view gub/ @ 6443:344d21a6233d

guile: bump to 1.9.14.
author Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
date Sat, 29 Jan 2011 15:48:48 +0100
parents 72b46c22bf99
line wrap: on
line source

import inspect
import os
import re
import sys
from gub.syntax import printf
from gub import commands
from gub import context
from gub import guppackage
from gub import loggedos
from gub import gub_log
from gub import misc
from gub import octal

class Build (context.RunnableContext):
    '''How to build a piece of software

    TODO: move all non configure-make-make install stuff from
    AutoBuild here

    source = ''
    branch = ''
    patches = []
    dependencies = []
    config_cache_flag_broken = True
    force_autoupdate = False
    install_after_build = True
    parallel_build_broken = False
    srcdir_build_broken = False
    autodir = '%(srcdir)s'
    config_cache_overrides = ''
    config_cache_file = '%(builddir)s/config.cache'
    configure_binary = '%(autodir)s/configure'
    configure_flags = ' --prefix=%(configure_prefix)s'
    configure_variables = ''
    compile_flags = ''
    make_flags = ''
    install_flags = ''' DESTDIR=%(install_root)s install'''
    destdir_install_broken = False
    install_flags_destdir_broken = misc.join_lines ('''
    configure_command = ' sh %(configure_binary)s%(configure_flags)s%(configure_variables)s'
    compile_command = 'make %(job_spec)s %(make_flags)s %(compile_flags)s'
    compile_command_native = 'make %(job_spec)s %(make_flags)s %(compile_flags)s'
    install_command = 'make %(make_flags)s %(install_flags)s '
    license_files = ['%(srcdir)s/COPYING',

    def __init__ (self, settings, source):
        context.RunnableContext.__init__ (self, settings)
        self.source = source
        self.settings = settings
        self.source.connect_logger (gub_log.default_logger)
        if self.destdir_install_broken:
            self.install_command = 'make %(make_flags)s %(install_flags_destdir_broken)s %(install_flags)s'

    def connect_command_runner (self, runner):
        if runner:
            self.source.connect_logger (runner.logger)
        return context.RunnableContext.connect_command_runner (self, runner)

    def checksum_file (self):
        return '%(packages)s/%(name)s%(vc_branch_suffix)s.checksum'
    def nop (self):
    def get_conflict_dict (self):
        return {}
    def get_done (self):
        return list ()
    def is_done (self, stage):
        return stage in self.get_done ()
    def set_done (self, stage):
    def stages (self):
        return list ()
    def stamp_file (self):
        return '%(statusdir)s/%(name)s-%(version)s-%(source_checksum)s'
    def get_stamp_file (self):
        return self.expand ('%(stamp_file)s')
    def apply_patch (self, patch, strip_components=1):
        name, parameters = misc.dissect_url (patch)
        strip = str (strip_components)
        strip = parameters.get ('strip', [strip])[0]
        strip = parameters.get ('strip_components', [strip])[0]
        self.system ('''
cd %(srcdir)s && patch -p%(strip)s < %(patchdir)s/%(name)s
''', locals ())
    def stage_message (self, stage):
        return self.expand (' *** Stage: %(stage)s (%(name)s, %(platform)s)\n',
                            env=locals ())
    def build (self, options=None, skip=[]):
        available = dict (inspect.getmembers (self,
                                              lambda x: hasattr (x, '__call__')))
        stages = ['download'] + self.stages ()
        tainted = False
        for stage in stages:
            if stage not in available or stage in skip:
            if self.is_done (stage):
                if stage not in ['download']:
                    # optimization: excuse download cache from
                    # tainting the build
                    tainted = True
            self.runner.stage (self.stage_message (stage))
            if (stage == 'package' and tainted
                and options and not options.force_package):
                msg = self.expand ('''This compile has previously been interrupted.
To ensure a repeatable build, this will not be packaged.

