view gub/specs/ @ 6194:60305a4352ff

cosmetic change: lilypond: sort depedencies.
author Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
date Sun, 26 Aug 2012 11:38:36 +0200
parents 8b15215b4874
children e8095501db4e f6a9e8dd7d37
line wrap: on
line source

import os
from gub import build
from gub import context
from gub import loggedos
from gub import misc
from gub import repository
from gub import target
from gub import versiondb
from gub.specs import ghostscript

def url (version=VERSION):
    url = '' % locals ()
    raw_version_file = 'lilypond-%(version)s.index' % locals ()
    return misc.latest_url (url, 'lilypond', raw_version_file)

class LilyPond__simple (target.AutoBuild):
    '''A program for printing sheet music
LilyPond lets you create music notation.  It produces beautiful
sheet music from a high-level description file.'''

    source = 'git://'
#    source = url () # for release builds
    branch = 'master'
    subpackage_names = ['']
    dependencies = [


        'tools::gettext', # AM_GNU_GETTEXT

    if 'stat' in misc.librestrict ():
        dependencies = [x for x in dependencies
                        if x not in ['system::mf', 'system::mpost']
                        ] + [
    configure_flags = (target.AutoBuild.configure_flags
                       + ' --enable-relocation'
                       + ' --enable-rpath'
                       + ' --disable-documentation'
                       + ' --with-ncsb-dir=%(system_prefix)s/share/fonts/default/Type1'
    make_flags = ' TARGET_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python'

    if 'stat' in misc.librestrict ():
        home = os.environ['HOME']
        make_flags = (make_flags
                      + ' LIBRESTRICT_ALLOW=%(home)s/.texlive2009/:%(home)s/texmf/' % locals ())
    def version_from_VERSION (self):
        return self.version_from_shell_script (
            'VERSION', 'MAJOR_VERSION',

    def __init__ (self, settings, source):
        target.AutoBuild.__init__ (self, settings, source)
        # FIXME: should add to C_INCLUDE_PATH
        builddir = self.builddir ()
        # FIXME: remove after both 2.12.3, 2.13.4 (or 2.14.0) are released.
        srcdir = self.srcdir ()
        self.target_gcc_flags = (settings.target_gcc_flags
                                 + ' -I%(builddir)s' % locals ()
                                 + ' -I%(srcdir)s/lily/out' % locals ())
        if isinstance (source, repository.Git):
            source.version = misc.bind_method (LilyPond.version_from_VERSION, source)
        if 'stat' in misc.librestrict () and not 'tools::texlive' in self.dependencies:
            build.append_dict (self, {'PATH': os.environ['PATH']}) # need mf, mpost from system
    def get_conflict_dict (self):
        return {'': ['lilypondcairo']}
    def build_version (self):
        v = self.source.version () ('LILYPOND-VERSION: %(v)s\n' % locals ())
        return v
    def install (self):
        target.AutoBuild.install (self)
        # FIXME: This should not be in generic package, for installers only.
        self.installer_install_stuff ()
    def installer_install_stuff (self):
        # FIXME: is it really the installer version that we need here,
        # or do we need the version of lilypond?
        installer_version = self.build_version ()
        # WTF, current.
        self.system ('cd %(install_prefix)s/share/lilypond && mv %(installer_version)s current',
                     locals ())

        self.system ('cd %(install_prefix)s/lib/lilypond && mv %(installer_version)s current',
                     locals ())

        self.system ('mkdir -p %(install_prefix)s/etc/fonts/')
        self.dump ('''
  <patelt name="scalable"><bool>false</bool></patelt>

''', '%(install_prefix)s/etc/fonts/local.conf', 'w', locals ())

class LilyPond__smart (LilyPond__simple):
    configure_binary = '%(srcdir)s/'
    if 'stat' in misc.librestrict ():
        def patch (self):
            LilyPond__simple.patch (self)
            # How weird is this?  With LIBRESTRICT=open:stat [see
            # TODO] the set -eux carry over into autoconf and
            # configure runs.
            for i in ('', ''):
                self.file_sub ([
                        ('^([$][{]?srcdir[}]?/.*$)', r'(set +eux; \1) || exit 1'),
                        ], '%(srcdir)s/' + i)
    def autoupdate (self):
        self.system ('cd %(srcdir)s && ./ --noconfigure') 

LilyPond = LilyPond__smart

class LilyPond__freebsd (LilyPond):
    dependencies = LilyPond.dependencies + ['cross/gcc-runtime']

## shortcut: take python out of dependencies
class LilyPond__no_python (LilyPond):
    dependencies = [x for x in LilyPond.dependencies
                if x != 'python-devel']
    def configure (self):
        self.system ('mkdir -p %(builddir)s || true') 
        self.system ('touch %(builddir)s/Python.h') 
        LilyPond.configure (self)
        self.dump ('''

