view task-1 @ 8:e7b19956f86d

Add tasks
author Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <>
date Fri, 07 Nov 2014 12:19:06 -0500
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For this first task, write a short little program and track it with hg.

* Write a program that prints out the numbers 1-10.

    Useful commands
    Get help
    hg help
    hg help <somecommand>
    Init a repo
    hg init
    Add, track files
    hg add
    hg addremove
    Record changes to your repo
    hg commit

* Now make some change to your program. Make it print the numbers from
  1 to 100. Record this change.
     Useful commands

     Get information about your working directory
     hg summary
     hg status
     hg diff

     Throw out changes in one file back to the repo status
     hg revert
     Visit a different revision (these two are synonyms)
     hg update
     hg checkout

     Inspect a summary of your changes
     hg log
     hg log -G