Run with

    --fresh # or issue
              rm %(stamp_file)s

to force a full package rebuild, or


to skip this check and risk a defective build.
                gub_log.error (msg)
                self.system ('false')
                (available[stage]) ()
                t, v, b = sys.exc_info ()
                if t == misc.SystemFailed:
                    # A failed patch will leave system in unpredictable state.
                    if stage == 'patch':
                        self.system ('rm %(stamp_file)s')
            if stage not in ['clean', 'download']:
                self.set_done (stage)

    def get_build_dependencies (self):
        return self.dependencies

    def with_platform (self, name):
        return misc.with_platform (name, self.settings.platform)

    def get_platform_build_dependencies (self):
        return [self.with_platform (n) for n in self.get_build_dependencies ()]

    def platform_name (self):
        return self.with_platform ( ())

    def platform (self):
        return self.settings.platform

    def name (self):
        file = self.__class__.__module__
        file = re.sub ('_xx_', '++', file)
        file = re.sub ('_x_', '+', file)
        return file

    def pretty_name (self):
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        name = re.sub ('__.*', '', name)
        return name

    def file_name (self):
        return self.source.file_name ()

class AutoBuild (Build):
    '''Build a source package the traditional Unix way

    Based on the traditional configure; make; make install, this class
    tries to do everything including autotooling and libtool fooling.  '''

    def __init__ (self, settings, source):
        Build.__init__ (self, settings, source)
        self._dependencies = None
        self._build_dependencies = None
        self.split_packages = []
        self.so_version = '1'

    def stages (self):
        return ['untar', 'patch', 'autoupdate',
                'configure', 'compile', 'install',
                'src_package', 'package', 'clean']

    def configure_prepares_builddir (self):
        return True

    def LD_PRELOAD (self):
        return ''

    def libs (self):
        return ''

    def so_extension (self):
        return '.so'

    def rpath (self):
        return r'-Wl,-rpath -Wl,\$$ORIGIN/../lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,%(system_prefix)s/lib'

    def get_substitution_dict (self, env={}):
        dict = {
            'CPATH': '',
            'CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH': '',
            'C_INCLUDE_PATH': '',
            'LIBRARY_PATH': '/empty-means-cwd-in-feisty',
        dict.update (env)
        d = context.RunnableContext.get_substitution_dict (self, dict).copy ()
        return d

    def class_invoke_version (self, klas, name):
        name_version = name + '_' + self.version ().replace ('.', '_')
        if name_version in klas.__dict__:
            klas.__dict__[name_version] (self)

    def download (self):
        if not self.source.is_downloaded ():
            gub_log.default_logger.write_log (self.stage_message ('download'),
                                                                  'stage') ()

    def get_repodir (self):
        return self.settings.downloads + '/' + ()

    def get_conflict_dict (self):
        """subpackage -> list of confict dict."""
        return {'': [], 'devel': [], 'doc': [], 'runtime': []}

    def get_dependency_dict (self):
        """subpackage -> list of dependency dict."""
        # FIMXE: '' always depends on runtime?
        return {'': [], 'devel': [], 'doc': [], 'runtime': [], 'x11': []}

    def source_checksum (self):
        return self.source.checksum ()

    def basename (self):
        return misc.ball_basename (self.file_name ())

    def packaging_suffix_dir (self):
        return ''

    def full_version (self):
        return self.version ()

    def build_dependencies_string (self):
        deps = sorted (set (self.get_build_dependencies ()))
        return ';'.join (deps)

