view gub/ @ 3458:46004d176eee

helpful message in raise
author Han-Wen Nienhuys <>
date Thu, 10 May 2007 01:57:27 -0300
parents 12f3f2b0a16b
children 5a107cd73f11
line wrap: on
line source

import glob
import pickle
import os
import re
from gub import misc
from gub import repository
from gub.context import *

class PackageSpec:
    "How to package part of an install_root."
    def __init__ (self, os_interface):
        self._dict = {}
        self._os_interface = os_interface
        self._file_specs = []
        self._dependencies = []
        self._conflicts = []
    def set_dict (self, dict, sub_name):
        self._dict = dict.copy ()
        self._dict['sub_name'] = sub_name
        if sub_name:
            sub_name = '-' + sub_name
        s = ('%(name)s' % dict) + sub_name
        self._dict['split_name'] = s
        self._dict['split_ball'] = ('%(gub_uploads)s/%(split_name)s%(ball_suffix)s.%(platform)s.gup') % self._dict
        self._dict['split_hdr'] = ('%(gub_uploads)s/%(split_name)s%(vc_branch_suffix)s.%(platform)s.hdr') % self._dict
        self._dict['conflicts_string'] = ';'.join (self._conflicts)
        self._dict['dependencies_string'] = ';'.join (self._dependencies)
        self._dict['source_name'] = ()
        if sub_name:
            self._dict['source_name'] = ()[:-len (sub_name)]
    def expand (self, s):
        return s % self._dict
    def dump_header_file (self):
        hdr = self.expand ('%(split_hdr)s')
        self._os_interface.dump (pickle.dumps (self._dict), hdr)
    def clean (self):
        base = self.expand ('%(install_root)s/')
        for f in self._file_specs:
            self._os_interface.system ('rm -rf %s%s ' % (base, f))

    def create_tarball (self):
        cmd = 'tar -C %(install_root)s/%(packaging_suffix_dir)s --ignore-failed --exclude="*~" -zcf %(split_ball)s '

        path = os.path.normpath (self.expand ('%(install_root)s'))
        globs  = []
        for f in self._file_specs:
            f = re.sub ('/+', '/', f)
            if f.startswith ('/'):
                f = f[1:]
            for exp in glob.glob (os.path.join (path, f)):
                globs.append (exp.replace (path, './').replace ('//', '/'))

        if not globs:
            globs.append ('thisreallysucks-but-lets-hope-I-dont-exist/')
        cmd += ' '.join (globs) 
        cmd = self.expand (cmd)
        self._os_interface.system (cmd)

    def dict (self):
        return self._dict

    def name (self):
        return "%(split_name)s" % self._dict
class BuildSpec (Os_context_wrapper):
    def __init__ (self, settings):
        Os_context_wrapper.__init__ (self, settings)

        self.verbose = settings.verbose
        self.settings = settings
        self.url = ''
        self.has_source = True
        self._dependencies = None
        self._build_dependencies = None
        self.spec_checksum = '0000' 
        self.cross_checksum = '0000'
        # TODO: move to PackageSpec, always instantiate.
        # then remove all if self.vc_repository checks
        self.vc_repository = None
        self.split_packages = []
        self.so_version = '1'

    def LD_PRELOAD (self):
        return '%(topdir)s/librestrict/'
    def get_substitution_dict (self, env={}):
        dict = {
            'CPATH': '',
            'CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH': '',
            'C_INCLUDE_PATH': '',
            'LIBRARY_PATH': '/empty-means-cwd-in-feisty',
        dict.update (env)
        d = Os_context_wrapper.get_substitution_dict (self, dict).copy ()
        return d
    def class_invoke_version (self, klas, name):
        name_version = name + '_' + self.version ().replace ('.', '_')
        if klas.__dict__.has_key (name_version):
            klas.__dict__[name_version] (self)

    def download (self):
        if self.vc_repository:

    def get_repodir (self):
        return self.settings.downloads + '/' + ()
    def get_conflict_dict (self):
        """subpackage -> list of confict dict."""
        return {'': [], 'devel': [], 'doc': [], 'runtime': []}
    def get_dependency_dict (self):
        """subpackage -> list of dependency dict."""
        # FIMXE: '' always depends on runtime?
        return {'': [], 'devel': [], 'doc': [], 'runtime': []}
    def broken_for_distcc (self):
        """Set to true if package can't handle make -jX """
        return False
    def name (self):
        if 0: # old method, removes cross/
            file = self.__class__.__name__.lower ()
            file = re.sub ('__.*', '', file)
            file = re.sub ('_', '-', file)
        file = self.__class__.__module__

