view gub/ @ 6205:bd0d8fb7845d

Remove python-2.5'ism. Fixes running GUB using python-2.4 from tools.
author Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
date Tue, 28 Aug 2012 14:10:40 +0200
parents 8c4aa224c101
children 8021db07ffb8
line wrap: on
line source

import os
import sys
from gub import build
from gub import context
from gub import loggedos
from gub import misc
from gub import octal

def get_cross_build_dependencies (settings):
    return []

def change_target_package (package):
    package_auto_dependency_dict (package)

# tools packages, such as guile 2.0, that can only compile
# to equivalent binary platforms: endianness and word length
tools_archmatch = [] #'guile', 'tools::guile']
libs_archmatch = [] #'gettext', 'gmp', 'guile', 'libtool', 'libunistring', 'libgc']

def package_auto_dependency_dict (package):
    '''Generate get_build_dependencies () and get_dependency_dict ({'':})
    from _get_build_dependencies ().
    For most packages, this either removes the need of having both,
    or adds the dict where it was missing.
    if (not package.get_dependency_dict ().get ('', None)
        and not package.get_dependency_dict ().get ('devel', None)):
        def get_build_dependencies (foo):
            # If a package depends on tools::libtool, ie not on
            # libltdl, we still also need <target-arch>::libtool,
            # because of our update_libtool ().  We fix this here,
            # because it's not a package's real dependency but rather
            # a detail of our libtool breakage fixup.
            if (not 'cross/' in ()
                and not 'system::' in package.platform_name ()):
                package.dependencies = [name.replace ('tools::libtool', 'libtool')
                                        for name in package.dependencies]
            if ( () in tools_archmatch):
                # on linux-x86, refuse to build linux-x64::guile
                if (package.settings.target_bits == '64'
                    and package.settings.build_bits == '32'):
                    raise Exception ('cannot build %s for 64 bits' + package.platform_name ())
                # on linux-64, build linux-x86::guile with tools32::guile
                if (package.settings.target_bits == '32'
                    and package.settings.build_bits == '64'):
                    package.dependencies = [(misc.strip_platform (name) in libs_archmatch
                                             and 'system::' not in name
                                             and ('cross/' not in name
                                                  or 'runtime' in name))
                                            and name.replace ('tools::', 'tools32::') or name
                                            for name in package.dependencies]
            # only keep tools32:: for libraries linked against,
            # do not build tools32::autotools etc
            if (package.settings.target_bits == '32'
                and package.settings.build_bits == '64'):
                package.dependencies = [(misc.strip_platform (name) not in libs_archmatch
                                         and misc.strip_name (name, package.platform ()) == 'tools32'
                                         and 'system::' not in name
                                         and ('cross/' not in name
                                              or 'runtime' in name))
                                        and 'tools::' + misc.strip_platform (name)
                                        or name
                                        for name in package.dependencies]
            return package.dependencies
        package.get_build_dependencies \
                = misc.MethodOverrider (package.nop, get_build_dependencies)
        def get_dependency_dict (foo):
            d = {'': [x.replace ('-devel', '')
                         for x in package.dependencies
                         if ('system::' not in x
                             and 'tools::' not in x
                             and 'tools32::' not in x
                             and ('cross/' not in x
                                  or 'runtime' in x))]}
            if 'runtime' in package.subpackage_names:
                d[''] += [ () + '-runtime']
            if package.platform_name () not in ['system', 'tools']:
                d['devel'] = ([x for x in package.dependencies
                               if ('system::' not in x
                                   and 'tools::' not in x
                                   and 'tools32::' not in x
                                   and ('cross/' not in x
                                        or 'runtime' in x))]
                              + [ ()])
            return d
        package.get_dependency_dict \
                = misc.MethodOverrider (package.nop, get_dependency_dict)

class AutoBuild (build.AutoBuild):
    configure_flags = (build.AutoBuild.configure_flags
                + misc.join_lines ('''
    configure_variables = (build.AutoBuild.configure_variables
               + misc.join_lines ('''
LDFLAGS='-L%(system_prefix)s/lib %(rpath)s %(libs)s'
    subpackage_names = ['']
    def __init__ (self, settings, source):
        build.AutoBuild.__init__ (self, settings, source)
        if self.config_cache_settings ():
            self.configure_flags += ' --cache-file=config.cache'
        if 'stat' in misc.librestrict ():
            self.LD_PRELOAD = misc.bind_method (build.AutoBuild.LD_PRELOAD,
            from gub.cross import bootstrap_names
            if self.platform_name () not in bootstrap_names + [
                self.configure_variables = (self.configure_variables
                                            + ' SHELL=%(tools_prefix)s/bin/sh ')
    # FIXME: MI-hacks
    # must not set cross-compiling, a config cache or update libtool
    def autoupdate (self):
        build.AutoBuild.autoupdate (self)
    def config_cache_settings (self):
        return ''
    def update_libtool (self):
        build.AutoBuild.update_libtool (self)
    def configure_prefix (self):
        return '%(system_prefix)s'
    def post_install (self):
        build.AutoBuild.post_install (self)
        if not self.expand ('rpath'):
            # and not if no shared libs?
            self.wrap_executables ()