    # FIXME: move version/branch/tracking macramee to Repository
    def ball_suffix (self):
        # FIXME: ball suffix is also used by %(srcdir)s
        # for tracking repositories, the name of the source and
        # build dir must stay the same.
        if self.source.is_tracking ():
            return self.vc_branch_suffix ()
        return '-' + self.source.version ()

    def vc_branch (self):
        return self.source.full_branch_name ()

    def vc_branch_suffix (self):
        b = self.vc_branch ()
        if b:
            b = '-' + b
        return b

    def version (self):
        return self.source.version ()

    def build_number (self):
        from gub import versiondb
        db = versiondb.VersionDataBase('versiondb/lilypond.versions')
        version_tup = misc.string_to_version (self.source.version() )
        buildnumber = '%d' % db.get_next_build_number (version_tup)
        return buildnumber

    def name_version (self):
        return '%s-%s' % ( (), self.version ())

    def srcdir (self):
        return '%(allsrcdir)s/%(name)s%(ball_suffix)s'

    def builddir (self):
        return '%(allbuilddir)s/%(name)s%(ball_suffix)s'

    def install_root (self):
        return '%(installdir)s/%(name)s-%(version)s-root'

    def configure_prefix (self):
        return '%(prefix_dir)s'

    def install_prefix (self):
        return '%(install_root)s%(prefix_dir)s'

    def aclocal_path (self):
        return [
            #'%(srcdir)s/m4', TODO
    def job_spec (self):
        if not self.parallel_build_broken:
            return '-j' + str (2 * int (self.settings.cpu_count_str))
        return ''

    def cpu_count (self):
        if not self.parallel_build_broken:
            return self.settings.cpu_count_str
        return '1'

    def src_package_ball (self):
        return '%(src_package_uploads)s/%(name)s%(ball_suffix)s-src.%(platform)s.tar.gz'

    def src_package_uploads (self):
        return '%(packages)s'

    def get_done (self):
        done = []
        if os.path.exists (self.get_stamp_file ()):
            last = open (self.get_stamp_file ()).read ().strip ()
            for stage in self.stages ():
                done += [stage]
                if stage == last:
            if not last in done:
                done = []
        return done

    def set_done (self, stage):
        self.dump (stage, self.get_stamp_file (), 'w')

    def patch (self):
        list (map (self.apply_patch, self.patches))

    def autoupdate (self):
        # FIMXE: can we do this smarter?
        if self.force_autoupdate:
            self.runner._execute (commands.ForcedAutogenMagic (self))
            self.runner._execute (commands.AutogenMagic (self))

    def config_cache_settings (self):
        return self.config_cache_overrides

    def config_cache (self):
        string = self.config_cache_settings ()
        if string:
            self.system ('mkdir -p %(builddir)s || true')
            self.dump (string, self.config_cache_file, permissions=octal.o755)

    def configure (self):
        if self.srcdir_build_broken:
            self.shadow ()
        self.config_cache ()
        self.system ('''
mkdir -p %(builddir)s || true
cd %(builddir)s && chmod +x %(configure_binary)s && %(configure_command)s
        self.map_locate (libtool_disable_install_not_into_dot_libs_test, '%(builddir)s', 'libtool')

    def compile (self):
        self.system ('cd %(builddir)s && %(compile_command)s')

    def shadow (self):
        self.system ('rm -rf %(builddir)s')
        self.shadow_tree ('%(srcdir)s', '%(builddir)s')

    def update_config_guess_config_sub (self):
        guess = self.expand ('%(system_prefix)s/share/libtool/config/config.guess')
        sub = self.expand ('%(system_prefix)s/share/libtool/config/config.sub')
        for file in guess, sub:
            self.system ('cp -pv %(file)s %(autodir)s',  locals ())

    def update_libtool (self):
        self.map_locate (lambda logger, file: libtool_update (logger, self.expand ('%(system_prefix)s/bin/libtool'), file), '%(builddir)s', 'libtool')

    def pre_install (self):

    def install (self):
        '''Install package into %(install_root).

