view main/image/NEWS @ 11263:23cc50443349 octave-forge

imhist: adjust y axis for outliers
author carandraug
date Fri, 23 Nov 2012 00:09:27 +0000
parents 52d4771fa488
children 98dbd58ba857
line wrap: on
line source

Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.0.1:

 ** The plot produced by `imhist' is correctly scaled on the X axis so that the
    colorbar corresponds to the actual intensity of the stems; the given
    colormarp is used on the colorbar for indexed images; and the stems no
    longer display the markers at their top. The Y axis is also adjusted in case
    of peaks with high values that prevent a good overview of the histogram.

 ** The `fftconv2' usage "fftconv2 (v1, v2, a)", for convolution of a matrix by
    one vector in the column direction and another vector in the row direction,
    has been removed. Please use conv2 for such cases.

Summary of important user-visible changes for image 2.0.0:

 ** The following functions are new:

      analyze75info         imabsdiff         iptcheckconn
      analyze75read         imadd             iptcheckmap
      analyze75write        imbothat          iptchecknargin
      blockproc             imcrop            iptcheckstrs
      bwlabeln              imdivide          iptnum2ordinal
      getrangefromclass     imlincomb         iscolormap
      im2int16              immultiply        normxcorr2
      im2single             imsubtract        wavelength2rgb

 ** The following functions have been deprecated in previous releases
    of the image package and have now been removed:


 ** The function `deriche' has been removed.

 ** The complete set of functions to work with Analyze 7.5 files has been
    implemented. See `analyze75info', `analyze75read' and `analyze75write'.

 ** `graythresh' can optionally accept an histogram rather than an image.  This
    allows for preprocessing of the histogram previous to an automatic threshold

 ** Otsu's method for automatic threshold selection (default for `graythresh')
    has been completely rewritten and should perform faster. Now, it can also
    return a second value representing the ``goodness'' of the computed
    threshold value (within class variance).

 ** Alternative algorithms for automatic threshold have been implemented in
    `graythresh' (thanks to Antti Niemistö for releasing HistThresh toolbox from where many were ported, under a
    GPL license). Currently, the following algorithms have been implemented
    (see graythresh for notes and references):

      concavity       MaxEntropy        minimum       Otsu
      intermeans      MaxLikelihood     MinError      percentile
      intermodes      mean              moments

 ** The following functions have been deprecated (see their help text
    for the recommended alternatives):

      blkproc         bmpwrite          dilate        erode

 ** With the new function `imbothat' the transform option of
    `imtophat' has been deprecated.

 ** The following functions have had been changed for bug fixes and/or
    improved matlab compatibility

      bwarea          imhist            im2uint8      isind
      bweuler         imnoise           im2uint16     mat2gray
      bwfill          conndef           isbw          rgb2gray
      cmpermute       im2bw             isgray
      cmunique        im2double         isrgb

 ** `bwarea' now supports all image classes and considers objects all non
    zero pixels (not all pixels higher than zero).

 ** `rgb2gray' now also supports images of the class single and performs a
    weighted conversion to keep the image luminance instead of a the mean
    through each color.

 ** `im2bw' now supports input images of the int16 class and deals better with
    RGB images since it uses `rgb2gray' internally (see changes to rgb2gray).
    Threshold is performed on all values greater than value instead of greater
    than or equal.

 ** `imhist' is much more compatible with matlab and among other changes,
    it now uses the whole range of the class for the histogram rather than
    the minimum and maximum of the input image and displays a colorbar under
    the histogram.

 ** `isbw' now defines a black-and-white image as a binary non-sparse
    matrix. This is compatible with matlab. To use the old behaviour,
    use the new option for the call "isbw (img, "non-logical").
    For backwards compatibility, if a non-logical matrix of 0 and 1 is
    used as input, `isbw' will still return true but a warning will be
    issued since this will deprecated later.

 ** `isgray' now also returns true for matrices of the int16 class.

 ** `isrgb' now returns false for logical matrix.

 ** `tiff_tag_read' had several bug fixes and can now check IFDs beyond
    the first. It can also accept mutiple tag values and IFDs simultaneously
    and return a matrix of the values found. Its documentation has been
    expanded (as well as an explanation of TIFF structure on the source)

 ** For sake of matlab compatibility, the behaviour of `mat2gray' has been
    greatly changed. Among the changes, it will no longer swap the minimum and
    maximum options if the first is larger than the later. Instead, will return
    the image complement after truncation. Also, when the maximum and minimum
    values are equal, `mat2gray' will truncate all values between 0 and 1. See
    the help text (or source) for a detailed description of cautions.

 ** `bwfill' was fixed to always returns a logical matrix.

 ** `imnoise' has been expanded to accept images of differente classes instead
    of only double and single.

 ** The private function `__bwdist` has been renamed `__bwdist__`

 ** Package is now dependent on GNU Octave version 3.6.0 or later.

 ** Package is now dependent on the signal package version 1.2.0 or later.

 ** Package is no longer automatically loaded.