        ## UGH ? what happens if xx is in a normal name?!
        file = re.sub ('xx', '++', file)
        return file

    def pretty_name (self):
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        name = re.sub ('__.*', '', name)
        return name
    def file_name (self):
        if self.url:
            file = re.sub ('.*/([^/]+)', '\\1', self.url)
            file = os.path.basename ( ())
        return file

    def source_checksum (self):
        if self.vc_repository:
            return self.vc_repository.get_checksum ().replace ('/', '-')
        return self.version () 

    def license_file (self):
        return '%(srcdir)s/COPYING'
    def basename (self):
        return misc.ball_basename (self.file_name ())

    def packaging_suffix_dir (self):
        return ''

    def full_version (self):
        return self.version ()

    def build_dependencies_string (self):
        deps = self.get_build_dependencies ()
        return ';'.join (deps)

    def ball_suffix (self):
        b = '-%(version)s'
        if self.vc_repository and self.vc_repository.is_tracking ():
                b = '-' + self.vc_repository.branch
            except AttributeError:
        return b

    def vc_branch (self):
        b = ''
        if self.vc_repository and self.vc_repository.is_tracking ():
                b = self.vc_repository.branch
            except AttributeError:
        return b
    def vc_branch_suffix (self):
        b = ''
        if self.vc_repository and self.vc_repository.is_tracking ():
                b = '-' + self.vc_repository.branch
            except AttributeError:
        return b
    def version (self):
        # kugh, must construct using vc_repository in __init__
        if not self.vc_repository :
            msg = 'need version, but repository not yet set: %s, type: %s class: %s' % ( (), type (self), self.__class__)
            raise Exception (msg)
        return self.vc_repository.version ()

    def name_version (self):
        return '%s-%s' % ( (), self.version ())

    def srcdir (self):
        return '%(allsrcdir)s/%(name)s%(ball_suffix)s'

    def builddir (self):
        return '%(allbuilddir)s/%(name)s%(ball_suffix)s'

    def install_root (self):
        return '%(installdir)s/%(name)s-%(version)s-root'

    def install_prefix (self):
        return self.install_root () + '/usr'

    def install_command (self):
        return '''make DESTDIR=%(install_root)s install'''

    def configure_command (self):
        return '%(srcdir)s/configure --prefix=%(install_prefix)s'

    def compile_command (self):
        return 'make'

    def native_compile_command (self):
        c = 'make'

        job_spec = ' '
        if self.settings.native_distcc_hosts:
            job_spec = '-j%d ' % (2*len (self.settings.native_distcc_hosts.split (' ')))

            ## do this a little complicated: we don't want a trace of
            ## distcc during configure.
            c = 'DISTCC_HOSTS="%s" %s' % (self.settings.native_distcc_hosts, c)
            c = 'PATH="%(native_distcc_bindir)s:$PATH" ' + c
        elif self.settings.cpu_count_str != '1':
            job_spec += ' -j%s ' % self.settings.cpu_count_str

        c += job_spec
        return c

    def src_package_ball (self):
        return '%(src_package_uploads)s/%(name)s%(ball_suffix)s-src.%(platform)s.tar.gz'

    def src_package_uploads (self):
        return '%(gub_uploads)s'

    def stamp_file (self):
        return '%(statusdir)s/%(name)s-%(version)s-%(source_checksum)s'

    def rsync_command (self):
        return "rsync --exclude .git --exclude _darcs --exclude .svn --exclude CVS -v -a %(downloads)s/%(name)s-%(version)s/ %(srcdir)s"

    def get_stamp_file (self):
        stamp = self.expand ('%(stamp_file)s')
        return stamp

    def is_done (self, stage, stage_number):
        f = self.get_stamp_file ()
        if os.path.exists (f):
            return int (open (f).read ()) >= stage_number
        return False