        Any overrides should follow this command, since it will erase the old
        install_root first.

        self.system ('''
rm -rf %(install_root)s
        self.pre_install ()
        self.system ('''
cd %(builddir)s && %(install_command)s
        self.post_install ()
    def post_install (self):
        self.install_license ()
        self.libtool_installed_la_fixups ()
        self.system ('''
rm -f \
    %(install_root)s%(packaging_suffix_dir)s%(prefix_dir)s/info/dir \
    %(install_root)s%(packaging_suffix_dir)s%(prefix_dir)s/info/dir.old \
    %(install_root)s%(packaging_suffix_dir)s%(prefix_dir)s/share/info/dir \
    %(install_root)s%(packaging_suffix_dir)s%(prefix_dir)s/share/info/dir.old \
    %(install_root)s%(packaging_suffix_dir)s%(prefix_dir)s%(cross_dir)s/info/dir \
    %(install_root)s%(packaging_suffix_dir)s%(prefix_dir)s%(cross_dir)s/info/dir.old \
    %(install_root)s%(packaging_suffix_dir)s%(prefix_dir)s%(cross_dir)s/share/info/dir \
    %(install_root)s%(packaging_suffix_dir)s%(prefix_dir)s%(cross_dir)s/share/info/dir.old \

    def install_license (self):
        def install (logger, lst):
            for file in lst:
                if os.path.exists (file):
                    cmd = self.expand ('''
mkdir -p %(install_root)s/license
cp %(file)s %(install_root)s/license/%(name)s
''', locals ())
                    loggedos.system (logger, cmd)
        self.func (install, list (map (self.expand, self.license_files)))

    def libtool_installed_la_fixups (self):
        def installed_la_fixup (logger, la):
            (dir, base) = os.path.split (la)
            base = base[3:-3]
            dir = re.sub (r"^\./", "/", dir)

            loggedos.file_sub (logger, [(''' *-L *[^\"\' ][^\"\' ]*''', ''),
                    (self.expand ('''( |=|\')(/[^ ]*usr/lib|%(targetdir)s.*)/lib([^ \'/]*)\.(a|la|so)[^ \']*'''),
                    '\\1-l\\3 '),
                     self.expand ("""old_library='lib%(base)s.a'""", env=locals ())),
            if self.settings.platform.startswith ('mingw'):

                loggedos.file_sub (logger, [('library_names=.*',
                                 self.expand ("library_names='lib%(base)s.dll.a'", env=locals ()))],

        self.map_locate (installed_la_fixup, '%(install_root)s', 'lib*.la')

    def rewire_symlinks (self):
        def rewire (logger, file):
            if os.path.islink (file):
                s = os.readlink (file)
                if s.startswith ('/') and self.settings.system_root not in s:
                    new_dest = os.path.join (self.settings.system_root, s[1:])
                    loggedos.remove (logger, file)
                    loggedos.symlink (logger, new_dest, file)

        self.map_locate (rewire, '%(install_root)s', '*',

    def package (self):
        self.rewire_symlinks ()
        ps = self.get_packages ()
        for p in ps:
            p.create_tarball ()
            p.dump_header_file ()
            p.clean ()
        self.system ('rm -rf %(install_root)s')

    def get_subpackage_definitions (self):
        cross_dir = self.settings.cross_dir
        prefix_dir = self.settings.prefix_dir
        d = {
            'base': [prefix_dir + '/share'],
            'common': [prefix_dir + '/share'],
            'devel': [
            prefix_dir + '/bin/*-config',
            prefix_dir + '/include',
            prefix_dir + cross_dir + '/bin',
            prefix_dir + cross_dir + '/include',
            prefix_dir + cross_dir + '/lib',
            prefix_dir + cross_dir + '/libexec',
            prefix_dir + cross_dir + '/' + self.settings.target_architecture,
            prefix_dir + '/share/aclocal',
            prefix_dir + '/lib/lib*.a',
            prefix_dir + '/lib/pkgconfig',
            'doc': [
            prefix_dir + '/share/doc',
            prefix_dir + '/share/gtk-doc',
            prefix_dir + '/share/info',
            prefix_dir + '/share/man',
            prefix_dir + cross_dir + '/info',
            prefix_dir + cross_dir + '/man',
            'runtime': ['/lib', prefix_dir + '/lib', prefix_dir + '/share'],
            'x11': [prefix_dir + '/X11', prefix_dir + '/X11R6'],
            '' : ['/'],
        return d

    subpackage_names = ['devel', 'doc', '']

