view libgui/src/ @ 25460:627d6bde9b8d

solve installation info initialization problem differently Back out changesets 893344cee100 and 69fc8935020b. * defaults.h, Instead of storing installation info like include_dir, data_dir, info_dir, etc., in file-scope static variables or a class object owned by the interpreter, store the initialized values as constants inside the functions that return them. This way they are initialized on demand and we don't have to worry about initialization order of static data. It's OK for these to be static because even though they may require some computation to intialize (looking at environment variables or substituting the value of OCTAVE_HOME), they are constants for any given installation of Octave and will be the same for any instantiation of the interpreter. Only include defaults.h in files that actually need it.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Tue, 12 Jun 2018 13:03:04 -0400
parents 893344cee100
children ba8227df92ae
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Jacob Dawid

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see


#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include <string>

#include <QFile>
#include <QDir>
#include <QNetworkProxy>
#include <QLibraryInfo>
#include <QMessageBox>
#  include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QTextCodec>

#include "error.h"
#include "file-ops.h"
#include "help.h"
#include "oct-env.h"

#include "defaults.h"

#include "QTerminal.h"
#include "workspace-model.h"
#include "variable-editor.h"
#include "resource-manager.h"

namespace octave
  resource_manager *resource_manager::instance = nullptr;

  static QString
  default_qt_settings_file (void)
    std::string dsf = sys::env::getenv ("OCTAVE_DEFAULT_QT_SETTINGS");

    if (dsf.empty ())
      dsf = (config::oct_etc_dir ()
             + sys::file_ops::dir_sep_str ()
             + "default-qt-settings");

    return QString::fromStdString (dsf);

  resource_manager::resource_manager (void)
    : m_settings_directory (), m_settings_file (), m_settings (nullptr),
      m_default_settings (nullptr)
    QString home_path
      = QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::HomeLocation);
    QString home_path
      = QDesktopServices::storageLocation (QDesktopServices::HomeLocation);

    m_settings_directory = home_path + "/.config/octave";

    m_settings_file = m_settings_directory + "/qt-settings";

    m_default_settings = new QSettings (default_qt_settings_file (),

  resource_manager::~resource_manager (void)
    delete m_settings;
    delete m_default_settings;

  QString resource_manager::get_gui_translation_dir (void)
    // get environment variable for the locale dir (e.g. from run-octave)
    std::string dldir = sys::env::getenv ("OCTAVE_LOCALE_DIR");
    if (dldir.empty ())
      dldir = config::oct_locale_dir (); // env-var empty, load the default location
    return QString::fromStdString (dldir);

  void resource_manager::config_translators (QTranslator *qt_tr,
                                             QTranslator *qsci_tr,
                                             QTranslator *gui_tr)
    bool loaded;

    QString qt_trans_dir
      = QLibraryInfo::location (QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath);

    QString language = "SYSTEM";  // take system language per default

    QSettings *settings = resource_manager::get_settings ();

    if (settings)
        // get the locale from the settings if already available
        language = settings->value ("language", "SYSTEM").toString ();

    if (language == "SYSTEM")
      language = QLocale::system ().name ();    // get system wide locale

    // load the translator file for qt strings
    loaded = qt_tr->load ("qt_" + language, qt_trans_dir);

    if (! loaded) // try lower case
      qt_tr->load ("qt_" + language.toLower (), qt_trans_dir);

    // load the translator file for qscintilla settings
    loaded = qsci_tr->load ("qscintilla_" + language, qt_trans_dir);

    if (! loaded) // try lower case
      qsci_tr->load ("qscintilla_" + language.toLower (), qt_trans_dir);

    // load the translator file for gui strings
    gui_tr->load (language, get_gui_translation_dir ());

  QStringList resource_manager::storage_class_names (void)
    return workspace_model::storage_class_names ();

  QList<QColor> resource_manager::storage_class_default_colors (void)
    return workspace_model::storage_class_default_colors ();

  QStringList resource_manager::terminal_color_names (void)
    return QTerminal::color_names ();

  QList<QColor> resource_manager::terminal_default_colors (void)
    return QTerminal::default_colors ();

  QList<QColor> resource_manager::varedit_default_colors(void)
    return variable_editor::default_colors ();

  QStringList resource_manager::varedit_color_names(void)
    return variable_editor::color_names ();

  bool resource_manager::instance_ok (void)
    bool retval = true;

    if (! instance)
      instance = new resource_manager ();

    if (! instance)
        error ("unable to create resource_manager object!");

        retval = false;

    return retval;

  QSettings * resource_manager::do_get_settings (void) const
    return m_settings;

  QSettings * resource_manager::do_get_default_settings (void) const
    return m_default_settings;

  QString resource_manager::do_get_settings_directory (void)
    return m_settings_directory;