    def set_done (self, stage, stage_number):
        open (self.get_stamp_file (),'w'). write ('%d' % stage_number) 

    def autoupdate (self, autodir=0):
        if not autodir:
            autodir = self.srcdir ()
        if os.path.isdir (os.path.join (self.srcdir (), 'ltdl')):
            self.system ('''
rm -rf %(autodir)s/libltdl
cd %(autodir)s && libtoolize --force --copy --automake --ltdl
''', locals ())
            self.system ('''
cd %(autodir)s && libtoolize --force --copy --automake
''', locals ())
        if os.path.exists (os.path.join (autodir, 'bootstrap')):
            self.system ('''
cd %(autodir)s && ./bootstrap
''', locals ())
        elif os.path.exists (os.path.join (autodir, '')):

            ## --noconfigure ??
            ## is --noconfigure standard for autogen? 
            self.system ('''
cd %(autodir)s && bash  --noconfigure
''', locals ())
            aclocal_opt = ''
            if os.path.exists (self.expand ('%(system_root)s/usr/share/aclocal')):
                aclocal_opt = '-I %(system_root)s/usr/share/aclocal'
            headcmd = ''
            for c in ('',''):
                    str = open (self.expand ('%(srcdir)s/' + c)).read ()
                    m = ('A[CM]_CONFIG_HEADER', str)
                    str = 0   ## don't want to expand str
                    if m:
                        headcmd = self.expand ('cd %(autodir)s && autoheader %(aclocal_opt)s', env=locals ())
                except IOError:
            self.system ('''
cd %(autodir)s && aclocal %(aclocal_opt)s
cd %(autodir)s && autoconf %(aclocal_opt)s
''', locals ())
            if os.path.exists (self.expand ('%(srcdir)s/')):
                self.system ('''
cd %(srcdir)s && automake --add-missing --foreign
''', locals ())

    def configure (self):
        self.system ('''
mkdir -p %(builddir)s
cd %(builddir)s && %(configure_command)s

    def install_license (self):
        if self.expand ('%(license_file)s'):
            self.system ('mkdir -p %(install_root)s/license/', ignore_errors=True)
            self.system ('cp %(license_file)s %(install_root)s/license/%(name)s')
    def broken_install_command (self):
        """For packages that do not honor DESTDIR.

        # FIXME: use sysconfdir=%(install_PREFIX)s/etc?  If
        # so, must also ./configure that way
        return misc.join_lines ('''make install

    def kill_libtool_installation_test (self, file):
        self.file_sub ([(r'if test "\$inst_prefix_dir" = "\$destdir"; then',
                         'if false && test "$inst_prefix_dir" = "$destdir"; then')],
                       file, must_succeed=True)
    def update_libtool (self):
        lst = self.locate_files ('%(builddir)s', 'libtool')
        if lst:
            new = self.expand ('%(system_root)s/usr/bin/libtool')
            if not os.path.exists (new):
                self.error ('Cannot update libtool: no such file: %(new)s' % locals ())
                raise Exception ('barf')
            for i in lst:
                self.system ('cp %(new)s %(i)s', locals ())
                self.kill_libtool_installation_test (i)
                self.system ('chmod 755  %(i)s', locals ())

    def install (self):
        self.system ('''
rm -rf %(install_root)s
cd %(builddir)s && %(install_command)s
rm -f %(install_root)s/%(packaging_suffix_dir)s/usr/share/info/dir %(install_root)s/%(packaging_suffix_dir)s/usr/cross/info/dir %(install_root)s/%(packaging_suffix_dir)s/usr/info/dir
        self.install_license ()
        self.libtool_installed_la_fixups ()

    def libtool_installed_la_fixups (self):
        for la in misc.find (self.expand ('%(install_root)s'), '\.la$'):
            (dir, base) = os.path.split (la)
            base = base[3:-3]
            dir = re.sub (r"^\./", "/", dir)
            full_la = self.expand ("%(install_root)s/%(la)s", locals())

            self.file_sub ([(''' *-L *[^\"\' ][^\"\' ]*''', ''),
                    ('''( |=|\')(/[^ ]*usr/lib|%(targetdir)s.*)/lib([^ \'/]*)\.(a|la|so)[^ \']*''',
                    '\\1-l\\3 '),
                   full_la, env=locals ())
            if self.settings.platform.startswith ('mingw'):
                self.file_sub ([('library_names=.*',
                               full_la, env=locals())

    def compile (self):
        self.system ('cd %(builddir)s && %(compile_command)s')