    # FIXME: when only patched in via MethodOverride, the real descr_dict,
    # category_dict are not pickled and cygwin packaging fails
    def description_dict (self):
        return {}
    def category_dict (self):
        return {}

    def get_packages (self):
        defs = dict (self.get_subpackage_definitions ())

        ps = []

        conflict_dict = self.get_conflict_dict ()
        dep_dict = self.get_dependency_dict ()
        descr_dict = self.description_dict ()
        category_dict = self.category_dict ()

        for sub in self.subpackage_names:
            filespecs = defs[sub]

            p = guppackage.GupPackage (self.runner)
            # FIXME: feature envy -> GupPackage constructor/factory
            p._file_specs = filespecs

            p.set_dict (self.get_substitution_dict (), sub)

            conflict_str = ';'.join (conflict_dict.get (sub, []))
            if 'conflicts_string' in p._dict:
                conflict_str = p._dict['conflicts_string'] + ';' + conflict_str
            p._dict['conflicts_string'] = conflict_str

            dep_str = ';'.join (map (self.with_platform, dep_dict.get (sub, [])))
            dep_str = ';'.join (dep_dict.get (sub, []))
            if 'dependencies_string' in p._dict:
                dep_str = p._dict['dependencies_string'] + ';' + dep_str
            p._dict['dependencies_string'] = dep_str

            # FIXME make generic: use cross.get_subpackage_dict_methods () or similar.
            desc_str = descr_dict.get (sub, '')
            p._dict['description'] = desc_str

            cat_str = category_dict.get (sub, '')
            p._dict['category'] = cat_str

            ps.append (p)

        return ps

    def src_package (self):
        # URG: basename may not be source dir name, eg,
        # package libjpeg uses jpeg-6b.  Better fix at untar
        # stage?
        dir_name = re.sub (self.expand ('%(allsrcdir)s/'), '',
                           self.expand ('%(srcdir)s'))
        _v = '' #self.os_interface.verbose_flag ()
        self.system ('''
tar -C %(allsrcdir)s --exclude "*~" --exclude "*.orig"%(_v)s -zcf %(src_package_ball)s %(dir_name)s
                     locals ())

    def clean (self):
        self.system ('rm -rf  %(stamp_file)s %(install_root)s', locals ())
        if self.source.is_tracking ():
            # URG
        self.system ('''rm -rf %(srcdir)s %(builddir)s''', locals ())

    def untar (self):
        self.runner._execute (commands.UpdateSourceDir (self))

    def pre_install_smurf_exe (self):
        def un_exe (logger, file):
            base = os.path.splitext (file)[0]
            loggedos.system (logger, self.expand ('mv %(file)s %(base)s', locals ()))
        self.map_locate (un_exe, '%(builddir)s', '*.exe')

    def post_install_smurf_exe (self):
        def add_exe (logger_why_already_in_self, file):
            if (not os.path.islink (file)
                and not os.path.splitext (file)[1]
                and loggedos.read_pipe (logger_why_already_in_self, self.expand ('file -b %(file)s', locals ())).startswith ('MS-DOS executable PE')):
                loggedos.system (logger_why_already_in_self, self.expand ('mv %(file)s %(file)s.exe', locals ()))
        self.map_locate (add_exe, '%(install_root)s/bin', '*')
        self.map_locate (add_exe, '%(install_prefix)s/bin', '*')

    def install_readmes (self):
        cmd = self.system ('''
mkdir -p %(install_prefix)s/share/doc/%(name)s
        def copy_readme (logger, file):
            if (os.path.isfile (file)
                and not os.path.basename (file).startswith ('Makefile')
                and not os.path.basename (file).startswith ('GNUmakefile')):
                loggedos.system (logger, self.expand ('cp %(file)s %(install_prefix)s/share/doc/%(name)s', locals ()))
        self.map_locate (copy_readme, '%(srcdir)s', '[A-Z]*')