    def install_prefix (self):
        return '%(install_root)s/%(system_prefix)s'

    def wrap_executables (self):
        def wrap (logger, file):
            dir = os.path.dirname (file)
            base = os.path.basename (file)
            cmd = self.expand ('mv %(file)s %(dir)s/.%(base)s', locals ())
            loggedos.system (logger, cmd)
            loggedos.dump_file (logger, self.expand ('''#!/bin/sh
%(system_prefix)s/bin/.%(base)s "$@"
''', locals ()), file)
            loggedos.chmod (logger, file, octal.o755)
        self.map_locate (wrap, '%(install_prefix)s/bin', '*')
        self.map_locate (wrap, '%(install_root)s/%(tools_prefix)s/bin', '*')

    ## we need to tar up %(install_root)/%(prefix)
    def packaging_suffix_dir (self):
        return '%(system_root)s'

    def configure (self):
        self.config_cache ()
        build.AutoBuild.configure (self)
        self.update_libtool ()

    def get_substitution_dict (self, env={}):
        dict = {
            'C_INCLUDE_PATH': '%(system_prefix)s/include'
            + misc.append_path (os.environ.get ('C_INCLUDE_PATH', '')),
            'CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH': '%(system_prefix)s/include'
            + misc.append_path (os.environ.get ('CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH', '')),
            'LIBRARY_PATH': '%(system_prefix)s/lib'
#            'LIBRESTRICT_IGNORE': '%(system_prefix)s/bin/make:%(system_prefix)s/gcc:%(system_prefix)s/g++:%(system_prefix)s/ld', #etc.
            + misc.append_path (os.environ.get ('LIBRARY_PATH', '')),
            'PATH': '%(system_prefix)s/bin:%(system_cross_prefix)s/bin:' + os.environ['PATH'],
            'PERL5LIB': 'foo:%(tools_prefix)s/lib/perl5/5.10.0'
            + ':%(tools_prefix)s/lib/perl5/5.10.0/%(build_architecture)s'
            + ':%(tools_prefix)s/share/autoconf'
            + misc.append_path (os.environ.get ('PERL5LIB', '')),
        dict.update (env)
        d = build.AutoBuild.get_substitution_dict (self, dict).copy ()
        return d

class MakeBuild (AutoBuild):
    def stages (self):
        return [s.replace ('configure', 'shadow') for s in AutoBuild.stages (self) if s not in ['autoupdate']]

class ShBuild (AutoBuild):
    def stages (self):
        return [s.replace ('configure', 'shadow') for s in AutoBuild.stages (self) if s not in ['autoupdate']]
    compile_command = 'bash %(make_flags)s %(compile_flags)s'
    install_command = '%%%override-me'

class PythonBuild (AutoBuild):
    def stages (self):
        return [s for s in AutoBuild.stages (self) if s not in ['autoupdate', 'configure']]
    def compile (self):
        self.system ('mkdir -p %(builddir)s')
    install_command = sys.executable + ' %(srcdir)s/ install --prefix=%(tools_prefix)s --root=%(install_root)s'

class SConsBuild (AutoBuild):
    scons_flags = ''
    def stages (self):
        return [s for s in AutoBuild.stages (self) if s not in ['autoupdate', 'configure']]
        # SCons barfs on trailing / on directory names
    compile_command = ('scons PREFIX=%(system_prefix)s'
                ' PREFIX_DEST=%(install_root)s'
                ' %(compile_flags)s'
                ' %(scons_flags)s')
    install_command = compile_command + ' %(install_flags)s'

class BjamBuild_v2 (MakeBuild):
    dependencies = ['boost-jam']
    def patch (self):
        MakeBuild.patch (self)
    compile_command = misc.join_lines ('''
    install_command = (compile_command
                       .replace ('=%(system_prefix)s', '=%(install_prefix)s')
                       + ' install')

class NullBuild (AutoBuild):
    def stages (self):
        return ['patch', 'install', 'package', 'clean']
    subpackage_names = ['']
    def install (self):
        self.system ('mkdir -p %(install_prefix)s')

class BinaryBuild (AutoBuild):
    def stages (self):
        return ['untar', 'install', 'package', 'clean']
    def install (self):
        self.system ('mkdir -p %(install_root)s')
        _v = '' #self.os_interface.verbose_flag ()
        self.system ('tar -C %(srcdir)s -cf- . | tar -C %(install_root)s%(_v)s -p -xf-', env=locals ())
        self.libtool_installed_la_fixups ()
    subpackage_names = ['']
class CpanBuild (AutoBuild):
    def stages (self):
        return [s for s in AutoBuild.stages (self) if s not in ['autoupdate']]
    def configure (self):
        self.shadow ()
        self.system ('cd %(builddir)s && perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=%(system_prefix)s LINKTYPE=dynamic')