view gub/specs/ @ 5459:9d90cca4c2a6

Plain [non-GUB/ BOOTSTRAP] build fixes.
author Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
date Mon, 17 Aug 2009 21:13:10 +0200
parents f65d6e563f9f
children e6e55d2622c6
line wrap: on
line source

import os
from gub import misc
from gub import target
from gub import tools

class Expat (target.AutoBuild):
    source = ''
    patches = ['expat-2.0.1-mingw.patch']
    def _get_build_dependencies (self):
        return ['libtool', 'tools::expat']
    def patch (self):
        target.AutoBuild.patch (self)
        #FIXME: should have vs configure timestamp test
        self.system ("rm %(srcdir)s/configure")
        self.system ("touch %(srcdir)s/tests/")
    def makeflags (self):
        SHELL = ''
        if 'BOOTSTRAP' in os.environ.keys ():
            SHELL = '%(tools_prefix)s/bin/bash'
        return SHELL + misc.join_lines ('''

class Expat__mingw (Expat):
    def configure_command (self):
        # mingw's expat libtool build breaks with DASH
        return (Expat.configure_command (self)
                .replace ('SHELL=', 'XSHELL='))

class Expat__linux__arm__vfp (Expat):
    patches = []
    source = ''
    def patch (self):
        self.system ("touch %(srcdir)s/tests/")
        target.AutoBuild.patch (self)

class Expat__tools (tools.AutoBuild, Expat):
    def _get_build_dependencies (self):
        return ['libtool']