    def build_version (self):
        "the version in the shipped package."
        # FIXME: ugly workaround needed for lilypond package...
        return '%(version)s'

    def disable_libtool_la_files (self, pattern):
        def disable_la (logger, file_name):
            loggedos.rename (logger, file_name, file_name + '-')
        self.map_find_files (disable_la, '%(install_prefix)s', 'lib' + pattern + '.la')

    # Used in mingw python and liblpsolve.  Better replace this by
    # fixing the gcc linking command?
    def generate_dll_a_and_la (self, libname, depend=''):
        # ugh, atexit, _onexit mutliply defined in crt2.o
        symbols = 'ABbCDdGgiNpRrSsTtUuVvWw-?'
        #defined_symbols = 'tT'
        #defined_symbols = 'ACGgiNpSsTtuVvWw'
        defined_symbols = 'ABCDGgIiNpSsTtuRVvWw'
        self.system (misc.join_lines ('''
cd %(install_prefix)s
&& echo EXPORTS > lib/lib%(libname)s.a.def
&& %(toolchain_prefix)snm bin/lib%(libname)s.dll | grep ' [%(defined_symbols)s] _' | sed -e 's/.* [%(defined_symbols)s] _//' | grep -Ev '^(atexit|__main|_onexit|_pei386_runtime_relocator|DllMain|DllMainCRTStartup)(@|$)' | sed -e 's/_imp__//' | sort | uniq -c | grep '^ *1 ' | sed -e 's/^ *1 //' >> lib/lib%(libname)s.a.def
&& (grep '@' lib/lib%(libname)s.a.def | sed -e 's/@.*//' >> lib/lib%(libname)s.a.def || :)
&& %(toolchain_prefix)sdlltool --def lib/lib%(libname)s.a.def --dllname bin/lib%(libname)s.dll --output-lib lib/lib%(libname)s.dll.a
'''), locals ())
        self.file_sub ([('LIBRARY', '%(libname)s'),
                        ('STATICLIB', ''),
                        ('DEPEND', ' %(depend)s'),
                        ('LIBDIR', '%(prefix_dir)s/lib')],
                       '%(install_prefix)s/lib/lib%(libname)', env=locals ())

class BinaryBuild (AutoBuild):
    def stages (self):
        return ['untar', 'install', 'package', 'clean']
    def install (self):
        self.system ('mkdir -p %(install_root)s')
        _v = '' #self.os_interface.verbose_flag ()
        self.system ('cd %(srcdir)s && tar -C %(srcdir)s -cf- . | tar -C %(install_root)s%(_v)s -p -xf-', env=locals ())
        self.libtool_installed_la_fixups ()
        # FIXME: splitting makes that cygwin's gettext + -devel subpackage
        # gets overwritten by cygwin's gettext-devel + '' base package
    subpackage_names = ['']

class NullBuild (AutoBuild):
    """Placeholder for downloads """
    def stages (self):
        return ['patch', 'install', 'package', 'clean']
    subpackage_names = ['']
    def install (self):
        self.system ('mkdir -p %(install_root)s')

class SdkBuild (NullBuild):
    def stages (self):
        return ['untar', 'patch', 'install', 'package', 'clean']
    def install_root (self):
        return self.srcdir ()

def libtool_disable_install_not_into_dot_libs_test (logger, file):
    '''libtool: install: error: cannot install `' to a directory not ending in /home/janneke/vc/gub/target/mingw/build/libxslt-1.1.24/libexslt/.libs'''
    loggedos.file_sub (logger, [
            (r'if test "\$inst_prefix_dir" = "\$destdir"; then',
             'if false && test "$inst_prefix_dir" = "$destdir"; then'),
            (r'  test "\$inst_prefix_dir" = "\$destdir" &&',
             '  false && test "$inst_prefix_dir" = "$destdir" &&')],

