view libgui/src/gui-preferences-ed.h @ 30564:796f54d4ddbf stable

update Octave Project Developers copyright for the new year In files that have the "Octave Project Developers" copyright notice, update for 2021. In all .txi and .texi files except gpl.txi and gpl.texi in the doc/liboctave and doc/interpreter directories, change the copyright to "Octave Project Developers", the same as used for other source files. Update copyright notices for 2022 (not done since 2019). For gpl.txi and gpl.texi, change the copyright notice to be "Free Software Foundation, Inc." and leave the date at 2007 only because this file only contains the text of the GPL, not anything created by the Octave Project Developers. Add Paul Thomas to
author John W. Eaton <>
date Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:22:40 -0500
parents d4d83344d653
children c6c4c6f04170
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2017-2022 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if ! defined (octave_gui_preferences_ed_h)
#define octave_gui_preferences_ed_h 1

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
#include <Qsci/qsciscintilla.h>

#include "gui-preferences.h"
#include "localcharset-wrapper.h"

// Editor preferences

// Lexer

const gui_pref
ed_color_mode ("editor/color_mode", QVariant (0));

const int ed_max_lexer_styles = 64;
const int ed_max_style_number = 128;

// Code completion

const gui_pref
ed_code_completion_octave_builtins ("editor/codeCompletion_octave_builtins",
                                    QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_code_completion_octave_functions ("editor/codeCompletion_octave_functions",
                                     QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_code_completion_keywords ("editor/codeCompletion_keywords", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_code_completion_document ("editor/codeCompletion_document", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_code_completion_replace ("editor/codeCompletion_replace", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_code_completion_case ("editor/codeCompletion_case", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_code_completion ("editor/codeCompletion", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_code_completion_threshold ("editor/codeCompletion_threshold", QVariant (3));

// Code formatting

const gui_pref
ed_code_folding ("editor/code_folding", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_auto_indent ("editor/auto_indent", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_tab_indents_line ("editor/tab_indents_line", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_backspace_unindents_line ("editor/backspace_unindents_line",
                             QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_show_indent_guides ("editor/show_indent_guides", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_indent_uses_tabs ("editor/indent_uses_tabs", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_indent_width ("editor/indent_width", QVariant (2));

const gui_pref
ed_tab_width ("editor/tab_width", QVariant (2));

const gui_pref
ed_auto_endif ("editor/auto_endif", QVariant (1));

// Long line handling

const gui_pref
ed_long_line_column ("editor/long_line_column", QVariant (80));

const gui_pref
ed_long_line_marker ("editor/long_line_marker", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_long_line_marker_line ("editor/long_line_marker_line", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_long_line_marker_background ("editor/long_line_marker_background",
                                QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_wrap_lines ("editor/wrap_lines", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_break_lines ("editor/break_lines", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_break_lines_comments ("editor/break_lines_comments", QVariant (false));

// Other

const gui_pref
ed_highlight_all_occurrences ("editor/highlight_all_occurrences",
                              QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_show_Line_numbers ("editor/showLineNumbers", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_line_numbers_size ("editor/line_numbers_size", QVariant ( 0));

const gui_pref
ed_show_edit_status_bar ("editor/show_edit_status_bar", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_highlight_current_line ("editor/highlightCurrentLine", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_show_white_space ("editor/show_white_space", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_show_white_space_indent ("editor/show_white_space_indent", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_show_line_numbers ("editor/showLineNumbers", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_show_eol_chars ("editor/show_eol_chars", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_show_toolbar ("editor/show_toolbar", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_show_hscroll_bar ("editor/show_hscroll_bar", QVariant (true));

// Octave comment strings

const gui_pref
ed_comment_str_old ("editor/octave_comment_string", QVariant (0));

const gui_pref
ed_comment_str ("editor/oct_comment_str", QVariant (0));

const gui_pref
ed_uncomment_str ("editor/oct_uncomment_str", QVariant (1 + 2 + 4 + 8));

const QString
ed_last_comment_str ("editor/oct_last_comment_str");

const QStringList
ed_comment_strings (QStringList () << "##" << "#" << "%"<< "%%" << "%!");

const int ed_comment_strings_count = 5;

// Session data

const gui_pref
ed_restore_session ("editor/restoreSession", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_session_names ("editor/savedSessionTabs", QVariant (QStringList ()));

const gui_pref
ed_session_enc ("editor/saved_session_encodings", QVariant (QStringList ()));

const gui_pref
ed_session_ind ("editor/saved_session_tab_index", QVariant (QStringList ()));

const gui_pref
ed_session_lines ("editor/saved_session_lines", QVariant (QStringList ()));

// Tabs
const QStringList
ed_tab_position_names (QStringList ()
                       << QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("octave::settings_dialog", "Top")
                       << QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("octave::settings_dialog", "Bottom")
                       << QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("octave::settings_dialog", "Left")
                       << QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("octave::settings_dialog", "Right"));

const gui_pref
ed_tab_position ("editor/tab_position", QVariant (QTabWidget::North));

const gui_pref
ed_tabs_rotated ("editor/tabs_rotated", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_tabs_max_width ("editor/tabs_max_width", QVariant (0));

// File handling

const gui_pref
ed_force_newline ("editor/force_newline", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_rm_trailing_spaces ("editor/rm_trailing_spaces", QVariant (true));

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
#if defined (Q_OS_WIN32)
const int os_eol_mode = QsciScintilla::EolWindows;
const int os_eol_mode = QsciScintilla::EolUnix;
const int os_eol_mode = 2;

const gui_pref
ed_default_eol_mode ("editor/default_eol_mode", QVariant (os_eol_mode));

const gui_pref
ed_show_dbg_file ("editor/show_dbg_file", QVariant (true));

const gui_pref
ed_default_enc ("editor/default_encoding", QVariant ("UTF-8"));

const gui_pref
ed_create_new_file ("editor/create_new_file", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_hiding_closes_files ("editor/hiding_closes_files", QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_always_reload_changed_files ("editor/always_reload_changed_files",
                                QVariant (false));

const gui_pref
ed_mru_file_list ("editor/mru_file_list", QVariant ());

const gui_pref
ed_mru_file_encodings ("editor/mru_file_encodings", QVariant ());

// The find dialog

enum find_dialog_options
  FIND_DLG_REGX  = 16,
  FIND_DLG_BACK  = 64,
  FIND_DLG_SEL   = 128

// Dialog position, the default will be calculated from the editor's geometry
const gui_pref
ed_fdlg_pos ("editor/fdgl_pos", QVariant (QPoint (0, 0)));

const gui_pref
ed_fdlg_opts ("editor/fdgl_opts", QVariant (FIND_DLG_WRAP));

const gui_pref
ed_fdlg_search ("editor/fdgl_search", QVariant ());
const gui_pref
ed_fdlg_replace ("editor/fdgl_replace", QVariant ());