    # FIXME: should not misusde patch for auto stuff
    def patch (self):
        if not os.path.exists ('%(srcdir)s/configure' \
                               % self.get_substitution_dict ()):
            self.autoupdate ()

    def is_sdk_package (self):
        return 'false'

    def rewire_symlinks (self):
        for f in self.locate_files ('%(install_root)s', '*'):
            if os.path.islink (f):
                s = os.readlink (f)
                if s.startswith ('/') and self.settings.system_root not in s:

                    new_dest = os.path.join (self.settings.system_root, s[1:])
                    os.remove (f)
                    print 'changing absolute link %s -> %s' % (f, new_dest)
                    os.symlink (new_dest, f)

    def package (self):
        self.rewire_symlinks ()
        ps = self.get_packages ()
        for p in ps:
            p.create_tarball ()
            p.dump_header_file ()
            p.clean ()
    def get_build_dependencies (self):
        return []

    def get_subpackage_definitions (self):
        d = {
            'devel': [
            'doc': [
            'runtime': ['/usr/lib', '/usr/share'],
            '' : ['/'],
        return d
    def get_subpackage_names (self):
        return ['devel', 'doc', '']

    ## FIXME: patch in via MethodOverride
    def description_dict (self):
        return {}

    ## FIXME: patch in via MethodOverride
    def category_dict (self):
        return {'': 'interpreters',
                'runtime': 'libs',
                'devel': 'devel libs',
                'doc': 'doc'}
    def get_packages (self):
        defs = dict (self.get_subpackage_definitions ())

        ps = []

        conflict_dict = self.get_conflict_dict ()
        dep_dict = self.get_dependency_dict ()
        descr_dict = self.description_dict ()
        category_dict = self.category_dict ()
        for sub in self.get_subpackage_names ():
            filespecs = defs[sub]
            p = PackageSpec (self.os_interface)
            if sub:
                p._dependencies = [self.expand ("%(name)s")]

            p._file_specs = filespecs
            p.set_dict (self.get_substitution_dict (), sub)

            conflict_str = ';'.join (conflict_dict.get (sub, []))
            if p._dict.has_key ('conflicts_string'):
                conflict_str = p._dict['conflicts_string'] + ';' + conflict_str
            p._dict['conflicts_string'] = conflict_str

            dep_str = ';'.join (dep_dict.get (sub, []))
            if p._dict.has_key ('dependencies_string'):
                dep_str = p._dict['dependencies_string'] + ';' + dep_str
            p._dict['dependencies_string'] = dep_str

	    ## FIXME make generic: use cross.get_subpackage_dict_methods () or similar.
            desc_str = descr_dict.get (sub, '')
            p._dict['description'] = desc_str

            cat_str = category_dict.get (sub, '')
            p._dict['category'] = cat_str
            ps.append (p)

        return ps
    def src_package (self):
        # URG: basename may not be source dir name, eg,
        # package libjpeg uses jpeg-6b.  Better fix at untar
        # stage?
        dir_name = re.sub (self.expand ('%(allsrcdir)s/'), '',
                           self.expand ('%(srcdir)s'))
        self.system ('''
tar -C %(allsrcdir)s --exclude "*~" --exclude "*.orig"  -zcf %(src_package_ball)s %(dir_name)s
                     locals ())

    def clean (self):
        self.system ('rm -rf  %(stamp_file)s %(install_root)s', locals ())
        if self.vc_repository and self.vc_repository.is_tracking ():

        self.system ('''rm -rf %(srcdir)s %(builddir)s''', locals ())

    def untar (self):
        if not self.has_source:
            return False
        if not (self.vc_repository and self.vc_repository.is_tracking ()) :
            self.system ('rm -rf %(srcdir)s %(builddir)s %(install_root)s')