def libtool_update (logger, libtool, file):
    if not os.path.exists (libtool):
        message = 'Cannot update libtool: no such file: %(libtool)s' % locals ()
        logger.write_log (message, 'error')
        raise Exception (message)
    loggedos.system (logger, 'cp %(file)s %(file)s~' % locals ())
    loggedos.system (logger, 'cp %(libtool)s %(file)s' % locals ())
    libtool_disable_install_not_into_dot_libs_test (logger, file)
    loggedos.system (logger, 'chmod 755  %(file)s' % locals ())

def libtool_force_infer_tag (logger, tag, file):
    ''' libtool: compile: unable to infer tagged configuration '''
    loggedos.file_sub (logger, [('^func_infer_tag ', '''func_infer_tag ()

old_func_infer_tag ''' % locals ())], file)

def libtool_force_infer_tag_CXX (logger, file):
    ''' CXX seems the only valid tag name? '''
    libtool_force_infer_tag (logger, 'CXX', file)

def libtool_update_preserve_CC (logger, libtool, file):
    CC_re = '^CC="([^"]*)"'
    orig_CC = ('(?m)' + CC_re, open (file).read ()).group (0)
    libtool_update (logger, libtool, file)
    loggedos.file_sub (logger, [(CC_re, orig_CC)], file)

def libtool_update_preserve_vars (logger, libtool, vars, file):
    printf ('preserve: ', file)
    old = open (file).read ()
    open (file + '.old', 'w').write (old)
    libtool_update (logger, libtool, file)
    new = open (file).read ()
    open (file + '.new', 'w').write (new)
    def subst_vars (o, n):
        for v in vars:
            v_re = '(?m)^%(v)s="([^"]*)"' % locals ()
            orig_m = (v_re, o)
            if not orig_m:
                # some generated libtool thingies only have the first part
                # but vars in the second part must always be substituted
                printf ('from first part')
                orig_m = (v_re, old)
            if orig_m:
                b = n
                n = re.sub (v_re, (0), n)
                printf ('replace:', (0))
                if b == n:
                    printf ('NODIFF:', v_re)
                printf ('not found:', v_re)
        return n
    # libtool comes in two parts which define the same/similar variables
    marker = '\nexit '
    n1 = subst_vars (old[:old.find (marker)], new[:new.find (marker)])
    n2 = subst_vars (old[old.find (marker):], new[new.find (marker):])
    open (file, 'w').write (n1 + n2)
    loggedos.chmod (logger, file, octal.o755)

class Change_dict:
    def __init__ (self, package, override):
        self._dict_method = package.get_substitution_dict
        self._add_dict = override

    def get_dict (self, env={}):
        env_copy = env.copy ()
        env_copy.update (self._add_dict)
        d = self._dict_method (env_copy)
        return d

    def append_dict (self, env={}):
        d = self._dict_method ()
        for (k, v) in list (self._add_dict.items ()):
            d[k] += v
        d.update (env)
        d = context.recurse_substitutions (d)
        return d

    def add_dict (self, env={}):
        d = self._dict_method ()
        for (k, v) in list (self._add_dict.items ()):
            d[k] = v
        d.update (env)
        d = context.recurse_substitutions (d)
        return d

def change_dict (package, add_dict):
    """Override the get_substitution_dict () method of PACKAGE."""
        package.get_substitution_dict = Change_dict (package, add_dict).get_dict
    except AttributeError:

def add_dict (package, add_dict):
    """Override the get_substitution_dict () method of PACKAGE."""
        package.get_substitution_dict = Change_dict (package, add_dict).add_dict
    except AttributeError:

def append_dict (package, add_dict):
    """Override the get_substitution_dict () method of PACKAGE."""
        package.get_substitution_dict = Change_dict (package, add_dict).append_dict
    except AttributeError: