col);
            if (_find_result_available && _edit_area->hasSelectedText ())
                int currpos = _edit_area->positionFromLineIndex (line,col);
                currpos -= (_search_line_edit->text ().length ());
                if (currpos < 0)
                  currpos = 0;
                _edit_area->lineIndexFromPosition (currpos, &line, &col);

    // Do the search
    _find_result_available = _edit_area->findFirst (
                                  _search_line_edit->text (),
                                  _regex_check_box->isChecked (),
                                  _case_check_box->isChecked (),
                                  _whole_words_check_box->isChecked (),
#if defined (HAVE_QSCI_VERSION_2_6_0)
                                , true

    if (_find_result_available)
        // Search successful: reset search-from-start box and check for
        // the current selection
        _from_start_check_box->setChecked (0);

        if (m_in_sel)
            _edit_area->getCursorPosition (&line,&col);
            int pos = _edit_area->positionFromLineIndex (line, col);

            int l1, c1, l2, c2;
            _edit_area->lineIndexFromPosition (m_sel_beg, &l1, &c1);
            _edit_area->lineIndexFromPosition (m_sel_end, &l2, &c2);
            _edit_area->show_selection_markers (l1, c1, l2, c2);

            // Check if new start position is still wihtin the selection
            _find_result_available =  pos >= m_sel_beg && pos <= m_sel_end;

    // No more search hits
    if (! _find_result_available)
        if (m_in_sel)
            // Restore real selection and remove marker for selection
            int l1, c1, l2, c2;
            _edit_area->lineIndexFromPosition (m_sel_beg, &l1, &c1);
            _edit_area->lineIndexFromPosition (m_sel_end, &l2, &c2);
            _edit_area->setSelection (l1, c1, l2, c2);
            _edit_area->clear_selection_markers ();

        // Display message if not replace all
        if (! _rep_all)
          no_matches_message ();


  void find_dialog::do_replace (void)
    if (_edit_area)
        _rep_active = true;  // changes in selection not made by the user

        _edit_area->replace (_replace_line_edit->text ());
        if (m_in_sel)
            // Update the length of the selection
            m_sel_end = m_sel_end
                        - _search_line_edit->text ().toUtf8 ().size ()
                        + _replace_line_edit->text ().toUtf8 ().size ();

        _rep_active = false;

  void find_dialog::replace (void)
    if (_edit_area)
        // Do the replace if we have selected text
        if (_find_result_available && _edit_area->hasSelectedText ())
          do_replace ();

        find_next ();

  void find_dialog::replace_all (void)
    int line, col;

    if (_edit_area)
        _edit_area->getCursorPosition (&line,&col);

        _rep_all = 1;
        find_next ();  // find first occurence (forward)

        _edit_area->beginUndoAction ();
        while (_find_result_available)   // while search string is found
            do_replace ();
            _rep_all++;                                          // inc counter
            find_next ();                                        // find next
        _edit_area->endUndoAction ();

        QMessageBox msg_box (QMessageBox::Information, tr ("Replace Result"),
                             tr ("%1 items replaced").arg (_rep_all-1),
                             QMessageBox::Ok, this);
        msg_box.exec ();

        _rep_all = 0;
        _find_result_available = false;

        if (! _search_selection_check_box->isChecked ())
          _edit_area->setCursorPosition (line,col);

  void find_dialog::no_matches_message (void)
    QMessageBox msg_box (QMessageBox::Information, tr ("Find Result"),
                         tr ("No more matches found"), QMessageBox::Ok, this);
    msg_box.exec ();