        if self.vc_repository:
            self.vc_repository.update_workdir (self.expand ('%(srcdir)s'))
        if (os.path.isdir (self.expand ('%(srcdir)s'))):
            self.system ('chmod -R +w %(srcdir)s', ignore_errors=True)

    def pre_install_smurf_exe (self):
        for i in self.locate_files ('%(builddir)s', '*.exe'):
            base = os.path.splitext (i)[0]
            self.system ('''mv %(i)s %(base)s''', locals ())

    def post_install_smurf_exe (self):
        for i in (self.locate_files ('%(install_root)s/bin', '*')
                  + self.locate_files ('%(install_root)s/usr/bin', '*')):
            if (not os.path.islink (i)
                and not os.path.splitext (i)[1]
                and self.read_pipe ('file -b %(i)s', locals ()).startswith ('MS-DOS executable PE')):
                self.system ('''mv %(i)s %(i)s.exe''', locals ())

    def install_readmes (self):
        self.system ('''
mkdir -p %(install_root)s/usr/share/doc/%(name)s
        for i in glob.glob ('%(srcdir)s/[A-Z]*'
                            % self.get_substitution_dict ()):
            import shutil
            if (os.path.isfile (i)
                and not os.path.basename (i).startswith ('Makefile')
                and not os.path.basename (i).startswith ('GNUmakefile')):
                shutil.copy2 (i, '%(install_root)s/usr/share/doc/%(name)s'
                              % self.get_substitution_dict ())

    def build_version (self):
        "the version in the shipped package."
        # FIXME: ugly workaround needed for lilypond package...
        return '%(version)s'

    def build_number (self):
        # FIXME: actually need the packages' build number here...
        build_number_file = '%(topdir)s/buildnumber-%(lilypond_branch)s.make'
        d = misc.grok_sh_variables (self.expand (build_number_file))
        b = '%(INSTALLER_BUILD)s' % d
        return b

    # TODO: junk this, always set repo in __init__
    def with_vc (self, repo):
        self.vc_repository = repo
        self.vc_repository.set_oslog (self.os_interface)
        return self

    def with_tarball (self, mirror='', version='', format='gz', strip_components=1, name=''):
        return self.with_vc (self.get_tarball (mirror, version, format, strip_components, name))

    def get_tarball (self, mirror, version, format='gz', strip_components=1, name=''):
        if not name:
            name = os.path.basename ( ())
        if not format:
            format = self.__dict__.get ('format', 'gz')
        if not mirror:
            mirror = self.__dict__.get ('url', '')
        if not version and self.version:
            version = self.ball_version

        from gub import repository
        return repository.NewTarBall (self.settings.downloads, mirror, name, version, format, strip_components)

    # TODO: junk this, use TarBall ()or Version ()
    def with (self,

        if not name:
            name = os.path.basename ( ())
        if not format:
            format = self.__dict__.get ('format', 'gz')
        if not mirror:
            mirror = self.__dict__.get ('url', '')
        if not version and self.version:
            version = self.ball_version
        if not version and self.vc_repository:
            version = self.vc_repository.version ()

        self.format = format
        self.ball_version = version
        self.url = mirror

        ball_version = version
        package_arch = self.settings.package_arch
        if mirror:
            repo = repository.TarBall (self.settings.downloads,
                                       # Hmm, better to construct
                                       # mirror later?
                                       mirror % locals (),
            repo = repository.Version (version)

        return self.with_vc (repo)

class BinarySpec (BuildSpec):
    def configure (self):

    def patch (self):

    def compile (self):

    def install (self):
        """Install package into %(install_root). Any overrides should
        follow this command, since it will erase the old install_root first."""
        self.system ('mkdir -p %(install_root)s')

        _verbose = ''
        if self.verbose:
            _verbose = ' -v'
        self.system ('tar -C %(srcdir)s -cf- . | tar -C %(install_root)s%(_verbose)s -xf-', env=locals ())
        self.libtool_installed_la_fixups ()

    def get_subpackage_names (self):
        # FIXME: splitting makes that cygwin's gettext + -devel subpackage
        # gets overwritten by cygwin's gettext-devel + '' base package
        return ['']