        -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)%(prefix_dir)s/lib/lilypond/%(version)s
''', '%(builddir)s/python/GNUmakefile')
class LilyPond__mingw (LilyPond):
    dependencies = LilyPond.dependencies + [
    python_lib = '%(system_prefix)s/bin/libpython*.dll'
    make_flags = (LilyPond.make_flags
                  + ' LDFLAGS="%(python_lib)s"'  % locals ())
    # ugh Python hack: C&P Cygwin
    def compile (self):
        self.system ('''
cd %(builddir)s/lily && rm -f out/lilypond
        LilyPond.compile (self)
        self.system ('''
cd %(builddir)s/lily && mv out/lilypond out/lilypond-console
cd %(builddir)s/lily && make MODULE_LDFLAGS='-mwindows'
cd %(builddir)s/lily && mv out/lilypond out/lilypond-windows
cd %(builddir)s/lily && touch out/lilypond
    def configure (self):
        LilyPond.configure (self)
        self.file_sub ([(' -mwindows', ' '),
                        (' -g ', ' '),],
    def install (self):
        LilyPond.install (self)
        self.system ('''
rm -f %(install_prefix)s/bin/lilypond
install -m755 %(builddir)s/lily/out/lilypond-windows %(install_prefix)s/bin/lilypond-windows.exe
install -m755 %(builddir)s/lily/out/lilypond-console %(install_prefix)s/bin/lilypond.exe
cp %(install_prefix)s/lib/lilypond/*/python/* %(install_prefix)s/bin
cp %(install_prefix)s/share/lilypond/*/python/* %(install_prefix)s/bin
        def rename (logger, name):
            header = open (name).readline ().strip ()
            if header.endswith ('guile'):
                loggedos.system (logger, 'mv %(name)s %(name)s.scm' % locals ())
            elif header.endswith ('python') and not name.endswith ('.py'):
                loggedos.system (logger, 'mv %(name)s %(name)' % locals ())
        def asciify (logger, name):
            loggedos.file_sub (logger, [('\r*\n', '\r\n')], name)
        self.map_locate (rename, self.expand ('%(install_prefix)s/bin/'), '*')
        self.map_locate (asciify, self.expand ('%(install_root)s'), '*.ly')
        bat = r'''@echo off
"@INSTDIR@\usr\bin\lilypond-windows.exe" -dgui %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
'''.replace ('%', '%%').replace ('\n', '\r\n')
        self.dump (bat, '%(install_prefix)s/bin/')

class LilyPond__debian (LilyPond):
    def get_dependency_dict (self): #debian
        from gub import debian, gup
        return {'': gup.gub_to_distro_deps (LilyPond.get_dependency_dict (self)[''],
    def install (self):
        target.AutoBuild.install (self)
    def get_build_dependencies (self): # debian
        #FIXME: aargh, MUST specify gs,  etc here too.
        return [
            ] + ['gs']

class LilyPond__darwin (LilyPond):
    dependencies = (LilyPond.dependencies
                # FIXME: move to, see __mingw.
                + [
    configure_flags = (LilyPond.configure_flags
                .replace ('--enable-rpath', '--disable-rpath'))
    make_flags = ' TARGET_PYTHON="/usr/bin/env python"'

class LilyPond__darwin__ppc (LilyPond__darwin):
    def configure (self):
        LilyPond__darwin.configure (self)
        self.dump ('CXXFLAGS += -DGUILE_ELLIPSIS=...',

class LilyPond_base (target.AutoBuild):
    source = LilyPond.source
    install_after_build = False
    ghostscript_version = ghostscript.Ghostscript.static_version ()
    def __init__ (self, settings, source):
        target.AutoBuild.__init__ (self, settings, source)
        if isinstance (source, repository.Git):
            source.source = source.source.replace ( (), 'lilypond')
            source.dir = source.dir.replace ( (), 'lilypond')
            source.url_dir = source.url_dir.replace ( (), 'lilypond')
            source.version = misc.bind_method (LilyPond.version_from_VERSION, source)
            source.is_tracking = misc.bind_method (lambda x: True, source)
            source.is_downloaded = misc.bind_method (lambda x: True, source)
            source.update_workdir = misc.bind_method (lambda x: True, source)
            self.dependencies = (self.__class__.dependencies
                                 + [self.settings.target_platform + '::'
                                    + source.source + '?branch=' + source.branch])
    subpackage_names = ['']
    def stages (self):
        return ['compile', 'install', 'package']
    def builddir (self):
        return '%(allbuilddir)s/lilypond%(ball_suffix)s'
    def srcdir (self):
        return '%(allsrcdir)s/lilypond%(ball_suffix)s'

    def doc_limits (self):
        if '64' in self.settings.build_platform:
            return 'ulimit -m 524288 && ulimit -d 524288 && ulimit -v 2097152 '
        return 'ulimit -m 524288 && ulimit -d 524288 && ulimit -v 1048576'
    def doc_relocation (self):
        return misc.join_lines ('''
    compile_command = ('%(doc_limits)s '
                '&& %(doc_relocation)s '
                + target.AutoBuild.compile_command)
    install_command = ('%(doc_limits)s '
                '&& %(doc_relocation)s '
                + target.AutoBuild.install_command)

Lilypond_base = LilyPond_base

Lilypond = LilyPond
Lilypond__darwin = LilyPond__darwin
Lilypond__darwin__ppc = LilyPond__darwin__ppc
Lilypond__debian = LilyPond__debian
Lilypond__debian_arm = LilyPond__debian
Lilypond__freebsd = LilyPond__freebsd
Lilypond__mingw = LilyPond__mingw
Lilypond__mipsel = LilyPond__debian