  QString resource_manager::do_get_settings_file (void)
    return m_settings_file;

  void resource_manager::do_reload_settings (void)
    if (! QFile::exists (m_settings_file))
        QDir ("/").mkpath (m_settings_directory);
        QFile qt_settings (default_qt_settings_file ());

        if (! (QFile::ReadOnly))

        QTextStream in (&qt_settings);
        QString settings_text = in.readAll ();
        qt_settings.close ();

        // Get the default monospaced font
        QFont fixed_font;
        fixed_font.setStyleHint (QFont::Monospace);
        QString default_family = fixed_font.defaultFamily ();
#elif defined (Q_WS_X11) || defined (Q_WS_WIN)
        QString default_family = "Courier New";
#elif defined (Q_WS_MAC)
        QString default_family = "Courier";
        QString default_family = "courier";

        // Get the default custom editor
#if defined (Q_OS_WIN32)
        QString custom_editor = "notepad++ -n%l %f";
        QString custom_editor = "emacs +%l %f";

        // Replace placeholders
        settings_text.replace ("__default_custom_editor__", custom_editor);
        settings_text.replace ("__default_font__", default_family);
        settings_text.replace ("__default_font_size__", "10");

        QFile user_settings (m_settings_file);

        if (! (QIODevice::WriteOnly))

        QTextStream out (&user_settings);

        out << settings_text;

        user_settings.close ();

    do_set_settings (m_settings_file);

  void resource_manager::do_set_settings (const QString& file)
    delete m_settings;
    m_settings = new QSettings (file, QSettings::IniFormat);

    if (! (m_settings
           && QFile::exists (m_settings->fileName ())
           && m_settings->isWritable ()
           && m_settings->status () == QSettings::NoError))
        QString msg = QString (QT_TR_NOOP (
                                           "The settings file\n%1\n"
                                           "does not exist and can not be created.\n"
                                           "Make sure you have read and write permissions to\n%2\n\n"
                                           "Octave GUI must be closed now."));
        QMessageBox::critical (nullptr, QString (QT_TR_NOOP ("Octave Critical Error")),
                               msg.arg (do_get_settings_file ()).arg (do_get_settings_directory ()));
        exit (1);

  bool resource_manager::do_update_settings_key (const QString& old_key,
                                                 const QString& new_key)
    if (m_settings->contains (old_key))
        QVariant preference = m_settings->value (old_key);
        m_settings->setValue (new_key, preference);
        m_settings->remove (old_key);
        return true;

    return false;

  bool resource_manager::do_is_first_run (void) const
    return ! QFile::exists (m_settings_file);

  void resource_manager::do_update_network_settings (void)
    if (m_settings)
        QNetworkProxy::ProxyType proxyType = QNetworkProxy::NoProxy;

        if (m_settings->value ("useProxyServer",false).toBool ())
            QString proxyTypeString = m_settings->value ("proxyType").toString ();

            if (proxyTypeString == "Socks5Proxy")
              proxyType = QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy;
            else if (proxyTypeString == "HttpProxy")
              proxyType = QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy;

        QNetworkProxy proxy;

        proxy.setType (proxyType);
        proxy.setHostName (m_settings->value ("proxyHostName").toString ());
        proxy.setPort (m_settings->value ("proxyPort",80).toInt ());
        proxy.setUser (m_settings->value ("proxyUserName").toString ());
        proxy.setPassword (m_settings->value ("proxyPassword").toString ());

        QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy (proxy);
        // FIXME: Is this an error?  If so, what should we do?

  QIcon resource_manager::do_icon (const QString& icon_name, bool fallback)
    if (fallback)
      return QIcon::fromTheme (icon_name,
                               QIcon (":/actions/icons/" + icon_name + ".png"));
      return QIcon::fromTheme (icon_name);

  // initialize a given combo box with available text encodings
  void resource_manager::do_combo_encoding (QComboBox *combo, QString current)
    // get the codec name for each mib
    QList<int> all_mibs = QTextCodec::availableMibs ();
    QStringList all_codecs;
    foreach (int mib, all_mibs)
        QTextCodec *c = QTextCodec::codecForMib (mib);
        all_codecs << c->name ().toUpper ();
    all_codecs.removeDuplicates ();
    qSort (all_codecs);

    // the default encoding
#if defined (Q_OS_WIN32)
    QString def_enc = "SYSTEM";
    QString def_enc = "UTF-8";

    // get the value from the settings file if no current encoding is given
    QString enc = current;
    if (enc.isEmpty ())
        enc = m_settings->value ("editor/default_encoding",def_enc).toString ();
        if (enc.isEmpty ())  // still empty?
          enc = def_enc;     // take default

    // fill the combo box
    foreach (QString c, all_codecs)
      combo->addItem (c);

    // prepend the default item
    combo->insertSeparator (0);
    combo->insertItem (0, def_enc);

    // select the current/default item
    int idx = combo->findText (enc);
    if (idx >= 0)
      combo->setCurrentIndex (idx);
      combo->setCurrentIndex (0);

    combo->setMaxVisibleItems (12);