    # FIXME: no src packages for binary specs
    # They used to work, but now they fail?
    def src_package (self):

class NullBuildSpec (BuildSpec):
    """Placeholder for downloads """

    def compile (self):
    def configure (self):
    def install (self):
        self.system ('mkdir -p %(install_root)s')
    def untar (self):
    def patch (self):
    def src_package (self):

class SdkBuildSpec (NullBuildSpec):
    def untar (self):
        BuildSpec.untar (self)

    def get_subpackage_names (self):
        return ['']
    ## UGH: should store superclass names of each package.
    def is_sdk_package (self):
        return 'true'
    def install_root (self):
        return self.srcdir ()

class Change_target_dict:
    def __init__ (self, package, override):
        self._target_dict_method = package.get_substitution_dict
        self._add_dict = override

    def target_dict (self, env={}):
        env_copy = env.copy ()
        env_copy.update (self._add_dict)
        d = self._target_dict_method (env_copy)
        return d

    def append_dict (self, env={}):
        d = self._target_dict_method ()
        for (k,v) in self._add_dict.items ():
            d[k] += v

        d.update (env)
        d = recurse_substitutions (d)
        return d

def change_target_dict (package, add_dict):
    """Override the get_substitution_dict() method of PACKAGE."""
        package.get_substitution_dict = Change_target_dict (package, add_dict).target_dict
    except AttributeError:

def append_target_dict (package, add_dict):
    """Override the get_substitution_dict() method of PACKAGE."""
        package.get_substitution_dict = Change_target_dict (package, add_dict).append_dict
    except AttributeError:

def get_class_from_spec_file (settings, file_name, name):
    import misc ('reading spec: ' + file_name + '\n')
    module = misc.load_module (file_name, name)

    # cross/ will be called: cross/,
    # to distinguish from specs/
    base = os.path.basename (name)
    class_name = (base[0].upper () + base[1:]).replace ('-', '_')
    full = class_name + '__' + settings.platform.replace ('-', '__')

    d = module.__dict__
    klass = None
    while full:
        if d.has_key (full):
            klass = d[full]
        full = full[:max (full.rfind ('__'), 0)]

#    dropped feature:
#    version = xxx at toplevel of spec file
#    mirror = xxx at toplevel of spec file
#    for i in init_vars.keys ():
#        if d.has_key (i):
#            init_vars[i] = d[i]

    return klass

def get_build_spec (flavour, settings, url):
    Return BuildSpec instance to build package from URL.

    URL can be partly specified (eg: only a name, `lilypond'),
    defaults are taken from the spec file.
    name = url
    if url.find (':') >= 0:
        name = os.path.basename (url)
    init_vars = {'format':None, 'version':None, 'url': None,}
    if misc.is_ball (name):
        ball = name
        name, version_tuple, format = misc.split_ball (ball)
        version = misc.version_to_string (version_tuple)
        if not version:
            name = url
        elif (url.startswith ('/')
              or url.startswith ('file://')
              or url.startswith ('ftp://')
              or url.startswith ('http://')):
            init_vars['url'] = url
        if version:
            init_vars['version'] = version
        if format:
            init_vars['format'] = format

    klass = None
    checksum = '0000'
    file_base = name + '.py'
    for dir in (settings.specdir + '/' + settings.platform,
                settings.specdir + '/' + settings.os,
        file_name = dir + '/' + file_base
        if os.path.exists (file_name):
            if not klass:
                klass = get_class_from_spec_file (settings, file_name, name)
            import md5
            # FIXME: pretty lame, checksum based on all matching
            # specs found, eg
            # linux-x86/cross/binutils, linux/cross/binutils, cross/binutils
            checksum += md5.md5 (open (file_name).read ()).hexdigest ()

    if not klass:
        print 'NO SPEC for', name
        from new import classobj
        # Without explicit spec will only work if URL
        # includes version and format, eg,
        # URL=libtool-1.5.22.tar.gz
        klass = classobj (name, (flavour,), {})
    package = klass (settings)
    package.spec_checksum = checksum
    from gub import cross
    package.cross_checksum = cross.get_cross_checksum (settings.platform)

    # Initialise building package from url, without spec
    # test:
    # bin/gub -p linux-64
    if init_vars['version']:
        package.with (format=init_vars['format'],
    return package